Future Generations China

Post on 02-Nov-2014






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Description of the work at FutureGenerations/CHINA


Lasting Livelihoods for a Sustainable China神州大地 生生不息

FutureGenerations• Graduate school and worldwide alliance of

organizations dedicated to applied community development

既是研究生教育机构,亦是全球公益组织联盟成员• Project sites in China, India, Peru and Afghanistan 在中国/印度/秘鲁/阿富汗设有分支机构• Programs in the areas of healthcare, nature

conservation, peace building, income generation, and governance


The process of Seed-Scale 星火燎原

1. Build from successes: find out what is working and strengthen that. 以过往成功经验为基础。

2. Create three-way partnerships: between community, government and community change agents. Without all three change will not be sustainable. 建立三方伙伴关系:在社区、政府和公益组织之间建立合作关系。如果没有三方可持续性的参与,变革将不可能持续。

3. Make decisions based on evidence; not opinions, power or dogma. 以事实为基础进行决策:不依赖个人意见、权力或教条。

4. Seek behavior changes as primary outcomes. 以改变人们的行为模式为目标。

Three-way Partnership 三方合作方式Top-down 自上而下

Bottom-up 自下而上

Outside-in 自外而内

Government, Business, Media政府、企业、媒体

Communities, Citizens社区、市民组织

Non-governmental organizations公益组织( NGO )

Program Expansion 现有项目1. Conservation Tibet 西藏项目

• Publications 出版物• Resource Use 资源利用• Programs 当地特色项目

2. Model Eco-Community Program 生态示范社区项目• Launched in June 2008 2008 年 6 月启动• 35 communities in 4 provinces 分布于四省 35 个乡村• Funded by Fu Tak Iam Foundation 由香港傅厚泽先生资助

• The Green Long March 绿色长征,和谐先锋• Completed second year 成功举办两届• 2009 GLM theme of Energy 2009 年主题——能源• Additional programs: Case Studies and Green Seed Awards 新增项目:案例调研及“绿色播种”奖

Model Eco-Community Program示范生态社区项目

The MEC Program will focus on local and regional training for rural project leaders to develop and expand some conservation projects and scale them up over a 3-year period. Through this program the following needs will be addressed:“示范生态社区”项目着重于对项目带头人的地方培训,同时支持当地发展小型环保项目。项目目标包括:

• Capacity building of local project leaders 社区带头人能力建设• Improved living conditions 改善当地生活环境• Creation of demonstrations sites 建立 “生态社区”示范点

MEC Project Site Map 项目分布示意图

贵州 Guizhou

辽宁 Liaoning

新疆 Xinjiang

宁夏 Ningxia

MEC Program Structure 项目扩展示意图

MEC Long-term Development 项目长期规划

A New Tibetan Word 全新藏文名词

An Idea for China’s Enduring Future为了中国可持续发展的未来

Pen: Benefiting the whole community

潘 造福于社区

De: Good health and happiness

德 健康 幸福

Ba: Worker巴 工作者

Neighbors serving neighbors 邻里间相互帮助 in the remote reaches of protected areas

Nature Conservation 自然环境保护

Teaching Conservation Concepts


Community Development社区发展

Tree Nurseries树木养护Sustainable Forestry森林可持续发展

Good Health and Sanitation 健康卫生教育Green Houses 温室大棚技术Animal Husbandry 畜牧养殖Eco-Tourism 生态旅游

Conservation Management 环保管理

Community Planning 社区规划

The Green Long March 绿色长征

• China’s largest movement of student-led environmental action. 中国最大规模学生环保行动

• Platform for student environmental groups to have a voice, be heard, and affect change at the community level. 为大学生志愿者们提供交流平台,让他们提出想法、倾听问题和发挥作用,为中国的可持续发展作出贡献。

• Working in partnership with government, universities, communities, media, students and corporations, the GLM is an enduring vehicle for environmental change in China. 在活动中,我们与政府、大学、社区、媒体、学生和企业建立了合作伙伴关系,成为一个关注中国环境变化的长期活动。

Green Education 绿色教育



Conservation Awareness Campaigns









Eco - bagcampaign


2008 年 绿色长征


The Green Long March is proud to have received the Mother River Award for its outstanding contribution to environmental protection. 由于在中国环境保护方面所做出的巨大贡献, “绿色长征” 获得了政府颁发的 2009 年“ 母亲河奖” 优秀项目奖第一名。

Marching Forward继续前行 2009 年绿色长征

• Mobilize youth and communities to reduce carbon emissions and tackle climate change. 帮助青年和社区提高环保认识,并促使他们思考如何能够减少碳排放和应对全球变暖问题。

• Conduct national and regional training programs on key environmental energy issues for student environmentalists. 开展全国和地区培训计划,向学生环保志愿者们传授能源与环境问题的核心信息。

• Strengthen information-sharing across university environmental networks. 建立高校环保网络,加强信息分享。

July 2009

Green Long March Regional Training


APRIL 1-6, 2009

GLM National Student Conference at BFU


MAY 12, 2009

Sichuan Earthquake Relief Conducted by Green SOS


November 5- 7, 2009

National Student Forum and Closing Ceremony Beijing

闭幕式暨全国学生论坛July-August 2009

Green Long March Youth Relay Nationwide


April 22, 2009

Nationwide Earth Day Environmental Campaigns

全国性 “地球日” 活动

June 5, 2009

World Environment Day National Student Campaign

全国性 “世界环境日” 活动

2009 年 绿色长征

Yangtze River Route 长江之歌Shanghai Finance University 上海金融学院(上海)

Huazhong Agricultural University 华中农业大学 ( 武汉)

Central South University of Forestry and Technology 中南林业科技大学(长沙)

2009 Case Studies 案例调研

• Framework to explore energy-related success stories both urban and rural.

在中国城乡社区内寻找成功节能案例。• Each of the 20 participating universities will conduct at least

one study. 每个参与高校至少完成一个案例调研项目。• 15 additional studies will be conducted around Beijing. 另有 15 个京内案例调研项目。• Students will spend up to one week in a given community. 学生将利用至多一周时间在社区内调研。• Studies will be made available to public on websites,

newsletters and other GLM publications. 通过网络/电子邮件/其它出版物向公众展示研究成果

Green Seed Awards 绿色播种奖• Volunteers are encouraged to prepare student-

led, community-based and energy-related action plans along the routes, at their universities or in their hometowns. 志愿者们策划了以社区为基础的节能环保活动,并且在长征路线上以及活动参与高校周边社区积极的开展这些项目。

• Project proposals are evaluated by Future Generations China, Beijing Forestry University and the particular route sponsor. 项目的策划方案由美国新一代研究院、北京林业大学和路线赞助商共同审核通过。

• Small grants will be awarded to exceptional student energy action plans. 优秀的学生节能环保方案将得到小额的资金支持。

Yangtze River Route Green Seed Awards 绿色播种

The aim of this project is to create a greener campus environment and also raise environmental awareness among students at China South University of Forestry and Technology (aged 19-24) by creating a potted plant growing campaign. A team of students will grow potted plants from seeds using skills they have learnt from research and training. Once the potted plants have grown, an educational campaign to promote environmental protection and community greening will be launched. Activities include environmental education in primary schools, allowing the young children to develop a respect for nature through caring for plants, and a competition for the best pot plant. Students will also develop their entrepreneurial skills by selling the pot plants they grow. The money raised will be donated to charity.


Green Love Unlimited: A Creative Bonzai Business Idea

What is it like to participate in the GLM? 我们将在绿色长征途中…

Venture in to a community to understand it in the context of local environment, culture and


What is it like to participate in the GLM? 我们将在绿色长征途中…

Organize a campaign in a public square to spread green knowledge and environmental


What is it like to participate in the GLM?我们将在绿色长征途中…

Arrange an eco-bag campaign to cut-down on “white pollution.”


Sponsor Participation赞助企业员工感言“Being a representative from Swire I am grateful that I have the opportunity to participate in such a meaningful event. I was impressed by the strong determination of the students – their aim to increase the social awareness of environmental protection in both urban and rural areas in China. Their passion and enthusiasm enlightened me. We visited villages and talked to different people along our journey, which allowed us to understand more about the local village culture, and more importantly, people’s views and perspectives on the environmental issue. I believe this is only the initial phase of the whole campaign, but the GLM is surely a remarkable milestone, and in terms of moving forward, under the continuous sponsorship from Swire I am sure that more people will get the opportunity to know about our company as well as the green message that we have been publicizing.”

- Dominic, Swire employee

Sponsor Participation赞助企业员工感言

“I loved the GLM—for the interactions with the people. As long as I was interested in learning and understanding and partaking in as much as I could, my new Chinese friends were happy and excited to share with me and teach me. They were gracious hosts; knowledgeable and educated. I am overwhelmed by how much I was able to learn from them and humbled by how little I know of the cultural nuances of their lives.”“My biggest mistake of the trip: saying, “I can’t wait for my Dell computer to die so I can get a Mac” very loudly behind the place where the interview with the Dell representative was being filmed. Oops!”

- Kalyn, Swire employee

I enjoyed being part of a group that had so much passion and drive. Everyone was extremely helpful and caring.I never thought I would visit China’s largest solid landfill! I was amazed by the landfill’s clean, efficient, and resourceful system.

- Hayden, Swire employee

2009 GLM Sponsors

Founding Partner Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsor Sustainable Bronze Sponsor Media Partner

To learn more about The Green Long March and other Future Generations China programs visit our website:欲了解更多关于绿色长征与美国新一代研究院的信息,请访问我们的网站:


Many thanks to the following 2009 GLM sponsors:

感谢 2009 年绿色长征赞助商:

FutureGenerations/CHINA short

To learn more about The Green Long March and other Future Generations China programs visit our website:欲了解更多关于绿色长征与美国新一代研究院的信息,请访问我们的网站:


Many thanks to the following 2009 GLM sponsors:

感谢 2009 年绿色长征赞助商:

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