games of my childhood

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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The magazine contains Biography, photograph of childhood and games with pictures and details of the games as a child


Biography Juana Lourdes Lozano

I was born on February 11, 1985, in the city of Ilobasco, Department of Cabanas, the first

daughter of Philip and Juana Garcia Lozano, both very humble people with Catholic religion, to

practice moral values, my childhood was a stage in my life I was not very healthy kindergarten,

my parents taught me to read and write at age six I went to first grade in a girls school in name

only "Escuela Francisco Menendez" at 15 I started my secondary education in the national

Institute Ilobasco, specializing in Technical Vocational Accounting option, the stage of

adolescence, was very pretty with lots of fun, dedication to the study and sharing with my

friends, is a memory that is for all my life, at age 18 I started my higher education at the

University of El Salvador in the paracentral area of San Vicente, curse 4 cycles, then the Ditch

in 2006 that I started my working life in the Agricultural Development Bank to date, I have 7

years of working which I like. In 2011 resume my studies at the Technical University which

started with the race equivalents Degree in Business Administration, non-contact mode which

hopefully culminate in success.

photography of my childhood

Doll game

I liked to play with doll girls neighboring cry if not give me permission to go to the house of my friends.

We played breast, cooking, walking carrying our children that were the dolls pacha gave them and sang

them to dormirlas.

Swing Sets:

They took me to the park to play on the swings, and more children there knew what I always liked going

to the park because I bought a straw.

Games with the ball:

Mica playing ball with my friends neighbors in the afternoon, we ran and ran and could not get enough,

as children have so much energy that nothing puts us still.


I liked dancing since childhood, went out in the 15 years of my aunt and I wanted to dance on the table.

Games rock paper scissors as:

There are so many games for children, with all sports, if we changed our attitude as adults, we lived

happier and not see all problems but looking for solutions and to share with our friends.

Games assemble pieces:

I liked playing arming pieces to form the figure just that sometimes if I got frustrated when I could not

do it and fought with my friends to help me, it was very nice to live in that age.

At school always made the most to play recesses yax, mica, thief escaped, guessing, start onions, fraisis,


Games models:

Played at being models or television presenters, with the neighbors, there was a girl who was always

crying Mordian say that I do not remember.

Juegos de salta cuerda: Siempre hay temporada para los juegos, pero cuando se ponia de moda jugar salta cuerda todos andabamos buscando los lazos, si no nos querian comprar. y jugabamos ha hacer competencias quien se cruzara primero la cuadra de la colonia.

wheel game: "Let's turn around and see all todo perejil eating parsley yolanda, yolanda not here be on your verjen opening doors and closing the quarter"

Were playing shoot water when somo children we love getting wet and disturb other children with water but it's fun.

Escondelero game. Escondelero always played, but we were hiding anywhere ayaban easy as we had trouble finding someone enojabamos us. The game is more common in children.

Game arros in milk. Rice milk wants to marry a princess who can dance, marry me I'll give you shoes and socks brown color. Whom he wants to marry the moon or the sun? If I liked to play that game, we agreed that we would use to name the child who happened to guess who was going to go.

Game starts onions We played in school starts onions, was good fun, sometimes all we fell to the ground a lot when we were pulling alone.

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