FWM 2009 05 and 06

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Stop the Recession Obsession | To Tell or Not to Tell | What's Your Love Language? | Comprehensive Camp Guide


� FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 www.familyworks.org

May & June, 2009

FamilyWorks® 4 Joseph Court, San Rafael, CA 94903 email: familynews@familyworks.org

Read FamilyWorks Magazine on-line at www.familyworks.org

Advertising Information: Doug Silberstein Phone: (415) 492-1022 FAX: (415) 492-1099 email: advertising@familyworks.org

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Circulation: This major family magazine is published bi-monthly and widely distributed FREE throughout Marin and Sonoma Coun-ties: through home deliveries, distribution to over 200 community locations - stores, public and private schools, medical offices, hospitals, and family-related businesses – and direct mail to thousands of active participants and sponsors of FamilyWorks®.

© 2009 FamilyWorks®, All rights reserved. FamilyWorks is a nonprofit agency serving families in the Bay Area. No portion of FamilyWorks Magazine may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Appearance of articles, editorials, author’s point of view, advertisements or announcements for products and services in FamilyWorks Magazine does not necessarily constitute an endorsement by FamilyWorks® and FamilyWorks® is not responsible for its content or the reactions of readers to its content. FamilyWorks Magazine reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs are welcome and should e-mailed to: familynews@familyworks.org

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Marketing: Doug Silberstein

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Printed by: Marin Sun Printing

FamilyWorks® Board of Directors:

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FamilyWorks Magazine is published by FamilyWorks®

3 Packing Up Your Troubles foraFlightwiththeFamily By Mary Fagen

4 To Tell or Not To Tell FourTipsforSharingBadNewswithYour ChildreninanEconomicCrisis By Dottie DeHart

6 What’s Your Love Language DoesYourPartnerKnowtheDepth ofYourLove? By Mary Jane DeWolf-Smith, RN, MFT

8 Stop the Recession Obsession NixtheNegativity By John Gordon

11 APPLE FamilyWorks News & Programs

15 Humor Me TheCharmsandChallengesof RaisingTwins By Laurel Porterfield

16 Marin Humane Society Volunteer of the Year Reflects on Her Experiences By Natasha Badaa

19 What the World Could Learn from Summer Camp


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FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 �www.familyworks.org

Airline flights are often the first leg of your family’s trip down mem-ory lane. It’s important to pack to get the best mileage from your va-cation and ensure a smooth return. The ticket to packing begins with mak-ing your own bag tags. Decorative luggage tags make them easy to spot on the carousel and the kids can fight over whose tag looks best. Your child’s creativity guarantees that no one else will want your luggage except grand-mother-types or weird art collectors. Use only your e-mail address on your bag tags. A card with your name, ad-dress, and phone number goes inside the luggage so you aren’t advertising your absence from home.

Travel with little tykes requires two carry-on bags, one for diapers and one

for entertaining. Their needs are nonstop so pack wipes, diapers, an ex-tra outfit, dry formula, bottle, finger foods, and an extra shirt for you. For older kids, add gum and earplugs. Earplugs work wonders for take-offs and landings. You can use

them in between. The entertainment bag has crayons, paper, small stuffed animals, cards, books, toys and lots of snacks. Note: the diaper bag gets lighter as you go. The entertainment bag, not so much, and it is a kid-magnet, some of them yours, some... not so much.

Pack every medicine, lotion and cream your children have ever used inside plastic zip lock bags in your checked luggage. Taking these items is a surefire way to make sure that they won’t need them. Remember you need to pack gels, liquids or aerosols of 3 oz. or less in clear, re-sealable quart-sized bags if you want to have them in your carry-on bags.

You might think that this is a waste of plastic bags, but no. They protect in the event of a leak and double as catchalls for a wide variety of improvised health and sanitary needs. I have used them as snack bags, sick bags, ice bags, contact lens holders, collection bags (seashells do well in them, but little frogs do not) and as a makeshift glove for retrieving a necklace from a toilet, which, by the way, increased its sentimental value for everyone involved.

continued on page 10

Packing Up Your Troubles for a Flight with the Family

Family trips help us remember that there ís no place like home...

By Mary Fagen

� FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 www.familyworks.org

Four Rules for Sharing Bad News with Your Children in an Economic CrisisThese days bad news is everywhere: on television, the Internet, at the office, and inevitably at home. If you’re trying to protect your kids from the worry and stress that comes along with it, leadership expert Jamie Woolf says you may be doing more harm than good. Read on for her (workplace-inspired) tips on sharing bad news with your kids.

You can’t turn on the television anymore without hearing words that make you want to reach for the mute button: economy, recession, layoffs, crisis.

You hear them all day at work, too, in the form of rumors and speculation from worried coworkers. And here’s the thing: If you’re constantly immersed in economic anxiety, it’s likely your kids are too. Chances are you’ve al-ready fielded some tough questions: What does recession mean? Why did my best friend’s dad lose his job? And maybe even Mom, are we going to have to move out of our house like our neighbors did?

If you’re like most parents, these questions leave you tongue-tied. What do you tell your kids about the recession and your family’s economic hardships? Leadership expert Jamie Woolf has some interesting advice: Pretend your kids are anxious employees and take a cue from the communication tactics used by smart bosses.

Business leaders aren’t the only ones who are facing the tough task of crafting reassur-ing but truthful messages about the state of the economy, says Woolf, author of the new

book “Mom-in-Chief: How Wisdom from the Workplace Can Save Your Family from Chaos” (Jossey-Bass/A Wiley Imprint, Febru-ary 2009, ISBN: 978-0-4703813-1-1, $22.95). Parents also have to be smart about how to explain the bad economic news their kids are hearing at school and at home. You want to be honest with them, but you don’t want to scare them to death.

The first thing all parents must realize, says Woolf, is that your kids are already aware, at least to some degree, of what’s going on in the world.

Parents are always surprised to learn what their kids know about complicated subjects like the economy, says Woolf. But they talk about it in class at school. They discuss with their friends things they heard their parents say around the dinner table. So if they come to you with questions and you don’t give them straight answers, you damage your credibility as a parent. Just as you and your co-workers want to know if you’ll have a job tomorrow, your kids want to know what the family’s economic fate will be.

So what is the best way to keep your kids

To Tell or Not to Tell?

By Dottie DeHart

FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 �www.familyworks.org

informed without over-sharing and creating needless anxiety? Here are four tips from the workplace to keep in mind:

Never say neverWhen a university management

team shared with their employees they would be able to avoid layoffs by cutting jobs through attrition, they lost credibility when the budget worsened and layoffs became inevi-table. The lesson? Absolutes back-fire. It’s important, with employees as well as with your children, not to make promises that aren’t within your power to keep.

Never say never to children, advises Woolf. For example, you don’t want to say, ‘Mommy will never lose her job’ or ‘We’ll always have our house.’ You may feel cer-tain today, but circumstances can always change, and making these rigid statements will put your cred-ibility on the line. Instead, reassure them with the truth. Tell them that no matter what happens, your family will stick it out together. That’s one promise you know you will always be able to keep.

Keep quiet until you have specific plans

An executive director of a non-profit organization told her staff that if their big funders discontinued their grants, layoffs were inevitable. Unfortunately, she released this in-formation before she had a plan for handling her employees’ inevitably negative reactions. Questions, which she couldn’t answer, started pour-ing in: Who would be laid off first? When would there be definite news about the funders continuing their grants? In the end, not having solid information for them further dam-aged their morale and the director’s reputation.

With kids, too, caution should be the rule of the day. If you are thinking about selling your house or relocating for a new job, wait to share the news with your kids until you know as many details as possible.

Our kids consider what we tell them to be the absolute truth, warns Woolf. If you tell them the family might be moving, they will take that to mean that you are moving, and it may cause them unnecessary stress and worry.

Children, especially those who are of school age, thrive on consistency. The thought of changing their lives, their home, and their friends, can be traumatic for them. Plus, if the move doesn’t happen, it can be hard for them to process what they are sup-posed to believe.

Of course, you have to balance truth and secrecy, she adds. If your child asks you point-blank, ‘Mom-my, are you going to lose your job?’ tell her, ‘I don’t know yet,’ and then add reasonable reassurance. And don’t wait until the last minute to spring bad news on your kids. Do that and they’ll think you’ve been

continued on page 17

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� FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 www.familyworks.org

Much has been said about love - how do you know you are in love, whether love is real . . . . But more important to most - is to believe that you are loved.

Have you ever been in a relationship in which no matter what you did, the other person said she did not feel loved? Have you ever felt empty and eparate, even though it seemed like the other person said that he/she cared about you?

Gary Chapman, the author of the best-selling “The Five Love Languages,” helps break the barriers which keep us estranged from those we would like to love. As Gary says, “He sends you flowers when what you really want is time to talk. She gives you a hug when what you really need is a home-cooked meal. The problem isn’t your love- it’s your love language.”

Chapman discusses five love languages as Words of Affir-mation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch.

There is no one right language of love. Each of you may have very different preferences and priorities in being able to hear and feel that the other person really loves you.

by Mary Jane DeWolf-Smith, PHN, MA, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

Mary Jane DeWolf-Smith is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist specializing in couples, parenting and co-parenting concerns. Explore ways to strengthen relationships by calling (415) 492-0720 to make an appointment for counseling services.

by Mary Jane DeWolf-Smith

FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 7www.familyworks.org

Words of AffirmationThe old expression, “Sticks and

stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” is really off the mark. Words are incredibly powerful. The timing, the tone of your words and your body expres-sions when you speak - all need to be considered. Relaxed and open body language, which says, “I care how you feel and I respect you”, is the first step in building a positive relationship. Sarcastic, contemptu-ous, or shaming statements erase paragraphs of affirmations. Tips:

Find out the words your partner most longs to hear.

Share the loving words you have been saying and find out if the words feel loving to your partner. Start and end each day with a compliment or words of appreciation.

Say hello and goodbye with warmth, looking into one another’s eyes.

Compliment your partner in front of others.Write a love note or poem.

Quality Time Each person has a different defi-

nition of “quality time”. For one, it may be sharing a sporting event, for the other a play. For one, it may be sitting in the same room reading a book or listening to music. For another, it may be working on a project, going for a hike, or looking through travel magazines to plan your next adventure. In any case, quality time does mean being pres-ent and available to one another. Without a doubt, it is important to have “me” time, but for love to

flourish, “we” time is essential.

Receiving GiftsTake a breath. This does not mean

spending a lot of money. The gift may be something tangible and very small - a homemade card, wild flowers, a book, some special food item – something that shows you know the person well and were thinking of him/her enough to take the time to find it and give it. And giving the little rememberance when it is not expected is key. (E.g. at times other than birthdays, holi-days etc.) Also, giving the gift with a bit of flourish shows the tender intention behind it. The gift can be a spontaneous gift of yourself - at a celebration or in a time of loss or sadness (when your loved one says, “I really want you to be there,” take the statement seriously, because not showing up may send a mes-sage that is not easily forgotten). Of course all gifts need to be freely given - with no expectations/strings and no later reminders of “after all I’ve done for you.”

Acts of ServiceDo you feel the most loved when

your partner brings you a cup of coffee in the morning, cooks a spe-cial meal, fixes the fence, washes the car, writes the bills or mails the package?

Even sincerely offering to do a chore that is usually the other person’s job, makes many brownie points. Ask your partner to write a list of 10 acts of service that are important to her/him. Then ask that the list be prioritized. Each week choose one or two of these acts to willingly perform. You may be surprised by the list. (We often as-sume that what is important to our

partner is what was important to our parents. Not necessarily so.) Gary Chapman suggests completing the task and then posting a note: “To --------- with love.”

Physical TouchPhysical touch may be the pri-

mary language of love for only one of the partners. While it is a basic human need, some need it much more than others – and in different ways. Some want a gentle touch, a stroke on the cheek, a gentle pat on the back, or spooning at bedtime. Others prefer a firm hug, or a back, hand or foot massage. For some, physical touch is embarrassing in public and welcome in private. Touching on a regular basis makes more intimate love-making even more desirable. It is important to know the when, how, how much, and how often quotient of your partner. Be sure to avoid any touch, which makes your partner uncom-fortable. Each may well have a very different physical touch love language.

There is no one right language of love. Each of you may have very different preferences and priori-ties in being able to hear and feel that the other person really loves you. Enjoy talking these ideas over with your partner and pick up Gary Chapman’s book, “The Five Love Languages” in which you can fill out your own love language profile.

Next issue I will discuss temperament and how your temperament affects your relationships. To schedule an appoint-ment, call 415-492-0720.

� FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 www.familyworks.org

Stop the Recession Obsession!Why America Must Nix the Negativity and Embrace the Positive Energy Cure

You’re not imagining it: America is in a funk. Certainly, you’re feeling the stress and anxiety in the workplace. And everywhere else you go—the post office or the grocery store or your child’s school—you hear people talking about the recession. Grimly reporting the latest tidbit of bad eco-nomic news. Making dire predictions about soup lines, crime waves, and bank collapses. And those not spouting doom seem to be drifting around in a dull fog. According to author Jon Gordon, this national case of the blues not only feels bad, it perpetuates the dilemma we’re in.

“A society in a state of depression can’t think its way out of a crisis,” says Gordon, author of international bestseller “The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy” (Wiley, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-4701002-8-8, $21.95) and its follow-up, The “No Com-plaining Rule: Positive Ways to Deal with Negativity at Work” (Wiley, 2008, ISBN: 978-0-4702794-9-6, $19.95). “People are disengaged. Our minds are cluttered with fearful thoughts, and our life force feels like it’s draining away.

“Yes, we are in a tight spot and we’re going to have to innovate our way out of it,” he adds. “But before we can even begin to tackle our economic and social issues, we’re going to have to get to an emotional place where we’re able to move forward. We have to be able to do our best work, and right now that’s not happening. It can’t happen.”

The stress Americans are feeling is beginning to have serious conse-quences. The American Psychological Association says that as many as 80 percent of us are stressed about our personal finances and the economy. A poll recently released by the American Sleep Foundation indicates that one-third of Americans are losing sleep over these issues. And a CNN feature that aired just a few days ago addressed the fact that more and more Americans are popping pills—sleeping pills in particular—to deal

with our anxiety.Obviously, pills are not the answer. But what is? Gordon

sums it up in two words: positive energy. America needs an infusion of good old-fashioned posi-

tive thinking—followed up, of course, with positive action. And because

our economy is made up

America will never beable to move forward if wecan’t shake our national case ofthe blues. Jon Gordon, author of “TheEnergy Bus” and “The No Complaining Rule,” explainswhy positive energy is our ticket out of the recession.

FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 9www.familyworks.org

of organizations, which are made up of indi-viduals, he’s aiming his deceptively simple prescription right at you.

That’s right. You. Whether you’re a leader, an employee, or a temporarily-out-of-work job seeker, Gordon says you need to call a mora-torium on the naysaying and start practicing positivity. Doing so may not change the world, but it will change your world—in profound and often surprising ways.

Gordon’s not talking about pollyanna positivity, but rather the kind of resilience and mental toughness that leaders and change agents have drawn upon throughout history to overcome adversity and change the world.

“Over the years I’ve done lots of research on the positive effects of being positive and the negative effects of being negative,” he says. “The research is clear. It really does pay to be positive, and the benefits include enhanced health and longevity, happiness, career advancement, athletic performance, team building, and financial success. Being positive is not just a nice way to live. It’s the way to live.”

Of course, you’re only one person. But imag-ine what could happen if everyone in America made the decision to opt-out of the recession simply through the power of positive energy? There is little doubt the net result would be, well, positive. Gordon offers the following insights:

We Are the EconomyWe can make it whatever we want it to be.

“America needs to realize that the economy is not some abstract entity separate from us,” says Gordon. “The economy is us. YOU and I are the economy. Our thoughts, behaviors, actions, and mood collectively create it. Government can try to manipulate our actions through tax plans, regulations, incentives, etc., but in a nutshell, WE are the economy.

“Our collective mood, productivity, innova-tion, positive energy, and execution determines whether the economy is thriving or in a reces-sion,” he says. “Paying our mortgage helps the economy. Working hard helps the economy. Starting a business helps the economy. Making a product the world needs helps the economy. Replacing our psychology of fear with a psy-chology of trust helps the economy.”

Negativity is a Major Money Drainer.

In his book “The No Complaining Rule,” Gordon lays out some thought-provoking statistics. Here are just a few of them:

Negativity costs the U.S. economy be-tween $250 and $300 billion every year in lost productivity, according to the Gallup Organization. And this number is conser-vative since it doesn’t take into account the ripple effect of complaining and negativity.

Ninety percent of doctor visits are stress-related, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, and the number one cause of office stress is coworkers and their com-plaining, according to Truejobs.com.

A study found that negative employees can scare off every customer they speak with, for good!

Conversely, There is a Proven Link Between Positive Energy and Profitability

Daniel Goleman, the author of “Emotional Intelligence,” says a positive company with a positive corporate culture will outperform its negative counterparts every time. And here are a few other facts Gordon cites in “The Energy Bus”:

Ninetypercent of

doctor visits are stress-related,

according to the Centers of

Disease Control and Prevention

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10 FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 www.familyworks.org

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continued from page �

Teen girls need extra luggage whether the trip is for three days or three

weeks. They dress in perfect outfits and full makeup to fetch ice two

rooms away, making the typical $15 fee airlines charge for the first checked

bag seem like a good place to stop. Weigh their luggage before leaving

home so that you don’t land the $50 to $300 in fees for bags over 50 lbs. Teen

boys require a check to see if they have more than one change of clothing no matter if the trip is for three days or

three weeks. Stow away an empty duffle bag inside

another piece of luggage ready for its ex-panded role on your return trip. What’s a trip without souvenirs?

Get to the airport 90 minutes before takeoff, which means you tell everyone in the family two hours. This is simple economics. You will save yourself a lot of cursing, and your run to the gate will be at a leisurely pace, which affords you time pick up the items you will drop on the way.

Unless your rental car comes with a GPS, MapQuest side trips before leaving home. Pack the directions in the diaper bag so the intended party isn’t likely to see that you doubt his abilities so far in advance.

Heavy sighs and haggard looks can only mean one thing: Mom and dad need that well-deserved trip – back home. Packing for your return can be ap-proached from two angles - nice or easy. “Nice” involves a trip to the laundromat so that you return home with clean clothes. Easy means stuffing plastic bags and shoving them into your suitcases for later.

Smart travelers reserve an extra vaca-tion day for either the home or the away package. They either stay at home to

catch up on laundry and sleep, or leave the kids at relatives for a restful day a local bed and breakfast.

Yes, family trips help us remember that there’s no place like home - until

Packing Up Your Troublesfor a Flight with the Family

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FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 11www.familyworks.org

Taking Advantage of “DownTime”FamilyWorks has launched its latest educational series,

“DownTime,” a new program to help families who are facing financial challenges, economic adversity, and/or dealing with the after-effects of job loss. Free seminars, sliding-scale groups and individual counseling services provide support during emotionally and financially difficult times.

As state joblessness approaches 10 percent, even Marin County is not immune to the effects of the recession, with county job loss topping an average of 6.6 percent. Job loss is even higher in San Rafael and Novato (7.8 percent) and Fairfax (10.2 percent). That means that more than 5,500 Marin households have at least one family member out of work, often for an extended period.

The “DownTime” program will help these families deal with a variety of critical issues that accompany job loss:

• Explaining job loss to children• Keeping the job search in perspective• Focusing on family values and time together• Making time to maintain loving relationships• Coping with depression, self-doubt, anxiety and fearAccording to Mary Jane DeWolf Smith, executive director

of A.P.P.L.E. FamilyWorks, “Difficult as it may be for the person who has been laid off, it is often the family that suffers most.” She added, “We chose the name ‘DownTime’ to emphasize that this can be an excellent opportunity to reconnect with family and core values, so that the search for a new job doesn’t jeopardize supportive relationships.”

To find out more about the “DownTime” services and the free introductory seminars, visit www.familyworks.org, or call (415) 492-0720.

1� FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 www.familyworks.org

Child-Centered Co-ParentingParentswhoarelivingapartlearnhowtoraisetheirchildrenharmoniously,keepchildren“outofthemiddle”andsafelyineachoftheirlives.Parentsattendinseparateclassesandlearnto:

• Dealwitheachother respectfully

• Increasecooperation

• Makeco-parenting decisionscalmly

• Dividechild-rearing tasksequitably

• Manageconstantly shiftingschedules

• Stoptantrumsanddawdling

• Designconsequences thatwork

• Endrudeness&backtalk


Viewing Life Today•BeingaProactiveParent•IdentifyingYourUniversalPrinciples

Growing Great Kids•UnderstandingHowKidsWork•EnsuringGoodnessofFit•MakingWorkFun

Listening and Talking•ListeningEffectively•DecreasingImpulsiveBehavior

Problem Solvingthat Gets Results•UsingtheMagical“When...Then”•DesigningChartsthatGetResults•Revamping“TimeOut”

Feeling More Confident•BeingPositiveandPersistent•SharingSuccesses•SettingPositiveConsequences


P o s i t i v e& P e a c e f u l

ParentingLearn Keys to Increasing:•Cooperation•Self-esteem•Responsibilty


ExploringMotherhoodFor Expectant & New Mothers (and infants birth to 9 months)



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Parenting ProgramsTheMostEffectiveParentingProgramsEverParentingiscomplicatedandchallenging.Workandfamilypressuresarehuge.FamilyWorks’parentingserieshelpsthewholefamilythrive.Parentshavefunastheylearnthemosteffectivetoolstoguidetheirchildren,ofallagestobecooperative,responsibleandcaring.

FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 1�www.familyworks.org

Assessment and ConsultationUsingtemperamentprofilesanddevelopmentalassessments,parentsandchildrenwilllearnpositiveskillsanddesignbehaviorplansthatmaximizeeachchild’spotential.



Therapy with TeensFamilyWorks’skilledtherapistsworkwithadolescentstosupporttheirjourneytoadulthood.Usingvariousformsofexpressiveartstherapy,interactiveplay/exercisesandoutdooractivities,teensfindnewwaystoresolveproblems,buildgreaterself-esteemandenhancetheirsocialskillsinwaysthatsupporttheirhealthygrowthanddevelopment.


• LifeStage Transitions• Anxiety• Abuse• Depression

• Anger&Conflict• Improved Self-Esteem• Grief&Loss• Stress

CouplesCounseling and Family TherapyConcerns,hopesanddreams,aswellaspracticalandeffectiverelationshiptoolsareexplored.Theresultisincreasedunderstandingandempathy,morecooperationandmorefuninfamilylifethrough:

• ManagingChildBehavior

• ResolvingHurts andConflicts

• DealingwithAnxiety, Depressionand Addictions

• SharingChildRearing

• PlanningforPlay

• ManagingAnger




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Therapywith ChildrenWithChild-centered“playrooms,”andawidevarietyofexpressivearts,includingFamilyWorks’specializedsand-traymaterials,children“play”inwaysthatallowthemtobringtheirthoughtsandemotionstothesurface.Aschildren’sexperiencesandknowledgearemoreandmorefreelycommunicatedthroughplay,thetherapistworkswiththosethemesasavehicleforself-acceptanceandemotionalregulation.

GroupsDownTime: Learnstrategiesforcopingwithfinancialstress.Reduceanxietyanddepressionrelatedtoeconomicuncertainty.Strengthenfamilyconnectionsandresiliency.Cool Communication: Learntotaketheconflictoutoffamilycommunicationwithtime-testedangermanagementandemotionalregulationtechniquesthatwillbringharmonytoyourhousehold.

1� FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 www.familyworks.org

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FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 1�www.familyworks.org

For example, lately my boys have been working to achieve the status of potty master. Unfortunately, only one twin is interested in this particular merit badge.

Grant is the potty master at our house. He has been for some time. His twin, Andrew, has no interest and no shame. So, having tried everything else, I started the gold star program. It’s using the big potty that’s problematic, not the little chairs - pooping in particular.

So poops on the potty get a gold star on the chart. Then yesterday, Andrew was in the bathroom cheering Grant on “come on Grant, you can do it! Get us another gold star!”

We gently tried to tell Andrew he needed to earn his own gold star, but he insists Grant can earn gold stars for both of them. What’s a mother to do?

“Boys will be boys,” is another phrase I often recall, especially after our re-cent bout of snow days. And my two small boys used up every clean sheet

By Laurel Porterfield

in the house to make indoor igloos that wouldn’t melt.

In an effort to redirect them, I told them they could make igloos out of the play dough that we made. We started with such pretty colors, but somehow the boys created gray, which they thought was really cool. And they made rocks. It kept them entertained for hours.

The next day we made cookies, which, miraculously, also turned out gray in color. The boys made trains, planes, and more rocks - and rock men. I was beginning to catch on. Maybe this was a boy thing?

And watching them work, so engaged in their work, so creative and clever, so happy to have me be a part of whatever they are doing and to show me their cre-ations, I’m reminded of another phrase, “This too shall pass”.

I’m reminded that one day I’ll be able to pass a McDonalds without anyone speculating about the toy of the week - a day when the drive through window

attendant will not be on a first name basis with me - a day when the food will be more important then the plastic toys received.

We are gradually getting over the days when I was fearful of taking the boys places because they didn’t listen or had frequent melt downs if things didn’t go their way. The end of the terrible twos, the end of hearing my boys echo to each other what I’ve just said to them, “Grant, you’ve got to listen,” and, “This is not a game, Andrew.”

Once my older son was asked what his brothers’ names were and he answered promptly, “Their names are Andrew Wait and Grant Stop.” I didn’t have to wonder where he got that.

And when I’ve had a trying day, it has helped me to remember what my pediatrician told me, “Little kids have little problems. Big kids have big prob-lems.”

To that I can only add, Amen.

The Charms and Challenges of Raising Twins

Life with twins is a wonderful adventure. That’s just one of the key phrases that I repeat often to myself to help me keep my sanity.

1� FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 www.familyworks.org

Humane Society. My goal was for the money to go towards the purchase of a new washer and dryer for the shelter, and I’m very proud to learn that the money we raised has helped the shelter make those purchases. The timing of this article is rather bittersweet. As I prepare to graduate from high school in June, I’m also preparing to say goodbye to my family at the shelter. No matter where I am, however, I will carry my passion of animals with me forever.

Natasha Badaa is the 2008 Marin Humane Society Youth Volunteer of the Year. For more information about becoming a Marin Humane Society volunteer, visit MarinHumaneSo-ciety.org.

Marin Humane Society Student Volunteer of the Year Reflects onHer Experiences

Over the past four years, I have successfully established an identity for myself: the dependable volunteer. I started volunteering at the Marin Humane Society just a few weeks before Hurricane Katrina. I was inspired by the heroism I witnessed as the shelter welcomed hundreds of animals abandoned in New Orleans. It was that fervent inspiration that has driven me to become the enthusiastic volunteer I am today.

By Natasha Badaa

My experiences at the shelter have been life-changing. I have found mentors in the staff and friends in the animals. Twice a week for four years I have donated my time to vol-unteering at the shelter. Twice a week for four years I have mopped floors, filed papers, cleaned windows, and socialized the animals. Twice a week for four years I have witnessed heroism, friendship, and dedication. The shelter has not only taught me about hard work, love, and medicine, but also helped me realize my desire to become a veterinarian.

I must admit that my volunteer experience hasn’t been without its bumps. After a summer of volunteering in the clinic I discovered that I needed to improve my animal-han-dling skills. This was a disappointment, but I was lucky: Gail Ellis, the education coordinator, helped me practice animal socialization. Since that summer, I have become known as the “cat whisperer” because the results of my practice have enabled me to attract even the most stressed feline.

My most valuable experience has been the dog-wash fund-raiser I organized last Spring. With the help of my friends and the community, we were able to raise $250 for the Marin

FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 17www.familyworks.org

keeping a secret from them. Be as hon-est and open with them as often as you can.

Share a unified messageIn the business world, when a manage-

ment team leaks conflicting information, rumors fly and fear and distrust rise. In one instance, the director of nursing at a hospital leaked that there would be no staff cuts. At the same time, the admin-istrative director shared a less reassuring message, that cuts were unlikely, but possible. The mixed messages left staff feeling confused and skeptical. At home, make sure you and your partner are in agreement about what to share and what to keep quiet.

During any kind of crisis that involves your family, the number one prior-ity should be maintaining the lines of communication between you and your partner, asserts Woolf. Make sure that the two of you are on the same page as far as what you will and will not share with the children. And if you have a big announcement, tell your children together to ensure a unified message is conveyed. Seeing the two of you as a unified front will reassure them that you are working together as a family through whatever may come your way.

Give them something to do to helpOne of the worst parts of any crisis is feeling helpless to do anything about it. At the office, employees may be wringing their hands instead of helping to improve your company’s bottom line, simply because they don’t know what they can do. The same is true at home. Children are especially prone to feeling helpless, particularly in an economic crisis that they may not fully understand. Getting them involved will empower them and make

them feel better about the situation at hand.

“Explain to your kids that saving money is very important right now,” suggests Woolf. “Then ask them to help you brainstorm ways the family can save money. And give them a money-saving task that is their responsibility, like turning off lights in unoccupied rooms or gathering old toys and making posters for a family yard sale. Get them involved with lowering your grocery bill by clipping coupons together on Sunday afternoons, or having them help hunt for bargains at the store. Not only will they feel good about being involved, but it creates a new way for you to carve out some quality time together.”

In tough times, it can be easy to fo-cus on all of your problems and end up forgetting how it may be affecting your kids, says Woolf. Handling these issues the wrong way can have long-lasting ef-fects on your relationship with them. It may be hard to do, but worrying a little

To Tell orNot to Tellcontinued from page �

less about your bank account and a little more about your family will do you and your kids some good.

Remember, while this tough economy is difficult, it also provides us with an opportunity to reevaluate the things in life that truly matter, our families and our children. Focusing on them instead of the problems plaguing you at work and at home may be the stress reliever you’ve needed all along.

Jamie Woolf is a regular contribu-tor to Working Mother magazine and founder of The Parent Leader and Pinehurst Consulting, an organization development consulting firm. In her book, “Mom-in-Chief: How Wisdom from the Workplace Can Save Your Family from Chaos,” Woolf addresses real-life quandaries and covers every-thing that career-oriented women need to know to unleash their parenting potential and navigate challenges with skill and grace.

Remember, while this tough economy is difficult, it also provides us with an opportunity to reevaluate the things in life that truly matter, our families and our children.

1� FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 www.familyworks.org

• Positive, optimistic salespeople sell more than pessimistic salespeople. (Martin Seligman)Positive leaders are able to make better decisions under pressure. (Heartmath.org)• Positive people who regularly express positive emotions are more resilient when facing stress, challenges, and adversity. (Several Studies)• Positive people are able to maintain a broader perspective and see the big picture, which helps them identify solu-tions, whereas negative people maintain a narrower perspective and tend to focus on problems. (Barbara Fredrickson)• Positive and popular leaders are more likely to garner the support of others and receive pay raises and promotions and achieve greater success in the workplace.

“Try to envision the sheer volume of creative energy that would be gener-ated if America’s workforce—even half of us, or maybe even a quarter of us—climbed on the Energy Bus,” says Gordon. “We’d roar right out of the re-cession so fast it would stun economic experts.”

Great Leadership Can Get us Through This Crisis

Based on his work with NFL coaches, leaders in education, and countless busi-ness leaders, Gordon came to realize that great leadership is really a transfer of belief. Great leaders share their belief, vision, purpose, and passion with others, and in the process they inspire others to believe, act, and impact. Great lead-ers are positively contagious and they instill confidence and belief in others.

The words “Yes, we can” probably won Barack Obama the presidency, says Gordon. But you don’t have to be the president—or an Obama supporter or a politician for that matter—to help America believe in itself again.

“Great sales managers inspire their salespeople to believe in themselves and their product or service,” he reflects. “Great teachers inspire and empower their students to believe in themselves. Great pastors inspire their congregations to serve and impact the community. Great sports coaches inspire their teams to believe they can win. And the people who have changed the world have been those who instilled in others the confi-dence to step up, serve, take initiative, and create positive change.

“Best of all, you don’t need a title to be a leader,” adds Gordon. “You just need to lead.”Rising from the Ashes

Just as the phoenix rises from the ashes, great ideas and new business ventures are born during economic hardships.

Consider that GE, Disney, and Micro-soft were all born during recessions. It seems that when times are tough people are more open to new ideas, new prod-ucts, and new ways of doing things. “For example,” says Gordon, “smart political and business leaders should be working on alternative energy and green technol-ogies that would lead to great progress and profits. In other words, there’s never been a better time to think big, create your vision, and take action.

“Consider that both the Empire State Building and the Golden Gate Bridge were built during the Great Depression,” says Gordon. “With more people living in fear and fewer people taking initia-tive, the rewards and recognition will be greater for those willing to work hard and dedicate themselves to building a great business, product, service, and vi-sion. As we know, there is no substitute for hard work and now is a time where those with a positive attitude and great work ethic will shine.”

We’re a Nation of Goldfish Learning How to be Sharks

Gordon likes to tell a story about a shark and a goldfish. Gordy the Goldfish lived a comfy life in a fishbowl where he was fed every day—until one day he was accidentally washed away into the ocean. He quickly realized that in his scary new home no one was going to feed him. Sammy the (friendly) Shark came along and told him he must learn to find food on his own.

Your problem is that you are a gold-fish, said Sammy. You are waiting to be fed. That’s fine during the fat times when there are all sorts of people feed-ing you. But you’re in the ocean now. The free food has dried up. Times are a-changing. Things are a little tougher here. You have to work a little harder. You need to be a little smarter. You need to change your thinking. You need to become a shark. Goldfish wait to be fed. Sharks go find food.

“In the end, learning to make his own way in the ocean made Gordy the Goldfish stronger and wiser and more appreciative of the food he caught,” says Gordon. “The same will be true for us.”

“No one is saying that thriving in our new America is going to be easy,” he adds. “But life is a test. Every adversity helps us grow. Negative events teach us what we don’t want so we can focus our energy on what we do want. As individuals, as companies, and as a na-tion, we have been given the great gift of creating something new out of the pieces of the old. Through our faith, positive attitude, and actions, it’s up to us to shape that new reality into what we want it to be.”

Jon Gordon is a speaker, consultant, and author of the international best-seller “The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work and Team with Positive Energy” and “The No Com-plaining Rule: Positive Ways to Deal with Negativity at Work”. Jon’s next book, “Training Camp: What the Best Do Better Than Everyone Else,” will release in May of 2009.

Stop theRecessionObsessioncontinued from page 9

FamilyWorks Magazine - May & June, �009 19www.familyworks.org

In the summer of 2008, Matthew Car-roll decided to work as a counselor at a traditional American summer camp in upstate New York. This trip to New York quickly turned into a journey of discovery. Having just finished Univer-sity in his native country of Ireland only one week before, he thought a couple of months working in a camp would assist in his pursuit of avoiding the real world. It was exactly this mission that made him realize what the world could learn from summer camp.

Everyone is equal – at camp Carroll noticed that the kids dressed the same as the counselors; counselors were dressed the same as kitchen staff; and office staff were dressed the same as the head counselors. You couldn’t distinguish the kids whose parents had saved up for months to send their kids to camp from those who had spent the spare change of a week’s pay.

Everyone is respected - While the campers and American counselors recited the Pledge of Allegiance, the international staff looked on in silence.

What the World Could Learn from Summer Camp

Different faiths and different cultures were respected and tolerated. Coming from Northern Ireland this was not only a novelty but, something that impressed Carroll. People of all faiths were observ-ing Jewish culture with respect, while back home in Northern Ireland, Chris-tians struggle to tolerate the cultures of other Christians.

Camp went back to basics – Mobile phones were banned and internet access was limited. A strong emphasis was put on keeping camp tidy, with everyone sharing in the task of keeping trash off the ground. Carroll was surprised to learn that the kids didn’t seem to miss “the outside world.” Bringing down the veil of technology led to more open conversation between friends, better networking, and the development of new relationships.

Everyone was active and playing - Older kids played with younger kids; brothers played together; twenty-one-year-olds challenged eight-year-olds to games of chess . . . and lost. Kids were able to play outside in a safe environ-

ment the way they used to.So what can the world learn from

camp? In short, to let kids be kids. According to Rodger Popkin, owner/director of Blue Star Camps and past national president for the American Camp Association® (ACA), camp is a human relations laboratory — where people are encouraged to invent and re-invent themselves. The process of self-invention will involve all the build-ing blocks necessary for a life based on self-knowledge, focused purpose, and a well-defined understanding of our personal place in the world.

The American Camp Association® (ACA) works to preserve, promote, and enhance the camp experience for children and adults. ACA-Accredited® camp programs ensure that children are provided with a diversity of educa-tional and developmentally challenging learning opportunities. There are over 2,400 ACA-accredited camps that meet up to 300 health and safety standards. For more information, visit www.ACAcamps.org.

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Bar717ranchFoundedin1930,theBar717Ranchofferschildrenages8-16theopportunitytospendthesummeronabeautifulmountainranch.Campers choose freely from activitiesincluding horsemanship, backpacking,gardening,animalcare,riverswimming,artsandcrafts,photography,music,drama,archery,blacksmithingandceramics.530-628-5992,www.bar717.com

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DEvil’sGulchranchWeofferboysandgirlsopportunitiestoconnectwithandexploreagriculture,theredwoods,grasslands,andcreeksofWestMarin.Campershelpwithfarmchores,feedandcareforouranimals,learntraditionalskills, and discover the outdoors. Weemphasize free play, nature awareness,agriculture,andoutdoorrecreation.415-662-1099.

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lovE2DancEsuMMErcaMPsWe offer excitement while providinganopportunitytoexpresscreativityandincrease self-esteem. Studentswill learnhip-hop,jazz,&noveltystylesofdance,andparticipateinarts&craftsallsettothemes.Severalcampswillalsoincludeeducationalenrichment.Eveningseminarsareavailableforteens&adults.415-898-3933.

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acting,improv,photomodeling.Improvecommunication & audition skills, buildconfidence. June/July/Aug. 9:30AM-3:00PM.Extendedcare8AM-6PM.Marin,MillValley@MarinHorizon.SF:9thAvenearGeary.JudyBerlin415.440-4400www.kids-on-camera.com$275-375

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MarinshaKEsPEarEcoMPanyWe make Shakespeare fun! MarinShakespeare Company offers summercampsforages5-7,8-12,andteenagers.LocationsinSanRafael,Ross,andNovato.AlsocheckoutourpopularTennis/Dramacamp.Detailsatwww.marinShakespeare.org,orphone415/499-4487.

MarinTrEKssuMMErsciEncEcaMPMarinTreksinvitesyoutojoinourexcitingscience camp to study and handle ourunique collection of live animals. Meetinsects, reptiles, amphibians; experienceanarchaeologicalexpedition;exploretheamazingworldofbatsandraptors.Naturecrafts round out this dynamic program.1st – 5th grade. Brian 415-250-0988 orbrian@marintreks.com.Offeredthrough

theNovatoParks&Rec.Dept.MarinWalDorFschoolPreschool&Kindergartencamp(3.7years-5.6years),&enteringFirst&Secondgradecamp. Three two-week sessions: June22-July3,July6-17,July20-31. 8:30am-12:45pmor3:15pm.$475pertwo-week.755IdylberryRoad,SanRafael,CA94903.www.marinwaldorf.org. 479.8190 ext.102

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offun!CampheldatTheOptimaLearningCenter in Novato (near Downtown).Mornings and Afternoons offered. Seewebsiteforpricingandcompleteschedule.www.novatopianoschool.com721-1929

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