GACC Brief Budget 2009 061208

Post on 30-May-2018






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P.O. Box 5 27 BUSIA - 50400 , Kenya , East Africa , Tel: 055 22428 or 07 22976238Email : graceandcompassion @gmail .com

Date: G -li .- v b . e G 9 -00 - '2 .

"Care For M y üttJe Ones "

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"To all O .I. A Project Sponsors, Donors and Benefactors,

We have allionged to meet aHofyou in person and express our sineere gratitude to

you for having made our life livable! Though we must admit we have already shook

hands with some of you e.g . Henk : & Marjo Stokkom , Jos & Marja and a few that we

cannot remember their names . The problem is that in this World what we wish to do and

what we can do are two different things . The financial support that is normally sent to us

by the Stichting Oud In Africa has made enormous change to our lives as weil as to most

of our orphaned grandchildren . From that money our houses are built so that we have

proper shelter over head, we get proper supply of food comparing to many people around,

our medical needs are met , we have proper clothing and beddings . AH this is because we

have been blest to be beneficiaries ofO .I.A programme . We are also proud to be part of

OIA project because through the financial support that is sent regularly , Sr Lydia is

empowered to visit and talk to most ofus from our homes frequently . As Sr might have

toid you some time back ; most of us have lost our children due to mv/ AIDS and are

staying with our young grandchildren , which can be very difficult at times . To that

connection , Sr carries out guiding and counseling sessions for us + our families . This

helps us to cope with the daily life stress.

As most ofyou are aware , the year 2008 has broken a record in the Kenyan history . Thatis, it has been a very difficult and tough year in various ways :

The year started on the wrong note in the presence of post-election violence . The first

quarter of the year was extremely bad! Many innocent people lost their lives , a lot of

property was ruined and spoilt , children were separated from their parents, some

temporarily and others permanently , even some of us hosted some for a while . People

became aliens to their own country , many famished to death , the list is endless .

Through all these skirmishes , O.I.A personnel gave us moral support through prayers ,

phone calls especially from Henk : Van Stokkom and family , just to ensure that we were

okay . There was a time the security was so poor that in that none could leave his! her

compound to look for food . We counted our blessings because Srs risked their lives and

couid bring us some vegetables and fruits from the convent . Sr told us that the


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horticultural garden at the convent was initiated in July/ August 2007 by the life-line

group via O .I. A project in Holland .

Since the beginning of the year up to date , prices for food and other commodities have

continued to hick! We are continuously thanking the O .I. A programme drivers for

making us live a dignified kind of life . The support we get from the project has kept us

going . Come heat come rain we (project beneficiaries) have something to eat and

somewhere to lay our heads without much worries , all at the expense ofO .I.A project.

With those few remarks, we say THANK YOU VERY MUCH we pray that OIA

Benefactors , Donors and Sponsors willlive long and continue supporting us.

May God bless all of you .

Yours sincerely

Older Persons (OIA Beneficiaries) at Grace & Compassion , Mundika" .


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