Galilee Times Lesson 3

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Galilee Times Lesson 3

August 18/19 1

Galilee Times Lesson 3

August 18/19 2

Galilee Times Series at a Glance for Elevate

About this Series:

Extra! Extra! A man from the land of Galilee is changing lives around the world! Through eyewitness accounts and exclusive interviews, get the full story of how Jesus faces off with a storm, defeats

sickness, and helps people take down their fears. The greatest news is, he’s ready to help you, too.

Memory Verse: Psalm 138:3- When I called out to you, you answered me. You made me strong and brave.

Weekly Overview: Lesson: Topic: Big Idea: Lesson 1: August 4/5 Lesson 2: August 11/12 Lesson 3: August 18/19 Lesson 4: August 25/26 Lesson 5: September 1/2

What if? Gospel story, John 18-21 Why do you fear? Jesus calms the storm, Luke 8:22-25 Rejected! Jesus accepts a woman, John 4 #Fail Jesus and Zacchaeus, Luke 19:1-10 Tragedy Strikes Jesus and Lazarus, John 11

Following Jesus can make me strong and brave. Jesus is greater than the things I’m afraid of. Jesus accepts me. Failure can’t separate me from Jesus. Jesus understands when I feel sad.

Large Group

Galilee Times Lesson 3

August 18/19 3

Galilee Times Series at a Glance for Elevate (continued)

Lesson 1: What if?

Who is Jesus? People around the world are asking, and many have their own answers. He’s an

incredible teacher, a fantastic leader, and a miracle worker, but there’s one thing Jesus did that is

greater than any other. Because of what He did, we never have to fear again. Find out Jesus’ incredible

story in this week’s edition of “Galilee Times!”

Lesson 2: Why do you fear?

“Why are you afraid?” Even Jesus’ friends, the disciples, could hardly believe their ears when Jesus

said that! This week, find out how Jesus turned a raging storm into a calm boat ride, and discover how

he can help us through our greatest fears today.

Lesson 3: Rejected!

Disgrace! Scandal! Witnesses confirm that Jesus is spending time with liars and thieves. Rumors are

flying that he may even be a welcome guest in some of their homes. Why would someone like Jesus

speak to these people? Get the whole story this week!

Lesson 4: #Fail

Read all about it! What happens when he meets someone that others call a failure? What will Jesus

do? Get the full scoop, and find out how Jesus responds to us when we fail today.

Lesson 5: Tragedy strikes

Breaking news: Lazarus, a man who is extremely close to Jesus, has died. Why did this happen? Could

Jesus have done more? What is He feeling right now? Learn just how well Jesus understands when

we feel sad, in this week’s “Galilee Times.”

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August 18/19 4

Galilee Times Lesson Outline for Elevate

Lesson 3: Rejected!

Lesson Segment Total Running Time

Engage Opening Song (2:00) Welcome and Opening Activity (10:00) Question of the Day (3:00) Worship: Higher than the Sky (5:00) 0:00 - 20:00 Involve Lesson Intro (2:00) Bible Story (6:00) Memory Verse (5:00) Group Activity (12:00) 20:00-45:00

Challenge Application (5:00) Worship: Love Has Found us, Remind Me (8:00) Wrap Up (2:00) 45:00 - 60:00

Video Cue Slide Cue Audio Cue Tech Notes

Galilee Times Lesson 3

August 18/19 5

Opening Song 2:00 Welcome to Elevate! It’s time to get started. Throw away your popcorn, and find a spot to sit! We’ll start with some news.

Do This: Sit down at the news desk, pick up the fake microphone, and address the kids from there.

Welcome and Opening Activity 10:00 Welcome everyone! My name is __________, and this is Elevate. Today, our headline is: Rejected! We’re going to find out what Jesus does when people try to shut him down. Before that story, however, we’ve got an activity, and some great music for you, so get ready!

It’s time for some group juggling! You’ll be playing it with your groups, and your leaders have all the things you need to get started.

Know This: Make sure each group has a designated location, with enough open space to throw a ball. Talk to the group leaders ahead of time. Their role in this activity is to encourage and challenge their teams. Saying “That time we got _____ people to touch the ball, but I think we can get even more! Let’s try again?” or “I think the other groups are beating us, how can we get more people to touch the ball?” can get their teams excited and eager to play the game.

Group juggling is exactly what it sounds like! Your whole group is going to juggle a beach ball, but the catch is, you can only touch it once! As soon as you touch it, you have to sit down. If the ball hits the ground, or hits someone who has already touched it, you have to start over.

Game Title Slide: “Group Juggling” and clear audio.

(Roll when directed) Elevate Opener

(Auto advance) Elevate Slide and News Underscore

Advance to the Elevate Slide and underscore when the teacher sits at the desk. The underscore should begin loud and then be very quiet. Adjust volume as needed.

Galilee Times Lesson 3

August 18/19 6

Your goal is to get everyone in your group to hit the ball once. Your group leaders can keep track of how many people touch the ball. Go ahead and get into your groups! Just look for the flag with the grade you finished last year on it!

Do This: Allow teams to play until ten minutes are up. Give them a minute warning, so they can finish up.

Alright, come back to the front! Did anyone get every person on their team to sit down?

The only way to get everyone sitting down was to include every person in your group. Even one person still standing means there’s more to do! That’ll be really important coming up, see if you can figure out why. Next up is something a little less active, but still a lot of fun. It’s time for our question of the day!

Question of the Day 3:00

If you could spend a day inside any building on earth, which one would you choose? It could be a pyramid, the White House, or a house in Hawaii! Turn to the person next to you, and find out their answer!

Do This: Emcee as the kids are sharing their answers. Encourage them to share with the people around them, and encourage any kid whose story you hear. Know This: Allow kids time to interact with one another. Feel free to ask a few of them what their answer is.

It’d be so interesting to see how things work in some of those places. In this place, though, we get to worship God.

Game Title Slide: “Group Juggling” and clear audio.

(Auto Advance) QOTD Slide: If you could spend a day inside any building on earth, which one would you choose?

Question of the Day Video

Fun Game Music!

Galilee Times Lesson 3

August 18/19 7

Lesson Intro 2:00

Worship 5:00

We worship God by singing and dancing, but really worship means showing that we love God. God is so great, and loves us more than we can imagine. That’s why we worship him, and what this song is all about. Let’s go!

Worshipping God with you is awesome. Let’s take a moment to pray and talk to Him. God, you are incredible. I love worshipping you. Help us to learn more about you today. Amen.

Do This: Return to the microphone and desk for the lesson intro.

Thanks for tuning into Galilee Times. We’re following the story of a man from the land of Galilee named Jesus. The things he is doing are amazing, but we’ve gotten reports that Jesus is doing strange things. He’s been seen talking to people that no one else will go near, and even becoming friends with them!

Worship Slide

Song 1: Higher than the Sky

(Auto advance) Worship Slide

Series Title Slide: “Galilee Times” Subtitle: “Rejected!”

Bumper Video (1:00)

Galilee Times Lesson 3

August 18/19 8

Bible Story 6:00 Back in Jesus’ day, the countries there were some serious problems. One big issue was that Jesus’ people, the Jews, wouldn’t even go near some other groups of people. They especially didn’t like the people who lived in Samaria, who were called Samaritans. Most of the time, the Jews and Samaritans wouldn’t even talk to each other. That wasn’t easy, because they lived literally next to each other. Their countries were Judea for the Jewish people, and Samaria for the Samaritans.

That would be like us in Minnesota trying to avoid people from Wisconsin. It’s not impossible, but it’s tough. If they were traveling, most Jewish people would rather walk all the way around the land of Samaria than go through it. I can’t blame them, either. Check out what happened one time when Jesus and his disciples tried to travel through Samaria.

Do This: Read the verse from the screen. Imagine a long day of traveling, you pull into a town, just trying to get a hotel, and the people say “You can’t stay here. We don’t like people like you.” Jesus’ disciples were super angry, but Jesus was surprisingly calm. In fact, he showed over and over that everyone, even Samaritans, are loved by God. To find out more, and see how Jesus feels about people that others reject, let’s hear what Jesus did when he met someone from Samaria face to face.

Knowing that Jesus accepted her, just the way she was, changed that woman’s life, and the lives of people in her town. Nothing could stop Jesus caring about her, and she

Judea and Samaria map

Luke 9:52-53 “They went into a Samaritan village to get things ready for Jesus. But the people there did not welcome Jesus. That was because he was heading for Jerusalem.

Jesus and the woman at the well (3:00)

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Galilee Times

Galilee Times Lesson 3

August 18/19 9

wanted everyone to know about him. That took some courage. Jesus can help you and I be brave, too, which is what our memory verse is about.

Memory Verse 5:00

Do This: Read the verse from the screen. It can take courage to accept someone others don’t like, but Jesus cared about every person anyway. He wants us to know that he loves us, but also to share that love with others, and that’s not always easy. Let’s try practicing this verse together! If I raise my hand way up high, say it really really loud! If I lower my hand, get softer and softer. Let’s say the verse together!

Do This: Raise and lower your hand as you say the verse with the kids, getting louder and softer as you like. Repeat this 2-3 times.

Group Activity 12:00

Know This: If you are able to do group time, you are encouraged to do it, as the closeness of a smaller group is a great thing for kids to experience. If you aren’t able to do this section in group time, keep following this script, and direct the activity from the stage. Do This: If you are doing this activity in small groups, direct the kids to their group leaders now.

Our next activity is called “How much?” Your job in this activity is pretty simple. Just tell me how much money this one dollar bill is worth. Do This: Show kids a dollar bill. Allow a kid to say how much it is worth. One dollar. You got it. Now, if I went around the world, to a place where they use a different kind of money , how much would this be worth? Do This: Allow a kid to answer. It’s still a dollar, wherever I go. Let’s try something else.

Memory Verse Slide: Psalm 138:3- “When I called out to you, you answered me. You made me strong and brave.”

(Auto-Advance) Game Title Slide: “How Much?”

Galilee Times Lesson 3

August 18/19 10

Do This: Crumple up the dollar bill, and unfold it. How much is this dollar bill worth now? Do This: Allow a kid to answer. Still a dollar? Hmm. What if I smash it? Do This: Set the dollar bill on the ground, and walk on it. Do your best not to rip it. What about now? Do This: Allow a kid to answer. It’s still worth a dollar. No matter how dirty or crinkled this thing gets, it’s still worth the same amount, one dollar. If, every day, I told this dollar that it wasn’t worth anything, I never spend it, or I hide it away in a box in my closet, would that make it worth less than a dollar? Not at all. We can’t change how much this dollar is worth by hurting it, talking bad about it, or hiding it. It’s still one dollar. It was made to be worth something. Sometimes, other people can make us feel like we’re not good enough, or we’re worthless, but just like I can’t change how much this dollar is worth, they can never change what you are worth, because you were made to be worth something. The question is, then, how much are you worth? Can it be measured in dollars? In likes online? In how many friends you have, or followers on Instagram? No, because there’s one person out there who showed exactly how much you are worth.

Jesus, God’s son gave his whole life for you, because he believes that you are priceless. Nothing anyone says or does can change that. God believes you are priceless, enough to give his only son for you. Nothing you’ve done can change that. If you’ve been hurt or made fun of, you are still priceless to God. If you feel alone or sad, you are priceless to God. If you’ve done something really wrong, and don’t think someone will forgive you, you are still priceless to God. He will always accept you and love you. That is a huge deal. Keep thinking about it, because I have some questions for you to talk about.

1 Peter 1:19- “You were bought by the priceless blood of Christ.”

Galilee Times Lesson 3

August 18/19 11

How did Jesus show the woman in our Bible story that he accepted her? Talk about it with the people around you.

Do This: Give kids some time to talk. After thirty seconds or so, call on one or two of them to give their answers.

Good answers. He treated her like a friend, even though she was very different from him. Sometimes, we just need someone to listen, and care about what we have to say. Here’s another question.

Have you ever been left out? Maybe you couldn’t be part of a game, or a group of friends? What happened? Go ahead and talk about it!

Do This: Give kids some time to talk. After thirty seconds or so, call on one or two of them to give their answers.

It doesn’t feel good to be left out. We all want people to accept us and like us. Being included feels great, though! When you get invited to a birthday, or someone wants you on their team., it can feel really good. There’s one more question I want you to think about.

What’s one way you could include someone else? Is there something you do that you could invite someone to do with you? Could you invite a neighbor kid to play a game with you and your friends? Could you choose to let your younger brother or sister tag along with you more this week? How could you make someone feel accepted and included? Go ahead and talk about it!

Do This: Give kids some time to talk. After thirty seconds or so, call on one or two of them to give their answers.

When someone accepts us, it means they welcome us, and treat us like a friend. A great example is in the story we heard earlier. Jesus accepted everyone, because he knew God cares about every person, no matter where they’re from or what they’ve done.

How did Jesus show the woman in our Bible story that he accepted her?

Have you ever been left out? What happened?

What’s one way you could include someone else?

Galilee Times Lesson 3

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Application 5:00 If there is one thing I want you to know today, it’s this.

Jesus accepts you. You are so important to Him. For the woman in our Bible story today, just knowing that changed everything. If you were picking teams, most people would have chosen her last, but Jesus showed her that she was important, that he cared about her. Jesus wants you to know that he accepts you, too, just the way you are. So, what does that mean? Wherever you go, whatever you do, you’ll always be accepted by Jesus. Think about that. If you have asked Jesus to be your leader, it’s like you are part of God’s family.

Do This: Read the verse from the screen. God accepts us into his family, the greatest family ever. That means, no matter what, we belong to his family. Think about this. When you are at home, you’re part of your family. When you go to school, are you still part of your family? Yes. If you went somewhere your parents told you not to, would you still be a part of your family? Yes. If you took a plane all the way across the ocean, would you still be part of your family? Yes. If you became an astronaut, and traveled to Mars, thousands and thousands of miles away, would you still be a part of your family? Yes. You can’t stop being part of your family. Once God has accepted you into his family, nothing can change that. Nothing can stop him loving you. That’s the best news I can share with you. Everyone needs to know that. Every person who feels alone, worthless, or afraid, they need to know that they are priceless to God. That’s why one of the writers of the Bible, a guy named Paul, challenges us with this.

Big Idea Slide: “Jesus accepts me.”

See what amazing love the Father has given us! Because of it, we are called children of God. -1 John 3:1

Romans 15:7- Christ (Jesus) has accepted you. So accept one another in order to bring praise to God.

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Wrap-Up 2:00

Worship 8:00

Jesus has accepted us, so what do we do? We must accept others, but what does that mean? I want to give you just one way to do that this week. It’s straight out of the Bible story, and a great way to show someone that they matter.

Include someone you usually wouldn’t. If there’s someone that usually gets picked last, pick them first. If someone always is pushed to the end of the line, offer to trade places with them. Invite your little brother or sister to play with you and your friends. You could even surprise your parents by asking them how their day is going, instead of waiting for them to ask you. You can look for people that are left out, and show them that they are accepted, because that’s what Jesus did for all of us.

Being accepted is an amazing feeling, one that I think is worth singing about! Let’s stand and sing together.

We don’t have to be afraid when we’re following Jesus, and that’s a great reason to sing, dance, and move. Our next song is called “Movin Me!”

That was great, I love worshipping with all of you! You can sit down.

Include someone you usually wouldn’t.

Song 2: Love Has Found Us

(Auto-Advance) Worship Slide

Song 3: Remind Me

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Galilee Times

Galilee Times Lesson 3

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Do This: Sit back down at the news desk. Next week, on Galilee Times, our headline is: “#Fail.” We’ll be finding out what to do when we fail, and we’ll get to see how Jesus handles it when one of his friends fails, big time. This week, remember that Jesus accepts you, so you can accept and include others, too! Let’s finish up by talking to God. To help us stay focused on Him, let’s close our eyes and bow our heads while we pray. God, thank you for accepting us. Help us to share that with others, even when it’s not easy. Amen. I’ve had so much fun hanging out with you all today, I hope to see you next week!

Elevate Slide

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