
GITS Academy NCFM Certification Training

#16, 3rd Floor, 10th Cross, Sampige Road Malleswaram, Mail: Call: 080-23467842, 9632240775

National Stock Exchange

The National Stock Exchange (NSE) is India's leading stock exchange covering various cities

and towns across the country. NSE was set up by leading institutions to provide a modern, fully

automated screen-based trading system with national reach. The Exchange has brought about

unparalleled transparency, speed & efficiency, safety and market integrity. It has set up facilities

that serve as a model for the securities industry in terms of systems, practices and procedures.

NSE has played a catalytic role in reforming the Indian securities market in terms of

microstructure, market practices and trading volumes. The market today uses state-of-art

information technology to provide an efficient and transparent trading, clearing and settlement

mechanism, and has witnessed several innovations in products & services viz. demutualisation of

stock exchange governance, screen based trading, compression of settlement cycles,

dematerialisation and electronic transfer of securities, securities lending and borrowing,

professionalisation of trading members, fine-tuned risk management systems, emergence of

clearing corporations to assume counterparty risks, market of debt and derivative instruments

and intensive use of information technology.

About NCFM

Taking into account international experience and the needs of the Indian financial markets,

National Stock Exchange introduced in 1998 a facility for testing and certification by launching

NSE's Certification in Financial Markets (NCFM).

NCFM is an online testing and certification programme. It tests the practical knowledge and

skills required to operate in the financial markets. Tests are conducted in a secure and unbiased

manner and certificates awarded based on merit of the candidate to qualify the on-line test.

The entire process of testing, assessing and scores reporting in the NCFM is fully automated.

The system is operated through an intranet facility by using a central World Wide Web server

with terminals located at each of the designated test centres to be used as an examination front

end. Communication between the central server and the test centres is achieved through

VSAT/leased line network.

GITS Academy NCFM Certification Training

#16, 3rd Floor, 10th Cross, Sampige Road Malleswaram, Mail: Call: 080-23467842, 9632240775

GITS Academy

GITS offers wide spectrum of training solutions that are designed to suit every skill, ranging

from procedural, operational, managerial to the end user.

GITS incorporates outstanding individuals from diverse and separate background experiences,

which focuses on providing the best quality support and the right technology solution that meets

our customer's business need. We retain the philosophy “Complete customer satisfaction is the

only key performance indicator" We are focused on taking care of our customers interests and

we ensure delivering effective levels of services. Our team believes that the professional

relationship is purely based on the results of the solutions that we provide at your desktop.

We at GITS Academy in regard of NCFM gives Comprehensive and analytical training on

following Modules

a. Financial Market: A Beginner's Module

b. Securities Market Basic Module

c. Capital Market Dealer Module

d. Equity Derivative : A Beginner's Module

e. Equity Derivative : A Dealer Module

f. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

g. Commodities Market Module

h. FIMMDA- NSE Debt Market Beginner's Module

i. Mutual Funds: A Beginner’s Module

j. Interest Rate Derivatives: A Beginner’s Module

Our Classroom session includes Notes on relevant subject, demo test after every class.

We have designed a Module called Investor Knowledge Module basically for those who want

to enhance their knowledge and are not so interested in getting NSE Certification. Here we give

in depth knowledge of each financial product like Equity, Derivative, Commodity, Fixed Income


GITS Academy NCFM Certification Training

#16, 3rd Floor, 10th Cross, Sampige Road Malleswaram, Mail: Call: 080-23467842, 9632240775

Course Structure of Financial Market: Beginner’s Module

Module Fee=3500/-

a. Investment basics

Brief Introduction of Financial Products

b. Securities

Function of Securities Market

Regulators and Participant in Securities Market

c. Primary Market

Face Value of Share/ Debenture

Issue of Share

Public Issue and Private Placement

Listing of Securities

Role of SEBI in Capital Issuance

Foreign Capital Issuance

Stock Split , Buyback

d. Secondary Market

Products in Secondary Markets

Equity Investment

Debt Investment

e. Derivatives

Forward, Future and Option

Commodity Derivative and Currency Derivative

f. Depository

Depository participant



g. Mutual Funds and Hedge Fund

Tracking Error

Net Asset value

Exchange Traded Fund

Investor Protection Fund

h. Analysis of Financial Statement

GITS Academy NCFM Certification Training

#16, 3rd Floor, 10th Cross, Sampige Road Malleswaram, Mail: Call: 080-23467842, 9632240775

Course Structure of Securities Market Basic Module

Module Fee=4000/-

a. Securities Market in India

Securities Market , Financial System and Economic Development

b. Primary Market

Merchant Banking


Mutual Fund

Venture Capital Fund

c. Secondary Market

Stock Exchange, Listing, Delisting of Securities

Trading, Clearing and Settlement

Risk Management

d. Government Securities Market

Introduction to Indian Debt Market, their Primary and Secondary


e. Derivative Market

Derivative Market in India

Future and Option

Trading system, clearing and settlement

f. Regulatory Framework

SCRA Act, 1956

SEBI Act, 1992

Securities Market Regulation Act, 1993

g. Mathematics and Statistics

Measurement of Central Tendency

Risk and Return

Financial Statement Analysis

h. Corporate Finance

Cost of Capital

Capital Structure

Capital Budgeting

GITS Academy NCFM Certification Training

#16, 3rd Floor, 10th Cross, Sampige Road Malleswaram, Mail: Call: 080-23467842, 9632240775

Course Structure of Capital Market Dealer Module

Module Fee=4500/-

a. Trading

Market Types and its Phases

NEAT System


RetDebt Market

b. Clearing and Settlement

Settlement Cycles

Securities Settlement

Funds Settlement

Risk Containment Measures

Investor Protection Fund

c. Trading Membership

Broker Client Relationship

Dispute, Arbitration and Appeal

d. Legal Framework

SCRA Act, 1956

SEBI Act, 1992

Depositories Act,1996

Indian Contract Act, 1872

Companies Act, 1956

e. Overview of Indian Securities Market

Market Segments

Product and Participants

Derivative Market

Reforms in Securities Market

f. Fundamental Valuation Concepts

Understanding Financial Statements

Time Value of Money

Equity Research

GITS Academy NCFM Certification Training

#16, 3rd Floor, 10th Cross, Sampige Road Malleswaram, Mail: Call: 080-23467842, 9632240775

Course Structure for Mutual Funds: A Beginner’s Module

Module Fee=4500/-

a. Mutual Funds

Introduction, their Structure in India

Role of AMC, Registrar and Transfer Agent


Investor Rights and Obligation

b. Mutual Fund: Product and Feature: Equity Funds

Open ended and Closed Fund

Different types of Funds

Entry load, Expense Ratio, Exit load

c. Mutual Fund: Product and Feature: Gold ETFs

Introduction to Exchange Traded Funds

Working during NFO, on an ongoing basis

Market making by APs

d. Mutual Fund: Product and Feature: Debt Funds

Interest Rate Risk

Credit Risk

How is Debt Instrument Priced

Different Debt Fund Schemes

e. Mutual Fund: Product and Feature: Liquid Funds

Floating Rate Schemes

Portfolio Churning in Liquid Funds

f. Taxation

Capital Gain Tax


Reason of popularity of Fixed Maturity Plan

g. Regulations

Objective of AMFI

Advantage of Mutual Fund

Systematic Investment Plan, Systematic Transfer Plan, Systematic

Withdrawn Plan

Choosing between Dividend Option, Dividend Reinvestment, Growth


GITS Academy NCFM Certification Training

#16, 3rd Floor, 10th Cross, Sampige Road Malleswaram, Mail: Call: 080-23467842, 9632240775

Course Structure of Derivative Basic Module Module Fee=4500/-

a. Introduction of Derivative

Definition of Derivative

Origin of Derivatives

Derivatives in India

b. Definition of Basic Derivatives

Forward Contract and their Settlement


Options- Call and Put Option

Terminology of Derivatives

Moneyness of an Option

c. Application of Basic Derivatives

Participants in Derivative Market

Uses of Derivatives

d. Trading Futures and their Payoffs

e. Trading Options

Option Payout

Option Strategies

Determination of Option price

f. Derivative trading on Exchange

Derivative trading on NSE

Settlement of Derivatives- Future and Option

Accounting and Taxation of Derivatives

GITS Academy NCFM Certification Training

#16, 3rd Floor, 10th Cross, Sampige Road Malleswaram, Mail: Call: 080-23467842, 9632240775

Course Structure of Derivative Dealer Module Module Fee=4500/-

a. Introduction to Derivative

Derivative Products and participant in Derivative Market

NSE Derivative Market

b. Market Index

Economic Significance of Index Movements

Index Derivative and Index Funds

c. Introduction to Future and Options

Forward Contract, Future, Option and their Valuation

Interest Rate Future and swaps

d. Application of Futures and Options

Greeks Latter

Option Trading Strategies

e. Trading

Future and Option Trading System

Future and Option Market Instruments

Criteria for Stock and Index Eligibility for trading

f. Clearing and Settlement

Clearing and Settlement Mechanism

Risk Management

Margining System

g. Regulatory Framework

SCRA Act, 1956

SEBI Act, 1992

Regulation for Derivative Trading

GITS Academy NCFM Certification Training

#16, 3rd Floor, 10th Cross, Sampige Road Malleswaram, Mail: Call: 080-23467842, 9632240775

Course Structure of Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

Module Fee=5500/-

a. Objective of Investment Decision

Introduction on Investment

Types of Investors

Constraints in Investment

b. Financial Markets

Primary and Secondary Market

Trading in Secondary Market

Money Market

Repos and Reverse

Bond Market

Common Stock

c. Fixed Income Securities

Time Value of Money

Simple and Compound Interest Rate

Real and Nominal Interest Rate

Bond Price Fundamentals

Bond Yields

Interest Rates, Term structure of Interest Rate

Macaulay and Modified Duration

d. Capital Market Efficiency

Weak-form Market Efficiency

Semi-strong form Market Efficiency

Strong form Market Efficiency

e. Financial Analysis and Valuation

Analysis of Financial Statement

Income Statement

Balance Sheet

Cash Flow Statement

f. Modern Portfolio Theory

Diversification and Portfolio Risk

Capital Asset Pricing Module

Mean- Variance Investors and Market Behaviour

Estimation of Beta

GITS Academy NCFM Certification Training

#16, 3rd Floor, 10th Cross, Sampige Road Malleswaram, Mail: Call: 080-23467842, 9632240775

Multifactor Modules

g. Valuation of Derivatives

Forward and Future

Call and Put Option

Cost of Carry Model

Backwardation and Contango

Option Pricing

h. Investment Management

Investment Companies

Active and Passive Management

Net asset Value

Performance Assesment of Managed Fund

GITS Academy NCFM Certification Training

#16, 3rd Floor, 10th Cross, Sampige Road Malleswaram, Mail: Call: 080-23467842, 9632240775

Course Structure of FIMMDA NSE Debt Market Basic Module

Module Fee=5500/-

Debt Instrument: Fundamental Feature

Coupon, Term to Maturity of Bond

Asset Backed Securities

a. Indian Debt Market: A Profile

Market Segment

Participant in Debt Market

Secondary Market for Debt Instrument

b. Central Government Securities: Bonds

Primary Issuance Process

Participant in Indian Debt Market

Constituent SGL Account

Primary Dealers

Satellite Dealers

Secondary Market for Debt Securities

Settlement of trades in G Secs

c. Central Government Securities: T- Bills

Issuance Process

Cut off Yields

Investors in T-Bills

Secondary Market Activity in T-Bills

d. State Government Bonds

Gross Fiscal Deficit of State Government and its Financing

Ownership of Pattern of State Government Bonds

e. Call Money Markets

Volumes in Call Market

Participant in Call Market

f. Corporate Debt: Bonds

SEBI Regulation, 2008

Listing Criteria of NSE Debt Market

Secondary Market

Credit Rating

g. Commercial Paper and Certificate of Deposit

GITS Academy NCFM Certification Training

#16, 3rd Floor, 10th Cross, Sampige Road Malleswaram, Mail: Call: 080-23467842, 9632240775

Guideline for CP Issue

Growth of CP Market

Certificate of Deposit

h. Repos

Repo Rate

Calculation of Settlement Amount in Repo Transaction

Repo Market in India

Secondary Market transaction in Repo

Repo Accounting

i. Bond Market Indices and Benchmark

I-Bex Sovereign Bond Index


j. Trading Mechanism in NSE-WDM

Description of NSE-WDM

Trading Mechanism

k. Regulatory and Procedural Aspects

Government Securities Act,2006



l. Valuation of Bonds

Bond Valuation

Accrued Interest


m. Yield Curve and Term Structure of Interest Rate


Theories of Term Structure of Interest Rate

n. Duration

Modified Duration

Rupee Duration

Portfolio Duration

o. Fixed Income Derivatives

Interest Rate Future

Interest Rate Swap

GITS Academy NCFM Certification Training

#16, 3rd Floor, 10th Cross, Sampige Road Malleswaram, Mail: Call: 080-23467842, 9632240775

Course Structure of Commodities Market Module Fee=5500/-

a. Introduction to Derivatives

Products, participants and functions

Derivatives markets

b. Commodity Derivatives

Difference between commodity and financial derivatives

Global commodities derivatives exchanges

Evolution of the commodity market in India

c. NCDEX Platform

Structure of NCDEX

Exchange membership

Capital requirements

Trading, Clearing, Settlement IN The NCDEX system

d. Commodities trading on NCDEX Platform

Agricultural commodities

Precious metals

e. Instrument available for trading

Forward contracts, Introduction to futures AND options

f. Pricing Commodity Futures

The cost of carry model

g. Using Commodity Futures




h. Trading

Futures trading system

Commodity futures trading cycle

Margins for trading in futures

i. Clearing and Settlement

Risk management

Margining at NCDEX

j. Regulatory Framework

Rules governing commodity derivatives exchanges

Rules governing intermediaries

Rules governing investor grievances, arbitration

GITS Academy NCFM Certification Training

#16, 3rd Floor, 10th Cross, Sampige Road Malleswaram, Mail: Call: 080-23467842, 9632240775

Course Structure of Investment Knowledge Module Module Fee=6000/-

a. Objective of Investment Decision

Avenues of Investment

Types of Investor

Introduction to Exchange Market

b. Financial Markets

Money Market

Capital Market-Primary Market and Secondary Market

c. Equity Market

Fundamental analysis and technical analysis

d. Fixed Income Securities

Valuation of Bond

Clean Price, Dirty Price and Accrued Interest

Macaulay Duration and Modified Duration

e. Derivative Market

Forward, Future and Option

Black Scholes Model

Cost of Carry Model

Backwardation and Contango

Introduction to the Currency and Credit Derivative

f. Investment Management

Active and Passive Management

Mutual Fund, Hedge Fund

Measurement of Risk-Beta, alpha, Sharpe Ratio and Treynor Ratio

Introduction to VaR

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