Go BIG Devo Book

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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Go BIG 3 Week Devotional


A Big ThanksI (Nike) would like to thank everyone who

contributed to this devotional, It would not

have been the same without your wisdom,

doubts and hard times being poured out onto

the pages. If you were impacted by the things

in this devotional please take the time to

thank these people who took part in writing

a section of this devotional.

Kyle Clemons

Peach Combs

Steve Chaney

Nick BradlEy

Krystal BradlEy

Also to Ashley Swearingen who put a lot of

effort into the design and layout of this book.

Lastly, to everyone who makes up our little

family at XYM. We love and appreciate all of

you for your time and dedication to XYM!



If you actually took the time to pick this book up then congrats, your life is about to be

changed. Not because of the funny or not so funny things that have been put into this book,

but because you are taking the steps to Go BiG. Please understand that it will not be easy to

Go BiG, although it is very easy to say. Today we ask that you take the time to list 5 things

that you are struggling with right now, it could be temptation, trials, hardships, relationships,

lack of something, finances, pain or sorrow, people, or your view of God. This will be a crucial

and very important part of this journey. We will call this list the Fab 5 and explain why later.

Please list 5 things you are

struggling with in the box to the left.

Make me walk in the path of your

commandments, for I delight in it.

Psalm 119:35

To Go BiG requires us to ask God

for help and what better way to

ask for help then to ask him to

make you walk in the path of his

commandments. But we can’t

stop there, don’t ask God to do

it just because of this little book,

ask Him because you delight in

his commandments.

Take 2 minutes in complete

silence and pray.

Facebook: Whenever you see a facebook message we encourage you to post this as your

status. You don’t have to do it right now but do it first thing in the morning or as soon as you

get home from school, work or other activities. Imagine all of XYM flooding our friends news

feed with post about Jesus!

Status Update: Excited for my experience with Christ as I Go BIG for Him.

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________


Day 1

We hope you had a great day today, and most likely your day is coming to an end or you have

a few spare moments and you have found yourself holding this little book again. So no need

to waste anymore time, lets get started.

To Go BiG you must Go LITTLE!

Hopefully that didn’t confuse you to much, but what is meant by that is you must decrease

and Christ must increase. John 30:30 says, “He must become greater and greater, and I must

become less and less.” Lets make this clear as mud, in order for you to Go BiG for Christ

you need to let him do it. This Going Big has nothing to do with you at all, its about letting

Christ do whatever he wants. Realizing your dependence on God and getting rid of your own


What usually happens with all of us

is that we try and do things on our

own and then scream, yell and

possibly even curse God when bad

things happen. This is a result of

your own independence! The Fab 5

list is most likely a list of things that

you have been trying to handle all

on our own. We want you to

understand why we have called it

the Fab 5, we called it that

because it is going to be

absolutely fabulous (amazing,

stunning, freeing) when you let

go of these 5 things and allow

God to handle them. once

again write out your Fab 5.

Status Update:

I’m trying to become

less and less as God becomes

greater and greater. Go Big!

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________

Day 2


We have no idea how you spent your

time today. Most either went to

school or work for about 8 hours

today and then came home. once

you were home you text a few peo-

ple, got on facebook, did homework

or just sat and watched tv. All those

things are great and by no means is

there anything wrong with them. Here

is an issue though, where is God in

the midst of all that? Yes, he is there

and right beside you right now as you

read this little book. There isn’t an

issue of if God is there with you but if

you are there with God. At times we

seem absent from the presence of

God, which once again brings us

back to the issue of our independ-

ence. Facebook, texting and watch-

ing tv are things that we all do, today

we want to address the acknowledgement of God in your life.

Do you realize that you will never get today back? The hours, minutes and seconds will never

return again. Have you acknowledged God today in the midst of all the other things you are

doing? God loves you, and wants to be in relationship with you. He is all about the relation-

ship with you and not about all the rules but simply loving you. He is doing that right now as

you hold this book. Question is have you acknowledge his presence? We will get into this a

lot more later on in this little book. Right now we want you to write down how much time you

have spent acknowledging the presence of God in your life other than reading this book.

Time spent acknowledging God:

__________ seconds

__________ minutes

__________ hours

Remember when killing

time, it has no resurrection.

– A.W. Tozer

Status Update:

Acknowledging the

presence of God in

my life. Go Big!

Day 3




PHIL. 1:20-21Phil 1:20-21





th m



Glad you have chosen to continue this book even into day 4.

They say that you will stick with something after you have done

it for at least 3 days, we will see. How was your time spent

today? Did you have a better acknowledgement of God? We

hope you did and have begun to experience him in your own life

right now.

Philippians 1:20-21- 20 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in

no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now

as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by

death. 21 For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

This verse is the anthem of XYM, we chose it to represent what

we were trying to live like. XYM= eXtreme Youth Ministries,

Going to the extreme in our faith, love, unity, worship, prayers,

service to our friends and family. This is what the Go Big series

and book is all about, getting back to the roots of what we are

all about and focusing that mind set directly on God and never

looking away. Never being ashamed of the way we live and who

we live for. Today we ask you this question, are you living to the

extreme? Are you Going Big for Jesus? Who was the last person

you shared Christ with? Have you ever shared your faith with

anyone? Why not, are you afraid? Think about that for awhile

then pray and ask God for the strength to live the most extreme

and Go Big for his glory!

Status Update: Go Big! Go Extreme! Never ashamed!

Day 4


i John 5:21 Little children, keep yourself from idols.

i Corinthians 10:14 Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.

Romans 1:25 Because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and

served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

Many people think that idols are just golden statues that we are told not to worship by the Ten

Commandments. Actually, in the Bible, Jesus in the New Testament speaks more of avoiding

idols than it does in Moses’ time. He makes it very clear, God

hates idols. Idols are anything that we put before God.

They are anything that hinder us from serving Him or

don’t allow us to hear His voice. In other words, Idols

can be absolutely anything in our life, even things

that are “good”.

Desiring to be good in school, playing sports,

possessions, a boyfriend/girlfriend, admission into a

certain college, video games, and even Facebook

(yes, I went there) can all be idols when we give

them priority before God. God wants to be the

top priority in our lives (in fact, he demands it)

and he promises to provide for all of our needs

when He is. Earthly things can never take the

place of God on the throne of our lives. Examine

your life today and ask God to reveal things to

you that you are placing above Him. Ask for His

help today to show you these idols and make Him

the keeper of your happiness.

Status Update: No idols, only Christ…

Go Big or Go Home!

Day 5


Psalm 136:2 Give thanks to the God of gods, for his steadfast love endures forever.

About the fab 5, We want you to know that God sill loves you and your sins are forgiven. I

recently heard it said, “that your sins are forgiven before you ever ask God to forgive them.

The problem is you don’t think God really forgave your sins.” Its kind of like ordering food at

a restaurant and not expecting your server to ever bring it out. God loves you, and he chose

to forgive your sin because he loves you so much. God would not have sent his son Jesus

to die on a cross and endure severe pain and torture to not forgive your sins. He did that to

show you how much he loves you. God is love and love is an emotional personal affection

put into action. So, God has an emotional personal affection for you

that he put into action by sending Jesus to this earth to die for

your sins. Every day God tries to show you this personal

connection he has for you. Are you open to receive it?

Think about it, do you really believe that God loves


Seriously, do you believe in your heart that God

really loves you?

If not, why?

If so, why?

If you believe God loves you then why is that

important in your life?

Think really hard about this for a moment,

Do you believe that the God of the universe

who created all things really has an

emotional personal affection put into action

daily in your life?

Now, close this book and sit quietly for a

moment and think about God’s love for you.

Do you believe that its real, that its for you and

he loves you no matter what?

Please close the book.


Day 6

Yippie!!! You finished week one! You’re awesome! Week

one has perhaps been a little intense and hopefully eye

opening for you. Today we are gonna relax and just have

a laugh making fun of Christians. Lets be honest Christian are silly, they are

funny without ever intending to be. What we mean by that is they do things that are just stupid and

make people laugh. Christians often create their own language and use environment just for

themselves. No wonder people feel uncomfortable coming to our churches, they aren’t in our

christianie crew.

Think about it for a moment, there are certain things you do with certain friends. Certain jokes and

puns that only certain friends get, making it hard for someone else to ever join your group. The

same for Christians, not that we intentionally do things to make people feel left out but we are

comfortable in our church clique.

If you have been part of a church for awhile you will understand what I mean and if you haven’t been

part of a church then you can just laugh at a few of these things or shake your head and agree.

People who use prayer request to gossip, Pray for Jim Bob… His wife just left him. Pray for Will

Smith… He is doin some bad things, like drugs! Not just the devils lettuce either I’m talking Meth

and LSD, oh just pray for him. Lastly, Pray for Clint Eastwood… I think he and his girlfriend have

been doing the big nasty when his parents aren’t home.

What about the person who sighs or moans whenever you are praying so they sound more spiritual.

“Father we praise you for this day… moan, Thank you for all our blessings… sigh, You are truly our

savior… sigh with a slight moan.

How about the person who adds an “Ah” to everything they say during their prayer so they can

once again sound super spiritual… Lord-Ah we thank ya-Ah for this day-Ah that you have made-Ah

its truly a blessing-Ah and you are truly our Savior-Ah!

Prayer is just one of the many things that Christians do that make me laugh and understand that

prayer is just you talking to God. You don’t have to do any kind of special sigh, moan or groan you

don’t have to gossip or add an “Ah” to every word you say. Just be you, God already knows how

you talk. We want you to talk with God as you would talk with any other person on the planet. He

loves you and wants to chat with you, that’s all. David writes this in Psalms 17:6 I call on you, my

God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. The Psalms are just the

prayers of a man to God, a man discussing life with God.

Take a few moments and just talk about life with God. Status Update:

Go Big in Prayer

Day 7


Its time to seriously Go Big! Sorry Diddy Dirty Money,

but we aren’t comin home!

In Revelation 3:15-17 it says this, "I know you inside

and out, and find little to my liking. You're not cold,

you're not hot—far better to be either cold or hot!

You're stale. You're stagnant. You make me want to

vomit. You brag, 'I'm rich, I've got it made,

I need nothing from anyone,' oblivious that in fact

you're a pitiful, blind beggar, threadbare

and homeless.

Lets make this real simple we are Going Big

because God is asking this of us. He

doesn’t want a bunch of people who just

show up on a Sunday or a Wednesday

and sing a few songs, he wants people to

be on fire (Go Big) for him and to seri-

ously lift up his name! He also says that

if your not going to be that way then

be cold, Go HoME! God wants none

of this lukewarm nonsense. Lets Go

Big, Lets be Big, Lets Love Big! We

will Go Big in these things never

glorifying ourselves, only God!

Status Update:

I’m not going home.

Go Big!

Day 8


Matthew 14:22-33

22-23As soon as the meal was finished, he insisted that the disciples get in the boat and go

on ahead to the other side while he dismissed the people. With the crowd dispersed, he

climbed the mountain so he could be by himself and pray. He stayed there alone, late into

the night. 24-26Meanwhile, the boat was far out to sea when the wind came

up against them and they were battered by the waves.

At about four o'clock in the morning, Jesus came toward them

walking on the water. They were scared out of their wits. "A

ghost!" they said, crying out in terror. 27But Jesus was quick

to comfort them. "Courage, it's me. Don't be afraid. 28Peter,

suddenly bold, said, "Master, if it's really you, call me to

come to you on the water." 29-30He said, "Come ahead."

Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the

water to Jesus. But when he looked down at

the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his

nerve and started to sink. He cried, "Master, save me!"32-33The two of them climbed into the boat, and the wind

died down. The disciples in the boat, having watched

the whole thing, worshiped Jesus, saying, "This is it! You

are God's Son for sure!"31Jesus didn't hesitate. He reached

down and grabbed his hand. Then he said, "Faint-heart,

what got into you?"

I can't hear the other apostles now, "...he thinks he so

awesome.  I was going to get out of the boat,

but he beat me to it.  Ha!  He sank!  Jesus

calls him, "the rock", and now we know why;

because he sinks like a stone."

There are times when God will call you to do things that

seem impossible.  You have to remember that He wouldn't

have called you forward unless He knew you were the right per-

son for the job.  Be prepared, there will be those that talk trash be-

hind your back, but, even if you fall, you fall at the feet of Christ.  Not only

will He catch you and pick you up, He will walk with you through the storm

and bring you back to a safe place.

Status Update:

Go Big! Step out

of the Boat!

Day 9


Go and make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:19

This is a mission or challenge that Jesus gave his disciples, to first Go and then tell everyone

about the great things that Jesus had done. Jesus knew that once they told someone about

him, that persons life would never be the same…. Ever!

Imagine your best friend had cancer and was about to die because of it. There is nothing you

can do about the cancer unless you find the cure. one day a guy walks up and says I have

the cure to cancer, your friend will live but you must take it to them. Would you take it to your

friend or not? of course you would no questions asked, you would run and frantically tell your

friend that you had the cure and they would live.

We are all dying because of the sin in this

world and the most amazing part is

that there is a cure. The cure is

Jesus, but somebody has to tell

your friend about the cure or

they will continue to die in their

sin. Will you be the one to tell


Status Update:

Jesus, I’m telling

the world about

Him! Go Big!

Day 10


Hebrews 13:7 & 8 Remember your leaders, who

spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome

of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ

is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that people really have been where you are. We have the

blessing of looking at how they made it through and the choice to listen to their advice. I

learned a lot working in an elderly assisted-living home for two years. #1- old people can

be mean. #2 – They can be needy. And most important, # 3- they really do care about the

future generations, even if they have odd ways of showing it. At times it may seem like they

are criticizing, but they have seen a lot so listen and learn! Through the years a lot has

changed and will continue to change, but Jesus Christ will stay the same.

Imitate their faith. Go big, or Go Home.

Things I Learned

From Old People

Status Update:

Imitate the Faith.

Go Big or Go Home

Day 11


Day 12


Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

There is something that we need to point out before we go any farther. Satan is trying to de-

stroy you with everything he has. Satan wants nothing more than to destroy your life. You need

to stay strong and stand on your guard because when you begin to understand that God really

does love you and he really wants to be an affectionate part of your life Satan will try and de-

stroy that. Lets just go ahead and say it, Satan is a poo-poo head.

If you have been reading this devotional, truly searching your heart and growing with Christ

than Satan is going to do his best to put a stop to it. our end goal through all of this is at the

end of it all you are standing, as it says in the last sentence of Ephesians 6:13 above. Although

Satan is powerful and strong; God is stronger!

You will never face any temptation

that is too strong for you to han-

dle.1 Corinthians 10:13. Al-

though, you will be able to

handle it doesn’t mean that

temptation won’t be really

hard. God will provide the

way out, you must chose

to walk away

from it.

Status Update:

Trying to stand. Go BIG!

Acts 7:54-60

54-56At that point they went wild, a rioting mob of cat-

calls and whistles and invective. But Stephen, full of

the Holy Spirit, hardly noticed—he only had eyes for

God, whom he saw in all his glory with Jesus standing

at his side. He said, "oh! I see heaven wide open and

the Son of Man standing at God's side!" 57-58Yelling

and hissing, the mob drowned him out. Now in full

stampede, they dragged him out of town and pelted

him with rocks. The ringleaders took off their coats

and asked a young man named Saul to watch them.59-60As the rocks rained down, Stephen prayed, "Master Jesus, take my life." Then he knelt

down, praying loud enough for everyone to hear, "Master, don't blame them for this sin"—his

last words. Then he died.

Stephen wasn't all that different from you.  He was young and on fire for God.  He did amazing

things through the power of the Holy Spirit and, just like with Jesus, the powers that be were

not happy about it.  They had him arrested and brought in for questioning.

The doors burst open!  Armed soldiers drag Stephen in.  He's more than likely beaten and

bruised, hungry and tired, but smiling and glowing with the anointing of God.  It is said that

people couldn't take their eyes of him because he the face of an angel.  They question him and

ask, "What do you have to say for yourself?"  He then proceeds to recite the history of the

Jewish people, as much as anything to remind them of how far away from the Law they had

come.  We he finished, they freaked!  They dragged him out of town and stoned him to

death.  They last thing Stephen saw wasn't the faces of his killers, it was Heaven itself.  His last

words were a prayer to God to forgive those who were taking his life.

Stand tall and firm on Gods Word.  No matter what people say or do to show their disapproval

of your actions, you have to be ready, willing, and able to back yourself up with scripture.  Be

warned though, they may act just like the priest  did toward Stephen.  They might lash out and

attack you.  They might yell and shout and try to intimidate you.  But, don't flinch.  No matter

what happens, just like with Stephen,  God will be smiling down on you and will listen to your

every plea.

Day 13


I want to bring You all that is in my heart

I want to bring You my everything

But I've failed You so many times

How can I stand here before You

When I begin to steal what only belongs to You

I am able to bring You nothing that isn't already Yours

I am so ashamed of what I ever called my own

Take what I have, take these broken remains

What can I give You that You don't already deserve

You laid down Your life when I refused to give mine

These are lyrics from As I Lay Dying's "Behind Me Lays Another Fallen Soldier." These lyrics

really spoke to me. Are you struggling in your walk with Christ? Is life getting in the way?

We all mess up and we all fail. But the good news is that no matter how many times we fail,

God’s love never fails! Hebrews 13:8 says “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today

and forever.” Do you believe that? Do you want to give Him your all and totally surrender all

that you have? Make this your prayer today, “God take my broken remains and use them

for Your glory. “

Status Update:

God, take my

broken remains

and use them for

Your Glory

Day 14


Fear, its controls us, moves us, makes us and binds us in so many different ways. Controls

the places or people we talk to, moves us to places or away from places, makes us never

approach certain people or places, binds us from ever knowing. We fear what people will

think of us if they find out we are a Jesus Freak. That’s exactly what they will call ya, a

FREAK! What if your fear didn’t control, move, make or bind you from sharing Jesus?

Eminem has a song out called “I’m not afraid,” the song goes like this,

I’m not afraid to take a stand

Everybody come take my hand

We’ll walk this road together, through the storm

Whatever weather, cold or warm

Just let you know that, you’re not alone

Holla if you feel like you’ve been down the same road

We understand that at times it can be very scary to

take a stand and share your faith. But Eminem explains

it dead on here, he’s never been afraid to take a stand

and say what he feels he needs to say, that be bad or

good. Check out the lyrics one more time above. Your

not alone we’ve all been through this kind of fear but

take someone’s hand travel the road together and

stand up for what you

believe in.

Romans 8:31 “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who

can be against us?”

God is deeply and madly in love with you! He will take care of you through all things, and

wants you to know that there is nothing to be afraid of. We get so afraid to talk about Jesus

in front of people, but I am so glad Jesus wasn’t afraid to Go Big and die for you on the

cross. Jesus chose death over his fear and took on the sins of the world so you may be

made complete and not have to fear!

Status Update: I’m not afraid!

Remember this is a chance for you to Go Big, most likely one of your friends will ask you

what your not afraid of. This is your opportunity to say, “I’m not afraid to share my faith in

Jesus with You!” Also remember that you are not the only one posting

these things and your not alone. Let’s Go Big XYM!

Day 15


As you did warn me carpenter, this world has weakened my heart,

So easily i disparage, self-seeking the work of my art,

And there you have come to me at the moment i bathe in my sorrow,

So in love with myself, sought after avoiding tomorrow,

Where do you find the love to offer he who betrays you?

And offer to wash my feet as i offer to disobey you

And where would i fit Jesus?

What place is left for me?

The price of atonement is more than i've found to offer up as my plea,

Jesus my heart is all i have to give to you, so weak and so unworthy,

This simply will not do, no alabaster jar, no diamond in the rough,

For your body that was broken, how can this be enough?

By me you were abandoned, by me you were betrayed,

Yet in your arms and in your heart forever i have stayed

Your glory illuminates my life, and no darkness will descend,

For you have loved me forever, and your love will never end.

This is a portion of the song “Matthias

Replaces Judas” by Showbread. Have

you ever felt like you have done some-

thing(s) that is so bad that you cannot

be forgiven? Do you feel like that now?

Did God not forgive Moses for killing

the Egyptian and call him to lead the

Israelites to the Promised Land? Eph-

esians 1:7 says, “In him we have re-

demption through his blood, the

forgiveness of sins, in accordance

with the riches of God's grace.”

Jesus died for YoU! There is nothing

you can do to make him stop loving

you! All you have to do is accept that


The things we do often times make

us feel unlovable and make us hate

ourselves. That’s why throughout this

whole book we have been asking you to identify and list the Fab. 5.

We need to let go of these things, and know that we are loved by God.

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________

Day 16


Imagine waking up in the dessert not knowing how you got there or why you are there. You

are incredibly thirsty so you start wandering in hopes to find something, anything that will

quench your thirst. You find a big bottle of Gatorade and drink it; yet strangely you are still

thirsty. You continue your search and stumble upon a 2 liter of

your favorite kind of pop. You drink it all in a single drink,

and yet after drinking the Gatorade and the pop you

are still thirsty. Just when you have given up all

hope on quenching your thirst, you see a small

glass of water. You drink it, and just when you

thought nothing could satisfy your thirst, the

small glass of water did the job.

The scenario may seem to be far fetched,

but all of us live it at some point in our lives.

We are always searching for something here

to make us happy, but can just never seem

to find it. When answering the woman at the

well Jesus said “Everyone who drinks this

water will be thirsty again, but whoever

drinks the water I give him will never thirst.”

(John 4:13-14). Things of this

world can never fill that void in

our lives that can only be filled

by Christ. Stop searching

the world for happiness

and seek Christ, I

promise you will

never be thirsty


Status Update:

Quench your

thirst, Go Big!

Day 17


Hebrews 13:5-6 God has said, “Never will I leave you; never

will I forsake you.” So we say with confidence, “The

Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can

man do to me?”

The same Jesus who walked this earth many

years ago and called people to be pure then,

is calling you now. When choices are in front

of you, remember they don’t just affect you;

they affect everyone around you. Every

decision can impact your walk with

the Lord. God has given us much

forgiveness and many promises

to hold onto. He gave us a

promise to never leave us or

forsake us not matter what

we are in the middle of.

That’s a pretty awesome

promise. “The Lord is my

helper, I will not be

afraid. What can man

do to me?” Remember

His promise and look

to Him in the hard

times. He will not

forsake you.

Day 18


LMS for Truth Is…

Sometimes I really wish Jesus lived in our culture with facebook, twitter, instagram, email, and

television. Jesus did some pretty mind blowing things in his day and his story spread through-

out all the world without any kind of social media. Ashton Kutcher has 12 million twitter follow-

ers, I wonder how many Jesus would have. He would perform a miracle and it would go

globally viral within minutes, and all the newsstands would want to do a story on him.

John 14:6 Jesus says this, “I am the way, the truth and the life,” Jesus claims that he is the

truth. So picture this Jesus has an fb page and post LMS for truth is… people like it and then

he puts “Truth is… Me, haha.” Jesus is truth and truth is he loves you and all your friends.

Here’s the issue, Jesus isn’t on facebook and most of your friends don’t understand that

Jesus is truth and really loves them.

Most teenagers today don’t believe that Jesus is truth or Love, that’s why so many teenagers

are struggling with who they are, drugs, alcohol, giving up sex to whoever, self worth and this

little thing called life. As we talked about on day 10 we need to show and tell our friends the

truth and Love of Jesus. This doesn’t mean that you don’t struggle with some of these same

things but by reading this little book you are taking the steps to understand the truth and love

of Jesus and you can now help your friends understand this.

We are gonna do something with our facebooks, everyone has either played, participated or

seen it done. So, we are gonna do it as a community, put LMS for truth is or Like My Status

for truth is and when people like it you are going to tell them a truth. You know what that truth

is? Yep, you guessed it… Jesus is truth and he loves you!

We know that this won’t be easy for most of you but if

everyone does it then you are not alone and don’t be

afraid as we talked about on day 14. So be brave and lets

tell the world about Jesus!

Status Update:

LMS for truth is…

Day 19


Yesterday you maybe got a little scared because you participated in the LMS or because you

were scared didn’t participate at all. Why do you and I get so scared when it comes to talking

about Jesus? We live in the most free country in world, you can talk about whatever you want

and there is really nothing anyone can say about it. Yet, there are people in other countries

who are tortured or killed for talking about their faith.

As I write this in my room I can do it and not have any fear of someone coming in and

shooting me or beating me to death. Also as I write this I read a story of a 17-year-old

Christian who lives in Somalia who was beheaded (had his head cut off) by some extremist.

The reason he was beheaded was for his faith, his parents informed the authorities that he

was believing in God and reading his Bible. His own parents had him killed because of his

faith and he still stood strong and didn’t deny Christ even in the worst of circumstances.

Imagine your Mom or Dad turned you into the police and had you beheaded because you

came to XYM or was reading this devotional. We don’t have these fears yet we get so afraid

of sharing the most important story ever told. We fear telling the story of salvation because

someone might think we are crazy, uncool, lame, a loserface or just stupid. It is time to be a

voice, be a voice for the people who couldn’t have one and was murdered for their faith

making them a martyr. Be a voice and tell someone about Jesus and the Love he offers and

the mercy he provides.

Status Update: I’m speaking up about Christ! Go Big

Visit persecution.com to read about more people who have laid down their lives for Christ.

Day 20


Day 21


I Timothy 4:12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an

example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.

I was in a ministry with other young people shortly after high-school. This was our motto

and it means two things to me. First, not letting someone look down on you doesn’t mean

getting in their face, playing the tough guy, or ignoring them. As young people, God is

calling us to set an example through the way we live. Not just to our peers, but to other

believers as well.

Secondly, God wants to use you. Let me say that again. God wants to use you! He places

big dreams in our hearts, ones that can only be accomplished through Him. Never

underestimate what you can accomplish for God with God. I’ve seen mighty works

accomplished by young people who refused to be discouraged by those who said their

dreams were crazy. Trust God, follow his calling. Go big, or go home!

Status Update:

Trust God, follow his calling.

Go big, or go home!

God Knows….Please Read John 4:4-26

Envision the scene form the passage you

just read.

Jesus at the well, sees a woman standing there;

see Jesus quietly yet firmly telling the lady that

he knows all her secrets; and then see Jesus

telling her that she is forgiven and he loves her!

Now, picture yourself standing at the well with Jesus. Picture him naming, out loud, your

deepest, darkest secrets and all in the same sentence screaming at the top of his lungs

that he is madly and deeply in love with you. Even though he can see your every sin, you

are hanging on his every word. What are your secrets? What are you trying to hide? What’s

the Fab 5? What does it feel like in this very moment to listen to the voice of Jesus say,

“I LoVE YoU!”

Jesus is saying I know all your

secrets and I still love you, don’t

worry about it and throw away the

secrets and the Fab 5 because I

love you and forgive you. Forgive

yourself for the things you have

done and come drink form my

never ending well of mercy and


Write the Fab 5 and realize that

God already knows these

secrets, but maybe you need to

acknowledge them.

Status Update:

This one is up to you,

what is going on in

your heart?

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________


Day 22

Please turn the page for final instructions about the Fab 5.


Fab 51. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________

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