
Global Operating Plan

For Strengthening the Movement

What is the What is the Global Operating Plan?Global Operating Plan?

The Global Operating Plan (GOP)is the world Movement’s initiative for

YMCA Movement Strengthening


The goal of this movement strengthening is to enable YMCAs throughout the world to

increase capacity for providing meaningful and relevant programmes to local


The Movement The Movement Strengthening Initiative is Strengthening Initiative is

built on 3 pillars:built on 3 pillars:

1. Mission Clarity2. Social Relevance3. Institutional Viability

Mission ClarityMission Clarity

• Understanding the major issues currently affecting the local community and how the YMCA can relate to these

• Developing and understanding the YMCA’s own spiritual identity and interfaith dialogue

• Building the YMCA’s vision in order to positively influence their local communities

• Development of gender equality and youth centred leadership and programming

Social RelevanceSocial Relevance

• Socially relevant programmes that respond to critical issues and developing needs in the community

• Programming related to the Challenge 21 priorities - for challenge 21 priorities cut and paste this link:

Institutional ViabilityInstitutional Viability• Leadership recruitment and development

• Human resources, risk management and organizational development

• Developing relationships and linkages between the YMCA and other organisations

• Development of core resources and infrastructure

• Participatory decision making

• Self critical analysis

• Accountability

Development of the three pillars of movement Development of the three pillars of movement strengthening will be accomplished through strengthening will be accomplished through the two strategies of:the two strategies of:

• Country Focus

• Knowledge Focus

and complementedand complemented by the three cross cutting by the three cross cutting components of Resourcing, Communication components of Resourcing, Communication and Monitoring and Evaluation.and Monitoring and Evaluation.

1. Country Focus…1. Country Focus…

• a mechanism for strengthening key National a mechanism for strengthening key National Movements (NM) who are selected by the Area Movements (NM) who are selected by the Area Organizations. Organizations.

• NM is then assessed to identify strengths, NM is then assessed to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges in the weaknesses, opportunities and challenges in the three key areas of mission clarity, institutional three key areas of mission clarity, institutional viability and social relevance.viability and social relevance.

• A multilateral Country Focus Working Group is A multilateral Country Focus Working Group is formed to develop an action plan to address the gaps formed to develop an action plan to address the gaps and support plan implementation. and support plan implementation.


2003 2004 - 2006Africa Angola, Ethiopia,

Sierra Leone,Zambia, Ghana,Gambia, Africa Alliance

Asia East Timor, Sri Lanka

Europe Russia, Ukraine,Belarus

Georgia, Albania,Macedonia

LACA LACA Ecuador, Uruguay, ElSalvador, Caribbean

Middle E. Jordan (proposed)

2. Knowledge Focus...2. Knowledge Focus...

The Knowledge Focus Strategy works on an issue basis, strengthening the movement by fostering a culture of exchange and sharing within the movement. It is to iden-tify best practices in YMCAs around the world and making this knowledge accessible to the rest of the movement.


The World Alliance is mapping knowledge and expertise in the movement on specific themes.

This knowledge will be made available to the whole Movement through the web, together with a space for exchange, discussions and sharing of information to help connect people with expertise with those needing.

Cross Cutting Components……

The 3 complementary, cross cutting components of the GOP are:

• Resourcing• Communication • Monitoring & Evaluation

The leaders of every GOP initiative are to include these components into their action plan, as each of them is vital for the success.

The guiding principles of the The guiding principles of the Global Operating Plan are:Global Operating Plan are:

• National Movements are the primary agents for their own self-growth.

• International cooperation through multilateral approach

• Subsidiarity (tasks and decisions are best taken as close to the “grass roots” as possible)

• Selectivity (using criteria that will generate a multiplier effect)

• In order to achieve best results, a process is continuously reviewed and adjusted

How to support GOPHow to support GOP

• Help promote education and understanding of the GOP in your YMCA

• Participate in a Country Focus Working Group

• Share your expertise

• Contribute to the World Fellowship Fund

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