FWO mandates

Post on 15-Mar-2016






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FWO mandates. Altered regulations and strategic advice. Mission FWO. Funding scientific research in Flanders Active in all research disciplines, researcher’s initiative Selection based on scientific excellence and inter-university competition (Flemish universities and research institutions) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


FWO mandatesAltered regulations and strategic advice

Funding scientific research in Flanders

Active in all research disciplines, researcher’s initiative

Selection based on scientific excellence and inter-university competition (Flemish universities and research institutions)

Diverse funding programs, directed at all stages in scientific research

Open policy: attention to equal chances

Mission FWO

1. Mission and core data FWO Core data



1. Mission and core data FWO Core dataDivision: Personal mandates

Research projects

Research grants


Scientific awards


1. Mission and core data FWO Core data

Division over disciplines 2009


Biological sciences

Cultural sciences

Behavioral and societal sciences

Medical sciences

Science & technology


1. Mission and core data FWO

Critically low success rate Ph D scholarships: 21% for Ph D scholars (2010),

strongly decreasing trend

Critically low success rate for postdoctoral research mandates:

23% for postdocs, strongly decreasing trend

1. Mission and core data FWO

1. Mission and core data FWO Core data

Evolution number of FWO appointed researchers



Aspirantschappen / doctoral fellowshipsContent Very good / excellent grades! important differences between commissions

Eligibility EU, Iceland, Norwegia, Liechtenstein Diploma Flemish Community or EU, Iceland, … Non-Flemish diploma: university approval to start Ph D

(start procedure in time) Max. 5 years after obtaining Ma (!Age≥31) Max. 2 applications 2011: if motivated request, 3rd application possible

For whom

Postdoctoral grantsContent Number of (main author) ISI-listed publications Mobility (past or planned)! important differences between commissions

Eligibility Any nationality Ph D or diploma/certificate acknowledged equivalent Ph D defended before 1. June Age ≥ 36 years: limit 3 years after Ph D Max. 2 applications 2011: if ranked in 2010, 3rd application allowed

For whom

Aspirantschappen / Ph D fellowships 2 x 2 years Fundamental, groundbreaking research Bottom-up Bear in mind: future perspectives

Postdoctoral grants 3 years (2 x renewal possible) Fundamental, groundbreaking research Bottom-up Bear in mind: future perspectives

What for

When: deadline 1. February 2011, 17.00h How:

Register (eLoket on fwo.be): ca. 12 hrs. Login: ca. 48 hrs.

Personal data, diplomas*, job experience, contact data, …. Fill in application form

http://www.fwo.be Layman’s summary Personal motivation (Aspirantschap) Letter of recommendation

(co)promoter (Postdoc) Letter of recommendation (co)promoter

and head research unit (+ 10 referees)

How and when

3 pages: efficient presentation is essential

Future research This study will focus on…

This study focuses on…

Uncertain results These results might indicate that… We hope to prove that…

Doubts vs. realistic assessments

Strategic writing advice

Passive vs. active voice In the current study it is examined…

Alternatives: pro and contra

I examine

We examine

This study examines

Strategic writing advice

Structure and lay-out

Titles in bold, white space

Decimal numbering title: read like manual

Keywords in bold (limited!)

No combinations of underline, bold, indented

Strategic writing advice

Ph D scholarships

Research competence and potential (a.o. study results)

Research skills and methodological skills

Scientific autonomy

Originality and groundbreaking character project

Feasibility project

Goal-orientedness project

Quality research environment and guidance

Selection criteria

Ph D scholarship

Research competence and skills Ph D student

Progress Ph D thesis

Quality Ph D thesis

Quality published results

Evaluation criteria

Postdoctoral mandate

Research competence and potential (a.o. candidate’s publications) Research skills and methodological skills Scientific background candidate Scientific autonomy Originality and renewing character project Mobility applicant Feasibility project Goal-orientedness project

Selection criteria

Postdoctoral mandate

Research competence and skills

National and international level of publications

Integration in research team

Evaluation criteria

As many proofreadings as possible

Research Coordination Internal deadline 17. January 9.00h (a.m.) Preliminary version accepted Feedback on 25-26 January Nele.Nivelle@uhasselt.be

Hand in application in time

Strategic writing advice

Backup funds BOF Ph D fellowships (1y) Postdoctoral grants

Automatically in the running IF…

DOC –fund: Ph D fellowships (2 x 2 y)

Separate application

BOF backup

Other fundable activities


Other postdocfunding www.iwt.be www.baef.be and www.fulbright.be www.axa-research.org www.ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions www.humboldt-foundation.de …


Prof. dr. Dirk Vanderzande

Expert panel W&T4: Chemistry

Prof. dr. Marcel Ameloot

Interdisciplinary expert panel

Expert witnesses

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