
The purpose of a film campaigns is to get the world talking about the film. In order for the film to be a success both from the critics and box office they need to show them how good the film is and what's to come from showing the trailer to magazine covers.

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Gone Girl is based on New York Time’s best seller Gillian Flynn’s ‘Gone Girl’. The film received a massive reception topping the charts at number one for eight weeks straight. Reese Witherspoon and 20th

Century Box bought the rights to adapt the book into a film and in 2013 announced Ben Afflect will be starring in it with David Fincher directing.

Here is the first teaser poster that released before the trailer was launched. A teaser poster doesn’t give out much information but leaves the audience with little information. At the bottom of the teaser poster is a news ticker from Fox news announcing that a husband is a suspect in an on going Missouri missing… as we are unaware of the story (if we haven't read the book) we will have to wait for the teaser trailer to release. The colour of the poster is grey/sky blue and is not a colour you would see on a stereotypical thriller poster.

The colours are calm and relaxing. The image is of a small boat in the middle of a lake at the bottom and on top is the sky with a cloud. The cloud seems to be out of place which explains that the film will be a mystery. Also when someone or something goes missing we say its like they vanished like a puff of smoke so the cloud represents this.The quote ‘You Don’t Know What You’ve Got ‘Til It’s… is also a mystery yet to be unsolved and we the audience know what the next word is which is ‘Gone’ it reveals the title.

This is the second teaser poster released. Its landscaped so you would see this on billboards and on the bus. Just like the first one we are given little information but the image in this poster is different and is of a man with his back to us looking to the side as if someone's following him. We know Ben Affleck is playing the main role so many fans would be excited to see him as Affleck is known for playing different types of roles. The title Gone Girl is also shown for the first time as we are coming closer to the release of the trailer.

This is the main theatrical poster that was released after the trailer and before the release of the film. As you can see we are given more information on the film included the main actors who are Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike. This poster includes the title and the tagline which were both on different teaser posters. The image is of Ben Affleck from the teaser poster and really it’s the same poster but with more detail. At the top of the poster you can see two eyes and it looks like Rosamund’s eyes. The eyes represent her missing and looks as if she's hiding because she's scared of someone. This is the enigma the film revolves around.

At the bottom of the poster is the billboard which is just a brief information of who did what for example director, producer, editor etc. At the top you have the Inter textual references of Fincher’s past successful films so people who see this poster and have seen the films would want to go watch gone girl because of this. Social network made by the same director also has the same colour scheme of blue and grey.

Here is one of the magazines Gone Girl has covered. Its not common to see a thriller on a mainstream magazine cover but because the director David Flincher is a mainstream director film fanatics love and he’s collaborating with an Oscar winning actor Ben Affleck the film is bound to be a success. So the magazine owners know that their audience (who are film fans) would want an inside scoop on the upcoming project.

The image tells the audience a lot about what the film will be alike which is a husbands tension of not finding out who killed his wife but at the same time seems like a psychopath as people start to suspect him. The image reminds the audience of a similar character from Psycho.

Entertainment Magazine is a weekly magazine based in America that cover both film and TV.

The Gone Girl teaser trailer was released April 15 2014, 5 months before the film released. A teaser trailer just like a teaser poster gives out little information lasting only 1:37. the purpose is to give the audience interested and excited for the film that they look forward to the full theatrical trailer. The trailer is your typical thriller teaser trailer that consist of close ups and little information on the film. Just like the poster the colour scheme is the same but because the film is based on a crime case its dark which goes with the forms and conventions of a thriller. The soundtrack takes over the entire teaser because in a typical teaser trailer there is less talk and more action shown.

In the full theatrical trailer the first shot is of Ben Affleck taking the trash out in his neighbourhood and in the background the narrator says he maybe the most hated man. It represents how he is isolated after his wife goes missing and because the whole town thinks he is responsible he cant defend himself until proven innocent. This scene was not in the teaser trailer but because the full theatrical trailer gives you more information shots like this are important to include.

Also new characters have been introduced for example Neil Patrick Harris and unlike the teaser trailer we can hear more dialogue from the film.

Here you have the official trailer which is also the full theatrical trailer that is played in the cinemas along with other trailers. As you can see this trailer is longer then the teaser as it contains the conventions of a thriller full trailer. This trailer consist more information and as it’s a thriller trailer there is more suspense. In this trailer more characters have been introduced and we hear more from them then we heard from the teaser to understand the main story of the film. The trailer starts off slow and towards the end starts to build up. This is what you call the three part structure1. Introducing the characters2. Building the story up3. Ending on a key scene

To get people talking about the film many of the actors starring in the film do an interview with a journalist. The interview is about the film and in this interview Ben Affleck and co star Carrie Con talk about how they felt about working together. The fans of the film or actor would be interested in watching this interview because they would like to get a more inside scoop on the production of the film and their thoughts. In the interview they are ask a range of questions which help the audience understand the film and later on go watch the film. Interviews are taken around the world from America to the United Kingdom to promote the film more and interact with the fans.

Below the trailer you can get a link to the iTunes page where Gone Girl trailer soundtrack is available to purchase. The film overall has 24 songs by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. Fans of the artists would purchase the album as they like their music but if for a example the audience watched the film or trailer and heard the soundtrack playing in the background and they really liked it then they are more likely to purchase it. ITunes is an app where you can purchase the latest albums and because every artist uses this every fan would use it too.

Here is the official Gone Girl Website made by the production company 20th

Century Fox. The website is unique in its own way as like the film looks like a news website announcing that someone has gone missing and there a few evidence that they are showing to the viewers. The website has links to all the trailers for the audience to view as they may have never have seen the pacific trailer. It also has a synopsis of the film and tickets to purchase to watch the film in your selected cinema. You can also sign up to get the latest news on the film and maybe a few competitions. In the corner of the page there is a link to their social media pages i.e. Facebook and Twitter to interact with the audience.

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