Gollehon nathaniel psp_1304_ted_ppt

Post on 18-Jan-2017






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Allen Savory

Desertification andClimate Change Reversal

Allen paints a grim picture: We are all being faced with a natural disaster worse than any tsunami or perfect storm.

It is desertification. And it starts like this…

Until this is all you’re left with.

Allen painted a bleak picture of the direction we’re headed if this is not fixed.

Why haven’t I noticed anything?

Good question…

This is happening allover the world.

Think animals will be the only ones to suffer?

Allen used a story to connect with the audience. He told of how he had 40,000 elephants killed because he was sure they were the cause…

But He was wrong.





the case…

Allen Savory says there is hope…

He laid out a plan to reverse desertification and help combat climate change.His plan was called Holistic Management.

With Holistic Management we can go from this;

Back to this.

Allen followed the TED commandments by:

Dreaming Bigand

showing us the

real him.

One thing I learned was he stayed fairly monotone. His topic is interesting and awesome, but he talked like it was only mildly significant. He lacked a lot of inflection in his voice and failed to really capitalize on the highs and lows. This is why I would give him a 3 in terms of Dynamism.

Sir Ken Robinson’s also talked about a paradigm shifting idea, but was able to keep the audience actively listening. Listening to him felt more like a conversation than a story.

If there was one thing I learned to pass on to my classmates; it is to make sure to balance your delivery. A monotone voice on a serious subject can set a drastically different mood than a varied approach, even if the topic is equally important.

References to images• circle map - dabrownstein.wordpress.com• self_speech - www.facebook.com• color map - thepassengerchronicles.tumblr.com• close up1 - www.savoryinstitute.com (with hat)• desert/leopard - www.dailydesigninspiration.com • elephant/desert - www.graphicha.com

• desert pic - www.iwallscreen.com • grasslands pic - commons.wikimedia.org • fire globe - geographywithdan.blogspot.com• grass pic - blogs.chapman.edu• fish face - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_cRu7Elv3EcE/S8GsuVNJ2BI/AAAAAAAAAAs/icEL9P_nwoA/s1600/stop-climate-change-before-it-changes-you.jpg

• nambibia - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_3Z138ER6Cl0/TBpAdy2SyLI/AAAAAAAABdM/BoY0s6dBs30/s1600/hk_namibia1.jpg

• china bikes - http://images.epochtw.com/20090428/a4-2.jpg

• dust storm - http://www.uux.cn/attachments/2009/12/1_20091206142654198za.jpg

• allen on bus - http://www.greenprophet.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Allan-Savory-by-Savory-Institute.jpg

• mongolia - http://www.globaleducation.edu.au/verve/_resources/213.1_CS_Desertification_Mongolia.jpg

• mexico example - http://soilcarboncoalition.org/files/images/Mexico%201963-2003.jpg

• allan2 - http://tedconfblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/ted2013_0053210_d41_0340.jpg?w=900&h=599

• better map - http://faithingeeks.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/deserts_climatechange.jpg

• ken rob - http://qepblog.accreditation.ncsu.edu/files/2013/02/SirKenRobinson.png• ken rob 2 - http://qepblog.accreditation.ncsu.edu/files/2013/02/SirKenRobinson.png

• Holistic images - http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p480x480/563418_544532075579374_898891965_n.jpg• * not all images were used*

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