Global Field Operations Support Team GFO Support Team PCPR and PST Update: SOCCER September 16, 2014.

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Global Field Operations Support Team GFO Support Team


September 16, 2014

Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team


1. PCPR Update1.Changes and improvements for FY15 PCPR2.Implications for SOs and PSTs

2. PST Update1.FY14 PST Review recommendations2.SO PST Membership and Engagement3.Regional Engagement Forum

3. Q&A


Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team

FY14 PCPR – Next StepsNO FY15 Planning:1. Update the FY13-15 Organizational Capacity Plan2. Develop annual objectives/outputs for inclusion in FY15 Annual Business

Plan Identify budget and resources required for each output Identify available resources and additional support required

3. Update FY15 Annual Business Plan and NO budget4. Identify available resources and partners5. Develop FY15 PST Action Plan

SO Engagement and Planning:6. PCPR Ratings should inform SO portfolio engagement and exception

management7. Ratings are not punitive and should not affect program funding decisions8. Ratings will inform PST Action Plans and SO decisions around capacity

building funding and technical support

Inputs: FY14 PCPR Ratings and NO Reports, SO Programme Quality Reports, FY13 Child Well-Being Report


Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team


Key Improvements:• Inclusion of “Maturing” rating band• Greater clarity, credibility and consistency of

contributing indicators and data• Revised indicators for fragile states

• One Stakeholder Panel in April (may be face to face)

• Working toward greater cohesion between PCPR and NO and PST strategy and annual planning cycles

• Inclusion of NO voice• Improved data management


Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team

GNOD Indicators


Dimension Indicator Dimension Indicator Data FrequencyCountry Context Fragility Index Country Context Fragility Index Q1 & Q3

Registered Child Monitored Sponsorship Service Operations Index (revised) Q1 & Q3Sponsorship Service Operations Index Registered Children Monitored Q1 & Q3Leadership Formation (CC) Leadership Formation (CC) Q1Church Relations (CC) Church Relations (CC) Q1

Staff Formation (CC) Q1Quality of Programme Designs Q1Progress in Relation to Programme Objectives Q1Status of Baseline in Programmes Q1Programme Effectiveness in Programme Implementation Q1

Child Protection and Child Safe Organization Practices Child Protection and Child Safe Organization Practices Q1 & Q3Child Well-Being Target Reporting Readiness Child Well-Being Report Quality Q3Security Risk Management (SRM) Security Risk Management Q1 & Q3Security Training Security Training Q1 & Q3Cash Balances Liquidity and Cash Q1 & Q3Cash Project Spending Internal Control, Audit and Compliance Q1 & Q3Financial Audit Implementation Status Spending and Effi ciency Q1 & Q3Staff Formation (CC)Voluntary Turnover Voluntary Turnover Q1 & Q3Employee Engagement Employee Engagement Q3% Key Roles with Successor % Key Roles with Successor Q1 & Q3% Performance Reviews Completed % Performance Reviews Completed Q1 & Q3Grant Percent of Total Portfolio Acquisition Pipeline Q3Grant Expenditure Rate Grant Expenditure Rate Q1 & Q3Grant Win Rate Resource Diversification Q1

Disaster Management Disaster Management Capability Q3

PCPR Dimension Local Level Advocacy Q1Retired Indicator National Level Advocacy Q1New Indicator


Programme Quality

Christian Commitment

Funding Diversification

January 2014 GNOD PCPR & July 2014 GNOD

Child Well-Being

Financial Management

Funding Diversification

Child Well-Being

Operational Effectiveness

Financial Management

People Capacity

Sponsorship Management

People Capacity

Operational Effectiveness

Programme Quality

Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team


• Based on July 2014 and January 2015 GNOD indicator ratings• Will look at trends • SO support required for indicator data

collection in Q1/Q2 –Child Well-Being, Programme Quality

• (Virtual) Stakeholder Panels will take place in April/May 2015

• Ratings will be finalized in June 2015• FY15 PCPR Guidance and ToRs are being updated

based on feedback and recommendations – will be available October 2014.


Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team

GNOD, PCPR and PSTs – annual cycle

PSTs feed into GNOD indicator ratings (Q1): Quality of Programme Designs Progress in Relation to Programme Objectives Status of Baselines in Programmes Child Well-Being Report Quality

PST members inform GNOD indicator review and feedback for PCPR Virtual Stakeholder Panels (Q2)

PSTs develop FY PST Action Plans based on PCPR ratings (Q4) Focus on 2-3 key issues Base/Consolidating – focus on DME and basic functioning Maturing/Established – can broaden scope

PSTs respond to PCPR ratings (Q1-4)


Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team

Programme Support Teams 39% of PSTs are performing well. Developed and successfully

implemented FY14 PST Action Plan. Success factors: • NO ownership, leadership and inclusion of SMT• High level of NO/SO/RO commitment and engagement; sufficient

bandwidth of PST members and inclusion in JDs• Focus on 2-3 priorities• Face to face meetings

47% of PSTs are functional. Developed and partially implemented PST Action Plan.

14% of PSTs are non functional and did not develop an Action Plan• Fragile states, NOs with few SOs

PSTs are contributing to improvements in DME capacity, systems, processes, products


Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team

PST – Recommendations for FY151. Request SOCCER to review PST SO membership2. Clarify opportunities for engagement for non-core SOs3. Establish Regional Engagement Forums (Regional PSTs)4. Expand the scope of PSTs beyond DME5. Develop specific guidance and support for fragile 6. Strengthen PST monitoring and oversight by ROs and GFO


Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team

SO Membership and Engagement

Recommendation: SOCCER review PST SO membership

• Somalia – SOs with grant experience• South Sudan - SOs with grant experience• Angola – align with new leadership and business model• Lesotho – adjust for time zones• Malawi – ensure PST members have appropriate bandwidth• South Africa – include all SOs instead of core group• Swaziland – include all SOs instead core group• Nepal – include Canada• Pakistan – align SO membership with funding %s• Ghana – RO and Korea absent in most of the meeting• Mali - adjust for time zones• Sierra Leone - departure from the team of key SOs reps (US, UK and HK)

(full list pending – waiting for responses from some regions)10

Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team

Regional Office Coordination

Recommendation: Establish Regional Engagement Forum

• Oversight, monitoring, escalation management for PSTs

• Regional level coordination of capacity building initiatives

• Strategic identification and allocation of financial and technical resources

• Manage regional/multi-country initiatives• Facilitate learning and sharing with the region• Integrate with other fora i.e. RWG, Virtual

Investment Review, Virtual Stakeholder Panels11

Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team

PST Scope, Mandate and Action Plans

Recommendation: Broaden the scope of PSTs beyond DME

• Include Advocacy, HEA, Funding Diversification, Finance

• Encourage PSTs to focus on 2-3 clear, achievable objectives

• FY15 PST Objectives:• Relevant to NO Strategy and priorities• Driven by OCP, PCPR, SO PQ Survey, CWB

Recommendations, etc.• Support data collection and scoring for Programme

Quality GNOD indicators• Face to Face meetings

• GFO will develop FY15 PST Guidance and FY15 Action Plan template


Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team

Funding for PST Action Plans

Recommendation: Invite other SOs to contribute to DME CB Fund

• Identify other sources of funding• Ensure NO expectations are realistic• Strengthen alignment between MY strategic objectives, ABP,

OCP, PST Action Plans


Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team

Fragile Context PSTs

Recommendation: Develop specific guidance for fragile contexts Build on work done by EARO• Different needs – Strong DME capacity, with other

challenges to address (grant acquisition, grant match issues, SO coordination)

• SO representatives – limited bandwidth, limited PST exposure

• Access to capacity building funds


Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team

Learning and Training• Training for NO Leads and SO Coordinators (Q1)

• Revised PST Approach• PST Action planning and monitoring• PCPR• Facilitation skills• WV Central Team Rooms

• PST Fishbowls:• How to develop an effective PST Action Plan (Q1 – Haiti,

Mozambique, Tanzania)• Using PST to develop Technical Approaches (Q2 – Haiti)

• Other ideas are welcome!!


Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team

GFO “Asks” to SOCCER

1.Affirm/provide feedback on PST way forward

2.Revise PST SO Membership for identified PSTs

3.Provide feedback on Regional Engagement Forum ToR

4.Define portfolio level engagement


Global Field Operations Support TeamGlobal Field Operations Support Team



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