Give The Gift of Beautiful Skin - Skin Care · Give The Gift of Beautiful Skin Janice Ferrante Skincare Naturals ©2008

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Give The Gift of Beautiful Skin

Janice FerranteSkincare Naturals


DISCLAIMER: This eGuide is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to replace professional advice or your own judgment. Due to personal preferences and individual ingredients, environments and methods, no guarantees are provided as to your satisfaction with the recipes or instruction provided.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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It gives me great pleasure to see a return to handcrafting and creativity among younger people today, as well as the “gently seasoned” :0)

Early in life, my grandmother taught me to knit, crochet, sew and do preserves – annually we did peaches and tomatoes and beets together.

It somehow brought me peace, back to the “good old days”, when people where more connected to nature, it's beauty and it's incredible bounty.

Maybe it's because of this that in my eyes, today’s world has become plastic and superficial. Everything and everyone must be perfect.

I often see a cookie cutter society where people are afraid to give of themselves. Afraid that the fruit from their own hands is substandard to mass produced merchandise containing no heart... no soul.

But ask yourself, what would you rather receive? Something beautiful... or even a little funny looking, that you will enjoy... something given with time, effort and thought invested, uniquely for you... even if it isn't “perfect”.

Or something “picked up” from the store, amongst a pack of holiday shoppers, stressed out and tired, all wondering… what to buy…

I don’t know about you, but I’d go for option one!

Since you're reading this eGuide, I assume that you are also looking to give your loved ones something special. Something that will be good for

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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them, good for the planet and something that will make them think of you every time they use it.

Inside this guide you will find everything you need to “make it special” this Christmas with recipes, techniques, information and resources.

I am especially pleased to include contributions from some of most esteemed and talented natural soap and skin care crafters to be found on the internet today.

It is with my pleasure and many thanks that we are able to present this eGuide to you.

Wishing you all the best in your gift giving adventures to come.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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Before We Get Started…• Safety First• What About Making Soap?• Ingredients• Preservation• Preservation or Antioxidant?• Measuring and Converting Recipes• Essential Oil Dilution Chart

Recipes – Give the Gift of Beautiful Skin• In The Tub – Just Say AHHHH!

o Fizzing Bath Silko Muskoka Snow/Ballso Handmade Bath Beadso Bath Bombs

• Scrubs and Maskso Winter Wonderland Body Polisho A Day in the Life of a Sugar Scrub – a true story

• Balms and Salveso Christmas Kiss Lip Balmo Solid Perfume

• Essential Oilso Making Scentso Christmas Time Essential Oil Blends

Make It Special Christmas Resources • More Handmade Christmas Gift and Decoration Ideas.• Get Organized This Christmas • Free Christmas Printables, Tags and Downloads.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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Before We Get Started...


When making natural creations of any kind, we are very often tempted to be lulled by the natural aspect into thinking that they are safe.

The truth is that although there are many advantages to going natural, all natural ingredients are not safe, and almost any can cause damage or suffering in the wrong hands.

A few good rules of thumb to follow…

CHILDREN, PETS, HUSBANDS, WIVES AND OTHER UFO’S (unrestrained flying objects) should NEVER be in your work area when you are creating, unless they have authorized permission from you, which you should never give unless you are totally sure that the area is “secured”.

Let me spell it out – OUT. Unless you are working with them under close supervision in an age appropriate task, make it a rule that no one is allowed in your working space. That may mean getting a babysitter, or working on your creations when the children are in bed.

In my years on the internet, I have read a few heart breaking stories, all containing soap making accidents, but non the less, like any accident, they could have been prevented with this simple rule.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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Prepare beforehand, let everyone get what they need before you start. I'm not kidding around :0)

This is of utmost importance when making soap, but it is required when making other things as well. Not only is there a chance of injury if the wrong ingredient lands in the wrong place, but there is also the fact that if you are interrupted, you can make a mistake on your recipe and have it not turn out. This can merely make it not so nice, washing your time and money down the drain, or it can have the potential make certain ingredients become too strong causing irritation etc.

Talk to your family beforehand so that they are well aware of the rules and why.


Be sure to clean up when you are finished. Wipe everything down well and also be sure to store your supplies safely. Again, some ingredients are not child friendly, and can result in pain or injury if messed with.

Some essential oils, such as eucalyptus, can be fatal in large doses.



Do an internet search on any products you are using to check on safety precautions.

Citric acid can be irritating when inhaled or if gotten in eyes. So can mica, clays and other fine powders.

It is often a lot of fun for kids to help make bath bombs or bath milks etc and it is certainly fine to allow it. But they are low to the table, and may wipe their eyes with their hands as well, so I would suggest letting you add the citric acid and being clear to them not to touch any body parts while handling. When it is slightly dampened with the other ingredients, it is no longer such a respiratory problem but it will sting eyes or any open cuts, rashes etc. And don't let anyone sniff the bag :0)

A NOTE: on using bath bombs etc with your child. They can be a lot of fun, especially if your child helps to make them. When we did this, my

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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daughter was quite young and took a lot of baths just for the novelty. We where starting to think she was part fish.

After a few days of bathing she ended up with a urinary tract infection. I took her to the Dr. who wanted to do full and invasive testing as it can happen that some young girls do have a serious infection that needs to be prevented from reoccuring.

As I was suspecting the bath bombs, I requested some time. It went away never to return. I am not suggesting that it is bad to use bath bombs or other bath products, but it is best to use anything in moderation.

Various preservatives and other chemical ingredients, if used are often an irritant and nothing that children should be playing with either.


Sometimes you will be heating oils or melting waxes and butters. Not only again, is this not the place for children, but much care should be taken to prevent any accidental fires.

Remember at all times when heating oils, butters or waxes that it is just like cooking with food oils in the kitchen, they are highly flammable and must be watched at all times.

Watch your temperatures and don’t ever leave the stove unattended. Be sure to have a fire extinguisher nearby – you should have one in your kitchen at any rate.

Here is a website with some info on fire safety, oils and fire extinguishers.

I like to use a double boiler system. It is much safer than heating oil directly on the stove, with I highly do not recommend. Or a crockpot can be used as well.

You can see much more detail on this in the bonus section – All About Making Body Butters included with your Gift Giving eGuide.

Have I got you shaking in your boots? It may sound scary but it really is just the same as anything else. If you are for armed with knowledge and willing to work responsibly, you are ready to have some fun.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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Thousands of women and men all over the world enjoy making their own skin care gifts and some even go on to develop their own business.


I would recommend that anyone do this, even when trying store bought items for the first time. There is almost an incalculable number of people and combinations of things that they can be allergic or sensitive to.

So it is highly recommended to either create a small bit of literature to include with your gift, or put a small warning on the label to try the product on a test area first to be sure that there is no adverse effect.

I have to let you in on a little story, it’s kind of embarrassing but how else will we learn?

When I first started out I was totally pumped by the healing power of all of these ingredients.

My father in law had a rash on his leg so I wanted to make him a salve. Being inexperienced, I decided to put some jasmine essential oil that I had received in it.

I was trying to make it “the best” but in my gusto I forgot to tell him to test a small patch area first – on second thought, I may have told him but he forgot, another thing to be aware of, you may need to spell it out :0) People are used to applying first and asking questions later!So he slathered it all over his lower leg and put his rubber boots on to go to work. Wouldn’t you know it, he had a reaction which caused him to now have a rash all over his lower leg where the rubber boots had been. It was glaringly obvious that it was my salve, because he looked like he was wearing red knee socks.

The reason for this was a) jasmine probably wasn't the most gentle choice, b) the heat generated inside of the rubber boots made the essential oils highly absorbant.

Surprisingly, I am still married and have never got much flack about that one! But my mother in law swears by my soaps. My father in law uses Dove :0)

The whole thing could have been avoided with a small warning and the following of advice to do a small test patch first.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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Soap making is in a whole class of it’s own as far as safety goes and is beyond the scope of this eGuide. More in depth information will be covered in our eGuide – All About Soap Making.

If you would like to make soap but are unsure, I would recommend the book that I have been using for a few years called Soap Naturally. It is available in the resource section below.

Or, you can purchase an online video set that shows you exactly how. I wish I had one when I started! It really makes it much easier. For me, when I was learning, the hard part was envisioning exactly how the whole process was supposed to go. As I got more experienced, I had others asking me to show them, for the same reason.

Now you can simply purchase a video and watch it at your leisure, and not have to pay for expensive classes.

If you are a teacher, you can use the videos as a classroom tool.


Now we are getting to the fun stuff! Using various ingredients is like building a puzzle and it can be addicting just the same!

Learning about the various oils, herbs, scents and natural additives - and their combinations can be exhilarating and is a lot of the fun.

There is nothing like researching exactly what you would like your product to do, and then putting together exactly what you want.

There is a lot of playing involved. Trial and error.

Creating your own recipes can be a lot of fun and extremely rewarding, everyone likes playing the mad scientist now and again. It can be disappointing when your “baby” doesn’t turn out the way you had planned, but sometimes that works in your favour. Who knows how many accidental masterpieces are floating around out there.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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As a person who doesn’t seem to have the innate ability to make a recipe completely following the recipe given, I must say that I would recommend you do that to begin if you have never had any experience before.

This allows you to see what the recipe should be like, and to tweak it from there.

When your supplies arrive for the recipes you choose to make, you will get a much better idea of exactly how each ingredient feels, smells and what effect each has on your skin.

That is also a lot of fun and allows you to make an educated guess as to what changes you might want to make to any recipe.

It has always amazed me how even the smallest tweak can effect the finished outcome.

Rather than reinvent the wheel, I am going to suggest you browse the websites that we have provided in the resources area for ingredient information.

Each of these websites where chosen for their superior knowledge and high industry standards. I’ve purchased from some of them myself. And in case you are wondering, I get no kickback for listing them here, but it does give me the opportunity to make this eGuide a much better resource for you.


Although for the recipes in this eGuide, you will not need to deal with the preservative issue, I have included information for your information. You will need to use an antioxidant, so I suggest you be sure to read that section.

There is a very divided camp on the issue of preservation. Ultimately you will need to decide for yourself if you would like to use them or not, and what you would like to use.

If you can find it, there is an all natural preservative (listed through the FDA as an extract) called Suprapein put out by Bio Botanica, one of a series that they have released. You can see their website here.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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You can read an interesting article written in 2006 about the growth and availability of natural preservatives.

This in itself is quite a development. I remember when I was first delving into making my own skin care items in 2000, it was like asking to take a long walk off a short cliff at the mere suggestion of the use of a natural preservative… but… there were not the products available as there are now due to large public interest in them after health concerns as to the ingredients and long term and cross use effects in synthetic preservatives, which by the way, are what are in almost any product you will buy over the counter.

And there weren't as many public studies or easy access to information including finding parabens in breast tissue etc, many people were happy to cross their fingers. Many were not.

You have made a huge step in taking control of your own consumer choices by choosing to make your own gifts, for giving and even for yourself.

The one thing that you want to be most aware of when choosing a preservative, is that you are better to choose one that is paraben free. One of my favourites is Optiphen™, but there are many more choices out there now days.


That is the other question. The answer is that it depends. It depends on what the product is, who you are giving it to, where it will be stored and how it will be used and how strongly you feel about the preservative issue.

Some people will not use a product without a preservative added, some people will not use one with a preservative added.

Regardless of your personal choice, additional care must be taken when giving your products away or selling them.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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I prefer to keep my lotions in the fridge or freezer. This is not always practical, especially when gift giving or selling.

I don’t preserve my body butters but many do in case moisture is introduced during use.

Water + Oil = Nasties sooner or later.

The problem is that you can’t always see them. This creates a situation where some people like to be better safe than sorry.

In the other camp, some people prefer not to take the risk of polluting their bodies with any more unproven chemicals than they need and would rather take precautions to keep their product fresh.

Another way that it can be done is to store a larger amount in the fridge or freezer and store a smaller amount in a small bottle for use, refilling as needed, keeping good storage practices in mind – temperature, air, light.

The best way as a general rule to prolong the shelf life of anything is to keep it cold or frozen, stored as airtight as possible and away from heat or light. Ironically, bathrooms are one of the most hazardous places to store your personal care products, due to the heat and humidity.

Look at the facts and make your own informed decision.


Sometimes the use of preservatives and antioxidants are confused.

A preservative is used to stop the growth of molds, fungus and other nasties that will occur sooner or later in any water/oil combination (this includes butters if water is introduced. Some ingredients may contain a natural amount of moisture as well, so it's something to be aware of and always making an effort to prevent.). Preservatives are not meant to kill such germs that are already in the product or container, or that are air-born when you are in production.

Anti oxidants are used to prolong the shelf life of oils. They will keep oils from going rancid, but will not “fix” an oil that is already so.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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Some examples of antioxidants are vitamin e, rosemary seed extract (roe), lecithin and citric acid.

Citric acid is water soluble in most forms and will help adjust the ph of a lotion to make it stay fresh longer. It will also help to keep anything that may be prone to oxidization that is water soluble fresh such as fruit.

I stumbled on this blog that has got quite a few interesting posts about her experiences with using natural preservatives. I thought you might enjoy it.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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Here are a few handy reference charts. In some cases you can use tsp or tbsp in place of grams if you don't have a scale.

It is also useful for adding essential oils, it is important to use the proper dilution. Using to much can result in burning, itching, rash and/or sensitization.


You may find this chart helpful if you want to mix up an oz or two of your blend. A simple example of how you could use this chart is that if you have a blend of 3 equal parts and you want to blend one fluid oz for a soap recipe, just use 10ml of each. Since most blends aren't that convenient, it can be a little tricky converting parts to ml while keeping the ratio of oils to one that works, but it can be done with a little playing and can save you a lot of time dripping drops!

1 teaspoon 5 ml 100 drop (dependent on

2 teaspoons 10ml 200 drops oil used)

3 teaspoons 1 tablespoon 15ml

1 tablespoon 15ml 1/2oz

2 tablespoons 30ml 1 fluid oz

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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This essential oil dilutions chart will be a handy reference when making your own product containing essential oils. While using essential oils is extremely pleasant and beneficial, it is very important that you do not over use, this can result in sensitivity, pain and other complications.1% dilution 6 drops 30ml/1oz

2.5% dilution 15 drops 30ml/1oz

5% dilution 30 drops 30ml/1oz

Source –

ONE LAST THINGThe best thing about making it yourself, is that you get to unleash your own creativity, have a little fun, play!

Don't be shy about tweaking the recipes to suit yourself. It might help to run through them once making a small batch, and go from there.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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I've always loved bath bombs in the bath but found that I wanted something a bit more emollient (gotta love that word :0) I've never been able to figure out how to make a true oil bead naturally, but I find these do the trick. They are a gentler alternative to a basic bath bomb. OIL PORTION I've always loved bath bombs in the bath but found that I wanted something a bit more emollient (gotta love that word :0)

I've never been able to figure out how to make a true oil bead naturally, but I find these do the trick.

20g cocoa butter5 g virgin coconut oil5g meadowfoam or other oil


1 part salt of choice1 part citric acid2 parts baking soda2 parts corn starch2 parts goat milk powder

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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2 parts course sea salts or epsom salts (blood pressure warning)1 part mineral salts (or sea salt)

Add 90g (3oz) of the powder base to the oil portion. (HINT: You can mix up several portions of the oil portion and use later.

You can even package a few and send along with a few pre measured packages of the powder and other ingredients to give to your crafty friends, or sell at your craft shows as a kit. Try it out for yourself first though so that you can make any tweaks according to your own preferences.

21 drops rose geranium (france) essential oil13 drops rose geranium (egyptian) essential oil10 drops rose otto/jojoba10%

You can adjust these oils to your taste and according to your availability.

The egyptian rose geranium was an light geranium oil that I had access to a few years ago and blended well with the deeper, green, rose geranium from France. You may only be able to find one kind, that will do.

The genuine rose really adds to the authentic rose scent, but it is not necessary if you can't get it or afford it. I bought mine from Marge at Nature's Gift and have been wanting more ever since. I think it could be my most favourite essential oil I have ever purchased.

You can scent these balls any way you like and match up the herbs to go with the scent.

One note, if you are using lavender buds, it's a good idea to grind them, they look like little mouse poops in the tub.

My note – try lavender unground in tub to see what they look like.

Herb ideas – calendula, rose, lavender, jasmine, chamomile, sunflower.

NOTE: GRIND COARSE INGREDIENTS SUCH AS EPSOM SALTS TO FINE POWDER IN COFFEE GRINDER Dry rose petals - slightly crumbled - use as many as looks right to you.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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METHOD: Melt the cocoabutter, remove from heat and add the virgin coconut de crème or virgin coconut oil. It will melt into the cocoabutter.

While this is going on, measure 80g of powder base into a large bowl. Pour the liquid oils into the powder a little at a time stirring constantly (I just use my hand to mush it around)

Add your essential oils after your oils. Squeeze tightly into approx 12g balls. Immediately run a bath and test them out! (they may be a little slippery, so be careful getting out of the tub)


21 drops rose geranium (france) essential oil13 drops rose geranium (egyptian) essential oil10 drops rose otto/jojoba10%

Makes approximately 4 x 19g balls.

The nice thing about the rose balls, or almost any of the bath recipes is that you can tweak them to suit the recipient. For example, if you or your loved on likes to soak in epsom salts, then it's a really nice way to have them, just sub more or all of the salt for epsom salts, if they prefer milk baths, then use a larger percentage of goat milk powder. (NOTE- TRY OTHER POWDERS I HAVE – BUTTERMILK, YOGURT ETC)


1 1/3 cup baking soda½ cup cornstarch (you can use 1 cup for added silkiness)2 cups full fat goat milk powder1 cup epsom salts1 - 1 1/2 cup fine sea salt

I shave some cocoabutter into it, just go by feel on that so that there are a few pieces here and there, they melt up nicely in the tub and don't leave a mucky mess in the tub. Add a handful orwhat ever looks nice of the dried flowers. I use rose petals for the rose bath.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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I also have jasmine flowers that I use to do a more sensual one using thesandalwood blend, for soap I cut it with some awesome autumn blend.

Keep in mind that the dried flowers can clog a drain. If you can find a mesh drain cover to add with the parcel, that's terrific. Or you can also package the Soothing Bath Milk into individual bags to use in the tub like tea bags so that the mess doesn't go into the drain.

You can use cheesecloth if you don't have access to anything fancier.

A bit of some kind of protein, such as hydrolyzed silk or milk protein will give it a silky feel, use a little bit mixing well with your fingers so that it doesn't clum, or you can use some of the nice powders on the market now such as vena silk, a vast selection is available at The Herbarie.


. 1 1/3 cup baking soda

. ½ cup citric acid

. ½ cup cornstarch

. 2 cups full fat goat milk powder (you can use the other stuff but it isn't assilky). 1 cup epsom salts. 1 cup cornstarch. 1 - 1 1/2 cup fine sea salt. A few drops Hydrolized Milk Protein

I shave some cocoabutter into it, just go by feel on that and also a handful orwhat ever looks right of the dried flowers. I use rose petals for the rose bath.I also have jasmine flowers that I use to do a more sensual one using thesandalwood blend, for soap I cut it with some awesome autumn blend.

I put a few drops of hydrolyzed milk protein in, just a bit so it doesn't clump.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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3/4 cup baking soda1/2 cup citric acid1/2 cup cornstarch1/3 cups epsom salts1/4 cup goat milk powder (a tad more if you want)

The interesting part that I have a few questions on is with the next part.Usually I have not had any large problems with bath bombs. This time I usedmelted coco butter and witch hazel, two items I don't usually use and had somemajor cracking, they are very hard on the outside though.

So I made more using hydrosols, which I usually use for the liquid (just sprayit on until it's the consistency I like) and the cocoa butter. They are muchbetter but look like some of them may want to crack yet. So I'm wondering whateveryone else uses for the liquid and oil. I really like to use cocoa butter ifthat's not contributing. (It was 2 1/2tbsp cocoa butter).

The other thing I made was a bath milk with citric acid. I just used a bitbecause I had another recipe to test today (such a touch job :0) but there wasplenty of fizz to it. I just made a slight adjustment to the milk bath recipethat was posted to one of the other lists a few days ago (that was the otherrecipe I tested and I really liked it)

So I put 2 parts oatmeal, 4 parts gmp, 2 parts epsom salts, 2 parts citric acid(you could possibly reduce that a bit, I haven't tried it yet though) 1 partcornstarch and 3 parts baking soda. I put some rose petals in and scented withrose and a drop of neroli, it's very nice although I may work on it a bit yet.The other one I scented with vetiver, frankincence and a bit of vanilla I think,I love it.

I get a real kick out of the bath bombs (and one more question!) I found ajello mold in the salvation army for 50¢ this summer, it's like a bunch of

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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grapes with faces on them. So I scented one with a really sweet vanilla and putmica in them to give them a sort of vanilla colour and call them Vanella Fella'sand did the other ones with brightish multi colours and scented with litsea andmango lip flavour and call them Candy Andy (they smell really great, thequestion is can I use lip flavours on other skin products such as bath bombs andlotions?)

● MULTI BASE – How to easily make ahead the base mix and use it to make Bath Bombs, Fizzing Bath Silk and Muskoka Snow or Muskoka Snow Balls.

2 cups baking soda1 cup cornstarch1 cup fine Epsom salts1 cup sea salts

- Bath Bombs - add 1 cup citric acid to 5 cups base.- Fizzing Bath Silk - add 2 cups gmp and 1 cup citric acid to 5 cups base.- Muskoka Snow Balls - Add 2 cups Epsom salt, 4 tbsp cb, 4 tbsp vco.- Muskoka Snow - 3 cups Epsom salts mixed with glycerin for shine, 3 cups solar salt, 3 cups fine salt.

When making any dry mixes, it is important to mix well. I find the easiest way is to use my hands and knead/smoosh away until all the clumps are out and any oil or liquids are well dispersed.

You can buy very good silicone gloves in most major department stores in the cleaning section.

You may also want to wear a dust mask, or take special care not to inhale the particles.


You can make a nice fragrant bath oil with your favourite base oil and the addition of a nice essential oil or two.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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A lighter oil is usually a little easier to clean off the tub, it may not be as slippery and will give the same softening effect.

CAUTION: Any bath products containing oils or butters will create a slippery environment. Always be aware and provide warnings to take care when getting out of the tub or shower.


Makes 2 cups

1oz virgin coconut oil (or monoi or natural coconut oil).5oz refined shea butter .5oz cocoabutter (refinded or unrefined, depending on if you want the scent or not)6oz soap mix (or 2oz oil of your choice + 1oz liquid castile or a gentle liquid soap).5oz glycerin½ teaspoon kaolin clay – optional – helps to thicken and cut the oil a bit.small glump of vitamin e25 drops essentail oils of choiceFood colouring.

Mix the soap mix with the the melted virgin coconut oil and cocoa butter (see instructions below) then add the vitamin e. Add your essential oils if you are using them, being sure to blend well.

Prepare sugar by adding the glycerin, this helps to keep it shiney, works very well with coarse salts. Add any food colouring.

Stir oils into the sugar.

Spoon into jars.

NOTE: This polish was designed specifically not to leak, a common problem with bottling many scrubs as the oil has a tendency to seep or leak out of the lids of the jars. But I can't guarantee it, so keep this in mind when packaging or shipping.

Scrubs or polishes look great in mason jars. These are also a little more secure than plastic, but keep in mind the breakage issue.

Also, at this percentage, the virgin coconut oil doesn't give off a huge scent, if you want it, you may want to substitute some into the soap mix oil. The coconut oils do go solid at

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room temperature, so you may have to play a little to get it the right texture, it will vary depending on room temperature. In a very warm room it will go very soft or liquid, in a cold room, it will be quite hard if used 100%

To Make the Soap Mix

Grate or finally slice/chop 2oz handmade soap. I prefer 100% coconut soap for this, but any soap will do. If you are going for a white finished skin polish you will want to use a white soap.

Store bought soap won't dissolve as nicely or be as gentle on the skin.

Soak the soap in 8oz oil of your choice. Use a heavier oil for a heavier scrub, a lighter oil for a lighter scrub.

If you want a white finished scrub, you must use a clear or white oil. It doesn't take much to throw the colour off.

Hazelnut, fractionated coconut and sunflower oil are clear, the fractionated coconut is the lightest and most stable of the 3.

Soak the soap in the oil for about ½ hour, the longer you soak it, the easier it will mix into the oil.

When you are ready, put the mixture into your blender and liquefy. Or use your stick blender. A narrow but tall container works best.

It will mix up quite nicely, if you have a few tiny pieces, it isn't a huge deal.

To Melt The Cocoa Butter and Virgin Coconut Oil

These oils can be melted quite easily if you have some metal mixing bowls. I put the oils into a small one, you can melt the cocoa butter first, then add the virgin coconut oil.

I poured boiling water into a medium sized metal bowl. If you are only using virgin coconut oil or shea in a recipe, you can do this with hot tap water. Be very careful, keeping the bowls to the back of the counter to avoid accidental spillage off of the counter and onto yourself.

Also, the bottom metal bowl will be very hot.

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Then I popped two large metal bowls on top to weigh it down and keep it in the water, and to make a cover to hold the heat in. You can use a pot lid if you have one that fits and is heavy enough.

It is important to adjust the water level so that it doesn't over flow into your oil bowl when you put it in the water.

Also, watch for steam when you remove, both to be sure that you don't burn yourself, and so that no water drips into the oils, this can promote spoilage. I always keep a clean tea towel handy for wiping and condensation.

Adding Colour

You can jazz any of the salt/sugar items up by colouring them with food colour. I've tried clays but find their colour just isn't bright enough, they look a little like colourful mud, go figure!

You can add drops of food colouring to the dry salts before mixing. Try red and/or green layered with white for an original Christmas colour combination. Just be sure not to mix the red and green salts together, or you will also get mud.

You can leave it all white for a Snow Scrub, especially if you are using a fresh scent like a mint blend.

Adding Essential Oils

It is very important to be sure that your essential oils are thoroughly mixed into any product you are using them in. This keeps the dilution uniform and prevents over exposure that can result in rash, burning or sensitivity.

You can find a selection of winter/Christmas essential oil blend ideas in the essential oil section below, or you can explore your own using the free aromapedia download. I have used this a lot over the years.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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Below is a reproduction of a true event. Places and names have been changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent :0)

Day 1: Look up notes on other perfected sugar scrub, don't do that one, nononono. That's boring. Reformulate to do different look and scent but try for same feel using different oils.

Perfect, just the way it is, so add some more stuff. Darn, now it's too sticky, oily, scrubby (insert descriptive description of your choice here). Start over and stop when you think it was perfect before (first go to computer and kiss it 3 times because you still have the original recipe on it so you won't need to guess what is under all the pencil/pen scribbles and notes on the scrap of paper you usually use).

Finish batch 2. Hmm, doesn't feel AS good, but it feels pretty good. Not quite the right colour either, scent is close. Leave it, it might get better with age and go on to another scrub from the original recipe, it should be a snap.

Day 2: Try original recipe subbing only 1 oil. One big whopping red, smelly oil. Puts whole base off but continue on as if nothing is different, where there is a will, there is a way! Double recipe with confidence, which withers slowly as progress is made.

Finish the the easy recipe, because you can't find the one that you know you wrote down, painstakingly, every detail, because it rivaled any $40.00 oz sugar scrub in existence, consider dumping this batch in the garbage because it stinks, expected retail value 4 cents.

Think about starting over and ponder how many baths and showers it will take to use all this sugar scrub.

Go sit in the bugs, it's bug season after all, and test the bug spray you are working on. But the bugs won't bite even before you put the spray on, so just go sit in the bugs and ponder th next move.


Inspiration hits.

Take a jar of body butter, dump it in a Pyrex measuring cup, put equal amount of regular white sugar (there is no turbundo, organic fine or demarco... left anyway), stir together. Run to the bathroom to test it. It's great! Total time, approximately 5 minutes.

Product due in store tomorrow. Times up.

Day 3: Up at crack of dawn to make quick version of sugar scrub through half closed eyes. Start to speed up after 3rd coffee.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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NOTE: for a quick and easy sugar or salt scrub, you can mix one part body butter with one part salt or sugar. If it is too thick, add oil to your liking. It's not really that hard :0) BTW, the funny thing is, that over time, the flopped sugar scrub was actually quite nice. I used it for a LONG time.


.5oz white beeswax beads1oz refined cocoabutter.3oz castor.6oz fractionated coconut oiloptional - small glump vegetable glycerinoptional - small glump honey20 to 25 drops essential oil (I used 10 drops peppermint and 10 drops spearmint, it's not over powering)

I've used all white ingredients here to keep to the white Christmas theme. If you aren't concerned with that, you can substitute any oils you would rather use.

Other white or clear oils that you can include are hazelnut or sunflower, they are both a little more emolient, but keep in mind the nut allergy issue and that they are not as stable as the coconut oils. You can also use virgin coconut, it is stark white but can be inconsistent depending on room temperature.

Christmas Kiss Essential Oil Blend

1 part Peppermint1 part Spearmint

Optional● A touch of vanilla. It won't mix completely through, so the bottom of the bowl will

have drops of vanilla, but it will lend a hint of vanilla to the finished lip balm.● Give it a really fresh touch with a few drops of white grapefruit or lemon/lime

essential oil.

Remember that mint oils can cause irritation in large amounts so you can use less of these. And don't forget that citrus essential oils can be photosensitizing if you wear them in the sun (they can make the skin more sensitive to sunlight), one reason I like to keep the dilution low and always provide warnings. If you know your recipient likes to wear lipbalm while skiing, be sure to tell her not to use yours if you have included a citrus oil.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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You can double the essential oils it if you'd like to make a great perfume stick, I love the freshness of the citrus oils and it is wonderful for young girls, just be sure to post the safety warnings your label.

Or you can use any essential oil blend of your choosing.

NOTE: If you add lip safe mica's to your base, always wear adjust mask. If you happen to have a beam of sunlight come through your window when you're working with them, you'll notice millions of tiny particles in the air. These are irritating to the respiratory system. Keep your kids away or require them to wear a mask as well if they're in the work area.

BASIC METHOD Many of you already have your lip balm making methods down to a science. This is the way I have been doing it and I find it seems to work quite well. First I wash a tin can and then fill to the brim with boiling water to be sure it's completely clean. Let it sit for awhile, dump while hot and place in 275^ oven until dry, or you can use a hairdryer, it helps to turn it upside down onto a clean towel for a few minutes first. You can do a bunch of these at a time and store in a sealed plastic bag for future use. Squeeze the can so that you have a pour spout. Put your lip balm tubes together, securing them with an elastic band. Set them on a plate. Measure the beeswax into your can. You can also add the cocoabutter. I usually add mine after the beeswax is melted, it is important that the beeswax be thoroughly melted or you will get rough particles in the finished lip balm.

Place the can in a pot of boiling water, similar to a double boiler system.


If you have a problem keeping the can upright, you can place something else in the pot to help secure it, just be careful if it is glass to warm it gradually so it doesn't crack. I find that keeping the lid on and bending it backwards will help hook it onto the pot as well.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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NOTE: You can use a regular double boiler system and pour the oils into the can for pouring when they are ready. Just warm the bowl and wipe it with a paper towel before you wash it. After both solids are melted, I take the can out of the water, and place on my scale. I keep a small plate with a dish cloth over it to absorb any dripping water. Tare your scale, then add the castor oil, give it a stir and then add your sweet almond, stir then add the avocado, stir then add your specialty oil. I stir (again) and wait a bit but not long enough for the base to start to solidify, then add the vitamin e and glycerin.

NOTE: It is also a good idea to measure your oils separately and then add them to the can in sequence. This way if the scale screws up or you add to much, you can fix it. Clean little plastic apple sauce or pudding containers are great for this. The glycerin can be a problem, like honey, to mix if the temps are too high, you have to be sure to stir often. I add it to give a wee bit of sweetness as well as for it's humectant qualities, but it can be a bit of a pain to work with, especially if you use too much in your recipe.

You may have some settle to the bottom resulting in the last tubes to be poured being sweeter and sometimes with pockets in them. If your making these for yourself it's not too serious, but if selling, it may be a good idea to watch the end of the batch, I usually keep these ones for myself.

When pouring from the pot be sure to wipe the bottom of the can to avoid getting water into the lip tube. It may be necessary to remelt the base as you are pouring, it solidifies quickly.

NOTE: I have a Tupperware can opener that rolls the edges down instead of cutting the can lid. I love it because it is very durable and doesn't rust, dishwasher proof etc, and gives me safe cans.

But I really liked it when I was using a can I had opened with it because there is no lip that can collect any food or dirt from the contents of the can and makes the pour completely smooth.

You can see it here

It may seem pricey, but it will last forever unless you loose it. I've been through numerous other can openers in the same time that I've had this one and it still looks like new.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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ESSENTIAL OILSI highly recommend when trying these blends that you experiment for yourself. Often blend ideas are just that, a jumping off point for you to create your own unique scentsation.

It is also a good idea to test a small amount first to be sure that you like it, your personal preferences and the individual essential oils that you use will effect how you like the final blend.

I've listed a few variations as well as a few suggestions for some of the blends.

You should also be aware of the properties of essential oils and safety. It's a good idea if you haven't to do some research on each individual oil as well as using essential oils in general.

Marge's website, Nature's Gift is a wonderful resource listed in the resources section.

The aromapedia download listed in the resources will give you some great blend ideas and general information as well.


You will find that one of the side benefits of experimenting with your own blends is that your house will smell fantastic.

You can read my article series on making essential oil blends at this link.

Winter Wonderland

2 parts Clary Sage essential oil1 part Juniperberry essential oil1 part Spearmint essential oil

1 part Douglas Fir essential oil1 part Spearmint essential oil1 part Cypress essential oil


tone highlight the conifers by leaving out the spearmint essential oil.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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1 part Douglas Fir essential oil1 part Clary Sage essential oil1 part Juniperberry essential oil1 part Spruce essential oil

Winter's Retreat

2 part Juniperberry essential oil2 part Frankincense essential OilOrange Spice blend (a very small amount)

Christmas Spice

2 parts nutmeg1 part clove

1 part ginger .5 part cinnamon 3 part sweet orange essential oil

Christmas Kiss

1 part Spearmint essential oil1 part Peppermint essential oil


2 part Cypress essential oil1 part White Grapefruit essential oil

Fruity Fun

1 part Juniperberry essential oil1 part Bergamot FCF essential oilOptional – add another part bergamot to fruity it up a bit if you like.

2 Frankincense essential oil1 orange (sweet orange is very fruity and deep, a lighter orange is very nice, I like Wild Orange from Essential Oil University, it's wild!) Maybe a touch of myrrh essential oil would be nice (I haven't got any to try, but it occurs to me that I would if I had it :0).

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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Forget Me Not

1 part Rosemary essential oil3 parts Lemon essential oilVery clean and effervescent.

Santa's Delight

1 part Bay essential oil1 part Nutmeg essential oil2 part Sandalwood essential oil

Green Christmas

1 part Basil essential oil2 part Chinese Geranium essential oil

2 part Basil essential oil1 part Rosemary essential oil

1 Basil essential oil1 Clary Sage essential oil

Exotic Christmas

2 parts Bergamot FCF essential oil1 part Ylang Ylang essential oil1 part Frankincense

1 Ylang Ylang essential oil3 Rose Geranium essential oil


1 rosemary essential oil2 lavandin essential oil2 lavender essential oil1 chinese geranium essential oil

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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Marge Clark – Natures Gift

Aromapedia download

More Christmas Blend Idea and Interesting Essential Oil Site

MAKE IT SPECIAL CHRISTMAS RESOURCESHandmade Christmas Gift and Decoration Ideas

I had meant to save this link, and then panicked when I realized that I hadn't, it is one of my biggest wishes this year to start some new Christmas traditions. As it happened, that very day I got another email from Shelley and it reminded me where I had seen this article, and here it is!

This link isn't a gift making link, but it is a very special Christmas making link. It is about creating Christmas rituals, something I really wish I had done more of, on numerous occasions throughout the years. Here are some really nice and easy ideas to make Christmas special every year for you and your family.

BTW, if you like cooking... or not... she has a great newsletter.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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This is an article that I wrote last year, it's now next year and I am SO glad that I did this. Instead of an unruly mess of junk, I am looking forward to unpacking my new treasures that are going to be truly beautiful. I can't wait, it will be like.. Christmas!



If you've already done your tree and decorations, save it for next year. If you haven't, use these tips to make next year terrific.

1. Use a large tote or two to store your Christmas decorations in. They are worth the money as they keep everything dry and exactly where you left them.

Be sure to label the tote and put them where you will remember them – and somewhere that no one will go exploring through over the next year! If you won't remember, write it down in your action planner under a section for Christmas - I am starting mine now for next year. I always get my best ideas after the fact - so next year I will be ready!

2. Sort your decorations by colour or kind into plastic baggies. This in aninvaluable time saver and makes things so much more pleasant when you unpack next year. It also makes it easier to see exactly what you have and is a great way to give you some decorating ideas. I sorted mine by colour and already have some ideas for where I'm going to use them next year.

3. Do some planning for next year. While I was decorating our tree this year I wasn't really pleased with the look, it looked to mishmashy for me. I decided that next year I'd like to do a red, white and silver theme on the tree. I was shopping and found some great decorations for next year at half price, so they are safely tucked away for next year, I am already looking forward to it!

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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4. Do it while you can enjoy it, don't rush. Turn on the TV, enjoy a moviewhile you work.


I can't say enough about this site, a definite must check out before Christmas.

Printables, plans, gift ideas, organizing ideas and so much more.


One of the things that I especially like about handmade soap and skin care for Christmas, both to give and receive is that it is a consumable, it will not end up as clutter that no one wants to get rid of because it was a gift, and is ultimately good for the environment too.

Here is a blog dedicated to this kind of gift giving for Christmas.

● BUY NOTHING CHRISTMAS – the most economical gift of all!

● 12 SIMPLE HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS AND ORNAMENTS from Rachel Keller – Frugal Parenting Columnist at Better


©Janice Ferrante 2008

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This is really cool. If you can find enough magazine pages in Christmas colours, you could make one as a funky gift basket for your gift. You can make them as a fun craft throughout the year.

Worth the visit to check out the crafty and handmade ads on the side of the page too.


A listing of further handmade gift and wrapping ideas.

● CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS HANDMADE GIFT GIVING IDEAS a PDF version of the Celebrating Christmas Magazine including handmade Christmas gift and card ideas.


A list of practical Christmas articles that you can use to make a great Christmas this year.




©Janice Ferrante 2008

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● CHRISTMAS FONTS for your cards, tags etc and a lot more.

● Really cute if you like Dr. Suess. Who Pudding (for Who’s, not made of them :0) and Dr. Suess Printable Gift Tags.


A nifty way to keep track of your gift giving list AND stick to your budget.


Here's a site to keep in mind

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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Here are a few pictures from our Winter Wonderland, after the first snow fall this year, in our front yard in scenic Burks Falls.

I hope you enjoy them, and have a very, Merry Christmas!

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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Coming soon...

Make It Clean – how to make your own natural soap

Grocery Store Guide to Handmade Skin Care – get your ingredients from your own cupboard.

Make It Easy – Paint by number DIY Natural Skincare

Make It Soft – Make your own handmade creams and lotions

Come on over to the Skincare Naturals Blog and leave your thoughts.

©Janice Ferrante 2008

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