Game Design (Education & Rehabilitation) by Gege

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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Game Design (Educatoin & Rehabilitation)



Agate Studio

Your Eyes on Video Games

Training Studies

Training Studies

The portals create a visual and physical connection

between two different locations in three-dimensional

space. Neither end is specifically an entrance or exit; all

objects that travel through one portal will exit through the

other. An important aspect of the game's physics is

momentum redirection.[9] As moving objects pass

through portals, they come through the exit portal at the

same direction as the exit portal is facing and with the

same speed with which they passed through the

entrance portal.[10] For example, a common maneuver is

to jump down to a portal on the floor and emerge through

a wall, flying over a gap or another obstacle. This allows

the player to launch objects or Chell herself over great

distances, both vertically and horizontally, referred to as

'flinging' by Valve.[9]

Stealth Learning

Reading your personal log, you remember the combination to the lock

on the door out of the Healing Suite. Then, you turn around and head

for the door directly behind you. With your newly acquired access

card, it unlocks easily.

When you pick up the media reader, a “E” icon appears on one side of

the viewscreen. Select that Side Icon (6) to display the media reader

in an MFD. Now, move the cursor over the Inventory Panel and select

LEVEL 1 LOGS, then select the log dated 06.MAY.72. MFD. Text appears in

your Inventory Panel, revealing the code to the Healing Suite door (4-

5-1). To read the next screen, left-click anywhere on the panel.

Notice that one button beside each MFD turns red when you pick up

the automap — this indicates a new item in Inventory. Select either

red button to open the MFD screen and display the automap on that

MFD. You can keep the map displayed or open another MFD to

display other information.

Adjust your view to normal, move to the door directly behind you and

use it.

Math is FUN!....???

Aspect of Games

Clear end goal

Just-in-time learning

Instant feedback

Data collection/processing





Experiential Learning

Case Studies


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Environment Detective

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