Gaudiya Vishnu Sahasranama

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Gaudiya Vishnu Sahasranama


  • 8/14/2019 Gaudiya Vishnu Sahasranama


    r Viusahasranma


    Books and Recordings by

    Bhaktisiddhrtha Dsnuds Published by

    Harinam Arts

    Harinam CDs:


    Hare Ka Krtan

    Harinam Book/CDs

    r Viusahasranma

    r Ka-sahasranmar Nsiha-sahasranmar Bala-Ka-sahasranma

    r Rdh-Ka-sahasranmar Gopla-sahasranma

    r Caitanya-sahasranmarmat Rdh-sahasranma

    Philosophy Books

    Theistic VedntaHere Be Wisdom

    The Quinity

    To the Reader:

    Thank you for purchasing this fine edition from Harinam Arts.Please treat sacred books and paraphernalia with care and respect.

    For example, do not place this book on the floor.Thank you very much.

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    r Viusahasranma


    Contents How to Use This Book ................................................... iii

    Foreword by B.A. Paramdvait Svm ........................ iv

    Preface ................................................................................1


    r Viusahasranma

    Magalcaraam: Auspicious Invocation .........27

    Prologue ..................................................................31

    The Thousand Names of Lord Viu ..................36

    Phala ruti .............................................................91

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    desolate souls who have mistaken lust for love. Now a newspirit arises. The symphony of truthful lovers of this one andonly sound all join into thesakrtana (congregational

    chanting) of the Holy Names. No hard and fast rules are to beapplied, since only faith and eagerness will be requested fromyou before you are granted entrance into the inner chamber ofloving understanding.

    And nosadhu may be neglected by those who wish to enterhere. Thesadhu is the living Bhgavata. The speaker of Truthand kind-hearted friend of all living entities is so dear to Kathat even the Holy Name will withdraw His mercy from thosewho are careless and proud of their prowess before the puredevotee.

    This presentation from the heart of the Devotee is once againcoming to release us from the boundaries of our ownlimitations. He has given the music its true purpose; to servethe divine sound of the Divine Names.

    It is my happiness to ask all the readers to give their blessingsto the Author, myself and all others by sharing these HolyNames with whomever they meet, and thus make their livesperfect.

    May rla Prabhupda, Gourga-Nitynanda and the DivineCouple of Vrdvana bless you all with His merciful Names.

    B.A. Paramdvait SvmFounder-crya, VRINDA(Vrdvana Institute for Vaiava Culture and Studies)

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    r Viusahasranma


    But at present our eternal spiritual nature is covered by atemporary material body. By the laws of nature we are notfree, for the type of body we inhabit and its stage of bodily

    existence condition our experience in every way. In materialexistence, our bodily condition totally determines our range ofaction, thought and consciousness.

    Like every material phenomenon, the body goes through thestages of creation, gestation, birth, growth, production ofbyproducts, deterioration and death. One may have performedgood works and consequently find oneself in a relativelycomfortable material condition, or one may be in anunfortunate condition due to impious activities. But no matterwhat kind ofkarma one may have created for oneself, theuniversal sufferings of birth, old age, disease and death are asinevitable as they are abominable.

    This conditional life of suffering in material existencetheinvoluntary repetition of birth, old age, disease and deathiscalledsasra. Sasra is uncontrollable, like a blazing forest

    fire. A forest fire ignites automatically by lightning, and toextinguish it is beyond human power. The raging forest fire canbe extinguished only by another natural force, when there is anample downpour of rainwater. We are helpless before thepowerful manifestations of material nature like forest fires andrainstorms. No one can stop them.

    Similarly we are helpless to stop the suffering ofsasra,

    unless we are fortunate enough to receive the mercy of God inthe form of His Holy Names. Sasra-dvnala-lha-loka-trya kruya-ghanghanatvam. Like the cooling downpourof rain from a storm cloud, hearing the Holy Names of theLord from the self-realized spiritual master and chanting themoffenselessly extinguishes the blazing fire ofsasra byeliminating the root cause of material suffering.

    This book and companion CD ofr Viusahasranmacontain these Holy Names, which are the remedy for thesuffering of materially conditioned existence. r meansbeautiful on account of being full of spiritual qualities; Viu isthe Sanskrit Name of God, the omnipotent, omnipresentCreator and Master of the universe; andsahasra-nma means a

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    thousand Names. So r Viusahasranma means Athousand spiritually beautiful Names of God. Actually God isunlimited, and therefore He has an infinite number of Holy

    Names. These thousand Names are just the most prominentand beneficial of His Holy Names. They are so powerful thatanyone who simply hears or chants them regularly, with faith,becomes relieved of all material suffering.

    How is this possible? By the power of transcendental sound.Any terminology indicating God or the Supreme is not anordinary sound vibration of this material world. Viu or Godis the Supreme Absolute Truth. The unique quality of theAbsolute is that everything connected to Him, such as HisNames, forms, abode, pastimes, associates, and the narration ofHis glories, is also on the same absolute platform.

    o pram ada pram ida prt pram udacyateprnsya pram dya pram evvaiyate

    May we invoke auspiciousness by offering our respectful

    obeisances unto the Supreme Lord. The Personality ofGodhead is perfect and complete, and because He iscompletely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as thisphenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes.Whatever is produced of the Complete Whole is also completein itself. Because He is the Complete Whole, even though somany complete units emanate from Him, He remains thecomplete balance. [r opaniad, Invocation]

    Since He is absolute, His Holy Names are also absolute.Therefore the Holy Names of Viu or Ka are identical inspiritual quality and potency with Ka (God) Himself. LikeHim, they are complete and perfect. Since Ka and His HolyNames are identical in properties and power, His Holy Namesare eternally pure and immune to all material contamination.More than that, they embody the purifying and enlightening

    power of Godhead in the form of transcendental sound. TheLord is personally present in the transcendental sound of HisHoly Names. The association of the Supreme Lord isindescribably blissful; it bestows spiritual opulence andcauseless knowledge of the Absolute Truth. Therefore we can

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    r Viusahasranma


    be relieved of all material difficulties simply by chanting thesebeautiful Holy Names of the Lord.

    Unfortunately, otherwise intelligent people who are

    bewildered by the complex combination of anxieties andsuffering in material existence often find it difficult toappreciate the simple process of chanting the Holy Names,which is free from all anxiety. They cannot comprehend thatthere can be a class of absolute nomenclature beyond limited,relative knowledge and temporary conditional existence.

    Any name that represents a temporary object of this material

    world may be subjected to critical arguments, inductivespeculation and experimental verification. Thus all relativeconclusions created by material mental speculation are subjectto uncertainty. But in the absolute world a person and hisname, the fame and the famous, the actor and the act areidentical. Similarly the qualities, pastimes, abode, associates,Names and everything else pertaining to the AbsoluteSupreme Personality of Godhead are also spiritual and

    absolute in quality. This is transcendental knowledge beyondall uncertain processes of inductive speculation. And since thisabsolute knowledge is received through the descending processofparampar, or disciplic succession from the Lord Himself,there is no uncertainty or speculation. This is the eternal,unchanging Absolute Truth.

    Actually, the Holy Name is the Supreme Personality of

    Godhead Himself, manifesting as a transcendental vibration.The Holy Name is completely different from material sound:golokera prema-dhana, hari-nma-sakrtana. Thetranscendental vibration of chanting the Holy Names descendsfrom the spiritual abode of Ka. Materialists who areaddicted to experimental knowledge and so-called scientificmethod have difficulty placing their faith in the chanting of theHoly Names. Nevertheless it is a fact that one can be freed

    from all material suffering simply by chanting the Holy Nameswithout offense. Let anyone who doubts this assertion subjectit to their experimental verification by chanting regularlyaccording to the prescribed process and carefully observing theresult.

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    The spiritual world is called Vaikuha, which means withoutanxiety. In material consciousness everything is uncertain andtemporary, and therefore everyone is full of anxiety (sa-

    kuha). In the spiritual world Vaikuha, everything is knownand certain by the causeless mercy of the Lord. Birth, old age,disease and death are nonexistent there, and thereforeeveryone there is free from all anxiety. Chanting the HolyNames gives us the opportunity to transfer our existence to theVaikuha world, where we can exist eternally without anysuffering. This occurs as soon as we change from the materialconditioned platform of consciousness to blissful Vaikuha

    consciousness through chanting the Holy Names.Unfortunate people in material consciousness are not veryenthusiastic to chant the Holy Names of the Lord, just as apatient suffering from jaundice does not relish the taste ofsugar candy, even though sugar candy is the specific medicinefor jaundice. Nevertheless, chanting the Holy Name of theLord is the only effective remedy for ending the material

    suffering of the conditioned soul. Although chanting the HolyName of the Lord may not be very palatable for peoplesuffering from the disease of material existence, anyone whowants to be cured of the material disease must do it with greatcare and attention.

    Even among people who accept the spiritual path, there aremany who are frustrated by pursuing processes of self-realization that are impractical in this fallen, contaminated age.In the present age the vibration of the Holy Names of the Lordis the onlyyoga process that can actually help one attain atranscendental position, beyond all material contamination.

    harer nma harer nma harer nmaiva kevalamkalau nstyeva nstyeva nstyeva gatir anyath

    Chant the Holy Name [in the neophyte stage], chant the Holy

    Name [in the clearing stage], certainly you must chant the HolyName [in the liberated stage of life] constantly. In the Age ofKali there is no other way [by the austereyoga practicesrecommended for the Satya-yuga], no other way [by theelaborate Vedic sacrifices recommended for the Treta-yuga],no other way [by the opulent Deity worship recommended for

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    r Viusahasranma


    the Dvrapa-yuga] to attain the ultimate destination [of thepersonal association of the Lord].[Bhan-nradya Pura]

    For progress in spiritual life, the Vedic scriptures recommendausterity and meditation in Satya-yuga, sacrifice for thesatisfaction of Lord Viu in Treta-yuga and gorgeous worshipof the Lord in the temple in Dvpara-yuga, but in the Age ofKali one can achieve spiritual progress only by chanting theHoly Name of the Lord. This is confirmed in many scriptures.For example, in rmad-Bhgavatam (12.3.51) it is said,

    kaler doa-nidhe rjann asti hy eko mahn guakrtand eva kasya mukta-saga para vrajet

    In the Age of Kali there are many faults, for people aresubjected to many miserable conditions, yet in this age there isone great benediction: simply by chanting the Hare Kamah-mantra one can be freed from all material contaminationand thus be elevated to the spiritual world.

    The Nrada-pacartra also praises the Hare Ka mah-mantra as follows:

    trayo veda a-agni chandsi vividh sursarva akarntastha yac cnyad api v-mayamsarva-vednta-srrthah sasrrava-traa

    The essence of all Vedic knowledgecomprehending the

    three kinds of Vedic activity [karma-ka, jna-ka andupasna-ka], the chandas, or Vedic hymns, and theprocesses for satisfying the demigodsis included in the eightsyllables Hare Ka, Hare Ka. This is the reality of allVednta. The chanting of the Holy Name is the only means tocross the ocean of nescience.

    Similarly, the Kali-santaraa Upaniad states,

    hare ka hare ka ka ka hare harehare rma hare rma rma rma hare hare

    iti oaaka nmn kali-kalmaa-nanamnta parataropya sarva-vedeu dyate

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    Hare Ka, Hare Ka, Ka Ka, Hare Hare; HareRma, Hare Rma, Rma Rma, Hare Harethese sixteennames composed of thirty-two syllables are the only means to

    counteract the evil effects of Kali-yuga. In all the Vedas it isseen that to cross the ocean of nescience there is no alternativeto the chanting of the Holy Name.

    r Mdhvcrya, in his commentary upon the MuakaUpaniad, quotes the followingloka from the NryaaSahit:

    dvparyair janair viu pacartrais tu kevalai

    kalau tu nma-mtrea pjyate bhagavn hariIn the Dvpara-yuga one could satisfy Ka or Viu only byworshiping Him gorgeously according to thepacartrik[Deity worship] system, but in the Age of Kali one can worshipand satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead Hari only bychanting His Holy Name.

    Since the Holy Name can deliver the conditioned soul from all

    material suffering, it is calledsarva-mantra-sra, the essence ofall Vedic hymns. However, one should receive the Holy Namefrom the pure devotee who is fully engaged in the lovingdevotional service of the Lord. One who has a merelyacademic interest in religion, or who poses as a great spiritualteacher merely for the sake of transient name, fame, profit andcheap adoration from the innocent public, cannot impart thereal thing.

    The Holy Name is most effective when heard from a self-realized teacher situated in theparampar (disciplicsuccession) from Ka Himself:

    eva parampar-prptam ima rjarayo vidu

    This supreme science was thus received through the chain ofdisciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that

    way. [Bhagavad-gt 4.2]A self-realized spiritual master is not an ordinary human being,but is fully qualified to act as the representative of the SupremePersonality of Godhead. How to approach such a spiritualmaster is also described:

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    r Viusahasranma


    tad viddhi praiptena paripranena sevayupadekyanti te jna jninas tattva-darina

    Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master.Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him.The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you becausehe has seen the truth. [Bhagavad-gt 4.34]

    One should fully accept all these merciful scripturalinstructions of the Lord as ones purpose in life to quicklyperfect ones self-realization and put an end to all misery.

    Hearing and chanting the Holy Names of the Lord is the onlyeffective medicine for the disease of material suffering.Anyone in material conditioned existence can cleanse theirconsciousness from all material contamination and find relieffrom all misconceptions by this simple process (ceto-darpaa-mrjanam).Avidy or ignorance is simply a misconceptionabout one's actual spiritual identity. This misconceptionprovides the foundation for ahakra, or false ego within the

    heart.The real cause of all our suffering is the contamination ofmaterial identification within the heart. If we cleanse our heart,if we cleanse our consciousness of this false identification withtemporary material designations, the material disease can nolonger affect us. This is actual self-realization. The chanting ofthe Holy Names of the Lord quickly cleanses the consciousnessand heart from all misconceptions, and the ever-fresh taste oftranscendental nectar arises spontaneously within the mind. Itis both easy and beneficial. By chanting the nectarean HolyNames, one is immediately freed from the blazing fire ofmaterial existence by the blissful personal association of theLord.

    For those who are already Vaiavas

    This edition and companion CD are designed both for newpractitioners, and for those who are already devotees of Kaand want to add chanting r Viusahasranma to theirpersonal spiritual practice. Why would anyone who is aninitiated disciple of a Vaiava spiritual master and alreadychanting the hare ka mah-mantra also want to chant r

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    Viusahasranma? The answer is that although rViusahasranma is also composed entirely of the HolyNames of the Lord, the result of chanting it is different from

    the result of chanting the hare ka mah-mantra.It is well known among Vaiavas that chanting the hare kamah-mantra provides no material result whatsoever, but leadsto the awakening of pure love of Godhead. This is wonderfuland provides the highest benediction to the entire world.However, while developing spiritual qualifications during theneophyte stage of devotional service, devotees oftenexperience material difficulty. r Viusahasranma providesan authorized Vedic spiritual method for relieving suchimpediments.

    Anyone who is chanting the Holy Name with offenses willcertainly encounter obstacles in their devotional service. Thesecompose one class of hindrances on the path of spiritualenlightenment. The scriptures say that the cure for this class ofobstacles is simply to continue the chanting process according

    to the instructions of ones spiritual master and rely on thepurifying power of the Holy Name.

    But we often find that ka-bhaktas have material difficultiesin their lives from unfinished material karma, unrelated tooffenses in their spiritual practices. These problems aredifficult to address without descending to the materialplatform, which is distasteful to devotees whose self-realization

    practice has given them a taste for the purity of spiritualenergy. r Viusahasranma provides a unique spiritualremedy for this class of material obstacles. Consider thispassage from thephala ruti, the section ofrViusahasranma that narrates the results of chanting it:

    Anyone who hears and chants these thousand Holy Namesof Lord Viu will not suffer in an inauspicious conditionof life, either in this life or in the next. By chanting these

    thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu a brhmaa willbecome learned in all Vedic scriptures, a katriya willbecome victorious over all his enemies, a vaiya willbecome wealthy, and adra will become happy. Bychanting these thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu, onewho desires religious merit will attain great pious credit,

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    r Viusahasranma


    one who desires wealth will become wealthy, one whodesires opulent arrangements for sense gratification willattain them, and one who desires to father a great dynastywill also attain his aim.

    One who chants the thousand Holy Names of LordViu very nicely will attain unlimited fame and becomethe most prominent of all his kinsmen. He will attaineverlasting opulence, and he will also attain the supremeauspiciousness. He will become courageous and free fromfear, and he will become a leader, controlling others. Hewill become healthy, handsome and majestic inappearance, physically strong, and full of all goodqualities. One who is sick will become free from hisdisease, and one who is in prison or some other bondagewill become free. One who is frightened because of awicked enemy will become free from his fear, and one whois suffering from a calamity will become free fromcalamity.

    Anyone who regularly glorifies the Supreme Personality ofGodhead, Lord Viu with devotion by chanting thesethousand Holy Names will quickly become free from thehorrible karmic effects of many sins. He takes shelter ofLord Vsudeva and becomes very attached to Him. Hebecomes purified of all sins, and he attains the associationof Lord Ka, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Noactually inauspicious condition is ever imposed on thedevotees of Lord Vsudeva, and therefore they do not fearhaving to take birth in this world to again suffer the

    miserable conditions of old age, disease and death.One who carefully studies these prayers with great faithand devotion to Lord Ka becomes full of the happinessattained by spiritual realization. He becomes tolerant ofthe temporary happiness and distress of material existence.He attains the opulence of renunciation, patient control ofthe senses, and constant meditation on Ka. Because ofthis spiritual opulence he attains great fame. The devotees

    of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Ka whoperform the devotional service of chanting these onethousand Holy Names of the Lord become free fromanger, envy, greed, and all wicked thoughts One whodesires to attain actual happiness and auspiciousnessshould regularly hear and chant this prayer glorifying the

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    Supreme Personality of Godhead, composed by the sageVysa.

    It is my personal observation that chanting r

    Viusahasranma actually does provide the benefits indicatedabove. In my practice and experience of over twenty years, thispotent mantra has helped me overcome debilitating physicalillness, mental agitation, political problems, betrayal, povertyand many other material difficulties. Reciting and studying thisdivine narration, composed entirely of the Holy Names of theLord, also contributes to knowledge of Lord r Kasopulence and transcendental qualities, guards against spiritual

    falldown due to material difficulty, and provides a subtle kindof mental satisfaction and confidence.

    This does not indicate any incompleteness or insufficiency inthe hare ka mah-mantra, but it does underscore thescientific truth, verifiable by experience, that each Vedicmantra has a specific purpose and is best employed for thatresult alone. For one who is completely self-realized and has

    transcended all connection to material consciousness, theelevated love of Godhead provided by chanting the hare kamah-mantra will certainly supply all his needs. But for thoseof us still in the neophyte stage ofkarma-mira bhakti whomaintain some dependence upon the material energy, thebenedictions obtained by chanting r Viusahasranma are anecessary and desirable help in building a strong foundation toprepare for the higher stages of realization.

    There is a precedent for chanting viu-mantras thatsupplement the hare ka mah-mantra in the pastimes ofLord Caitanya. When Lord r Caitanya Mahprabhu returnedfrom Gay after r vara Pur initiated him, He wascompletely transformed into a God-intoxicated personality.His students of grammar were very confused. Instead ofteaching grammar in the ordinary way, Lord Caitanya

    explained that every Sanskrit word and letter indicates Ka,the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Caitanya Mahprabhusdirect disciple rla Jva Gosvm later developed this form ofgrammar in a book called Hari-nmmta-vykaraa, TheGrammar of the Nectar and Name of r Hari. This book is

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    r Viusahasranma


    still used in Vaiava schools and temples to teach Sanskritgrammar.

    But Lord Caitanya's students thought that their teacher had

    become mad, so they rubbed His head with Viu oil to coolHis brain. This did not affect Lord Caitanyas ecstasy. Finallythey asked Him, You say that everything means Ka and weshould ultimately always be chanting the Names of Ka. Justhow should we do this? Then Lord Caitanya began to sing theNames of Ka and clap His hands, and in this way Hecommenced His harinma-sakrtana movement. The HolyNames He sang were:

    hari haraye nama ka ydavya namaydavya mdhavya keavya nama

    rla Baladeva Vidybhaas version ofrViusahasranma follows in the same spirit, for every Nameof Viu is interpreted to indicate Ka. The point is thatultimately there is no difference in quality between r

    Viusahasranma and the hare ka mah-mantra. They areboth on the transcendental platform because they addressKa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

    I therefore encourage all devotees of God everywhere to takeadvantage of the benedictions available by chanting rViusahasranma to end all material difficulties and maketheir lives perfect. It is a fact that the spiritual power of theHoly Name of the Lord resolves all problems. Please use thismah-mantra to immerse yourself in nma-bhjan (worship ofthe Holy Name of the Lord) and experience this powerfulbenediction for yourself.

    o tat sat

    Bhaktisiddhrtha DsnudsRoswell, Georgia

    March 14, 2000Mn Sakrnt

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    r Viusahasranma


    Lord r Caitanya Mahprabhu, the originator of this lineage,is none other than Ka Himself incarnating in the mood ofHis greatest devotee rmat Rdhr:r ka caitanya

    rdh-ka nhi anya. rla Svarpa Dmodara Gosvm, themost confidential servant of r Caitanya Mahprabhu, was thespiritual master of rla Rupa Gosvm. rla Raghuntha dsaGosvm is the direct disciple of rla Rupa Gosvm, and hisdisciple is rla Kadsa Kavirja Gosvm, the author ofrCaitanya-caritmta.

    rla Kadsa Kavirja Gosvm accepted rla Narottamadsa hkura as his personal disciple. Narottama dsa hkurawas the spiritual master of rla Vivantha Cakravarthkura, who accepted rla Baladeva Vidybhaa, theoriginal author of this version ofr Viusahasranma, as hisdisciple. Vivantha Cakravart hkura also accepted rlaJaganntha dsa Bbj, the spiritual master of rlaBhaktivinoda hkura. Bhaktivinoda hkuras disciple wasrla Gaurakiora dsa Bbj, the spiritual master of rla

    Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat Gosvm. rla BhaktisiddhntaSarasvat Gosvm accepted as his direct disciple His DivineGrace A.C. Bhaktivednta Svm Prabhupda, the spiritualmaster of the compiler of this edition. This edition ofrViusahasranma is therefore presented strictly in accordancewith thesiddhnta or spiritual conclusion of the GauiyaVaiavasampradya.

    rla Baladeva Vidybhaarla Baladeva Vidybhaa appeared in a village near thecity of Remun, Orissa, in the late 1600s. Even though he wasborn the son a vaiya (farmer), in his youth he still received avery thorough education in Sanskrit, rhetoric, logic andscripture. In his youth he acceptedsannysa in the Madhva

    sampradya, and staying in Jaganntha Pur, he quickly

    became prominent in intellectual circles. His study of rla JvaGosvm's Sandarbhas made him a follower of r CaitanyaMahprabhu. He made a pilgrimage to the sacred sites ofNavadvpa, and spent the remainder of his life in Vrdvana,studying rmad-Bhgavatam and other Vaiava scriptures

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    under the guidance of his spiritual master, rla VivanthaCakravart hkura.

    In 1706 rla Vivantha Cakravart hkura sent him to Galta

    (near Jaipur, India) to prove the authenticity of r CaitanyaMahprabhu's movement. The Rmnands (a local branch ofthe r Vaiavasampradya) argued that the GauiyaVaiavas, having no commentary on Vednta-stra, were nota bona-fide disiplic lineage and therefore had no right toworship Govindaj or any of the other Deities of Vrdvana.By the grace of the Govindaj Deity, rla BaladevaVidybhaa swiftly compiled a wonderful commentary onVednta,Govinda-bhsya.

    rla Baladeva Vidybhaa was a prolific and influentialauthor of works in the Vedic tradition. His most importantworks are: Govinda-bhsya, Siddhnta-ratna, Vednta-

    syamantaka, Prameya-ratnavl, Siddhnta-darpaa,Aisvarya-kadmbin, Sahitya-kaumud, Chanda-kaustubha, Kavya-kaustubha, Bhagavad-gt-bhsya, Vaiav-nndin tka (a

    commentary on rmad-Bhgavatam), as well as commenatrieson Tattva-sandarbha, Stva-ml, Gopala-tapani Upaniad,Viusahasranma, Laghu-bhagavatmta, Naaka-candrika,and ymnnda-aka.

    Why r Viusahasranma was Narrated

    Many Vaiava devotees and other people throughout the

    world accept Bhagavad-gt as the finest example of spiritualinstruction. Bhagavad-gt is, of course, a section ofMahbhrata. r Viusahasranma is part of the sameworkMahbhratawritten by the same author: rlaVysadeva. To really understand the exalted purpose and deepmeaning ofr Viusahasranma, it is instructive to considerthe context in which it is narrated in Mahbhrata.

    After the great Battle of Kuruketra, King Yudhihra, theeldest of the five Paava brothers, was in great anxiety. As asensitive and compassionate devotee, he was distraught at thetremendous death and suffering caused by the war, which wasfought in part to protect his claim to the throne of the Kurudynasty. r Bhma was lying on his deathbed of arrows.

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    r Viusahasranma


    Yudhihras dear grandfather was dying. With Bhmaspassing, his spiritual wisdom, distilled from the experiences ofhis long life of virtue, righteousness and devotion, would soon

    be lost. Yudhihra, now emperor of a vast empire, would bebereft of his guidance.

    Vysadeva the incarnation of God as a great sage, and rKa the Supreme Personality of Godhead both advisedYudhihra, himself an epitome of righteousness and virtue, toapproach Bhma and seek his advice on all subjects on whichhe had any doubts. Yudhihra, with characteristic humility,did as Ka advised, and a series of intense and poignantdialogs between him and Bhma ensued, witnessed by Lordr Ka and by many other great personalities includingVysadeva and Lord iva.

    In one of these conversations, Yudhihra asked Bhma forthe easiest and best means by which mankind can attain lastinghappiness, peace of mind, and relief from all bondage andsorrow. Driven by his conscientious, responsible approach to

    his duty of ruling over his kingdom, Yudhihra was, in effect,asking Bhma to help him establish a state policy formanagement of religious affairs that would maximize thespiritual benefit for the citizens. In response Bhma impartedr Viusahasranma with the eternal spiritual welfare of thegeneral population in mind.

    The commentaries of the great cryas on r

    Viusahasranma (over forty of them are extant) generallyidentify six reasons for its greatness:

    1. r Viusahasranma is the essence ofMahbhrata.

    2. Great sages such as Nrada, the Alwars, and composerssuch as Tygarja have made repeated references to rViusahasranma in their devotional works.

    3. rla Vedavysawho composed rViusahasranma, included it in Mahbhrata andthus preserved it for the benefit of the whole worldwas celebrated as the foremost knower of the Vedas,and respected as an incarnation of Viu (vysya viurupya vysa rupya viave namo).

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    4. The conclusive opinion of Bhma was that chanting theHoly Name of the Lord is the best and easiest of alldharmas or spiritual practices, and the most reliable

    means to attain relief from all material bondage. rViusahasranma is composed entirely of these HolyNames.

    5. It is widely accepted in Vedic society that chanting rViusahasranma indeed gives relief from all sorrowsand bestows happiness and peace of mind.

    6. r Viusahasranma is in perfect conformity with the

    teachings ofBhagavad-gt, rmad Bhgavatam,Caitanya-caritmta and all other Vedic literature.

    These reasons for the prominence ofr Viusahasranmabecome all the more understandable when we consider thegreat personalities involved in its revelation. An extraordinaryperson's advice was being sought. An extraordinary person wasseeking the advice, and he was doing so at the request of most

    extraordinary persons.Bhma was the son of the Mother Gag, who purifies eventhe great souls. He was a great king sanctified by hisunswerving devotion to Lord Ka, who had controlled andconquered all his senses. Yudhihra was the son ofdharmapersonified, and himself a great practitioner of justice,righteousness, truthfulness, honesty and integrity. Vysa is theknower of all Vedas and the wisdom incarnation of the Lord.Lord Ka is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself.

    The result was no less than the revelation of the easiest andbest means to achieve happiness and peace of mind toYudhihra by Bhma. Certainly, no other justification isneeded to recognize the greatness of the benediction impartedto the human race through the revelation ofrViusahasranma.

    But there is more. In kali-yuga the present historical age, thetraditional Vedic self-realization processes of meditation,yogapractice, agnihotra-yaja and Deity worship are difficult orimpossible to perform properly. This leaves the vast majority

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    r Viusahasranma


    of people without any access to a bona fide process of spiritualadvancement for ultimate liberation from material suffering.

    That the average person would be disqualified from self-

    realization because of the inebrieties ofkali-yuga was asintolerable to the compassionate Yudhihra as it was toBhma, Vysa and Lord Ka. Yudhihra wanted a definitesolution to this serious problem that he could pass down to thesuccessors of his dynasty to benefit future generations of thecitizens. Bhma understood this, and gave Yudhihra theprocess that was to become theyuga-dharma in kali-yuga:nma-sakrtana or the congregational chanting of the HolyNames of the Lord. In the Padma Pura Lord iva is quotedas saying to Prvat,

    rdhann sarve vior rdhana param

    Worshiping Lord Viu is the supreme process of worship.And the authorized process for worshiping Lord Viu in kali-

    yuga is chanting His Holy Names:

    yajnai sakrtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhaaIn kali-yuga, those who are intelligent perform thesakrtana-

    yaja, the sacrifice of congregational chanting of the HolyNames of the Lord. [rmad-Bhgavatam 11.5.32]

    And in the Caitanya-caritmta, in the section describing thereasons for the incarnation of Ka as Lord r CaitanyaMahprabhu, we find the following statement by Lord KaHimself:

    yuga-dharma pravartimu nma-sakrtanacri bhva-bhakti diy ncmu bhuvana

    Lord Ka declared: I shall personally inaugurate thereligion of the age: nma-sakrtana, the congregationalchanting of the Holy Name. I shall make the world dance in

    ecstasy, realizing the four mellows of loving devotionalservice. [Adi-lila 3.19]

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    Ka is the Supreme Personality of Godhead

    rla Baladeva Vidybhaas object in compiling an

    expanded translation ofr Viusahasranma was to showthat one can understand every Name of Viu also to be aName of r Ka. According to some Vaiavas who aredevotees of Viu or Nyaa, Ka is an incarnation ofViu. Indeed this is true, since Ka, in His later pastimes inMathur and Dvrak acted as theyuga-avatra for thedvpara-yuga, a function of Viu. However, in His youthfulpastimes in Vndvana, Ka also revealed the most

    confidential transcendental form, character and pastimes of theoriginal Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of evenLord Viu. This is confirmed in rmad Bhgavatam:

    ete ca-kal pusa kas tu bhagavn svayamindrri-vykula loka mayanti yuge yuge

    All the lists of the incarnations of Godhead submittedherewith are either plenary expansions or parts of the plenaryexpansions of the Supreme Godhead, but Ka is theSupreme Personality of Godhead Himself. [rmadBhgavatam 1.3.28]

    In the Brahm-saht it is stated:

    vara parama ka sac-cid-nanda-vigrahaandir dir govinda sarva-kraa-kraam

    There are many personalities possessing the qualities ofBhagavn, but Ka is the Supreme because none can excelHim. He is the Supreme Person, and His body is eternal, full ofknowledge and bliss. He is the primeval Lord Govinda and thecause of all causes.[Brahm-saht 5.1]

    And Ka Himself declares in Bhagavad-gt:

    matta paratara nnyat kicid asti dhanajayamayi sarvam ida prota stre mai-ga iva

    O conqueror of wealth [Arjuna], there is no Truth superior toMe. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on athread. [Bhagavad-gt 7.7]

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    may consult my Godbrother Kuakratha dsas excellent workon the subject published by The Krishna Institute.

    Avoiding Offenses to the Holy NameThe bliss of the Holy Name is the highest benediction. Thelimited happiness of wealth, sense enjoyment, piety or evenliberation cannot compare with it. Anything one may desire isobtainable from the Holy Name, for there is no differencebetween the Holy Name and Ka Himself. All the Vedicscriptures confirm this. Real happiness, peace, and relief from

    all difficulties are easily obtainable by nma-bhajan, and thisresult is eternal.

    If this is so, then why do we need to chant again and again?There is no imperfection or fault in the Holy Name, and Hispurifying effect is certain and immediate. But like intoxicatedelephants, after we bathe our minds and hearts by chanting, weagain smear them with the mud of our attachments and desires.As conditioned souls we have a tendency to fall down intomaterial consciousness. We must not only learn the art ofchanting nicely, but also of clearing the mentality thathabitually contaminates the eternal bliss that is its naturalresult.

    Avoiding nma-aparha or offenses to the Holy Name is theonly way to retain the eternal benedictions of chanting. rlaJva Gosvm, one of the founders of our disciplic lineage,

    instructs that we should chant the Holy Name of the Lordcontinuously and loudly, and it should be performedoffenselessly, as recommended in the Padma Pura.

    One can be delivered from the effects of all sins bysurrendering himself unto the Lord. One can be delivered fromall offenses at the feet of the Lord by taking shelter of His HolyName. But one cannot be delivered if one commits an offense

    at the feet of the Holy Name of the Lord, for chanting the Holy

    Contact The Krishna Institute, 16717 NW 173rd Terrace, Alachua, FL 32615

    USA. Phone: +1 (904) 462-1843 Email:


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    r Viusahasranma


    Name is itself the process of deliverance. Ten such offenses arementioned in the Padma Pura.

    The first offense is to vilify the great devotees who have

    preached about the glories of the Lord. Blasphemy of the puredevotees is the most serious of the offenses that deprive us ofthe benefit of chanting. The self-realized pure devotee is not anordinary human being, but is an authorized representative ofthe Supreme Lord r Ka. As such, he has the power toaward pure devotional service to Ka, which is the key tospiritual liberation and eternal happiness. One should notregard the pure devotee with a critical or envious attitude,since this can place formidable obstacles in ones path ofspiritual advancement. It is better not to become too familiarwith the pure devotee, but to maintain some formality ofrespect with him. This will help prevent us from committingoffenses by cultivating a service attitude.

    The second offense is to see the Holy Names of the Lord interms of worldly distinction. The Lord is the proprietor of all

    the universes, and therefore He may be known in differentplaces by different Names, but that does not in any way qualifythe fullness of the Lord. Any nomenclature that is meant forthe Supreme Lord is as holy as the others because it is meantfor the Lord. All the transcendental Holy Names are aspowerful as the Lord, and there is no bar for anyone in anypart of the creation to chant and glorify the Lord by theparticular Holy Names of the Lord as they are locallyunderstood. All of His Holy Names are absolute and all-auspicious, and one should not distinguish among differentHoly Names of the Lord as one does with material objects andtheir names.

    The third offense is to neglect the orders of the authorizedcryas or spiritual masters. There are many authorizedspiritual masters in the disciplic lineage orparampar, and all

    of them have given wonderful instructions capable of savingthe entire world. If we follow these instructions we will bebenefited, even if we do not understand them. For example,the Vaiava spiritual masters are unanimous in theirglorification of worship of the holy tuls plant as a means toachieve pure devotional service. It does not matter if one

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    cannot understand how offering prayers and water to a plantcan bestow spiritual advancement. If we follow the instructionwithout argument, we will gain the benefit. When we become

    spiritually qualified, Ka will reveal the purpose of alldevotional instructions and practices from within our hearts.Our duty is to follow in the footsteps of the great souls inKa consciousness.

    The fourth offense is to vilify the scriptures or Vedicknowledge. Although there are many statements in thescriptures that are difficult for us to comprehend, we shouldnot adopt a critical attitude because these are not ordinarybooks. The rmad-Bhgavatam tells us that the Vedas areoriginally manifested from the breathing of the Supreme LordNryaa. And in Bhagavad-gt, Ka declares that He aloneis the true knower of the deep import of the Vedas. The Vedicliterature is extremely elevated and pure. Its purpose is thesalvation of all living entities from the suffering of materialexistence. Thus it is meant for our eternal benefit, and we

    should be careful not to underestimate its value.The fifth offense is to define the Holy Name of the Lord interms of one's mundane calculation. The Holy Name of theLord is identical with the Lord Himself, therefore one shouldunderstand the Holy Name to be nondifferent from Him. Wehave discussed this point elaborately with evidence from theVedic scriptures in the Preface of this work. Nevertheless, inthe beginning stage of devotion, it is often difficult to see howthis is so. The best policy is to accept provisionally that theHoly Name of the Lord is identical with Him, on the strengthof the word of the great souls who have passed this truth downto us, and trust that when we are sufficiently purified we will beable to realize it for ourselves.

    The sixth offense is to interpret the Holy Name. The Lord isnot imaginary, nor is His Holy Name. There are persons with a

    poor fund of knowledge who think the Lord to be animagination of the worshiper and therefore think His HolyName to be imaginary. Such a chanter of the Name of the Lordcannot achieve the desired success in the matter of chantingthe Holy Name. There is no material significance or hiddenmeaning to the Holy Names of the Lord. To speculate

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    otherwise is offensive. The real truth about the Holy Name ofthe Lord is extensively discussed in the authorized Vedicscriptures. No other interpretation is needed.

    The seventh offense is to commit sins intentionally on thestrength of the Holy Name. In the scriptures it is said that onecan be liberated from the effects of all sinful actions simply bychanting the Holy Name of the Lord. One who takesadvantage of this transcendental purification, yet continues tocommit sins on the expectation of neutralizing their effects bychanting the Holy Name of the Lord, is the greatest offender atthe feet of the Holy Name. Such an offender cannot purifyhimself by any other method of purification. In other words,one may be sinful before chanting the Holy Name of the Lord,but after taking shelter in the Holy Name of the Lord andbecoming immune, one should strictly restrain fromcommitting further sinful acts with a hope that chanting theHoly Name will give him protection.

    The eighth offense is to consider the Holy Name of the Lord

    and His chanting method to be equal to some materialauspicious activity. There are various kinds of good works formaterial benefits recommended in the scriptures, but the HolyName and His chanting are not merely auspicious holyservices. Undoubtedly the Holy Name is holy service, but Heshould never be utilized for such selfish purposes. Since theHoly Name and the Lord are one and the same, one should nottry to bring the Holy Name into the service of mankind. Thepoint here is that the Supreme Lord is the Supreme Enjoyer.He is no one's servant or order supplier. Since the Holy Nameof the Lord is identical with the Lord, one should not try toutilize the Holy Name for one's material benefit. The realpurpose of chanting the Holy Name is to attain pure devotionalservice to the Lord.

    The ninth offense is to instruct those who are not interested in

    chanting the Holy Name of the Lord about the transcendentalnature of the Holy Name. If such instruction is imparted to anunwilling audience, this act is considered to be an offense atthe feet of the Holy Name. The reason for this is that byforcing the issue, one has created a bad impression in theminds of the audience about the Holy Name. This impediment

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    will delay their acceptance of the chanting process and can leadto offenses against devotees. Since the Holy Name is meant forthe spiritual benefit of the living entities, preaching the glories

    of the Holy Name to an unwilling audience goes against theLords actual purpose for manifesting the Holy Name inhuman society.

    The tenth offense is to become uninterested in or inattentive tothe Holy Name of the Lord, neglecting ones chanting evenafter understanding the wonderful transcendental nature of theHoly Name. The effect of chanting the Holy Name of the Lordis liberation from the conception of false egoism. False egoismis thinking oneself to be the enjoyer of the world and thinkingeverything in the world to be meant for one's enjoyment. Thewhole materialistic world is moving under the false egoism ofI and mine, but the factual effect of chanting the HolyName is to become free from such misconceptions. If onebegins the chanting process but then stops due to a mundaneconception of life, this is an offense. One should maintain

    chanting and hearing the Holy Name of the Lord continuously,until the process of purification is complete.

    The best protection against committing offenses to the HolyName of the Lord is to have firm faith in the instructions of thescriptures and of ones personal spiritual master. One shouldcontinue the regular daily chanting of the Holy Names of theLord with patience, diligence and enthusiasm. It is wonderful ifone can accept initiation from a bona fide spiritual master inthe disciplic succession from Ka Himself. If possible oneshould give up all material activities and join the mission ofLord Caitanya. Lord Caitanyas process, harinma-saktana, isto chant and hear the Holy Name, topics related to the gloriesof the Lord and His Holy Name, literature such as Bhagavad-

    gt, rmad-Bhgavatam and Caitanya-caritmrta, and nicesongs glorifying pure devotional service continuously in the

    association of like-minded devotees, until the self-effulgentglory of the Holy Name becomes self-manifest in onesconsciousness.

    At that point, all the elaborate philosophical instructions of thescriptures that we have summarized herein are reduced to asimple matter of experience, and the glories of the Holy Name

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    of the Lord become self-evident. One who has tasted the fullnectar of the Holy Name automatically avoids the ten offensesto the Holy Name, and his path to complete spiritual

    enlightenment becomes straight and clear.It is our fond hope that the readers of this volume will applythese truths and instructions to make their own lives perfect inspiritual realization. Certainly, anyone who chants the HolyName of the Lord even once is a great soul worthy of allrespect and praise.


    yat-prahvad yat-smarad api kvacitvdo 'pi sadya savanya kalpate

    kuta punas te bhagavan nu darant

    To say nothing of the spiritual advancement of persons whosee the Supreme Person face-to-face, even a person born in afamily of dog-eaters immediately becomes eligible to performVedic sacrifices if he once utters the Holy Name of theSupreme Personality of Godhead or chants about Him, hearsabout His pastimes, offers Him obeisances or even remembersHim. [rmad-Bhgavatam 3.33.6]

    Once begun, the process of hearing and chanting inevitablycontinues, clearing the mirror of the mind of all misconceptionsuntil the chanter attains the perfection of spiritual realization.Long before achieving that exalted destination, all material

    pangs will have been erased by the potent purifying action ofthe Holy Name. We wish the reader all good fortune on thismost auspicious progressive journey to the most wonderfulstate of Ka consciousness.

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    VYaaSa& SaTYavTaqSauTa& MauiNaGau& NaaraYaYaaNa( AiPa

    TaTkTaTk-QaarSauXaae >aUYaae NaMaSkuQaarSauXaae >aUYaae NaMaSku-MaRhe ))MaRhe ))vysa satyavat-suta muni-guru nryaa

    sastumo vaiampyanam ucyathvaya-sudhmoda prapadymahe

    gageya sura-mardana-priyatama sarvrtha-savid-vara sat-sabhyn api tat-kath-rasa-jhuo

    bhyo namaskurmaheLet us glorify rla Vysadeva, the spiritual master of the great sages,the literary incarnation of Lord Nryaa and the son of MotherSatyavat. Let us surrender unto Vaiampyana Muni, the speaker ofMahbhrata who became jubilant by drinking the nectar of theLords thousand Holy Names. Let us bow down before Lord Kasfriend Bhma, the best of the wise and the son of Gag-dev, and letus also bow down before the saintly devotees who relish the

    narrations of Lord Vius glories.

    iNaTYa& iNavSaTau dYae cETaNYaaTMaa MaurairNaR" )iNaTYa& iNavSaTau dYae cETaNYaaTMaa MaurairNaR" )iNarvae iNav*RiTaMaaNa( GaJaPaiTarNaukiNarvae iNav*RiTaMaaNa( GaJaPaiTarNauk-MPaYaa YaSYa ))MPaYaa YaSYa ))

    nitya nivasatu hdaye caitanytm murrir naniravadyo nirvtimn gajapatir anukampay yasya

    May Lord Murri, who has personally appeared as Lord r CaitanyaMahprabhu, eternally reside within our hearts. He has mercifullypurified, gladded and liberated His devotees, such as Gajendra andMahrja Pratparudra.

    YaYauGaPaNa( NaVYaaNaNdaNa( Pa[kuGaPaNa( NaVYaaNaNdaNa( Pa[k-ITaRYaNa( YaaiTa ivNdTae Xaez" )ITaRYaNa( YaaiTa ivNdTae Xaez" )kk-Ta*RaqPaUTaeRJaRYaiNTa NaaMaaiNa TaaiNa k*Ta*RaqPaUTaeRJaRYaiNTa NaaMaaiNa TaaiNa k*-Z

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    Yae NaaMaEkYae NaaMaEk-PauMaQaRhir>aPauMaQaRhir>a-aSTaaNa( NaMaSYaaMa" )aSTaaNa( NaMaSYaaMa" )>aaZYa& Yaeza& k*>aaZYa& Yaeza& k*-PaYaa NaaMaaQaRSauDaa >avedeTaTa( ))PaYaa NaaMaaQaRSauDaa >avedeTaTa( ))

    ye nmaika-pumartha-hari-bhakts tn namasymabhya ye kpay nmrtha-sudh bhaved etat

    We offer our respectful obeisances to those great devotees who arecompletely devoted to chanting the Holy Names of Lord Hari. It is bytheir mercy that I am able to write this bhya (exegesis) on thenectar of the meaning of the Thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu.

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    r Viusahasranma


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    [q ivZYa>aazTa ))1))1. r vaiampyana uvca

    rtv dharmn aeeapvanni ca sarvaa

    yudhihira ntanavapunar evbhyabhata

    r Vaiampyana Vysa said: After hearing the description of allthe purifying places of pilgrimage, King Yudhihira again inquiredfrom Bhma, the son of Mahrja antanu.

    YauiDaiZ#=r ovac )YauiDaiZ#=r ovac )ikik-Maek&Maek&- dEvTa& l/aekedEvTa& l/aeke- ik&ik&- vaPYaek&vaPYaek&- ParaYaaMa( ))2))

    2. yudhihira uvcakim eka daivata loke

    ki vpy eka paryaamstuvanta ka kam arcanta

    prpnuyur mnav ubham

    King Yudhihira said: Please tell me who is the SupremePersonality of Godhead, the ultimate controller of the universe? Whois the ultimate destination of all living beings? Whom should menglorify and worship to attain auspiciousness?

    kk-ae DaMaR" SavRDaMaaRNaa& >avTa" ParMaae MaTa" )ae DaMaR" SavRDaMaaRNaa& >avTa" ParMaae MaTa" )ik&ik&- JaPaNa( MauCYaTae JaNTauJaRNMaSa&SaarbNDaNaaTa( ))3))JaPaNa( MauCYaTae JaNTauJaRNMaSa&SaarbNDaNaaTa( ))3))

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    3. ko dharma sarva-dharmnbhavata paramo mata

    ki japan mucyate jantur

    janma-sasra-bandhantWhat do you consider the best of all religious processes? Whatmantra should one chant to become free from the bondage of birthand death?

    [q>aqXMa ovac )[q>aqXMa ovac )JaGaTPa[>au& devdevMaNaNTa& PauzaetaMaMa( )JaGaTPa[>au& devdevMaNaNTa& PauzaetaMaMa( )

    STauvNa( NaaMaSahea-ya Paya PauzMaVYaYaMa( )uzMaVYaYaMa( )

    DYaaYaNa( STauvNa( NaMaSYa& YaJaMaaNaSTaMaev c ))5))DYaaYaNa( STauvNa( NaMaSYa& YaJaMaaNaSTaMaev c ))5)) 5. tam eva crcayan nitya

    bhakty puruam avyayamdhyyan stuvan namasya cayajamnas tam eva ca

    With great faith, the devotee should worship the Supreme Personality

    of Godhead, Lord Ka, whose forms, qualities, opulence andpastimes are all eternal and transcendental. The devotee shouldglorify Him, continually meditate on His transcendental form, andoffer obeisances by bowing down before Him.

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    The Thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu


    ANaaidiNaDaNa& ivZaveTa( ))6))

    6. andi-nidhana viusarva-loka-mahevaramlokdhykam stuvan nityasarva-dukhtigo bhavet

    Never was there a time when Lord Viu first came into existence,and there is no time in the future when He shall cease to exist. He isthe supreme master of all planets, living entities and the demigods

    who control the universe. He is the all-knowing, all pervading witnesswho sees everything. One who regularly glorifies Him becomes freefrom all material miseries, and in that liberated condition becomesfull of transcendental bliss.

    b]avaevMa( ))7))NaaQa& MahUTaMSavR>aUTa>avaevMa( ))7))

    7. brahmaya sarva-dharmajalokn krti-vardhanam

    loka-ntha mahad-bhtamsarva-bhta-bhavodbhavam

    Lord Viu is the protector and well-wisher of the brhmaas, awareof all principles of religion, the Lord who expands the glory of Hisdevotees, the supreme monarch of all planetary systems, theembodiment of all opulence and the original Father of Brahm, iva

    and all living entities.

    Wz Mae SavRDaMaaR

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    r Viusahasranma


    ParMa& Yaae MahtaeJa" ParMa& Yaae MahtaPa" )ParMa& Yaae MahtaeJa" ParMa& Yaae MahtaPa" )PParMa& Yaae Mah] ParMa& Ya" ParaYaaUTaaNaa& Yaae_VYaYa" iPaTaa ))10))10))

    10. pavitr pavitra yomagaln ca magalam

    daivatam devatn ca

    bhtn yo vyaya pitLord Ka is the most purifying of purifiers, and the power of theGanges and other places of pilgrimage to remove sinful reactions isderived from Him. He is the most auspicious of all auspiciouspersonalities, and He gives to Gaea and others the power toremove obstacles. He is the most worshipable person, superior toBrahm and all the demigods. He is the eternal, original Father of allliving entities.

    YaTa" SavaRiaUTaaiNa >avNTYaaidYauGaaGaMae )YaTa" SavaRiaUTaaiNa >avNTYaaidYauGaaGaMae )YaiSMa& Pa[l/Ya& YaaiNTa PauNarev YauGa+aYae ))11))YaiSMa& Pa[l/Ya& YaaiNTa PauNarev YauGa+aYae ))11))

    11. yata sarvi bhtnibhavanty di-yuggame

    yasmi ca pralaya yntipunar eva yuga-kaye

    All living beings in the material world come from Lord Ka at thebeginning of the creation. Lord Ka maintains them while thecreation is manifest, and they enter into Him again when the creationis destroyed.

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    The Thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu


    TaSYa l/aekTaSYa l/aek-Pa[DaaNaSYa JaGaaQaSYa >aUPaTae )Pa[DaaNaSYa JaGaaQaSYa >aUPaTae )ivZaUTaYae )p NaMaae >aGavTae vaSaudevaYap NaMaae >aGavTae vaSaudevaYa))13))))13))

    13. yni nmni gaunivikhytni mahtmana

    ibhi parigtni

    tni vakymi bhtayeo namo bhagavate vsudevya

    In order to attain the supreme goal of life, I shall now chant thecelebrated Thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu. Great sages glorifythese Holy Names, because they describe the Lords transcendentalqualities and pastimes. O namo bhagavate vsudevya let meinvoke auspiciousness by offering my respectful obeisances unto the

    Supreme Personality of Godhead, full with all divine opulence, rKa, the son of King Vasudeva.

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    r Viusahasranma


    The Thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu

    p iv& ivZaVYa>avTPa[>au" )arae >aUTa>aVYa>avTPa[>au" )

    >aUTak*>aUTak*-UTa>a*avae >aUTaaTMaa >aUTa>aavNa" ))14))UTa>a*avae >aUTaaTMaa >aUTa>aavNa" ))14))14. o viva viur vaatkro

    bhta-bhavya-bhavat-prabhubhta-kd bhta-bhd bhvo

    bhttm bhta-bhvana

    o I offer my respectful obeisances; viva viur unto theSupreme Personality of Godhead who pervades the entire universe;vaatkra He is worshiped in the Vedic sacrifices; bhta-bhavya-bhavat-prabhu He is the supreme controller in all phases of time:past, present and future; bhta-kt He is the creator of the cosmicmanifestation; bhta-bht He maintains the cosmic manifestation;bhva He is the master of all spiritual and material potencies;bhttm He is the creator of all living entities; bhta-bhvana Heis the supreme well-wisher who promotes everyones ultimatewelfare.

    PaUTaaTMaa ParMaaTMaa c MauPaUTaaTMaa ParMaaTMaa c Mau-aNaa& ParMaa GaiTa" )aNaa& ParMaa GaiTa" )AVYaYa" Pauz" Saa+aq +ae}ajae_+ar Wv c ))15))AVYaYa" Pauz" Saa+aq +ae}ajae_+ar Wv c ))15))

    15. pttm paramtm camuktn param gati

    avyaya purua skketrajo kara eva ca

    pttm Lord Ka is supremely pure;paramtm He is theSupreme Soul; ca and; muktn param gati He is the ultimategoal and the destination of the liberated souls; avyaya He iseternal; purua He is the Supreme Person;sk He is thewitness of everything; ketrajo He knows everything that happensto all living entities; akara He is infallible; eva ca even so.

    YaaeGaae YaaeGaivda& NaeTaa Pa[DaaNaPauzer" )YaaeGaae YaaeGaivda& NaeTaa Pa[DaaNaPauzer" )NariSa&hvPau" [qMaaNa( keNariSa&hvPau" [qMaaNa( ke-Xav" PauzaetaMa" ))16))Xav" PauzaetaMa" ))16))

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    16. yogo yoga-vid netpradhna-puruevara

    narasiha-vapu rmn

    keava puruottamayogo Lord Ka is the auspicious reservoir of yogic perfection, andsuccess inyoga practice depends on Him;yoga-vid net He is theleader of those advanced inyoga; pradhna-puruevara He is thesupreme controller of the material universe and all living entities;narasiha-vapu He appeared in a half-man, half-lion incarnation;rmn He is extremely handsome; keava He is the Father ofBrahm and iva;puruottama He is the Supreme Person.

    SavR" XavR" iXav" SQaaNau>aURTaaidiNaRiDarVYaYa" )SavR" XavR" iXav" SQaaNau>aURTaaidiNaRiDarVYaYa" )Sa&>avae >aavNaae >aTaaR Pa[>av" Pa[>aurqr" ))17))Sa&>avae >aavNaae >aTaaR Pa[>av" Pa[>aurqr" ))17))

    17. sarva arva iva sthnurbhtdir nidhir avyaya

    sabhavo bhvano bhart

    prabhava prabhur varasarva Lord Ka is present everywhere and therefore He is, in onesense, everything;arva His association is supremely beneficial; iva He is the most auspicious personality;sthnu He is always verymerciful; bhtdi He is the creator of all living entities; nidhi Hegives happiness to all; avyaya He is imperishable;sabhava Hedescends to this material world to protect His devotees; bhvana He always considers how to protect His devotees; bhart He is the

    maintainer of the devotees;prabhava He is the origin of everything;prabhu He is the supreme spiritual master who can perform featsimpossible even for Brahm or iva; vara He is the supremecontroller of all living entities.

    SvYaM>aU" XaM>auraidTYa" PauZkSvYaM>aU" XaM>auraidTYa" PauZk-ra+aae MahaSvNa" )ra+aae MahaSvNa" )ANaaidiNaDaNaae DaaTaANaaidiNaDaNaae DaaTaa ivDaaTaa DaTautaMa" ))18))a ivDaaTaa DaTautaMa" ))18))

    18. svayambh ambhur dityapukarko mahsvanaandi-nidhano dht

    vidht dhatur uttama

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    svayambh Lord Ka is the self-effulgent Lord;ambhu Hisauspicious transcendental qualities bring great happiness to thedevotees; ditya He appears in a splendid golden form among thedemigods;pukarka He is all-pervading; mahsvana He is thesupreme object of worship; andi-nidhana He was never born andwill never die; dht He is the original creator, before Brahm oranyone else; vidht He is the original author of all Vedicinjunctions; dhatur uttama He is the Supreme Person.

    APa[MaeYaae zqkeAPa[MaeYaae zqke-Xa" PaNaa>aae_MarPa[>au" )Xa" PaNaa>aae_MarPa[>au" )ivkivk-MaaR MaNauSTva SQaiv" SQaivrae Da]uv" ))19))MaaR MaNauSTva SQaiv" SQaivrae Da]uv" ))19))

    19. aprameyo hkeapadma-nbho mara-prabhuviva-karm manus tvasthaviha sthaviro dhruva

    aprameya Lord Ka is unlimited and cannot be measured by thefinite senses of Brahm and the other demigods; hkea He is themaster of the senses;padma-nbha Lord Brahm took birth from

    His lotus navel; amara-prabhu He is the master of the demigodswho gives them jurisdiction over the affairs of creation andmaintenance of the material universe; viva-karm seated withinthe hearts of Brahm and the other demigods, He gives them theability to create and maintain the universe; manu He knowseverything; tva His form is very handsome and splendid;sthaviha He creates innumerable universes by His inconceivablepotency;sthavira He is ever-existing; dhruva He is eternal.

    AGa]a" XaaTa" k*AGa]a" XaaTa" k*-ZaUTaik-kuku-aMa Paiv}a& Mal&/ ParMa( ))20))aMa Paiv}a& Mal&/ ParMa( ))20))

    20. agrhya vata kolohitka pratardana

    prabhtas trikakud-dhmapavitra magala param

    agrhya Lord Ka is the non-material cause of the materialmanifestation;vata He is ever-existing; ka He has aneternal, all-attractive form; lohitka His handsome eyes arereddish;pratardana He removes the distresses in the hearts of Hisdevotees;prabhta He is the supreme monarch; trikakud-dhma He resides in the spiritual world, which is three-fourths of the entire

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    existence;pavitram He is the supreme pure, free from all materialcontamination, and He is the supreme purifier; magalam param He is the supreme auspiciousness.

    wRXaaNa" Pa[aNad" Pa[aNaae JYae" [e" Pa[JaaPaiTa" )wRXaaNa" Pa[aNad" Pa[aNaae JYae" [e" Pa[JaaPaiTa" )ihraaeR >aUGa>aaeR MaaDavae MaDauSaUdNa" ))21))ihraaeR >aUGa>aaeR MaaDavae MaDauSaUdNa" ))21))

    21. na prnada prnojyeha reha prajpati

    hirayagarbho bhgarbhomdhavo madhusdana

    na Lord Ka is the creator of everything;prnada in His formas the firstpurua-avatra Kraodakay Viu, He gives life andfunctions of the mind and senses to the living entities;prna as thesecondpurua-avatra Krodakay Viu, He is the life force thatmaintains the living entities;jyeha He is the oldest person;reha He is the best person, full of excellent transcendental qualities;prajpati He is the master of Garua and other eternally liberatedsouls; hirayagarbha His spiritual realm is as splendid as gold;

    bhgarbha He is the maintainer of the Earth planet; mdhava Heis the husband of the Goddess of Fortune, Lakm-dev;madhusdana remembering Him ends the repetition of birth anddeath in the material world.

    wRrae ivwRrae iv-Maq DaNvq MaeDaaMaq DaNvq MaeDaavq ivvq iv-Ma" Ma" -Ma" )Ma" )ANautaMaae duraDazR" k*ANautaMaae duraDazR" k*-Taj" k*Taj" k*-iTaraTMavaNa( ))22))iTaraTMavaNa( ))22))

    22. varo vikram dhanvmedhv vikrama kramaanuttamo durdhara

    ktaja ktir tmavn

    vara Lord Ka is the Supreme Controller; vikram He isunlimitedly powerful; dhanv He wields the transcendental rgabow; medhv He is supremely intelligent and expert; vikrama

    krama He can travel anywhere immediately, even without the helpof Garua; anuttama no one is superior or equal to Him;durdhara the non-devotees cannot approach Him; ktaja He isgrateful to anyone who offers even a small tulas leaf or forest flowerwith sincere devotion; kti the conditioned souls engage in fruitiveactivities under the influence of His illusory potency my; tmavn He maintains an eternal loving relationship with the liberated souls.

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    SaureXa" Xarav" )Ah" SaMvTSarae VYaal/" Pa[TYaYa" XavRdaXaRNa" ))23))Ah" SaMvTSarae VYaal/" Pa[TYaYa" XavRdaXaRNa" ))23))

    23. surea araa armaviva-ret praj-bhavaaha samvatsaro vylapratyaya arva-drana

    surea Lord Ka is the master of the demigods and the benefactorof the worthy devotees;araa He is the shelter that removes thedistresses of those who approach Him;arma He is full of

    transcendental bliss; viva-ret He is complete in spiritual prowess;praj-bhava He is the Father of all living entities; ahar He is thedaylight that causes the conditioned souls to awaken from the longnight of material ignorance;samvatsara He rescues the devoteesfrom the fearsome ocean of birth and death; vyla everything entersinto Him at the time of universal devastation, and He is the dearfriend of rmat Rdhr, Trak and Pl;pratyaya He is theonly person in whom one can completely place ones trust; arva-drana He reveals His form, qualities, and everything about

    Himself to pure devotees who have full confidence in the instructionsof the spiritual master and the statements of the Vedic literature.

    AJa" SaveRr" iSa" iSai" SavaRidrCYauTa" )AJa" SaveRr" iSa" iSai" SavaRidrCYauTa" )v*zakv*zak-iParMaeYaaTMaa SavRiParMaeYaaTMaa SavRYaaeGaiviNa"Sa*Ta" ))24))YaaeGaiviNa"Sa*Ta" ))24))

    24. aja sarvevara siddhasiddhi sarvdir acyuta

    vkapir ameytmsarva-yoga-vinista

    aja Lord Ka does not take birth in a material body forced by thelaw ofkarma like an ordinary living entity, nevertheless He appearsin this material world in the abode of Vndvana, just to givetranscendental bliss to His devotees;sarvevara He is the master ofBrahm, all the demigods and all living entities;siddha He knows

    everything in the past, present and future;siddhi He is full ofunlimited powers;sarvdi He is the origin of everything; acyuta He protects His devotees from falling down; vkapir He fulfillsthe desire of the devotees and strikes fear into the hearts of thedemons; ameytm His form and intelligence are unlimited andimmeasurable, and He is supremely dear to the devotees;sarva-yoga-vinista He is always free from material contact.

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    vSauvRSauMaNaa" SaTYa" SaMaaTMaa SaiMMaTa" SaMa" )vSauvRSauMaNaa" SaTYa" SaMaaTMaa SaiMMaTa" SaMa" )AMaaega" Paua]uivRYaaeiNa" Xauic[va" )Xauic[va" )AMa*Ta" XaaTa" SQaaNauvRraraehae MahaTaPaa" ))26))AMa*Ta" XaaTa" SQaaNauvRraraehae MahaTaPaa" ))26))

    26. rudro bahu-ir babhrurviva-yoni uci-rav

    amta vata sthnurvarroho mah-tap

    rudra Lord Ka cures the disease of material existence afflictingthe conditioned souls; bahu-ir He appears as the thousand-headed Lord Anantadeva; babhru He is the maintainer of theuniverse; viva-yoni He is the creator of millions of universes;uci-rav He is supremely pure, and He cleanses whatever impurity

    may contaminate the hearts of His genuine devotees; amta Hishandsomeness is as sweet as nectar, and He rescues the devoteesfrom the cycle of repeated birth, old age and death; vata He isdeathless;sthnu He eternally appears before the pure devoteesand grants them transcendental bliss; varroha He always remainsin His eternal abode, Goloka Vndvana, and He rescues His

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    devotees from the cycle of birth and death; mah-tap He isHimself the cause of the multiple distresses of material existence.

    SavRGa" SavRiSavRGa" SavRivaNauivRZvKSaeNaae JaNaadRNa" )vaNauivRZvKSaeNaae JaNaadRNa" )vedae vedivdVYaae vedaae vedivTkvedae vedivdVYaae vedaae vedivTk-iv" ))27))iv" ))27))

    27. sarvaga sarva-vid bhnurvivakseno janrdana

    vedo veda-vid avyagovedgo veda-vit kavi

    sarvaga Lord Ka is present everywhere in the materialmanifestation, and He personally reciprocates the loving servicerendered by His devotees;sarva-vit He knows everything auspiciousand inauspicious, and He knows all the spiritual and material worlds;bhnu He is like a brilliant sun shining in this world; vivaksena His associates are like a host of armies stationed in every part of theuniverse for its protection;janrdana He crushes the demons whoseek to destroy the world, and He protects the saintly devotees byremoving all their sufferings; veda He is manifest as the Vedic

    hymns; veda-vit He alone is the true knower of the Vedas; avyaga the Vedic literature is comprised of His instructions; vedga Heis indirectly described by the six Vedgas, which explain grammar,astronomy and similar subjects; veda-vit kavi He is the most expertVedic theologian, philosopher and poet.

    l/aekl/aek-aDYa+a" SauraDYa+aae DaMaaRDYa+a" k*aDYa+a" SauraDYa+aae DaMaaRDYa+a" k*-Taak*Taak*-Ta" )Ta" )cTauraTMaa cTauVYaURhTaud|cTauraTMaa cTauVYaURhTaud|\\Tau>auRJa" ))28))Tau>auRJa" ))28))

    28. lokdhyaka surdhyakodharmdhyaka ktkta

    catur-tm catur-vyhacatur-dara catur-bhuja

    lokdhyaka Lord Ka is the master of the Vaiavas who engagein His devotional service, and He is also the master of the vaidika-

    brhmaas who worship Him by performance ofagnihotra-yaja;surdhyaka He is the master of all the demigods; dharmdhyaka He is the superintendent of religious principles and the final judge ofall living entities; ktkta He is completely free from all materialcontact; catur-tm He manifests innumerable four-fold plenaryexpansions; catur-vyha He expands Himself as Lord Vsudeva,Sakaraa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha; catur-dara He has all

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    the characteristics of an exalted personality; catur-bhuja Hemanifests as Lord Viu, who holds a conch, disk, club and lotus inHis four hands.

    >a]aiJaZaaeRJaNa& >aae>a]aiJaZaaeRJaNa& >aae-aSaihZ

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    and minds of Indra and all the other devotees; niyama He controlsthe devotees;yama He resides always in the devotees hearts andminds.

    veae vE" SadaYaaeGaqveae vE" SadaYaaeGaq ivrhae MaaDavae MaDau" )ivrhae MaaDavae MaDau" )ATaqiNd]Yaae MahaMaaYaae MahaeTSaahae Mahabl/" ))31))ATaqiNd]Yaae MahaMaaYaae MahaeTSaahae Mahabl/" ))31))

    31. vedyo vaidya sad-yogviraho mdhavo madhu

    atndriyo mah-myomahotsho mah-bala

    vedya Lord Ka appeared as Krma-avatra to deliver nectar tothe demigods and remove their poverty; vaidya He also appeared asLord Dhanvantari, the original physician, who cures peoples diseasessimply by the expansion of His fame, and gave nectar to thedemigods;sad-yog He always acts for the welfare of thedemigods; viraha He killed the powerful demons eager to fight forthe nectar churned from the celestial Ocean of Milk; mdhava He isthe husband of Lakmi-dev, who appeared from the Ocean of Milk;

    madhu He enchanted Lakmi-dev and all the pious demigods withHis handsomeness and charm; atndriya He disappeared from thedemigods along with the nectar, because He always remains invisibleto those without pure devotion to Him; mah-mya He thenappeared in the attractive female form of Mohih-mrti, bewilderingthe demons and also Lord iva; mahotsha He acts to make thedemigods successful; mah-bala His great prowess can thwart orbewilder anyone.

    MahabuiMaRhavqYaaeR MahaXaiMahabuiMaRhavqYaaeR MahaXai-MaRhauiTa" )MaRhauiTa" )AiNadeRXYavPau" [qMaaNa( AMaeYaaTMaa Mahaid]Da*k( ))32))AiNadeRXYavPau" [qMaaNa( AMaeYaaTMaa Mahaid]Da*k( ))32))

    32. mah-buddhir mah-vryomah-aktir mah-dyuti

    anirdeya-vapu rmnameytm mahdri-dhk

    mah-buddhi Lord Ka is supremely intelligent; mah-vrya Heis supremely powerful; mah-akti He is the master of alltranscendental potencies; mah-dyuti He is supremely splendid;anirdeya-vapu His transcendental form cannot be seen withmaterial eyesight;rmn He is supremely handsome; ameytm no living entity or demigod can measure His unlimited nature;

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    mahdri-dhk as Lord Krma, He held up the Mandara Mountainwhile He and the demigods churned the Ocean of Milk.

    MaheZvaSaae Mahq>aTaaR [qiNavaSa" SaTaa& GaiTa" )MaheZvaSaae Mahq>aTaaR [qiNavaSa" SaTaa& GaiTa" )AiNa" SauraNaNdae GaaeivNdae GaaeivNda& PaiTa" ))33))AiNa" SauraNaNdae GaaeivNdae GaaeivNda& PaiTa" ))33))

    33. mahevso mah-bhartr-nivsa sat gati

    aniruddha surnandogovindo govind pati

    mahevsa Lord Ka appeared as the celebrated archer LordRmacandra; mah-bhart He is the maintainer of the Earth;r-nivsa He is the husband of St the Goddess of Fortune;sat gati He is the master and destination of the devotees; aniruddha Hecannot be controlled by anything except pure devotional service;surnanda He gives transcendental bliss to the devotees anddemigods;govinda He gives pleasure to the cows, land and senses;govindm pati He removes all obstacles from the path of Hisdevotees with His spiritual effulgence.

    MarqicdRMaNaae h&Sa" SauPaNaaeR >auJaGaaetaMa" )MarqicdRMaNaae h&Sa" SauPaNaaeR >auJaGaaetaMa" )ihra" SauTaPaa" PaNaa>a" Pa[JaaPaiTa" ))34))ihra" SauTaPaa" PaNaa>a" Pa[JaaPaiTa" ))34))

    34. marcir damano hasasuparno bhujagottama

    hiraya-nbha sutappadma-nbha praj-pati

    marci Lord Ka is effulgent; damana He removes the distressof His devotees; hasa He appeared as a transcendental swan toenlighten Brahm and the four Kumras;suparna He is carried byGarua; bhujagottama His Viu form reclines on Ananta-ea;hiraya-nbha His beautiful navel is as splendid as gold;sutap He appears before the pure devotees who worship Him with greatausterities;padma-nbha His navel is as beautiful as a lotus flower,

    and He appears before the pure devotees who worship His lotus feet;praj-pati He is the protector and master of Brahm, iva and allother living entities.

    AMa*TYau" SavRd*k( iSa&h" SaNDaaTaa SaiNDaMaaNa( iSQar" )AMa*TYau" SavRd*k( iSa&h" SaNDaaTaa SaiNDaMaaNa( iSQar" )AJaae duMaRzR

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    35. amtyu sarva-dk sihasandht sandhimn sthira

    ajo durmaraa st

    viruttm surrihamtyu Lord Ka is deathless, and also frees His devotees fromdeath;sarva-dk He sees everything, including the devotionalactivities of His servants;siha He sprinkles the nectar of Hismerciful glance upon His pure devotees, and He becomes like aferocious lion to attack the demons;sandht He is the creator ofinnumerable universes, and He appeared as Lord Rmacandra, themost expert archer;sandhimn in His plan to kill Rvaa andrescue St, He became the ally of Sugrva;sthira He is the constantfriend of Vibhan and all who approach to take shelter of Him; aja He never takes birth in a material body, and He never abandonsHis friend; durmaraa He is merciful;st He is expert atpunishing the demons; viruttm He is famous as Lord Rma, thekiller of Rvaa, who is very merciful to His devotees;surrih Hekills the demons who are always inimical to the demigods anddevotees.

    GauGauRGauGauRTaMaae DaaMa SaTYa" SaTYaParaTaMaae DaaMa SaTYa" SaTYaPara-Ma" )Ma" )iNaiMazae_iNaiMaz" Gvq vacSPaiTadarDaq" ))36))iNaiMazae_iNaiMaz" Gvq vacSPaiTadarDaq" ))36))

    36. gurur gurutamo dhmasatya satya-parkrama

    nimio nimia sragvvcaspatir udra-dh

    guru Lord Ka empowers the instructing and initiating spiritualmasters to benefit the residents of the material world with Hisdevotional service;gurutama He is Himself the best of spiritualmasters, who taught Brahm and other great devotees; dhma He isthe shelter and resting place of everything;satya He is thebenefactor of Vivmitra and other saintly devotees, and He is alwaystruthful;satya-parkrama His extraordinary prowess is supremely

    auspicious; nimia He blinks, not recognizing the sinful actions ofHis devotees; animia He never blinks in His continual recognitionof the auspicious activities of devotional service;sragv He wears avaijayant garland; vcaspati He is the protector of Sarasvat, thegoddess of learning; udra-dh He is very generous.

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    SauPa[Saad" Pa[SaaTMaa ivDa*iGv>auiGv>au" )SauPa[Saad" Pa[SaaTMaa ivDa*iGv>auiGv>au" )SaTkSaTk-TaaR SaTk*TaaR SaTk*-Ta" SaaDauJaRuNaaRraYa

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    v*zahq v*z>aae ivZauSau>auJaae duDaRrae vaGMaq MaheNd]ae vSaudae vSau" )Jaae duDaRrae vaGMaq MaheNd]ae vSaudae vSau" )NaEkNaEk-Paae b*hd]UPa" iXaiPaiv" Pa[kPaae b*hd]UPa" iXaiPaiv" Pa[k-azNa" ))42))azNa" ))42))

    42. subhujo durdharo vgmmahendro vasudo vasu

    naika-rpo bhad-rpaipi-via prakana

    subhuja Lord Ka grants fearlessness to the devotees and protectsthe Vedas with His strong arms; durdhara He cannot be defeated byMadhu, Kaiabha or any other demon; vgm He is supremelyeloquent and is the proper object of eloquent prayers; mahendra Heis the supreme monarch who possesses all opulence; vasuda Hedefeats the demons, gives shelter to the living entities, and grantsnectarean ecstatic devotional emotions to the pure devotees; vasu

    He appears before those who understand His transcendental glories,becoming their only wealth; naika-rpa He appears in manydifferent forms to satisfy the desires of His devotees; bhad-rpa His transcendental form is greater than everything;ipi-via Heenters the waters of devastation and causes the inundation at the endof the universe;prakana He is the original cause of the cosmic

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    manifestation, and He rescued the Vedas from the demons Madhuand Kaiabha.

    AaeJaSTaeJaae uiTaDar" Pa[kAaeJaSTaeJaae uiTaDar" Pa[k-aXaaTMaaPa[TaaPaNa" )aXaaTMaaPa[TaaPaNa" )"" SPaa+arae MaN}aNd]a&Xau>aaRSkSPaa+arae MaN}aNd]a&Xau>aaRSk-rauiTa" ))43))rauiTa" ))43))

    43. ojas tejo dyuti-dharapraktm-pratpana

    ddha spakaro mantracandrur bhskar-dyuti

    oja Lord Ka is supremely powerful; teja He is the source of allpower; dyuti-dhara He is handsomely effulgent;praktm Hepersonally appears before His pure devotees;pratpana He givestrouble to the demons;ddha He is full of all transcendentalopulence;spakara He teaches the message of the Vedas; mantra He reveals the truth of His confidential pastimes to His mostexalted and intimate devotees; candru He is as splendid as themoon; bhskar-dyuti He defeated the demons Madhu andKaiabha with the supreme power of His effulgence.

    AMa*Taa&XaUvae >aaNau" XaXaibNdu" Saurer" )AMa*Taa&XaUvae >aaNau" XaXaibNdu" Saurer" )AaEzDa& JaGaTa" SaeTau" SaTYaDaMaRParaAaEzDa& JaGaTa" SaeTau" SaTYaDaMaRPara-Ma" ))44))Ma" ))44))

    44. amtdbhavo bhnuaabindu surevara

    auadha jagata setusatya-dharma-parkrama

    amtdbhava Lord Ka is the Father of the moon; bhnuHe is very powerful and splendid;aabindu He defeats the atheists;surevara He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead understood bythe theists; auadham pure devotional service to Him is the nectar-medicine that counteracts the poisonous snakebite of materialexistence;jagata setu He is the eternal enemy of all demons;satya-dharma-parkrama He defeats the speculative impersonalist

    philosophers and establishes the actual truth of spiritual varietywithin oneness.

    >aUTa>aVYa>avaQa PavNa" PaavNaae_Nal/" )>aUTa>aVYa>avaQa PavNa" PaavNaae_Nal/" )kk-aMaha kaMaha k-aMak*aMak*-TkTk-aNTa" kaNTa" k-aMa" kaMa" k-aMaPa[d" Pa[>au" ))45))aMaPa[d" Pa[>au" ))45))

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    45. bhta-bhavya-bhavan-nthapavana pvano nala

    kmah kmakt knta

    kma kma-prada prabhubhta-bhavya-bhavan-ntha Lord Ka always has been, is, andalways will be the supreme master of all living entities;pavana Herescues the living entities from material existence with His mercifulsidelong glance;pvana He purifies the devotees; anala Heappears in many forms to protect the devotees; kmah kmakt Hekills the material desires of His devotees, tearing them into pieces;knta He is the supreme handsomeness, the object of theaspirations of the saintlyparamahasas; kma He is the source ofall that is desirable, even for the bewildered living beings; kma-

    prada He grants sense gratification, liberation or whatever is desiredby the conditioned souls;prabhu He is omnipotent.

    YauGaaidk*YauGaaidk*-uGaavTaaeR NaEkuGaavTaaeR NaEk-MaaYaae MahaXaNa" )MaaYaae MahaXaNa" )Ad*XYaae VYaAd*XYaae VYa-Pa SahiJadNaNTaiJaTa( ))46))Pa SahiJadNaNTaiJaTa( ))46))

    46. yugdi-kd yugvartonaika-myo mahana

    adyo vyakta-rpa casahasra-jid ananta-jit

    yugdi-kt Lord Ka inaugurates the fouryugas by appearing astheyuga-avatras; yugvarta He causes the succession of the fouryugas; naika-mya He teaches the specific process of spiritual

    realization intended for eachyuga; mahana He is full oftranscendental knowledge, opulence and renunciation; adya He isinvisible to the uncivilized and demonic; vyakta-rpa His form isunlimited; ca and;sahasra-jit He defeats thousands of uncivilizedatheists; ananta-jit He defeats unlimited numbers of atheists.

    wae iviXaZTa" iXae" iXa%

  • 8/14/2019 Gaudiya Vishnu Sahasranama


    r Viusahasranma


    ia Lord Ka is worshiped and glorified by Brahm, iva and alldemigods and saintly persons; viita He is splendidly manifest inthe abode of Mathur, holding thesudarana-cakra, club, lotus andconch, and decorated with the Kaustubha jewel and other ornaments;iea He is worshiped by those who know the purpose of theVedas; ikha in His Vndvana pastimes He is crowned with apeacock feather; nahua His handsomeness enchanted the minds ofthe residents of Vrajabhmi; va He showered a rain oftranscendental nectar of bliss and pure love of Godhead upon theresidents of Vraja; krodhah When His mother Yaod becameangry upon hearing the description of His naughty childhood pranks,He pacified her with sweet words; krodha-kt when Yaod

    interrupted feeding Him to tend to the overflowing pot of boilingmilk, He became angry and broke the butter-pot; kart He killedthe host of demons Kasa sent to Vndvana; viva-bhu Heprotects the entire universe with His powerful arms; mah-dhara Helifted Govardhana Hill to protect the residents of Vrajabhmi.

    ACYauTa" Pa[iQaTa" Pa[a

  • 8/14/2019 Gaudiya Vishnu Sahasranama


    The Thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu


    49. skanda skanda-dharo dhuryovarado vyu-vhana

    vsudevo bhad-bhnur

    di-deva purandaraskanda Lord Ka causes demons like Kasa to wither away;skanda-dhara He grants strength to Krttikeya, the general of thedemigod armies; dhurya the burden of the entire universe rests onHim varada He grants the benedictions desired by Sudm and allother devotees; vyu-vhana He is the source of life for all livingentities, and His chariot moves faster than the wind; vsudeva He isthe son of King Vasudeva; bhad-bhnu He is greatly effulgent; di-deva He is the original Supreme Godhead;purandara He is thedestroyer of the demons.

    AXaaekAXaaek-STaarae+aaae_rivNda+a" PaGa>aR" Xarqr>a*Ta( )PaNaa>aae_rivNda+a" PaGa>aR" Xarqr>a*Ta( )MahiRr*ae v*aTMaa Maha+aae Ga@MahiRr*ae v*aTMaa Maha+aae Ga@Ja" ))51))Ja" ))51))

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    r Viusahasranma


    51. padma-nbho ravindkapadma-garbha arra-bht

    maharddhir ddho vddhtm

    mahko garua-dhvajapadma-nbha Lord Kas navel is like a lake from which hassprouted the lotus flower where Lord Brahm takes birth;aravindka His eyes are like fully blossomed lotus flowers;padma-garbha He always resides in the lotus-like hearts of thegops andother intimate devotees;arra-bht He always protects thedevotees who meditate on Him seated on the lotus of their hearts;maharddhi He is full of all transcendental opulences;ddha He isendowed with omniscience and other inconceivable transcendentalpowers and qualities; vddhtm He pervades all the universes andenjoys innumerable transcendental pastimes; mahka Hishandsome eyes are very large, and His transcendental form cannot beunderstood with the limited material senses;garua-dhvaja Hischariot carries a battle-flag marked with the emblem of Garua.

    ATaul/" Xar>aae >aqMa" SaMaYajae hivhRir" )ATaul/" Xar>aae >aqMa" SaMaYajae hivhRir" )SavRl/+a

  • 8/14/2019 Gaudiya Vishnu Sahasranama


    The Thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu


    53. vikaro rohito mrgohetur dmodara saha

    mah-dharo mah-bhgo

    vegavn amitanavikara Lord Ka is always affectionate to those who take shelterof Him; rohita He becomes angry at those who try to harm thosewho take shelter of Him; mrga inspired by His ever-freshtranscendental qualities, His devotees always search for Him, and Hereveals the path of enlightenment to them; hetu He inspires greatlove in the hearts of His devotees, and He is the source of everything;dmodara He allowed Mother Yaod to tie His waist with a rope;saha He patiently tolerated Mother Yaods chastisement, whichwas inspired by pure parental love; mah-dhara His birthday is agreat celebration in Gokula, where His transcendental names,pastimes, qualities and forms are glorified; mah-bhga devotionalservice to Him is the best of all spiritual activities; vegavn He canrun faster than anyone, and is thus always ahead of everyone else,and He runs quickly in His pastimes of transcendental friendship withthe cowherd boys of Vrdvana; amitana He assumed a gigantic

    form and ate all the cakes, condensed-milk products and otherof

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