Funding%innovaon.%% Creang%solu

Post on 24-May-2020






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“The  startup  scene  is  dominated  by  clique  of  venture  capitalist  with  privileged  access”  

-­‐The  Economist,  24  October  2015  

Funding  innova<on.    Crea<ng  solu<ons.    April  2016  

Lorne  Abony  Chief  Execu<ve  Officer  


2  Confiden<al  

What  is  fasPorward?  

FasPorward  is  a  technology  investment  company  that  seeks  out  disrup<ve,  emerging  technologies.  

We  aim  to  bring  investment  opportuni<es  oTen  reserved  for  the  private  market  of  venture  capital  firms  to  the  public  market.  

We  focus  on  innova<ve  solu<ons  in  biotechnology,  educa7on,  and  finance.  


3  Confiden<al  

Our  Mission  To fund innovations that will create future solutions.  

FastForward has access to premier early-stage investment opportunities that were previously available only to private Silicon Valley investors. We are opening a channel of equitable access so the public investor can reap the benefits of outsized returns from early-stage investing.

4  Confiden<al  

Rotary  Phones  evolved  to  Smartphones  

The  phones  in  your  pockets  do  a  lot  -­‐  right  now  have  more  compu7ng  power  than  all  of  NASA  in  1969  when  the  Apollo  11  mission  landed  on  the  moon.  

Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) 64kb of memory

0.043MHZ processing speed

Carried three people 356,000km and landed two men on the lunar surface.

5  Confiden<al  

The  1st  Digital  Camera    Made  by  Kodak  in  1975  

0.01  MP;  3.75  Kg;    Price-­‐  $10,000  

Black-­‐and-­‐white  recording  on  a    cassece  tape:  23  seconds  

Mobile  Digital  camera  2014  >10  MP;  0.03lbs;    

Price  -­‐  $10  1,000  x  the  resolu<on;  1,000  x  lighter;  

1,000  x  cheaper  


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1st  Commercial  GPS  receiver  used  in  1981  Weight:  53lbs    Cost:  $119,900  

Today,  GPS  comes  on  a  0.3  gram  chip  for  less  than  $5.  

Global  Posi<oning  System  

Confiden<al   7  

Early  ICBM  Naviga<on  Iner<al  Measurement  Unit  

1960’s  Cost-­‐  Millions  

50lbs  Velocity/Orienta<on/Accel    



Accelerometer,  Gyroscope  

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Medical  Devices  

9  Confiden<al  

Disrup<on  Will  Occur  in  Every  Industry  Automo<ve   Autonomous  


Communica<ons  Ubiquitous  open  Wi-­‐Fi  networks    

Energy   Prolifera<on  of  Solar    

Finance  Block  chain  and  Digital  Currencies  

Educa<on   Mobile  

Healthcare   A.I.  and  Bionics  

Agriculture   Robo<cs  

10  Confiden<al  

Autonomous vehicles utilize cameras, sensors, global positioning sensors and machine technologiest o maneuver safely without any human intervention at all. Imagine  what  truly  autonomous  cars  might  mean  for  the  elderly  or  the  disabled  –  the  blind,  for  example;  imagine  what  they  might  offer  to  the  freight  haulage  industry,  or  to  public  transport  

Disrup<on  Example:  Robo<cs    

11  Confiden<al  

Overview The rising global demand for quality education is seen as a global megatrend. Growth in this sector is fueled by a worldwide shortage of skilled workers, a rapidly growing middle class and a digital transformation. Education Technology (EdTech) start-ups are well positioned to capture significant market share as this market continues to be disrupted by digitization. Fast Forward currently counts two portfolio companies in the EdTech space


Investment Sector: Education (EdTech) At $5 trillion, the education sector is the second-largest sector in the world, after healthcare

Global education market in US$ trillions, predicted to reach $6.4 trillion by 2017

Unbundling Education As education needs continue to shift, startups in the education space have delivered an unprecendented number of disruptions We believe the un-bundling of the education system will lead to massive disruption of the status quo while creating immense incremental value for students

Schoold Revolutionary college search app leveraging big data science to help users make better decisions in the pursuit of higher education.

EdTech Sector Snapshot: Education Startups in the education space continue to identify areas of massive disruption, and are rewarded for it

14  Confiden<al  

Educa<on  Schoold is a big data-driven college and career counselor mobile app that provides tailored college and career recommendations.

Schoold uses students’ interests, social analytics and machine learning to show relevant career choices sorted by success chances, ROI, and happiness.

By combining public government data and crowdsourcing, Schoold will reliably predict admission chances to various colleges. Additional features include a free on-demand counseling service that leverages multiple virtual “Student Success Managers” at each college.

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Coming  Disrup<ons  to  Banking  

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Thank  you.  


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