Globalizing Your Customer Support

Post on 16-Jan-2017






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Globalizing Your Customer SupportGlobalizing Your Customer Support

The Correlation Between Customer Support &Customer Retention.

The Impact of Customer SupportCustomer support plays a key role in increasing and maintaining customer retention.

Two factors are key in customer retention:1. A great product2. Excellent customer service

Customers are willing to pay more for a better customer support experience • 68% of customers are willing to pay 20%

more for better service (2006 national complaints culture survey)

Customer Retention’s Advantages1. Cost Efficiency• Retaining a customer is 5x less than the price of acquiring a new one (Lee Resources Inc.)

2. Scalable Source of Revenue• Increasing customer retention rates by 5% has the ability to increase profits anywhere from 25% to 95% (Bain & Co.)• On average, 80% of a company’s future earnings will come from 20% of their current customer base (Gartner co.)

Learn More About Support’s Impact on Customer Retention

Adapting Your Customer Support to a Global Economy.

Business Considerations in a Global Economy

1. Businesses need to cater to global customers to stay competitive

2. Not catering to your customer’s native language places them at a lower priority

82% of internet users can’t read more than half (52%) of what’s on the web due to limitations in available translations

3. Language is a bigger influencer for purchase than low pricing

Post purchase support in a customer’s language increases their chances of becoming a recurring customer by 74%

(TechCrunch, Hans Tung) ( (CSA)

By the end of the decade, 4 billion smartphones will be in use. 1 billion users: located in China, 600 million users: located in the U.S & Europe

Multilingual customer support? Here are the options.


Disadvantages• Cost

efficient• Instant

results• Quick• Easily


• Compromised quality and accuracy

• Awkward phrasing and syntax

• Low accuracy• Increased customer

frustration and miscommunication

Machine Translation

Human Translations

•Higher quality•Takes into account customer dialect•Recipient of multiple edits and quality assurance•Reduced miscommunication• Increased CSAT scores


“Research found 72% said support in a customer’s native

language increased their satisfaction with customer support, and 58% said it increased

loyalty to the brand” (ICMI)

Translation IntegrationsWhat’s a Translation Integration? Apps that integrate a brand’s translation services into major helpdesk platforms: Think of your HelpScout, Freshdesk, Zendesk, or Service Cloud account with translation capabilities built in.

Advantages1. Consistency

• With some providers, the ability to specify translators can result in high quality, reliable translations

2. Cost Efficient

• Several translation integrations provide free MT3. Convenience

• Place human translation orders without leaving helpdesk account

• Agents can skip copy and pasting text between different browsers

4. Increase agent efficiency

• Accelerate multilingual agent bandwidth• Multiply the number of tickets agents can effectively


See Available Integrations

The Impact of Translation Quality in Multilingual Support.

Quality and Translation Effectiveness

• Convey appropriate brand tone over digital communication channels: • Social media• Email

• 68% of customers are willing to pay more (20%) if it means receiving better customer support (2006 national complaints culture survey)

• Increase customer CSAT scores by:• Reducing miscommunication and

frustration• Increasing satisfaction

High Quality Translations

Customer Support Tone• Tone accounts for 38% of communication (

Albert Mehrabian)

• 65% of customers prefer brands with an “informal”

tone (Zendesk)

• 68% of customers prefer a “formal” tone when

being denied a request (Zendesk)

• Translators can ensure tone isn’t lost in translation

Translators allow brands to specify language nuances such as:• Tone• Topic• Level of formality• Gender of speaker or

audienceLearn More About Tone

Maintaining Brand Consistency

How long does it take to give your customer support team fluency in more than 96 language pairings? Minutes.

Learn More Here

Translation technology, simplified for support teams. |(312)818-2403

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