General sports injuries around the ankle foot complex

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Sports Injuries around the ankle Foot Complex

By : Gan Quan Fu

Learning Outcomes At the end of this lecture, you will be able to:

Refresh on the anatomy of the ankle joint and foot.

Know generally on why and how the injuries occur in the ankle and foot complex

Name the common sports injuries affecting the ankle.

Content Brief Anatomy of the Ankle & Foot Introduction Role of the Collateral Ligaments in Ankle

Stability Foot Alignment Common Sports Injury Involving the Ankle


Brief Anatomy of The Ankle & Foot

Brief Anatomy of The Ankle & Foot

Brief Anatomy of The Ankle & Foot

Introduction (Ankle Joint) Also known as talocrural joint. Consists of the trochlear surface of the talus and the distal

ends of the tibia and fibula. The talar trochlear is wider anteriorly, and so

plantarflexion is more free than dorsiflexion. Average values being 30-50 deg and 20-30 deg respectively.

Strengthen by variety of ligaments, the collaterals being the most important from the point of view of injury. Triangular shape medial collateral ligament (deltoid ligament) is

divided into anterior and posterior tibiotalar bands. Lateral collateral ligament is divided into 3 separate

components and is weaker than the medial collateral ligament. Anterior talofibular ligament (ATF) Posterior talofibular ligament (PTF) Calcaneofibular ligament

Role of the Collateral Ligaments in Ankle StabilityMovement Controlled by

Abduction of Talus Tibiocalcaneal and tibionavicular bands

Adduction of Talus Calcaneofibular ligament

Plantarflexion ATF ligament and anterior tibiotalar band

Dorsiflexion Posterior tibiotalar band and PTF ligament

External rotation of Talus

Anterior tibiotalar and tibionavicular bands

Internal rotation of Talus

As above with ATF ligament

Introduction (Plantar Fascia) Thickest Fascia in the body. Attaches from a point just behind the medial

tubercle of calcaneus and runs anteriorly as 5 slips. As slips approach the metatarsal heads, they

split into superficial and deep layers. Superficial layer attaches to superficial fascia

beneath the skin Deep layer divides into medial and lateral portions to

allow passage of flexor tendons. Each of the 5 portions attaches to the base of

proximal phalanx and to the deep transverse ligament.

As the foot dorsiflex and toes extend, fascia is tighten and longitudinal arch elevated.

Foot Alignment Pronated Foot

When the arch collapses too much and the foot rolls inward excessively, distributing weight unevenly.

One of the most common foot misalignments. Supinated Foot

When the foot leans to the outside. Weight is distributed along the outside. Also known as under pronation. Over supination reduces the body's natural shock

absorbing capability. Neutral Foot

Foot and ankle maintain a straight line. Weight is distributed evenly across the foot and


Common Sports Injury Involving the Ankle Joint Ankle Sprain Plantar Fasciitis Metatarsalgia Morton’s Neuroma

Thank You

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