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Working for non-discrimination and equality

• 24thAnniversaryofFWLD

• TakeawayonCitizenship/LegalAid

• TakeawayonInclusiveTransitionalJustice

• TakeawayonReproductiveHealthRights

• TakeawayonCEDAWShadowReport

• TakeawayonBeijing+25

• TakeawayonHumanTrafficking

• TakeawayonGenderBasedViolence

• TakeawayonLegalAid

• TakeawayonFWLD’sSupplementaryActivities

Vol. 10 Year 3 Apr-June, 2019

24th Anniversary of FWLD

FWLD celebrated its 24th anniversary at Hotel Kaze Durbar, Kamalpokhari on 29 May 2019. The Chief guests for the celebration were Ex Chief Justice Honorable Kalyan Shrestha and Honorable Justice of the Supreme Court Sapana Pradhan Malla. The celebration was an opportunity to meet and greet the board members, general members and for the old staffs of FWLD as well. It was an FWLD reunion.Also, the award for Best Staff was also awarded and FWLD would like to congratulate Mr. Kritagya Rai and Ms. Dechen Lama for receiving the award of the Best Staff Award.


FWLD jointly with the Province No. 1 Provincial Network on Citizenship Rights had conducted a provincial level TOT (Training of Trainers) on the issue Citizenship and Vital Registration Laws and the Decisions of the Judiciary on Citizenship on 28-30th April, 2019 at Province No. 1, Biratnagar. In the inaugural session, Honorable Hikmat Kumar Karki, Minister of Internal Affairs and Law for Province No. 1; Deputy Mayor of Biratnagar Metropolitan Indira Karki; Chudamani Acharya, Chief Attorney General of Province 1, Bandhu Pokharel, President, Morang Journalist Association opined their views.

3 representatives from 14 districts of Province 1 were provided with the TOT. The representatives included chairperson, secretary of the respective ward followed by the members of the Provincial Network on Citizenship Rights.

Similarly, FWLD conducted on meeting of the Provincial Civil Society Network on Citizenship Rights on 30th April, 2019 at Province 1, Biratnagar. The meeting decided to address all the work regarding citizenship in their respective districts since the formation of the network along with the upcoming work to be conducted in their respective districts regarding citizenship.

On the final day of the program, Morang District Court judge Hon’ble Raju Khatiwada distributed the certificates to the participants.

Training for Trainers (TOT) to the elected government representatives, local officials and the members of Provincial Level Networks on citizenship rights

Province 1

Province 3 Province 5FWLD conducted Training for Trainers (TOT) to the elected government representatives, local officials and the members of Provincial Level Networks on citizenship rights from 20th-22nd May, 2019 at Sap Falcha, Babarmahal. A total of 20 participants from 10 districts of Province 3 attended the training. They were trained on the concept of legal identity, citizenship, legal provisions there to and Nepal’s human rights obligations along with the decisions rendered by the Supreme Court of Nepal on citizenship. A meeting of Provincial Civil Society Network of Province 3 was also conducted on 22nd May, 2019.

FWLD conducted a Training of Trainers on legal identity to

elected local government representatives and Local

Registrars/Officials at Province 5, Butwal on

June 13-15, 2019. A total of 58 participants

were present on the opening session

of the training. Honorable Kul Prasad

KC, Minister of Internal Affairs and

Law graced the training as chief guest while the guests included

Mayor, Deputy Mayor of Butwal Sub Metropolitan, Joint Attorney of Butwal

High Court, representative from NHRC, President of the High Court

Bar Association of Butwal and District Court Bar Nawalparasi, representative of Federation of

Journalist and other particpants from different districts of province 5 and the representatives

from the provincial civil society network, Butwal.

Advocacy meeting on the Implementation of the Concluding Observations of CEDAW Committee on Legal IdentityNational Women Commission in support of FWLD conducted an Advocacy meeting on the Implementation of the Concluding Observations of CEDAW Committee on Legal Identity on 25th June, 2019. The program was chaired by Mr. Dipendra Kafle, Secretary, National Women Commission.

The program was attended by parliamentarians, representatives from Home Ministry and Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens. The CEDAW Follow-up Committee members were also present at the meeting.

Discussion program on the reasonable implementation of the Constitution and perspective of women lawyer in the Citizenship Act Amendment Bill 2075

FWLD in collaboration with Supreme Court Bar Association organized discussion program on the reasonable implementation of the Constitution and perspective of women lawyer in the Citizenship Act Amendment Bill 2075 on 26th June, 2019 at Indreni Banquet. Honorable Sashi Shrestha, Chairperson of State Affairs Committee graced the program as chief guest. More than 40 participants attended the discussion program and put forward their opinions on the shortcomings of the current Bills. The members of parliament also attended the program as participants.


In Collaboration with the District TJ Network of Banke, FWLD and International Alert organized a Community Level Dialogue at Baijjanath-4, Tilapur Banke on 6th April 2019. The dialogue was conducted on “Different Forms of Misdemeanors in the Community Due the Use of Drugs Especially the Youth” where representatives of the local political parties, youth clubs, mother’s groups, police, locals and other social workers were involved. Advocate Rup Narayan Shrestha, a Secretary of FWLD was also presented in the dialogue where he articulated major legal provisions and also highlighted that minor disputes of civil nature can be dealt through facilitators or judiciary committee in the community level as well.

FWLD and International Alert in collaboration with the District TJ Network Dang conducted a Community Dialogue on “Perception of the Community towards the Conflict Victims” on 2nd April, 2019 at Rampur Bhattetar, Ghorahi Sub-metropolitan- 2 where 20 participants including representatives of Community Development Committee and Community Forest Consumer’s Committee, Teachers and Conflict Victims were presented.

Similarly, a District Level Dialogue was held on “Current Situation of Injured Conflict Victims and the Role of the Stakeholders in Addressing their Needs” on 3rd April, 2019 at Ghorahi Sub-metropolitan -15, Dang. 24 participants consisting Ward Presidents, other ward representatives and families of injured conflict victims were presented.

FWLD and International Alert conducted community level dialogues on Social

Cohesion and Community Reconciliation in regard to armed conflict and conflict

victims in Banke and Dang. First dialogue was conducted on 21st April 2019 in Naulopur

, Baijjanath Rural Muncipality-4 where 27 people including Ward President, Badhghar,

local leaders of political parties, social workers, conflict victims and locals were presented. Similarly, another community

level dialogue was held on 26th April, 2019 at Okhara, Ghorahi Sub-metropolitan city-17. Total 22 people including teachers, members

of the community forest, Matau, local leaders of political parties, conflict victims and locals

were presented out of them 13 were female and 9 were male.

A community level dialogue on conflict resolution was conducted at Kalari rural municipality ward 7 in Kailali district on

2nd May, 2019. The dialogue was focused on increasing number of use of drugs amongst

youth of Kailari and measures to be taken to control. In the even Mr Kamal Chaudhary,

president of the ward expressed his commitment to allocate budget to conduct

youth centric programs and plans.

In collaboration with the district TJ network, FWLD and International Alert conducted a

district level dialogue on “Access to Education of the conflict victims’ Children and Roles

of Stakeholders” at Ghorahi-15, Dang on 3rd May, 2019. The dialogue was aimed to discuss on increasing access to education of conflict

victims’ children and seek commitment from stakeholders in this regard. Total 20

participants including chief of Ghorahi City Development, President of PABSON,

Director of Human Welfare and Environment Conservation Centre, Professors, journalist,

former justice, students, conflict victims, and human right committees were presented in

the dialogue.

Handing over of the contributing support amounts for constructing memorizations of conflict victims

FWLD concluded agreements and handed over contributing support amounts for constructing memorizations of conflict victims in Bardiya and Kailali districts on 22nd and 23rd May 2019 respectively. In Bardiya, the Badhaiyatal Rural Municipality is going to construct a Marty’s Gate at Jagatiya-5 whereas in Kailali district, the Kailari Rural Municipality is going to build a Waiting Spot at Hasuliya, Kailari-1 in the memories of conflict victims. FWLD is supporting them for implementation of good cause. The cheques were handed over by advocate Meera Dhugana, president of FWLD to the consumer’s committees in the presence of President and Vice-President the rural municipalities, Ward Presidents, representatives of the consumer’s committees, district TJ Network members, conflict victims, civil society members and media.

FWLD conducted a function to conclude an agreement and handover the support amount for constructing a Waiting Spot in the Memory of Conflict Victims at Bargadi, Ghorahi – 17 of Dang district on June 12, 2019. The cheque was handed over by advocate Meera Dhugana, president of FWLD to Mr. Chhallu Chaudhary, president of the Marty Waiting Spot Construction Consumer’s Committee along with Mr. Prakash Chaudhary, a Secretary of the Committee. The event was attended by ward representatives, TJ Network members, civil society members, media persons, and conflict victims.

FWLD conducted a function to conclude an agreement and handover the support amount for constructing a Martyr’s Gate in the Memory of Conflict Victims at Bankatwa, Baijjanath rural municipality- 5 of Banke district on June 14, 2019. The agreement was concluded between advocate Meera Dhugana, president of FWLD to Mr Tilak Raj Oli, president of the Marty and Disappeared Persons Memorial Gate Construction Consumer’s Committee. The chief guest of the event was Mr Man Bahadur Ruchal Thakuri, Chairperson and Ms Sharada Regmi B.K, Vice-chairperson of the Baijjanath rural municipality, Mr. Man Bahadur Khatri chairperson of ward 5, members of the committee, representatives of FWLD and IA, media persons, conflict vicitms and TJ network members.


Orientation program with Journalist on Women’s Reproductive Health Rights and Rights against Child Marriage was held on 5th April 2019 at Province 5, Nepalgunj. This program was organized by CRR and FWLD. The program was facilitated by Mr. Shiva Gaunle, Adv. Sabin Shrestha, Adv. Purna Shrestha, Adv. Prabhakar Shrestha, Adv. Nabin Kumar Shrestha and Adv. Basanta Gautam.


Orientation Program on Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Right with Media Person was held on 3 May 2019 in Ilam Bazar. The program was Chaired by Mr. Tanka Prasad Chaudhari, Chief of Health Office of ilam and facilitated by Adv. Nabin Kumar Shrestha and Mr. Kedar Bhandari. The program was Organized by Health Office of ilam, Ipas Nepal and FWLD.

Orientation Program on Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Right with Media Person was held on 6th June, 2019 in Gamgadi, Mugu District. The program was facilitated by Adv. Nabin Kumar Shrestha and Mr. Lok Bahadur Bishwokarma. The program was Organized by Health Office of ilam, Ipas Nepal and FWLD.

FWLD and Ipas Nepal jointly organized Province Level Advocacy Meeting on Reproductive Health Right and Safe Abortion at Gandaki Province, Pokhara on 9th April, 2019. Hon’ble Nardevi Pun, Minister, Ministry of Social Development attended the program as a chief guest and Hon’ble Srijana Sharma, Deputy Speaker of Provincial Parliament of Gandaki Province. Over 15 parliamentarians, Chief Attorney of Pokhara High Court, secretary of Ministry of Social Development, Head of Health Department of Province attended the program along with more than 50 concerned stakeholders and media persons.


FWLD and Ipas Nepal jointly organized Province Level Advocacy Meeting on Reproductive Health Right and Safe Abortion at Province No. 1, Biratnagar on 11th April, 2019. Hon’ble Jeevan Ghimire, Minister, Ministry of Social Development, attended the program as a chief guest and Hon’ble Rajeev Koirala, Leader of Opposition Party of Provincial Parliament of Province No. 1 as a special guest. Over 12 parliamentarians, Attorney of Morang District Court, secretary of Ministry of Social Development, Head of Health Department of Province attended the program along with more than 55 concerned stakeholders and media persons.

Workshop meeting on Draft of Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Right Regulation

Workshop with journalists on Media Toolkit on Reproductive Health Rights and Right including safe abortion

Workshop meeting on Draft of Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Right Regulation in Kath-

mandu on 13th and 14th June, 2019. The workshop was coordinated by Ministry of Health

and Population and supported by CRR and FWLD.

Workshop with journalists on Media Toolkit on Reproductive Health Rights and Right including safe abortion was held on 20 - 21 June 2019 at Nagarkot. The program was jointly organized by Ipas Nepal and FWLD and facilitated by Adv. Nabin Kumar Shrestha, Mr. Ram Chandra Khanal, Mr. Laxman K.C., Ms. Noreen Fagun, Mr. Pitamber Sigdel and Mr. Deepak Dahal.

3 days Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health training program (ASRH)to Health Facility Operation and Management Committee (HFOMC) Youth member was held on 2 to 4 May 2019 in Ilam bazar. The program was chaired by Mr. Tanka Prasad Chaudhari, chief, health office of Ilam and facilitated by Mr. Ram Chandra Khanal, Ms. Madhuri Gyawali, Adv. Nabin kumar shrestha and Mr. Kedar Bhandari. The program was organized by health office of Ilam, Ipas Nepal and FWLD.


Youth Friendly Service (YFS) and Stigma Reduction Orientation program on Safe Abortion Service with Service Provider was held on 22nd and 23rd May 2019 at Lahan, Siraha district. This program was organized by Health Office Siraha with supported by Ipas Nepal and FWLD. The program was chaired by Family Planning Supervisor and facilitated by Adv. Nabin kumar shrestha, Mr. Laxman K C and Mr. Majebul Alam.

YFS and Stigma Reduction Orientation program on Safe Abortion Service with Service Provider was held on 5th and 6th June, 2019 at Gamgadi, Mugu district. This program was organized by Health Office Siraha with supported by Ipas Nepal and FWLD. The program was chaired by Health Officer of District Hospital and facilitated by Adv. Nabin kumar shrestha and Mr. Lok Bahadur Bishwokarma.

Discussion Program on “Implementation of Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Right Act

The Discussion Program on “Implementation of Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Right Act 2075” was organized on 24th June 2019. The Program was chaired by Mr. Dipendra Kafle, Secretary of National Women Commission. Hon’ble Dr. Surendra Kumar Yadav, State Minister of Ministry of Health and Population attended the program as Chief Guest and Dr. Pushpa Chaudhary, Secretary of Ministry of Health and Population attended the program as a guest. Welcome speech and objective

was highlighted by Ms. Kalpana Khatiwada, Under Secretary of National Women Commission, whereas Adv. Sabin Shrestha, Executive Director of FWLD highlighted the issue of the Implementation of Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Right Act 2075.

Thank you remarks was given by Adv. Purna Shrestha, Regional Director of CRR. The program was facilitated by Adv Nabin Kumar Shrestha , Program Manager of FWLD.

Reproductive Health Right Working Group meeting

RHRWG meeting was held on May 10, 2019 at National Women Commission office, coordinator of RHRWG. This meeting was chaired by Mr. Dipendra Kafle, secretary of National Women Commission. This meeting was discussed

on strategy of RHRWG on the regulation of Safe motherhood and Reproductive Health Rights.

Reproductive Health Right Working Group (RHRWG) meeting was held on May 31, 2019 in SAP Falcha. This meeting was chaired by Ms. Kalpana Katiwada, under secretary of National Women Commission. The meeting was discussed on strategy of RHRWG on the regulation of Safe motherhood and Reproductive Health Rights.


A meeting of TOR Drafting Coordination Committee was organized to finalize the CEDAW Concluding Observations Implementation Follow up Group Operation Procedure on 8th April, 2019. The meeting had presence of National Women Commission and other members of the Committee. The meeting discussed on the feedback and finalized the draft and decided to submit it to National Women Commission.

A meeting of CEDAW Concluding Observations Implementation Follow Up Group was held on 24th April, 2019. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Dipendra Kafle, Secretary, National Women Commission. The representatives from 40 different organizations attended the meeting. The meeting also finalized the Operation Procedure of the Follow Up Group. Conjointly, a 17 member working committee was formed in the coordination of Mr. Dipendra Kafle through this meeting.

A discussion meeting with Parliamentarians was jointly organized by National Women Commission, CEDAW Concluding Observations Implementation Follow Up Group and FWLD on May 9, 2019. The meeting was chaired by Secretary of the commission. The role of policymakers and future strategies to implement the recommendations were discussed in the meeting.

A discussion meeting with government stakeholders was jointly organized by National Women Commission, CEDAW Concluding Observations Implementation Follow Up Group and FWLD on May 10, 2019. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Dipendra Kafle, Secretary of the Commission and Ms. Bandana Rana, Vice Chair of the UN CEDAW Committee also graced the meeting as guest. The role of government stakeholders and future strategies to implement the recommendations were discussed in the meeting.


Take away on BEIJING +25

Initiation meeting on the way forward for Beijing+25

FWLD conducted a discussion and initiation meeting on the way forward for Beijing+25 on 17th April, 2019 at Sap Falcha. UN CEDAW Committee member and Founder Convener of National Network for Beijing Review Nepal (NNBN), Ms. Bandana Rana attended the meeting along with the representatives from various civil society networks and organizations.

Basically the way forward as to institutionalizing the membership of NNBN, report writing process and other issues were discussed in the meeting.

Inter-generational engagement for the Beijing +25 Review Process

FWLD/NNBN organized a meeting on inter-generational engagement for the Beijing +25 Review Process on 14 May, 2019. The meeting had decided to celebrate in an innovative way. The meeting also decided that the senior leaders will also be engaged. An advisory committee with Ms. Chadani Joshi as the president was formed which includes senior leaders like Indira Shrestha, Dr. Madhuri Singh.

Take away on HUMAN TRAFFICKINGA Consultation Meeting with Media on Emerging Trends of Trafficking in Person

Consultation Meeting with Parliamentarians on the Necessary Reforms in Human Trafficking and Transportation (Control) Act and Foreign Employment Act

A Consultation Meeting with Media was organized by FWLD on Emerging Trends of Trafficking in Person on 30th April, 2019. Mr. Satish Kumar Sharma from PPR Nepal discussed about organ trafficking and Ms. Manju Marasini from CeLRRd spoke on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and it’s link to trafficking. Similarly, Mr. Sabin Shrestha discussed on differentiation between human smuggling and trafficking. Participants had a very fruitful interaction on the issue and the impact of the emerging Trends along with role of media.

FWLD organized a Consultation Meeting with Parliamentarians on the Necessary Reforms in Human Trafficking and Transportation (Control) Act and Foreign Employment Act along with need for Ratification of Palermo Protocol on June 14, 2019. Honorable Krishna Bhakta Pokhrel, Chairperson of Law, Justice and Human Rights Committee graced the meeting and committed to make necessary efforts in order to include the recommendations while the amendment bill is tabled in the parliament.


Training to the Research Enumerators on Research on the Mapping of the Security and Justice System on Gender Based Violence

FWLD conducted a Research Mapping Design Workshop on May 3rd 2019 at Babarmahal Revisited, Kathmandu. The workshop was designed to conduct a discussion among

the government and non-government stakeholders on designing a research mapping

design on Roles of Justice Actors on Gender Based Violence. The program consisted

participants from NWC, Nepal Police, Bar Association, Nepal Law Campus etc. and other

NGOs and INGOs.

Training to the Research Enumerators on Research on the Mapping of the Security and

Justice System on Gender Based Violence was conducted on 6th and 7th May, 2019 at Butwal. The research will be held on 2 each

districts of the 3 provinces (province 2, 5 and Sudurpaschhim Province). The research will

contain KII, observatory research, question and answer to 30 people of each district, FGD etc.

The research are to be conducted in 6 sample districts of these 3 provinces as : Province 2

– Dhanusa and Bara , Province 5 – Rupendehi and Dang , Province 7 – Aacham and Kailali,

where there were 12 practicing lawyers in total handling 2 researchers each in one district.

Research Mapping Design Workshop

Focus Group Discussion

Orientation Program

De-briefing meeting on preliminary findings on Mapping of Security and Justice System on GBV

FWLD organized Focus Group Discussion program with district level security and

justice service providers under Mapping of Security and Justice System on Gender Based

Violence. Total 12 focus group discussions were organized in 2 local level each of 6 research

districts covering 3 Provinces (Province 2, 5, 7).

FWLD jointly conducted the orientation program with International Alert, VSO and MAHURI Home

(the NGO in Province no. 5) on the framework development on implementation of judicial

decision/ verdicts and effectiveness on June 14-15, 2019. The project has been design to provide

learning about works to change social norms of GBV. Similalry, the format of the form designed

on monitoring implementation of court decision and monitoring local judicial committee. In

those forms the civil and criminal cases has been differentiated.

The de-briefing meeting on preliminary findings on Mapping of Security and Justice

System on Gender Based Violence (GBV) was conducted at Equality Now Hall on 28th June,


72 Adarsh Marg

P.O. Box 26538, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal


+977-1- 4240627

Forum for Women, Law & Development (FWLD)http://www.facebook.com/fwld.org





Take away on LEGAL AIDWorkshop on Draft Legal Aid Policy FWLD organized a workshop on Draft Legal Aid Policy on 6 June 2019. The workshop had presence of Mr. Phanindra Gautam, Joint Secretary of Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and various other concerned stakeholders such as civil society organizations along with National Women Commission. The participants gave recommendation on necessary changes on the draft policy and Mr. Gautam along with informing about the status of finalization of the policy made commitments to make the changes in the final policy.



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