G321 Main task

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Kieran Goulding

The target audience I am going to aim my music magazine is people who are interested in chart music, although this is most people, I will target the younger audience. I will be targeting the 16-24 year old market because this group of people are more specifically interested in chart music

Looking at the front page, content page and the double page I have concluded that the target audience of this magazine is young aged people who listen to dance music. I can tell this by looking at the language which is used. The language used helps the reader to identify the target audience.

The target audience for this magazine can be identified as teenagers or young people of both gender who look up at celebrities like Tulisa who they want to idolise. The reader would want to find out as much information as they can about them because they would like to know how they got famous. This also allows them to find put secrets about the celebrities they like. You can tell that this magazine is aimed towards both genders because on the double page spread the reader see JLS who are a very popular boy band. The young female audience would want to buy this to find out as much information about them as possible.

By just looking at the front cover of this magazine it is easy to see who the intended audience is. By looking at the man who is in a full body shot you can see that this magazine is aimed at someone who has long hair and has a bread, they would also wear black and usually play a guitar because this is the norm for the audience of Kerrang. Looking at the cover lines the audience can see that the magazine is telling the reader about products of this genre of music.

Media Music Magazine

1.Which gender are you?MaleFemale

2.Which age range do you fit into?0-15 16-20 20-30 30+

3.What is your employment status?Student Unemployed Full time Employment Part time Employment

4.Which area of Birmingham do you live in?5.Do you buy magazines?

Yes No6.How often in a month do you buy a magazine if you do so?

0 1-4 5 or more7.Which genre do you look for when buying a magazine?

Pop Rock Hip-hop Drum and bass Alternative Other8.Have you ever attended a live event?

Yes No9.Do you follow chart music?

Yes No10.Do you buy CDs from stores or do you download?

Store Download11.How much do you spend on music in a month?

£0 1p-£1 £1-2 £2more12.Do you watch music channels?

Yes No13.Would you feel more willing to buy a magazine if there is a competition inside?

Yes No14.What do you tend to buy a magazine for?

Celebrities Information on charts Information on live events

Which gender are you



Which age range do you fit into?






0-15 16-20 20-30 30+





As you can see I have asked more females than males, I have asked 11 females and 10 males. This means that my sample size is 21.

Out of the 21 people I asked the mean age range was 16-20, I was hoping to get this age range as this is my target audience.


47.6% Male

52.4% Female

Percentages9.5 were aged 0-1576.2 were aged 16-214.3 were aged 20-300 were aged 30+

What is your occupational status?








Student Unemployed Full timeemployment

Part timeemployment

Employment StatusN



As you can see by looking at the above graph it shows just under 50% of people that I asked were students, this is the audience that I am targeting my magazine at, assuming this I can tell these people wont have a high income so I should sell my magazine at a low but competitive price.

Percentages47.6 were students4.8 were unemployed9.5 were in full time employment38.1 were in part time


What area do you live in?Small heath 2

Erdington 1

Sheldon 2

Sutton Coldfield 1

Spark hill 1

Tyseley 1

Great Barr 1

Kings Norton 1

Perry Barr 1

Shirley 1

North field 1

Solihull 3

Acocks Green 3

Olton 1

Hall green 2

As you can you see by looking at the table to the left, you can see that the people I asked to fill out my questionnaire come from a range of different areas.

Of those wjo do buy magazine, how often to buy a magazine in a month?






One to Four Five or more





Do you buy magazines?



As you can tell by looking at my graph it shows that over 50% of people I asked do not buy magazines

As you can tell my looking at the above graph it shows that people who buy magazine only but them from one to four times a month

Percentages33.3 buy magazines 66.7 do not buy magazines






Pop Rock Hip-hop Drum andBass

Alternative Other

Which genre do you look for when buying a magazine?

Looking at this graph I can tell that most people buy magazines because they feature information about pop and they will buy magazines if they feature content about pop or similar music genres

Percentages 38.1- Pop, 9.5-Rock, 14.3- Hip-Hop,19.0- Drum and Bass, 9.5- Alternative and 14.3 - Other

Have you ever attended a live event?

0 5 10 15 20



Do you follow chart music?



Yes No

As you can see by looking at this graph it shows that the sample group that I asked do follow their interests and so have attended live events

As you see the group of twats that I asked mainly do listen to chart music meanwhile some do not

Percentages85.7 Have14.3 Have not

Percentages76.2 Do follow chart music 23.8 Do not follow chart music

Do you buy CDs from stores or do you download?

0 5 10 15 20



How much do you spend on music in a month?




£2 more

As you can see in the above table it shows that most the main majority of people go to stores to buy music and you just have a few who download their music online

As you see most people I asked spend between £1-£2 a month but nearly the same amount of people spend between 1p-£1 as people who spend nothing on music. All on porn mags

Percentages85.7 Store14.3 Download

Percentages23.8 spend Zero23.8 spend between 1p and £138.1 spend £1.01 - £219.0 spend more than £2

As you can see 17 out of the 21 asked do listen to music channels, this tells me that in my magazine I should have a page which tells my reader of all the different porn music channels that they can listen to

As you can see from the above chart it shows that just over 75% of people are more willing to buy a magazine if there is a competition inside, this tells me that I should include a competition inside in my magazine

Percentages 81.0 Do19.0 Do not

Percentages76.2 Yes23.8 No

As you can see by looking at the above graph it shows that people mainly buy a magazine because of the featured celebrity or celebrities or because there is information contained about the recent chart activity.

Percentages38.1 Celebrities38.1 Information on charts19.0 Information on live events4.8 Other


Here is my original image, I am going to change the image by changing the colour of the back ground and other things so that the main focus of the image is more directed to the person in the photo

By using the tool to the left I can change the hue and saturation of the image and I can also using this tool change the lightness so I can either make it darker or I can make it lighter

As you can see I have change the saturation and increased to 80 which make the colour more visible and also has made the lollipop more colourful which helps to make it the focus as ‘Lollipop’ is the name of my magazine so it is worthwhile that it is the main stand out point on my magazine

Here I have added the effect of auto levels so that the image looks more fuller and the colours are much more significant. This has also made the reflection of the image stand out more and make it more visible


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and

conventions of real media products? For my main task I have done both

developing and changing because I h have looked at many pop magazine which I have analysed but they tend to be showing an artists on the front, I have challenged this because I have created a pop magazine which is featured on an artist and in particular the theme that she bases herself on.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine is aimed at the younger audience, I have aimed it towards the age range of 14- 17 as these are young pop who tend to follow these artists as you usually seeing them listening and singing to them. They use pop stars as their inspiration, this can be seen when you look at famous young pop stars like Justin Beiber who is followed by millions of young people and so is Katy Perry and so I have created my magazine in a way which is appealing to the target customer because I have used language which is right for the audience as they are of a young age I have used this so that then I can attract a wide audience to my magazine such as what bigger companies like the BBC does with their magazine Top Of The Pops.

What kind of media institution might distribe your media product and why? Looking at similar magazines to mine, I would say

that the BBC would be more than likely to sell my magazine because my magazine is similar to their Top Of The Pops magazine but my magazine is aimed at a slightly younger audience. This would work out for them because then they would have that market as they currently have the rest of the market with the other products

This would help them to maximise their sales and make them to be known more as a recognised business and help them to meet the needs of all of its customer if they were to sell my magazine to the desired customer which I have researched in my market research

This would mean that for them in these tough economy times that they could diversity into different markets

Who would be the audience for your media product? The audience for my media product is

children of both genders who are teenagers, is means that I have created this magazine for my primary audience which are children who are aged in between the ages of 14 and 16.

I also have a secondary audience, these are people who may come across my magazine either at home due to a sibling buying the magazine or because they have saw it in a dentist.

My primary audience may also include those who have a interest in pop music artists so

How did you attract/ address your audience?

I have attracted my audience by using bold letters which have been designed in a way which is fun and exciting, I have done this by using the title ‘Lollipop’, which is a sweet that you young people. For my magazine I have used bright colour which represent the rainbow. I know from doing research that this is what would attract people to buying my magazine because if something is bright and looks exciting and interesting then they are keener to buy that magazine.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product? I have learnt a lot of things from creating this

product, I have learnt that a great deal of time needs to be spend when using the technology especially when I have not used the technology before because these this technology which is used by industries. So this is new to me because I haven't used this before because I haven't been asked to do a task like this before while I was in school.

Also, this technology was hard to use as I did not receive any training before using it. So I had to make a jump from using publisher to programs like Fireworks and Adobe.

Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the

progression from it to the full product? The difference between the school and pop magazine was quite a

jump up. This is because I had to spend more time finding the appropriate information for my magazine, also more time was spent doing the market research, for the school magazine I was able to ask people inside my sixth form about what they would like to see in the magazine and what they would find useful. However for my pop magazine, I had to go to town and ask people who I thought would be the audience for my magazine and ask them stuff about the magazine, this stuff include how much they would pay, how frequently they buy magazines and do they follow chart music, this was done because then I could design a magazine which would fulfil their needs. Also I didn’t have enough time that I could go to a live performance and take the right image, this is because the task was very intense and it was full of deadlines which I had to meet. This brought up the problem of avoiding using copyrighted material as this would not be my work, but I did not use copyrighted material and all the images I have used for both my main and preliminary task have been original. Another thing which was different between the two tasks was that for my main task I used studio lighting, on my preliminary task I did not use studio light, I just used a camera and took a photo of someone in a setting.

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