Getting Results the Agile Way

Post on 08-May-2015






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Be the author of your life and write your story forward. Getting Results the Agile Way is a personal results system for work and life. It's a simple system for meaningful results. It helps you work on the right things, at the right time, with the right energy, the right way.


Getting Results the

Agile WayA Personal Results System for Work and Life

J.D. Meier


Be the author of your life, a story at a time, a day at a time …


“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the

most adaptable to change.” – Charles Darwin


Why Getting Results the Agile Way?

Too much to do– “Always on”– Overloaded and overwhelmed– Can’t keep up

Not enough time– Shorter cycles of change– Longer work hours

No control of your destiny– Unpredictable future– Reacting to things


Recharge and renew with skill Meaningful results over just doing tasks Fresh starts over carrying baggage Flexible results in an ever-changing

world A bias for action over heavy planning Boundaries and balance over burnout Experience-driven results over task-


The Challenges … The Response …

Agile means you can respond to change.

Getting Results – Philosophy and Tools to Drive Your Life


Drive your day or your day drives you!


The System 5 Insights 5 Ways to Drive Your Day Q&A


The System


3 Keys to the System


Weekly Workflow at a Glance

A simple system for weekly results!


A Story-Driven Week, One Day at a Time

You’re the author of your life – write your stories forward!


Start Your Day with The Rule of 3

Ask yourself, “What are the 3 most important results I want to accomplish today?”


Example – Add The Rule of 3 to Your To Do List

Before After (The Rule of 3)

Identify the 3 most important results you want to accomplish today and bubble them to the top of your To Do list.

Prioritize your day against your 3 results, whether it’s incoming requests or you’re making your way through your backlog of things to do.


Hot Spots as Your Portfolio

Think of your life as an investment portfolio or a heat map.


5 Insights


Insight #1 - The Secret of Results

Spend the right time, on the right things, the right way, with the right energy


Insight #2 - The Secret of Motivation

Motivation can come from your body, your mind, or your emotions!


Insight #3 - Finding Your Sweet Spot

Your best results will be the combo of your talent + passion + value!


Insight #4 – Constraints Free You Up

Scheduled time leads to free time Limiting choices leads to better choices Constraining leads to innovation Timeboxes free up energy Helps you fight procrastination


Less is more. The Rule of 3 will serve you well.

Insight #5 - The Secret of Work-Life Balance

Invest across your Hot Spots Set boundaries and buffers Use Timeboxing Give your best where you have your best to give

Example of Setting Time Boundaries Using Hot Spots


5 Ways to Drive Your Day


Way #1 - Find Your Purpose

Find your one-liner purpose to help you get your groove on!

Examples I’m the explorer who paves the path for others. I’m the mentor who helps people live more, laugh more, learn more, love more. I’m the coach who helps make others great. I’m the writer who helps people write their life story. I’m the developer who writes the code to change the world. I’m the musician who makes people feel alive. I’m the poet who makes people think. I’m the researcher who finds the truth. I’m the bridge builder who connects people. I’m the mother who leaves my world a better place than I found.


Way #2 - Design Your Day

Drive your day or your day drives you!

ExampleThe Pattern


Way #3 - Manage Your Plate Don’t overflow your plate. It slows you down, mentally, physically, and

emotionally. Clear your plate. Instead, clear your plate faster and go up for seconds.

You’ll build momentum. Learn Your Own Capacity. To manage your plate effectively, this means

you have to learn your own capacity. Have a buffer. You should also be in the habit of having a buffer for the

unexpected. Respond to opportunities. Each day can bring new opportunities or new

priorities. If you have a buffer, you can welcome and act on the opportunities if you choose to.


Way # 4 - Questions for Improving Results


Action What’s the next best thing to do? Next steps? What’s the simplest thing for now?

Learning What are 3 take aways? What 3 things are going well? What 3 things could be improved?

Efficiency and Effectiveness What are you optimizing for? What are you rushing through for? Is it working?

Value Are you on path? Does it matter? Who’s it for?

Motivation Why do this? How can you enjoy the process? Is there a fun way to do this?

General What are you making time for? What do you want to accomplish? What’s the best play for this scenario?

Are you giving your best where you have your best to give?

Way # 5 - Have a Strong Week

Steps Checks

Step 1 – Map Out Your Weaknesses.

Can you identify the top 3 activities that make you the weakest? Can you identify the types of work that make you weak? Can you identify who drains you and who catalyzes you? What’s the pattern?

Step 2 – Map Out Your Strengths.

Can you identify the top 3 activities that make you strong? Can you identify the types of work that make you strong? Can you identify the patterns of people that catalyze you?

Step 3 – Design a Strong Week.

Have you eliminated as many of the activities that make you weak as you can? Have you found a way to add a few activities that make you stronger? Have you consolidated your weaknesses as best as you can?


You’re the captain of your sailboat – adjust your sails when the winds



Choose your adventure, create your experiences, and write your story forward …

Q & A


Wrap Up

Use 3 stories to drive your day, your week, your month, and your year.

Drive your day … Your days are by design, not by default!

If you fall of the horse, just get back on the next day – a story at a time.


Call to Action

Read the Guide – Getting ( )

Share it with a friend Share your success story ( )


The End


About J.D. MeierJ.D. Meier … Principal Program Manager on the Microsoft patterns & practices team Focus - Software Development, Project Management, and Effectiveness Research, author, run teams, and ship stuff 10+ years deliberate practice in “best practices” 750+ software architecture and design reviews

As a hobby and passion, I study success across Microsoft up and down the chain.

Key Projects (Blue Books and Software)

Blue Books for Microsoft (Technical Books) Application Architecture Guide 2.0 Improving Web Services Security (The WCF Security Guide) Performance Testing Guidance for Web Applications Team Development with VSTS/TFS (The TFS Guide) patterns & practices Security Engineering Improving Web Application Security (Threats and Countermeasures) Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability Building Secure ASP.NET Applications (The first Microsoft “Blue Book”)

Software / Tools Guidance Explorer (“ITunes for Knowledge”) Practices Checker (“Building Codes Inspector for Software Best Practices”)

Blogs J.D. Meier on MSDN (Microsoft Blog): Sources of Insight (Effectiveness Blog) -


Guidance Explorer

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