Georgia Independent Film Survey Responses

Post on 19-Oct-2015






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CinemATL and Reel Georgia's first annual survey on the state of the Georgia Independent Film Scene.


  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    1 4 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They KNOW We Have A Indie Film Scene, But They Couldn't Define It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    A film not associated with an established major studio and with a budget under 14 million dollars.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    The creative content is not as watered down to appease being a risk-free venture. The filmmakers can take more chances because they don't have to answer to as many people.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Very often the quality takes a backseat, especially when it comes to effects and acting. Also very often, not having to answer to as many people can backfire when filmmakers haven't gone through as many script drafts or gotten constructive feedback.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 2 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They DON'T Care, They're Doing Their Own Thing

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Not studio backed. Usually low to super low to no budget, especially in Atlanta. You probably personally know or have heard of the producer(s)/director/writers/actors on Atlanta indies. Majority are non-union.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    Comaraderie. Networking. How everyone tends to pitch in if it's really low budget. Great way to get experience if you're an actor or crew.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Unorganized. Non paying. Getting your copy. Non SAG. The producers/writers/director talks big like they are Scorcese & that their film will make you/them a star, when in reality it's unorganized, TERRIBLE writing, & nothing comes of it. Not all are like this, but it seems to be the norm around here more often than not. The films/webseries that are done well, are done REALLY WELL & the others tend be on the extreme other end of the spectrum, and they don't want to learn to be better.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    2 2 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They Might Know One Or Two Names, BUT That's About It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Not financed through a major or semi-major studio.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    It has the freedom to be more adventurous in style, form, and content. There is the possibility for experimentation. The quality of production values might be lower than major productions, but it's more likely to be sincere, passionate filmmaking.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Weak writing. Then sometimes the writing is weak. On the other hand, the writing is often weak. Independent filmmakers need to be more honest with themselves and with their collaborators about the scripts that go into production. Being "independent" doesn't give you license to produce an 80-minute film with three story events. I'm not saying everyone should write Hollywood-style, predictable 3-act scripts. Go ahead and break the mold. But whatever your story, DEVELOP the story. I'd rather watch an engaging story shot on a camcorder than all of these navel-gazing snore-jobs shot on RED cameras.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    5 5

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They Are VERY Aware

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    A (Well Represented Every Year)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene

    A (Healthy and Making Interesting Films)

    How do you define an Independent Film?

    A independent film is one that is not attached to a major production house EG Warner, MGM.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    Gives the audience a sense of freedom in the script and production and less by the book.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Not as much distro

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 5 5

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They KNOW We Have A Indie Film Scene, But They Couldn't Define It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    It's growing fast.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Not alot of home grown support coming from the Georgia community. It needs alot more unity. everybody seems to focus on self.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 4 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They Might Know One Or Two Names, BUT That's About It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    A film with no substantial financial backing.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Not many resources.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    1 1 2

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    The Country DOES NOT Believe We Have An Indie Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    F (Last Few Years Have Been Bad)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene

    F (I'd Rather Not Talk About It)

    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Any project that does not have studio backing at the preproduction or production stage. Funds are raised independently. It also means the producers and director have more creative control over the finished product.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    More creative control. Also, in the casting phase, directors tend to have a broader idea of who can play a role. They don't feel as burdened to cast stereotypes in each role.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Where do we start? Low/no budget. Inexperienced crew or director. A director-writer-exec producer-star who can't juggle all their duties. Unsafe sets. Low production quality. 2 years to edit the film. The film never gets edited. That's just a partial list. "Indie" definitely has a BAD connotation in Atlanta.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    5 5 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They Might Know One Or Two Names, BUT That's About It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Collaborative art made by passionate and determined people who love to tell stories, on a budget.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    Reason and accountability.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    With distribution getting weird, I don't think there is a downside.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    1 4 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They KNOW We Have A Indie Film Scene, But They Couldn't Define It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    To me, an independent film is a movie that is not beholden to a studio. It's a movie whose destiny is in the hands of the filmmakers. It's creativity untethered. It's risk unchained. It's freedom, and it's all of the perils and terror and constraints that

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    The benefits of a film being identified as independent is that the audience can be assured that they will not be subjected to the homogeneity of Hollywood. They are in for a film that is its own thing, not meant for the widest possible audience - it's not

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    The negative of being identified as an independent film is the perception that the movie is either going to suck, be pretentious bullshit, or a combination of the two. Another Sundance wannabe about drug addiction or bullying or abuse where the protagonist dies at the end? Great. Haven't seen one of them on almost 8 minutes.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    2 3 2

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They Might Know One Or Two Names, BUT That's About It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    An independent film to me is one that is produced by a small film company or group of individuals that want to tell their stories. They usually self-finance or have family, friends or investors to fund their projects.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    They have the creative freedom to tell stories that may otherwise be considered "not marketable" by big film studios. It is also a great place to show what you can do with limited resources and gives the talent and crew experience.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    If people aren't serious and/or not familiar with all that entails in making a film. This isn't child's play or a hobby, it's a business, and treat it as such. People come on board, and usually work for way less than they're worth because the believe in the story or just love creating, so make sure you see it through to the end. Keep your word, respect others and the work.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    2 3 2

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They KNOW We Have A Indie Film Scene, But They Couldn't Define It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    A home grown idea come to life by a group of like minded individuals working together to fund and create an unadulterated artistic vision.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    A creator's vision is largely unabated. Viewers in the know can feel the hardships taken to realize what they are experiencing. A more visceral experience for the intelligent viewer.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Lowered expectations.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 2 5

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They Are VERY Aware

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    I define it as a film that is released outside of the major studio system . (Not to be confused with amatuer films.)

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    I don't believe that there are any benefits, but I also do not think that it's status as an independent film takes away from the experience. Cinema is cinema whether it is backed by a major or not.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    There are none as far as the content of the film is concerned. All that matters is who is behind the camera and the production of the film.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    4 5

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They KNOW We Have A Indie Film Scene, But They Couldn't Define It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    I expect an indie film to be more about the art than marketing or mass appeal. I expect to see something refreshingly new.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    I also expect indie films to be choppy where it is well-developed/skillful in a certain areas and not as good in other areas.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    4 5

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They KNOW We Have A Indie Film Scene, But They Couldn't Define It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    I expect an indie film to be more about the art than marketing or mass appeal. I expect to see something refreshingly new.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    I also expect indie films to be choppy where it is well-developed/skillful in a certain areas and not as good in other areas.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    1 2 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They DON'T Care, They're Doing Their Own Thing

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    No distribution deal before production.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    Are there benefits?

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    I assume it will suck.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    4 3 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They DON'T Care, They're Doing Their Own Thing

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    A film that is made without the financial assistance of a major studio OR its pseudo-indie subsidiaries (Weinstein Company, Fox Searchlight, Dreamworks).

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    I compare it to car construction. Indie filmmakers build custom cars, concept cars, while studios function more like assembly lines, cranking out well-engineered models based on the success of previous years' models. As a moviegoer/consumer, what kind of

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    The term "indie film" usually means quirky comedy about unconventional characters on the fringes of society who learn to love, find acceptance, and are happy at last. Or edgy dramas about unconventional characters on the fringes of society who learn to love, find acceptance, but end up alienated anyway.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    1 3 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They Might Know One Or Two Names, BUT That's About It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Any film funded by agents outside the traditional studio system.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    If you're a movie goer? Perhaps a story that lies outside of the well-trodden path of the studio system. Maybe, just maybe, a good time at the movies.

    If you're a distributor? About a tenth of the price tag that a studio film would cost to acquire.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    It's a stigmatic term that brings to mind poorly made and managed projects that will never have a vital distribution pipeline. Netflix fodder. Indicative of a filmmaker's allegiance to their own point of view and disconnection from what an audience wants.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    2 3 1

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They DON'T Care, They're Doing Their Own Thing

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene

    F (I'd Rather Not Talk About It)

    How do you define an Independent Film?

    A film that is not produced by a major production studio.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    Typically, independent films have more artistic integrity than studio films due to the creative team having more control.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Most of the time (especially in Atlanta) independent filmmakers are self-proclaimed filmmakers because they own some cheap film equipment. They go out to make a film without knowing the art behind filmmaking. The indie scene attracts all the wanna-be's making it harder to really experience a good indie film.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    2 3 5

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    The Country DOES NOT Believe We Have An Indie Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Any film made outside of the studio system, or without studio backing.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    It's usually perceived as more artistic by the film going community. It's not seen as "hollywood."

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Sometimes indie is confused and/or associated with "amateur." I've seen many online reviews (IMDB, etc) that criticize actors for poor acting, when it's really just because the people don't recognize any "stars."

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    2 4 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They KNOW We Have A Indie Film Scene, But They Couldn't Define It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    An independent film has more to do with budget and oversight than anything else. Nothing that has sold distribution rights before wrapping does not qualify either

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    No heavy handed oversight from a production company

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Possibly a labor of lo e, rather than a cohesive plot

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    2 5 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They DON'T Care, They're Doing Their Own Thing

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Used to be a film not made by a studio. But that was when there were only The Studios, like when there were only 3 channels on TV. Now people are calling movies independent that have millons of dollars behind them. I think a true indie film is one that is

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    People who expect more than the standard movie template of high budget movies will be interested in watching it, and will be expecting higher quality.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    People who want the standard movie template of high budget movies will not be interested in watching it, and expect it to be low quality.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 5 5

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They DON'T Care, They're Doing Their Own Thing

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene

    A (Healthy and Making Interesting Films)

    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Well for starters we don't have huge budgets and sometimes really small crews. They are what breathes life into me as a filmmaker/ actor.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    The only creative limit on what you can do is your imagination. It let's YOU be the mind expander of your audience.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Not being able to get certain locations or having a big enough budget to pay everyone what they deserve. Several that I have been on run purely on passion alone, which makes it more fun to do but makes me regret not being able to pay.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 3 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They Might Know One Or Two Names, BUT That's About It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    A film made with more than half of it's production budget financed through private investors, grants, or crowd-funding. But I think many people think it refers to content or scope of a film.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    It is attempting to do something that cannot be done within the studio system (or commercially oriented approach).

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    It's only doing what can also be done within the studio system, only worse, and with less support.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    1 2 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They KNOW We Have A Indie Film Scene, But They Couldn't Define It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    F (Last Few Years Have Been Bad)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 2 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    The Country DOES NOT Believe We Have An Indie Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Films not financed by major studios.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    More creative control over film for director. More intimate crew.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    As a Producer - not as much money so sometimes can't afford all of the personnel or equipment needed for the shoot and can't always afford bigger name talent. Also since crew is sometimes paid at lower rate so often have less experienced crew, which means sometimes they are still figuring things out instead of knowing what to do. As a crew member - don't know what standard of shoot you're working on until it's too late.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    1 4 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    The Country DOES NOT Believe We Have An Indie Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    A film that is financed and produced away (both geographically and in artistic spirit) from the Hollywood studio system.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    #1 would be time (it's the one luxury an indie film can easily afford), and #2 would be a certain level of artistic freedom (as long as you're working within your budget).

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    #1 would be a lack of qualified voices around a filmmaker telling them the truth about their project, no matter how much it might hurt. #2 would be the often difficult road to theatrical distribution (without which many indie films get lost in the shuffle).

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    4 3 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    The Country DOES NOT Believe We Have An Indie Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    An independent film is a professional film production resulting in a feature film that is produced mostly or completely outside of the major film studio system. Generally, they are either distributed independently or by subsidiaries of studios.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    For the most part, the people creating the film have control over the content without having to run stuff by someone in a studio office who doesn't usually share the vision of the film. Over the past 15 years, some of the best work in film have come from

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    The biggest negatives are lack of promotion and marketing. In the past, there could be argued that distribution was a problem but that is changing.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    1 2

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    The Country DOES NOT Believe We Have An Indie Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    A film not produced by a large studio, Usually small budget compared to studio features. Artistic and stylish.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    There is no studio pressure, mush more artistic freedom for all involed. Working on a indie is a large collaborative effort that usually takes people that are passionate about the over all outcome, a great film.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Small budgets make it hard to get all you want out of a film. Its also hard for marketing in terms of getting your film seen. In this market especially there are a lot of non qualified producers/filmmakers who make us look very week in the national market.

    Sadly in my expieriance this is the poorest indie film market there are a ton of people who just want to be famous that keep making terrible films. They don't feed their talent and crew, but expect miracles out of them. Poorly written scripts. Bad camera and lighting, sadly the list goes on and on, but there are a few that are good.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 3 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They KNOW We Have A Indie Film Scene, But They Couldn't Define It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Broadly, Independent film is any movie made outside the large studio system. However, much of what can be tecnically labelled an "indie" are made through sources highly connected to the studio system and certainly not as independent in the sense that the

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    Indie has become a brand that has appeal to some in an audience and it has some good will attached to it. Often, audiences like to hear an "underdog" story and movies are no different. Which is why an "Indie" like 'Dallas Buyers Club' and '12 Years a Slav

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    When there isn't known talent involved with a movie, indie can often be a detriment to it. It might be seen as 'amateur' and make an audience reticent to give the movie a chance if there isn't a talent involved to sell them on the movie's merits.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 3 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They DON'T Care, They're Doing Their Own Thing

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Google says its a film produced outside of the major studio system. I generally agree with that.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    Independent film suggests something more artistically minded than Hollywood fare. It's of course, not true most of the time, but it seems to be suggested.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    I suppose there may be some people who are turned off by a perceived pretension in some independent films. But you know, otherwise, if the conversation is among filmmakers and cinephiles, we're all about independent film.

    I guess there's more money in Hollywood-type films. I don't really work on bigger independent or Hollywood films though, so I don't know.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 5 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They KNOW We Have A Indie Film Scene, But They Couldn't Define It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Video and Film content made outside of the major studios.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    You have more creative control.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Most of the time you have less money, resources and credibility.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    4 4 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They Might Know One Or Two Names, BUT That's About It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    A film which is produced on a limited budget by a crew of people primarily committed to the project for reasons other than immediate monetary gain.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    They are the underdog. They cannot be judged by the same rubric as big budget productions and are merited by their quality as a standalone piece.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Lack of audience and attention from mainstream media outlets.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They Might Know One Or Two Names, BUT That's About It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 4 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They KNOW We Have A Indie Film Scene, But They Couldn't Define It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Typically has a stronger POV because the project grows from a handful of smart, resourceful people, rather than an army of resources. Funding involves individual investors or companies rather than multi-national companies; involves actual risk for the inv

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    Typically indies have a stronger/more interesting POV because the story and concept behind the film went through incredible rigors to survive the fundraising necessary for production, sustained the realities of a smaller market/audience, and were driven b

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Technology has allowed more films to be made which may have cheated the Darwinian process of creativity (this is only negative in that you may have wasted a couple hours of your life- still positive for the Cinematic Arts in general, though notsomuch for independent filmmakers careers)

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    2 3 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They Might Know One Or Two Names, BUT That's About It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 2 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They Might Know One Or Two Names, BUT That's About It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    A film with a budget of $500k or less.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    Don't stick to strict writing and creative guidelines of large distributors. More artistic license. Able to connect with audiences on a smaller scale through film festivals.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    May not receive the same marketing, may not have the resources of large distributors, big name cast members, etc. Limited exposure to masses.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    4 3 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    The Country DOES NOT Believe We Have An Indie Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    A film made outside the studio system, fueled by passion, coffee, and very little money.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    Freedom in storytelling. Ability to take risks.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Not enough money or time to do what you want.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    4 4 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    The Country DOES NOT Believe We Have An Indie Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Any film that is produced without prior distribution deal.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    It is uncorrupted by the whims of distributors who want to pander to the lowest common denominator.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    No guidelines to make sure the film is even one worth seeing.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    2 2 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    The Country DOES NOT Believe We Have An Indie Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    4 3 2

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They KNOW We Have A Indie Film Scene, But They Couldn't Define It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Lacking in original content, but booming in industry work. Still far too divided when it comes to independents sharing creative resources. Too much go-it-alone attitude.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    The benefit is the freedom to create original work. Not having to reduce everything to an industry standard. To be able to be yourself and tell your own story, truly and honestly.

    The freedom to develop your career to meet your needs.

    Too often, indep

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    When it has only been assessed by its creators. When no standards are in place and it's amateurish. It's a tough balance not being the industry's puppy, and at the same time demanding the highest standards of your own work.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 4 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    The Country DOES NOT Believe We Have An Indie Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    I define indie as rooted in complex storytelling. Also, developed with multiple sources and persons...made by multiple means or by any means necessary.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    The benefits of indie identified films are intimate film development and engagement. 360 degree experience of the film process, from creators to cast to learning about the process.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    The negatives are less streams for visibility and more competitive to be seen. As well, less technical quality.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    2 4 5

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They Might Know One Or Two Names, BUT That's About It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Independent film's lack studio backing for whatever reason.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    I don't know that there are major benefits but for young or new crew members it tends to be easier to get a job on an indie.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    People assume it will be crap or have a really small budget.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 3 3

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    The Country DOES NOT Believe We Have An Indie Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    A film that is not funded and produced by a Hollywood studio.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    It indicates a certain DIY quality to the production.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Unfortunately, sometimes it can indicate a lower quality in terms of production value.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    2 5 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene

    A (Healthy and Making Interesting Films)

    How do you define an Independent Film?

    A film with an extremely limited budget or no budget.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    It is a chance for all involved to do what they love doing.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Since there is not much of a budget, it draws those who have not "made it BIG" so they don't have the draw from the BIG names.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 3 2

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    The Country DOES NOT Believe We Have An Indie Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    financing and production not coming from studio

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    expect different POV, richer characters, unique and affecting stories

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    poor production values

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    2 4 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    They Might Know One Or Two Names, BUT That's About It

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    C (Not Consistent Enough)

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Independent film is any film organically created, locally staffed, and not connected to/funded by/required to please any big studio production company.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    I think it means that people can expect something more true to life than big Hollywood movies. Audiences feel more attached and less like consumers when watching an independent film.

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    People may assume it means "unprofessional" or low quality in comparison to studio produced films.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    2 2 2

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    The Country DOES NOT Believe We Have An Indie Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    3 5 4

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    The Country DOES NOT Believe We Have An Indie Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals


    Georgias Overall Independent Scene


    How do you define an Independent Film?

    Not a studio- or union-sanctioned film. It's made by people who are passionate enough about an idea to gather others together and make a film, be it for potential profit, to tell a story, or just to have a good time making movies.

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    An indie film is usually less shoot time than a studio enterprise. You get in, you get your shots, you get out. Indie films give non-top-stars an opportunity to work, as the director is usually more concerned with getting good actors in than bringing in b

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

    Independent films are often made with shoestring budgets, fewer concerns for safety and comfort, and can often wind up being poorly-thought-out garbage that you may wind up being embarrassed to be seen in.

  • Industry Respect | Confidence of Future | Personal Experience

    National Awareness of Georgias Independent Film Scene

    Georgias Presence at Major Festivals

    Georgias Overall Independent Scene

    How do you define an Independent Film?

    What are the benefits when a film is identified being an indie/independent?

    What are the negatives when a film is identified as being an indie/independent film?

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