GATHERING Welcome & Announcements Advent Confession and Lament: VU 19 “Kindle a Flame” Words of Assurance Hymn: VU 1 “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” WORD Scripture.

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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GATHERING Welcome & Announcements

Advent Confession and Lament: VU 19 “Kindle a Flame” Words of Assurance

Hymn: VU 1 “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”


Scripture & Sung Response: VU 22 “Wait for the Lord” Sermon: “Tear the Heavens Apart” - Rt. Rev. Gary PatersonSilent Reflection TABLEInvitation and Peace

Presentation Hymn: MV 198 “When We Gather at the Table” Communion GOING FORTH

Hymn: VU 17 “O Ancient Love” Blessing & Sending Forth

. . . silent preparation . . .


Advent Confession & LamentSung response: VU 19Kindle a flame to lighten the dark and take all fear away. (X 2)

. . . candle-lighting . . .

. . . silence . . .

Words of Assurance:Rejoice, daughter of Zion!

I am coming, says our God.Stand upright and hold your head high,

For your liberation is near.Rejoice, O my people!

For I shall make my dwelling among you! Hymn: VU 1 “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”

Scripture: Isaiah 64: 1-12 Sung Response: VU 22 (seated) Wait for the Lord, God’s day is near. Wait for the Lord, be strong, take heart! (X 2)

Scripture: Mark 13: 24-37 Sung Response: VU 22 (seated)


Sermon: “Tear the Heavens Apart”The Right Reverend Gary Paterson

. . . silence . . .

Prayers of the People Walter Brueggemann, adapted

TABLEInvitation and Peace:

The peace of Christ be with you all. And also with you.

. . . we share signs of the peace of Christ . . .

Presentation Hymn: MV 198“When We Gather at the Table”

God be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to God.

Let us give thanks to God. It is right to give God thanks and praise.

. . . the year of the Lord’s favour: [VU 951]

Santo, Santo, Santo! Mi corazón te adora! Mi corazón te sabe decir: Santo eres Dios!Holy, holy, holy!Hosanna in the highest! Let all creation praise and pray: Save us, Holy God!

. . . and so, in celebration, we sing:

Christ has died, is risen,will come again to meet us, and walks with us the Way of love. Holy kindom, come!

. . . forever in your promised kindom:

Holy, holy, holy! Amen, we pray, with longing. Let all creation cry Amen! Holy kindom, come!

The Prayer of Jesus

Music during Communion: [MV 19 & 146]

Maranatha, maranatha, come, Lord Jesus, come. (repeat)

+ + + The kindom of God is justice and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Come, God, and open in us the gates of your kindom.

Life-giving God, may we, who share Christ’s body, live his risen life; we, who drink his cup,

bring new life to others;we, whom the Spirit lights, give light to the world.

Keep us firm in the hope you have set before us,

so that we and all your children shall be free,and all creation will live to praise your name.Amen.

Hymn: VU 17 “O Ancient Love” Blessing and Sending Forth Postlude: Two Advent Preludes from the Little Organ Book

"Now come, Saviour of the nations”

"Awake us, Lord, we pray”J. S. Bach


Next week: Wed. Dec. 3rd

Community Lunch & Café Noel

Lunch in Room 119 and festivities in the Chapel

Program arranged by the Emmanuel College Student Society

www.worshipwithemmanuel.caAll material used with permission or under A-711-187

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