




Honor Roll of Donors

Center for the Performing Artsin the Spotlight

Meet the New DivisionDirectors

6 10 60


GilmourWһat’s Inside




New Center for the Performing ArtsLearn all about the proposed state-of-the-art center and how it is building excitement for students and alumni alike.

Meet the New Division DirectorsGet to know this terrific trio of educators as they discuss their philosophies, vision and goals for the next generation of Lancers.

Honor Roll of Donors







These are exciting times at the Academy. The 2013-2014 school year was filled with incredible successes. The year saw students published in prestigious science research journals; a Moot Court state championship; impressive college placements; volleyball, girls cross country, girls swimming and diving, and boys track and field finishing as state runners-up; seven student-athletes committing to play sports at the collegiate level; six Gilmour coaches selected for Coach of the Year honors; and an Annual Fund goal met on the heels of an “Evening in Paris,” which netted more than $450,000.

None of these wonderful successes would be accomplished without the support of many who shared the vision and leadership of Br. Robert Lavelle. With Br. Robert’s recent announcement about his stepping back from his role as Head of School, the Gilmour community pauses to reflect on all that he is and all that has transpired at the school we love. As he transitions from being Head of School, he will join efforts in guiding the school to the next threshold.

After much planning, we are launching an exciting, new fundraising project. Thanks to the generosity of Lorraine and Bill Dodero, who provided a lead gift of $5 million, we will be seeking funding to build a much-needed Center for the Performing Arts. While we are a long way from breaking ground, we are continuing with the planning and are so grateful for the generosity of the Doderos and the other families who have come forward to support this transformational project, which will enhance the experiences of current and new generations of students.

Gilmour has seen tremendous growth over the past 34 years with Br. Robert at the helm. However, in the midst of all the progress, one thing has remained constant – our mission as a Holy Cross school. It serves as a unifying source of strength for our Gilmour family. Every student and every faculty member who has walked the Gilmour grounds understands the importance and uniqueness of both our mission and the sense of community at Gilmour. And for that, we will be forever grateful to Br. Robert and the many who have helped make our Holy Cross mission a lived experience.

Wһere We’re Headed


Dear Parents, We send this magazine to college-aged graduates at their parents’ homes. Please forward this to keep your son or daughter informed about GA.

We are excited to debut the redesigned Gilmour magazine! You may have noticed that our magazine has a new look, starting with the cover, but that’s only the beginning. With this fall’s edition, we have endeavored to blend the traditional and contemporary – to create a publication that is visually stimulating and provides depth of content. We hope that you are as excited about our new design and features as we are. After reading this debut edition, we hope you will be eager for the next! If you have any ideas for future stories or would like to share any feedback, please email us at

Devin Schlickmann; Mary Kate Farrar Vega ’93; Holly Yotter; Amy Boyle

4 THE VOICE This section will appear in each issue and will allow readers to take a walk down memory lane as well as share their own memories.

6 FEATURE STORIES The vision for a new Center for Performing Arts; three new division directors named


28 AROUND CAMPUS Moot Court State Champions; Deanne Nowak, Ph.D. is honored with 2014 Leavey Award; welcome new faculty; students weigh in on “Why I Chose Gilmour”


58 LANCER ATHLETICS Athletics Hall of Fame; six coaches named Coach of the Year



Sponsored by the Congregation of Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana



EDITOR Beth Geraci ’90




DESIGN/PRODUCTION markey creative

PRINTING Oliver Printing

PHOTOGRAPHY John Bashian ’78 Jon D’Orazio ’60 Megan Mlacker Photography Mark MostMichael Spear Jim Venditti Photography




Phone: (440) 473-8011

Mail: Gilmour Academy Attn: Gilmour Voice 34001 Cedar Road Gates Mills, OH 44040

Gilmour Academy has been helping students find their unique voices academically, spiritually and personally since 1946. And now we want to hear how our alumni have further developed their voices in the world. This is your chance to share your comments and reflections on your Gilmour years, update us on your career or life’s milestones, or simply to connect with other Lancers. We’ll print a sampling of responses in this section in each issue and will include updates in the AlumNews. Email, write or call. We want to share your voice.

We can’t wait to һear from you!

Any Glen Oak or Gilmour alum who took algebra will well remember Dorothy Coerdt. And they’ll be pleased to know she hasn’t changed much since they last saw her.

The longtime honors algebra teacher retired from Gilmour 20 years ago. In a recent chat, the beloved Mrs. Coerdt, now 82, talked about her memories of teaching and what she’s been up to since she left Gilmour.

Q: You taught at Glen Oak for 16 years and Gilmour for nine. What got you into teaching?

A: I had a fight with my husband where he told me I was spending too much money. I told him, “I’ll show you, I’ll get a job.” I taught at the Orthodox Jewish Academy and got paid $24 a month. It wouldn’t even pay for my gas.

Q: What brought you here?

A: I called over to Glen Oak and asked if they could use a math teacher. They didn’t need one. But the following January, the head of the school left, the math teacher became the head of the school and I got the job as the math teacher.

Q: When you first retired, how did it feel?

A: When I left here, I couldn’t retire totally. I worked three days a

week at Hathaway Brown as a tutor and I subbed at University School and Orange. I did that for a number of years. The part-time jobs eased the transition.

Q: What are your fondest memories of Glen Oak and Gilmour?

A: I loved the people, I loved the kids. There are so many. I don’t think I ever had a bad class.

Q: Now that you’re fully retired, how do you pass the time?

A: I’m a people person. I’m stimulated by good conversation, so I try to get out of the house at least four days a week. I have two monthly lunch groups – my high school friends and a Gilmour group. I go to a lot of different restaurants as a result. I spend as much time as I can with my family. I also enjoy reading. My friend tells me my taste in reading is no more than the quality of a comic book. Q: Where do you live now?

A: I’ve been lucky. I’m still in my own house in Pepper Pike. I’ve got a house that we’ve been in for 46, 47 years. Sometime back I said, “I’m going to start clearing this out,’’ but I never really feel like it. I’m going to stay

there as long as I can. I still drive. I can still function.

Q: How long were you married?

A: My husband died a year-and-a-half ago. It’s hard and it’s not. He was so sick at the end, I actually prayed God to take him. He had Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and he died of leukemia. I kept him home as long as I could, but in August I had to put him in a home. He died the fifth of January. I think, in a way, people with Alzheimer’s are better off because they don’t know what’s going on.

Q: What else should people know about you?

A: When I retired, I thought to myself, “If I go someplace, I don’t want someone to come up to me and say, ‘Let’s play bingo.’ ” That’s not for me. What has kept me young is teaching these kids all these years, and I still keep in touch with a lot of them.

Reconnecting with Former Faculty Member Dorothy Coerdt

With Br. Robert deciding to step back from his role as Head of School, we’d love to hear your favorite Br. Robert story. Share it with us at

Chorus 1986 - Christopher Lawhorn ’86

Debate at Gilmour was incredible! I attribute much of my negotiation skill today in my real estate business to the lessons learned then. Going to States with debate partner Johanna Fabrizio ’92 is one of my favorite memories! Mrs. Janis has such a gift for teaching students in that program! - Beth Turk Dittmar ’92

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee! (Spring of 2010) - Patrick Fagan ’10

George Quick ’03 as the horse in the spring play. - Ken Fournier ’03

Brother Dan's chorus was a lot of fun. Four years of joy and entertainment in class! - Bill Herman ’81

share your

Since 1946, Gilmour students have had the opportunity to showcase their talents through performing arts – whether in drama productions, speech & debate or musical performances. We asked alums to share with us some of their favorite performing arts memories at Gilmour Academy. Here are some of their responses.


furniture will be screened to eliminate the use of toxic substances.

The new complex’s modern design will showcase two main performance spaces: the dance studio and the theater. Overall, it will blend the historic aesthetics of campus with a contemporary glass curtain and a focus on sustainability.

Community Inclusion The Center for Performing Arts will be more than an important enhancement to the curriculum and campus.

Like the chapel, ice arena and pool before it, the center will be open to the public. The intent is to partner with community arts and cultural organizations throughout northeast Ohio and share the center with outside students and families.

The new space will enable Gilmour to host playwriting contests, student presentations and community arts events, and it will diversify creative offerings for the 1,000 youths who attend Gilmour’s summer camps. Gilmour says it hopes to increase participation rates and programmatic offerings year-round.

Why It’s Needed Theater students past and present will recall doing costume changes and applying makeup in the cramped Fine Arts Building restroom, which is shared equally with audience members.

Constructed in the early 20th century as the powerhouse and garage of a local floral company, the Fine Arts Building was acquired by Gilmour in the late 1960s. It has not been updated in more than 30 years, since 1983. Compared with modern facilities on campus such as the new Athletic Center, it’s a relic struggling to meet the needs of 21st century students.

At 13,424 square feet, the current theater and classroom space is so dated, it stymies the development of programming and inhibits the school’s sharing its offerings with the community.

As it is, the building isn’t even used exclusively for fine and performing arts; Gilmour’s maintenance staff is housed in the basement and on the second floor.

While many students participate in drama and Gilmour’s speech and debate program, the Fine Arts Building’s lack of space cannot accommodate growing demand for those programs, much less encourage it.

Gilmour’s current theater has a total capacity of 100. Seating is limited, allowing room for 80 folding chairs. Spatial constraints also hinder the breadth of student productions, impacting everything from cast size to props used. Alums and administrators alike say the theater’s outdated acoustics are as problematic as its constricted space.

“The Fine Arts Building simply wasn’t built with the electrical needs of a modern theater/auditorium in mind,” says Rachel Kenney ’08, now a professional actor in New York. “It doesn’t have the resources or physical apparatus necessary for a theater, beginning with the stage.”

And that’s just for theater. With the building’s lack of space, music concerts take place in makeshift spaces on campus. The speech and debate program – which ranks in the top one percent of high school teams nationwide – practices in an improvised classroom in the corridor of the science department.

Imagine the Possibilities The need for a new, improved facility is there. In fact, alums such as Rick Lipton ’91, now a dialect coach to the stars, say a new performing arts center will be life changing for Gilmour’s aspiring performers.

“My professional success is the direct result of what Gilmour saw and developed in me, and we did it in a tiny, not very fit for purpose space,” recalls Lipton.

“Imagine what we could have done,” Lipton says, “if we had the kind of performing arts facilities that have been proposed.”

Dodero is confident her longtime vision will become reality. “It’ll happen,” she says. “I know it will. I’ve kind of dreamed it there.”


Whenever Lorraine Dodero dropped her daughter Corinne Dodero Salvador ’02 off for school at Gilmour, she’d pass the Fine Arts Building and imagine in its place a much more modern performing arts facility.

She envisioned a building that would complete Gilmour’s educational offerings and make it a powerful contender in the region for generations to come.

Now, with the $5 million gift Dodero and her husband, Bill, recently pledged to the school, Gilmour’s Center for Performing Arts is a big step closer to materializing. The proposed $13 million facility will make for a prominent new gateway to campus, bringing Gilmour’s performing arts to the forefront literally and figuratively.

The project is off to a strong start with the Doderos’ gift and more than $500,000 in other pledges. But before the Center for Performing Arts can become a reality, Gilmour needs to raise an additional $7 million.

Gilmour already has strong academics and modern sports and visual arts facilities. With a new performing arts center in place, Gilmour students will receive a total education that “unifies the whole picture,” Dodero says.

The Vision It will be quite a picture. At 31,600 square feet, the proposed Center for Performing Arts will enable Gilmour to expand its creative offerings for all students, from preschoolers to high school seniors.

For students who aspire to work onstage or behind the scenes, the performing arts center will be a forum where they can fully showcase and develop their talents.

“The new Lorraine and Bill Dodero Center for the Performing Arts will provide creative space that encourages talented students to engage in ‘real-life’ experiences that affirm their developing skills and talents,” says Head of School Br. Robert Lavelle, C.S.C.

The proposed facility will include a mainstage theater with 350 seats; a little black box theater for smaller productions; a dance studio; and exhibition spaces.

The studio means Gilmour will be able to offer dance classes for the first time ever. Student actors, too, will have many more assets at their disposal. A larger stage, practice rooms, and costume and scene shops will enable drama students to partake in every aspect of the theater, from acting and set design to costume making and musical accompaniment.

And for speech and debate students, the center finally will provide a viable practice space and give the esteemed program more exposure. That’s because the exhibition space will be large enough to host regular season speech and debate contests and mock trial tournaments for schools across Ohio.

The state-of-the-art center can be Gilmour’s way of thanking students for their steadfast commitment to performance and speech programs already in place, says Associate Head of School J. Brian Horgan.

“The energy that students have put into those programs is admirable and awesome,” he says. “We’ll be providing them a venue that indicates our commitment to the continued success of those programs.”

In the contemporary, LEED-certified complex, fine arts on campus will meet the modern age at long last. The environmentally sustainable center will offer elevated theater seating, a cutting-edge sound system to enhance vocals, and “green” elements throughout.

Expect enhanced energy performance at every turn. To prevent solar heat gain and glare, exterior walls will be designed with a high-performance curtain wall and glazing system. Paints, wall graphics, carpeting and

By Beth Geraci ’90

The campaign for a $13 million Performing

Arts Center at Gilmour is underway,

and the facility promises to be the

cornerstone of the Academy.

s wt meIt’sh


Sophia Zupanc ’15

After selling out the first performing night of this year’s spring musical, “The Wizard of Oz,” the halls of the Academy were abuzz with excitement. However, for members of Drama Club, the enthusiasm was coupled with apprehension. We knew we had a great show, but we also knew that technically the show was extremely complex. In order to do our actors and the show justice, multiple set changes were necessary, yet the antiquated stage in the Fine Arts Building made these simple tasks very difficult. If one person was out of place in the crowded stage wings or if one green panel was placed half an inch in the wrong direction, the illusion of Oz would have been ruined and the “wow factor” the show needed would have been lost. Ultimately, “The Wizard of Oz” ran successfully each night. But, as the stage manager for the production, I can only imagine how the show could have been enhanced by an updated, expanded theater.

When I first enrolled in Gilmour as a freshman, I was puzzled by the notion that this mere high school education was intended to equip me with the ability to have “the competence to see and the courage to act in creating a more humane and just society.” Three years later, I now understand. In addition to helping me in the classroom, the dedicated faculty members

who coach Speech and Debate, Mock Trial, Moot Court and Drama Club have served as a catalyst for much of my academic and personal growth.

Certainly, I am not the only one who has found inspiration and confidence through extracurriculars. Take a walk through the Fine Arts Building after school and you’ll see dozens of teenagers rehearsing speech pieces, singing or dancing. The limiting factor, however, is space. The Fine Arts Building, with all of its antiquated charm, lacks the area and technology to meet the demands of Gilmour’s highly driven, talented students.

A new Center for the Performing Arts would not only benefit students who are currently involved, but also would allow more students to pursue their passions. A larger stage would create opportunities for students to showcase their talents in stage design and costume production. Additionally, the expanded space would allow musicians to get involved. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, more space within the Center for Performing Arts will allow more Gilmour students to pursue their passions. Whether it be dancing, directing or debating, a new Center for the Performing Arts will inspire members of the Gilmour family to use their talents and grow in the positive, encouraging environment that is unique to Gilmour Academy.

Sean Kelley ’16 Gilmour Academy has an active drama program and its Speech and Debate program has molded individuals into strong competitors on both the state and national level. Both programs’ rehearsal and performance space, however, is limited to a classroom and a small theater within the Fine Arts Building.

With such a small stage and wing space, the theatrical productions have been limited to shows with small casts, little scenery

and barely any scene changes. As a bigger stage is implemented, more jobs will be created for tech crew, which will allow the Drama Club to include more members in the scenery department. Also, more room on the stage calls for more actors to fill the space. Due to an audience capacity of about 100, the Drama Club is unable to advertise outside of the school, but with greater audience capacity, the productions can serve as an example of Gilmour spirit for newcomers. A bigger audience calls for bigger sound, allowing students to be involved as the musicians for the musical. All different forms of art will be coming together to create masterpieces.

The new Center for the Performing Arts will also include a dedicated space for Speech and Debate practices. This will permit more students to be heard at once, which will help speed up practices for students involved in multiple extracurricular activities. There will be mirrors within the rooms for the students to watch themselves perform, which will help the students critique themselves to further the team’s success.

As the Center for the Performing Arts rises, so does the talent at Gilmour Academy. The actors and competitors are ecstatic about the idea of being able to rehearse and perform inside this high-quality building.


Cathy and Pat O’Rourke, whose daughter Grace O’Rourke ’08 was involved in drama at Gilmour, pledged $300,000 to the project. The Little Theater, a space within the center that will be used for smaller productions and practices, will be named in their family’s honor. Cathy O’Rourke says, “We were thrilled to be presented with this performing arts campaign opportunity and we are very grateful for the opportunity to continue the performing arts program with the Little Theater.”

After plans for the project were presented at the September Board of Trustees meeting, four more families came forward with gifts for naming opportunities.

Why Gilmour Needs a New Performing Arts Center

The Lorraine and Bill Dodero Center for Performing ArtsNaming Opportunities

Don’t miss your chance to see your name in lights! To learn more about the variety of naming opportunities and/or to learn more about ways you can help Gilmour’s vision for the arts become a reality, please contact Mary Kate Farrar Vega ’93 at or (440) 473-8009 or Kathy Kenny at or (440) 473-8018.

The Pender Family: Outside Commons and Garden – East EntryThe John H. Borkey Family: Speech & Debate Practice Rooms (2)The Monitello Family: Speech & Debate Practice RoomMr. Oliver Seikel: Speech & Debate Practice Room

$1,000,000 • Theater • Stage

$750,000 • Theater Lobby

$500,000 • Dance Studio • Gallery • Presentation & Meeting Room

$350,000 • Academic Commons

$250,000 • Bell Tower Entrance • Speech & Debate Presentation Room

$150,000 • Outside Commons & Garden West Entry

$50,000 • Costume Shop • Scene Shop

$25,000 • Faculty Offices (3) • Female Dressing Room • Male Dressing Room

* Naming rights have been secured.



Jon Wanders long has been known around campus as an innovative educator whose big ideas and drive have led to a more refined curriculum and enhanced professional development.

Wanders also happens to be an astute problem solver and inclusive leader. Others took note, and on July 1, Wanders took the helm as Gilmour’s Director of the Upper School.

“My ultimate responsibility is to make sure that we are all moving in one direction as a cohesive unit, and I am always thinking and working hard to facilitate that goal,” he says.

After earning his bachelor’s in English literature from Denison University and a master’s in English education from Vanderbilt University, Wanders has worked as an English teacher for 10 years, five of them at Gilmour. In fact, he’s still teaching one class this year. Students’ needs, therefore, long have been the focus of his decisions. And he’s seeing to it that students have a voice on campus.

“In some ways, I think students themselves are this great untapped resource at a school,” he says. “I think they should be just as involved in shaping the vision of the school as their teachers are. If we’re really serving our students, we ought to be hearing what they want to get out of their experience.”

Wanders brings to his position a sincere desire for the Upper School

community – including administrators, parents, teachers and students – to exchange ideas and collaborate.

“There is almost some sort of magic when many groups of people work together on something,” Wanders says. “I think the challenges our students are facing today, and will face once they leave Gilmour, are so ambiguous and complex that confronting them takes perspectives from very diverse experiences.”

Wanders impressed Gilmour leaders in 2012 with his adept oversight and administering of the College and Work-Readiness Assessment (CWRA). The CWRA is an independent assessment that gauges students’ analytical and problem-solving skills as incoming freshmen and again as outgoing seniors.

“Through role play and performance tasks, the CWRA helps us measure the things we think are most important,”

Wanders says. “Performance tasks are probably the most authentic sort of learning situation our students will face, no matter what type of career they go on to pursue. So on that level it was important to me.”

Overseeing the CWRA benefited Wanders in several ways that help him now as Director of the Upper School. First, he was able to work with teachers from other academic disciplines to empower students to become wise decision makers.

Most importantly, “trying to push it forward in our school helped to get me ready for the role I’m in now,” Wanders says. “It allowed me to take a big-picture look at the academic climate of Gilmour and see how we are doing in the classroom.”

Education in 2014 centers on problem solving and critical thinking, Wanders says, “and if we want Gilmour students to be successful in an outside environment, we have to think about what sort of world our kids are walking into when they leave our halls.”


Jon Wanders New Upper School Director

“We һave to tһink about wһat sort of

world our kids are walking into

wһen tһey leave our һalls.”


Gilmour veteran Elizabeth Edmondson eyes a curriculum that will prepare kids for life in the 21st century.

As the new director of the Middle School, Edmondson aims to advance education at Gilmour in the most modern of ways.

A savvy leader keyed into what’s relevant in today’s world, Edmondson comes to the position after chairing the Upper School English department and successfully guiding Gilmour through a comprehensive accreditation process with three different educational bodies simultaneously.

“It was a big job, but I was able to learn about everything that goes on here, from the business office to the Montessori program and everything in-between,” she says.

As she’s risen through the ranks at Gilmour over the past 11 years, Edmondson has proven herself an adept leader at every turn. As a longtime English teacher here, she says she was committed to running a classroom “that reflects the 21st century we live in.”

“One of my goals is creating a really rich, relevant learning environment

for students,” she says. “We want to have a curriculum that gives kids opportunities and allows them to think on their feet.”

With Edmondson at the helm, Middle School students and parents can expect technological tools in class and assignments centered on real-world problem solving.

Edmondson herself brings a powerful blend of practical experience and research to the director position. With a bachelor’s degree from the University of Akron and a master’s degree in reading specialization from Kent State University, she is nearing the end of her doctoral studies in curriculum. In the process, she’s gotten an inside look at major educational trends that will help her at Gilmour. The new director, a parent herself, also brings to the position enthusiasm

and an appreciation for young people. “I have a daughter in sixth grade at Gilmour’s Lower School, so I can relate to parents of Middle School students,” Edmondson says. “I know what the daily challenges are in working with kids this age.”

Edmondson taught English at Gilmour for 10 years. She knows the obstacles teachers and students face in the classroom, so she’s in a good position to nurture and encourage them on tough days.

“Those relationships with teachers, students and families are really important to me,” Edmondson says. “Gilmour is a great community. I feel fortunate to be a part of it.”

Elizabeth Edmondson New Middle School Director

“Gilmour is a great community.

I feel fortunate to be a part of it.”



The Lower School and Montessori programs have a new director in Yvonne Saunders. Saunders focuses on student assessment and fosters a positive environment for students and teachers.

An experienced administrator and longtime Gilmour staffer, Saunders has worked at Gilmour in various capacities for 14 years – 13 of them at the Middle School.

There, she facilitated the move from the former Middle School building to the new one, launched the Middle School spring musical, implemented a more flexible schedule that allowed for year-round art and physical education, developed a program whereby qualified Middle School students could take Algebra I and physics at the Upper School, and more. For the past three years, Saunders also served as Gilmour’s director of Grade 1-12 curriculum.

With a master’s degree in religious studies from John Carroll University and another master’s in educational administration from the University of Notre Dame, Saunders is a strong proponent of Holy Cross education.

That fact, along with her passion for academics and a proven track record at Gilmour, made her a natural choice for Director of the Lower School.

“My ultimate goal and responsibility is to build upon the success the school has already experienced and to create a supportive and diverse environment where students can really thrive spiritually, academically and socially,” Saunders says.

Having served as the Director of Grade 1-12 curriculum, Saunders is well versed in education at Gilmour at every level. And parents can expect her to rely heavily on her curriculum expertise in leading the Lower School.

“My experience in dealing with Gilmour holistically, as the Early Beginnings to Grade 12 institution that it is, equips me to make informed decisions that will benefit Lower School students now while keeping an eye toward later stages of their Gilmour education,” she says.

Given Saunders’ passion for academics, parents and teachers can expect to see a re-energized focus on student learning under her leadership, with an emphasis on assessment.

“The question is, how can we better assess what students have learned?” Saunders says. To address that issue, she is collaborating with teachers on improving assessment at the Lower School. Such assessments ensure each student’s needs are being met, and students are being challenged to move to the next level, she says.

Among the teachers making those assessments are three new hires Saunders made this year. In hiring veteran Montessori teacher Laura Novotney, art teacher Erin McConnell and religion teacher Sr. Beata Tiboldi O.P., Saunders sought to bring on instructors qualified in multiple disciplines.

While McConnell has a bachelor’s degree in art education, she also has a master’s degree in gifted and talented education. Sr. Beata, meanwhile, has experience in primary education and is a certified reading specialist.

Together, all of this will foster a positive, tailored learning experience for each student and a supportive workplace for teachers, Saunders says.

Yvonne Saunders New Lower School Director


“My ultimate goal and responsibility is to create a supportive and

diverse environment wһere students can really tһrive spiritually, academically and socially.”


Gilmour Academy Commencement


Commencement SpeakerLucie SalhanyThe Class of 2014, their families and guests heard from commencement speaker Lucie Salhany, who made history as the first woman to head a broadcast network when she was named chairman of Fox Broadcasting in 1993. She delivered a wonderful message to the students, and her accomplishments are a true example of living out Holy Cross founder Blessed Fr. Basil Moreau, C.S.C.’s call to “cross borders of every sort.”

Salutator ianBrynn Alexander

Associate Head of School J. Brian Horgan introduced salutatorian Brynn Alexander ’14. In speaking of her, he said, “What Brynn has helped me realize with greater clarity is that excellence comes from pursuing your own unique path, your own unique calling, with integrity – integrity in the sense of bringing your whole, true being to your work and to life’s engagements.” He added, “Whether in her academic work, in her faith life, in her Speech and Debate competitions, in her music, in her service to others, in her every waking moment, it would appear, one experiences Brynn in her vibrant, inspiring authenticity.”

Alexander spoke about the way dreams and goals evolve over time, stating that as long as you have a goal that leaves the world a better place, it is alright for the path to shift through time. Alexander is currently attending the University of Notre Dame, where she is double-majoring in accounting and FTT (film, theater and television) and is a trumpet player in the school’s Marching Band.

Valed i c tor ianMichael Palumbo

In introducing valedictorian Michael Palumbo ’14, Horgan shared some examples of Michael’s persistence in all endeavors, whether swimming, physics or his volunteer work. Horgan said, “All of these stories, each hinting at Michael’s humility and persistence, made it easy to root for Michael as his high school career unfolded. Only now, it feels a bit silly to be rooting for him. His success and accomplishments and destiny for distinction don’t allow for one to be a fan as much as an admirer.”

Palumbo spoke to his classmates about the incredible community they built during their time at the Academy and the things that can be accomplished when people work together. He urged his classmates to let their Gilmour experiences help shape them as they embark on the next steps of their journeys. Palumbo is now at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he is an astrophysics major.

2014Gilmour Academy Celebrates its 65th Commencement Exercise

Salutatorian Brynn Alexander

Valedictorian Michael Palumbo


Congratulations2014to tһe Class o f


Bissan Abboud

Elizabeth Abood

Brynn Alexander

Jacob Althans

Paige Anton

Joseph Armagno

Andrew Badertscher

Samantha Baldini

Kathleen Baldwin

Samantha Bauman

Christopher Becker

Hannah Bencivenni

Parker Berzin

Mitchell Binnie

Maxwell Blitz

Matthew Botek

John Brett

Laurel Brown

Nicole Brzozowski

Jace Burton

Carey Butler

Kyle Cappotto

Joseph Catanese

Joseph Cerer

Isabel Cherry

Alexander Clapacs

Bennett Clark

Mitchell Clifford

Patricia Colella

Ryan Conry

Brendan Coyne

Ryan Curtin

Connor Davis

Thomas DeSilvio

Emily Diemer

Dominic DiPuccio

Peter Dolan

Megan Drucker

Kelsey Dugger

Connor Dunham

Kaitlyn Elia

Natalie Ertz

Gabriel Fedor

James Forsythe

Shulu Fu

Kaitlyn Gallagher

Charles Gallo

Rodell Golphin

Richard Grant

Frank Grk

Maximillian Gubanc

Ryan Hall

Ishmael Hargrove

Kelly Harrington

Madeline Hawkins

Aaron Hickey

Nicole Hollis

Alec Hooper

Peter Hurley

Brandon Jaces

Alexa Jackson

Jessica Janota

Alexandria Keller

Ryan Kelley

Carly King

Zachary Korman

Madeleine Krakowiak

Michelle Krebs

Michaela Leach

Sanghyun Lee

Madison Levand

Jiahan Li

Ming-Han Lin

Nia Long

Joseph Michael Mallak

Halle Markel

Kathryn Masaryk

Macie McNichols

Adam Miller

Agnes Mirando

Patrick Mohorcic

Joseph Morek

Gee Hyun Nam

Weston Noall

Rachel Novinc

Regan O’Brian

Michael Palumbo

Paul Piazza

Julia Pilla

Matthew Ray

Richard Renner

Amy Rizzo

James Rooney

Thomas Rupp

Zachary Saliba

Skylar Schambs

Paul-Henry Schoenhagen

Courtney Severson

Griffin Shapiro

Mikayla Sharp

Aire Sirvaitis

Jena Snelling

Joseph Sriprajittichai

Stuart Stanley

William Sullivan

Gavin Tarazi

Kimberly Tiberi

Ningcong Tong

Madeline Tuohey

Alexander Ulatowski

Olivia Vaz

Paul Volpe

Alexander Wakefield

Donte Wallette

Oscar Waters

Douglas Weisman

Audley Wright, Jr.

Yue Xu

Benjamin Young

Katharine Zavagno

Eric Ziegler

Colin Zucker


Last spring, 2012 Gilmour grad Spencer Antunez wrapped up a two-year stint playing junior hockey in Springfield, Mass. He wasn’t just biding his time. He was leveraging his hockey talents to attract the attention of elite colleges.

It worked. Now Antunez, 20, is riding high in the midst of his first semester at Bowdoin College. “It’s exciting,” he says.

Antunez was recruited heavily by Bowdoin’s hockey coach to play at the college for a full four years. “You have to go into juniors with the attitude that you’re there for a reason. And that’s to be recruited to a high-caliber school,” Antunez says.

Antunez is just one of dozens of Gilmour hockey players who have used “juniors” to attend top tier universities. The tactical decision has earned them entry to Brown University, Miami University, Providence College, Rochester Institute of Technology, the United

States Military Academy at West Point, and many other competitive schools.

"Our goal is to best prepare our players for academic and athletic challenges so they can succeed in college. With the average age of a college hockey freshman being 20 ½, it is difficult for most 18 year olds to compete. While our graduates are very well prepared academically and as hockey players, most are not physically ready to challenge players two to six years older for a spot on a college team,” says Gilmour’s Hockey Director John Malloy. He continues, “Junior hockey allows

them a chance to mature physically. With this additional strength and their Gilmour diploma in hand, they become a viable college hockey candidate.” Malloy explains, “While many of our 150-plus college players go directly to college, for some, this added year of juniors makes all of the difference.”

Kyle Maggard ’06 describes how the path from Gilmour to junior hockey to college has worked for him. “Like many others, the opportunity to receive a first-rate education while working toward my goal of playing Division I hockey was my main motivation for attending Gilmour. I knew that my hard work and dedication both in the classroom and on the ice would be rewarded.” He continues, “It is why I was able to play Division I hockey at West Point after playing juniors, why my hard work at West Point was met with a full scholarship to pursue my master’s degree at the University of Cambridge, and why I now serve proudly as an engineer in the United States Army.”

An Important Choice for Some

Allegheny College

Boston College

Boston University

Bowling Green State University

California Polytechnic State University

Case Western Reserve University

Champlain College

Cleveland State University

Colorado College

Cornell University

Dalhousie University

Denison University

DePaul University

Duquesne University

Elon University

Emory University

Gannon University

Georgetown University

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Indiana University at Bloomington

John Carroll University

Kent State University

Kenyon College

Lafayette College

Lake Forest College

Loyola University Chicago

Loyola University Maryland

Miami University

New York University

Norwich University

Ohio University

Ohio Wesleyan University

Pennsylvania State University

Saint Anselm College

Southern Methodist University

Spring Arbor University

St. Edward’s University

Syracuse University

The Catholic University of America

The College of Wooster

The Ohio State University

The University of Akron

The University of Arizona

The University of Tampa

Trinity College

University at Buffalo

University of Cincinnati

University of Connecticut

University of Dayton

University of Hartford

University of Kentucky

University of Michigan

University of Missouri Columbia

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of North Carolina at Wilmington

University of Notre Dame

University of Washington

University of Wyoming

Urbana University

Wake Forest University

Washington State University

Wentworth Institute of Technology

Western Michigan University

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Xavier University


Ashtar ’15 and Bissan ’14 Abboud Mackenzie ’11, Brynn ’14 and Patrick ’79 Alexander

Alex ’15, Olivia ’12, Jake ’14, Alison ’11 and Claudia ’17 Althans

Brett ’08, Eric ’22, Paige ’14 and Brian ’10 Anton

Robert ’07, Daniel ’10, Joseph ’14 and Thomas ’05 Armagno

Daniel ’17 and Samantha ’14 Baldini

Sabrina ’18, Samantha ’14 and Stefanie ’16 Bauman

Michaeline ’02 and Christopher ’14 Becker

College & University2014Class o f

Matriculat ion Lis t

Jared Smith ’06 played at Brown University after playing juniors.



Gilmour Grads by tһe numbers


Residence Hall Students

Up from the Middle School


Elizabeth ’12 and Hannah ’14 Bencivenni

Jonathan ’17, Georgeanne Goodrich ’86, Matthew ’14, Fred ’85 and Daniel ’21 Botek

Andrew ’03, Elizabeth ’16, John ’14 and Caitlin ’11 Brett

Megan, Julia ’17, Nicole ’14 and Laura ’15 Brzozowski

Ryan ’07, Joseph ’14, and Robert ’12 Catanese

122 Number of students in the Class of 2014 who received their diplomas on Sunday, May 25 at Gilmour Academy's 65th Commencement Exercises

10,000+ Number of social service hours volunteered at community organizations

$9,000+ Number of dollars the Class of 2014 raised for the Measles Initiative and Nuevo Paraiso in Honduras

67Number of colleges and universities in the United States and Canada that members of the Class of 2014 are attending, including: Boston College, Cornell University, Emory University, Georgetown University, New York University, University of Michigan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Notre Dame and Wake Forest University

60 Number of members of the Class of 2014 who have a sibling or parent who attended GA

48 Number of out-of-state schools that members of the Class of 2014 are attending

30 Members of the Class of 2014 who graduated from Gilmour's Middle School

23 Members of the Class of 2014 who were resident students, coming from nine states and three countries

18 Members of the Class of 2014 who have gone on to play collegiate sports at the Division I, II and III levels

2 Members of the Class of 2014 who qualified for the National Forensics League National Tournament

2 Students from the Class of 2014 who were named National Merit Finalists



Kristen ’11 and Kaitlyn ’14 Elia Charles ’17 and Natalie ’14 Ertz Nicholas ’99, Gabriel ’14 and Nathan ’05 Fedor

Katie ’18 and James ’14 Forsythe

Charles, Jr. ’80, Charles ’14 and Tori ’11 Gallo

Mario ’15 and Frank ’14 Grk Adam ’12, Kelly ’14 and Michael ’17 Harrington

Claire ’09, Madeline ’14 and Jacqueline ’16 Hawkins

Joshua ’12 and Aaron ’14 Hickey John H. ’83, John ’18, Nicole ’14, Thomas ’13 and Justin ’16 Hollis

James ’10, Peter ’14 and Connor ’13 Hurley

Christian ’12 and Alexandria ’14 Keller

Phi Beta Kappa The Cleveland chapter of Phi Beta Kappa was chartered in 1947 and, over the past 60 years, has extended its recognition of achievement and intellectual curiosity to high school students throughout the greater Cleveland area. The Gilmour faculty selected this year’s inductee because he is truly representative of the qualities of academic integrity, outstanding scholarship and all-around initiative in matters of the mind.

Inductee: Michael Palumbo ’14

National Merit Finalists Based on their high PSAT scores, these students were among the approximately 150,000 students nationwide to be named National Merit Finalists.

Samantha Bauman ’14 Alexander Clapacs ’14

The Gilmour Trophy The Gilmour Trophy is the highest honor a student can receive during his or her time at the Academy. The honor is bestowed upon the male and female in the graduating class who in the estimation of and with the endorsement of the faculty, administration and student body, best exemplify those qualities the Academy hopes to instill in its graduates. Both winners are not only excellent students, but also true leaders in co-curricular and extracurricular arenas. They are also individuals who have shown clear commitment to the purposes of the Academy.

Winners: Rachel Novinc ’14 Richard Renner ’14

Congratulations 2014to tһose students in tһe Class of

wһo were һonored witһ tһe һigһest awards and most prestigious commendations.Gabriela ’15 and Joseph ’14 Cerer Bailey ’10, Ryan ’08, Bennett, ’14

and Abigail ’11 ClarkNathan ’13, Jack Byrnes ’82, Brendan ’14 and Richard ’82 Coyne

Sean ’11 and Ryan ’14 Curtin

Brian ’20, Connor ’14 and Kelly ’16 Davis

William ’17, Megan ’12, Emily ’14 and John ’82 Diemer

Mathew ’17, Dominic ’14 and Dominic A. ’82 DiPuccio

Peter ’14 and Paul ’76 Dolan (not pictured: Jack Dolan ’11)



Not Pictured: Gee Hyun ’14 and Gee Jin ’11 Nam; Richard Jr. ’14 and John ’12 Renner

David ’12, Agnes ’14 and Matthew ’25 Mirando

John ’11 and Patrick ’14 Mohorcic Rachel ’10 and Weston ’14 Noall James ’16 and Rachel ’14 Novinc

Christian ’17, Michael III ’14 and Marisa ’15 Palumbo

Paul Jr. ’14 and Mallorie ’17 Piazza Nicolas ’10, Julia ’14 and Alexandria ’09 Pilla

Mark ’08, Amy ’14 and Kevin ’11 Rizzo

James E. ’86 and James ’14 Rooney Alexander ’12 and Thomas ’14 Rupp

Jacob ’13, Zachary ’14 and Joshua ’20 Saliba

Sarah-Lee ’05, Paul-Henry ’14 and Yann-Frederic ’08 Schoenhagen

Cameron ’08, Courtney ’14 and Austin ’10 Severson

Dana Randazzo ’87, Maria ’16, Jena ’14, Anna ’18 and Michael ’86 Snelling

Joseph ’14 and Chase ’16 Sriprajittichai

Charles ’13, William ’14 and John ’16 Sullivan

Michael ’11 and Katherine ’14 Zavagno

Gianna ’18, McKenzie ’16, Colin ’14, Tawnya Santoiemmo ’87 and Thomas ’87 Zucker

Edward III ’09, Ryan ’14 and Sean ’16 Kelley

Carly ’14 and Andrew ’16 King Sarah ’16, Madeleine ’14 and Claire ’15 Krakowiak

Kellen ’10 and Michaela ’14 Leach

Madison ’14 and William ’16 Levand Hannah ’16 and Halle ’14 Markel Tyler ’16 and Macie ’14 McNichols Adam ’14 and Madeleine ’16 Miller

Commencement2014 “Not one person could be sitting һere today if it were not

for tһe support of otһers.” Michael Palumbo ’14, Valedictory Address




Moot Court Wins State Competition In May, Gilmour’s Moot Court team of Cassandra Williams ’15, Grant Bent ’15 and Sophia Zupanc ’15 won the Moot Court 2014 State Competition with a final score of 279 points. The event featured 70 high school students from 13 schools around the state of Ohio. The competition, sponsored by the Ohio Center for Law-Related Education (OCLRE), was a brand new event this year.

Students gathered at the Ohio Supreme Court and had the opportunity to argue both sides of a court case. They presented a simulated oral argument and responded to questions posed by a panel of judges. Students were judged on their ability to apply

the law to the case. Additionally, participants composed a legal brief related to the arguments, which was also scored by the panel of judges.

Gilmour’s team was coached by Gay Janis, who also serves as the school’s director of speech and debate, director of the drama program and Mock Trial coach. The team was assisted by legal advisor Brandon Cox, Esq. ’03, an associate in the trial department at Tucker, Ellis & West, LLP.

Janis says of the team’s success, “I am so pleased the students won States. It was quite a complicated case and I thought the students handled both sides, including their analysis and application of the case law, very professionally. Their legal brief, which counted in the scoring process, was quite impressive.”

Moot Court winners Cassandra Williams, Grant Bent and Sophia Zupanc.

Deanne Nowak, Ph.D. Earns National Recognition for her Work Developing Gilmour’s Entrepreneurship Program

Nowak received her award at the Freedoms Foundation dinner.

In May, the Freedoms Foundation honored eight teachers selected from a national pool for the prestigious 2014 Leavey Awards. One of the award winners was Deanne Nowak, Ph.D., a science instructor and Gilmour’s Dean of Institutional and Curriculum Research.

The awards program recognizes educators at the elementary, junior high school, high school and college levels for innovative and effective techniques in teaching entrepreneurship and free enterprise education.

Nowak was honored for her creation of an entrepreneurship ecosystem at Gilmour – reaching students from the Montessori preschool through Grade 12 – that inspires students to learn about private enterprise and gives them a variety of opportunities to do so.

Through the innovative program Nowak has designed, Montessori students operate a family farm; Lower School students participate in the Young Entrepreneurs group, Lemonade Day and the Virtual Investment Club; Middle School students complete E-Lab; and Upper School students are offered three business-oriented electives:

management and entrepreneurship, finance and economics, and an experiential learning course called Venture. Upper School students also participate in the Investment Club, the Ohio Stock Market Challenge, the Junior Achievement Company program and a variety of business plan competitions.

Nowak credits the Burton D. Morgan Foundation and the Veale Foundation with providing the guidance and financial support to make her vision a reality. She also cites the enthusiastic participation of Gilmour colleagues, parents and alumni; the vibrant exchange of ideas among members of the Veale Youth Entrepreneurship Forum and participants at the annual Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education Forums; and the generosity of local entrepreneurs who inspire and mentor Gilmour students.


Where Inspiration Happens

GILMOUR ACADEMY or call (440) 753-8043




Back row (L to R): Sr. Beata Tiboldi, Alex Kimmel and Erin McConnell Front row (L to R): Emily Wanders, Laura Novotney, Alyson Zuzolo and Veronique Berthet Not pictured: Michael Chiellino, Erin Thompson and Michael Woll

Veronique Berthet Upper School French

Originally from France, Berthet received her bachelor’s in Spanish literature from Castleton State College in Vermont. She has a master’s degree in linguistics from Syracuse University and taught for 10 years at Andrews Osborne Academy in Willoughby before coming to Gilmour.

Michael Chiellino Prep Hockey Coach

For the past two years, Chiellino worked as the assistant men’s ice hockey coach at Hamilton College and as a counselor at special education school Tradewinds Education Center in Rome, N.Y. He played hockey as an undergrad at Siena College in Albany, N.Y. and has a master’s degree in school counseling from Canisius College in Buffalo, N.Y.

Alex Kimmel Upper School Latin

Kimmel is now a full-time Latin instructor at Gilmour, having taught part-time in the past. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Kenyon College and his master’s in education from John Carroll University.

Erin McConnell Lower School Art

McConnell has a bachelor’s degree in art education from Kent State University and a master’s degree in gifted education from Cleveland State University. She headed the art and gifted programs at Ledgemont School in Geauga County for three years. She then went on to become the gifted coordinator for Trumbull County Educational Service Center and headed its visual and performing arts program.

Laura Novotney Directress of Montessori Preschool Program

Before coming to Gilmour, Novotney taught for 15 years at Catholic Montessori School in

Kirtland. She received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Kent State University and underwent Montessori training at the Washington Montessori Institute in Washington, D.C.

Erin Thompson Upper School Religion, Dorm Proctor, Volleyball Coach

Thompson plays a number of roles on campus this year, which include teaching two sections of Religion 9, serving as a dorm proctor in the residential life program, serving in the pastoral life program and coaching volleyball. Thompson earned her bachelor’s in theology from the University of Portland

Sister Beata Tiboldi, O.P. Lower School Religion

Sr. Beata was born in Hungary and immigrated to the United States in 2001. She earned degrees in education, computer programming and religious teaching in Hungary. In 2006, she received her master’s in education from the University of Dayton, specializing in early childhood education.

A Look At Gilmour’s New Faculty Members

Emily Wanders Director of Lower School Admission

Wanders majored in early childhood education as an undergrad at Ohio University and received her master’s in educational leadership from the University of Dayton. Before coming to Gilmour, she taught second and third grades in the Centerville city schools and recently taught third grade for four years at Hathaway Brown School. Her husband, Jon Wanders, is the new director of the Upper School.

Michael Woll Speech and Debate Coach

Woll coached debate at Solon High School for three years before coming to Gilmour. He’s a retired English and speech teacher from the Parma and Cleveland schools and has a bachelor’s degree from Ohio Northern University. His third book of short stories was published this fall.

Alyson Zuzolo Upper School Religion

Zuzolo earned a bachelor’s degree in religious studies from John Carroll University. After college, she completed a two-year service teaching program called Operation TEACH. While in the program, she earned a master’s degree in teaching from University of Notre Dame of Maryland. Most recently, Zuzolo taught middle school religion, social studies and language arts at Lial Catholic School in Whitehouse, Ohio.


While visiting different high schools last autumn, admission counselors advised me that "you'll know the right school" after your visits. They were right! After visiting Gilmour Academy, I knew it was the right choice for me. Why? The three main reasons for me include Catholic, coed and community!

One reason I chose to attend Gilmour Academy is my Catholic faith. A strong Catholic faith can help students during important times in their life. It is important to me to keep learning about my faith throughout high school.

Another reason I picked Gilmour was the supportive faculty. On my visit, I could tell that they really wanted to help students learn as much as possible.

A third reason I chose Gilmour is I prefer having girls and boys working together in the classroom. I feel this will prepare me for real life.

But the biggest reason I chose Gilmour was its warm community. As soon as I set foot on campus,

I felt as if I was at home. There was not one person that made me feel uncomfortable in any way. The teachers, coaches, staff, students and families all made me feel so welcome at Gilmour. I am loving my first year as a Lancer!



Choosing Gilmour as my high school was an easy decision. There weren't too many schools, at the time, that caught my eye. I looked at other schools, but none felt like home to me. I wanted a school that I would be able to spend the next four years of my life at, continue my educational career, and make lifelong friends. I wanted to be in a happy environment where I could get work done, and have a little fun. It's not that the other schools I was looking at didn't offer any of the things I was looking for, it was just a matter of which school felt right to me. Gilmour was the best fit for me, and that's why I chose it.

Some things that separated Gilmour from the other schools were the campus, the environment and all the sports and clubs that they offered. When I first arrived at the school on my shadow day, I fell in love. Tudor House was so beautiful in itself, and that was only the outside that I saw. The outside and inside appearance of the place where I'll be "working" for the next four years was a very important part of my decision.

Sports are a very big part of my life. I love being active, and having fun doing it. The number of sports Gilmour offers was also another

I am a freshman at Gilmour and I am part of the largest freshman class in recent history.

I first got to know about Gilmour when I attended an Open House during an October afternoon while I was still in seventh grade. Walking through the campus made a lasting impression. When I reached eighth grade, I chose to shadow at Gilmour to see what it was like for an entire day. It was the best experience I had of any school I shadowed. I knew then that Gilmour was for me.

The decision to attend Gilmour was easy. I felt at home as part of a large family. Everyone seemed interested in me personally and asked about me. I felt that I belonged in this perfect atmosphere. The campus was great and the food even better! Gilmour set itself apart from the other schools I considered because everyone was interested in me as a person. They saw what I could bring to Gilmour.

There are many opportunities for me to get involved at Gilmour and grow as an individual. I enjoy sports, so I play football and plan to participate in basketball and track. I love music and will participate in the Pops Ensemble.

I will get involved socially in some other clubs as I learn what they are during my freshman year. I will also find a service organization that I can help by giving back to the community in some way.

I am up to the challenge that Gilmour presents. I want to achieve as an individual. I also want to contribute to the Gilmour community by doing the best that I can in everything that I attempt to do and use all the gifts that God gave me. That’s what my parents instilled in me. I appreciate the opportunity to attend Gilmour and look forward to the next four years.

big part of my decision, along with the many different clubs. During my time at Gilmour, I hope to get involved in Mock Trial, the Math Club, the Drama Club, Music Ministry, and many others. In my four years here, I hope to play basketball. I also want to try some new sports like fastpitch softball, tennis and volleyball. Along with sports and clubs, I'd like to get involved in the community, and help others. Helping others is something I value, and the fact that we have to have 60 hours of service before we can graduate is amazing, and it gives me plenty of time to be of service to those in need.

Did you choose a school yet?

GilmourWhy I chose Yes!


Izzy Greene ’18

Lauriel Powell ’18 Andrew Sieminski ’18


There are many good high schools in my area, and I shadowed four in particular. Then I became confused…which one do I choose? I recalled a piece of advice from Roy Disney who said, “When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.”

So I asked myself, “What do I value?” And my answer was this… a coeducational environment, a faith-based community, strong organization and work ethic, and a ‘family feel.’ Not every school I shadowed could check my requirements off the list. Gilmour did.

Shadowing gave me a behind-the-scenes preview of a typical school day. After one round of shadow days at four schools, I came back to Gilmour to shadow for a second time.

This time, I paid particular attention to how the students cordially interacted with one another. It was insightful to see the seniors talk to the freshmen in the hallways. I felt respected when I was asked my opinions in classroom discussions. My shadow hosts were genuinely interested in me. Even when I went home, a freshman texted me to ask how I liked Gilmour.

The teachers introduced me to the class and were accommodating in showing me around the school. Teachers went out of their way to ask me what my interests were and explained what programs were available, such as Catalyst.

At Gilmour, I will be involved with track and field, and community service. The classes I look forward to the most are physics and speech. I am eager for all the opportunities that Gilmour holds so that I can be inspired to fulfill my dreams. After all, Walt Disney said, “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”

I was originally introduced to Gilmour Academy by my mother and my aunt who had graduated from there in 1985 and 1986. Although there was no pressure to follow in the family footsteps, I considered Gilmour along with several other schools. When it came time to start shadowing, however, seventh and eighth graders at Seton Catholic School were only allowed two shadow days, so I had to narrow down my choices. During the spring of my seventh grade year, I spent my first shadow day at another area high school. I shadowed my very good friend, a sophomore with whom I had danced for many years. Overall, I thought the school was beautiful, but I felt rather out of place in the halls. I realized that my



After only being here for a short time, I already know that I made the right decision for high school. It was a long process deciding on a high school. I looked at a few schools in the area, but as soon as I saw Gilmour I knew that this was where I wanted to be.

I came from a small grade school with a graduating class of only 31 students. I knew that I would feel more comfortable in a smaller

interest in that school was sparked purely because of my friends that would soon be attending there. I had yet to feel at home when I walked through the doors of a high school.

In September of my eighth grade year, I used my last shadow day to

come visit Gilmour Academy. I remember how excited I was when we pulled up to Tudor House and there was someone there waiting for me. I could feel the excitement in the air as the students hustled and bustled about; it was the Friday of Homecoming Weekend. A student named Alex took me through the course of her day so that I could see what it would be like to be a freshman at Gilmour Academy. I was able to participate and answer questions in all of her classes, eat a delicious and nut-free lunch (thank goodness, because I’m allergic!), admire the breathtaking campus, interact with teachers and faculty, and receive the full Gilmour experience. Everyone there greeted me with open arms. I felt at home walking through the halls. When my mom picked me up at the end

of the day, she didn’t even ask me how it went before I said, “I want to be a Lancer!”

During my time at Gilmour, I hope to explore the many things they have to offer. I am very interested in math and science, as well as writing, photography and Spanish. I would like to participate in many extracurricular activities. I hope to make new friends that I’ll have for a lifetime. Maybe one day I, too, will be able to show a student interested in coming to Gilmour their way around the campus. I hope to have an amazing time with people I love in a positive learning environment and achieve academic excellence during my four years at Gilmour. But most importantly, I have confidence that I will. And that is why I chose Gilmour Academy.

high school. I knew I wanted a school with a family atmosphere and a strong sense of community. I didn’t just want to be a "number." I wanted to have a role in my school community. When I walked into Gilmour on my visit day I knew this was exactly where I wanted to be.

I am on Gilmour's football team, so I have been pretty busy with football and studying. The teachers here care about every student's individual success, whether it’s in the classroom or on the field, so they are always

willing to provide help outside of class. As a member of the football team, I have come to know kids in grades 9-12 and have become close with kids in each grade. Everyone pretty much knows everyone here. No other school could have provided me with that. My dad and my brother both graduated from Saint Ignatius and now here I am, happy to be a part of the Gilmour community and a proud member of the graduating class of 2018. Go Lancers!

Did you choose a school yet?


Academy...Lily Switka ’18

Ava Thomas ’18

Drew Casa ’18

Why I chose







What are your grandchildren like?

They’re like the core of a wonderful variety show. They sing, dance, recite poetry and get arrested.

Tell me about your experience with the Boy Scouts. I have been part of it for 47 years, since shortly after I left the Army. I support them financially, am a longtime Scout Master and have served on the board of directors.

Chicago deep dish or Chicago-style ‘dog’?

I’m a New York pizza kind of guy.

What’s the key to a lasting marriage? Laughter

And to being a good father?


Who’s Doing What, When and Where

1955GEOFF MORTON recently celebrated his 18th anniversary as a college counselor at Saint Edward High School in Lakewood, Ohio.


MADIGAN, JACK ZUCKER and their spouses gathered for a mini reunion prior to the Gilmour reunion in June.

They were joined by GEOFF MORTON

’55 and FATHER JOHN BLAZEK ’58 who offered a remembrance prayer for their departed classmates.



Fifty-eight years after meeting each other in Gilmour dorms or classrooms, or on the freshman football team of Brother Ludwig Crosson, eight of the boys of 1960 reconvened on the first long weekend in September in Lake Placid, N.Y., at the home of TOM

ASHLEY ’60 and Mara Jayne Miller.

Four buildings on four acres facing the historic lake proved to be a good venue for recalling the last 50 years and

the important time the boys spent together in the 1950s. Six attending spouses made a grand dinner table for continuous talking. Negotiations to determine who would get to plan and prepare dinners and breakfasts were energetic. Fourteen slept comfortably in the 130-year-old big house and “cottage.”

Mara Jayne’s speedboat and Richard Barone’s Hummer complemented

the activities offered by the lake, islands, peninsulas, woods, trails and mountains, which were on dramatic view from the back deck of the big house. Talking and more talking accompanied eating, drinking, sitting, hiking, fireplace-ing, museum-ing, sightseeing, shopping, boating and swimming.

Every participant agreed that something important had happened in the Gilmour years and they committed to re-reconvening for further discussion in another 58 years.




HARRINGTON and LELAND SCHUBERT came from Florida, Ohio, Michigan, New York City, New Jersey and Washington, D.C. The spouses there were Mara Jayne Miller, Marge Butterly, Marilyn Sauline, Alice D’Orazio, Karen Harrington and Jane Rehmke.

Go Lancers!

The Boys of 1960

TOM NELSONClass of 1958Spotligһt

The new freshman walked into the room and counted six pool tables. It wouldn’t cost him a penny to play. That was all he needed to see.

“I fell in love with Gilmour in about 25 minutes. It was an adventure from the moment I hit the ground,” says TOM NELSON.

Indeed, Gilmour personified a brave new world for the young man from Oak Park, Ill., who suffered from a rheumatic heart problem that confined him to bed for much of his youth.

The first time he ever ran was as a freshman in September 1954. “It was arrogance on my part,” says Nelson, who ran track, cheered and played football at Gilmour. “I thought, well, everybody else is doing it, so I’m going to do it, too.”

Nelson embraced the friendships he so quickly established in the dorms, and in 2014 Nelson considers Gilmour a highlight of his life. Graduating from Gilmour and subsequently attending Georgetown University were significant accomplishments for Nelson, who because of his early illness didn’t attend school regularly until third grade.

Nelson took a break between his junior and senior year at Georgetown to serve for two years in the Army. The Private First Class and Army cook was awarded the Good Conduct Medal his first year.

“They thought it was marvelous that I was a Gilmour graduate, so they gave me this medal,” jokes Nelson, who returned to Georgetown and graduated with an economics degree.

Striking a more serious tone, Nelson says he has lived a “very charmed, wonderful life.” Gilmour was among the first steps on that path, he says. Another was marrying Pat, his wife of 50 years. “It was the luckiest day of my life,” Nelson says of his wedding day.

The couple established a good life and big family in Oak Park, and Nelson rose to become president of his family’s printing business, Offset Press. First, he fulfilled his longtime goal of joining the Chicago Board of Trade, just as his father had in 1924. But “it was tough,” Nelson says. “I traded for almost two years and nearly starved to death.”

Joining the family business somehow seemed more appealing. In it, Nelson learned that working smart is better than working hard, and that communication is crucial to harmonious business relationships.

“Being in a family business, your life was not your own,” he says. “You had to do what you were told. It was more than being an employee; it was a matter of family support. You loved these people, so that’s why you did it.”

Nelson continues to be a deeply committed family man. He and Pat have three sons, three daughters and 12 grandchildren they see often. “The most courageous thing I’ve done is become a father,” Nelson says. “That makes the difference between everything.”

“I fell in love witһ Gilmour in about 25

minutes. It was an adventure

from tһe moment I

һit tһe ground.”



In an age where the average worker stays at a job for fewer than five years, JIM DENIG is an anomaly. The VP/Sales Director at Haggar Clothing has worked at Haggar for 43 years, and he’s set to retire this December.

When he does retire, the Chicago resident will be spending a lot more time at his home near Orlando, Fla. He and his wife, Peggy, bought a home there in 2011 to be closer to their grandchildren, including their autistic grandson, Cipriano.

“When he was diagnosed with autism in 2003, it just changed our lives. Everyone became dedicated,” Denig says.

The family rallied to establish a foundation to pay for his 3-year-old grandson’s expensive therapy sessions, which ran into the tens of thousands of dollars annually.

By the time he was 5, Cipriano had regained his speech. Today, at 14, he is a talented polo player. “Without this foundation, he probably wouldn’t have been high functioning,” Denig says. “I’m proud of what he’s fought himself through to become what he is today.”

Denig considers himself traditional, but his life has been anything but that. Just look at his family. The father of four adopted his youngest daughter Tori, 22, from a Russian orphanage when she was 10. Denig was 58 at the time, and he and Peggy already had three grown children.

But Peggy was active in Children’s Hope, a charity that finds homes for orphans around the world. When the opportunity to adopt Tori presented itself, the Denigs took it.

“I didn’t want to adopt an infant,” Denig says. “At the time, I thought, ‘I can handle a 10-year-old but I’m not sure I can handle a 1-year-old.’”

Besides the fact that Tori spoke only Russian (she has Disney movies to thank for her English), the adoption was a relatively easy adjustment for the family. Daughters Carrie, 37, and Brooke, 41, were elated. Son Brad, 39, however, was shocked.

“The girls were like, ‘Isn’t this great?’” Denig recalls. “The boy was like, ‘Dad, what the hell were you thinking? You’re 58. She’s 10.’”

Given the age disparity in the family, Denig’s only regret is not adopting two children at the same time. But Tori will have family to keep her company. She is 22 now and about to have her first child.

“She’s been a real delight,” Denig says. “Having somebody come live with us who had no family, no future, no belongings, hopefully you give someone a chance at a much better life.”

What are your older kids like? Diverse. Carrie and her husband manage a polo farm in Wellington, Fla. Brad lives in Singapore and is engaged to a young lady from Thailand. Brooke works for a health care company in Europe.

What or who has enhanced your life?

My brother-in-law Tommy. He moved in with us last year. He’s 61 with cerebral palsy. He can’t cut his meat, can’t move his fingers, but he worked every day until he was 55 years old. He’s an inspiration.

Describe Peggy. She’s a hero. She really is. She’s just terrific.

What are your thoughts on retirement? I’ll be sad to leave my job. When you’ve done the same thing for so long, it’s an adjustment.

What makes you happy? My family.

JIM DENIGClass of 1962Spotligһt

Denig with his grandson, Cipriano


1964TOM WESTON visited Fran and VINCE

COLLETTI in St. Louis, Mo. on the final leg of a three-month motorcycle odyssey that began in May and saw him travel all the way back to campus for his 50th reunion in June. The pair enjoyed a tour of the Budweiser Brewery during their visit.


Class of ’65, get ready

for tһe 50 tһ!

Robert Wrght (on the left) at the Governor’s Residence.

1970During the 10 years CHARLIE TREMONT has been head varsity golf coach at Gilmour, he and the team have achieved several things, including Ohio Boys Golf Team State Champion 2010, Ohio Boys Golf Individual State Champions 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, The News-Herald Coach of the Year 2006 and 2010 and The Plain Dealer Coach of the Year 2010.

1971ROBERT WRIGHT was recently honored by Ohio First Lady Karen Kasich as Summer Spotlight Artist at the Governor’s Residence and Gardens.

1973Enjoying retirement in Pinehurst, N.C., MARK JANASEK invites anyone visiting the area to look him up for a round of golf. Mark recently hooked up with classmate JOHN KRALIK, a Los Angeles County superior court judge … BARB WATTS ONEY is a marketing consultant at Global Cleveland, an organization focused on regional economic development through actively attracting newcomers, welcoming them and helping them

get connected in the Cleveland area … LARRY WEBER’S newest book, “The Digital Marketer: Ten New Skills You Must Learn to Stay Relevant and Customer-Centric,” was released this spring by Wiley & Sons. The book was co-authored by Lisa Leslie Henderson.

1975A 20-year employee at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, CATHERINE ROSS

WILKINS recently started a new job there as the First Patient Care Advocate for Pneumonia and COPD.On July 29, Catherine was a speaker and presenter at the Ohio Society for Respiratory Care regarding the role of a Respiratory Therapist as Patient Care Advocate.


is that she is now retired and living in North Las Vegas, the land of “no snow to shovel!” … After four years in Austin, Texas, PATRICK MOONEY

and wife, Meg, have moved back to Greensboro, N.C., where he has started a new business and “looks forward to traveling the world again.”

1979KIRSTEN HOMEL VITALE, a registered nurse at Mayo Clinic for 23 years, has been selected as both a bronze and silver Mayo Quality Fellow… MARKO

VOVK is an inspector and investigator at Ambassador Construction Consultants LLC, a Cleveland-based home inspection, investigation and building science-consulting firm.

June 5 and 6, 2014 on Gilmour’s campus.



PAUL LYDENClass of 1979Spotligһt

He rises every morning at 6 to feed the cattle. Then he gardens with his wife, exercises, drinks two cups of coffee and washes up.

That’s how PAUL LYDEN begins every day before arriving for work at the family business, Lyden Oil Company. The youngest of five children, Lyden was 13 years old in 1974 when he started working summers there. He’s now vice president of the business cofounded by his grandfather in 1919.

The fourth-generation company now stands among the top 10 largest lubricant suppliers in the country, having built its success on customer service, quality products and competitive pricing.

“If you have all that, you’ll make it in the long run. That’s one thing my grandfather instilled in us,” Lyden says. “If we don’t service the customer and somebody else does, there’s no reason for any of us to be here.”

Nearly 100 years on, Lyden Oil Company has six divisions across Ohio and Michigan, employs 160 people and moves 14 million gallons of lubricants annually.

Lyden is a hands-on owner who’s done everything from administrative work to driving trucks. And he always keeps his office door open. “Ask a question, you’ll get an answer,” Lyden says. “It may not be the answer you want, but you’ll get an answer.”

For a guy who grew up surrounded by family at every turn, Gilmour’s dorms provided a refuge that let him come of age. Brothers Richard Keller, Michael Flanagan and Robert Lavelle, all quite young at the time, “understood the wildness in us,” Lyden says. “Through good times and bad, they made a difference. They made stuff happen, and that’s probably why I am the way I am today.”

Lyden’s life today is enriched by family, work and the great outdoors. You might find him hunting, camping near his Colorado cabin or driving cross-country alongside his son. “I’m a very active person,” he says. “My tracks don’t get rusty or dusty.”

What’s been your greatest lesson? Listen. Learn from your elders.

What’s your motto? I am what I am.

Where’s your favorite place to relax? My farm in Ohio and my cabin in Colorado

What’s the best thing about cattle? They taste great.

What’s the first visual that comes to mind when you think of Gilmour? Walking through the procession of graduation knowing that we all survived – Round One!

1980JEFF GIOITTA is a project manager at The Robbins Company, a developer and manufacturer of advanced, underground construction machinery in Cleveland … In Columbus, Ohio, PAT O’NEILL owns EPCO and is the sales manager for Midwest Lighting Group LLC.

1981A member of the law firm Brown, Gruttadaro, Gaujean & Prato, LLC in New York City, MAX GAUJEAN specializes in general health care litigation representing both institutions and individuals … BROOKS GERBITZ is the director of global sourcing and warehousing at Swagelok Company… KEVIN MARRIE, the director of sales and marketing in the Pipe Marking and Material Handling Division of the Kennedy Group, has been with the company for more than 19 years … Based in Thailand, LEE MAZANEC, human and institutional capacity development advisor at Deloitte, has been working in South Sudan assisting the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Bank of South Sudan and the Ministry of Petroleum and Mining achieve their strategic objectives.

1982In Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., RICK

CONSOLO is a private aircraft charter broker for Aura Jets, a worldwide private jet charter service. Rick helps clients select the best, safest and most reliable aircraft according to their individual preferences and particular mission … TOM LAZZARO recently accepted the position of senior vice

president of field sales and operations at Veritiv, a North American leader in business-to-business distribution solutions. Tom is located in the Orlando, Fla. area and is responsible for all aspects of the $5B field sales and operations … JEFF RITNER is sales manager at Joseph, Mann & Creed, a full-service management collection company located in Cleveland.

1983Still located in Los Angeles, MIKE BELL is the CEO and co-founder of Toolray, Inc., a new start-up, focusing on building a Software as a Service (SaaS) business … JOE CISTONE is CEO at International Partners in Mission. Headquartered in Cleveland, IPM’s mission is to work across borders of faith and culture on behalf of women, children and youth to promote justice, peace and hope … TODD DEEGAN is president of Deegan Management, Inc. owners and managers of multifamily housing in Cleveland … DAN HYLAND is a managing director of marketing and client services for The Ancora Group, a client-focused investment advisory firm, located in Cleveland … For the past 18 years, PHIL JUNGLAS

has been extremely busy in the field of medicine. In addition to his practice as an internist with University Hospitals of Cleveland, he is also a medical resident educator at the hospital and a clinical professor at Case Western Reserve University … Commercial real estate capital advisor JOE KLEMA is the managing principal at Klema Enterprises, Inc., a managing member of KBH, LLC and principal at Chase Pacific Capital Advisors …

A state-licensed aesthetic educator, CARRIE WARBURTON NAPIORKOWSKI is the owner of Aesthetics by Carrie at Pink West located in Dripping Springs, Texas … As the national manager of risk mitigation at AFIMAC, JOHN VALVODA provides comprehensive crisis, corporate security and contingency planning services throughout North and South America.

1984In Greensboro, N.C., ELSO DIFRANCO is the director of research and development at PharmaCore … Counsel at Tucker Ellis LLP in Cleveland, PATRICK FLYNN

is a member of the Corporate Securities and Financial Services Practice groups representing public and private companies in industrial and service industries … In Grand Rapids, Mich, PAT KURAS is a senior network engineer at i3 Business Solutions, LLC … TOM McGUINNESS is the owner of Arrow-SEO, a computer support and search engine optimization company providing services to small businesses in Indianapolis … BETH CHIARUCCI

MORGAN is a marketing consultant and presentation coach at Baldwin -Wallace College’s Center for Innovation and Growth in Berea, Ohio … TONY MOZELESKI recently accepted the position of senior project manager at Apple in Cupertino, Calif. … MICHAEL NIGRO is the director, writer and founder of Partially Submerged Productions in New York City. This multi-platform enterprise was created for commercial and artistic projects, including film, video and literary works…



1984 continued

Founder of Raconteur Interactive Storytelling in Orlando, Fla., CHRIS

RODA is dedicated to the production and development of interactive storytelling utilizing technologies of the new millennium.

1985DENISE CALDWELL CHETTY lives in Charlotte, N.C., where she is the billing coordinator at the law firm of Hedrick, Gardner, Kincheloe & Garofalo … HOLLY DINSMORE is vice president of business development for Quadrant Health Strategies, Inc. … CHRIS HOWLEY is executive vice president at Republic Parking System, a privately owned professional parking management company based in Chattanooga, Tenn. … Located in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area, MARTIN HOWLEY is the Veterans Affairs, Real-Time Location Systems National BA manager at Hewlett- Packard … In Flagstaff, Ariz., BONNIE BAKER O’DONNELL is the director of development for the Grand Canyon Association … An attorney at Mansour, Gavin, Gerlack & Manos in Cleveland, MIKE TUCCI practices primarily in the areas of corporate and intellectual property law. He is also an adjunct professor at Ursuline College.

1986INGO BURGHARDT is the senior counsel at The World Bank in Washington, D.C. … In Cleveland, REMO DIFRANCO is the CFO/director of operations at Murtech Consulting, LLC, a staffing service for information technology and engineering … JIM ROONEY is a principal at AMTV, LLC, a professional services firm in the Pittsburgh area that provides market- based research and analysis in support of advancing new technologies and innovative products … The Wright Transportation, owned by LAMAR

WRIGHT, provides transportation to and from events such as casinos, airports, sporting events, meetings, etc. in the Cleveland area.


is a wealth management financial advisor at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney in Cleveland.

1988In Freehold, N.J., TRACY HEMMI

ROWOHLT is president of RowlCrown, a provider of removable crown molding/wire management systems. Tracy previously worked in finance and banking before joining husband, Todd, in this business … BRYN TUTTLE

STOCK is vice president at Spencer Products, located in Twinsburg, Ohio.

1989Working in the greater Chicago area, BEN DUNN is a sales representative for Stryker Orthopaedics … With an accounting background, SCOTT NEOLA is currently chief financial officer and treasurer at CMP, located in Atlanta … With headquarters in Boston, SEAN O’BRIEN is an operating partner at Bain Capital … In addition to owning Brighton Yoga Center in Detroit, BRIDGET SHEAHAN

PIETROWICZ is also the director of marketing intelligence for Valassis … University of New Mexico Associate Professor KATHY POWERS was awarded a three-month research fellowship at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. She is working on the legacies of the Holocaust for transitional justice today and comparing it to the African- American reparations movement. Kathy was also awarded a Woodrow Wilson Center fellowship in the East European Studies program to study reparations claims for mass human rights violations and war crimes in the Balkans … In Louisville, Ky., PAUL STROPKAY is chief investment officer at United Management Company LLC. The firm is an asset management arm of The United Company.

WALT ROONEYClass of 1988Spotligһt

It was July 4, 2013. WALT ROONEY, M.D. had just landed in San Francisco when he got the call. It was the kind of call no one wants to receive. Rooney’s younger sister, Annie, had been struck by a drunk driver and was clinging to life at The Ohio State Medical Center.

By the time Rooney arrived in Columbus several hours later, Annie had passed away. It was a tragedy that changed the Rooneys’ lives forever. They thought about what Annie would do in their situation, and from her death they are creating positive change.

“All our family talked about as we learned about the repeat offender who killed her is how she could have been let off time and again,” Rooney says. “It became apparent that we just couldn’t live with ourselves if we didn’t try to prevent this from happening to other people.”

To do that, the Rooneys are working to advance legislation in the Ohio state legislature that would require all convicted drunk drivers – not just repeat offenders – to have an ignition interlock installed on their cars. It would require the driver to blow into a Breathalyzer to ensure sobriety before the car will start.

With the Rooneys’ heavy lobbying, Annie’s Law, as the legislation is called, has garnered support from the National Transportation Safety Board, Nationwide Insurance, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the Ohio State Medical Association and others. In November, the Ohio House Judiciary Committee will vote on whether or not to send it to the House floor.

Annie, a prosecuting attorney who was 36 when she died, long had impressed her family with her advocacy of abused women. “She was always trying to give women a voice, that was her big thing in life,” Rooney says. “I know she would be totally supportive of what we’re doing. She would be leading the charge.”

What is your day job? I’m a plastic surgeon.

Where do you live? In Cincinnati with my wife and four kids. We moved here to fight for Annie’s Law last year. Before that, we lived in Seattle for 10 years. We had planned to stay there forever.

Are you glad you moved? Absolutely. Ohio is behind almost all other states with respect to this public health safety issue. Four hundred Ohioans are killed by drunk drivers annually. When we realized how preventable this is, we were compelled to act.

You are attending University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. What impact has it had on you? I have been able to use Wharton’s powerful network to help move this legislation along. I have contacted Wharton alums from San Francisco, New York, Washington, D.C., and Columbus to help on this issue.

What do you want your kids to learn from Annie? I want them to cherish their brief memory of her, to remember that she was selfless and courageous. Above all, I want them to be inspired by their family overcoming deep grief to make our community a safer place.




“Annie’s Law”Ohio House Bill 469

For more information

on Annie Rooney and her family’s efforts to get ”Annie’s Law“ passed, go to

Walt’s brother, Craig Rooney; his sister, Kate Rooney; his parents, Carole and Rich Rooney; Walt; and his sister, Annie Rooney.


If technology in the classroom is the wave of the future, KELLY PETRELLO has caught a big one. Thanks to her focus on social media and electronics in her fifth-grade class, the 35-year-old last fall received the Atlanta Families Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Petrello has taught in Atlanta schools for 13 years. She is entering her second year as a fifth-grade teacher at Garden Hills Elementary, a public school where the student body is largely Latino.

After taking the position, she was alarmed by how much her students lacked basic technology skills. “I wanted them to be able to compete when they got into middle school, and I decided to level the playing field for them,” she says.

In a Title 1 school where Petrello last year spent some of her own money to buy extra supplies for the class, her ability to empower her students with wise and thorough social media skills is a major feat. What started as a group of timid students eventually became one far more extroverted as they grew adept at blogging and more cognizant of online privacy issues.

“These were kids that were not really engaged in class and suddenly they blew up with the idea of having their own blog,” Petrello says. “It got to the point where it wasn’t even an assignment anymore. They just were writing because they wanted to write.”

Petrello’s Excellence in Teaching Award came in the form of a $7,500 grant, which she spent on iPads, portable keyboards and much-needed computers. “That was probably the most powerful thing,” she says. “Just knowing what my kids needed and being able to use that money to provide it for them.”

What makes you happy? A good run on a cool day

Who or what inspires you? My mom’s ambition. She never let any obstacle get in her way.

What is your fondest memory? Sunday dinners at my grandma’s house, listening to her play the piano and spending time with my family

What was a challenge that made you better? Not getting the first job I applied for out of college. Although I was disappointed, it forced me to open my mind to new opportunities.

Sweets, salt or carbs? Definitely salt

“I really һad to look into myself and

rely on my values to guide me.”

KELLY PETRELLOClass of 1997Spotligһt1990

ED CEBULAR is the vice president of sales at Petsport USA, Inc., a manufacturer of pet supplies and toys … A partner at Buckley King LPA, a business and commercial law firm, JEFF RUPLE is located in their Cleveland office.

1991FRED CHENEY is the public relations and marketing manager at Norton Ross Fulbright, the third largest legal practice in Canada … Working with clients in northeast Ohio, MINDY

GERACI is an executive recruiter at Parker and Lynch … With offices in Twinsburg, Ohio, STACEY BENDUHN

GRANO is the clinical director at ViaQuest Clinical Services. They offer behavioral and mental health, aging, vocational and substance abuse services … CHRIS MAYNARD is the director of individual giving at Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake in the Baltimore area … A certified early childhood education teacher and intervention specialist, MELLISSA ZAFFIRO is a tutor at Northcoast Tutoring Services and a substitute teacher with The Renhill Group, both located in the Cleveland area.

1992HEATHER KNIGHT AHEARN is CFO of Knight Sound & Lighting, Inc., which specializes in lighting systems in institutional settings. Heather is also a consultant with The Ahearn Group, a business services firm located in the Cleveland area … KATHERINE KOVALSKI

BUSBY is a geriatric psychiatry fellow at University Hospitals of Cleveland … MARK YOUNG is attorney-partner at Meyers, Roman, Friedberg & Lewis in Cleveland.

1993A licensed personal banker and CFA Level II candidate, TOM CHRISTOPHER works in the Cleveland offices at Fifth Third Bank … A lieutenant commander United States Navy, ROB LIOTTA is practicing medicine at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center … KURT MARLOW is regional sales manager/vice president of The Investment Center at FirstMerit Bank in Cleveland … Not only is she mom of three, SARAH GIFFORD PORATH is a special needs advocate and volunteers with Dup15qAlliance, Ronald McDonald House Pasadena and the Lincoln Elementary PTA. Sarah and husband, MIKE PORATH, have created, a website dedicated to championing individuals and families who are confronting the joys and challenges of physical and emotional disabilities.

1994With offices in Twinsburg, Ohio, AARON DYER is president of The Design/Build Group, Inc. … KYLE KOENIG is director of real estate at rue21, a specialty discount retailer of young men’s and women’s casual apparel and accessories … WILL KOVALSKI is Balfour Concord Construction project manager at CWRU/Cleveland Clinic Health Education Campus … In June, JACK WALSH competed in the 2014 Ironman triathlon in Nice, France. His wife, daughters and parents were present.

1995Located in Charleston, S.C., ERIC BENDUHN is the manager of territory sales for The Valspar Corp. … Congratulations to DESIREE PARELLA

GORDILLO and husband, Matthew, on the birth of daughter, Adelina … With offices in Foster City, Calif,, PETER YANG is director of finance operations at Visa.




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2000After 30 hours of labor and just a week and two days late, MOIRE

DOBRANSKY BALSAM and husband, DJ, welcomed Robert Diogenes … Congratulations to JIM MCHUGH, and wife, Joy, on the birth of their first child, Ella … Located in the Boston area, RALPH MENZIONE is a corporate financial analyst at The Davis Companies, an integrated real estate investment, development and management firm … SUSAN NAPIER

and husband, Alex Berger, announced the recent birth of Grace Irene. Susan is a vice president at Goldman Sachs working closely with high-net-worth individuals and families and select foundations, endowments and Indian tribal governments to develop wealth and investment management strategies. She is also a founding member of the City Year Associates Board and a board member and volunteer with the Los Angeles National Association for Urban Debate Leagues … HEATHER

TOMEC is a risk advisory senior in the Advisory Services practice of EY in Boston.

2001ERICA URBAN CHABALKO, business operations division chief at the Winn Army Community Hospital at Fort Stewart, Ga., earned distinction as a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives … KEVIN

DOLOHANTY and wife, Lindsey, are relocating to Rochester, N.Y. where Lindsey will run a University of Rochester Dermatology Clinic. They were married in March 2014;


DOLOHANTY were bridesmaids … CFP ELIZABETH FALLER is a director at Paragon Advisors, Inc., a financial advisory firm located in Cleveland … BETSY LACKEY HALLIDAY, M.D. and husband, Joe, announced the March 14, 2014 birth of their son, Benjamin … Congratulations to MATT LANE

and wife, JoAnna, on the recent birth of Emma Grace … Having served on the Associate Board of the Cleveland area Boys Hope Girls Hope for the past year, KATIE POKLAR SHAFER has accepted the position of director of development and marketing for the organization … Located in Houston, Texas, ALEX SOMERS is vice president at Simmons & Company International, an independent investment bank specializing in the energy industry … MATT SULLIVAN and wife, Patty, shared news of another little Lancer, Chase William … CHRISTOPHER TREMONT and Natalie Esperon were married in Boston this spring with a Cleveland reception in July … RYAN WILSON is the program director for Team Ohio Hockey; their focus is developing youth hockey players.

2002MOLLY HANERTY BADER and husband, Nick, celebrate the birth of their

first child, William Joseph, born on June 6 … Aside from her PR job in Manhattan, EMILY DELL has started a mobile fashion truck called Shop the Runaway. She was featured on’s 18 Quirky, Unique Businesses … Located in Atlanta, Ga., BRANDEN HANSEN is a credit risk management analyst at SunTrust, a bank holding company … Working in Cleveland, TIM JUNGLAS is an analyst at Legacy Capital Partners, a wealth management and financial services group … BILLY NAVARRE recently accepted a fellowship in cardiothoracic anesthesiology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital … Also in Chicago, MATT PANZICA is a partner at BDO USA, LLP, a professional services firm providing assurance, tax, financial advisory and consulting services … PHOEBE ROBINSON was recently named one of 11 Essential Comedians in New York City by Her blog, written under the moniker Blaria, has led to a podcast and a live monthly show, which she co-hosts with Jessica Williams, of “The Daily Show” … River Alexander is the newborn son of SARAH

KENNEY-HELFRICH STRONG, and husband, Sean. Sarah has recently accepted a therapist position in Denver, Colo. … CHRIS YONAN, in Los Angeles, is a business analyst at Screen Actors Guild – Producers Pension and Health Plans … PETER YONAN is the assistant controller at Capricor Therapeutics, Inc. a biopharmaceutical company located in Beverly Hills, Calif. that develops and commercializes regenerative medicine and large molecule products primarily for the treatment of heart diseases.



The Dolohanty wedding

1996PHIL BONGIOVANNI is in construction management at CH2M Hill … JOE BRADLEY is the director of sales at Ganeden Biotech, a probiotic research and product development company based in Mayfield Heights, Ohio … It’s son number two for DON HERBE, and wife, Coleen. Born this spring, Walter joins big brother, Donald, in the family of four. Don is an attorney for Diebold and in his “spare” time is an assistant varsity football coach for the Lancers … TRICIA MAISANO and husband, John Prince, welcomed baby Gino in August. He is their second son, joining big brother Dominic. Tricia is an advancement associate in Gilmour’s Advancement Office …MARK PANZICA is now the executive vice president of Panzica Construction … Congratulations to AMY FARRAR

WALSH and husband, Michael, on the birth of Hadley. She joins siblings Ainsley and Jameson.

1997JAY CROTTY is senior vice president at Brown Gibbons Lang & Company in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area. He continues as a principal at Velocity Partners, LLC, a privately owned company that invests in income- producing real estate and operating businesses … Of Counsel at The Lindner Law Firm, LLC in Cleveland, RICK FERRARA maintains a focus in the areas of litigation and professional drafting … CHRIS MILLEN is an account executive in the Cleveland office of TRN Financial Group … In Atlanta, MICHAEL

WESTBROOKS is project manager at Structor Group … BRIGHAM WILSON is a manager at PwC Advisory in Cleveland … JOHN WROBEL and wife, Kristina, welcomed their second daughter, Sloane, in June. Big sister is Sydney.

1998An associate in international/foreign exchange at KeyBank, MARK FORQUER works in Cleveland … TIM POZSGAI is the play-by-play broadcaster for the Mahoning Valley Scrappers in the Youngtown, Ohio area. Tim says he’s working his way through minor league baseball as a play-by-play broadcaster with the goal of being the voice of a major league baseball team …

MONICA TARASCO is an attorney at The Law Offices of T.C. Theofrastous, Ltd.

1999LOUIS CARAVELLA is a brand marketing consultant at Vital Communications, Inc. in New York City … MAKENZIE

DARLING is the business development manager at Edmentum in the San Francisco Bay area … A river guide at Wildwater River Guides in the Seattle area, JAMIE JASINSKI is also working toward a master’s in transpersonal counseling psychology at Naropa University in Boulder, Colo. … An intervention specialist with the Shaker Heights City Schools, KARA

LOPRESTI HORVAT received her master of education degree in May 2013 … JOHN MICELI is the legislative director at the U.S. House of Representatives for Ohio Congressman David Joyce … PHIL ROBINSON is the executive director and vice president of City Year Cleveland. He serves as the primary leader, external champion and internal manager of this education- focused, nonprofit organization … LINDSEY WILSON SCHNEIDER and husband, Richard, announced the birth of their third child, Anna. Siblings are Reed and Brynn.

Gino Prince, son of Tricia Maisano ’96 and husband, John




2003CAROLYN BENACCI is a media supervisor at Starcom MediaVest Group, located in Chicago … A Ph.D. student at Michigan State University in Fisheries and Wildlife, JULIA NOVAK

COLWELL recently received a Fulbright award to carry out dissertation research in India where she will study the social and environmental impacts of a closed fishing season on different segments of the fishery-dependent population … BRITTANY NASCONE COGAN recently accepted the position of attorney at the United States Patent & Trademark office … TIM FARLEY is a financial advisor at Skylight Financial Group, a Cleveland-based company specializing in personal, special needs and business transition planning … NICOLE

ROBERTS LIEBENTRITT lives in Phoenix, Ariz. where she is a teacher at Paradise Valley Unified School District … Congratulations to KELLY MARCEAU and Eric Wohlek who were married this spring … Licensed to conduct insurance investigations in all 50 states, BRIAN McCAMLEY is a SIU investigation II at Liberty Mutual Insurance in New York … For three years, MIKE

MCHUGH has worked as a project engineer at TUV Rheinland Japan in Yokohama, Japan. The company is a global provider of technical, safety and certification services … SERA NELSON is working with Robert Half International, a professional staffing services company in the Cleveland area as their director of development and special events. Sera is also director of development for WAGS 4 Kids (Working Animals Giving Service for Kids) … News from RON PARROTT is that he is a

professional services tech lead at Verafin. Located in Newfoundland, Verafin is a leader in fraud detection and AML software … Congratulations to JOE RAVIDA and wife, Crystal, on the birth of their son, Joseph Robert. The family lives in Ocoee, Fla. … In Washington, D.C., CHUCK SCARAVELLI

is an account executive at Fortitude Systems, LLC, a staffing and recruiting company … ERIC TOMKO is a senior recruiter at Veris Group, LLC, a cybersecurity company providing a full spectrum of cybersecurity services to public and private organizations.

2004Congratulations to RAMI AZEM, a recent graduate of NEOCOM Medical School … Cleveland was the destination when ERIC CARABOOLAD

and Madeline Weber were married in August. Classmates JOHN PECA,


RUDDOCK along with brother, RYAN ’08 were in the wedding party

…COLLEEN COBURN teaches at Community Day Charter Public School in the Boston area. She also assists White’s Catering in the planning and executing of large-scale wedding

receptions and formal functions … Based in Chicago, CORY DIETRICH is founder and COO of ElixServe, an innovative labor management system that combines employee scheduling, staff communication and online training tools into one web-based application … Not only is DARLENE

EDDY the sales manager at the Houston Hyatt Regency, she is also a real estate agent at Chasestone Realty … JULIE FIORELLI completed her Ph.D. in psychology from Case Western Reserve University and is now in Philadelphia completing a fellowship in primary care and weight management at Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Children’s Hospital … A doctor of podiatric medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, CRAIG FREY is also an adjunct faculty member at Kent State University Podiatric Medical School. Craig and Megan Oltmann, also a foot and ankle surgeon/podiatrist, were married on June 14 … THERESE

HUMMER is an account supervisor at Roberts + Langer DDB, a marketing and advertising company located in New York. One of her biggest accounts is Neutrogena … Public health and community outreach professional NATALIE HUNT is a program specialist at Big Brothers Big Sisters in Colorado Springs, Colo. … CHRIS KARAKUL is a policy associate at Federal City Council, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to the improvement of the District of Columbia … In Toronto, Canada, DUNCAN KLUWAK is a mechanical engineer at Hatch, an engineering, project and construction management company …



What’s one film you never tire of seeing? “Dr. Strangelove”

What’s something you could never live without? Music

Where do you turn for inspiration? I walk around Manhattan.

What do you want to say about your family? I’m thankful that my parents put a high value on education and developing a love of learning.

You haven’t seen New York until you’ve ____. Taken the subway at rush hour without headphones

“Tһe fact tһat Gilmour was so supportive of my efforts consistently was pretty amazing.”

Most professionals wake up, grab their morning coffee and head to the office. T.J. MISNY prepares for the international premiere of his film “Intimate Semaphores.”

The collection of three comedic shorts was the opening night premiere at the Brooklyn Film Festival in May. It won for best editing there (Misny was the editor) and will screen at the Stockholm Film Festival this November. It’s the first time Misny’s work will premiere abroad.

“I’ve long admired Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman, so it’s especially meaningful to be premiering in that country,” Misny says.

Misny is a hands-on filmmaker who savors having the creative license to see his work through from beginning to end. As a writer and director, he approaches his projects always with two questions in mind: Why am I doing this and what am I trying to discover?

Misny takes that search for answers deeper in his first feature film, currently in the works. He began writing the screenplay in 2008. In 2011, the script was a finalist in Francis Ford Coppola’s writing competition.

“Being my first feature, this is the one closest to my heart,” says Misny, who funds his own films through his day job as a producer of corporate videos. Such independence shines through in all his decisions. He’s eschewed mentors, instead seeking enlightenment in DVDs. And he graduated from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts in three years, too inspired by New York City to delay filmmaking any longer.

A Gilmour ”lifer,” Misny shot his earliest films as a freshman. His passion for filmmaking was well known among teachers, who allowed him to shoot videos instead of writing some papers.

“The fact that Gilmour was so supportive of my efforts consistently was pretty amazing,” Misny says. “I graduated feeling like ‘If I stick to my guns and keep making movies I will find support in the world.’ ”

T.J. MISNYClass of 2005Spotligһt


Celebrating Eric Caraboolad’s wedding


specializing in legal representation to resolve employment law issues … DIANA FEDELI REYNOLDS and husband, Dan, are the proud parents of Daniel, Jr. and awaiting the birth of their second child in late fall … KEITH RYBKA is the Aramark concessions manager at FirstEnergy Stadium in Cleveland … A tutor and instructor at Bespoke Education, Inc. in the New York City area, PAUL SCHEID is also the co-founder of Solvuu, a company that advances science through software … MEGAN SCHMIDT-SANE

is the communications and advocacy manager at Women’s Organization Network for Human Rights Advocacy in Uganda … SARAH SCHOENHAGEN is a behavior consultant with Peak Potential Therapy LLC, which offers therapy treatments and resources for families and children affected by autism and related disabilities. Sarah also works for the city of Beachwood, Ohio as the head volleyball coach at the high school and the middle school head track coach … A May 2014 graduate of the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine, JEREMY STONE is a resident physician in neurological surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center … CARISSA SWANGER is a doctor of pharmacy candidate at the University of Washington School of Pharmacy … After graduating from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law

in June and taking the Ohio Bar in July, VANESSA VACANTE is relocating to Charleston, W. Va. for one year to clerk for Federal Judge Joseph Goodwin. Her plans are to return to Cleveland in October 2015 to work for Jones Day, where she was a summer associate last year.

2006STEPH ANDREWS is the senior marketing coordinator and Microsoft liaison at Quick Solutions in the Columbus, Ohio area … BRITT

BARCLAY is an analyst for The Chesapeake Group in New York City … Located in Chicago, CAITLYNDE

BRANCOVSKY recently accepted the position as the Western Territory Fine Art Specialist for Chubb Insurance … GREG CORKRAN is an associate at Altamont Capital Partners, a private equity firm based in the San Francisco Bay area … A student at American University, ELIZABETH CROWE is a Ph.D. candidate in the department of public administration and policy … In North Hollywood, Calif., BRANDON GAY is an assistant editor for 51 Minds Entertainment, a creator of celeb reality programming … CLAIRE KENNEY has been accepted to the M.D./Ph.D. program at Cornell University Medical School … Event coordinator BRIAN LACHMAN extends an invitation to visit him at The Wine Spot, a Cleveland Heights local wine retailer specializing in bottles from small, independent wineries … WILLIAM NEIHEISER is president/ director of Will & Way Productions, a media production company based in Cleveland … JANET ONDRAKE is

a consultant at PowerPlan, Inc., a company whose purpose is to provide asset-intensive companies with integrated accounting, tax, budgeting and analytical solutions. In April 2014, Janet received the PowerPlan Performance Award … JEFF PHILLIPS

is a technical solutions architect for BuyerQuest, an enterprise procurement specialist, and is located in the Cleveland office … ALEXANDRA QUAST is a predoctoral neuropsychology intern at St. Vincent Health in Carmel, Ind. … CEO/ President of First Bankcard Processing, JOHN RANTE’S Chicago company is in the credit card processing industry and is directly connected to BluePay Processing … A platoon leader with the Ohio National Guard, EARL

ROBINSON currently has his fixed wing commercial single and multi ratings and his instrument rating … After completing the Army helicopter flight school training for the UH-60 Blackhawk in Alabama, PATRICK RYAN

moved to Savannah, Ga. for a two-year stint …

2004 continued

Headquartered in Orange County, Calif., BRIDGET KOENIG is an allocation planner at Pacific Sunwear … In Boston, ANNIE KURDZIEL is director of talent and recruitment at Building Excellent Schools, a national nonprofit organization committed to improving the academic achievement of underserved students in our nation’s urban centers … Congratulations to MARIE LOOP and Gilland Akos on their August 2 wedding in Cleveland, Ohio. Classmates JULIA SALAHSHOUR


NIEZ were bridesmaids … In addition to being a fellow at Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, ALLISON MARANUK is also a legislative affairs intern at USAID (United States Agency for International Development) … In New York City, BRENDAN MCCOURT works for Och-Ziff Capital Management in the US Trading-Distressed/Performing Credit area … KELLY MONACHINO and Dan Reisinger were married July 26 at St. Dominic Church. A reception followed at The Country Club … As the manager of content planning and analysis at Netflix in Los Angeles, ANDREW NAM develops strategic recommendations, analyzes deals and provides competitive analysis for the North American content acquisitions teams … CRAIG PANZICA is an associate managing director at The PrivateBank and Trust Company in their Cleveland offices … At the New York University School of Medicine, DANA

POGORELEC is an IRB (institutional review board) full-board pre-review


LAWRENCE is an associate legal counsel at Akron General Medical Center.

2005In Derby, United Kingdom, BLAKE

BARBER is a hazard classification specialist at The Lubrizol Corporation. He classifies experimental samples, raw materials and products … KATY BEACH recently graduated with a bachelor of science in nursing from Simmons College in Boston … Working in Cleveland, VEJAS BELZINSKAS is a senior embedded software engineer at Rockwell Automation …

Of Counsel at RaceWire in Boston, NICK DEDONNO advises the CEO of legal issues pertaining to timing and online registration of road races; negotiates and executes contracts with vendors; and drafts and files permits for races, alcohol and road

closures in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Nick is also the head coach of CrossFit Southie, a physical fitness regimen … HILARY DELL is the chief operating officer for Shop the Runaway, the mobile fashion truck founded by her sister, EMILY ’02. She has spent the past few years working as a fashion designer for Global Girlfriend, a fair trade company, and for Colorado Trading & Clothing Co.’s yoga line, Soybu … JILLIAN

ECKART is an assistant prosecuting attorney with the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office … A research analyst at Policy Analysis, Inc., NATHAN FEDOR is in Boston. PAI is a health-economics consultancy company … In Washington, D.C., NICK FLOCKEN is the deputy political director at The Political Office of the Speaker … In Chicago, CHRISTINA

GIORDANO is president and founder of Christina Giordano Consulting, LLC. … BRIAN HOFFMAN is an IP network engineer at Harris Corporation, an international telecommunications equipment company in Florida … MICHAELA KEHOE is an event coordinator at Chinato, one of Zack Bruell’s restaurants in the Cleveland area … ADAM LESKO is the coordinator of youth ministry at Divine Word Catholic Church in Kirtland, Ohio. He, wife, COREY NEWCOMB ’06, and family live in Chagrin Falls … EMILY

MEKESA is a production freelancer at FOX Sports in Los Angeles. She has worked events such as NASCAR, the World Series, Big Ten Championships, BCS, NFC Championship and MLB All-Star Game … RINA RESTAINO

is a contract attorney at Gleason & Favarote LLP, a Los Angeles firm

Daniel, Jr., son of Diana Fedeli Reynolds ’05 and husband, Dan


Kelly Monachino’04 and Dan Reisinger

Patrick Ryan ’06 shows his GA pride aboard his Blackhawk.




2006 continued

SCOTT VICTOR is the business and technology manager at Equinox Financial Solutions, LLC, a small financial services company in Princeton, N.J. … A financial management specialist at General Services Administration, MIKE

WAGNER manages the building operations program for the Denver Federal Center.

2007Located in their Akron, Ohio office, CAITLIN BAKER is an assistant account executive at Geometry Global … In Chicago, CAROLYN BAUMGARTEN is a senior digital associate at global public relations firm Weber Shandwick … KEVIN ECKART is a pharmaceutical drug safety consultant in Cincinnati at Tata Consultancy Services … AMY GANNON is a senior health coach at Enforcer eCoaching, the Cleveland Clinic wellness effort to help customers adopt healthier

behaviors through guidance, support and wellness advice provided through digital channels such as emails, texts and social media … In addition to being director of marketing at Bruce High Performance Transporters, CAITY HANUSOSKY is also the co-owner and director of sales and marketing of Bruce Custom Graphics. Both companies are located in Painesville, Ohio … TOM HORSMAN is an enrollment representative at Cleveland State University … JESSICA

JANDA is a clinical pharmacist at the Northern Navajo Medical Center in Shiprock, N.M. and is also the student program coordinator for the facility … In Charlotte, N.C., CATIE

KELLY is an associate at Red Ventures, a marketing analytics company … In Chicago, RENEE KOVALCHECK is an email designer at Orbitz Worldwide, a leading global online travel company … MYUNGWON LEE is working as a reporter at a radio station in South Korea … In Minneapolis, Minn., BRITTAN MAWBY recently accepted the position of business planning associate at General Mills. Brittan and Matthew Leiser were married August 16 at the University of Notre Dame; sisters MADISON ’09 and ALLISON ’11 were bridesmaids … CJ NEMASTIL is sales manager at Weber Company, Inc., the Cleveland-based supplier of industrial loading dock equipment, lifts, doors and associated products … FRANK NOVAK is a bridge inspector at Infrastructure Engineers, Inc. Frank is working in the Newport, Ky. area … O’Brien Brass Company Quality Manager MICHAEL O’BRIEN is the president of The 4 Cleveland Group, a fundraising effort for Malachi House,

a facility whose goal is to preserve human dignity for terminally ill individuals without full-time caregivers or financial resources. Also on the board is classmate

ROB ARMAGNO … JARED RICHARDS is vice president at Richards Communications, located in Cleveland … KATELYN SELISKAR is the science department chair at St. Bernard Academy in Nashville, Tenn. … Dallas-area entrepreneur ROBERT

SKODA is a partner at Ahkeo Ventures (a holding company for four businesses), a partner at Ahkeo Electric, LLC (provides energy- efficient lighting solutions for their customers) and a partner at Fracright … A master’s student in the marine science program at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, JENNIFER ZIVKOVIC is also a research assistant at the university and an instructor for MarineQuest, a non-traditional education with hands-on, feet-wet experiences in the marine sciences.

2008With her Dalton Fellowship in American Studies awarded by Kenyon College in hand, TRUDY ANDRZEJEWSKI is off to Tulane University in New Orleans to pursue a master of preservation studies degree … An associate at PwC in the Chicago area, BRETT ANTON’S focus is on management consulting and procurement … NATE BLEVINS is a reader and research assistant at U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit … Busy in the Cleveland area, BETHANY BYRD is a merchandiser

for Chloe + Isabel Inc., an innovative e-commerce jewelry brand designed to empower and connect women through a social shopping experience. She is also the director of first impressions and communications coordinator at Keller Williams Real Estate … JOE DONIKOWSKI is currently in the plant finance leadership program at General Electric Transportation in Erie, Pa. … A student at Hofstra University School of Law, REED

GARETTO was a summer associate with UBS Global Asset Management in New York … Congratulations to JOHN MORGAN GREENE and Tasnim Tanveer who were recently married. John, a graduate of Northwestern University, and Tasnim live in Chicago … Living in Milwaukee, TED HOWELL is a PWM Foundations program associate at Robert W. Baird & Co. … PATRICK KENNEDY is a program administrator/sales assistant at the Ohio Lottery Commission in Cleveland … GRACE O’ROURKE is the assistant food and beverage manager at Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts in Beverly Hills … MORGAN OSBORNE is a housing stability case manager at Community of Hope DC. … KRISTA

PARRAN is a research engineer at Case Western Reserve University … A graduate student at Tufts University, TOM REYNOLDS is also a second-year school psychology intern at Concord Carlisle High School and general counselor, head of 12/13-year-old unit at The Aloha Foundation … Having earned a master of science in aerospace engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, DENNIS SIEDLAK is now pursuing his Ph.D. in aerospace

systems design and is a graduate research assistant at Georgia Tech … Case Western Reserve University graduate student and dietetic intern BRIGID TITGEMEIER is also a nutrition assistant at The Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute where she develops presentations, handouts and related educational materials for medical staff and patients.

2009A marketing assistant at Gardiner in Solon, Ohio, JAMIE BERGSMAN is editing the current webpage, developing a company Facebook page and working to improve the search engine optimization of the current website … A graduate of Wake Forest University, ALYSSA BRIGEMAN

is a research assistant at the Center for Nanotechnology and Molecular Materials … Located in New York City, JOHN COYNE is a finance rotation analyst at CA Technologies … LEONARD DEFINO is a financial analyst with Boeing in Charleston, S.C. … KAITLIN GILL is an assistant grants administrator at OhioGuidestone … In New York City, NOAH

HIRSHMAN recently accepted a position as associate at Divine Capital Markets … SAMMY JOHNSON is a family life specialist at Beech Brook, a behavioral health agency in Cleveland … A corps member at Teach for America, COURTNEY KASUBOSKI teaches at Success Academy Harlem in New York City … An associate scientist at STERIS Corporation in Mentor, Ohio, MARK MCDONALD

researches and develops new biological and chemical indicators for vaporous

hydrogen peroxide and steam sterilization processes … ETHAN MOSES works in the processing department at Am Trust Financial Services, Inc. Ethan is also the campaign field organizer for Fossaceca for State Representative … ROBERT NEMASTIL is a business analyst in the IT Leadership Development Program at The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. This competitive entry program is meant to develop future IT leaders through three year-long rotations … In Chicago, HANNAH O’DONNELL is a sales associate at Euro USA, Inc., an importer and distributor of European cheese, olive oils, pastas, confections and spices … ALEXANDRIA PILLA is a clinical research scientist at Cleveland-based MIM Software, Inc. Alexandria is also a pianist and vocalist at Gilmour’s Our Lady Chapel … MADELEINE RAY is an environmental biologist at Chagrin Valley Engineering, Ltd. in Bedford, Ohio … BRIAN SHARNSKY is working in public sector at KeyBanc Capital Markets in the Cleveland office … After graduating from Carnegie Mellon University, SANG ROK SHIN returned to Korea, where he works at NCsoft, a publisher of MMO games (multiplayer video games) … Located in Manchester, N.H., PARKER

SHIVERICK is a software engineer in the defense industry at BAE Systems, Inc. … A research technician at Cleveland Clinic, RYAN TEKNIPP studies genomic-based mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease in the neuroscience department of Lerner Research Institute … JESSICA

VOROBEL is a quality assurance associate at Hyland Software, Inc. in Cleveland.


Brittan Mawby ’07 and Matthew Leiser





S 2010In addition to being a landscape crew leader/office aid at J.F.D. Landscapes, Inc., RYAN DRAKE is also an assistant boys soccer and lacrosse coach at Gilmour … An account manager at ENPAC LLC, a global leader in spill containment products, ALEC JANDA works with customers to meet their containment needs … BROOKE MARIE

JARVIS, an international business graduate of American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, is an equine insurance agent at C. Jarvis Insurance Agency working and selling their products internationally …DO HAN KIM fulfilled his duty in the Korean army and is completing his undergraduate degree at Vanderbilt University … SAMANTHA KLONARIS

graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a degree in engineering and has been hired by Google … GYU-TAK LEE is back at NYU to complete degree requirements, having completed his duty in the Korean army … ALEX MOSS graduated from The University of Central Florida with a bachelor’s degree in statistics … In San Jose, Calif., BOB O’BRIEN is an associate producer with LEVEL Studios, a company that delivers integrated marketing and product development for global brands … Recently married DALLAS PROVOST and wife, Sara Catherine, are living in Geauga County … After graduating from John Carroll University, MORGAN

SHEPARD is a financial planner for Skylight Financial Group in the Cleveland area … ANNE VENZOR is a finance associate at Arum Group, LLC,

a political consulting and fundraising group in Washington, D.C. … MATT

WARREN is a financial representative at Northwestern Mutual in Cleveland.

2011MACKENZIE ALEXANDER was a continuous improvement intern at Swagelok in Cleveland. She attends Washington University in St. Louis … A student at The Ohio State University, KAITLYN AMBROSE was a media relations intern at Media-Source, assisting the media relations department and external marketing departments … Miami University student LELAND BENT was a marketing intern at Sherwin-Williams …

SAM HANDY was a marketing intern at Rhode Island Marine Trades Association, an organization dedicated to growth in recreational boating and the creation of jobs for the industry … HYUN SEUNG HONG is doing research at Heller Lab while attending Stanford University … In the Cleveland area, BRENDAN HYLAND was an asset management intern at Boyd Watterson Asset Management LLC … A launch intern at EY, BRITTANY LAYTON networked with professionals to learn more about

EY and the services it provides … ALISON LENCEWICZ was a digital communications intern at Swagelok … A senior at Brown University concentrating on biology and on a pre-dental track, BRITTANY LINK is a student researcher studying sleep disordered breathing in patients with end-stage renal disease. Last semester, she studied abroad on a public health comparative program through the SIT International Honors Program looking at global health issues in Vietnam, South Africa and Brazil … Cornell University student MORGAN MILLS was a technical intern at ARCADIS, a Mayfield Heights, Ohio company providing consultancy, design, engineering and management services in the fields of infrastructure, water, environment and buildings … With his Korean army duty complete, GEE JIN NAM plans to return to school this fall … Bucknell University student KATHLEEN O’BRIEN was a healthcare administrative intern at Geisinger Health System in Danville, Pa. … A student at Fordham University, ALEXANDRA VENZOR has been an intern at CBS Radio and Viacom Media Industries.

KEVIN GLEASON worries he may actually have to move to California. “I know it’s going to happen. Every single tech job is in Silicon Valley,” he says.

Gleason is a Midwest/East Coast kind of guy himself. But he’s also a techie eyeing his future. The Boston College junior is web manager for The Torch, B.C.’s Catholic newspaper. The paper’s editor-in-chief, Gleason’s Gilmour classmate Natalie Yuhas ’12 brought him on board there last year.

Gleason was just three weeks into his first coding class when he joined The Torch. For the next month, he spent every spare second teaching himself web coding. He acquired enough skills to build an online search mechanism for The Torch. Now readers can punch in a term and the system searches the archives for related articles.

Gleason took AP sciences at Gilmour and entered B.C. a pre-med major. But one crack at building gadgets in computer science class and he was hooked. “It was the coolest thing I had ever done,” Gleason says.

When the class ended his sophomore year, Gleason switched his major to computer science. In learning about more complicated matters now, such as statistics and data management, he’s beginning to think about programming differently. “It’s no longer about simply making an application functional,” he says. “It’s about making it fast and efficient. That’s difficult.”

Gleason last summer completed an internship in Chicago at global technology consulting company Saggezza, and it motivated him to delve deeper into his craft.

As for moving to Silicon Valley, “every experience is a positive one if you let it be,” Gleason says. “I’m sure I would learn an incredible amount there and eventually grow to love California, no matter how much it pains me to say that.”

At Gilmour, you played soccer, basketball and tennis all four years. What is your best sports memory? Beating U.S. in basketball my senior year in the new gym.

Which Gilmour teacher influenced you most? Doc Goel, AP biology. She was without a doubt one of the greatest teachers I’ve had. Her class was the hardest I ever worked and the most I ever learned.

What good advice do you have for others? Always say “hi” in the elevator. It may be the only chance you get to meet someone and start a friendship.

What’s your quirkiest talent? I know how to work a Diablo, a Chinese yo-yo.

What’s something you’d like to do? Develop an application that makes enough money to buy a burger for everyone working on it.

KEVIN GLEASONClass of 2012Spotligһt


A Gilmour reunion in Korea


Through the Gilmour Academy Alumni Parents Association, past parents can keep their friendships alive long after the children graduate.

Whether their kids are playing football at Weber stadium, acting in a school play or going wall-to-wall at a swim meet, Gilmour parents always are there to cheer them on. Along the way, they form close bonds with the moms and dads sitting alongside them week after week and year after year.

Then their children graduate and all the camaraderie comes to an abrupt halt…at other schools, maybe. But for Gilmour moms and dads, the Gilmour Academy Alumni Parents Association (GAAPA) keeps friendships alive.

“The idea is to have parents stay engaged in Gilmour in a social way,” says Mary Kate Farrar Vega ’93 Assistant Head of School for Advancement. “By being part of the association, parents still have a Gilmour connection, but it’s mostly about camaraderie among parents.”

John Fagan, one of the group’s founding members, says when his

youngest son, Dan, graduated from Gilmour in 1996 it was tough to separate from the school.

“After spending years of making lifelong friendships through Gilmour, we didn't want it to end, nor did our friends,” he says. “Having been heavily involved in GA since 1985, when our oldest son, John, started high school, it came as quite a shock when the phone stopped ringing and the mail from school ended.”

So in 1998, Fagan and his wife, Kathie, formed a steering committee to create the Gilmour Academy Alumni Parents Association.

Backed by Jim Farrar ’59 and Br. Robert Lavelle, C.S.C., the association became official in January 2002. “Our intention was to be a ‘fun’ raising club, not a fund raising club,” Fagan says.

From Blossom concerts to brewery tours, Oktoberfest to St. Patrick’s Day, the association stays true to its mission by hosting about five primary gatherings a year. The group also has held tailgate parties at Gilmour games and is always invited to the Head of School’s Christmas party.

With few exceptions, everything is complimentary but for a $20 annual membership fee. And for parents of newly graduated students, the first year’s fee is waived.

The multigenerational aspect of the group makes it all the more appealing, Fagan says, and the committee actively seeks out younger members to ensure the group stays dynamic and vibrant.

Longtime association committee member Mary Beth Link put her four kids through Gilmour over a period of 14 years. She and her husband, Don, went to a lot of football games in that time.

“We were knee deep in Gilmour for a long time, and then all of a sudden to have nothing was like quitting cold turkey,” she says. “This gives us an opportunity not only to come back and reconnect with old friends, but also to make new friends from other generations.”

If you would like to get involved in GAAPA, contact Megan

Schlickmann ’90 at (440) 473-8073 or

Making MemoriesCalling all alums! The Alumni Office is in the process of expanding its collection of Gilmour archives. Whether you are spring cleaning or downsizing your collection of Gilmour memorabilia, please consider sharing your collection with the Alumni Office. Pictures, papers, copies of The Tower, The Lance, The Prep, playbills, etc. will all be carefully organized by Gilmour archivist Br. Ken Kane, C.S.C.

Please mail these items to:

Gilmour Academy Attn: Br. Ken Kane, C.S.C. Making Memories 34001 Cedar Road Gates Mills, Ohio 44040

2012Through their company, Benevolenza Fundraising, MADISON ASHER and KENNEDY RICCI organized a Color Run, which raised more than $23,000 for University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital … JESSICA LONCAR was a marketing intern at the Visiting Nurse Association of Ohio … JOHN MOORE was a quality assurance intern at Explorys, Inc., a company that provides a secure software platform that allows healthcare systems to aggregate, analyze and manage their big data to provide better patient care at a

lower price … CONNOR MORIARTY,

a student at Miami University, is a writer at The Miami Student and also co-founder/coordinator of MU student organization Trail Mix … As a result of her article on government debate, which appeared on the front page of The Miami Student, Miami University student LAUREN OLIVER was invited to be a member of the newspaper staff … SARAH SPECH, a student at the University of Dayton, is also a photography assistant for Most Imaging … ANNA SOUKENIK, a student at Gordon College in Wenham, Mass., is a fitness specialist at the school’s Bennett Center.

2013MONICA FLOCKEN was a summer intern for the U.S. House of Representatives … ELIZABETH HAYNES, a student at the University of Miami in Florida, was selected for the prestigious Fulbright Summer Institute. She studied at Durham University in the United Kingdom … AUDREY

SHEEHAN collaborated with her mother, Sara Booker, in publishing a book, “Quotes about Boats, Lakes, Seas & the Shore.” A book launch was held June 26 at Barnes & Noble in Cleveland and the book is available on


Ties That Bind

Rich Greco, Don Link, Mary Beth Link and Karen Greco at a GAAPA clambake

John and Kathie Fagan at a GAAPA clambake

GAAPA provides everything fans need at their tailgates.





Bob Beutel Girls Basketball

Jim Chappelle Track and Field

Joe Ciuni ’77 Girls Soccer

Shawn Dodd Football

Matt Lindley ’89 Cross Country

David Pfundstein ’93 Boys Basketball


Sharnsky is the most decorated coach in school history. In his 31 years as the head baseball coach at Gilmour, he amassed a 510-225 record and had only two losing seasons. Additionally, Sharnsky coached the golf team and led them to five state titles during his tenure.

Herbe played football and ran track at Gilmour. In 1995, he was a co-captain of the first Lancer team to make the playoffs and was named First Team All-Ohio and News-Herald Offensive Player of the Year. He was also a member of the state qualifying 4x400m relay team.

Frey graduated from Gilmour with 14 varsity letters. He was a four-year member of the prep hockey team; a four-year member of the varsity

baseball team, earning All-Ohio, First Team All-Conference (all four years), All-Cuyahoga County, Plain Dealer and News-Herald Player of the Week and team MVP honors; a four-year varsity golf team member, earning All-Conference honors and Academic All-Ohio honors twice and making three state golf championship appearances.

Hannes was a member of the prep hockey, golf and lacrosse teams. As a golfer, in 1999 he earned MAC All-Conference honors. For his hockey talents, he was selected for All-Team Ohio and the Team Ohio Chicago Showcase, Hockey Night in Boston Team Midwest and Hockey Night in Boston All-Scholastic Senior Showcase Tournament teams. As a lacrosse player, Hannes earned team MVP honors in 2000.

Lowery was a captain of the softball, basketball and volleyball teams during her time at the Academy. By the time she graduated in 1993, she held every offensive record in Gilmour softball history. She was named a four-time News-Herald First Team All-Star and a three-time Plain Dealer First Team All-Star. She earned First Team All-Scholastic honors. She never missed a game in four seasons as a starting varsity player.

Asked after the ceremony about what the honor means to her, Lowery said, “It actually means a lot to me. I played three sports at Gilmour. I spent so many good years here at Gilmour, so to be honored like this is such a big deal for me and for my family.”

Five are Inducted into Newly Re-established Athletics Hall of FameGilmour Academy inducted five new members into the Athletics Hall of Fame, which was reinstated this year. The inductees are longtime coach Ray Sharnsky, Jennifer Russo Lowery '93, Don Herbe ’96, Kyle Hannes '00 and Craig Frey ’04. The group was honored at halftime of the August 30 home opener football game against Beachwood High School, a game the team won 46-40 on a last-second touchdown pass.

Shown from left to right: Director of the Upper School Jon Wanders, Ray Sharnsky, Jennifer Russo Lowery '93, Craig Frey '04, Kyle Hannes '00, Don Herbe '96, Head of School Br. Robert Lavelle, C.S.C. and Athletic Director Jeff Walrich

Greater Cleveland Basketball Coaches Association Coach of the Year

Northeast Ohio Track Officials Association Coach of the Year

News-Herald Coach of the Year

Associated Press Division V All-Ohio Coach of the Year

News-Herald Coach of the Year All-Northeast Lakes District Division III Coach of the YearThe Hall of Fame will recognize one coach and up to four athletes each year for induction.

Nominations can be submitted to Athletic Director Jeff Walrich between now and March 1, 2015.



Another wonderful academic year is underway at the Academy. There is a palpable energy in the air as we build on the successes of last year. In a year that saw our speech and debate students compete at nationals, the Mock Trial team compete at states, the Moot Court team win the inaugural state championship, four of our sports teams finish as state runners-up and six of our coaches named Coach of the Year for their respective sports, we also had a successful year raising much-needed funds for the Academy. Our fabulous Evening in Paris netted more than $450,000. We also met our Annual Fund goal of $750,000, an incredible feat on the heels of such a large-scale fundraiser.

With the start of the new school year this August, we welcomed the largest freshman class in recent history – a class strong not just in numbers, but in talent as well. We have several new leaders in place - leaders specifically chosen for their level of expertise, their innovative thinking and their commitment to our mission. I am thrilled with the vision provided by our Associate Head of School J. Brian Horgan as well as by our three new

division heads – Jon Wanders, Director of the Upper School; Elizabeth Edmondson, Director of the Middle School; and Yvonne Saunders, Director of the Lower School and Montessori programs.

As we are ever evaluating the school and looking for ways to foster innovation and improve our programming, one need, in particular, continues to surface – the need for a new performing arts space. Thanks to a generous lead gift of $5 million from Lorraine and Bill Dodero and the generosity of several other families who have made gifts, we are now able to invest our efforts in building a new Center for the Performing Arts, a space that will be used by all Gilmour students. While we are still securing the necessary funds to break ground, we are excited about the multitude of opportunities this space will provide for our students and our programming. You will be asked for your generosity in supporting this transformational project.

As always, I am so grateful to you and the many others on whose shoulders we stand. It is your generous investment in Gilmour that enables us to have the resources to make our mission and vision a lived experience. May all of us be blessed in ways that enable us to fulfill our mission of empowering young people to be persons of faith who are competent, lifelong learners ready to lead courageously in seeking a more humane and just world.


Br. Robert E. Lavelle, C.S.C. Head of School



Gifts listed in this report were received during Gilmour Academy’s 2013-2014 fiscal year, July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in this report. Please contact Mary Kate Farrar Vega ’93,

Associate Head of School for Advancement, at (440) 473-8009 or if an error is noted.


I am honored and humbled to serve Gilmour as Chairman of our Board of Trustees. I have a wonderful role model in Jerry Murphy, who, thankfully, is not riding off into the sunset. Jerry, like Br. Robert Lavelle, perfectly exemplifies Gilmour. To their cores and with everything they do, both men represent what is so very special about Gilmour:

Home and Family. Gilmour is – and always will be – home and family for all of us. I cannot tell you how heartwarming I find sitting in the stands at GA athletic events beside people with whom I went to Gilmour and played sports, only now to watch our kids study, compete and grow together.

Mind and Heart. Gilmour and the Congregation of Holy Cross have always educated both the mind (the competence to see) and the heart (the courage to act). This is the foundational essence of what students – and indeed all of us – receive from Gilmour. In turn, we must remember to give of ourselves utilizing our minds and hearts. We are called to serve our family and friends, Gilmour and other deserving organizations, and the world. And such service, such stewardship, comes in many forms.

We are GA! And GA needs each and every one of us. And I thank all of you who have so generously supported the Academy both this past year and throughout our history. Let’s continue to follow the examples set by Br. Robert and Jerry to further the excellence of Gilmour and all the lives touched in the process.

Kind Regards,

Fred G. Botek ’85 Chairman, Board of Trustees


Anonymous (2)Mr. Anthony J. AsherRev. John J. Blazek, C.S.C. '58Mr. John H. Borkey, Sr.Frederick G. Botek, Esq. '85Mr. Kevin R. Callahan '75Mrs. Carole A. CarrMr. David D. CarrMr. Vincent A. ChiarucciMr. Joseph R. Ciuni '77Mr. Vincent F. DeCraneMrs. Lorraine DoderoMr. Michael E. Elliott '71Ms. Cheryl Forino '87Mr. Mark G. Frantz '65Br. Chester Freel, C.S.C.

Mr. Michael A. GleasonBr. Kenneth Haders, C.S.C.Mr. Daniel P. Harrington Mr. Robert E. Heltzel, Jr. '65Mr. E. Timothy Holzheimer '61Mr. Michael C. Howley '01Mrs. Lynn Arko Kelley (G.O.) '73Br. Robert E. Lavelle, C.S.C.Mr. John J. LennonMr. Thomas J. MarrieMr. Robert S. MonitelloMr. Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. '64Dr. Linda M. NeiheiserMrs. Elizabeth J. OliverMr. Anthony M. Panzica '71Mr. James R. Pender

Mrs. Katherine C. PenderMr. Michael A. PoklarMr. Frank A. PotenzianiMr. Raymond R. Rhode '51Mr. Kenneth C. RicciMs. Amy I. Ritchie '87Mr. Matthew W. Roddy '86Kris RogersMr. James E. Rooney '86Mr. Oliver E. Seikel '55Br. Charles T. Smith, C.S.C.Br. James C. Spooner, C.S.C.Mr. David C. WagnerMrs. Mabel WattsDr. Charles V. Wellman '68Mr. E. Mark Young '92


Anonymous (4)Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. AsherMr. and Mrs. Richard A. Barone '60Mr. and Mrs. David D. CarrMr. and Mrs. Gary D. Cohn '79Lorraine and Bill DoderoMr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Figgie '84Mrs. Connie FrankinoThe Samuel J. and Connie M. Frankino Charitable FoundationThe Sam J. Frankino FoundationThe Fred A. Lennon Charitable TrustMr. and Mrs. Louis A. Friedrich '63Gilmour Academy Women's ClubMr. Michael and Ms. Constance Kmieck-GleasonMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Heltzel, Jr. '65

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Howley '01Mr. W. Nicholas and Mrs. Lorie HowleyM & T Trust (Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Potenziani)Mr. Michael Mitkus and Mrs. Margaret Howley Mitkus '03Mr. Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. '64Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Murphy '65The New York Community Trust – The Thomas W. and Florence T. Murphy FundMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. O'RourkePast Presidents FoundationMr. James PhillipsThe PNC FoundationMr. Andrew RayburnMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Usher


“Home and Family. Gilmour is – and always will be –

һome and family for all of us.”

T H E S E D O N O R S H A V E C O N T R I B U T E D $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 O R M O R E T H I S F I S C A L Y E A R .


Points of Contact Gilmour Academy's class agent program continues to evolve and has some good momentum. With the help of our current class agents, we are improving communication about what’s happening on campus and strengthening the important relationships we enjoy with our most valuable assets – you, the alumni. A class agent serves as a point of contact to encourage fellow classmates to attend local gatherings and on-campus activities as well as to participate in the Annual Fund.

The program is making a big impact with classes celebrating reunions. Last year, there was a committed group of volunteers who met to discuss events being hosted during the weekend and volunteered to spend a few nights on and off campus making personal phone

calls to encourage the class to return to campus. The classes of ’59, ’64 and ’04, in particular, had great success this past June, both in terms of numbers of classmates who attended reunion and in Annual Fund participation. This was, in large part, due to the dedication of these GA ambassadors.

Essential Support An important function of the Class Agent in the Ambassador role is asking for support of the Annual Fund. Most do not realize that a donation not only supports Gilmour’s excellent academics, athletics and fine arts programs, but the many students who, without financial aid, could not attend Gilmour. For this school year, 45 percent of students are able to attend Gilmour because of the financial gift that many of the alumni have made throughout the year. This fund is an essential part of Gilmour's revenue each year.

Get Involved This year we are hosting several calling nights and those classes celebrating a reunion this summer (those with classes ending in 0s or 5s) are encouraged to become involved.

Join Us There is still a great need for more volunteers to serve as class agents for every class. If you have a commitment to the school and its mission, if you would like an opportunity to connect with your classmates, if you can lead by example and energize your class to participate in the Annual Fund ... we would love to have you as a class agent!

For more information or to sign up as a Class Agent, contact Annual Fund Coordinator Kathleen Berry at (440) 473-8091 or


The award honors the memory of GA father and board member Dudley P. Sheffler.

Dudley P. Sheffler was a caring father and husband, an astute businessman and deeply committed to charity. The father of Gilmour alums Henry ’85, Jamie ’87 and John ’92 and grandfather of Christian ’15, Sheffler passed away unexpectedly nearly five years ago.

However, thanks to a new scholarship for Gilmour Middle School students, his legacy endures at the school where he long served as a board member.

The Dudley P. Sheffler Scholarship is a quasi-endowed scholarship that will help pay the tuition of two Gilmour Middle School students for four consecutive years. Annually, $7,500 will be applied to each student’s tuition and $10,000 will go into an endowment fund.

“I just thought it was a nice thing to do, to have a scholarship in his name,” says Dudley’s widow, Barbara Sheffler. “It seemed like a good idea to honor him, and creating a

scholarship is something he would have liked to have done.”

Among his many executive leadership roles, Dudley helped launch Reltec Corp. in 1995 and became its president and CEO. He also was chairman of Indiana's Blufton Motor Works and a director of the TransDigm Group.

In addition to his active involvement at Gilmour, Dudley was devoted to several nonprofits and nearly 15 years ago founded the Barbara K. and Dudley P. Sheffler Foundation.

“I would hope that legacy is carried on by the recipients of the scholarship,” Barbara says.

New Sheffler Scholarship Supports Two Middle School Students

As the mother of longtime Gilmour supporter Carole Carr, Annie Kuznik enjoyed accompanying her daughter to special events on campus. Along the way, Kuznik became close friends with Br. Robert, Bernadette Coffey and Br. Richard, who brightened Kuznik’s days as her health failed later in life.

Kuznik passed away 13 years ago. In her memory, Carole and her husband, David Carr,

have created the Annie Kuznik Scholarship at Gilmour. It will benefit students for a long time to come.

The endowed scholarship is dedicated to a student from East Cleveland or Cleveland. That choice was a deeply personal one for the Carrs. Carole was born in Cleveland, raised in East Cleveland and graduated from Shaw High School. David, meanwhile, grew up in Cleveland Heights and is a Cleveland Heights High grad. Together the couple sought to benefit students who lack the financial means to attend Gilmour.

“My mother would be so happy to know her legacy is providing life-changing opportunities for Gilmour students,” Carole says.

The Carrs’ long history with Gilmour goes back to the 1970s, when Carole

worked here as a business manager and David began his tenure on the Board of Trustees. His son, David, is a 1979 graduate. In 1997, Carole joined him on the board, and since the 1980s she has been an active Gilmour volunteer and fundraiser.

“When we thought about honoring my mother, we knew it would have a connection to Gilmour, a school that means so very much to us and whose mission we strongly support,” Carole says.

The first recipient of the Annie Kuznik Scholarship is a member of the freshman class. “David and I look forward to graduation in 2018,” Carole says.

Annie Kuznik Scholarship Benefits Urban Students

Members of the Class of ’64 at their 50th Reunion



Endowment Our Lady ChapelMr. and Mrs. George J. Goudreau, Jr.

Holy Cross Restoration FundMr. and Mrs. John H. Borkey, Sr.Dr. and Mrs. Robert BottiBrothers of Holy CrossJudge and Mrs. Thomas P. Curran '54Ms. Lois DavisMr. and Mrs. Vincent F. DeCraneMr. Robert J. Durkin '79Mr. and Mrs. Vincent FerryMr. and Mrs. Robert K. HealeyMr. and Mrs. Michael J. KearneyMrs. John MinoMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Musca, Sr.Mr. Rodney OlenchickPast Presidents FoundationMrs. Patricia Velotta

Pender Memorial GardenKathy and Jim Pender

Center for Performing ArtsLorraine and Bill DoderoMrs. Connie FrankinoThe Sam J Frankino FoundationThe New York Community Trust- The Thomas W. and Florence T. Murphy FundMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. O'Rourke

Endowment Tudor HouseMr. and Mrs. Richard Renner

Endowed Scholarships

The Thomas O. Callaghan ScholarshipMs. Diane AugustusMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Heltzel, Jr. '65Mr. Andrew RayburnMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Usher

Class of '50 Scholarship

Class of '60 EndowmentMr. Dennis P. Killeen '60Mr. and Mrs. William H. McLeod '60Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. O'Brien '60Mr. and Mrs. J. John Reis III '60

Class of '61 Endowment Fund

Class of '64 Scholarship

Kevin Clinton'96 Memorial Fund

James V. Coakley '80 Scholarship

GAR Foundation Scholarship

Glen Oak ScholarshipMrs. Ann Dixon Bolek (G.O.) '72Ms. Jean E. Browne (G.O.) '80Dr. Hallie K. DeChant (G.O.) '76Ms. Carolyn Dorenkott (G.O.) '81Mrs. Heidi Meyer Figas (G.O.) '78Ms. Amy Gaskill Ms. Roberta Guarino (G.O.) '82 Mrs. Dorothy M. Callaghan Gunn (G.O.) '72Mrs. Margaret Micco Hoare (G.O.) '81Mrs. Brenda Hoffman-Goodman (G.O.) '80Mrs. Alane M. Burkhart Hughes (G.O.) '81Mrs. Jody Klassman Ress (G.O.) '75Dr. Wendy Urban-Mead (G.O.) '80

Annie Kuznik ScholarshipMr. and Mr. Roger BarnhardCarole and David CarrMs. Nancy F. Hexter and Mr. Robert SolomonMr. and Mrs. Robert Kenny III

Dr. William E. Lavigna '68 Scholarship

William Martino '87 Memorial Scholarship

Morrissey Family Scholarship

Nacy and Rosemary Panzica Family Scholarship

Michael Pender '90 Memorial Scholarship

Paul Query '79 Scholarship

Timothy Stephens '76 Memorial Scholarship

Robert B. Tomaro '67 Scholarship Fund

Josephine Weaver Seikel Scholarship

Vernon E. Weber Alumni Scholarship

Restricted Scholarships

Conway Family Foundation ScholarshipMr. and Mrs. James V. Conway '67Mr. Michael and Dr. Courtney ConwayMr. Patrick Moore and Mrs. Kara Conway Moore '94Mr. Thomas Fistek '95 and Mrs. Kristen Conway Fistek '97

J.C. Frantz Scholarship

Friedrich ScholarshipMr. and Mrs. Louis A. Friedrich '63

Howley Family ScholarshipMr. W. Nicholas and Mrs. Lorie HowleyMr. Michael '01 and Mrs. Kendra HowleyMr. Michael Mitkus and Mrs. Margaret Howley Mitkus '03

Michael Paduano '00 Scholarship

John and Caroline Pallat '78 Scholarship

PNC Foundation ScholarshipThe PNC Foundation SJF Scholarship FundLorraine and Bill DoderoThe Sam J. Frankino Foundation

The Sam and Connie Frankino Scholarship FundMrs. Connie Frankino

Urban Outreach FundThe Cleveland FoundationMr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dolan '76Gilmour Academy Women's ClubMr. and Ms. Michael A. GleasonMr. and Mrs. Donald L. GustavsonMr. Earl J. LuttnerMr. Gary PoborskyAmb. and Mrs. Daniel M. RooneyMr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Zupon, Jr.



$1,000,000 + Anonymous Lorraine and Bill DoderoMrs. Connie FrankinoThe Sam J. Frankino FoundationGilmour Academy Men's ClubMr. Michael* and Mrs. Lynn Arko Kelley (G.O.) '73Mr.* and Mrs.* Fred A. Lennon Fred A. Lennon FoundationJohn P. Murphy FoundationMr. Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. '64Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Murphy '65Mr.* and Mrs.* Murlan J. Murphy, Sr.Mrs. Dorothy O'Neill *F. J. O'Neill Charitable CorporationMr. and Mrs. Frank A. PotenzianiMr. and Mrs. Joseph Wesley

$500,000 + Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. AsherMr. and Mrs. Vincent A. ChiarucciFiggie InternationalGilmour Academy Women's ClubMr. Michael and Ms. Constance Kmieck-GleasonMr. and Mrs. Brian F. Murphy '73The William J. and Dorothy K. O'Neill FoundationMr. Anthony M. '71 and Dr. Cindy PanzicaKathy and Jim PenderMr. James PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Oliver E. Seikel '55Dr. Frank Vecchio & Helen Williams Vecchio FoundationMr. and Mrs. Charles D. Weller

$250,000 + Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. John H. Borkey, Sr.Mr.* and Mrs. F. Joseph Callahan, Jr.Carole and David CarrMrs. Doris ClintonMr. and Mrs. Gary D. Cohn '79Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. DickMr.* and Mrs. Harry E. Figgie, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. FlockenGilmour Academy Lower School Parents OrganizationGuardian Title & Guaranty Agency, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Heltzel, Jr. '65Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. HostofferMr. W. Nicholas and Mrs. Lorie HowleyMr. John J. LennonMr. and Mrs. William C. Mulligan '72

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Murphy '68Miss Anne B. O'Donnell*Mr. Nacy A. PanzicaThe Veale FoundationMr. and Mrs. V. Lawrence Weber '73Mr. Lester T. Zatko, Sr.* $100,000 +Anonymous (3) Andrews FoundationMr. and Mrs. Arthur F. AntonMr. Thomas G. BaresMr. and Mrs. Richard A. Barone '60Mrs. James A. BarryMr. and Mrs. Dean C. Barry '84Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Bartlo '67Mr. and Mrs. William E. ButlerThe M.E. & F. J. Callahan FoundationMr. and Mrs. Gerald A. ConwayMr. and Mrs. James V. Conway '67Ann L. Cuneo TrustMr. and Mrs. Daryl K. DeckardMr. and Mrs. Vincent F. DeCraneMr. and Mrs. Mark G. Frantz '65Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Friedrich '63Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gallagher, Sr.GAR FoundationMr. Alexander B. Garrett '74*Mr. Paul A. Gismondi '73Mrs. John A. HaddenMr. and Mrs. Daniel P. HarringtonMr. and Mrs. E. Timothy Holzheimer '61Mr. Edward J. HylandJohnson & JohnsonJoshen Paper and PackagingLaub FoundationMrs. Martha J. Lennon*Dr. Floyd D. Loop and Dr. Bernadine Healey*Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. MansourMr.* and Mrs. Raymond MeyoMr. and Mrs. William J. MieleMr.* and Mrs.* Thomas P. MulliganMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Musca, Sr.Dr. Linda M. Neiheiser Mr. and Mrs. John G. Nestor

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. O'Neill '73Mr.* and Mrs.* Patrick J. O'NeillMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. O'RourkeMr. Richard M. Osborne, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Timothy I. Panzica '73Past Presidents FoundationMr. and Mrs. Michael F. Resch '68Amb. and Mrs. Daniel M. RooneyMr. Gary P. Schambs and Ms. Faith E. PescatoreJacob G. Schmidlapp TrustsMr. G. Thomas Selfridge '65Mr.* and Mrs. Dudley P. ShefflerMr. and Mrs. Gregory J. SkodaDr. and Mrs. Mark A. SmithDr. Timothy L. Stephens, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Sullivan '67Mr.* and Mrs.* John F. SustarMr. and Mrs. Bruce E. TaylorTelxon CorporationMr. Tinkham Veale II*Mr. Morton J. WeisbergDr. Charles Wellman '68 and Dr. Ann EcksteinMr. and Mrs. Raymond Zukowski

$50,000 +Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Alexander '79Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Asher '84Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. AsherMr. and Mrs. James A. Asher '88Ms. Nancy BenacciDr. and Mrs. Richard J. Boland, Jr. '63Mr. and Mrs. David R. CampbellDr. and Mrs. Louis P. CaravellaMr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Ciuni '77Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. ClarkMr. and Mrs. Victor CohnMr. and Mrs. Matthew CrawfordCorinne L. Dodero Trust for the Arts and SciencesMr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dolan '76Mrs. John DonnellMrs. Lawrence M. DruckenbrodMrs. George J. Durkin

Mr. Robert J. Durkin '79Mr. Michael E. Elliott '71Mr. and Mrs. Umberto FedeliFifth Third BankFiggie Family Charitable Foundation Inc.Frantz Medical Development Ltd.Mr. John S. Greene and Mrs. Siobhan Refice-GreeneMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. HelfrichIHS FoundationMr. and Mrs. James R. Johnson '65Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. JoyceDr.* and Mrs. Donald W. Junglas '51Mr. Anthony D. Konkoly '78Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kranjc '71Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. LamosekMr. and Mrs. Neal P. Lavelle '53Dr. William F. Lavigna '68Mr. and Mrs. Barry P. LivingstonM.A.D. Golf TournamentThe Martin FoundationMr. and Mrs. James R. McCourtMrs. Robert C. McDowellW. Gerald Moore Educational FoundationDr. and Mrs. Mark J. Moran '73Nestle USA. Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O'Brien '63Mr. Rodney OlenchickThe O'Neill Brothers FoundationMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O'Neill '82Mr. Hugh O'Neill IV '65Mr. and Mrs. William J. O'Neill, Jr. '51PepsiCo FoundationMr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Rice '64Mr. Leland Schubert '60 and Ms. Jane RehmkeMr. and Mrs. Christopher SemarjianMr. and Mrs. Alexander H. Somers, Sr. '78Mr.* and Mrs. Robert B. Tomaro '67Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. UsherMr. and Mrs. Mitchell WeismanMrs. Gilbert J. WellmanMr. and Mrs. Charles L. Young

For the past 68 years, Gilmour Academy has had many generous contributors to the school who have had such a positive and lasting impact on our students, programs and campus. The generosity of the individuals, businesses and foundations listed below has had a ripple effect and allowed for many students to attend the Academy who may not otherwise have been able to, while providing state-of-the-art facilities and an excellent faculty to prepare and inspire the students. The section below lists donors who have shared their philanthropic spirit within the last three decades.



$25,000 +Anonymous (4) Mr.* and Mrs.* Reece AlexanderMr. and Mrs. Juan M. AntunezAVI Foodsystems, Inc.Ms. Dianne B. BoduszekFrederick Botek, Esq. '85 and Georgeanne Goodrich Botek, DPM '86Mrs. Guido BozzaMr. and Mrs. Frank J. Brady '64Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. BrennanMr. and Mrs. Kevin P. BresnahanCitibank Corp Ins. & Risk Mgn.CitigroupMr. and Mrs. James DautermanDome EnergicorpMr. and Mrs. Robert W. DonaheyMr. and Mrs. Michael J. DonikowskiMr. and Mrs. James F. DoyleMr. Daniel S. R. Duff '61Mr. and Mrs. James C. Farrar '59Mr. and Mrs. James Patrick Farrar '91Mr. William and Dr. Elizabeth FeslerMr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Figgie '84Mr. Edward M. Foley*Mr. and Mrs. Edward FruchtenbaumMr. Jeffrey C. Gleason '05Mr. Kevin A. Gleason '12Ms. Regan J. Gleason '07Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. GustavsonMr. and Mrs. John R. Harrington, Jr. '60Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. HealeyMr. and Mrs. John A. HernandisMr. and Mrs. J. Michael Hester '57Mr. and Mrs. John J. HetzerMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. HolleranMr. and Mrs. John H. Hollis '83Mr. and Mrs. David L. Holzheimer '64Mrs. Cynthia A. HuffmanMr. and Mrs. R. Craig Hupp '67

Ivancic Marine, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. David R. Janasek '71Mrs. Joseph H. KellerDr. and Mrs. Michael J. KellisMr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Kennedy '66Kulas FoundationLincoln Electric FoundationMr. and Mrs. Donald O. LinkMr. William R. Loichot '56Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. LozickMr. and Mrs. Albert F. Lutz, Jr. '65Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. MartinoMr. and Mrs. Anthony A. MassaroMr. and Mrs. Patrick F. McCartanMr. Donald J. McConnell and Ms. Sharon L. O'FlahertyMr. and Mrs. Timothy P. McDougallJudge and Mrs. James J. McMonagle '62Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. MonitelloMr. and Mrs. John T. Mulligan '64Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. NewcombMr. Robert G. O'Brien and Mrs. Ann Chiarucci O'Brien (G.O.) '76The PNC FoundationMr. and Mrs. Michael A. PoklarMr. Todd Ray and Mrs. Mary Alexander Ray (G.O.) '75Revco D.S., Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Rhode '51Mr. Bernard J. RileyHon. and Mrs. Shawn RileyMs. Amy I. Ritchie '87Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Roddy '86Mr. Jerry Ruyan and Mrs. Kecia Lipps Ruyan '86Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N. SalibaMr. Robert P. Seng '62The Friends of Robert B. TomaroMr. John Tomaro '60 and Ms. Jan Tanner

Mr. Larry Trotter and Mrs. Cindy Ross Trotter (G.O.) '73Tucker Ellis LLPMr. and Mrs. Gregory Turocy '82Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. TuttleMr. and Mrs. William J. UrbanMr. Daniel UrsuMr. and Mrs. Christopher M. ValerianMr. and Mrs. Stafford L. WorleyMs. Rosemary WykoffMr. Donald R. YertDr. James B. YoungMrs. Mary ZimmermanMr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Zupon, Jr.

$10,000 + Anonymous (6) Dr. and Mrs. Albert J. AbramovitzMr. and Mrs. James B. AdamsonAmeriTrustMr. Brian Anderson and Mrs. Laura DiNovi Anderson '84Mr. Dominic M. Antonelli '80Mr. Paul Appelbaum and Ms. Lee ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Thomas A. ArmagnoMr. and Mrs. Michael J. BairdDr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Baran '69Mr. and Mrs. Ladd K. BarberMr. and Mrs. Douglas N. BarrMr. and Mrs. Walter R. Barry, Jr. '51Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Belock II '93Rev. John J. Blazek, C.S.C. '58Mrs. John J. Blazek*Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Boland, Jr. '63Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Borkey '80Mr. and Mrs. Jerrod T. Borkey '87Mr. Joseph C. Borkey, Sr. '82Mr. Anthony M. Brant '79Mr. and Mrs. John BreenMs. Marilyn BrennanMrs. Charles Brennan*

Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm N. Briggs, Sr.Ms. Suzanne M. BroadbentMr. Darnell Brown and Ms.Terri Hamilton Brown (G.O.) ’79Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Byrnes '66Mr. and Mrs. John A. CableMr. Philip E. Cable '80Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. CalabreseMr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Callahan '75Dr. and Mrs. Peter P. CarlinMr. James A. Carney '64Mr. and Mrs. John J. Carney '62Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Carney '70Mr. and Mrs. David M. Carr '79Mr. Robert J. Casey, Jr. '62Mr. and Mrs. William T. CassellaMr. Richard J. Catalano, Jr. '85Channel Park Marina Inc.Lee Chilcote Irrevocable TrustMr. and Mrs. Michael E. ChristianMr. and Mrs. Brent D. ClapacsMr. and Mrs. Michael R. ClarkMr. and Mrs. Chandler B. Converse, Jr.The Edward F. Crawford FoundationDr. and Mrs. Joseph P. CroweMr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. D'AngeloMr. and Mrs. Leslie B. Daniels '65Mr. Dennis Davis '90 and Ms. Lara WhiteMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. DavisMr. and Mrs. Leonard M. DeFinoMr. and Mrs. Michael DeGrandisMr. and Mrs. Anthony DiCiccoMr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. DolanMr. Matthew Dolan '83 and Ms. Jessica HartMrs. Janet A. DolohantyMr. and Mrs. Joseph F. DrakeMr. and Mrs. Nicholas V. Duncan '68Mr. and Mrs. David A. Eckrich '58Mrs. Campbell W. Elliott*Mr. and Mrs. John T. FaganMr. Daniel Farrar '94 and Mrs. Leah Sterlekar-FarrarDr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ferrara '56Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fiala '71

Fifth Third/Maxus Investment AdvisorsFiggie Educational Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. FisherMr. and Mrs. Patrick S. FlahertyMr.* and Mrs. William A. Flesher '51Fomoco Collectors of America, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Fording '85Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. ForinoMr. and Mrs. William M. France, Jr. '79Mr. and Mrs. David J. Frantz '66Estate of Beatrice FriedrichMr. David M. GabrielsenDr. Parrish W. Garver*Mr. and Mrs. Greg GesweinGilmour Academy Alumni Parents AssociationMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Giordano, Jr. '76Mr. and Mrs. Frank GoriMr. and Mrs. George J. Goudreau, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. G. Garth GrantMr. and Mrs. Richard GrecoMr. and Mrs. Jedfrey H. GreeneMr. Frank Grk and Mrs. Lisa FazioMr. and Mrs. William A. HallalMr. and Mrs. Edward O. Handy IIIMr. and Mrs. William R. HaslerMr.* and Mrs.* William F. HausermanMr. Harry W. Henninger, Jr. '64Mr. J. Brian Horgan

Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Howley '65Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Howley '01Mr. Denis F. Hoynes, Jr. '51*Mr.* and Mrs. Michael M. Hughes, Sr. '55Mr. James J. HummerMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hutch, Jr. '73Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Janasek '73Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Janda '80Mr. and Mrs. Stanley T. Jaros '63John Carroll UniversityDr. Iain Kalfas and Mrs. Holly Gepfert Kalfas (G.O.) '79Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. KearneyMrs. Carole A. KeatingHon. and Mrs. R. Patrick KellyMr. and Mrs. Robert Kenny IIIMr.* and Mrs. Michael J. Kiley '52Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. King, Jr.Mrs. Mary E. KirchmanMr. and Mrs. Peter J. Kirchman '68Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. KirshbaumMr. John P. Klumph '73Dr. and Mrs. Jon KnightBernie J. Kosar, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. David H. Lavelle '89Mr. and Mrs. Jon LawrenceMr. and Mrs. Jeong I. LeeMr. and Mrs. Edmund LeopoldMr. James Lesinski and Mrs. Sharon Healey Lesinski (G.O.) '75



GIFTS IN HONOR OFMr. and Mrs. Michael LicursiMr. Adam A. Link '02Mr. David Livingston '90 and Mrs. Katherine Oviatt Livingston '89Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Lyden '79Maine Community FoundationMansour, Gavin, Gerlack & Manos Co., LPAMaple Heights Ecc AccociatesMr. and Mrs. Guy N. Maras '82Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MarquetteMr. and Mrs. Michael P. MawbyMr. and Mrs. Robert C. MaynardMr. and Mrs. Kevin McGintyDr. and Mrs. Michael J. McHughMr. and Mrs. Edward S. McKenna '68Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLellanMr. and Mrs. Jon J. Medved '65Mrs. Elspeth H. MillerMr. Michael L. MinottiMr. and Mrs. Robert MockThe Burton D. Morgan FoundationMr. and Mrs. Jack L. Morrissey II '65Mr. Robert H. Morrissey '67Motley Rice LLCMr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Muench '53Mr. John Murphy '88 and Mrs. Amy Sullivan Murphy '88Ms. Susan B. MurphyMurphy-PhoenixDr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Nally, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Charles NannicolaMr. and Mrs. Alan M. Negrelli '78Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Nelson '58Mr. Scott Ness and Mrs. Deanna Carlson Ness '95Mr. and Mrs. Chris NobleMr. Timothy Nowak and Deanne Nowak, Ph.D.Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. O'Brien '89Dr. and Mrs. Patrick S. O'Connor '61Ohio Pipe, Valves & Fitting

Ms. Helen Olenchick*Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. OliverMrs. Anne S. O'NeillMr. and Mrs. Brian C. O'Neill '95Mr. and Mrs. Richard PaceMr. and Mrs. Robert PalmerPark-Ohio Industries, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pascucci, Jr.Michael J. Pender EstatePepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Allan PestotnikMr. J. Anthony PetrelliMr. and Mrs. Frederic M. PfundsteinDr. Thomas M. Picklow '79Mr. and Mrs. Bryon A. PikeMr. Edward J. Pike*Mr. and Mrs. Antonio PillaHon. and Mrs. James M. PorterPPG Industries FoundationMr. and Mrs. Steven E. Pryatel '78Mr. and Mrs. Greg QuastDr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Quick '70Mr. and Mrs. John S. Raleigh '59Mr. Andrew RayburnMr. and Mrs. Richard RennerMr. and Mrs. Edward G. ReschMr. Austin K. Ricci '20Mr. Kennedy C. Ricci '13Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Riley, Jr.The Robbins FoundationMr. Larry E. RogersKris and Rob RogersMr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Rooney '70Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rooney '86Ross Equipment Corp.Mr. Robert RossbachMr.* and Mrs N. Thomas Ruddock, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore A. Russo '82Mr. and Mrs. Chad SalahshourDr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Schafer '50Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schenkelberg '63Mr. John J. Schmader, Jr.*

Mr. and Mrs. Kai-Roger SchmidtMr. and Mrs. Uwe T. SchmidtMrs. H. J. Schmidt*Mr. Leland W. Schubert*Mr. Robert G. SchultzMr. and Mrs. Elliott J. SeversonMr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Shouvlin '67Mr. and Mrs. Donald ShumayMr. and Ms. Stephen T. Skrovan '75Mr. and Mrs. John W. Snow '57Dr.* and Mrs. D. Bruce SodeeMr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sodja, Jr. '89Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Soukenik IIIBr. James C. Spooner, C.S.C.Dr. and Mrs. David R. Stager '53Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Stanton '61Mr. Michael K. Stefan and Mrs. Michelle Brennan Stefan '84Mrs. Mary Z. Sterle*Mr. and Mrs. James P. Sullivan '84Mr.* and Mrs. Thomas P. Sullivan '50Dr. Todd R. SwedaMr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Talbot '52Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Tassi '72Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Tomaro '63Mr. and Mrs. John J. TomincMr. and Mrs. Robert TomsichWilliam A. Toto Charitable TrustUnicoverreUniversity Hospitals of ClevelandMr. and Mrs. William P. Velotta III '71Mr. and Mrs. Robert VenzorMr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Visconsi '75Mr. and Mrs. David C. WagnerMr. and Mrs. Raymond T. WarnerMrs. Ridley WattsDr. and Mrs. James F. Weisgerber '64Mr. and Mrs. C. William Weisser, Jr. '65Mr. and Mrs. W. John WickettMr. David C. WilmotMr. and Mrs. John M. WurzburgerMr. and Mrs. David Zavagno

* deceased


Andrew Badertscher '14

Anonymous Stephanie Batt ’04

Ms. Debbie M. Batt

Robert Beach

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hallal and Thomas Hallal '09

Gary Bozza '74

Mrs. Guido Bozza

John and Liz Brett

Mr. Bartley J. Kilkenny

David Carr

Ms. Nancy F. Hexter and Mr. Robert SolomonMr. and Mrs. Lee G. Seidman

Zachary Charnas '18

Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hammerman

Elizabeth Fesler

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Joseph

Dorjan Flowers '23

Ms. Renee Carter

John Gallagher's 85th Birthday

Ms. Lois DavisJoseph and Renee DemseyShelia Wyse

Jennifer Graham (G.O.) '79

Mrs. Joan C. Graham

Richard Grejtak

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hallal, William '07 and Thomas '09 Hallal

Roberta Guarino (G.O.) '82

Mr. Bruce Goodman and Mrs. Brenda Hoffman-Goodman '80Ms. Amy Gaskill

In Honor of Sons’ Educations: William J. '07 and Thomas '09 Hallal

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hallal

Cedric Hansen '15

Ms. Maren Hansen

Robert Heltzel '65

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Waxman

Donald Junglas '51, 80th Birthday

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Maynard

Courtney '09 and Allie '11 Kasuboski

Dr. Charles and Mrs. Margaret Sanbe

Alex Keene '10

Ms. Nancy Keene

Kathy Kenny

Mr. Justin and Mrs. Erica Urban Chabalko '01Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hallal and William Hallal '07

Carly '14 and Andrew '16 King

Mrs. Marion King

Br. Robert Lavelle, C.S.C.

Ms. Michele KayMr. and Mrs. James W. Steuer '74Mr. Fred Weisman

David Lucas

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hallal and William Hallal '07

Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. '64

Dr. and Mrs. M.S. Dixon, Jr. Fdn.Mr. Harry W. Henninger, Jr. '64Ms. Johnson

Tom and Lori Newcomb

Mr. and Mrs. Edward ByrneMs. Barbara J. ClemensMr. and Mrs. James DabrowskiMr. and Mrs. Stuart HurstMr. and Mrs. Daniel MurphyMr. Todd A. TekieleMs. Mary Eizabeth Wozniak

David W. Seibert

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hallal

P.J. Volpe '14

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rowand

Vern Weber

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kealy '62Mr. and Mrs. William M. Schumacher

Hanna '21 and Trevor '24 Weltle

Ms. Carol Reiman

John Winter

Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Winter '62



Head of School's CabinetMr. and Mrs. Gary D. Cohn '79Mr. Michael and Ms. Constance Kmieck-GleasonMr. Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. '64

Blue & Gray Society Founder AnonymousMr. and Mrs. James R. McCourt

Blue & Gray Society Benefactor Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Barone '60Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. DrakeMr. and Mrs. John E. Kranjc '71Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Murphy '65Past Presidents FoundationMr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Zupon, Jr.

Blue & Gray Society Patron Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. DolanGilmour Academy Women's ClubMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Heltzel, Jr. '65Mr. and Mrs. E. Timothy Holzheimer '61Mr. Christopher J. Keller

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Kennedy '66Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. LozickJudge and Mrs. James J. McMonagle '62Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mulligan '72Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Murphy '68Mr. Rodney OlenchickMr. and Mrs. Richard T. OliverThe O'Neill Brothers FoundationMr. and Mrs. William J. O'Neill, Jr. '51Mr. Austin K. Ricci '20Mr. Kennedy C. Ricci '13Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. RicciMr. and Mrs. Oliver E. Seikel '55Mr. G. Thomas Selfridge '65Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Young

Blue & Gray Society Colleague AnonymousMr. and Mrs. Arthur F. AntonMr. and Mrs. Juan M. AntunezMr. and Mrs. Michael J. BairdMr. Robert Bates '93 and Mrs. Elisabeth Tuttle Bates '91Ms. Nancy Benacci

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Borkey, Sr.Frederick Botek '85, Esq. and Georgeanne Goodrich Botek, DPM '86Mr. and Mrs. William E. ButlerMr. and Mrs. Victor CohnMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. DavisMr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. DickMr. Matthew J. Dolan '83 and Ms. Jessica HartMr. Robert J. Durkin '79Mr. Michael E. Elliott '71Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. ForinoMr. and Mrs. Mark G. Frantz '65Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. GallagherMr. Paul A. Gismondi '73Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. HostofferDr. and Mrs. Sam S. JaffeMr. and Mrs. James R. Johnson '65Mr. James E. Keller '71Mr. Anthony D. Konkoly '78Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. LamosekDr. William F. Lavigna '68Mr. and Mrs. Jon LawrenceMr. John J. LennonMrs. Elspeth H. Miller

Mr. Greg Miller and Mrs. Patricia Pfundstein Miller '85Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. MonitelloW. Gerald Moore Educational FoundationMr. and Mrs. John MorleyMr. and Mrs. Brian F. Murphy '73Dr. Linda M. NeiheiserMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O'Brien '63Dr. and Mrs. Patrick S. O'Connor '61Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. OliverMr. Hugh O'Neill IV '65Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. O'Neill '73Mr. Anthony M. '71 and Dr. Cindy PanzicaMr. Nacy A. PanzicaKathy and Jim PenderMr. and Mrs. Michael F. Resch '68Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Rice '64Mr. Nick Salvador and Mrs. Corinne Dodero Salvador ’02Mr. Leland Schubert '60 and Ms. Jane RehmkeMr. and Mrs. S. Finley StayMr. and Mrs. Bruce E. TaylorDr. Steven Treppo and Ms. Sandra AmmendoliaMrs. Gilbert J. WellmanMr. and Mrs. Jon E. Younker

Blue & Gray Society Member AnonymousDr. and Mrs. Albert J. AbramovitzMr. Thomas G. BaresMr. and Mrs. Frank J. Brady '64Ms. Marilyn BrennanMr. and Mrs. John A. CableMr. Philip E. Cable '80Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Callahan '75Mr. and Ms. Michael R. CantyDr. and Mrs. Peter P. CarlinMr. and Mrs. Gregory ChianconeMr. and Mrs. Vincent A. ChiarucciMr. and Mrs Joseph R. Ciuni '77Mr. and Mrs. Brent D. Clapacs

Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. ClarkThe Cleveland FoundationMr. and Mrs. Gerald A. ConwayMr. and Mrs. James V. Conway '67Mr. Dennis Davis '90 and Ms. Lara WhiteMr. and Mrs. Vincent F. DeCraneMr. and Mrs. William DoderoMr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dolan '76Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. DonikowskiMr. and Mrs. Mark J. Druckenbrod '79Mrs. George J. DurkinMr. and Mrs. James C. Farrar '59Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fiala '71Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. FlahertyMr. and Mrs. Donald FoianiMr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Fording '85Ms. Cheryl Forino '87Mrs. Connie FrankinoMr. and Mrs. David J. Frantz '66Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Friedrich '63Mrs. Carole A. FrischMr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Gerspacher, CPAMr. Frank Grk and Mrs. Lisa FazioMr. and Mrs. Donald L. GustavsonMr. and Mrs. William A. HallalMr. and Mrs. William R. HaslerMr. Michael Heryak and Mrs. Janet Wyrwas HeryakMr. and Mrs. John J. HetzerMr. and Mrs. David L. Holzheimer '64Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Howley '01Mr. W. Nicholas and Mrs. Lorie HowleyMr. and Mrs. Louis S. JacobsMr. and Mrs. Stanley T. Jaros '63Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. KannerMr. Brenden P. Kelley '08Mrs. Lynn Arko Kelley (G.O.) '73 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. KellisMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kenny IIIMr. and Mrs. Ken KirchnerMr. John P. Klumph '73The Laub FoundationMr. and Mrs. Neal P. Lavelle '53Br. Robert E. Lavelle, C.S.C.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Lazzaro '82Dr. Sang Hoon Lee and Mrs. Eun Hee KimMr. and Mrs. Gregg LevyMr. Adam A. Link '02Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. LinkMr. and Mrs. Albert F. Lutz, Jr. '65Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. MarrieMrs. Robert C. McDowellMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Merriman, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. MisencikMr. Mike Mitkus and Mrs. Margaret Howley Mitkus '03Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. MorleyMr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Muench '53Mr. John M. Murphy '88 and Mrs. Amy Sullivan Murphy '88Ms. Susan B. MurphyMr.* and Mrs.* Murlan J. Murphy, Sr.Dr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Nally, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Negrelli '78Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Nelson '58Mr. Scott Ness and Mrs. Deanna Carlson Ness '95Mr. and Mrs. Timothy I. Panzica '73Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pascucci, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. PoklarMr. and Mrs. Frank A. PotenzianiMr. and Mrs. Richard RennerMr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Rhode '51Mr. Bernard J. RileyMr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Roddy '86Kris and Rob RogersMr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Rooney Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rooney '86Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. SwinarskiMr. and Mrs. Robert TomsichMr. and Mrs. Gregory Turocy '82Mr. and Mrs. William J. UrbanDr. Charles Wellman '68 and Dr. Ann EcksteinMrs. Tara L. Powers Williams '90Mr. Donald R. YertMr. and Mrs. David Zavagno

* deceased

Blue & Gray Society

Head of School’s Cabinet $25,000 and above

Founder $15,000 - $24,999

Benefactor $10,000 - $14,999

Guardian $7,500 - $9,999

Patron $5,000 - $7,499

Colleague $2,500 - $4,999

Member $2,000 - $2,499

Annual Fund Giving Levels



Class of '50Paul H. HeinenFrank A. JohnsWilliam J. McCormack, Jr.J. Philip O'NeilTheodore E. SchaferDonald W. Shanabrook, M.D.Richard E. UrsemMichael F. Velotta, Jr.

Class of '51Raymond C. Burke William J. O'Neill, Jr. Raymond R. Rhode

Class of '52William A. FitzgeraldJohn A. FoldenauerFrancis C. FooteJames R. HlavinThomas N. McMullenJulius A. MuschaweckJames A. PeurrungGerald J. TalbotRobert P. VelottaRichard G. WirthThomas J. Zumbiel

Class of '53John G. Ketterer, Jr.Neal P. LavelleCharles G. Menk, Jr.Raymond W. Muench

Class of '54Thomas P. CurranPeter L. DalNegro

Class of '55Charles H. GradyGeoffrey A. MortonOliver E. Seikel

Class of '56Thomas A. FerraraRichard E. George, Sr.Gary R. GreenWilliam R. LoichotByron E. Trapp

Class of '57Richard H. CoxJ. Michael HesterKevin KilleenLewis A. LanzaLivio F. Pardi, M.D.Thos RohrChristopher D. WattersRichard A. WhitakerRobert H. Wilson

Class of '58Bruce R. BechholdJohn J. Blazek, C.S.C.Joseph F. BreigDavid A. EckrichJ. William GoodwineJoseph J. MedvedWilliam F. Munday, Jr.Thomas E. NelsonDavid L. PfeiferJoseph C. Raguso

Class of '59Dennis T. BrennanJames C. FarrarKevin T. GeraciRichard M. JefferysChristopher J. PiersonJohn S. Raleigh John B. Selhorst, M.D. Harold J. Wolf David B. Wood, Jr. Joseph R. Zidanic

Class of '60Richard A. Barone Vincent E. Butterly, Jr. Dennis P. Killeen William H. McLeod Timothy F. O'Brien J. John Reis III Leland W. Schubert Anthony H. Williams

Class of '61 James M. BazzoliDaniel P. BuschDaniel S. R. DuffE. Timothy HolzheimerDaniel C. HowleyJohn W. KeneseyMichael E. MastersonJohn C. MurrayPatrick S. O'ConnorMichael E. O'MalleyThomas J. PuetteThomas M. RobertsDennis W. RossJoseph E. Sotak IIIFrank F. StantonT. Mark Sweeney

Class of '62John J. CarneyJohn M. CortelliDavid J. DalyJohn C. KealyPaul M. KrampeJames J. McMonagleMark E. Winter

Class of '63Frederick W. HenningerWilliam A. HummelStanley T. JarosDonald E. NegrelliDaniel J. O'BrienFrank R. Olah, Esq.Thomas R. PelegrinCharles J. SchenkelbergPaul R. Stanton

Class of '64Robert R. Bartunek, Jr.Frank J. BradyJames P. BreigRichard E. BrighamStephen N. CaJacobVincent F. CollettiJames F. DruckenbrodRobert A. FallerCharles A. GordonHarry W. Henninger, Jr.David L. HolzheimerTerry KlucherJohn T. MulliganMurlan J. Murphy, Jr.Gregory B. NashMark V. ReedRobert R. ReillyLawrence A. Rice

Mark E. SullivanJames F. WeisgerberThomas M. Weston

Class of '65Thomas A. CareyTerrence J. ClyneDonald J. Dawson, Jr.William F. DennyJeffrey F. DunlopThomas R. Eby, Jr.Mark G. FrantzPaul R. HavilandRobert E. Heltzel, Jr.James R. JohnsonAlbert F. Lutz, Jr.Patrick C. KaneJack L. Morrissey IIRaymond M. MurphyPaul J. NealHugh O'Neill IVG. Thomas SelfridgePaul E. SteinerMichael J. Stone*C. William Weisser, Jr.

Class of '66Thomas C. ByrnesGeorge C. ElliottDavid J. FrantzPatrick T. HergenroederLawrence D. KennedyJames L. McCrystal, Jr.James M. NelsonJohn E. Nolan IIILouis H. Reiss, Jr.

Class of '67Frank J. Bates, Jr.Robert L. Beda IIThomas J. CartwrightChristopher J. EibenMichael S. HawleyR. Craig HuppAndrew P. Selfridge

Class of '68Alfred F. Connors, Jr.Nicholas V. DuncanPhilip E. Gallagher, M.D.Thomas R. HowleyPeter J. KirchmanWilliam F. LavignaEdward S. McKennaPaul J. MurphyPaul L. ReissMichael F. ReschCharles V. WellmanHenry P. Wickham, Jr.

Class of '69Gregory W. BaranJeffrey L. BennettThomas P. FavretTimothy J. FinnRaymond L. HenselJoseph F. Raynak, M.D.James F. Slattery III

Class of '70George A. BashourRichard N. BurnorRobert L. HellmuthTerry J. MazanecCharles F. Tremont, Jr.

Class of '71R. Scott CarsonMichael E. ElliottRobert A. FialaDavid R. JanasekJames E. KellerJohn E. KranjcJames J. LipajAnthony M. PanzicaPatrick J. Trahan, Jr.

Class of '72Richard BaranskiDennis J. ChambersKevin CoghlanMary Ann Lasch (G.O.)Karen Leahey Lenehan (G.O.)Robert A. MayWilliam C. MulliganRaymond M. O'NeillMichael J. ReaganMarc SabranskyArthur J. TassiBrian M. Urban

Class of '73Maureen Boland (G.O.)Charles M. BurkhartPaul A. GismondiMark W. JanasekJoseph H. Keller IIILynn Arko Kelley (G.O.)John P. KlumphDaniel N. Kosareo, P.E.William F. MillerBrian F. MurphyTimothy M. O'NeillTimothy I. PanzicaGuy N. PetersonLaura Lavelle Ramella (G.O.)Margaret Ribar (G.O.)Edward W. RybkaPatricia Nemastil Strachota (G.O.)Joseph J. Wickham

Class of '74Herbert S. Crowther IIIDeirdre E. Donahue (G.O.)John J. Hammer, Jr.Matthew P. MoriartyStephen R. SaddemiJames W. Steuer

Class of '75Kevin R. CallahanJames P. ConnellKathleen Hackman Crowther (G.O.)Steven E. LambertJean Powley Murphy (G.O.)John P. Negrelli

Class of '76Lisa Podwoski Biggio (G.O.)Lawrence S. CrowtherMark W. GraeterBarbara A. Knuth (G.O.)Scott A. MazanecJames R. McGuinness, Jr.Ronald T. PolkWilliam J. Stepanek, Jr.Kevin M. Stoffer

Class of '77John B. BiggioKevin R. CarsonTimothy K. CastriganoJoseph R. CiuniRobert C. FlesherGerald JonesWilliam A. JunglasKyle M. KampmanSally Hurley Koepke (G.O.)Molly P. O'Toole (G.O.)Kevin B. RafteryB. Kent RomanJeffrey SpetrinoMarc L. VitantonioPeter E. Wile, Jr.


Class of '96Michelle DeBacco ChiacchiariJennifer Long ChungMichael V. GrycanColleen F. KielyTricia N. MaisanoSelina Parella MathurJamie A. S. MiccoAmy Farrar Walsh

Class of '97Kristen Conway Fistek

Class of '98Hannah Beach DwyerMark R. Forquer

Class of '99Meredith Panzica ManningKevin T. PelegrinAnthony T. Pozzuto

Class of '00Susan M. NapierKerry Coleman Peterson

Class of '01Robert J. CaravellaErica Urban ChabalkoTrevor J. ClaffeyKevin M. DolohantyMichael C. HowleyTimothy M. PanzicaBrett A. SchumacherKatharine Poklar Shafer

Class of '02Timothy J. FiortaAdam A. LinkBridget R. McGintyMonica C. MixWilliam J. Navarre IIIMatthew D. PanzicaCorinne Dodero SalvadorLudmilla L. Savelieff

Class of '03Andrew P. BrettJacob E. BuschAnne E. Kanner MitchellMatthew C. Wellman

Class of '04Kerry Doyle ChristyJane M. CiuniJulie A. FiorelliCraig B. FreyAmanda R. LinkMarie M. LoopAllison M. MaranukCraig P. PanzicaCarissa P. RayKelly Monachino ReisingerMichael R. Trivisonno

Class of '05Michaela M. KennyMaureen C. LicursiMolly DiIorio PanzicaVanessa G. VacanteRobert M. WeismanDaniel B. Wellman

Class of '06Caitlynde J. BrancovskyKaty M. FinucaneAmanda A. FiorelliWilliam N. NeiheiserChristopher H. PerkoPatrick J. RyanMeagan E. UrbanMegan P. WeismanMary Elizabeth O. Wheeler

Class of '07Carey L. Bell IVRyan J. CataneseSamantha N. DiIorioRegan J. GleasonCaitlin L. KellyMary Kathleen KennyMatthew J. LaCombeAustin O. LinkKyle G. Whitaker

Class of '08Trudy V. AndrzejewskiKathleen E. BenacciRyan M. CarabooladBenjamin H. ChristBrandon M. CookSarah E. FinucaneGregory M. FuteyJohn S. HannaBrenden P. KelleyEileen M. LaneLauren E. MartinElizabeth D. McErleanMichael C. MerrimanDerek T. NealColin T. RayHallie E. RybkaDennis J. L. SiedlakSamuel M. StefanakMargaret M. SullivanGrace A. VenzorBlaine J. Westropp

Class of '09Edward M. ConverseKyle P. CorriganMelanie A. FrankLillian U. HeryakChristopher S. KearneyJohn T. KingNoelle M. NeiheiserAndrew C. PhillipsJessica R. Vorobel

Class of '10James S. HurleyMaureen T. KennyPatricia M. KingCody C. Sarmiento

Class of '11Kristen A. EliaJenna R. Klein

Class of '12Michael G. ClarkKevin A. GleasonRosa E. HeryakAndrew C. LinkJohn C. MooreNatalie S. Schambs

Class of '13Connor B. HurleyBridget E. KearneyKennedy C. RicciBrandon W. Slaght

Class of '14Senior Class GiftBrynn E. AlexanderSamantha C. BaumanChristopher J. BeckerParker A. BerzinCarey E. ButlerBrendan E. CoyneCharles J. Gallo IIIJoseph D. MorekRegan A. O'BrianRichard B. Renner, Jr.Colin T. Zucker

Class of '15Yibing Sun

Class of '20Austin K. Ricci

* deceased


Class of '78Thomas R. CoerdtMichael J. CollierDavid H. DornbackHeidi Meyer Figas (G.O.)Peter L. FrantzAnthony D. KonkolyDavid L. KrotinePatrick F. MooneyAlan M. NegrelliSteven E. PryatelDouglas M. RadmanTeresann Weber Stoffer (G.O.)Thomas J. Wickham

Class of '79Sandeep K. Aggarwal, M.D.Anthony M. BrantGary D. CohnMark J. DruckenbrodRobert J. DurkinWilliam M. France, Jr.Carol J. Lasch (G.O.)David B. LasherPaul A. LydenThomas A. Vokas

Class of '80Dominic M. AntonelliPhilip E. CableScott R. JandaDaniel R. RankeJesse L. Smith, Jr.Daniel T. Tainer

Class of '81AnonymousChristopher F. CastriganoGregory P. Castrigano Max G. Gaujean, Jr.Brooks S. GerbitzJoseph P. Heinen

William J. Herman IIIKevin P. MarriePaul F. NemastilPaul L. Ruiz-BuenoThomas P. Shea

Class of '82John J. Byrnes, Jr.Dominic A. DiPuccioThomas S. LazzaroDonald G. Patacca, D.D.S.Gregory TurocyMichael G. Velotta

Class of '83Matthew J. DolanCraig S. HernandisC. Todd Sill

Class of '84Laura DiNovi AndersonKathleen M. ManeyAnthony R. MozeleskiSteven P. PettiWilliam M. Porter

Class of '85Frederick G. Botek, Esq.Robert C. Brosnan, Jr.Timothy D. FordingRichard A. JulianoSean M. MarriePatricia Pfundstein MillerGeorge W. Oliver, Jr.Henry W. ShefflerThomas M. Siberski

Class of '86AnonymousStephen J. AdamsDiane Hollis Ambrosia

Georgeanne Goodrich Botek, DPMJeffrey A. BroerAnthony M. DiIorio, Jr.Mark J. JablonskiChristina Lonergan KarnaMatthew W. RoddyJames E. RooneyBryan P. Sheehan, USN

Class of '87J. Thomas BlackfordJohn R. ColesCheryl ForinoNicholas E. HogenMichael T. KrotineSusan J. LaschMary Jo McHenry O'NeillAmy I. RitchieSteven M. ShawTawnya Santoiemmo ZuckerThomas C. Zucker

Class of '88Renee Wenger BittoDaniel B. DiCilloKevin C. HughesJennifer L. Ray-TomasekTheresa Hemmi RowohltAndrea Papenbrok Snyder

Class of '89Michael D. BrockwayColleen M. ClohertyJohn J. Hetzer, Jr.Jennifer Resch HofmannDavid H. LavelleMatthew B. LindleyJoseph P. RegalbutoMatthew J. Weil

Class of '90Denise Paulin BangasserDennis D. DavisMegan Marrie SchlickmannTara Powers Williams

Class of '91Elisabeth Tuttle BatesJames Patrick Farrar

Class of '92Jason M. CarboneMeredith Eby KornerE. Mark Young

Class of '93David D. BarrRobert F. BatesKathryn Goyer CusumanoRobert A. Liotta, M.D.Jennifer Russo LoweryKimberly Stoiber MorrissonDavid M. PfundsteinMary Kate Farrar Vega

Class of '94Caroline Condon BrennanMark A. ChiacchiariTimothy D. ColgroveIlona Paulin EmmerthDaniel C. FarrarCameron S. MieleSusan E. MonroeRenee Perlatti NemethReginald B. Stewart

Class of '95Thomas G. FistekEllen Schenkelberg LoughanDeanna Carlson NessBrett A. Rechel


Anonymous (2)Ms. Meg A. AndersonMs. Trudy V. Andrzejewski '08Mr. Paul Appelbaum and Ms. Lee ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Gary AultMr. Paul BaileyMr. and Mrs. Robert A. BeachMs. Kathleen BerryMr. and Mrs. Kevin BerryRev. John J. Blazek, C.S.C. '58Ms. Kristy BooherMr. and Mrs. Michael BoyleMr. and Mrs. Ronald BrubakerMr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Ciuni '77Mr. and Mrs. Randy ConfortiMr. William Cumming and Ms. Lisa WhitneyMr. and Mrs. Peter DalyMr. Richard DoringoMs. Jianhui DuMs. Elizabeth EdmondsonMs. Cynthia FidanzaMs. Katy M. Finucane '06Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. GreenfieldMr. and Mrs. Richard D. GrejtakMr. J. Brian HorganMs. Victoria A. JacobsonMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Joseph

Ms. Michele KayMr. and Mrs. Robert Kenny IIIMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. KleinMrs. Beckie L. KornMrs. Cynthia Kramer-SmithBr. Robert E. Lavelle, C.S.C.Mr. and Mrs. James LawMr. and Mrs. Earl LinaburgMr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Lindley '89Mr. and Mrs. Dan LipowskiMr. and Mrs. Kent LittlejohnMs. Cynthia D. LowryMr. and Mrs. John MalloyMs. Patricia M. MarlitzMr. and Mrs. Carl MasseySr. Mary Ann Mehling, I.H.M.Mr. and Ms. Nicholas MerkelMr. Timothy Nowak and Deanne Nowak, Ph.D.Ms. Bonnie J. O'LearyMr. Rodney OlenchickMr. and Mrs. David M. Pfundstein '93Mr. and Mrs. Jamey PolakMr. Martin and Dr. Mary PoluseMr. John C. Prince and Ms. Tricia N. Maisano '96 Mr. and Mrs. George PrusockMs. Rebecca ReidyMr. and Mrs. Gus A. Rini

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel RoxburyMr. and Mrs. Jonathon RupleMr. Ryan RyznerMs. Erin SandsMs. Yvonne V. SaundersMr. Devin Schlickmann and Mrs. Megan Marrie Schlickmann '90Mr. and Mrs. Linwood J. SmithBr. Charles T. Smith, C.S.C.Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. SonnhalterMr. and Mrs. Randy SouthMr. and Mrs. Thomas StockardMr. Tihomir W. TeislMr. and Mrs. Charles F. Tremont, Jr. '70Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. Turk, Ph.D.Ms. Meagan E. Urban '06Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van HornMr. Mark Vega and Mrs. Mary Kate Farrar Vega '93Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan WandersMr. and Mrs. Melvin WeltleMr. and Mrs. Keith R. WheelerMr. Kyle G. Whitaker '07Mr. John Bacon and Ms. Cathleen WhiteMr. Chad and Mrs. Holly Yotter


AnonymousMr. Joseph Alexander and Ms. Mary Ellen PotterMr. and Mrs. Stephen AmbrosiaMr. and Mrs. Arthur F. AntonMr. and Mrs. Joseph A. ArcadiMr. and Mrs. Duncan C. BadertscherMr. and Mrs. Michael J. BairdMr. Stephen BaldiniMr. and Mrs. Michael R. BaumanMr. and Mrs. Scott T. BeckerMr. and Mrs. Gary BergerMrs. Lisa G. BlackMr. Henry Krapf and Ms. Maureen Boland (G.O.) '73Frederick Botek, Esq. '85 and Georgeanne Goodrich Botek, DPM '86Mr. and Mrs. William E. BrancovskyMr. and Ms. Michael R. CantyMs. Renee CarterMr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Castrigano '77Mr. and Mrs. John K. CataneseMr. and Mrs. Alan CharnasMr. and Mrs. Gregory ChianconeMr. and Mrs. Brent D. ClapacsMr. and Mrs. Will ClaxtonMr. and Mrs. Mark W. ConnellyMr. and Mrs. John ConryMr. and Mrs. David CurranMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. DavisMs. Diane M. DeMarcoMr. and Mrs. Dominic A. DiPuccio '82Mr. Matthew Dolan '83 and Ms. Jessica HartMs. Elizabeth EdmondsonMr. and Mrs. Jason FaulknerMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. FehnMr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Flaherty

Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Foiani IIMr. and Mrs. Hugh F. GallagherMr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Gerspacher, CPAGilmour Academy Women's ClubMr. Frank Grk and Mrs. Lisa FazioMr. and Mrs. Richard W. HallalMr. Michael Heryak and Mrs. Janet Wyrwas HeryakMr. and Mrs. Albert A. HilkertMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. HolleranMr. and Mrs. Gary A. HoltzDr. and Mrs. Robert W. HostofferDr. and Mrs. Steve HunyadiMr. and Mrs. James J. HurleyMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. JacobsMr. and Mrs. Louis S. JacobsDr. and Mrs. Sam S. JaffeMrs. Dana A. JankusMr. Christopher J. KellerMr. James E. Keller '71Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kelley, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Dennis KennedyMr. and Mrs. Eugene M. KilleenMr. and Mrs. Scott H. KingMr. and Mrs. Ken KirchnerMr. and Mrs. Russell A. LamosekDr. Kenneth Laurita and Dr. Judith MackallMr. and Mrs. Jon LawrenceDr. Sang Hoon Lee and Mrs. Eun Hee KimMr. and Mrs. Michael J. LeskoMr. and Mrs. Gregg LevyMr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Lindley '89Mr. and Mrs. Matthew LoncarMs. Thekla E. LongMr. and Mrs. Dennis MeaneyMr. and Mrs. Mark MedovichMr. Greg Miller and Mrs. Patricia Pfundstein Miller '85

Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. MisencikMr. and Mrs. Robert S. MonitelloLCDR and Mrs. Dennis D. Morek, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Moriarty '74Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. MorleyMr. John and Dr. Lori Mullen, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Joseph MuscatelloMr. and Mrs. Alan M. Negrelli '78Mr. Tyler NoallMr. and Mrs. Richard T. OliverMr. and Mrs. Dean J. PawlakMr. and Mrs. David M. Pfundstein '93Dr. and Mrs. Jose M. PintoMr. and Mrs. William M. Porter '84Mr. and Mrs. Gerald PraiznerMr. and Mrs. Steven E. Pryatel '78Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Regalbuto '89Mr. and Mrs. Richard RennerMr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. RicciMr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Roddy '86Kris and Rob RogersMr. and Mrs. James E. Rooney '86Ms. Debra RossMr. and Mrs. Robert A. RossDr. and Mrs. Chris RulisonMr. and Mrs. Jonathon RupleDrs. Joseph and Ellen SabikMs. Raquel R. SchroederMr. Robert G. SchultzMr. and Mrs. David A. SharpMr. and Mrs. W. W. Slaght IIIMr. and Mrs. Peter SolanoMr. and Mrs. Christopher P. SonnhalterMr. Nakia D. Johnson and Ms. Shamuire SpiveyMr. Sukone Sriprajittichai and Mrs. Sivaporn SiribandanMr. and Mrs. Alfred J. StanleyMr. and Mrs. Mark G. Stefanak

Mr. Xiaofeng Sun and Ms. Hong ZhengMr. and Mrs. Edward J. SwinarskiMr. and Mrs. Michael ThomasDr. Steven Treppo and Ms. Sandra AmmendoliaDr. and Mrs. Edward M. Turk, Ph.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Turocy '82Mr. Alvito A. VazMr. Michael G. Velotta '82Mr. and Ms. Dale E. VeresMr. and Mrs. Melvin WeltleMr. and Mrs. Jon E. YounkerMr. and Mrs. David Zavagno

Mr. James Q. Zhang and Mrs. Qian ZhangMr. Thomas Zucker '87 and Mrs. Tawnya Santoiemmo Zucker '87Mr. and Mrs. Brian ZupancMr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Zupon, Jr.



Anonymous (5)Mr. Habib Abounader and Mrs. Antonietta FioreDr. and Mrs. Albert J. AbramovitzMr. and Mrs. John L. Aleva, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Mike AndrzejewskiDr. and Mrs. William L. AnnableMr. and Mrs. Arthur F. AntonMr. Dominic M. Antonelli '80Mr. and Mrs. Juan M. AntunezMr. and Mrs. Joseph A. ArcadiMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. AsherMs. Diane AugustusMs. Carol BadertscherMr. Richard A. BardonMr. and Mrs. Richard A. Barone '60Mr. and Mrs. William G. Batcheller

Ms. Debbie M. BattMr. and Mrs. John G. BauerMr. and Mrs. Robert A. BeachMs. Sharon BealeMr. and Mrs. Francis H. Beam IIIMr. Francis H. Beam*Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. BeckerMs. Nancy BenacciMr. and Mrs. James R. BenduhnMrs. Lee BiglerMr. and Mrs. David B. BloomDrs. Robert and Rita BonomoMr. and Mrs. John H. Borkey, Sr.Mrs. Guido BozzaMr. and Mrs. William E. BrancovskyMr. and Mrs. David BrandtMs. Marilyn Brennan

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. BrickMrs. Karen A. BroerMrs. Leonard BrzozowskiMr. and Mrs. Joseph S. BudajiMr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Burke '51Mr. and Mrs. William E. ButlerMr. and Mrs. David A. ButzMr. and Mrs. John A. CableMr. and Mrs. Donald T. CairnsMr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Callahan '75Mr.* and Mrs. Thomas CardwellMr. and Mrs. Peter P. CarlinMr. and Mrs. William R. CarothersMs. Renee CarterMr. and Mrs. Mark J. CasseseMr. Craig Castelaz and Ms. Chris Winkelman


Mr. and Mrs. John K. CataneseMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. CebularMr.* and Mrs. John P. ChambersRev. Thomas E. Chambers, C.S.C.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Ciuni '77Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. ClarkDrs. John and Mary CloughMrs. Dorothy A. CoerdtMs. Patricia M. CoghlanMr. and Mrs. Victor CohnMr. and Mrs. Howard I. J. Collier, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. ConwayMr. and Mrs. David CorbinDr. and Mrs. Sidney E. CorbinMr. and Mrs. Christopher CorriganMr. and Mrs. Daniel CoyleMrs. Marianne J. CulbertsonMr. and Mrs. David CurranCustomInkMr. and Mrs. William E. DaggMr. Robert F. DaileyMs. Traci S. DavisDr. and Mrs. Chad DealMr. Thomas DeChantMr. and Mrs. Vincent F. DeCraneMr. and Mrs. David B. DeiomaMr. and Mrs. James M. DelaneyMr. and Mrs. Edward DeMarcoMr. and Mrs. Peter DemarcoMr. and Mrs. John B. DiCilloMr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. DickMr. and Mrs. Richard DietrichMr. and Mrs. Antonio DiIorioMr. and Mrs. John D. DiIorioMr. and Mrs. Rocco A. DiPuccioDr. and Mrs. M.S. Dixon, Jr. Fdn.Mr. and Mrs. David DodgeMr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. DolanMr. and Mrs. David A. DollMr. and Mrs. Michael J. DonikowskiMrs. George DowidchukMr. and Mrs. Richard DowningMr. and Mrs. Joseph F. DrakeMrs. Lawrence M. DruckenbrodMs. Margaret Duffy-FriedmanMr. Alexander T. Dukay

Mrs. George J. DurkinMrs. Audrey DvorakMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. EmbletonMr. and Mrs. John T. FaganMr. and Mrs. Robert A. Faller '64Mr. and Mrs. James C. Farrar '59Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. FehnMrs. Phylis M. FerraraMr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fiala '71The Figgie FamilyMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. FinucaneMr. and Mrs. Dennis FiorelliMr. and Mrs. James FisherMr. and Mrs. Thomas T. FistekMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Flynn, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. ForinoMr. and Mrs. Bruce FrankBr. Chester Freel, C.S.C.Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. FreerMrs. Carole A. FrischMr. and Mrs. Andrew FuteyMr. and Mrs. Vincent GalyasMrs. Anthony GaudioMr. and Mrs. Richard E. George, Sr. '56Dr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Geraci '59Mr. and Mrs. Michael GessnerGilmour Academy Alumni Parents AssociationMr. and Ms. Michael A. GleasonMr. and Mrs. George C. GoodrichMr. and Mrs. George J. Goudreau, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Peter F. Goyer IIMr. and Mrs. Michael M. GrabowskiMrs. Joan C. GrahamMr. and Mrs. G. Garth GrantMr. and Mrs. Dennis M. GrapoMrs. Sandra GraubardDr. and Mrs. Stephen GriderMr. and Mrs. Joseph M. GurleyMr. and Mrs. Donald L. GustavsonBr. Kenneth Haders, C.S.C.Mr. and Mrs. William A. HallalMr. and Mrs. John J. HammerDr. and Mrs. Jeffrey HammermanMs. Alexandra H. Hanna

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. HansonMr. and Mrs. William R. HaslerMr. and Mrs. Paul H. Heinen '50Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. HelfrichMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Heltzel, Jr. '65Mr. Michael Heryak and Mrs. Janet Wyrwas HeryakMr. and Mrs. John J. HetzerMr. and Mrs. David L. Holzheimer '64Mr. and Mrs. E. Timothy Holzheimer '61Mr. and Mrs. Frank HondlikDr. and Mrs. Robert W. HostofferMr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Howley '61Mrs. Michael M. HughesMr. and Mrs. James J. HurleyMrs. Mary Therese HurleyMr. John HylwaMr. Carl JagatichMr. and Mrs. Scott R. Janda '80Mr. and Mrs. William S. Jirousek, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. James M. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Paul JohnsonDr. and Mrs. William A. Junglas '77Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. KannerMr. and Mrs. Larry KasuboskiMr. and Mrs. Sheldon KatzMr. and Mrs. John C. Kealy '62Ms. Nancy KeeneMr. Vincent F. KelleherMr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kelley, Jr.Mrs. Lynn Arko Kelley (G.O.) '73 Hon. and Mrs. R. Patrick KellyMr. and Mrs. Dennis KennedyMr. and Mrs. Robert Kenny IIIMr. and Mrs. James A. KingMr. and Mrs. John J. KingMrs. Marion KingMr. and Mrs. Scott KingMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. KleinMr. Louis Kokovai, Jr. and Ms. Laura HolpitMr. Andrew A. KonkolyMs. Celine KovassMrs. Cynthia Kramer-Smith


Mr. and Mrs. Gus A. RiniMr. Kevin V. RobertsMrs. Judith G. Rosen-GlauberMs. Debra RossMr. and Mrs. Daniel RowandDrs. Edward and Teresa RuchMrs. Christine RuddockMr. and Mrs. Michael A. RuffMr. and Mrs. William RupleDr. and Mrs. John B. RyanMr. and Mrs. Edward F. RybkaMr. and Mrs. Edward W. Rybka '73Dr. Charles and Mrs. Margaret SanbeDr. Ajit Y. Sane and Dr. Inge SchmidtMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. SarmientoMr. and Mrs. James F. SaywellMr. and Mrs. Joseph A. ScarpoMrs. Phyllis ScarsoMr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schenkelberg '63Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. SchinasiMs. Raquel R. SchroederMr. and Mrs. William M. SchumacherMr.* and Mrs. Anthony SeifertMr. and Mrs. John SelisMrs. James C. SennettMs. Kathryn ShemoryMr. and Mrs. Robert ShemoryMr. and Mrs. David ShuttleworthMr. and Mrs. Joe SichkoMr. and Mrs. Dennis SiedlakMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simko

Mr. and Mrs. John M. SiskovicMr. Richard A. SkallMr. and Mrs. W. W. Slaght IIIMr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. SmithMr. and Mrs. Linwood J. SmithMr. and Mrs. Christopher P. SonnhalterMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Soukenik IIIMr. and Mrs. Robert P. SpicerBr. James C. Spooner, C.S.C.Mr. Michael and Dr. Flavia SreshtaMr. and Mrs. S. Finley StayMr. and Mrs. Mark G. StefanakMr. and Mrs. William J. StepanekMrs. Marta K. StoneMr. and Mrs. Jerald W. StrandMr. and Mrs. Sam J. StranoMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. TarascoMr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Tassi '72Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. TayekMr. and Mrs. Bruce E. TaylorMr. Tihomir W. TeislMr. and Mrs. James E. TelzrowMr. and Mrs. Michael ThomasDr. and Mrs. William P. Tighe IIIMr. and Mrs. Robert TomsichMr. and Mrs. Ronald M. TraubMr. and Mrs. Charles F. Tremont, Jr. '70Mr. and Mrs. David P. TrueMr. and Mrs. Robert TuptaMr. and Mrs. Edmund J. TurkMr. and Mrs. Robert L. Turocy

Ms. Janet F. UjcicMr. and Mrs. William J. UrbanDr. and Mrs. Timothy D. ValaMr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Van DiestDrs. John II and Mary VargoMr. and Mrs. Robert P. Velotta '52Dr. and Mrs. Constantine VishnevskyMrs. Paul VolpeMrs. John VorobelMr. and Mrs. David C. WagnerMr. and Mrs. John L. Walsh, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. WarnerMr. Fred WeismanDr. Charles Wellman '68 and Dr. Ann EcksteinMrs. Gilbert J. WellmanDr. and Mrs. Terrence L. WengerMr. and Mrs. Keith R. WheelerMr. Dickson L. WhitneyMr. and Mrs. W. John WickettDrs. Alan and Bridgette WiggersMr. and Mrs. Ralph W. WilsonMr. and Mrs. Thomas WisniewskiMrs. Edgar WyrwasMr. and Mrs. Mark S. YaxMr. Donald R. YertMr. and Mrs. Charles L. YoungMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. YuhasMr. and Mrs. David ZavagnoMr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Zupon, Jr.

* deceased

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew KrupaMr. and Mrs. Gary B. KryszanMr. and Mrs. Russell A. LamosekMr. and Mrs. John LaudatoMr. and Mrs. Neal P. Lavelle '53Mrs. Sara LavelleMr. and Mrs. Jon LawrenceMrs. Sam L. LazzaroDr. Albert Leizman and Ms. Ann HarteMr. John J. LennonMr. and Mrs. Michael LicursiMr. and Mrs. David Linane, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. LinkMr. and Mrs. Donald O. LinkMr. and Mrs. Matthew LoncarMr. and Mrs. Edward A. LozickMrs. Margaret M. LynchMr. and Mrs. James M. LyonsMr. and Mrs. Lee C. MacBrideMr. and Mrs. John MalloyMrs. Dolores MarasMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. MarrieMs. Venetia MarshallMr. and Mrs. David S. Mattis, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John H. MatuskaMr. and Mrs. Ronald MatuszakMr. and Mrs. Robert C. MaynardMr. and Mrs. Brian J. McCannMr. and Mrs. James R. McCourtMrs. Robert C. McDowellDr. and Mrs. Edward R. McFadden, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. McFarlandMr. and Mrs. John E. McGrathDr. and Mrs. Michael J. McHughMr. and Mrs. John E. Mellyn, Jr.Mr. and Ms. Nicholas MerkelMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Merriman, Jr.Mrs. Elspeth H. MillerMs. Nancy A. MinadeoMrs. John MinoDr. and Mrs. Thomas J. MisnyMrs. Gail C. Mix

Mr. and Mrs. John C. MooreW. Gerald Moore Educational FoundationMr. Gregory Boyd and Ms. Mary A. MoranMr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Moriarty '74Mr. and Mrs. John MorleyMr. and Mrs. Jack L. Morrissey II '65Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. MulacMr. and Mrs. Michael MulleeMr. and Mrs. William F. Munday, Jr. '58Mr. Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. '64Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Murphy '65Ms. Susan B. MurphyMr* and Mrs.* Murlan J. Murphy, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Musca, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. MyersMs. Ethel NagyDr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Nally, Jr.Dr. Linda M. NeiheiserMs. Edith NelsonMrs. Jack NelsonMr. and Mrs. Paul F. Nemastil '81Dr. and Mrs. Samuel A. NigroMr. Tyler NoallMr. and Mrs. Daniel NovakMr. and Mrs. Frank S. NovakDr. and Mrs. Sheldon M. Oberfeld, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. OberlinMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O'Brien '63Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. OliverMr. and Mrs. William O'MalleyMr. and Mrs. Gregory OndrakeMr. and Mrs. J. Philip O'Neil '50Mrs. Anne S. O'NeillPatrick J. O'Neill Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Raymond M. O'Neill '72Mr. and Mrs. George OpalichMs. Marge OvermanMr. and Mrs. Vincent Panichi

Mr. Anthony M. '71 and Dr. Cindy PanzicaMr. Nacy A. PanzicaMr. and Mrs. Timothy I. Panzica '73Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pascucci, Jr.Mrs. Louise PasqualePast Presidents FoundationMr. and Mrs. Richard L. PattersonMr. Dennis R. PaulinMr. Thomas PeckaMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Pelegrin '63Kathy and Jim PenderMr. and Mrs. Michael PendryMr. and Mrs. Robert PerhachMr. Robert H. PerkoMr. and Mrs. Thomas A. PerlattiMr. and Mrs. Allan PestotnikMrs. Alexander J. PetersonMr. and Mrs. Charles PetrettiMr. and Mrs. William C. PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Leonard PiascikMr. and Mrs. Michael A. PoklarHon. and Mrs. James M. PorterMr. and Mrs. William M. Porter '84Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. PotenzianiMr. and Mrs. Steven E. Pryatel '78Mr. and Mrs.* Joseph C. Raguso '58Mr. Kirk S. RamseyMr. Thomas Rarick and Mrs. Sandy BonnotMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. RayMr. Michael Reagan '72 and Mrs. Karen Leahey Lenehan (G.O.) '72Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Regalbuto '89Ms. Carol ReimanMr. and Mrs. Richard RennerMr. and Mrs. Edward G. ReschMr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Rhode '51Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. RicciMr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. RicciMr. Bernard J. Riley



Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Abbey Mr. and Mrs. John Abrams The Adcom Group Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy Amps Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Anton AVI Food Service Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Baird Dr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Barba, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Barone Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Bauman Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Beach Mr. and Mrs. Adam G. Behrend Ms. Nancy Benacci Mrs. Lisa G. Black Mr. and Mrs. John H. Borkey, Sr. Frederick Botek '85, Esq. and Georgeanne Goodrich Botek, DPM '86

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Brancovsky Brennan Industries, Inc. Brothers of Holy Cross, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Carfagna Carole and David Carr Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carranza Mr. James Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Cira Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cohn Judge and Mrs. Thomas P. Curran '54 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Davis Mr. Thomas DeChant and Ms. Thekla Long Corinne L. Dodero Foundation for the Arts and Sciences Lorraine and Bill Dodero Mr. Matthew Dolan '83 and Ms. Jessica Hart

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dolan '76 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Drake Mr. Michael E. Elliott '71 E-Z Breathe Ventilation Systems Dr. and Mrs. Tommaso Falcone Mr. and Mrs. James C. Farrar '59 Lisa Fazio and Frank Grk Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ferrara, Jr. Fifth Third Bank Mr. and Mrs. Dan Finucan Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Foiani II Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Forino Dr. and Mrs. Todd Francis Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Frantz '65 Frantz Family Fund Frantz Medical Development Ltd Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gallo, Jr. '80 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Gerspacher, CPA

Mr. and Mrs. Vic Gideon Gilmour Academy Lower School Parents Organization Gilmour Academy Mens Club Gilmour Academy Womens Club Mr. and Ms. Michael A. Gleason Mr. and Mrs. G. Garth Grant Mr. and Mrs. Richard Greco Mr. and Mrs. John F. Greene Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hasler Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Heltzel, Jr. '65 Mr. Harry W. Henninger, Jr. '64 Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hice Mr. and Mrs. David L. Holzheimer '64 Mr. and Mrs. E. Timothy Holzheimer '61 Mr. J. Brian Horgan Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hostoffer Mr. and Mrs. W. Nicholas Howley and Family Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Hribar Inverness Investment Group, LLC J.F.D. Landscapes Drs. Frank and Leslie Jevnikar Ms. Julie M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Kane '65 Mr. Christopher J. Keller Mrs. Jennifer D. Keller Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kellis Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Kennedy '66 Key Bank National Association Ann Roche King '98 Ms. Diane Kingsley Mr. Michael C. and Dr. Jennifer L. Kish Mr. and Mrs. William T. Klonaris Ms. Cynthia Kotula Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Krakowiak Mr. Andre Lacroix and Mrs. Erika DiCello Lacroix '90 Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Lamosek Br. Robert E. Lavelle, C.S.C. Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Link

Maloney & Novotny LLC Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marquette Mr. Kevin Marrie '81 and Ms. Rita Rybalt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Marrie McDonald Hopkins LLC Dr. and Mrs. Thomas McLaughlin Judge and Mrs. James J. McMonagle '62 Mr. and Mrs. William McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Meaney Mr. and Mrs. Vyto Mekesa Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Merriman, Jr. Mr. Alfred T. Miller, Jr. and Dr. Karen Machen Mr. Greg Miller and Mrs. Patricia Pfundstein Miller '85 Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Misencik Mr. and Mrs. William Monreal Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mulligan '64 Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Murphy '73 Mr. Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. '64 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Murphy '68 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Murphy '65 Ms. Susan B. Murphy Musca Family Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Negrelli '78 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Negrelli Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Nelson '58 Mr. and Mrs. William K. Nook '62 Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Nootbaar NOW Valet Service Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oliver Mr. and Mrs. John M. Overman Mr. Anthony M. '71 and Dr. Cindy Panzica Mr. Nacy A. Panzica Panzica Construction Co. Past Presidents Foundation Kathy and Jim Pender Charlene Phelps Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Pilla Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Poklar

Mr. Robert A. Poklar '71 and Mrs. Beth Sebaugh Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Porter RELMEC Mechanical LLC Mr. and Mrs. Richard Renner Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Resch '68 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Rhode '51 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Ricci Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Rice '64 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Richmond Hon. and Mrs. Shawn Riley Ms. Amy I. Ritchie '87 Kris and Rob Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ross Dr. and Mrs. Fred C. Rothstein Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Ruminski '64 Dr. and Mrs. James Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N. Saliba Mr. Joseph Scaminace Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schenkelberg '63 Mr. John Schenkelberg '71 and Mrs. Nari Talty-Schenkelberg Mr. Devin Schlickmann and Mrs. Megan Marrie Schlickmann '90 Mr. G. Thomas Selfridge '65 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Semarjian Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sethi Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Shapiro Skoda, Minotti & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Stanton '61 Mr. and Mrs. Terry Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Swinarski Thomas Partners Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Thornton Mr. and Mrs. John Tiberi Tucker Ellis LLP University Hospitals of Cleveland Mr. Daniel Ursu Mr. and Mrs. William P. Velotta III '71 Mrs. Ridley Watts Mr. Chad and Mrs. Holly Yotter Mr. E. Mark Young '92 Mr. and Mrs. David Zavagno

In May, more than 600 members of the Gilmour Community gathered

at the Cleveland Convention Center to celebrate An Evening in Paris.

The evening was a spectacular success, netting more than $450,000

for student programming and financial assistance in support of Gilmour’s Holy Cross mission.


Below is a list of event sponsors and donors who gave to the Fund-A-Need effort. We are extremely grateful to the numerous donors who gave to the Silent and Live Auctions and to the volunteers who gave countless hours to this memorable event.


Advanced Video Programming

Mr. Thomas G. Bares

Boys Prep Hockey FundAnonymousMr. and Mrs. Arthur F. AntonMr. Dennis Belkin '02Mr. Carey L. Bell IV '07Mr. and Mrs. Carl BleickMr. and Mrs. Michael D. BlitzMr. and Mrs. Michael J. BridgesMr. Jacob E. Busch '03Mr. Emile Chartrand '07Figgie Family FundMr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Figgie '84Mr. Robert FranzDr. Craig B. Frey '04Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. FreyMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey GrantMr. Branden E. Hansen '02Mr. Cedric M. Hansen '15Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HansenMs. Maren HansenMr. and Mrs. James HearnMr. James P. Hearn '03Mr. David HickokMr. and Mrs. Robert Kenny IIIMr. and Mrs. Paul E. Kiebler IVMr. Kevin R. Krasnowski '04Ms. Lisa W. Lui '03Mr. and Mrs. David MacDonaldMr. and Mrs. J. Courtney MalcarneyMs. Jayne MalloyMr. and Mrs. John MalloyMr. Mark A. McCreary '02Ms. Lauren L. Mellen '05Mr. Vincent J. MihalekMr. and Mrs. Robert S. MonitelloMr. Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. '64Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nannicola

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan NauMr. Robert R. Novak '07Parker Hannifin FoundationMr. and Mrs. Michael PikulMr. and Mrs. Steven PoppMr. and Mrs. John H. Rante '06Mr. and Mrs. James E. RitterMr. and Mrs. James J. RowellMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. SarmientoMr. Anthony N. Scarpo '07Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. ScarpoMs. Erin C. Schinasi '05Mr. Sukone Sriprajittichai and Mrs. Sivaporn SiribandanDr. Todd R. SwedaMr. Ryan Virtue and Mrs. Katie Kofron Virtue '03Mr. Ryan M. Vogelsberger '00Mr. and Mrs. Robert WhetstoneMr. Ryan P. Wilson '01Mr. Sean E. Wilson '03Dr. James B. YoungMr. James B. Young II '12Mr. and Mrs. Adam ZangerleMr. and Mrs. Lawrence ZuponMs. McCall A. Zupon '05

Burton D. Morgan Foundation/ Entrepreneurship

The Burton D. Morgan Foundation

Chapel Restricted

Mr. Mark Chiacchiari '94 and Mrs. Michelle DeBacco Chiacchiari '96Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. DickMr. and Mrs. E. Timothy Holzheimer '61Br. Daniel Q. Kane, C.S.C.Ms. Rosemarie LemieuxDeacon Roger P. Mullaney '58Patrick J. O'Neill Family Foundation

Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. PorterThe Veale FoundationMr. and Mrs. Raymond Zukowski

David A. Potenziani U.S. Constitutional Law Program

M & T Trust (Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Potenziani)

Global Outreach Program

Mr. and Mrs. Keith T. AboodDr. and Mrs. Albert J. AbramovitzMr. and Mrs. Arthur F. AntonMr. and Mrs. William J. AntonMr. Paul Appelbaum and Ms. Lee ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Thomas A. ArmagnoMr. and Mrs. Gary AultDr. and Mrs. Haitham M. AzemMr. and Mrs. Scott T. BeckerMr. and Mrs. Michael R. BencivenniMr. Robert Beutel and Ms. Claudia EuseMrs. Lisa G. BlackMr. and Mrs. William E. BrancovskyMr. and Mrs. Edward BrettMr. and Mrs. Ronald BrubakerDr. and Mrs. Paul M. BrzozowskiMr. and Mrs. James A. CallamMr. and Ms. Michael R. CantyMs. Margaret CarranMr. and Mrs. John K. CataneseMrs. Sarah CherryMr. and Mrs. Gregory ChianconeMr. and Mrs. Brent D. ClapacsMr. and Mrs. John CliffordMr. and Mrs. Ronald ColellaMr. and Mrs. Richard T. Coyne, Jr. '82Mr. and Mrs. Peter DalyMr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. D'AngeloMr. and Mrs. Daryl K. Deckard

RESTRICTED GIFTSMr. and Mrs. John W. Diemer '82Mr. and Mrs. Dominic A. DiPuccio '82Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dolan '76Mr. Milton DouglasMr. and Mrs. Richard H. DruckerMr. and Mrs. John C. ErtzMr. and Mrs. Umberto FedeliMr. and Mrs. David M. FedorMs. Jeanna K. ForhanMr. and Mrs. William F. GallagherMr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gallo, Jr. '80Ms. Julie Ann GergotzGilmour Academy Class of 2012Gilmour Academy Class of 2013Gilmour Academy Class of 2014Gilmour Academy Measles InitiativeMr. Frank Grk and Mrs. Lisa FazioMr. and Mrs. John H. Hollis '83Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. HooperMr. and Mrs. James HudsonMr. and Mrs. Wayne ImpullittiMr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kelley, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. KellisMs. Laura KingsburyMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey KrakowiakMr. and Mrs. Lawrence LatanichMr. and Mrs. Robert S. LeachMr. and Mrs. Paul LevandMr. Jiahan Li '14Mr. and Mrs. Michael LicursiMr. and Mrs. Donald O. LinkMs. Karen S. LombardiMs. Thekla E. LongMr. and Mrs. Carl J. MarkelMr. and Mrs. Timothy M. McCormickMr. and Mrs. Gary McGauleyMs. Annie M. Messmer-Kurdziel '04Mr. and Mrs. Maroun MhannaMs. Paula A. MinelloDrs. William and Denise MirandoMs. Stacy MousaviMs. Jean NapoliMr. and Mrs. Thomas D. NewcombMr. and Mrs. Gary NovincMr. and Mrs. C. David O'BrianMr. and Mrs. Thomas Pileski

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. PoklarMr. and Mrs. Steven E. Pryatel '78Mr. and Mrs. Richard RennerMr. and Mrs. James E. Rooney '86Dr. and Mrs. Chris RulisonMr. and Mrs. Anthony N. SalibaMr. and Mrs. Kai-Roger SchmidtDr. and Mrs. Paul SchoenhagenMr. and Mrs. Lee G. SeidmanMr. and Mrs. Elliott J. SeversonMr. John J. Sheehan III and Ms. Sara BookerDr. Richard A. Spech and Dr. Lisa A. AtkinsonTrue Hero Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. TuoheyDr. and Mrs. Arthur UlatowskiMs. Molly VanekMr. Alvito A. VazMr. and Mrs. Robert VenzorMr. and Mrs. Paul J. Volpe, Jr.Mr. Oscar J. Waters IV '14Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. WheelerMr. Basil and Dr. Karen WongMr. and Mrs. David ZavaganoMr. and Mrs. Robert A. Zeller

Lower School Restricted

Ms. Sandra Milstein

Miscellaneous Athletic Gifts

AnonymousDr. and Mrs. Albert J. AbramovitzMr. and Mrs. Gregory Chiancone

Press Box

AnonymousMr. Daniel Armagno '10Mr. Joseph Ciuni '77 and GPD GroupMr. Mark Dottore and FamilyThe Geis FamilyMr. Frank Grk and Mrs. Lisa FazioDrs. Frank and Leslie JevnikarMr. and Mrs. Joseph MarquetteMrs. Annette Sudberry

Restricted Kelley Technology

Mr. Brenden P. Kelley '08Mrs. Lynn Arko Kelley (G.O.) '73

Restricted Faculty Leadership Fund

Mr. William and Dr. Elizabeth Fesler

Special Purpose Fund

AnonymousAncora FoundationMr. and Mrs. Richard A. Barone '60Mr. and Mrs. William A. HallalMr. John J. LennonMr. and Mrs. V. Lawrence Weber '73

Lorraine Frankino Dodero-Corinne Dodero Salvador Scholar Auxiliary Assistance Fund

The Sam J. Frankino FoundationMs. Lucille S. Polcari

Ice Arena Operating Income

Microsoft Matching Gifts Program

Ice Arena Special Purpose Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Valerian

Endowment Hockey Programs

Mr. and Mrs. Kurt C. HannesMr. and Mrs. Kyle W. Hannes '00Mr. Cedric M. Hansen '15Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HansenMr. and Mrs. Andrew M. KrallMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Landgraf, Jr.Mr. Maxwell A. Malone '05Dr. and Mrs. James C. RuppMr. and Mrs. Robert ShemoryMr. and Mrs. David ShuttleworthMr. Peter Yonan '02Mrs. Marilyn Zupon*

Ice Arena

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. AsherMr. James Phillips

* deceased


Chubb & SonCNA FoundationDominion Foundation Matching Gift ProgramEaton VanceErnst & Young FoundationFifth Third BankGE FoundationGoldman, Sachs & Co.JP Morgan Chase FoundationKeyBank FoundationLincoln Financial Foundation

Lubrizol FoundationThe Bank of New York Mellon Community PartnershipMicrosoft Matching Gifts ProgramMorgan Stanley Matching Gifts ProgramParker Hannifin FoundationPfizer FoundationProgressive Insurance FoundationSequenomTravelersWells Fargo Foundation


Consider a Matching Gift

You can make your gift more meaningful, maximize your

contribution and perhaps even double its impact. Many companies match gifts made to schools by employees,

retirees and family members.

To find out if your employer matches charitable gifts, contact your

Human Resources Office.

Misc. Operating Gifts

Anonymous (4) Dr. and Mrs. Albert J. Abramovitz Mr. Bradley G. Bares '18 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Chiancone Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hallal Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Murphy '73 Mr. Murlan J. Murphy '64 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Zupon, Jr.

Unrestricted Scholarships Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. William E. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Chiarucci Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Conway Conway Family Foundation Mr. W. Nicholas and Mrs. Lorie Howley Mr. Michael '01 and Mrs. Kendra Howley Mr. Michael Mitkus and Mrs. Margaret Howley Mitkus '03

Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kellis Laub Foundation W. Gerald Moore Educational Foundation Past Presidents Foundation The PNC Foundation Amb. and Mrs. Daniel M. Rooney

Unrestricted Endowment Mr. Edward M. Foley* Mr. John J. Lennon Norton White Gale Trust

* deceased

The Barnes FamilyBeverage Distributors, Inc. FoundationMr. and Mrs. Umberto FedeliInterDesign, Inc.Liquid Image Corporation of America

Miklus FloristMr. Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. '64Mr. David L. Pfeifer '58 Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. PotenzianiThe Pryatel Family

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. RicciThe Romano FamilyMr. Bryan Sheehan '86Mr. Tihomir W. Teisl



Anonymous (2)Mr. Brent D. Berkman '75Mr. Marc S. ByrnesRev. Thomas E. Chambers, C.S.C.Mr. Gary D. Cohn '79Mr. T. Kelly ColemanMr. and Mrs. Gerald A. ConwayMr. and Mrs. James C. Farrar '59Mr. Edward M. Foley*Mrs. Beatrice F. Friedrich*Mr. Alexander B. Garrett '74*Mr. Paul Gismondi '73Mr. Jack Harrington '60Mr. Paul Heinen '50Mr. John HernandisMr. Thomas D. HogenMr. John H. Hollis '83

Dr. Donald W. Junglas '51*Mr. John Klumph '73Mr. Anthony D. Konkoly '78Mr. and Mrs. James KurasDr. William F. Lavigna '68Mr. Albert F. Lutz, Jr. '65Mr. Norman P. McLeod '50Mr. James M. Mooney '54Mr. Robert L. Morrissey*Mrs. Pierce MullallyMr. William C. Mulligan '72Mr. Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. '64Mr.* and Mrs.* Murlan J. Murphy, Sr.Mr. Thomas Nelson '58Mr. John E. Nolan III '66Mr. Daniel J. O'Neill '82Mr. and Mrs. Timothy I. Panzica '73

Mr. and Mrs. John Peca, Jr.Kathy and Jim PenderDr. Thomas Picklow '79Mr. Christopher J. Pierson '59Mr. Ronald J. Portland '62Mr. Raymond R. Rhode '51Dr.Theodore '50 and Catherine SchaferMr. Oliver E. Seikel '55Mr. Andrew P. Selfridge '67Mr. and Mrs. Robert ShemoryMr. and Mrs. S. Findlay StayMrs. Mary Zalar Sterle*Mr. Robert B. Tomaro '67*Mrs. Gilbert J. WellmanDr.* and Mrs. Henry A. Zimmerman


Members of the Holy Cross Legacy Society have notified us of planned gifts in the form of a charitable trust, bequest, insurance policy or gift annuity to Gilmour Academy from their estates. Members of the Society have demonstrated their commitment to Gilmour’s mission by pledging their support and assurance that Gilmour Academy will experience continuing financial assistance far into the future. Every year, the Holy Cross Legacy Society welcomes new members.

Gilmour has partnered with financial planning expert and Honorary Board member Tim Holzheimer ’61. Tim can provide guidance and direction if you wish to explore planned giving opportunities. To discuss this further, please contact Mary Kate Farrar Vega ’93, Assistant Head of School for Advancement, at (440) 473-8009 or


Three years ago, Gilmour Academy created a Generations Giving Program. The purpose is for alumni and families who received financial assistance during their Gilmour days to pay it forward. The Generations Giving fund creates opportunities for a Gilmour education when families experience demonstrated need.

As part of our Holy Cross tradition, the Academy remains committed to offering a Gilmour education to qualified students who are mission-appropriate. In the past, Gilmour has sought to close the gap for families with identified need

when full-tuition cost was not within reach. Today, the Academy provides more than $4 million in aid to these students who will join the ranks of Gilmour alumni. This creates more than a significant stretch for the Academy’s available resources.

Generations of graduates from Gilmour Academy work in meaningful careers made possible by the excellent educational experience that marked their years at Gilmour. Like today’s students and their families who value a Gilmour education, former graduates received scholarship and/or financial

assistance from alumni and others who generously invested in the Annual Fund. A Generations Gift to the Annual Fund sustains this cycle and strengthens our foundation. A Gilmour education is more than an investment because it gives focus to developing the minds and hearts of new generations of students.

We are grateful to the many alumni who made a gift this past year to the Generations Giving program, and their names are listed under the Alumni Annual Fund section.



Guy Bozza '77

Mrs. Guido Bozza

Tom Callaghan '65

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Eby, Jr. '65Mr. John Gunn and Mrs. Dorothy Callaghan Gunn '72

Thomas Cardwell

Mrs. Mary Lou Cardwell

Michael Coffey

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Linaburg

Russell Every

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Fording '85

William Flesher '51

Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Peterson '77

John Gale

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. GrejtakMr. and Mrs. William M. Porter '84

Baby Michael Stanley Grabowski

Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Grabowski

Michael Hughes '55

Mrs. Michael M. Hughes

Edward Hurley

Mrs. Mary Therese Hurley

Patricia Hurley

Mr. Stephen Koepke and Mrs. Sally Hurley Koepke (G.O.) '77

Donald Junglas '51

Mrs. Dorothy A. CoerdtMr. and Mrs. James C. Farrar '59

Br. Richard Keller, C.S.C.

AnonymousDr. and Mrs. Robert BottiMrs. Dorothy A. CoerdtMr. and Mrs. John B. DiCilloMr. and Mrs. Robert A. ForinoMr. and Mrs. James KazelMr. and Mrs. Michael KearneyMs. Maureen Licursi '05Mr. Frank C. LoschiavoMs. Cynthia LowryMs. Nancy A. MinadeoMr. and Mrs. Robert S. MonitelloMr. and Mrs. Stephen ParisiMr. and Mrs.* Joseph C. Raguso '58Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Soukenik IIIMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Soukenik IV '80Mrs. L. Michael StarrMs. Sadie TacklaMrs. Patricia Velotta

Christopher Kelley '04

Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Trivisonno

Joseph Lavelle

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. DeCraneMr. and Mrs. Michael KearneyMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Musca, Sr.

Sam Lazzaro

Mrs. Sam. L. Lazzaro

Martha Lennon

Ms. Patricia EaslyMrs. Carolyn HornKey Bank National Association

Margaret Matlak

Mr. and Mrs. Frank AndorkaMr. Richard A. BardonMs. Victoria Fedor

PRESSCO INC.Mr. and Mrs. James SeeleyDr. Stephen Tomlanovich and Mrs. Susan A. HudakMs. Dee Vicic

Sandy McIntosch

Mr. John Hughes and Mrs. Alane Burkhart Hughes (G.O.) '81

James McMullen '56

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ferrara '56

James Mix '53

Mrs. Gail C. Mix

Tiffany Neff '05

Ms. Vanessa G. Vacante '05

Ilona Paulin

Mrs. Dorothy CoerdtMr. Dennis R. Paulin

Michael Pender '90

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Walsh, Sr.

Ellen Roberts

Mr. Justin Chabalko and Mrs. Erica Urban Chabalko '01 Mr. Kevin Roberts

Emily Rosen (G.O.) '76

Mrs. Judith G. Rosen-Glauber

Sam Scaravelli

Mr. and Mrs. John B. DiCillo

Lillian Sustar

Akron Steel Treating Company INC.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Baginski

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. BrownMr. and Mrs. Mark A. CastroMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey DavisFredon CorporationMr. and Mrs. Fred R. FultonMr. James L. GrudenMr. and Mrs. Ted J. HlavatyMr. and Mrs. William HockenbergerMr. and Mrs. Glenn T. KochMr. and Mrs. James A. KrauseMr. and Mrs. Richard LandisMr. and Mrs. James H. LandryLeadership Lake CountyMr. and Mrs. Andrew MeinholdMr. David T. MerkelMr. Allan R. Metzler, Sr.Mr. Michael M. NanoskyMr. Ralph PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Michael S. PotoskyMr. and Mrs. John D. RazzanoMs. Kathleen Redmond

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. RowanSpena Financial Services, LLCMr. and Mrs. Robert SustarMr. Roger SustarMr. and Mrs. James M. TrecokasMr. and Mrs. Steve TrivisonnoMr. and Mrs. David J. UlepicMr. Matt UlepicMr. and Mrs. Michael J. UlepicMr. and Mrs. John S. VeresMr. and Mrs. Jack G. WalkerWalthall, Drake & Wallace, LLPMr. and Mrs. Alan WrightMr. Jason WuligerMr. and Mrs. Alfred W. ZitnikMr. and Mrs. Paul Zuzik

Rosemarie Tiesl

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. BeachMr. and Mrs. William M. Porter '84Mr. Tihomir W. Teisl

Br. Basil Thomas, C.S.C.

Mr. Harold J. Wolf '59

Robert Tomaro ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Pelegrin '63

Julianne Vishnevsky

Dr. and Mrs. Constantine Vishnevsky

Paul Volpe

Mrs. Paul Volpe

Edgar F. Wyrwas

Mrs. Edgar Wyrwas

Don Zeleznik

Kay*, Bob, Jill, Sarah and Adam Shemory

* deceased


Anonymous (3)Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. AsherRev. John J. Blazek, C.S.C. '58Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Boland, Jr. '63Mr. and Mrs. David R. CampbellMr. Mark Chiacchiari '94 and Mrs. Michelle DeBacco Chiacchiari '96Mr. David DiCillo '84 and Mrs. Paula Duval DiCillo '84Mr. Max G. Gaujean, Jr. '81 Mr. and Ms. Michael A. GleasonMr. and Mrs. Alvin J. HarperMr. Donald W. Herbe '96

Mr. Michael Heryak and Mrs. Janet Wyrwas HeryakMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. HolleranMr. J. Brian HorganMr. and Mrs. James J. HurleyMrs. Edward P. JanisMr. and Mrs. James R. Johnson '65Dr. Iain Kalfas and Mrs. Holly Gepfert Kalfas (G.O.) '79Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kenny IIIFred A. Lennon Charitable TrustMs. Amanda R. Link '04Mr. and Mrs. Guy N. Maras '82Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. MonitelloMr. and Mrs. John T. Mulligan '64Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mulligan '72

Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. OliverMr. and Mrs. Mark I. Panzica '96Mr. Clint Papesch and Mrs. Mary Cowan-PapeschMr. and Mrs. David M. Pfundstein '93Mr. and Mrs. Antonio PillaMr. and Mrs. Richard RennerHon. and Mrs. Shawn RileyMr. and Mrs. Gus A. RiniMs. Katie A. SaunierMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Soukenik IV '80Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Stanton '61Mr. John Tomaro '60 and Ms. Jan TannerMr. E. Mark Young '92




Richard A. Barone ’60 is the embodiment of a businessman. Whether he’s launching a cultural center, helping those most in need through his foundation, finding special ways of providing gifts to Gilmour or taking a company from the bottom to the top, Barone’s savvy investments and willingness to take risks have brought him much success.

Success in Business At the center of his success has been his role as an investment advisor to others. In building wealth for his clients he has uncovered numerous opportunities for himself. In 2001, he sold the company he built from scratch, The Maxus Investment Group, to Fifth Third Bank. Maxus had become one of the largest and most successful investment companies in the Midwest. Shortly thereafter, he founded The Ancora Group and has presided over its growth into one of the largest non-bank owned investment firms in northern Ohio. He continues to advise three Ancora Mutual Funds and a number of wealthy individuals. His newest enterprise, The ArchEagle Group, is being designed to provide a variety of investment related and family office services to individuals and institutions.

Barone’s enterprising endeavors don’t stop there. Recently, he became the chairman of Mace Security International, the world’s largest manufacturer of pepper spray. He moved the company’s headquarters from Vermont to Cleveland. Now, he has other big plans for Mace, including new products such as a GPS-embedded device in the spray itself and an invisible film preventing glass from shattering thereby preventing perpetrators from entering.

“In a sense this is like being on a mission,” Barone says. “We’re looking at all sorts of ways to protect people in

public and private places. The goal is to disarm the perpetrator, not arm the teacher.”

Barone was asked to join Mace’s board five years ago when the company was floundering. He became chairman in July 2011, helping refinance it through one of his company’s hedge funds that now controls 30 percent of the shares. His personal investment in Mace, along with several clients, brings his ownership control to nearly 45 percent.

“Mace today is a well-financed, well-run publicly traded entity intent on prospering,” Barone says. “It’s just a matter now of forging ahead. When I first got involved with Mace, it was failing. I think one of the key elements in anyone’s success is the willingness to try something and fail. If you aren’t able to accept failure, then you will never give yourself the opportunity to succeed.”

From Library to Museum The South Euclid-Lyndhurst Public Library is moving to a new locale next year. Recently, Barone purchased the Telling Mansion on Mayfield Road where the library has operated for more than 60 years. Barone intends to transform the space into a cultural center for the people of South Euclid

and Lyndhurst, where he grew up, and establish the Museum of American Porcelain Art.

The Museum will house only American porcelain art beginning with American Belleek. Born from its predecessor, Irish Belleek, American Belleek was crafted around Trenton, N.J. from about 1885 to 1930. Artists from the Delaware River art colonies such as New Hope would often paint the porcelain pieces on weekends. Works from contemporary artists such as Cybis, Ispanky and Boehm, who flourished during the 1950-1980 period, will be featured.

“I wanted to create the museum not only for its challenge, but because the pieces available today will not be around in 35 years (and neither will I). In fact, Chinese investors are already buying the most difficult pieces to find,” says Barone.

The museum is expected to open in the spring of 2016, and will feature many of the pieces from Barone’s personal collection. While porcelain pieces are part of the collection of major museums around the country, this museum will be the only one devoted exclusively to American porcelain art.

AN ASTUTE INVESTOR“To me, Gilmour was always

sometһing special, and I’d like to see it succeed at all levels.”

Now the astute investor has used his business acumen to benefit Gilmour. He has donated $100,000 to Gilmour by rolling funds out of his IRA through a little known provision in the IRS code. “Because the IRS has placed deductible limitations on charitable giving in any one year, this was the only opportunity I had to benefit Gilmour during this past year,” Barone explains. Barone hopes Gilmour will use his gift to promote the educational aspects of the school it deems important.

Education has always played an important part in his career. Having recently finished his stint as chairman of the Cleveland State University Foundation and trustee of the university, where he focused on providing scholarships to junior and senior students who otherwise would be unable to continue their education, he is looking forward to becoming a more active member of the Gilmour family. Two of his grandchildren, and hopefully several more in the future, are currently enrolled.

“To me, Gilmour was always something special, and I’d like to see it succeed at all levels,” he says. “It is rare for a small private school to be able to foster both artistic talent in one individual and intellectual talent in another at the same time. The definition of the Gilmour Man in those days was not cookie cutter, and every student had the opportunity to succeed.”

“I still consider every member of my class of 49 young men as a friend, and when we get together we share memories of our time together, and we keep alive the memories even of those who have passed on. We visit with each other as often as the opportunities arise. This year, 10 of us spent time together in Lake Placid, New York. Next year we’ll find another place.”




J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 4


Y E A R E N D E D J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 4

ASSETSCurrent Assets:

Cash and equivalents 2,827,110 Accounts receivable, net 120,898 Pledges receivable 1,911,277 Prepaid expenses 275,514

Total Current Assets 5,134,799

Property, plant and equipment:Land 389,343 Buildings and improvements 57,788,507 Furniture, fixtures and office equipment 5,828,378 Motor vehicles 782,928 Construction in progress 1,102,273

65,891,429 Less accumulated depreciation 27,931,812 Net investment in plant 37,959,617

Bond issuance costs, net 79,253 Student loans receivable, net 1,718 Pledges receivable, net 2,487,981Investments 34,759,374

Total Assets $80,422,742


Current portion of bonds payable 1,259,845 Current portion of rate swap 63,518 Accounts payable 376,205 Accrued payroll and taxes 524,150 Student deposits 3,532,310 Summer camp deposits 364,577 Agency funds 88,940

Total Current Liabilities 6,209,545

Rate Swap 9,203 Bonds Payable 5,786,564

Total Liabilities $12,005,312

NET ASSETSUnrestricted:

Operating 4,277,608 Funds functioning as endowment/ board designated


Net investment in plant 27,015,202

Total Unrestricted 51,962,139

Temporarily Restricted 7,739,668

Permanently Restricted

Total Net Assets

Total Liabilities and Net Assets




REVENUESGross tuition and instructional fees 17,241,487

Less: financial aid (4,056,145)Net tuition 13,185,342

State aid 634,846 Gifts 1,965,521 Gifts - Promise & RenewalAuxiliary services 2,172,981 Other revenues 640,089 Investment return designated for current operations


TOTAL REVENUES $19,971,842

EXPENSESInstruction Student servicesProfessional developmentAdministrative and fundraisingDepreciation, depletion and amortization

Operations and maintenanceOtherAuxiliary services


Change in net assets from operations














14,284 427,357 54,668

4,990,816 8,831,946




Endowment investment income Other investment income Net realized/unrealized gains on investments Investment return designated for current operations Change in value of rate swap liability Gifts - Endowment Gifts - Promise & Renewal Gifts - Performing Arts Center Total non-operating items





Management & General 7%

Fundraising 7%

Educational 86%











2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Endowment Values











2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014



JAMES M. BRENNAN ’71, brother of Dennis ’59, Thomas ’61* and John ’65


PAUL E. HELTZEL ’63, father of Ryan ’96; brother of Robert ’65, Lawrence ’66, Carl ’73 and Michael ’83; uncle of Jennifer Heltzel Farrior ’91 and Kathleen Heltzel Ricotti ’93

EUGENE T. KILLEEN ’55, brother of Edward ’54,* Kevin ’57 and Dennis ’60; grandfather of Kathryn ’16; brother-in-law of Robert Brosnan ’60; uncle of Robert Brosnan, Jr. ’85


SUSAN WINCHELL SUSKI (G.O.) ’79, sister of Charles ’76 and Cari Winchell Gerbracht ’81


BERNADETTE AMBROSE, mother of Dominick ’81

MICHELINA C. ANGIE, grandmother of Daniel ’05, and Jeffrey ’11

COLETTA ARUNDELL, great-grandmother of Casey Nakhooda ’26

DONALD JOSEPH BIBBO, father of Randall ’71 and Donald ’72

NESTOR J. BURKHART, father of Mary Burkhart Bondy (G.O.) ’77

BARBARA CALLAHAN, grandmother of Anne Carothers ’04

TERRY L. CAMERON, husband of Camilla, retired Gilmour Lower School instructor; stepfather of Sarah Marrone Jackson ’99

PATRICK D. CARBONE, uncle of Michael ’75 and Barbara ’87 Fisco

EVELYN M. CATANESE, great-aunt of Alyssa Solano ’15

MADELINE CERER, cousin of Joseph ’14 and Gabriela ’15

JOHN P. CHAMBERS, former Gilmour kitchen staff; father of Dennis ’72, Thomas ’73 and Rosemary Chambers Niewolak ’86; brother of Fr. Thomas Chambers C.S.C., former Gilmour Trustee

Ways to Inspire Many generous donors give their time and talent, and contribute directly to the Academy’s success by enhancing our students’ experiences. There are numerous ways to engage in the Gilmour community – you can share your professional experience at the Sophomore Career Day, mentor a senior during the senior project, host a student for a semester-long internship, speak with parents and alumni during the phone-a-thon calling nights, etc.

Alumni also volunteer as class agents to strengthen the tie between the Academy and its graduates, which helps increase alumni support for the Annual Fund. Additionally, volunteers are encouraged to participate with annual “friendraising” and fundraising events – the Women’s Club Annual Fashion Show & Luncheon, the Lower School’s Christmas Family Gathering, the Gilmour Golf Classic or the schoolwide fundraisers. Join others by being active participants in the community – in the end you will make Gilmour a stronger and more vibrant community.

Gifts of Philanthropy Annual Giving - The cornerstone of philanthropy is the Annual Fund, which makes the most immediate impact upon our students. Its focus is to raise funds to help contain tuition costs by meeting a greater percentage of the Academy’s operating budget, and to provide need-based financial assistance to qualified students who otherwise might not be able to afford a Gilmour education. The Annual Fund is used to attract and retain distinguished faculty, provide state-of-the-art technology and continue academic and extracurricular programs. What is the correct amount for an Annual Fund gift? The only gift that is too small is the gift of nothing at all.

Planned Gifts - Making arrangements today for a future gift to benefit the Academy is a thoughtful gesture of gratitude that expresses your faith in our future. Planned giving can provide valuable tax benefits for the donor and provides Gilmour with substantial, meaningful gifts.

The following are a few ways to make planned gifts:

Bequests - Through your will or living trust, you can provide a legacy for causes that were an important part of your life. A will allows the donor to maintain complete control of assets during his or her lifetime with the knowledge that those assets will be distributed in accordance with the donor’s plan and enacted upon death.

Charitable Lead Trusts - A Charitable Lead Trust provides current income to Gilmour Academy for a fixed period of time. The assets of the trust are then returned to the donor or the donor’s designee. Properly structured, a CLT will allow assets to pass tax free from one generation of a family to another.

Life Insurance - A gift of insurance that names Gilmour Academy as the irrevocable beneficiary provides a tax deduction equal to the replacement value of the policy. If you continue to make premium payments on the policy, those also are tax-deductible.

Gifts-in-Kind - The Academy also welcomes donations of goods and/or services for which Gilmour would otherwise have to pay.

Restricted Gifts - The Restricted Gifts category includes contributions that a donor has designated for specific projects or programs such as endowed and restricted scholarship funds.


Gilmour Academy’s ability to thrive and to continue to be able to offer new generations of students an excellent education is due, in part, to its many loyal friends who donate their time, talent and financial resources to the Academy and its mission.

If you are interested in learning more about ways to support the Academy,

please call the Advancement Office at (440)473-8009.

Gilmour Academy expresses sympatһy to tһe families of tһe following:

Our sympatһy also is extended to tһe alumni and families of tһe following:


continued next page



EDWARD J. CURTIN, SR., grandfather of Sean ’11 and Ryan ’14

ROSE MARIE DEGRANDIS, grandmother of Joseph ’03 and Heather ’06

DONALD A. DILISI, uncle of Richard ’82, Gregory ’83 and Jennifer ’96; brother in-law of Mary DiLisi, Business Office staff

HELEN DUNDON, mother of Thomas ’78, Mark ’82 and Sean ’84

JOHN EBLE, grandfather of Kiley Eble ’15

JOSEPH ANTHONY FEDELE, grandfather of Devin ’18 and Reese ’21 Fedele

JOHN V. GINAL, father of John ’75

DOROTHY HALCIK, mother of Eric ’83; great-aunt of Michael ’08, Steven ’10, Meghan ’13 and Kevin ’15 Pryatel

WILLIAM K. HALLAL, grandfather of William ’07 and Thomas ’09 Hallal

JOHN HORGAN, JR., father of J. Brian Horgan, Gilmour associate head of school

RALPH JARZEMBOWSKI, great-grandfather of John V ’19 and William ’20 Habe

JOYCE KAMMER, grandmother of Ryan ’15 and Cameron ’17 Berger

EDWARD KARAKUL, grandfather of Kirsten ’99, Christopher ’04 and Conner ’07

RICHARD E. KARBERG, father of Rebecca ’94 and Noah ’97

JOHN KENNEDY, grandfather of Kathryn Petros, Gilmour Upper School instructor

MARY LOUSE KILLEEN, mother-in-law of J. Philip O’Neil ’50; grandmother of Katherine O’Neil ’88, Sarah O’Neil Hannibal ’89 and Ann O’Neil Fitzgerald ’92; aunt of Kevin Stoffer ’76; great-aunt of Kathryn Killeen ’16

LINDA A. KLEEN, aunt of Holly Yotter, Gilmour director of marketing and communications

VINCENT LALLI, grandfather of Matthew Lalli ’03

JEAN LALLY, great-aunt of Emily ’15 and Natalie ’18 Kirk

CATHERINE LEDBETTER, mother of Daniel Ledbetter ’02

LILIA LEONOR, grandmother of Sylvia ’18

CATHERINE I. LIGHTHIZER, wife of Robert Lighthizer ’65; aunt of James ’84

JOSEPH V. LONARDO, father-in-law of Nathan Lockrem ’89; uncle of Joseph Lonardo ’00

WILLIAM J. MCFARLANE, father of Gayle Svets, retired Gilmour Lower School instructor

GLADYS MOBLEY, grandmother of Catherine Dolohanty ’16

SALLY MORLEY, grandmother of Jeffrey Morley ’21

ALICE MORTONSEN, great-aunt of Emily ’15 and Natalie ’18 Kirk

JEROME T. OSBORNE, SR., grandfather of Morgan Osborne ’08

KATHLEEN PELTZ, sister of Raymond Peltz ’69, * Mary Ann Peltz Gravenstein (G.O.) ’73 and Joanne Peltz Stewart (G.O.) ’76

ANNE T. RAGUSO, wife of Joseph Raguso ’58; mother of Maureen Raguso Stewart ’92 and Carolyn Raguso Gwydir ’94

JAMES J. RODDY, father of Matthew ’86; grandfather of Matthew ’18 and Joseph ’21

SHIRLEE JEAN SAZIMA, mother of Scott ’76 and Gregory ’79

NANCY ELISABTH SEIBERT, mother of W. David, Gilmour Upper School instructor; grandmother of Ryan ’15

KATHRYN S. SHEMORY, grandmother of Adam ’08

ANTHONY SPARKS, brother of Yvonne Wright, Gilmour housekeeper

ANGELINA K. SPENA, grandmother of Michael, Jr. ’93 and Rebecca Spena McCalligan ’96

NAOMI RUTH STECKEL, grandmother of Amy Cogan, Gilmour Lower School instructor

FRANK A. STEFANEK, father of Christopher Stefanek ’72, Gladys Stefanek Santoli (G.O.) ’76 and Kathleen Megan Stefanek Barr ’85; grandfather of John Wrobel ’97

THELMA TALBERT, grandmother of Jayla Salter ’17

JOSEPH GRANT TEAGUE, grandfather of Michelle Benz ’12

ELIZABETH WRIGHT, grandmother of Jayla Salter ’17


Gilmour Academy34001 Cedar RoadGates Mills, Ohio 44040-9356


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