Geography of the Arabian Peninsula

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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Physical Features Physical Features Vast deserts dotted by oases. Coastal plains line the southern and western coasts. Mountain ranges divide coastal plains from deserts


Geography of the Arabian Peninsula Physical Features Physical Features Vast deserts dotted by oases.
Coastal plains line the southern and western coasts. Mountain ranges divide coastal plains from deserts Physical Features Deserts Arabian Peninsula is covered by desert
Very harsh environment Physical Features Deserts Summer temp to 120F
Winter temp below freezing Annual rainfall 3-4 inches Droughts last for years When rains, violent storms causing flash floods Physical Features Deserts Many sudden and blinding windstorms
Sometimes create dunes 800ft high Remember, Space Needle 638ft. Physical Features Oasis
Provide plant life and shade as well as water in a desert Occur because water has been trapped underground Water seeps to surface Physical Features Coastal Plain Runs along the coasts of the peninsula
Separates inland plateaus from the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and Persian Gulf Suitable for farming Deep wells and dams allow irrigation Grains, fruits and vegetables Tree sap makes myrth and frankincense A lot of sea and caravan trade Physical Features Mountains Divide coastal plain from desert
Rise up to 12,000 ft in elevation Craggy mountains 20 inches of annual rainfall Cool temperatures Gets frosty in winter Cities to Know Mecca Lies about 45 miles inland from the Red Sea and on the western edge of the desert Cities to Know Mecca Has been in existence since before 2,000 B.C.E.
Where Muhammad was raised Cities to Know Medina An Oasis city dating back to at least 600 B.C.E. Avenues of Trade International Trade
Both cities were crossroads on the busy trade routes Camel caravans carried perfumes, ivory, spices, silk, precious metals and many other tradable items Back to Africa Bedouins Bedouins Groups of nomadic Arab people who made the desert their home Herded sheep, camels and goats Followed planned routes from one oasis to another Also acted as guides for caravans Sometimes raided a caravan and stole the trade goods. Meccan traders often made agreements with Bedouins to protect their goods

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