Georgia Regions and Habitats Created by Kristi Dawdy Sharon Elementary 3 rd Grade.

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Georgia Regions

and HabitatsCreated by Kristi Dawdy

Sharon Elementary 3rd Grade

Before we get started, where in

the world is Georgia?

Do you know?

Georgia is in the Southeastern part of the United States, on the continent of North America. There it


Georgia itself is divided into different regions. Each region is different from the others in their own special ways.

The northern-most part of Georgia is called the Mountain Region.

The central part of Georgia is called the Piedmont Region.

The southern-most part of Georgia is called the Coastal Plain Region.

Georgia borders the Atlantic Ocean, so it also has a coastline and an abundance of barrier islands. Neat!

Are you ready to find out what makes each region special?

Do you want to know what kinds of plants and animals might be found in each?

Let’s start in Georgia’s Mountain Region!

Have you ever been to the mountains?

Let’s take a little field trip, shall we?

The Georgia Mountains…

The Georgia Mountains…•The elevation is higher, and it’s shaded by trees. These things make the temperature cooler.

•The terrain also makes it harder to get around. Some people live in the mountains, but it’s not highly populated. Can you think of some reasons why few people live in this region?

In the mountains, you might see…..

beautiful waterfalls.

This is Amicola Falls in the North Georgia Mountains.

In the mountains, you might see…..

really tall trees like the Tulip Poplar and the Hemlock.

You might also see some cool animals that call the Georgia Mountains their home.

Let’s see what we can find!

Mudpuppies and American Toads are two amphibians which live in this habitat.

Both need to live by mountain streams, but they love to hang out in the woods!

Box Turtles and Copperhead Snakes are two reptiles which live in this mountain habitat. Can you think of

a reason why these two would be perfectly at home in the woods?

Lots of animals love to be high in the trees of the Georgia Mountains!

Can you name these three?

Black Bears, Mountain Lions, and Coyotes are major predators in the mountains!

They’re so furry! Why??

The Black Vulture is a scavenger that keeps this habitat clean- they have an important job here! Sadly, they were almost wiped out due to DDT- it made their eggs too soft to hatch. Now they are on the Threatened List, so they are making a comeback.

Humans’ use of DDT changed this habit just enough to almost kill off an entire species of bird.

Can you think of other ways humans could possibly change this habitat, thus affecting the plants and animals that thrive here?

Hop back on the bus! It’s time to leave the Mountain Region!

We’re heading south to the Piedmont Region of Georgia! Let’s go!

The Piedmont Region…

The Piedmont Region…•It’s farther south, so the temperature is warmer than in the mountains.

•The land consists of rolling hills, lakes, and rivers.

•Atlanta is in the Piedmont, making it the highest populated region of Georgia. Why do so many people like this region?

In the Piedmont, you might see…..

lots of tall buildings and twisting highways.

Hey… what’s that building with the gold dome? Pretty!

In the Piedmont, you might see…..

Dogwood, Sweet Gum, and Hickory Trees!

Let’s see what animals we can find here!

No hiking boots needed this time!

We could use a canoe though! Let’s check out the lakes and rivers first!

Near the Chattahoochee River and Lake Lanier, we might find some interesting critters! Water makes a great habitat!

Snapping Turtles and River Otters thrive in the Piedmont Region.

Can you think of some reasons why these two would be perfectly at home in the water?

Peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck…..

The Piedmont is home to the Red-

Cockaded Woodpecker and

the Mourning Dove.

The Piedmont is also home to White-tailed Deer. They prefer wooded areas, but as we continue to populate the area, we force them into unsafe territory.

Don’t do it little guy!

Look both ways!

As we increase the human population in this region, we continue to push animals out of their natural habitats. Here are some coyotes in downtown Atlanta- if caught, they are most likely re-released outside of the state. They are not a threat to humans, but they do prey upon family pets now that we share a habitat with them.

Can you think of other ways humans could possibly change this habitat, thus affecting the plants and animals that thrive here? How can we protect the environment?

Load up! Let’s head farther south into the Coastal Plain Region! It’s a big region, so we have lots to explore!

Coastal Plain

The Coastal Plain Region…

The Coastal Plain Region…•It makes up southern Georgia, so it’s the warmest region of the state.

•The land is flat, and the soil is mostly sandy. This creates a unique environment for many different plants and animals.

•It’s a great region to vacation in. Can you think of some reasons why?

In the Coastal Plain, you might see….. a lack of hills

and an abundance of water. Actually, most of the water is on the east side of the state. The western side is pretty, but flat.

In the Coastal Plain, you might see….. marshes and

swamps. The Okefenokee Swamp one of the largest swamps in the U.S. and is a habitat for many different species of plants and animals. Want to see some?

The Okefenokee Swamp is obviously a very wet, mucky place to be!

Most trees would drown in this habitat, but not the Cypress- it loves all that muck!

That muck is also a great habitat for American Alligators. They call the swamps home!

Want to go for a little swim???

(I’ll pass!)

Since mosquitoes need warm temperatures and water in which to lay their eggs…. The swamps are

a perfect habitat for the little

blood-suckers! Ouch!

Closer to the coast, there are lots of tall pines and Saw Palmettos.

Georgia’s state bird, the Brown Thrasher, might nest in trees like these!

If I were a bird, I’d make my home in one of Georgia’s Live Oaks! (It’s the Georgia State Tree!)

It has lots of huge branches to choose from, and the moss that grows on them would make perfect nesting material!

Wire grass and sea weed are two type of vegetation that abound near the coast. Southern Toads love the

nestle among the vegetation and catch mosquitoes! Yummy!

Double-crested Cormorants, Snowy Egrets, and Blue Heron love to live near the coastal waters.

Can you guess why?

Red on black, friend of Jack.

Red on yellow, kill a fellow!

This region is also home to the venomous Coral Snake!

The Little Grass Frog is one of the tiniest critters that live in this coastal habitat.

The armadillo is one of the most unique animals that make this region their home. (They just don’t fare so well with the traffic!)

Can you brainstorm some things that humans might do to try to conserve this habitat for all of the plants and animals that live here?

Where the warm, salty waters of the Atlantic Ocean

meet our state, a very unique habitat is created.

Welcome to the beaches and barrier islands of


Jekyll Islalnd and St. Simon’s Island are two of many barrier islands along Georgia’s


Let’s make our field trip a bit

more interesting!

Want to?

To see some of Georgia’s coolest animals, we’ll need

one of these!

Sub=Below Marine=Water

The Right Whale is Georgia’s State Mammal!

They were named “Right” because when they were hunted long ago,

they were easy to catch, they floated when killed, and they held

lots of oil and meat. They were just right for hunting. Sadly, they were

almost hunted to extinction.

Pilot Whales and Bottlenose Dolphins

also live in this

habitat!Ok, so this

habitat extends beyond our

state, but we are lucky enough to

have these animals call

Georgia waters home.

Loggerhead Sea Turtles and

Manatees can also be found in

waters off of Georgia’s coast!

Both are also considered


Manatees like to swim close to the surface, and so many get killed

or injured by boats. Sea turtles are

caught in fishing traps and nets quite often.

Can you think of other ways that humans put the sea

creatures in danger?

Can you think of some ways we can try to protect them?

I hope you enjoyed our field trip through Georgia’s


Keep going for some cool ideas to take your learning

to the next level!

Which of Georgia’s regions is your favorite? Write about what

you love about it!

If you could be one of the many animals that live in Georgia, which would you be? Write

about a day in your life as that animal.

Make a list of animals that don’t live in any of Georgia’s habitats. Why do they not live here? Why are they not suited to any of the

habitats here?

Think about the features that some animals have that make them feel perfectly at home in

one of Georgia’s habitats.

Can you design or create a brand new animal that has

similar features so that they could survive happily in one of

Georgia’s habitats?

Create a 3-D Diorama of one of Georgia’s habitats. What

animals and plants must you include to make it seem more


Make posters to hang around the school encouraging others

to keep our environment clean.

Organize a team to periodically clean up garbage around your


Research ways in which we have impacted the environment

locally, thus making it harder for plants or animals to survive.

What steps can we take to improve the environments for

these organisms?

Take a trip to Zoo Atlanta!

The zoo has many wonderful animals that don’t normally live in Georgia. What special things

must the zoo do in order to make them feel like they are in

their natural habitats while they are in Georgia?

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