

Global Public Square GlobalNet21 started as 21st Century Network in April 2007 to discuss some of the great issues of the 21st century and then follow this up with further debate and action.

It is about enlarging the Public Square where debate takes place using social networks to bring new audiences of people into that debate.

Linking with Organisations Linking with Citizens

Inclusive Dialogue

We hold events several times a month to create and expand engagement in the public square between citizens as well as corporations, government and NGOs where there is a common concern for the sustainability of both our planet and the people on it.

Engagement Online & Off Engagement & Drama

We hold several types of meetings where public engagement takes place and these include,

•  House of Commons Meetings •  Larger Discussions & Debates •  Smaller Networking Meetings •  House Meetings •  Global Webinars

Our Meetings & Events

Chickenshed at The House of Commons

House of Commons Meetings We have held many meetings in the House of Commons on a wide variety of topics and all hosted by an MP.

We try to ensure there is plenty of time for audience participation so that public engagement actually happens!

Many Meetings, Many Venues Some of our larger meetings are held in different venues across London and involve non government organisations, corporations, public services as well as an audience of concerned citizens.

Smaller Networking Meetings

We also hold many smaller meetings where the discussion can take place in more depth. These meetings allow people time to network and make connections.

As a result of many of these meetings, people get together informally, join interest groups and take action that is right for them.

Unheard Voices

In our work it is clear that there are many people and groups who are hidden or who have voices that are unheard.

In the past year we have worked hard to give a platform to some of these groups and particularly the homeless, the disabled and those who have been exploited and trafficked. We have also linked them with decision makers to create better understanding and to encourage positive action

Meeting Anywhere Meeting Informally

We have also begun to pilot and develop House Meetings so those interested in the issues we discuss can meet informally to engage further and discuss follow up and action. Some of these house meetings are beginning to take off into a life of their own with ongoing meetings and activities.

House Meetings

Reaching Out Globally Digital Samba On Synch

Global audiences are now engaged in our discussions through online Webinars. Using the OnSync platform, these can be used for presentations, discussions and collaboration. We have had presentations not just from the UK but also from Sweden, the United States, New Zealand and Canada

Global Webinars

Crossing Boundaries Engaging Citizens

Our aim is public engagement – to increase discussion, knowledge and debate that can lead to further action. We aim to involve new audiences of people using social networks and the new media so that we can cross national, organisational and cultural boundaries to create better understanding and common purpose.

Public Engagement

Meetup.Com Our Events & Activities

We are one of the largest groups on the UK meetup site and probably the largest public engagement site on the meetup platform with almost 3,500 members. Meetup uses online contact to facilitate actual meetings as well as foster an online community.

Where The Cyber World Meets The Real World

Creating Relationships Making Connections

We also use other social networks to involve new audiences and they all have important uses. �  We have over 2,000 members

of our Linkedin Group �  We also have a Facebook Group

with almost 1,300 members �  We have a presence on Twitter,

Myspace and we publish a Blog.

Other Social Networks

Creating Space Online & Offline

At Events we try to create space for people to network so they can make contact, start new activities and get involved in action with others. We are now beginning to create this networking space online by using Skype and Google+ so that the networking can continue no matter what the geographical distance.


Linking with Universities Transferring Knowledge

As our network expands and develops then it has become increasingly important to develop a knowledge base around our work of public engagement. So we are now beginning to link up with Universities and Institutions of Higher Education to do this and to collaborate in combining engagement with knowledge.

Knowledge Base

Modular Learning The Elearning Platform

One way we have developed a knowledge base is by developing some elearning modules that are associated with our meetings and activities and these include modules on �  Leadership & Transformation �  Disability and Inclusion �  Child Trafficking


Channeling Podcasts Video & Streaming

We have developed many podcasts of our meetings and are now beginning to do short Podcast Interviews and case studies.

We also do short Video Sequences from our meetings to engage and motivate.

Podcasts & Video

Enabling Society Some Examples

We work with a number of of NGOs, social enterprises and community associations in developing our programme of activities. They are an important part of the Public Square and form the basis of civil society. Their input has been important in our debates and discussions.

Civil Society

Chris Manze From The Stone Soup Project

Rob Berkeley from the Runnymede Trust

Paul Morrell, Director of Education & Outreach from Chickenshed

Adeline Afi Ouro-Gnao working with NGOs and the Togolese Community

Established Organisations Some Examples

We also work with Foundations and Corporations as well as a number of Think Tanks. They are involved in meetings, help sponsor our activities and take part in the public square debate about the 21st century. Often their staff and employees attend our meetings.

Business, Foundations & Corporations

Clare Woodcraft from The Shell Foundation

David Pardey from the Institute of Leadership & Management

Anna Coote, Head of Social Policy at The New Economic Foundation

John Loughhead, Executive Director of The UK Energy Research Centre.

Governance & Citizens Some Examples

We try to always engage with decision makers at various levels and involve them in discussion. Creating new ways of engaging MPs, local Councillors, key corporate and civil society figures with active citizens is one of the challenges of the present century.

Dialogue With Decision Makers

Sir Stuart Etherington, Chief Executive of NCVO

Ed Vaizey MP Minister responsible for Culture, Communications and the Creative Industries

Vice Admiral Charles Style CBE, Commandant of the Royal College of Defence Studies.

Cllr Bambos Charalambous talking to the Sock Mob & The Homeless.

B Y D E V E L O P I N G A N D E N H A N C I N G T H E P U B L I C S Q U A R E T H R O U G H S O C I A L N E T W O R K I N G A N D A C T U A L M E E T I N G S O U R H O P E I S T O C R E A T E A N A C T I V E C I T I Z E N S H I P T H A T I S L O C A L , N A T I O N A L A N D G L O B A L . I N A C E N T U R Y O F I M M E N S E C H A N G E A N D U N C E R T A I N T Y T H E N T H I S I S V I T A L F O R O U R F U T U R E A N D O U R D E M O C R A C Y .

Global Public Square & Active Citizenship


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