Glad Tidings, Nov. 2014...Photographer — Church Staff — Rev. Bill Getman Senior Pastor Rev. Rachel Rhodes Associate Pastor Peter Leibensperger Music Director Laura Colee ... Mike

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Glad TidingsNovember 2014

First Presbyterian Church • Haddonfield, New Jersey

CROP WALKOver 40 members of our church participated in this year’s Crop Walk on October 28, to raise money to end hunger locally and abroad.

(Right) Pastor Bill presents a thank-you gift, a new pair of walking shoes, to Virginia Ritchie for her 38 years of leadership in Haddonfield’s 40 years of participation in Crop Walk.

Photos by Joe Routon

Dear Family of Faith Members,

I have mentioned before that the Elders and an expanded Long Range Planning Committee have been working together since early February to discern what strengths we possess as a church family and how we can nurture those strengths in the coming years. Several things become clear in this discernment process. We care deeply about each other; we appreciate our ministries of worship, music, education and to youth; we believe we need to continue our outreach beyond the church’s walls.

So after numerous attempts to capture in a few words who we are and who we believe God is calling us to become, Session adopted a new motto for our church: “Hearts Open to Christ. Doors Opening to His World.” It reflects the work we do with each other to nurture faith when we are together. And it describes our desire to share our gifts with those who are most vulnerable in our community, county, nation, and world.

I believe it fits us perfectly! And I also believe it will guide us as we seek to keep in balance the ministries to which Christ has called us. We are healthiest as a community of faith when we care for each other and serve those beyond our church, when we grow in faith and grow in mission, and when we worship together and then work to bring Christ’s peace to the world.

I hope you share my enthusiasm and will share in the exciting ministries and missions before us.

In Christ’s peace,


Pastor’s Notes


Fall Social Saturday, November 15!

Join us at the home of Jim and Laura Poliero at 115 Tavistock Lane, Haddonfield, from

7:00 to 10:00 PM, Dinner Catered by Tortilla Press

Desserts, Wine and Beer $50 per person

For reservations contact the church office or email Laura Poliero at laurapoliero@verizon .net.

Rev. Bill GetmanSenior Pastor

Glad Tidings

Betsy Westermaier Editor

Joe Routon Online Editor Photographer

— Church Staff —

Rev. Bill Getman Senior Pastor

Rev. Rachel Rhodes Associate Pastor

Peter Leibensperger Music Director

Laura Colee Christian Education

Barbara Sewall Preschool Director

Joe Routon Pastoral Assistant

Ed Hess Director of Social Work

Ted Barr Organist

David Rhody Chapel Organist

Rob Joubert Conducting Assistant

Bud Miller Director of Grace Notes

Nancy Ruth Wainwright Children’s Choirs

Rebecca Wilhjelm Lentine Youth Choir Accompanist

Elizabeth Olson Cherub and Carol Choirs


Beth Thomas Financial Secretary

Linda Wilhjelm Secretary

Betsy Baumhauer Secretary/Receptionist

Mike Richardson Custodian

First Presbyterian Church 20 Kings Highway East Haddonfield, NJ 08033


“Laughter is

sunshine you can

hear.” —Walt Disney


As November arrives, each of the musical groups is preparing to help lead worship in the 11:00 a.m. services. Please take a look at the schedule below to see when each group will participate in worship during the month of November.

Worship Participation Schedule

Chapel Choir 11/2/14 11:00 a.m.

Moore Bells 11/9/14 11:00 a.m.

Thomas Sherrerd 11/16/14 11:00 a.m. Choir

Kirk Ringers 11/30/14 11:00 a.m.

Thomas Sherrerd Memorial Choir Trip, 2015 The Thomas Sherrerd Choir (7th – 12th Grade) will embark on their annual choir trip on February 7th. We will take a private bus on Saturday morning to see The Lion King on Broadway and then have dinner near Times Square. It will not be an overnight adventure, it’s just a day trip, so you’ll be home to sleep in your own bed. If your child is interested in going, contact me for information and hand in your deposit of $100 and permission slip ASAP. (We want to have a head count by November 1st, so please turn in your permission slips before that date.) As the trip approaches and a final head count is tallied, we will collect the remainder of the balance for the trip, which we anticipate to be between $30 and $50 (depending on the actual price of the tickets and the dinner). Again, please act quickly! Thanks.

Consecration Sunday, November 16, All ServicesDear Members and Friends of First Presbyterian Church,

Sundaym November 16th is our congregation’s Consecration Sunday. I urge you to plan now to attend the two important events: Sunday morning worship and the catered Celebration Brunches immediately following each of our three services.

This spiritual-growth-oriented process is designed to erich our biblical understanding of Christian stewardship. Rather than focusing on the need of the church to receive, the espericnce concentrates on the need of the giver to give for his or her own spiritual development.

We believe that you are concerned enough to attend on Consecration Sunday and make your financial commitment as an act of worship in the church sanctuary.

No one will call on you at your home for a pledge. But we will contact you personally to secure your commitment to attend morning worship on Consecration Sunday and the Celebration Brunches immediately after worship, if you have not already indicated you are coming

In Christ’s peace,

John Dowd, Consecration Sunday Chairperson

Peter Leibensperger Music Director

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION THIRD GRADE BIBLES – Congratulations to all 30 of our third graders who received personalized Bibles on Sunday, October 19th! Worship was especially beautiful that day thanks to the Third Grade Sunday School reciting Psalm 23. We are so grateful for each one of our third graders! They include: Lily Margaret Adkins, Brooke Taylor Bushnell, Samuel Carlson, Emma Lucille Cheatham, Sean Clarke, Alexander Bowman DePalma, Marcus DeVita, Holden James Fichter, Kieran James Heslin, Cameron Marcelle Kohout, Katie Mulvihill, Alexander Edward Nuckols, Darin Peter O’Dell, Margaret Kay Pancoast, Ava Nicole Peifer, Thomas Piotrowski, Sydney Rudder and Aidan Sirman.


On Sunday, November 2, at 9:30 a.m. in room 304, Rev. Dick Ringenwald will begin facilitating a four week course on the three Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These three traditions are known as “Abrahamic” because all three trace their lineage back to the Biblical patriarch, Abraham, who according to the Apostle Paul ‘is the father of us all.’ (Romans 8:16b)

The course will consider: 1. Who is Abraham? 2. How this lineage evolves 3. Different perspectives from which each faith sees Abraham 4. The Scriptures – Old Testament, New Testament and Quran 5. Patterns of worship. 6. Theological comparisons 7. Implications of Islam in contemporary society. Participants are strongly encouraged to bring their Bibles.

Rev. Ringenwald is ordained in the United Church of Christ, but he served Moorings Presbyterian Church, Naples, FL, during the last eleven years of his ministry. He holds graduate degrees in theology, psychology, and music and has taught at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, The Bryn Mawr School of Social Work and Social Research, and Green Mountain College, Poultney, VT. He and his wife Betty regularly attend worship services at First Presbyterian Church of Haddonfield. We are very blessed and grateful to have him lead us during our November study!


Laura Colee Director of Christian


Christian Heritage Class The class meets 9:30 to 10:40 a.m. Sundays in the back board room on the second level. We combine occasional study of the Scriptures with a look at the art, music, and heritage of Christianity. All are welcome to come according to your ability and interest. David Stedman and Allan and Virginia Ritchie are leaders. This year’s theme: Sites of Christian Worship.

November 2 Christ Pantocrator and the churches of the East. Constantinople, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem in the Golden Age of Byzantium all celebrated “Christ Lord of All” (Pantocrator) with magnificent churches illustrating the hierarchy: Christ giving “the grace of God” and His authority to the secular rulers of the time. Lecture/film

November 9 TBA (Bible study)

November 16 The portrait of Christ: Christ Crucified. After the first millennium AD the image of Christ on the Cross took on a new meaning for Christians in the West, and the emphasis on the Dying Savior called for new art. Lecture/film

November 23 The theology of Light. Abbot Suger of St. Denis pioneered a new form of architecture that celebrated God becoming Man by the imagery of light through clear and, later, colored glass to show how an ordinary, earthly material became transformed by heavenly light. Lecture/film

November 31 Building for the Glory of God and the Prestige of the Town. The towns of the Isle de France which were under royal control began the new style (later disparaged as “gothic”). Interestingly, the measurements of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem had a major role in the building of the Gothic Cathedrals.

Haddonfield Presbyterian’s 2nd Annual World Championship Chili Competition

Our 2nd Annual Chili Cook-off and Silent Auction were a great success, raising money to finance our upcoming Feed My Starving Children project. Pete Hurd (right) was the Grand Prize Winner.

Chili judges were Lydia Cipriani, Ken Carter, and Virginia Dowd Photos by Joe Routon

ADVENT FESTIVAL Sunday, November 30th 5-7 p.m. Fellowship Hall

Each year at First Presbyterian Church, we mark our transition into the Advent season with a family-fun event known as the Advent Festival. At our Advent Festival we gather to enjoy a meal with our family of faith, to make fun seasonal crafts, to sing Christmas songs, and to prepare our hearts for the Christ child who is to come.

To help us focus on caring for others this Advent, the Alternative Gift Market for Heifer International will be available as well as stockings for Caring Hearts. Kids and adults can also participate in mission projects to support the Urban Promise after-school program.

Please feel free to bring a finger dessert to share. Hoagies may be pre-ordered for your dinner. Watch the bulletin for information about ordering hoagies. Proceeds for the hoagie sale will benefit FPC Youth Ministry and Youth Mission Trip!

If you would like to help with crafts, please contact Trish Adkins at 267-240-0585 or We’d love to have you join us!

The evening will close with worship and song. Additionally, devotionals will be distributed for use throughout the Advent season. Everyone is invited to share in this event together! We hope to see you there!


Christian Heritage Class • Every Sunday of November in the Back Board Room

from 9:30-10:40 a.m. • We will explore the topic of “Sacred Spaces”

Kerygma Class • Starting back up Sunday, November 30, for four

consecutive Sundays from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the basement office

• We will explore the Book of Ruth

Wednesday Morning Bible Study • Every Wednesday morning of November from

10:30-11:45 a.m. in the Church Parlor • We will explore the Epistles of Paul

Mom to Mom • Wednesday, November 12 and December 10, from

9:30-11a.m. in the Back Board Room. We will continue Jessica LaGrone’s Broken and Blessed Bible study on the Book of Genesis

• Childcare available.

Applying the Bible to Daily Life • Tuesday, November 11 and 25, from 7:30-9:00 p.m. at

Deb Nussbaum’s house • We will continue our study of “Priorities” in the Bible

Parables of the Pub • Tuesday, November 18, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Keg and

Kitchen restaurant • We will look at a bizarre parable from the Bible • Childcare is available upon request



As the days get shorter and the nights longer, the season of Advent can be a dark time for many. This Advent, we will read together Barbara Brown Taylor’s new book Learning to Walk in the Dark and explore what darkness looks like in Scripture and in our lives. In her book, Taylor challenges our tendency to associate all that is good with lightness and all that is evil and dangerous with darkness. She asks us: “Doesn’t God work in the nighttime as well?” Her book asks us to put aside our fears and anxieties to explore all that God has to teach us “in the dark.”

This series will take place each Sunday the hour BEFORE the usual Christian Education hour from 8:15-9:15 a.m. in Room 304. Our DCE, Laura Colee will facilitate. Coffee and breakfast food will be provided each session!

You are invited to purchase a copy of Learning to Walk in the Dark on your own or you may purchase a copy at the Advent Festival, the church office, or at the first class of the series.

Youth Ministry A Thank You from Rachel, Matt, & Madeline Jane:

Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love that you have shown us as we have welcomed our beautiful baby girl. We are so blessed to be a part of this family of faith and look forward to introducing her to all of you in the coming weeks.

We will have our informational meeting about the Summer 2015 Mission Trip on Sunday, November 9, at 12:15 p.m. (after the 11:00 Service) in the Sanctuary.

If next summer you will be a rising freshman through a graduated senior, you are welcome to attend this meeting. All information including dates and locations will be distributed on this day.


Gerry Rice’s Mission Trip to Haiti for Feed My Starving Childen

Glad Tidings: Gerry, how did you become involved with Feed My Starving Children and with Healing Haiti?

Gerry: Our church’s Justice and Advocacy Group was searching for a way that we and our church could serve others and make a difference to people in need. My sister’s church in Minnesota had worked with Feed My Starving Children and Healing Haiti for several years, so she showed us how we could become involved.

Glad Tidings: Why was Haiti chosen?

Gerry: Only 90 minutes by plane from the USA, Haiti is the poorest country in the world. Just 30% of Haitians have clean water to drink, and 80% live in poverty, making less that $2 a day.

One in eight children in Haiti will die before the age of 5 from treatable and/or curable diseases.

Some families are so poor that they feed their children dirt cookies, made of soil and oil and baked in the sun.

Glad Tidings: What is Healing Haiti doing to improve their lives?

Gerry: In addition to providing meals, Healing Haiti has a water truck that delivers nearly 400,000 gallons of chlorinated water every month.

They support three orphanages, providing medical and dental care for 47 children. They also support five different schools, all of which are for the poor. 

Worship is important, so Healing Haiti provides opportunities for sharing in worship.

Feed My Starving Children and Healing Haiti are a combination that is changing and saving lives, embodying Christ’s words, “For as much as you do it to the least of these brothers of mine, you do it to me.”

Glad Tidings: What will you do during your week in Haiti?

Gerry: As well as spending time in the orphanages, I will work in a home for sick and dying babies, holding, feeding, changing them, and saying prayers for them. These children are malnourished, have serious illnesses or birth defects that require special care. We don’t realize how fortunate we are. The poverty and horrible lives of these destitute children in Haiti are unimaginable. How can we not help them?________

Gerry Rice, who has served as an elder and deacon in our church, is a professional violist. A graduate of The Curtis Institute, she now serves on the Curtis faculty. She is a member of the Philly Pops Orchestra and is a substitute violist for the Philadelphia Orchestra.

Joseph Routon


Preschool NewsPW Coffee Project Don’t miss the new items on the coffee table! Besides the always delicious coffees and teas, you’ll be able to purchase 12-ounce jars of Guatemalan Honey, Orange Marmalade and Organic Strawberry Jam along with K-cup coffee in Organic Regular and Organic Decaf.

The liquid honey comes in a squeezable bottle; it has a rich amber color and a delicate floral aroma. The honey is supplied by a cooperative in northwest Guatemala that has more than 140 members and gathers honey from over 5,000 hives. The orange marmalade contains raw sugar, and the organic strawberry jam has a delicious fruity flavor. Both are great on toast. Perk up your breakfasts or snacks with these new items.

Also, two new flavors of the large candy bars and mini candy bars will be available in two flavors -- dark chocolate and milk chocolate with a hint of hazelnut.

Presbyterian Women are making it easy for you to make sure your Coffee Product items are in stock whenever you want them. They’ve prepared a prepay order form which you can use to place your orders for coffee, tea, candies, and food products. Come to their table after the services and fill out a form which will cover orders now through Christmas. Of course, items in stock can be purchased immediately.

All of the products sold at the Coffee Table are supplied through the Equal Exchange program and most of them are organic. The program guarantees that small farmers in Central America, Africa, and Asia will receive a fair price for what they grow, which enables them and their families to enjoy a better life.


Nov. 25, Tue. 3’s Thanksgiving Program,

9:30 a.m. / 12:45 p.m. ALL 3’s CLASSES ATTEND on this Tuesday. Moms, Dads, Grandmas, Grandpas, Friends, Relatives, and Church members who want to enjoy a child’s celebration of Thanksgiving. Come to the Sanctuary to see the 3 year old classes dressed up as American Indians, Pilgrims, and Turkeys.  

The Preschool classes will be gathering food items to accompany turkeys given to Caring Hearts families for the Thanksgiving holiday. Each class will be decorating and “stuffing” the boxes with non-perishable goods as a “Giving Thanks” gift.             Church members-—you may add food stuffs to the boxes on Sunday morning if your child would like to help stuff the “turkey boxes.” Look on the Bulletin Boards for suggested food items, or just bring something you most enjoy at your Thanksgiving dinner.

  November 26 – 28, No School

  Our hallways will soon be rejoicing as we decorate with fall leaves, rows of pumpkin paintings will be dangling from classroom ceilings, sheaves of corn

pictures made by children’s fingerprints, and joyful songs will be sung at our Thanksgiving Program

telling all to “eat pizza … not turkey!”

... the little hills rejoice on every side. The pastures are clothed with flocks; and the valleys also are covered over with corn; they shout for joy, and sing. Psalms 65:12-13

Happy Thanksgiving! Church members – please use the church entrance

from Chestnut Street. The drive between the Masonic Hall and our church side door is a one-way exit onto

Kings Highway. Thank You for going slowly and attentively during school hours… 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Barbara SewallPreschool Director

The 2nd annual golf outing to raise money for Feed My Starving Children was held at Woodcrest Country Club. Twenty four golfers participated, including several members from our church: Scott Durham, Steve Annabel, Andy Reinicker, and Clair Blank. Scott Durham, who organized and directed the event, got Woodcrest to donate free greens fees and carts, so 100% of the proceeds went to Feed My Starving Children.

I would like to raise awareness again of the blog I write every few weeks. I published a fresh one today - the link is .

TO BE ANGRY FOR LOVE… Posted by firstpresbynj in Uncategorized October 21, 2014

I had a crash course in homelessness and shelter-seeking recently. A family with whom I have been involved for about 3 years now became homeless September 1 because of the complicated world of section 8 housing. This led to a frantic scurry of putting most belongings into storage then crashing at a friend’s home. But you know the adage about guests and fish…they both go bad in 3 days…having 4 stressed guests in a small apartment already holding 4 others didn’t end up well. By the end of September, having lived at another friend’s home for a few days, our family was out on the street, and out of options. I figured this out when I got a text at 3:45 a.m.: “Ms Becky, do you think I could take a shower at the Peace House? It’s been a few days since I had one and I smell. I am embarrassed to go to school.” A younger sibling had received “a bird bath” in the bathroom at Wawa, but that wouldn’t do for the older kids. Quickly at UrbanPromise we formed a small care team, and our students took showers and we fed them breakfast, then I started calling shelters. “I’m sorry, we’re full.” “They don’t fit our criteria.” “They would need background checks and that takes 3 days.” “We are full.” “We are full.” “Sorry, we are full.”!! We tried to pull strings, calling the head of Volunteers of America. Could they find space? We were told to send Mom to downtown Camden, where we were promised she would be given a motel room if all the shelters were full. One minor detail that was forgotten – she works – so she didn’t qualify for help!! Even though she only has 2 part-time jobs right now, had just enough money for food and the down payment she would need for a new home. That’s when I got angry for love (a favorite John Philip Newell quote of mine) – something I can feel again burning in my chest as I type this. Why don’t I read about all the shelters being full in the news? Why does someone get penalized because they work? How many families are out there like this that don’t have a place like UrbanPromise helping them? This was crazy. We let them stay for a few days in the Peace House. That’s not what it’s meant for, and we were lucky that we are currently low on professional interns and happened to have the room. I finally found a church that provides shelter from 7p-7a in a near by town – although one county over, so there was concern about crossing the county line. And the new section 8 house was supposed to be available on October 17…but a call last week pushed it back to this weekend. There is so much going on beneath the radar of those of us who live in stable conditions. My stress level was off the wall, and I have a roof over my head, full belly…and I don’t smell because I have ready access to my daily shower. Imagine functioning well in society without all that. What a challenge.

Becky Bryan

Golfers Contribute to Feed My Starving Children

Scott Durham presents check to Gerry Rice.

Check Out Becky Bryan’s Blog


Primetimers’ Thanksgiving Luncheon on November 12 will feature roast turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, dressing, cranberry sauce, green peas, zucchini bread and apple pie. Please make reservations by Friday, November 7.

Following the luncheon, please plan to stay for Kennedy Health System’s program “Stroke Prevention” at 1:00 p.m. in the Parlor.

Plan to Attend Consecration Sunday November 16

A Brilliant Idea! We are so proud! At a time when teenagers are looking for (or experiencing a lack of) meaning for their lives in secular and sometimes inappropriate places, we have young people who are and have been committed to service, study, and worship in our community of faith. When they are ready to go to college we always hope to celebrate their commitment and their continued journey by awarding scholarships to support and encourage them.

The challenge is to fund these scholarships for those who need and deserve them. The Board of Deacons has brainstormed ways of finding scholarship money for this fund. We have talked about the always popular restaurant night or making an appeal to the congregation for their generosity. (As if you have never had those before.)

We are hoping you will have a clever, creative idea for raising funds. Perhaps you have thought, “Gee, I wonder why they don’t try . . .” or “Maybe . . . would generate some serious funds for scholarships.” Please give the Scholarship Fund a little thought and come up with a suggestion that just may be the brilliant idea we need. When that splendid thought comes to you please email it to Skip Bean, Scholarship Fund Chair, at The Board of Deacons and the future scholarship recipients thank you.

Deacons’ Bench


We begin our focus on the holidays in November and there are many ways to help out. Remember to bring your double-bagged frozen turkeys to church on November 23rd. Cash donations will also be gratefully accepted.

Be on the look-out for items to fill the Toy Box that will appear in the Parlor, and don’t forget hats, mittens, scarves, and gloves for the Mitten Tree that will decorate the sanctuary.

Information about Alternative Gifts that will benefit organizations such as Heifer International and Urban Promise will be available in the parlor. And don’t forget - whenever you’re shopping on Amazon, enter Amazon’s website through our church website and First Presbyterian Church will earn a percentage of your sales. All you have to do is click on the Give tab on our homepage and Amazon Partnership is one of the options. Tell your family and friends!

Decisions! Decisions!

It’s hard to believe that Christmas is less than two months away. As you decide how to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, please consider alternative gifts from Heifer International. Once again, the Mission and Christian Ed. Committees will provide access to gifts that offer hope, health and economic opportunity to adults and children in the USA and around the world. In addition to training and supplies to raise animals, choices include investing in a child’s education, providing clean water and/or cooking stoves, empowering women and strengthening communities. Share your love with family and friends in a way that honors Christ’s teachings. Our Heifer Living Market will be available throughout the Advent season. If you are able to help man the Heifer table at the Advent Festival or after any of the Sunday worship services during Advent, please contact Rita Brown at or 856-768-3293.

Twelve Months of Mission


 The number of neighbors who are hungry continues to grow! Please come to church on Sunday with your canned and dried food goods. Thanks!


Parish Register

Baptisms Maxwell Seaver Butcher

son of Lindsey and Todd Butcher

Michael Robert England son of Dana and Kevin England

Joined the Church Triumphant

William Scull September 26

Sallie Langner September 30

Alice Chase October 8

Fall Social Committee Looking for Auction Donations

If you can help, please contact Denise Brubaker at or call 856 216-0617.



2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21

Daylight Saving Time Ends 8:15 Worship, Ch 9:30 Worship, S 9:30 Abrahamic Faith Class 9:30 Sunday School 11:00 Worship, S 4:00 New Member Class

Preschool Closed Haddonfield School Break 9:00 Aerobics, FH 10:30 Bible Study, P 6:45 Thos. Sherrerd Choir 7:30 Kirk Ringers

9:00 Aerobics, FH 9:30 Mom to Mom, 2R 9:30 Preschool Rehearsal, S 10:30 Bible Study, P 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 12:45 Preschool Rehearsal, S 1:00 Stroke Prevention, P 3:45 Chapel/Cherub 4:30 Alleluia/Carol 5:30 Whitechapel Bells 6:45 Thomas Sherrerd,CR 7:30 Kirk Ringers 8:15 HS Bible Study, LH

9:00 Aerobics, FH 9:30 Preschool Rehearsal, S 9:30 Sr. Ministry, 2R 10:30 Bible Study, P 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 12:00 Primetimers, HC 12:45 Preschool Rehearsal, S 3:00 New Visions Cooking, K 3:45 Chapel/Cherub 4:30 Alleluia/Carol 5:30 Whitechapel Bells 6:45 Thomas Sherrerd,CR 7:30 Kirk Ringers 8:15 HS Bible Study, LH

8:15 Worship 9:30 Sunday School 9:30 Worship, S 9:30 Abrahamic Faith Class 11:00 Worship, S 12:00 Soup Sunday, FH 5:45 Hayride, MS & HS

8:15 Worship 9:00 Stewardship Brunches 9:30 Sunday School 9:30 Abrahamic Faith Class 9:30 Worship, S 11:00 Worship, S 12:00 Mission Trip Mtng., S 5:00 MS Youth, Lighthouse 6:30 HS Youth, Lighthouse

Anniversary Sunday 8:15 Worship 9:30 Sunday School 9:30 Abrahamic Faith Class 9:30 Worship, S 11:00 Worship, S MS & HS Pack College Care

Preschool Closed Haddonfield School Break 9:00 Aerobics, FH 9:30 Quilters 1:00 Water Aerobics, Cadbury 7:00 Dance, FH

9:00 Sogetsu, HC 9:00 Aerobics , FH 9:30 Quilters 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 1:00 Water Aerobics, Cadbury 5:00 Count, HC 7:00 Dance, FH

9:00 Aerobics, FH 9:30 Quilters, 2R 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 1:00 Water Aerobics, Cadbury 5:00 Count, HC 7:00 LeLeche, HC 7:00 Session/Deacons 7:00 Dance, FH

9:00 Aerobics, FH 9:30 4s’ Program 9:30 Quilters, 2R 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 12:45 4s’ Program 1:00 Water Aerobics, Cadbury 5:00 Count, HC 7:00 Dance, FH

Election Day Preschool Closed Haddonfield School Break 9:00 Aerobics, FH 10:00 Staff Meeting, 2R 10:00 Senior Exercise, CR 11:00 Tai chi

Veterans’ Day 8:00 Men’s Breakfast 9:30 Preschool Rehearsal, S 10:00 Senior Exercise, CR 10:00 Staff Meeting, 2R 11:00 Tai Chi 11:00 Glad Tidings Deadline 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 12:45 Preschool Rehearsal 7:30 Bible to Daily Life

9:00 Aerobics, FH 10:00 Senior Exercise, CR 10:00 Staff Meeting, 2R 11:00 Tai Chi 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 6:30 Parables of the Pub

Preschool Closed Haddonfield School Break 9:00 Aerobics, FH 6:30 Moore Bells, BR 6:30 Christian Ed. Mtng. 7:30 Chancel Choir, CR

9:00 Aerobics, FH 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 6:30 Moore Bells, BR 7:30 Chancel Choir, CR

9:00 Aerobics, FH 9:30 Preschool Rehearsal, S 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 12:45 Preschool Rehearsal, S 6:30 Moore Bells, BR 7:30 Chancel Choir, CR

Preschool Closed Haddonfield School Break 9:00 Aerobics, FH

9:00 Aerobics, FH 11:30 Creative Movement, FH

HS Retreat/Johnsonburg 9:00 Aerobics, FH 11:30 Creative Movement, FH

Betsy B. Lancaster Trip 22

23 249:00 Aerobics, FH 9:30 3s’ ThanksgivingProgram 10:00 Staff Meeting, 2R 10:00 Senior Exercise, CR 11:00 Tai Chi 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 7:30 Bible to Daily Life

25 26 30Preschool Closed No Choirs 9:00 Caring Hearts, FH, K 9:00 Parade 10:30 Bible Study, P 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 8:00 Ecumenical Thanksgiving

9:00 Aerobics, FH 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 6:30 Moore Bells, BR 7:30 Chancel Choir, CR

November 2014

Fall Special, Polieros’ 9:45 Presby. Women, P

28 2927

11:00 Alice Chase Funeral 4:00 Hadley Wedding, S

THANKSGIVING Preschool Closed Church Closed

Preschool Closed Church Closed

1st Sunday of ADVENT 8:15 Worship 9:30 Sunday School 9:30 Worship, S 11:00 Worship, S 5:00 ADVENT FESTIVAL

Photo by Glad Tidings Photographer Joe Routon on

National Geographic Webpage

(left) Joe Routon’s photo of a shepherd with his sheep, on a road by an aqueduct near Rome, recently appeared on National Geographic’s webpage as one of its Favorite Photos: Scenes of Italy.

(left) Joe’s photo of Erice Rock in Sicily was used in an ad for Smithsonian Journeys, and his photo of Manarola, Italy, (above) was selected for the cover of Budget Travel Magazine. His pictures have also appeared in The InterDependent, a publication of the United Nations; in Shutterbug Photography Magazine; and in the Philadelphia Inquirer, among others.

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