
Under The SeaBy: Matthew Sullivan

OVER THE YEARS • In 1872 the British ship Challenger, set sail for three- and- a- half years. The crew

threw nets down into the ocean and discovered…

four thousand new speciesfour thousand new species• William Beebe and Otis Barton made a bathysphere or as we know it today, a


• In the past, submarines were made out of quartz and steel and they still are today


OVER THE YEARS (CONT)• The ocean covers 70% of the Earth

• Scientists have only discovered 5% of the ocean out of 70%

• You might think that’s not a lot, but there are a lot of places in the ocean that are too dangerous to explore our to deep down to travel to

• Scientists have found hydrothermal vents that use the chemicals in the hot water to make food for the animals that can’t find any

Hydrothermal vents

ANTARCTICA• In the 2000s scientists discovered Yeti Crabs and Albino Octopuses

• Yeti Crabs have hairy chests and hairy arms

• Scientists described the moving crabs as bees because they are always busy

• They also have bacteria growing on their arms

Yeti Crab

•The chart above is a picture of the different layers of the ocean. Many different animals lived in these zones. The next few slides will describe the different zones and the animals that live there.

Ocean Zones

The Epipelagic Zone- Algae • The Epipelagic Zone is where most of the plants and animals of the ocean live

• It is nicknamed the “Sunlight Zone” because it is where most visible light exists

• Algae is a plant that is found in the Epipelagic Zone

• It provides oxygen for other marine animals

• Algae grows by the process of photosynthesis

• Photosynthesis­ a process used by plants and other organisms to covert light energy, normally from the sun, into chemical energy that can be later released to fuel the organisms’ activities

Ocean Algae

Mesopelagic Zone- Comb Jellies• In the Mesopelagic Zone, fish use bioluminescence to see in the dark waters

• Bioluminescence­ is the production of light by a living organism

• One animal that lives in the Mesopelagic Zone is the Comb Jelly

• It is not related to the jellyfish at all

• The Comb Jellies have lived in the ocean for about 5 million years

• It has long trailing tentacles and will almost eat anything it runs into

Comb Jelly

Bathypelagic Zone- Angler Fish

Angler Fishes


Abyssal Zone- Giant Squid• Sunlight doesn’t reach the Abyssal Zone

• The animals in this zone usually are invertebrates

• Invertebrates- animals without a backbone

• The Giant Squid lives in this layer of the ocean

• It moves by jet propulsion which consists of collecting the ocean water and shooting it out

Giant Squid

Hadal Zone- Sea Cucumber & Sea Spider

• Nicknamed the Trench Zone because the deepest trenches are in this zone

• It is dark and cold

• Animals in this zone have adapted to the darkness by reducing their use of eyesight

• The Sea Cucumber eats floating food like algae

• They break down their food into tiny pieces which then becomes food for bacteria

• The Sea Spider is related to horseshoe crabs, scorpions, and mites

• They eat jelly fish and other soft body animals by ripping them to bits

Sea Cucumber and Sea Spider

Sea Cucumber Sea Spider

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