Fundamentals of the Christian Faith

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“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to everyman that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” 1 Peter


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Table of Contents Fundamentals of the Christian Faith ........................................................................................................... ............................................. i 

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................. ........................................... ii God’s Love Letter ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 

Common Divisions ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 

Inspiration ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 

Christian Apologetics .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 

Is Christianity True? ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Making the Claim ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 The Four that Matter Most ............................................................................................................................ .................................. 11 Apologia ................................................................................................................................................................ ................................... 11 

Evangelists and Apologists ................................................................................................................................................... ........... 11 Making the Case for Christianity .................................................................................................................................................. 11 he Evidence that Evidence Isn’t the Issue ................................................................................................................................ 12 

The Heart of the Matter ......................................................................................................................................................... ........... 12 A Fool’s Folly: Denying the Undeniable ..................................................................................................................................... 13 

Teaching ............................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ 26 History of Christianity ....................................................................................................................................................................... 26 What to teach to non-believer ............................................................................................................................................ ........... 42 Order of Studies ................................................................................................................... ................................................................ 46 Fundamental Pillars ..................... ...................................................................................................................................................... 48 

Doctrinal Teaching .............................................................................................................................................................................. 52 Knowing ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 66 

The Word of God/ Daniel 2 ........................................................................................................................... .................................. 66 The Nature of God (Godhead) ........................................................................................................................................................ 74 Purpose of God in the Creation of Man ........................................................................................................................... ........... 77 The Great Controversy ...................................................................................................................................................................... 83 Salvation .................................................................................................................................. ................................................................ 91 

Work of the Spirit ..................................................................................................................................................................... ........... 96 The Law of God ............................................................................................................................................ ...................................... 101 The Sabbath ................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... 107 The Antichrist & Mark of the Beast .......................................................................................................................................... 115 The 2nd Coming ............................................................................................................................................ ...................................... 124 Baptism ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ........ 131 

State of the Dead ............................................................................................................................................................................... 134 70 Weeks (Daniel 9) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 138 Judgment I: Sanctuary .................................................................................................................................................................... 143 Judgment II: 1844 ....................................................................................................................................... ...................................... 147 

Witnessing ................................................................................................................................................................................... ........ 154 Christian Living: Adornment ....................................................................................................................................................... 156 Prayer ....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................. 159 

The Destruction of the Wicked (Hell) ...................................................................................................................................... 163 Health ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 172 

Stewardship ................................................................................................................................................................................ ........ 179 

The Remnant Church ...................................................................................................................................................................... 183 

The Gift of Prophecy ........................................................................................................................................................................ 187 The Millennium .......................................................................................... ....................................................................................... 192 

Gift of Tongues ............................................................................................................................................. ...................................... 197 

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God’s Love Letter As we begin our study of the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Let’s first discuss the purpose of thedifferent books of the Bible.

Book Summary

Genesis Discusses from the origin of mankind to the salvation of the chosen people in

Egypt from famineExodus Presents the departure from Egypt, the mighty acts of God on behalf of His

people, and the giving of His Laws along with the sanctuary serviceLeviticus A basic handbook for priests of who they were to carry out their work Numbers Tells more of the story of the children of Israel and their wanderings in the

wildernessDeuteronomy A further explication of the Law of God and how it was to be

observed to maintain the Old Covenant Joshua Focuses on the work of Joshua as a leader of the children of Israel into the

promised landJudges Records the heroic deeds of the judges of Israel between Joshua and SamuelRuth Gives the story of Ruth—which occurred during the time of judges;

I, II Samuel Show the transition from judges to monarchy in the lives of Samuel, Saul,and David

I, II Kings The glory days, division, decline, and fall from David to the northern andsouthern kingdoms

I, II Chronicles A summary of the same things presented in I, II Samuel and I, II KingsEzra andNehemiah

Originally one book, describe the Jews’ return from exile to rebuildJerusalem

Esther Similar to Ruth, this book shows God’s providential care for His people in theface of extermination

Job Deals with the sufferings and afflictions of Job in his vindication of Godagainst the devil’s scathing accusations 

Psalms A collection of 150 psalms by David, Solomon, Moses, Asaph, and otherscovering every aspect of mankind’s relationship with God 

Proverbs A collection of proverbs compiled and mostly authored by Solomonregarding wisdom

Ecclesiastes All is vanity. Solomon’s realization that without God all is vanity. Song of Solomon

A collection of love-poetry

Isaiah A book of the judgments of God upon Israel and hope for them after exileJeremiah Jeremiah’s warnings of the coming destruction of Judah presented with hope

for the coming day of the new covenant Lamentations Poetry lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem, confessing sin, and praying

for divine forgiveness and restorationEzekiel Condemnation before the fall of Jerusalem and hope for the restoration of all

things, including the templeDaniel God is in control; full of classical and apocalyptic prophecyHosea The story of the prophet who was called by God to marry a harlot to show

Israel the spiritual whoredom they had fallen intoJoel A call for repentance in the light of the plagues of God falling; the promise of 

the Holy Spirit’s outpouring  Amos The preaching of the impending judgments of God upon a forward

generation with the promise of restoration to the righteous remnant Obadiah Prophecy of the destruction of EdomJonah The prophet who ran from God rather than save the enemies of God’s people  

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Micah Contemporary of Isaiah; God’s final judgment against sin and the promise of a delivering Messiah

Nahum Prophecy of the downfall of Nineveh; comforting God’s people that theirenemies would soon be wiped out 

Habakkuk  Prophecy in the form of a dialog; questioning leading to faith and affirmationin the rejoicing of the Lord

Zephaniah Judgment and salvation extending to all nations; exhortation to repent;assurance of God’s desire to dwell with a righteous remnant  

Haggai Messages encouraging God’s people to continue the languishing work of rebuilding the temple after the exile; it is a request for the people to whole-heartedly return to God’s work. 

Zechariah Highly symbolic messages about the rebuilding of the temple, looking to the“Day of the Lord”—when God’s people will be restored, the nations arejudged, and God’s kingdom is triumphant  

Malachi Sin and apostasy, coming judgment on the faithless, and blessings to thosewho repent; filled with messianic anticipation

The Old Testament and the New Testament could both be translated Old and New Covenant. Eachcontains God entering into an agreement with His people. The OT agreement is forged in Exodusbetween God and the Jews. In the NT, the agreement is with the followers of Christ. The OT is the NTconcealed; the NT is the OT revealed. The new covenant is the Law of God written in our hearts (Heb8:10; Eze 36:26).

If in the OT they were saved by some means other than the New Covenant, then the NC would not befound in the OT (Isa 51:7)—God’s Law in hearts. 1 Sam 10:9—we receive a new heart. Ps 51:10—aclean heart; David was a prophet (according to Paul) under the Old Covenant; if a man at that timewas saved by keeping the law, David would have asked God to make him keep the law, but Davidunderstood that he needed a new heart; therefore, the OC and NC both have the same method of salvation—not law- keeping, but heart-change (Ps 37:30, 31). Hebrews 11 records non-Jews whowere saved, so then, Salvation, even in the OT, was not merely a Jewish thing. Deut 30:6— 

circumcision, even at the beginning, was to be of the heart, not just as sign of the flesh.

The temporary nature of the ceremonial law is easily seen. Ps 51:16, 17—God doesn’t desiresacrifices and burnt offering. God commanded that sacrifices be made, but He never took pleasure inthem. The meaning if it was what was truly important. It was the NC veiled. Hos 6:6—God desiresmercy above sacrifice. The killing of animals was to point forward to the cross. 1Sam 15:22—reiterates the same point. Isa 1:14—God hated these things because people missed the entire point. If the OC was just about people obeying, why would God hate them obeying? Therefore, there must besomething more to the OC than obedience to the law.

OT examples of the NC (through types of Christ):  Jonah 1, 2 (Jonah, type of Christ)

  Judges 4:1-6, 15-21 (Barak Christ, SisceraSatan, who is crushed)  Exodus 25:8  Numbers 21:4-9 (Absalom, hangs between heaven and earth)

NT feelings toward the old  Matthew 7:12—if the golden rule is a summary of the Law and the prophets, then, is the Law

still with us, or did Jesus do away with the golden rule? If not, then the Law and prophets arenot either.

  Matthew 5:17-19—Jesus came to fulfill, not destroy the Law. Because He fulfilled it, does that mean that it should not be followed? Is earth still here? Then how much has passed from theLaw? If nothing has passed from it, how could it be less applicable to us now?

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  Matthew 3:15-17—Jesus came to fulfill all righteousness  John 5:46, 47—who did Moses write about? If we throw our Moses’ writings, we throw out 

writings about Jesus. Should Christians throw out prophetic writings about Christ? Should wenot believe in Moses since we know that this was the reason for disbelief in Jesus?

  2Timothy 3:15, 16

NT Allusions to the usefulness of the OT Rom 15:4  Rom 1:1, 2  2Tim 4:1-4  Ac 17:1-3  Ac 17:10, 11  Mt 24:15  2Pe 1:4-8  2Cor 1:13  Rom 1:17  Mt 4:1-11

Review: Remember subheading of each book; remember that each testament is written based on a

covenant that God desired to enter into with His people.

Common Divisions New Testament 

Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and JohnHistory ActsEpistles Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and

2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter,1, 2, and 3 John, and Jude

Prophecy Revelation

Old Testament 

The Law Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and DeuteronomyHistory Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra,

Nehemiah, and EstherWisdom/Poetry Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of SolomonProphets Major: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel

Minor: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk,Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi

There are direct parallels between the 2 sets of 4 in the OT and NT. The Gospels and the Law draw theparallel between the Messiah and the children of Israel; both come out of Egypt, go through awilderness, present messages on the mount (Sermon on the Mount, and the Law on Sinai). Both in theOT and NT, the history follows the Law. Prophets, who lived within the time frame of the “history” sections, wrote their visions.

The compilers of the Bible books did not put them into chronological order but grouped themthematically. They are divided differently in the Hebrew Bible.

The Christ-centered view of the Bible:

Old Testament 

Law Foundation for Christ 

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History Preparation for Christ Poetry Aspiration for Christ Prophecy Expectation of Christ 

New Testament 

Gospels Manifestation of Christ  Acts Propagation of Christ Epistles Interpretation and

Application of Christ Revelation Consummation of Christ 

NT authors saw these themes in the OT and reiterated the messages of the OT in their writings.Dispensationalism basically teaches that the cross did not retroactively cover the sins of the past. It teaches that there were/are different methods of salvation (works/grace). The bible disproves thedispensationalist’s claim: Rev 13:8—Lamb slain from the foundation of the earth. Adam was to die onthe day he sinned, but he didn’t die that day because Christ pledged His life. Rom 4:17—God actspresently based upon what He is going to do in the future. He acted as if Jesus had already died and

acted upon that so that man could live. Heb 11—all in the OT looked forward in faith, we look backward in faith. We are all under grace. Heb 4:2—the gospel was preached to them (the children of Israel) in types and signs. Why would the gospel be preached to them if they were not to receivesalvation by it? Acts 17:11—what scriptures did they search? There was no NT to search. Theysearched the OT to find Christ.

Hebrew Bible Divisions

The Law Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and DeuteronomyTheProphets

Former prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and KingsLatter Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and “The 12” (Hosea-Malachi as asingle book)

The Writings Poetical books: Psalms, Proverbs, and JobFive rolls (Megillath): Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Esther, andEcclesiastesHistorical books: Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, and Chronicles

The three sections are based on the directness with which God is speaking. The Jews held Moses

above all the other prophets he was “that prophet ” (John 1:21). Those in “The Prophets” section

were like the “national prophets” of their times. “The Writings” were written by prophets, but 

not so much as the singular voice of God to the nation as in “The Prophets.” This threefold

categorization is seen historically as early as the 2nd c. BC. The distinction is seen in Luke 24:44.

The terms Old and New Testament were not used until the 2nd c. AD. Chapters and verses came later.

In 1227 AC, Stephen Langton, a professor at the Univ. of Paris and later Archbishop of Canterbury,divided the Bible into chapters. Verses were added in 1551 and 1555 by Robert Stephanus, a Parisianprinter. While these divisions help with reference and remembrance, they can make study mechanicaland distract from thought flow.

Luke 4:16-21—there were no divisions, but Jesus, was able to find in the scroll (which, historically,the scroll of Isaiah was 40 feet long) exactly what He was looking for.

John 2:23-3:1—this is a continuous thought.

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The process:

  Divine Causality

o  God is the primary mover in this process. The Divine moved the human who then

recorded the truth. There is no inspiration if God didn’t start it.  Prophetic Agency 

o  The prophets who wrote scripture were not robots. They were more than recording

secretaries. Their personalities were not violated by a supernatural intrusion. This

is proved by the varied vocabularies and writing styles found throughout the

scriptures. The prophets were the immediate cause of what was written, but God

was the ultimate cause.

  Written Authority

o  The final product of the Divine authority working through the prophetic agency.

An adequate definition must have: God—the prime Mover, Men of God—the instruments, and adivinely authoritative writing—the final result.

Three Views of Inspiration1.  Orthodox—the Bible is the Word of God. There are two views of inspiration held within


a.  Verbal dictation—Word-for-word dictation of God in the Holy Scriptures.

i.  If this were the case, then we would have to believe that God divinely  inspired 

translation of the scriptures, there would only be one true version, and we

would have to all learn the language of that translation. 

b.  Inspired Concepts—God provided the thought and men gave the verbal

expression.i.  The Bible is written by inspired men, but it is not God's mode of thought and

expression. It is that of humanity. God, as a writer, is not represented. Menwill often say such an expression is not like God. But God has not put Himself in words, in logic, in rhetoric, on trial in the Bible. The writers of the Biblewere God's penmen, not His pen. Look at the different writers. It is not thewords of the Bible that are inspired, but the men that were inspired.Inspiration acts not on the man's words or his expressions but on the manhimself, who, under the influence of the Holy Ghost, is imbued with thoughts.But the words receive the impress of the individual mind. The divine mind isdiffused. The divine mind and will is combined with the human mind and will;thus the utterances of the man are the word of God.-- Manuscript 24, 1886(written in Europe in 1886). {1SM 21}

2.  Modernism—the Bible contains the Word of God. There are two views within the confines of modernism.

a.  Illumination view—very pious men were illuminated at times, then wrote throughthe erroneous views of their times.

b.  Intuitive view—there is nothing supernatural about the scriptures, but the men whowrote them were intensively intuitive (moral geniuses).

3.  Neo-orthodoxy—the bible becomes the Word of God. If you study it and it makes youhappy, it becomes the Word of God to you.

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Evidences of the Bible’s Inspiration 

Internal Evidence (primarily subjective)

  Self-vindicating: Mk 1:22, Jn 7:46, Jn 2:13-15  Testimony of the Spirit (it describes us to ourselves better than we understand ourselves):

Rom 8:16  Transforming Ability: Heb 4:12  Unity of the Bible

External Evidence

  Historicity—bibliographic testing (number of antiquated manuscripts, harmony of themanuscripts, proximity of life to writing, and external sources) proves the Bible (6,000manuscripts on Jesus—over 5,900 more than any other historical figure, 99% harmony—compared with 60% for others, less than 30 years between the last disciple’s death and thefirst dated manuscript of Jesus’ life). The Bible is the most historically verifiable document inhistory.

  Testimony of Christ 

  Evidence from Prophecy

  Evidence from Influence

  Evidence from constancy

  Integrity of Authors

The Extent of the CanonThe book of Jude was disputed by some because of its reference to a non-inspired book (the book of Enoch—Jude 14). Others countered that Paul quoted Greek poets. The conclusion ended up being that just because a prophet quotes someone else, that doesn’t mean that the prophet is endorsing the

source as a divine source but is merely the presentation of something that is true. Canonization is aprocess. Not all the books were canonized at one time. Early on, the canon only consisted of the first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch. As books were written, they were debated and accepted intothe canon. The earliest date in which the canon matched our present Bible was in the 3rd century.

The books rejected contained disputable doctrines—which were contrary to the clear truth alreadyknown; for example, praying to saints, refutation of the resurrection. The Apocrypha wasn’t evenaccepted by the Catholic Church until the time of Martin Luther. In the Council of Trent (16th c.), partsof the Apocrypha were canonized for the use of one of verses that apparently supports praying to/forthe dead. Interestingly, the books in the Apocrypha that condemn such prayers were not canonized.

 Assembly of the Canon

Canon=the “rule of faith” or normative writings (i.e. authoritative scriptures).

Inadequate views on what determines canonicity  Age

o  If this were true, the books of Moses, Jeremiah, and Paul could not be accepted. Theywere immediately made a part of the canon. There was to time of waiting.

  Hebrew languageo  Portions of Daniel and Ezra are in Aramaic.

  Agreement with the Toraho  If the Torah is the standard of canonization, what standard canonized the Torah? In

Acts, the demon possessed woman’s testimony was in agreement with the truth, but 

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Paul silenced her.  Religious value

o  Not every book with spiritual value is automatically canonical, as much f Jewish andChristian literature like the Apocrypha evidences. The Apocryphal books do not claimauthority.

Sufficient views on what determines canonicity  Authority of a Book o  If the book does not claim to be inspired, or if no position of authority is taken, then it 

is not considered for canonization.  Prophetic Authorship

o  Inspired books come from inspired men. Do/did their writings come true? Did Godinspire the writers?

  Authenticity of a Book o  Do the theology, history, and general information agree with previously established

truth? How’s the science?  Dynamic Nature 

o  If a book produces supernatural results, it may be inspired. What are its fruits? “You

will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”   Acceptance of a Book  

o  Recognition by the people of God to whom it was originally given.

For the test: know the criteria for canonization and the evidence of the bible’s inspiration.

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Christian Apologetics 

1 Pet 3:15, 16 [15] But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer toevery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: [16] Having agood conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falselyaccuse your good conversation in Christ.

How can we be ready to give an answer to every person? We must first know what we personally findpersuasive.

Is Christianity True?2 Peter 1:16-21 – Peter was an eyewitness of the Mount of Transfiguration. Why does he tell us this?So that we know we are not following fables. He gives experiential and scriptural backing.

  1Tim 1:3, 4 – they were not to devote themselves to myths.

  1Tim 4:7 – have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths.

  2Tim 4:3, 4 – people will wander away to myths.

 Titus 1:13, 14 – the testimony is true; do not be given to Jewish myths.

The word “myth” comes from the Greek “muthos.” It means a tale, fi ction, or a fable (an untruth).Pilate asked, “What is truth?” (Jn 18:38) as the personification of truth stood before him. Perhaps heshould have asked, “Who is truth?”

Truth is indicative of something that corresponds with reality. Truth is correspondence withreality. It must be an accurate reflection of reality. There is subjective truth and objective truth.Subjective Truths: I like pie more than cake; I feel happy; I don’t enjoy the sound of ten Chihuahuasbarking. With Subjective Truth, the locus of truth resides in a person. Objective Truths: water boilsat 100˚ C; if A=B and B=C, then C=A; our solar system is heliocentric, not geocentric. Objective truthscorrespond with reality even if no one believes it or states it.

Is Christianity objectively true? Is it both subjectively and objectively true? Is it REALigion?

Making the ClaimChristianity does claim to be objectively true (2Pet 1:16-21)

  Ps 119:142 – your law is truth

  Daniel 4:27 – all whose works are truth

  John 17:17 – sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth

  Eph 1:13 – you head the word of truth

  Col 1:3-6 – you heard in the word of truth; understand the grace of God in truth

 2Tim 2:15 – rightly handling the word of truth

  John 16:16 – the Spirit of truth will guide you in all truth

Truth is a central theme in the Bible. God is presented as a God if truth whose words and ways aretruth. He sends the Spirit of Truth to testify of truth in our hearts. Jesus claims to be the way, the truthand the life. (John 14:6). He is the way to God, the truth about God, and is the living life of God. He wasfull of grace and truth (John 1:14). The audacious nature of Christ’s claim led C.S. Lewis to famouslypropose his “trilemma” –liar, lunatic, or Lord (Mere Christianity. P 40, 41). We cannot claim Him to bea good moral teacher because by the claim that He made, “He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”

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Does it matter? For most of us, yes. In every culture, people have always sought some way to addressand answer the “big” questions of life. We are hardwired to desire a knowledge of truth. Christianityis subjectively and objectively true. It is true through our experiences and it is true without ourconsent.

The Four that Matter Most We all want to know four things:

  Origin – where am I from?

  Meaning –why am I here?

  Morality – how should I live?

  Destiny – where am I going?

Dogs and mosquitoes do not ask these questions. The very fact that we can ask these questions pointsto the existence of a God. In answering any one of these questions, all of the questions can beanswered. Naturalism and Christian theism are mutually exclusive. Are we a bag of biological soup orthe special creation of a loving God? Is Biblical Christianity true or a cunningly devised myth? Is it real igion or jus religion?

Mark 10:17-30 – Jesus gives a twofold answer to the disciples’ big question. Giving up things for Godnot only enhances our present life, but also our hope in eternity. We know this in our personalexperiences, but it isn’t just there. It’s not just subjective; it’s objective—it works on paper too.

 ApologiaApologetics comes from the Greek “apologia,” which means to give a plea. The purpose of apologeticsis to answer the question, “What rational defense can be given for the Christian faith? We are not encouraged, but commanded to do this (1Pet 3:15).

Two elements of an effective, Biblical apologetic:

  The message being delivered (the “answer”)   The method of delivery (with meekness and fear)

Phil 1:7, 17; Acts 22:1 – defense =apologia

Evangelists and ApologistsPaul was a preacher of the Gospel. He faced not only physical but intellectual and philosophicalhostility. Sometimes those objections were theological (as with the Jews) and other times were morephilosophical (as with Greeks/gentiles)—Acts 17; 1Cor 1:23. Peter’s Pentecost sermon was largelyapologetic. The disciples proclaimed the gospel in hostile settings, and we are called to do the same.We must preach the gospel to every nations, kindred, tongue, and people (Rev 14:6).

Making the Case for ChristianityApologetics with skeptics is not about changing their minds. It is just about showing them thepossibility of your perspective being rational. Apologetics does not create faith—it creates a way forfaith. Our apologetics must be good.

Five Themes of our Apologetics:1.  Time

2.  Life

3.  Mind

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4.  Ought 

5.  Friend

A case may be persuasive, but must also be attractive.Unbelief is not an intellectual reaction but an emotional one.

The Evidence that Evidence Isn’t the Issue There is not a lack of evidence but a lack of surrender.Biblical examples:


o  Ex. 5:1-4; 7:8-13; 8:16-19, 31, 32; 9:7, 34, 35; 11:9, 10

o  In the light of these passages, was a lack of evidence the real issue with Pharaoh? No.

His own wise men told him that the supernatural was at work. He saw but did not 



o  John 2:13-19; 6:30; Mt 12:38-42

o  The miracles of Jesus were abundantly visible, but the Pharisees didn’t believe, stillasking for another sign.

A worldview/paradigm/meta-narrative is not something you see; it is the way you see the world. It isthe big picture. Our worldview determines what we are allowed to see and accept as evidence. Whenwe come to Christ, we get a new worldview. It is like wearing glasses for the first time. Generallyspeaking, we see what we want to see and what our worldview allows us to see. The Pharisees“knew” that Jesus wasn’t the son of God, so they always sought some other way to explain why Hewas able to do miracles (Mt 12:24).

The issue is not the availability of evidence, but the suppression of it. The heart of the matter is amatter of the heart.

The Heart of the MatterThe Bible teaches that God is ubiquitous and universally known. Why, then, is not everyone abeliever? because unbelief is a function of the will more than a function of the intellect.

Proof does not allow for dissent. If the existence of God were provable in a mathematical sense,disbelief would not be an option. In apologetics, we do not find a formula for God. We find arrowspointing towards God. If the evidence were provable (mathematically), then disbelief in God wouldnot be an option—which would negate the possibility of free choice. If God were to make Hispresence undeniable, there would be no choice but to believe. The option of belief must remain intact.

God’s presence is, however, inescapable.  Ps 139:7, 8 – God is everywhere

  Isa 49:6 – His salvation reaches to the ends of the earth

  Titus 2:11 – All men see God’s grace 

  Acts 17:24-27 – He is not far from each one of us (He’s reachable) 

  John 1:9 – He lights everyone who comes into the world

The unbelief of man is a moral rebellion against a ubiquitous and inescapable God. Paul, in Romans1:18-32, at least 12 times mentions in some way that God is knowable. According to the passage, theissue of unbelief is not the availability of evidence, but the personal, rebellious suppression of evidence.

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If a cancer patient convinced herself that she did not have cancer and was able to convince others that she didn’t have cancer, it does not change the fact. The denial is a moral consideration, not anintellectual. Just as much as atheists claim that Christians have moral motives for believing in God,they have moral motives for claiming that there is no God.

We know that God is there based on experience; we show that God is there by evidence.

{SC 111}

  Disguise it as they may, the real cause of doubt and skepticism, in most cases, is the love of 

sin. The teachings and restrictions of God's word are not welcome to the proud, sin-loving

heart, and those who are unwilling to obey its requirements are ready to doubt its authority.

In order to arrive at truth, we must have a sincere desire to know the truth and a willingness

of heart to obey it. And all who come in this spirit to the study of the Bible will find abundant 

evidence that it is God's word, and they may gain an understanding of its truths that will

make them wise unto salvation.

  Christ has said, "If any man willeth to do His will, he shall know1 of the teaching." John 7:17,

R.V. Instead of questioning and caviling concerning that which you do not understand, give

heed to the light that already shines upon you, and you will receive greater light. By the grace

of Christ, perform every duty that has been made plain to your understanding, and you will

be enabled to understand and perform those of which you are now in doubt.

 A Fool’s Folly: Denying the UndeniableNational Atheist’s Day – April 1st  

Ps 14:1-3 [1] The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have doneabominable works, there is none that doeth good. [2]The LORD looked down from heaven upon thechildren of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. [3] They are all gone aside,they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.aThe fool says there is noGod. God investigates to see if the claim is moral or intellectual and God concludes that it is a moralclaim since the only ones claiming there is not God are those who live lives contradictory to the pathGod set before them. The motivation is moral, not intellectual.

Ps 10:4 The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all histhoughts.

The wicked constantly think that there is no God. God promised that when we seek Him we will findHim if we search with all our hearts. “God designed the human machine to run on Him self. He Himself is the fuel our spirits were designed to burn, or the food our spirits were designed to feed on. There isno other. That is why it is just no good asking God to make us happy in our own way without 

bothering about religion. God cannot give us happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it isnot there. There is no such thing.” 

Seeing that the burden is not on us to convince non-believers, our focus in reaching non-believersshould not focus on presenting more evidence but on being the tools in God’s hands to pull them back towards what they know is true. God desires to use to awaken the desire of others for Him.

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Theme 1 – Before Time Began

God preexisted everything, including time itself.  Titus 1:2 – God promised eternal life before time began

  2Tim 1:9 – God’s gift given before time began 

  Rev 13:8 – the Lamb slain before the foundation of the earth

Time is not easily defined. It measures change and marks transitions from one state to another.However, God does not change (Mal 3:6). Jesus is the same (unchanging) yesterday, today, andforever (Heb 13:8).

If time is a measure of change, what would time measure in a changeless being? Naturally, nothing.Time is finite, and the finitude of time demands that it, unlike God, had a beginning.

Can You Count to Infinity?

Obviously no. A true infinity cannot be traversed. Time, therefore, could not be infinite or would wehave never arrived before at today, but, in fact, we have. There must have been a finite number of moments (seconds, hours, days, etc) before today, else we wouldn’t have made it here today. If there

were an infinite number if days before today, then we could have never gotten here since thecountdown through time could have never started. Just when you thought you’d gone back far enoughinto the past to begin infinity, you’d look again and see an infinity yet beyond. There would be nostarting point. If there is no starting point, if time really did extend infinitely into the past, then youcouldn’t even get the count started! Thus, time must be finite. It had a beginning; and if it had abeginning, then it had a cause that began it.

The Cosmological Argument:1.  Whatever begins to exist has a cause 

2.  The universe began to exist 

3.  Therefore, the universe had a cause and that cause was God, the uncaused cause of all things.

In the Beginning…BANG! 

The currently accepted scientific view is that the big bang happened, and at that moment, time began.Most of science agrees that time had a beginning. This, then, agrees with the Biblical notion of abeginning—a moment of creation. Science has noted that the universe is expanding. Tracing the rateat which it expands, scientists deduct that it had a starting point from which it began and continues togrow.

The cause of the universe could not have been attributable to the laws of physics or other naturalworkings because the “big bang” produced the laws of physics and therefore could not be the product of them.

Some have seen a confirmation of certain Biblical passages (Gen 1:1-3 and Isa 42:5) in the Big Bangmodel. Arno Penzias, Nobel prize winner for the discovery of “background radiation,” whichcorroborated the Big Bang theory said, “The best data we have are exactly what I would havepredicted had I nothing to go on but the five books of Moses, the Psalms, and the Bible as a whole.” 2 

“For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream.He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak. As he pulls himself 

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over the finals rock, he is greeted by a band of t heologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”3 

Keep is Simple, Saint 

  You cannot count to (traverse) infinity. We are here today in tome, so the past cannot be

infinite. Time is finite.

  The universe had a beginning; therefore, it had a cause. That (uncaused) cause is God.

  The Bible is philosophically and scientifically sound regarding the origin of the universe.

  Skeptical unbelievers are stuck if they affirm causality in every instance except when it comes

to the origin of the universe. This is illogical and unscientific. It is a violation of the axiom “ex

nihilo nihil fit”—out of nothing, nothing comes. This is absurd, illogical, and takes more faith

than simply believing the Bible account.

  Christianity is absolutely credible when it comes to its view of the origin of the universe.

Theme 2 – in Him was LifeLife:

  origin of life (biogenesis)

  conditions necessary for life (The anthropic evidences)

  the evolution of life (Darwinism)

Subtheme 1 – Life Begets Life

The Bible posits a living beginning for all subsequent life. That living beginning is none other thanGod.

  Gen 1:24-28 – God created life

  Gen 2:7 – God gives the breath of life

  Ps 104:30 – all is created by His Spirit 

  John 1:1-4 – Life was in Him

 John 4:13, 14 – God’s life in us begets life 

Committed naturalists depend on the idea of abiogenesis (that life can come from non-life). Thisnotion takes tremendous amounts of faith since it flies in the face of every biological experiment toever be conducted regarding biogenesis. Darwin’s On the Origin of Species is misleadingly titled sincethe book does not explain the origin of even a single species, let alone the first ever species.

Worldview: Theistic Non-theistic

 Adherents: MaterialistsNaturalistsReductionists

Explanations: SpiritualrealitiesEnergyMatter


Begins with matter and produces livingthings; this violates the law that biologicalcausation supports, that is, life begets life.Therefore, this worldview claims that 

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inanimate matter comes alive—though nocatalyst for such a thing has been found. Theybelieve this, not based on evidence, but because without God, there is no alternative.

In Darwin’s day, the common scientific belief was that everything was reducible to cells. If, at the time

of Darwin, the cell were compared to a car, now—based on current understanding—would becomparable to a galaxy.

Faith and Evidence

Christianity, with its living God as a living beginning, is more scientific by far than any naturalisticpositing of abiogenesis. God is the I AM (Ex 3:14), the living God (1Tim 4:10; Mark 12:27).

God never asks us to believe, without giving sufficient evidence upon which to base our faith. Hisexistence, His character, the truthfulness of His word, are all established by testimony that appeals toour reason; and this testimony is abundant. Yet God has never removed the possibility of doubt. Ourfaith must rest upon evidence, not demonstration. Those who wish to doubt will have opportunity;while those who really desire to know the truth will find plenty of evidence on which to rest their faith.

{SC 105.2}

God is more concerned about our willingness. 2Cor 8:12 – “For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.” 

Subtheme 2 – Man in Mind

Anthropology = the study of mankind. Not only is the origin of life a true arrow in the quiver of thethinking Christian, so too is the maintenance of life. Our universe is a remarkable place. The more that scientists learn about the universe and its sophisticated fine-tuning, the more it becomes clearer andclearer that the universe appears to have had man in mind.

The ease of maintaining life may be seen with taking care of fish. It is easier to keep a goldfish in a

bowl than to maintain a freshwater tank, and it is far easier to keep a freshwater tank than asaltwater tank. Our universe is just like this progression, only more so. Much more so.

The universe is precisely and perfectly tailored to permit the existence of life. This fine-tunedness hasbeen referred to as the anthropic principle, or as anthropic constraints. Anthropos meansmankind. lists 93 measurable characteristics of the universe that must be precisely the waythat they are in order for our environment to allow for the life that we have. If even one of them werechanged minutely, life would not be possible.

“The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is its comprehensibility.” –Einstein.

The existence of life that is conscious of its place in universe is astounding. When seeing the “elegant and intricate complexity of DNA” it demands “more than a naturalistic explanation.” Some look andattribute it to positing alien intelligences in a Fed-Ex rocket; others, having less faith, believe in God.

Not a Chance

There are three main options that are advanced as potential causes of the fine-tunedness of theuniverse:

  It happened by chance (lucky us)

  The multiverse theory (it’s bound to happen, given enough chances) 

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  It happened by design (God did it)

The first asserts that, given enough time, virtually anything, even the seemingly miraculous, canhappen. Chance doesn’t stand a chance in explaining the origin and design of ou r universe. Whenflipping a coin, is chance causing the coin to come up in a certain way? No, if course not. Chancemerely describes the options in terms of possibilities. If we knew all of the physical factors that went 

into the coin toss (force of the flip, weight, balance, atmosphere, height of the toss, aerodynamics,etc.) we could predict with perfect accuracy how the coin would land every time. There would be noadditional causal factor called chance that would act upon the coin to cause it to land a certain way.Chance, then, is mere a word used to describe our ignorance about a given outcome. Things cannot happen by chance because chance cannot be a cause of anything. It is a mere word. Mere words arenot connected to a meaning or object. The word Kangaroo refers to an animal. The word chance doesnot refer to anything.

Subtheme 3 – Evolution: a Brief Critique

It is probably impossible to overstate the impact that the theory of evolution has had on modern man.It has done what Copernicus’ heliocentric view of the universe did but in an inestimably greaterdegree. Copernicus said benignly that man went around the sun, not really much of a demotion.Darwin said that man is little more than a naked monkey. And things—almost all things—haven’t been the same since. 

1.  Evolution is not theologically sound

a.  There are no long ages or suggestions of evolutionary-type changes mentioned in

Genesis or anywhere else in the Bible

i.  The Hebrew word “yom” is just like our term day; it can refer to 12 hrs, 24

hrs, or an indefinite period of time, but not when it is modified by number

as in Genesis 1 and 2—which refers to the 1st day, 2nd day, etc.

b.  It undermines the Sabbath command and its end-time significance

i.  If the gap theory were true, it would make no sense for God to rest from

His work 

c.  The New Testament writers (and Jesus Himself) affirmed the Genesis creation

account and the Noachian flood account 

d.  Theistic evolution is incompatible with the character of the loving, benevolent God

portrayed in Scripture

e.  It undermines the plan of salvation by suggesting that death and suffering

preceded sin and commenced independent of the rebellion of free moral agents

2.  Evolution is not scientifically sound

a.  While low-level Darwinian-style does occur, it does not occur beyond a clearlydefined limit or structural threshold requirement (i.e., beyond 1,000 specifically

arranged amino acid building blocks)

i.  Comparable to walking on stepping stones. As long as the stones are close

enough, you can walk across, but if you can’t make it to the next stone to

cross the water, the “life form” dies. 

ii.  Word transformation illustration: if there is no valid word, life form dies:

1.  Hat pat pot pod (new life form)

2.  (the more letters, the harder) Part f art f ort font fond 

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3.  Floccinaucinihilipilificationism???

b.  The low-level evolution that does occur cannot be extrapolated to that which

cannot be directly observed or tested. This is because of an observed exponential

decline in evolutionary potential with each step up the ladder of complexity.

Extrapolation of this exponential decline in evolutionary potential quickly reaches

trillions and trillions of years while things are still on the lowest rungs of theladder of functional complexity—far below what exists in every living thing.

c.  It cannot account for the origin of life (biogenesis)

d.  It cannot adequately explain the origin of human consciousness

3.  Evolution is not  geologically sound

a.  It cannot adequately account for the Cambrian explosion where all (except,

perhaps, one) of the major phyla of living things appears suddenly, fully formed, at 

the same time

b.  Species, as a rule, appear suddenly and fully formed and functional in the fossil

record; they tend toward stasis (no directional change)

c.  Global catastrophism and the young-life-in-earth model fit the data better than the

concept of vast eons of time coupled with uniformitarian assumptions proposed

by the evolutionary model of origins

i.  2Peter 3:3 – scoffers will come saying that Jesus isn’t coming because all

things continue as they were. Peter says that they willfully forget about the

flood (catastrophism).

4.  Evolution is not  philosophically sound

a.  It is a commitment to the outcome before the test. In short, evolutionists assume

non-deliberate, natural causes for all phenomena before the start of their

“scientific” investigation. Therefore, it is a pre-commitment to an unproven

ideology (materialism) more than a commitment to the evidence.

b.  It is tautological (true by definition). Given all the ad hoc hypotheses needed tohold up the concept of naturalism in its various forms, in all practicality, it is

immune from even the potential falsification. For a theory to be truly scientific

there must be at least the potential for an opposing theory to be true. The

naturalistic scientist must accept a naturalistic theory of origin of life (like

Darwinian-style evolution) because there simply is no other option for someone

who has accepted, a priori, naturalistic ideology.

i.  Evolution seeks to explain everything within itself; all data is forced into

fitting the theory rather than the theory being adapted to meet the data.

Keep it Simple, Saint   Life only comes from life

  The Bible posits a living beginning to life. This is in harmony with the scientific law of 


  The soup-to-cells story of inanimate matter somehow sparking to life is a modern intellectual

myth without evidentiary support.

  The universe, with its finely tuned parameters which allow for the existence and maintenance

of life, appears to have had man in mind . This is called the anthropic principle.

  Chance cannot account for the existence of a life-permitting universe because change cannot 

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account for anything since it is nothing and possesses no causal power. The notion that 

chance had causal power is a modern myth.

  The multiverse theory is a modern myth with no evidentiary support. It actually affirms that 

the universe is extraordinary and is not likely to have arisen given just one opportunity (so

more opportunities were invented).

  Evolution cannot account for the origin of life. It is not theologically, scientifically,geologically, or philosophically sound.

Theme 3 – do you mind?The mind is a wonderful gift from God. Its existence is best accounted for as having been made in theimage of the Original Mind, God. The mind, as we generally think of it, possessing volitions, identity,self-awareness, and thoughts, cannot exist in s strictly naturalistic universe. It would be purely anillusion created by physical and physiological processes in the brain organ. The existence of the mindas a non-physical (immaterial) entity is more compatible with the theistic worldview thannaturalism.

Bible references to the mind:  Mt 22:34-37

  Rom 7:22-25; 8:27; 11:34

  1Cor 2:16

  Phil 2:5

Mind…Your Own Business

The mind and the brain are not the same thing.The mind:

  The element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to

think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought 

o  A person’s mental processes contrasted with physical action

  A person’s intellect  

o  The state of normal mental functioning in a person

o  A person’s memory 

o  A person identified with their intellectual faculties

  A person’s attention 

o  The will or determination to achieve something

We can argue within ourselves, and we can think/believe something that is not true. The mind isprivate—that is, we don’t have other voices that show up in our minds.  

Have You Ever Changed Your Brain?

We have all changed our minds thousands of times, but none of us have ever changed our brains.

Theists admit non-physical substances or properties into our ontology (existence). We claim the mindis an immaterial thing. It is not a serious philosophical problem for us as theists (monists). We believein God and angels—which we believe are non-physical substances/entities. The problem/conflict only arises for the non-theistic worldview. These naturalists claim that these non-physical entities donot exist. They must doubt the existence of their own minds. They undermine their own ability tothink that they do not have minds. The very thing they use to try to prove their point disproves it.

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Ps. 14:1; 19:14 – the words heart and mind in English in these verses are the same word in Hebrew.Therefore, the fool says in his mind that there is no God.

Can Matter Think?

“The subjective character of experience is hard to capture in physicalist terms. The simple fact of 

consciousness is a serious difficulty for physicalism [materialism].”4 

If consciousness is made of matter, our personality, choices (good or bad), and identity would beillusory and determined by various physical factors that we have no real control over. How then canwe punish criminals? How can we laud heroism, sacrifice, magnanimity, and virtue?

The Miracle of an Intelligible Universe

We search for new discoveries, but why? Because we expect that there is more out there to bediscovered. Yet the notion of discovery presupposes that we can perceive and grasp themeaningfulness of those discoveries (at least in some degree), or else how would we recognize themat all?

Not only does the mind exist as an immaterial entity. What about numbers? Where is the number 6?We have a numeral (6), and we have examples/instances (******). We can create thousands of instances or get rid of all instances, and if everyone who thinks about the number 6 were to die, 6would still exist. It has neither substance nor physical properties.

“The enormous usefulness of mathematics is something bordering on the mysterious…There is norational explanation for it…The miracle of the appropriateness of the language of mathematics for theformulation of the laws of physics is a wonderful gift which we neither understand nor deserve.”5 

Physicists don’t make up the laws of physics, they discover them. Numbers are real. They are morethan just mental concepts. And where are the laws of logic that appear to given the interrelationships

and propositions? Even small children understand that one thing cannot be in two places at the sametime or that something cannot be both absent and present simultaneously.

Recap of Theme 3, Mind

We are exhorted to have the mind of Christ, not the brain of Christ (Phil 2:5). The existence of immaterial things in the universe, like minds, numbers, justice, etc., does not cause the universe tomake less sense, but more sense. The human mind was born of the mind of God. God made us in Hisown image for His own purposes of love, friendship, and joy.

If in the beginning were the particles, then the strongest force in the world is electromagnetic;however, if in the beginning was the Word, then the strongest force in the world is love.

If determinism is true, then we cannot trust the determinist’s arguments because their arguments aremerely the product of the big bang and not logical reasoning.

Materialism is idolatry because if they claim the mind is made of material then they esteem it aboveGod. If minds exist, then we do not live in a materialist world. If materialism is false, then there must be a God.

4 Scaling the Secular City. J.P. Moreland. p.85.5 The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Physical Sciences. Eugene Wigner.

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Theme 4 – to ought or not The word “ought” implies a moral imperative. A moral imperative needs a moral reference point, amoral law. A moral law requires a moral Law-giver. Can = ability. Ought = responsibility. Preferencevs. principle is the big question. If you have an ought, then there must be a reference point. If there isa reference point, then there is a law. If there is a law, then there is a Law-giver.

Aside from onomatopoeic words, language is purely arbitrary. What one language calls a bucket another may call: botte, eimer, emmer, kofa, pakas, billy, hink, seau, galeata, cubo. There are thingsthat transcend language though. For example, in most —if not all—cultures (near universality) it isnot acceptable to repay kindness with evil. If morality were arbitrary, then we would have as manymoral systems as we have language systems, and we would have as many moral differences aslinguistic.

“Ought” does not and cannot come from an “is.” It must come from a higher sou rce.

Many claim that there are moral absolutes, but where do the absolutes come from? From education?By no means! Germany was highly educated when Hitler came to power. There must be something

higher than humans to create moral absolutes.

Theme 5 – what a friend we have in JesusThe Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Fact or Fiction? Christianity stands or falls based on that event (1Cor 15:1-8). If Christ is not risen, then our faith is in vain. Christianity, unlike many religions, can bewrong. Therefore, since it is falsifiable, it is not a tautology.

Three established facts:1.  The empty tomb

a.  Burial supports the empty tomb

i.  Tomb location was known; Owner of tomb was known (Joseph)

ii.  The disciples could not have preached the resurrection without an emptytomb

iii.  Scholars agree that the burial is one of the best attested facts of Jesus’ life 

b.  Paul confirms the empty tomb

i.  Gospel formula of 1Cor 15:1-8 not original with Paul (written in 1Corinthians

around 51 or 52 AD). He is quoting an earlier statement that dates to within 5-

10 years of the crucifixion event. It was an early doxological statement that 

was widely used to proclaim what one believes. This amount of time is much

more trustworthy than anything we have written on Caesar or Alexander the

Great. There was no time for legend or myth to creep in.

ii.  The resurrection was not a later of legendary development; it was rooted inearly Christianity

c.  Mark is the earliest gospel, and it is mentioned without legendary and theological

embellishment (Mark 15:42-47).

d.  It is doubtful that Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Sanhedrin, and the man who

supplied the tomb, would be invented by early Christian tradition. The Sanhedrin and

its 70 members were well known. His “invention” is highly unlikely and further

supports the empty tomb account. When that many details are given, falsehoods are

easy to disprove.

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e.  The empty tomb was discovered by women

i.  Women could not serve as legal witnesses

ii.  Women were low on the social ladder

iii.  A later and legendary account surely would have been men, probably the

disciples discovering the tomb

f.  The disciples preached in Jerusalem, the place that would have been the easiest todisprove by producing an entombed body

g.  The account of Pharisees coming up with an argument of the body being stolen was

recorded by Matthew and shows the attempted covering of the truth

2.  The post-resurrection appearances

a.  Paul’s testimony 

i.  Peter, “the twelve,” the 500, James, all the apostles, and Paul 

b.  Physical bodily appearances

i.  Accounts of Him eating

3.  The origin and rise of the Christian church

a.  Christianity hinges on the resurrection

b.  Cannot account for the church without the rise of it 

i.  Christianity went from being an offshoot of the most hated religion (Judaism)

to being the most powerful religion in the Greco-roman world within 2


1.  Nero proclaimed himself a Christian

2.  Cities became the catalyst for the gospel. Letters were written to cities’

churches. Those in the country were called pagans (paganus = farmer).

c.  No predisposition to believe in a resurrection; pre-last day resurrection was not a

Jewish idea

i.  Daniel 12 – resurrection, in Jewish mind—happens at the end of time

ii.  Martha’s statement that Lazarus would rise in the “last days” iii.  If they had wanted to explain it, they would have said that he’d resuscitate

himself immediately rather than waiting three days. They would have said he

was translated—based on their ideas—not resurrected.

d.  Conversion of the skeptics

i.  Jesus’ brothers, including James 

ii.  Thomas

iii.  Many priests

iv.  Saul of Tarsus

v.  Many other former enemies

Other possible explanations:1.  Conspiracy theory

a.  The disciples were distraught, not plotting

b.  How would they have overpowered the guards?

2.  Apparent death theory

a.  Jesus famed death, but the cool tomb woke him up?

b.  Medical studies have shown that based on the account of what happened, Jesus was

most certainly dead. The fact that Jesus died within hours is inconsistent with the

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historical accounts of crucifixions taking as long as a week to kill a person. This points

to the fact that there were other mitigating factors in His death.

c.  The soldiers—professional killers—made sure He was dead

d.  Even if he didn’t die and managed to get out of the tomb, he would have been

emaciated—in no condition to take on the soldiers, and having no glory to inspire

worship in his followers.3.  The wrong tomb theory

a.  Joseph knew which tomb was his own

b.  If there had been another tomb, the Sanhedrin would have found it 

4.  Mass Hallucination theory

a.  They didn’t believe that he was resurrected, even when he was

b.  There still would have been a body

The disciples would have gained nothing from making up the resurrection. All 11 of them died forpreaching it!

Knowing and Showing: the purpose of apologeticsThe foundation of the Christian’s belief in the existence and benevolence of God is not apologeticarguments and proofs. Apologetic proofs enable us to show what we already, through the innerwitness of the Holy Spirit, received at conversion, know. There is a tremendous difference betweenknowing and showing that something is true

Sometimes, regardless of evidence, some people refuse to believe. One may say he likes cheesecakeand another may think it isn’t true. There is no evidence that will change the mind of the disbeliever,no matter how much the first tries to convince the second.

According to the Bible, the Christian knows the Christianity is through the inner witness of the HolySpirit. (Gal 3:26; 4:6; Rom 8:15, 16; 1Thess 1:5; 1John 2:20, 27; 3:24; 4:13; 5:6-10; John 14:16, 17, 20).

  Through faith we are the sons of God

  God sends His Spirit to our hearts = “Abba,” Father  

  It is called the Spirit of adoption = “Abba,” Father 

  That Spirit bears witness with our spirit, telling us that we are the children of God

  Gospel came in Spirit with much assurance

  You have an anointing from the Spirit 

  This anointing abides in you, teaching you all things/no one needs to teach you

  By this we know: The Spirit 

  We know He abides/ we abide by His Spirit 

  The Spirit bears witness—true

  God’s witness (the Spirit) greater than that of men, so we should accept it 

  He who believes has the witness in himself  

  God becomes a liar if we don’t believe God’s testimony 

  Abide in Him

  Him in you

We as Adventists have pushed so far away from Pentecostalism that we have become as dry as thehills of Gilboa. Our “faith” has become far too intellectual rather than truly embracing the Spirit andthe experience of the Spirit. Our apologetics do not create our faith. They are not the basis of our

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faith; they merely supports to our faith. The difference is between knowing and showing.

“I believe in God like I believe in the sun, not because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. 

SC 111 There is an evidence that is open to all,--the most highly educated, and the most illiterate,--the evidence of experience. God invites us to prove for ourselves the reality of His

word, the truth of His promises. He bids us "taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8.Instead of depending upon the word of another, we are to taste for ourselves. He declares,"Ask, and ye shall receive." John 16:24. His promises will be fulfilled. They have never failed;they never can fail. And as we draw near to Jesus, and rejoice in the fullness of His love, ourdoubt and darkness will disappear in the light of His presence.SC 112 The apostle Paul says that God "hath delivered us from the power of darkness, andhath translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son." Colossians 1:13. And everyone who haspassed from death unto life is able to "set to his seal that God is true." John 3:33. He cantestify, "I needed help, and I found it in Jesus. Every want was supplied, the hunger of my soulwas satisfied; and now the Bible is to me the revelation of Jesus Christ. Do you ask why Ibelieve in Jesus? Because He is to me a divine Saviour. Why do I believe the Bible? Because Ihave found it to be the voice of God to my soul." We may have the witness in ourselves that 

the Bible is true, that Christ is the Son of God. We know that we are not following cunninglydevised fables.

We have addressed some key points:  Time – where did it come from?

  Life – how did we come into existence?

  Mind – where to non-material entities come from?

  Ought – who created moral absolutes?

These are merely external corroborations—which agree with the Bible—of what we, by experience,find to be internally confirmed—with the Bible—as true. The first part is just sustaining the

probability of God. It is the internal confirmation that is the proof. Time, life, mind, etc., are simplyways of showing what we know.

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History of ChristianityPurpose: to show us who we are (as Christians, as Protestants, and as Adventists), where we are (inthe stream of church history), and why we are (is there a justification for our existence as a


History—from Greek Histor: a wise or learned person. Understanding not only the theological but historical significance of what we believe will allow us to better understand the path we travel andhow we can learn from our mistakes.

Anticipation [The Cross] Reflection, Anticipation [Fulfillment]


Christianity is the only major religion to have as its central event the humiliation of its God.

Palestine, in the time of Jesus, was under the subjugation of yet another power—as it had been somany times in its history. Up to 332 BC, they were dominated by the Persians. From 332 to 165 BC,the Greeks ruled. After the Maccabean revolt, the Jewish state was independent from 165 to 64 BC.They were vassals from 64 to 37 BC and were then dominated and ultimately crushed by the Romans.The Jews longed for the Messiah, but they expected a military deliverer since they were in a militaryconflict. They desired political deliverance and anticipated a Messiah to give that to them.

In those days there were 4 groups:

  The Pharisees—emphasized traditions and customs that separated them from the pagans.They were highly suspicious of Jesus because He didn’t attend their schools. They erectedrigorous laws and standards to increase the separation from the pagan culture with which

they were inundated. They were traditionalists and separatists.  The Sadducees—favored the Roman occupation practically if not philosophically. They were

the aristocracy of Israel. They were politically conservative and religiously liberal, and theRoman Empire placed them in charge to keep the religiously conservative groups in check.They were the pedigreed families.

  The Zealots—were the armed resistance group. They heralded the Maccabean revolt. Theywere as religiously charged as the Pharisees, but were actively lashing out against thegovernment. They fought against what they could not stand. Luke 6:12-15 makes the onlymention of zealots in the NT.

  The Essenes—showed no interest in politics. They lived in monastic communities andprepared for the coming of the Messiah. They were essentially monks, living in qumraniccommunities. Withdrawal was their coping mechanism. Many believe that these are the ones

who kept the Dead Sea scrolls over the years.

Luke 11:20—Jesus worked miracle, not for the sake of being a miracle worker, but to be a sign of theKingdom being at hand. He wanted them to know that the Kingdom was not a physical location. Jesuscalled for loyalty from His disciples and others without aligning Himself with one of these fourgroups. The Sadducees didn’t like Jesus because He threatened the delicate balance of Roman/Jewishrelations. They viewed Jesus as a revolutionary. The Pharisees didn’t like Jesus because they saw Himas a threat to their traditions. They felt that He betrayed the ancient teachings. Therefore, theSadducees and Pharisees, who hated each other, teamed up against Him because His teachings wouldhave been a certain overthrowing of both of them. They tag-teamed against Jesus (Mt. 22)

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John 6:15—the people tried to thrust Jesus into fulfilling their dreams of what the Messiah should beHe withdrew from them. Their minds were so clouded by the oppression they had lived under that they could not understand what He was teaching about the Kingdom. They were dying for a ruler, andseeing John the Baptist, they asked if he was the Messiah. John pointed them to Jesus as the One, andthey followed Him. Judas thought that Jesus needed an extra push to take on the role of Deliverer, and

tried to force His hand (John 18).

Even after Jesus was resurrected, the disciples still thought that He was going to restore Israel to itsformer glory (Ac. 1:6). The position of Christ, all through His ministry, as a precarious one in order tonot align Himself with anyone’s preconceived ideas of the Messiah. 

Jesus rarely declared to people who He was. Oft en He asked, ―Who do men say that I am?‖ Hewanted to see where people were in their minds. In Matthew 21, we see Jesus declared King. Jesusallowed people to acknowledge and worship Him as the Messiah.

Acts 2:36-41—the church grew from about 100 in the upper room to more than 3,000 in a singleday. They had complete unity (v.42-47). The Lord added to the church daily. This is the startingpoint of the Church. Matthew 9:14-17 declares that the coming of the starting point. The day of Pentecost is the fulfillment of this prophecy. The new wineskin is the Church. What He was sayingwith the parable was that they could not fit Him, as the Messiah, into any of their four viewpoints. Heneeded something new, and thus the Church began.

How did we get from there (Pentecost, circa 31AD) to here (today)? The engine of the early churchwas the death of Christ, the resurrection, and the coming of the Holy Spirit. This is where the powercame from. Paul, in one of his earliest writings, pointed to this (1Cor. 15, written c. 51 AD). Verses 3and 4 make it clear that it wasn’t a legend that arose hundreds of years later. 

The early church was simply called ―the Way. Acts 9:2; 19:8, 9, 23; 24:14, 22. After a short timethey became known as ―Ekklesia‖ (Greek—Ek/Ex: out; Kaleo: to call). This term had already been

used to refer to the Jews, and it was the cause of tensions between then as the term was given tofollowers of Christ. Acts 4:4—within two years they had grown to 5,000 men (not countingwomen). Acts 6:7—it was not merely addition, but multiplication—or rather, great multiplicationto the point where priests (Pharisees and Sadducees) joint them.

Between 31 and 34 AD, the church underwent a huge explosion, and these were only Jewishconversions. This was a reasonably pure faith because it was so closely (geographically)connected with the apostles. We know Paul was converted circa 37 AD, and subsequently took the gospel to the gentiles, which started an even greater explosive exponential growth.

Acts 6; after a time, the followers of the way were not allowed to attend the synagogues. They weresomewhat state-controlled, so the authorities wanted to keep the followers of Christ, who were

deemed troublemakers, out of the synagogues. In verse 1 we see that the Greek Jews (the Hellenists)were not being served fairly. A large portion of the followers of the Way were Hellenists. Thecommunities of Greek Jews came to be at odds with the Hebrew Jews. Greeks were put in charge of making things fair (6:5).

After the death of Stephen, a massive persecution erupted. The Jewish leaders spearheaded thispersecution (36 AD). The Greek Jews, who had been living in communes in Jerusalem, were theones who were scattered. The Hebrews stayed (Ac. 8:1—the apostles stayed). This began the timewhen the term Ekklesia was used to refer to followers of the way. At the same time Paul comes onto the scene. He was a Hebrew, had the training of a Greek background (Tarsus), and was aRoman citizen.

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Acts 11:19-26—they started preaching to Jews, then to Gentiles; then Barnabas got Paul in on it,and the followers of the way begin to be known as “Christians.” 2Cor. 4:6—Paul says that historyfinds its consummation in the figure of Christ. The Hebrew experience could be reduced to the term“light.” They were the light in the gentile world; we see these sentiments reflected throughout allthe Old Testament. The Greeks were obsessed with knowledge; they were the inventors of the

“academy,” and all of the “-ology” terms—derived from logos. The Romans were concentratedhonor and glory. Paul united the 3 worlds he was a part of in through Christ as the consummationof all. He gives the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God.

Paul’s first missionary journey began (47 AD; Acts 13-15:35) in Antioch as Barnabas showed himwhat was going on there (11:25). Paul caught the vision, though interestingly he constantly strugglewith his poor vision (as we understand this to be his―thorn in the flesh‖ as evidenced by hismention of how the Galatians would have given him their eyes if they could). His second journey (49-53 AD; Acts 16:1-18:22). His third journey (53 AD; 18:23-21:26). In acts 15, Paul was leading ahighly questioned conversion of Gentiles and the Church called him to give account for his work. Pauldied circa 64/67 AD.

The idea behind the Gnostic gospels (120-200 AD) is that Jesus gave secret teachings to certainindividuals after His resurrection. Interestingly, there is no focus on the historical Jesus but rather aheavenly Jesus, teaching special truths. They focus on the words of Jesus rather than the words of Jesus. They are all written in Coptic—the writing form of Egypt. They were popular in Egypt andSyria. They tell us almost nothing about the historical Jesus. These gospels include those of Thomasand Philip. No one believes that Philip wrote the gospel of Philip. The idea of Jesus married Marycame from this gospel and all comes to a passage that says that Jesus kissed Mary on her mouthoften. There is damage to the document, and the place where the word describes where he kissedher should be is not there. Far from declaring a wedding, it doesn’t even say where he kissed her.This is clearly not conclusive since greeting with a kiss was greatly common in this time. All that inconsideration, even if it did say that he kissed her on the mouth often, there is no account of arelationship between them; and, even if there were evidence of a relationship between them, theseGnostic gospels teach Gnostic ideas which are incompatible with Christian beliefs—including that women must become men in order to go to heaven. Basically no one accepts these writings asdivinely inspired.

Documents from Roman historians (Celsus, Tacitus, Pliny and others; 75-175 AD), having no agenda,establish that Jesus was:

  A historical figure  A teacher  From Palestine  Supposedly king/Christ   Worshipped as divine  Executed under Pilate

Most of these writings mention Jesus in passing, as a side note. Non-Christian, Jewish texts establisheven more, including names of Jesus’ relative, the uncertain nature of His birth, and the claims of Hisresurrection. New Testament documents are declared to be biased and unreliable, but the truth isthat all writings are biased and ―tainted‖ by the viewpoint of the one bearing witness; nev ertheless,regardless of biases, facts are still recorded by the writers of the Bible just as surely as Josephus andTacitus recorded facts in spite of their personal biases. The events recorded by NT writers werewritten within their living memory. There was no vast amount of time. They wereeyewitness/contemporaries of the events they recorded.

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Paul’s letters are dated 48-64 AD. The value of his letters is that they are the earliest writings of thechurch. Paul’s letters confirm details of Jesus’ life including His death, resurrection, and appearances(1Cor. 15). Paul writes about them with an attitude that those who would be reading the things hewrote already knew about the life of Christ. Paul and Mark did not know about each other’s writings,and are considered by historians to be independent of each other. Paul didn’t have the gospels, andthe gospel writers didn’t have Paul’s writings. The words he wrote in 1Cor 15:3 -5, date to as early as

34 AD.

The gospels were widely known and circulated quite shortly after the death and resurrection of Jesus.The four gospel are the earliest sources we have anywhere of the life of Christ. They are takenseriously by historians as valid documents. Luke and Mark are first accepted as the most hecticallyvalid by historians, followed by Matthew, then John (this is because John holds more theology thanhistory).

Matthew, Mark, and Luke hold many similarities. Mark was written first; therefore Matthew and Lukewere able to look at it; however, Matthew and Luke agree on things that Mark does not record.Scholars believe that there is another document. Matthew and Luke hold almost exact same verbiage,and scholars believe that there was a document they call “Q” from which both writers drew, and

surmise that there are also documents, L, M, and SQ.

The “four-foldness” of the gospel account flies in the face of mechanical inspiration. If God dictated,word-for-word, the things they wrote, why write four gospels? Plenary thought fits far better intowhat we know of the gospels.

“Multiple attestation” is basically meaning multiple sources agree. Within 20 years of Jesus’ death, wehave multiple attestations of the gospel story. This is far sooner that most widely accepted writings of historical figures. But why don’t we have anything written sooner? In these times, the literacy levelwas 10%. The society was one in which oral traditions were passed on from one generation toanother; it was absolutely not a literary society. Today we believe oral communication wasunreliable. In those days they believe that written communication was unreliable. Memory was highlyregarded. When things are handwritten, there is a chance that every copy is different. Oral historysurvived because of personal significance and common structure. When you pass on something that means something to you, it is easy to learn it and share it; when you share something that has anunderstandable structure (like an English limerick vs. a Latin dirge), it is also easy to learn and share.

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The Coming Apostasy of the Church (100 AD-)2Thes. 2:3-6—Paul declares that there will be an eventual betrayal of God’s ways, even as it took timebefore Judas’ gradual betrayal (Son of Perdition idea) was made evident. In verse 6, Paul carefullywalks his way around calling out Rome by name.

Acts 20:27-30—they speak misleading things, or they lead, but lead wrongly to themselves instead of to Christ. These verses point to an internal problem

The initial several centuries witnessed the expansion and triumph of the church, only to be blightedin the late medieval period by theological confusion and error.

Divisions of Church History  Ancient —to 4th c.—formation of the Church

o  Age of the Apostles—to 100 ADo  Age of the Earliest Church Fathers—100-150 ADo  Age of the Apologists—150-300 ADo  Age of the Theologians—300-600 AD

  Medieval—5th to 15th c.—deformation of the Church  Modern—16th to 18th c.—reformation of the Church  Postmodern—19th c. to present —restoration of the Church

Between 100 and 312 AD, we have what is referred to as the era of Catholic Christianity (not as inRoman Catholic, but the linguistic meaning of Catholic—that is, universal). Ignatius was the first torefer to the church as Catholic. Ignatius is believed to have been a student of John the Revelator.

Why did the Church grow so rapidly in the 2nd and 3rd centuries?

1.  The conviction of those who preached the gospel yielded it strength. They were convincedof the events of which they preached.

2.  The Church met a felt need of many in the empire at that time. This was the time of stoics and

others. The Christians weren’t out to be the self -possessed people that the stoics strove to be,but it just happened.

3.  Love was the backbone of the Church. The love that was shown to others, rich and poor,Jews and gentiles alike. The end of Acts 2 makes it clear.

4.  Persecution/martyrs showed that the adherents of the teaching s of the church werewilling to die for it. Persecution was the catalyst and the martyr’s blood planted seeds inthe hearts of those who watched them die.

a.  Accused of being aloof from societyb.  Accused of holding secret meetings, sex orgies, and cannibalism c. Accused of 

Atheismi.  Refused to worship any idols (Romans could not relate)

ii.  Did not recognize the state-godsiii.  Would not participate in emperor worship1.  Rome had grown so large that it was losing internal unity since the

people from one end of the territory to the other had nothing incommon. The easiest way to create that unity was emperorworship. It was not from a religious motive but for political unity.

The Concept of Authority in the Early Church:

God>Christ>Apostles>The Successors of the Apostles (Bishops trained by the Apostles, includingIgnatius of Antioch—student of John—martyred 117 AD, Polycarp of Smyrna—student of John—

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martyred 155 AD, Clement of Rome—traditionally ordained by Peter—martyred). Through thissystem, the oral tradition of the gospel was passed on from one generation to the next. The point wasto maintain the succession of truth.

As the Apostles died, the need for the Apologists began to grow. They were writers who contendedfor the faith, answering the accusations of critics from inside and outside the church, including

Aristedes, Justin Martyr, Theophilus, Athenogoras, Lactanius, Clement of Alexandria, and Origen.

PersecutionThe Decian and Diocletian persecutions spanned from 225-300 AD and beyond. During the Diocletianpersecution, the scriptures were burned. In these days, persecution did not have the end goal of killing a person. The idea was to torture individuals until they recanted. There were the “confessors” and the ―lapsed. ― 

  Confessors—those who held fast to their profession of faith.  Lapsed— The lapsed were those who recanted their beliefs when tortured

After persecution died down, there was a great debate over if the lapsed should be allowed to rejoin

the church. Around 250 AD, the Novationists set up a congregation in Rome. In this church, no lapsedmembers were allowed.

Now the question came whether the church was a place for sinners or a club for saints. The view that there was no salvation outside of the church became an issue. From this grew the concept of sainthood. The concept arose that the faithful gave their merits to the lapsed. In came the system of penance—a graded system by which to return to the church after denying Christ. It was left up to thebishops whether or not he penance should be accepted.

The church began attempting to crush heresy. Side note: the word “heresy” means choice. The point was to maintain unity, the church needing to be universal. When other choices would arise, thisthreatened the universal nature of the church. Heresy was actually beneficial in its formative stages

because it forced the church to look at its beliefs and to make the beliefs stronger and clearer.

Eph. 4:4—this gives one of the apostolic confessions/creeds, just as in 1Cor. 15. There were manyapostolic creeds that were carried on through the years. 1Tim. 3:16 is believed to have been an earlychurch hymn. Orthodoxy—that which is straight, or correct. The point of orthodoxy was to keepbeliefs founded on what the apostles believed. Throughout church history, statements of orthodoxyhave been clung to. Deviations from these orthodoxies were called heresies. The crushing of heresywas a good thing until it became a bad thing.

The Age of the Apologists was highlighted by strong defenses against these heretical and paganattacks. The entire period was one of defense. Constantine then converts, and the need to defendbecomes less important, and the need to clarify rises. Thus began the Age of the Theologians.

Apostolic Christianity lasted to circa 100 AD, leading to the catholic (universal, not Roman Catholic)church—which included the Apologists’ Age. In 312, the Age of Theologians began with Constantine’sconversion and the “Christian Emperors” of Rome.

As time progressed further from the Apostles, there arose the need for an absolute authority; enterthe scriptures. Now it was increasingly important to have documents from the Apostles. Thecanonized writings of the Apostles and the creeds of orthodoxy came to the forefront.

New Testament Canonization1.  The books themselves had a self-authenticating/evidencing quality within them. They had the

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ring of truth.2.  They also had to have been used in worship; they had to be profitable in worship.3.  There also had to be a direct tie between the writing and the Apostle.

Period Significant Sources Books Received Books Questioned 

 Apostolic Fathers—100-140 Quotations in ApostolicFathers  Four Gospels, PaulineEpistles  None 

Gnostic Opposition—140- 220 

Quotations in ChurchFathers; MuratorianCanon (c.180); Gospelof Truth (Gnostic)

Gospels, Acts, 13 Pauline Epistles, 1 Peter, 1 John, Jude, Revelation 

Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, 2-3 John,Shepherd, Didache, Apocalypse of Peter 

Final Solidification— 220-400 

Origen  Gospels, Acts, 13 Pauline Epistles, 1 Peter, 1 John, Revelation 

Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, 2-3 John, Jude,Shepherd, Didache 

Eusebius Gospels, Acts, 14 Pauline Epistles, 1 Peter, 1 John, 

James, 2 Peter, 2-3 John, Jude, Revelation, Shepherd,Didache 

Athanasius (Paschalletter of 367—finalacceptance in the East) 

Present Canon

The heresies caused the church to be vigilant about canonization.

Church-State RelationsFrom 33-313 AD, Christianity was rejected and persecuted by the state. After Constantine’s tolerationpolicy, the Church went from being a persecuted minority to a pampered majority. In the RomanEmpire there were five major bishoprics: Rome, Constantinople (The “New” Rome), Antioch,Jerusalem, and Alexandria.

With the conversion of the emperor, the state now has a vested interest in the church beinguniversal. Before, the state was attempting to solve the problem of unity with emperor worship. Afterthe conversion, the state sought to use Christianity as a national unifier. Constantine called for achurch council to seek to bring about doctrinal unity (325 AD). When the Roman state united with

the Catholic (universal) church, the result laid the groundwork of the Roman Catholic Church. This isprecisely what Paul warned of in 2Thessalonians. Rome was the restraining power of which he spoke.When this union took place, it was only a matter of time before the man of sin was revealed.

In 325, the church and Constantine met together (Council of Nicaea), and one on the results was theNicene Creed. It was partially a response to Aryanism—which denied that Christ was equally onewith God the Father. Constantine believed that God had called him to bring about Christian unity.Circa 330, Constantine moved the capital of from Rome to Constantinople, there was a vacuum in theWest. The control of the city of Rome was handed over to the Bishop of Rome.

The second ecumenical council, held in Constantinople (Council of Constantinople, 381 AD),

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condemned the teachings of Apollinaris and affirmed that Christ “became human.” After all, howcould Christ heal something (human flesh) that He did not possess? If Christ was only partiallyhuman, the part he did not share with us could not be healed. Christ could not be our Redeemer if Hedid not  fully identify with us. Another creed was offered. In 451, the Council of Chalcedon—arguablythe most ecumenical council in the history of the church—affirmed, in creed, the “humanness” of Christ forever.

Creeds have always revolved around the nature of:  God

o  Trinitarian Controversy—the spectrum of Modalism vs. Tri-theism; one God in threeoffices vs. three persons of different substances and offices.

o  Dealt with at the Council of Nicaea (325 AD).  Christ 

o  Christological Controversy—the nature of Christ; Chalcedonian definition—Christ is“one person in two natures, unmixed, unchanged, undivided, inseparable.” 

o  Dealt with at the Council of Constantinople (381), Ephesus (431, 449), and Chalcedon(451).

  The Churcho  Donatist Controversy—“Outside the church there is no salvat ion.” In the 1st and 2nd

centuries, the Church meant Christ. In the 4th and 5th centuries, it began referring tothe Roman Catholic Church.

  Man/Sino  Pelagian Controversy—Semi-Augustinianism; sacramental grace enables people to

overcome their innate sinfulness.

The Nature of Christ  

We must take both a high view of victory and a high view of sin. Victory is both possible and essential(as the post-fall stance holds). Sin is a behavior (the transgression of the law) and a condition (intowhich we are born; Rom. 5:18), as they pre-fall stance stands. Eph. 2:1-5.

If a child is not a sinner until the child sins, then if that child dies before sinning, the child is not asinner, then the child does not need grace, and then the child does not need a Savior. This cannot bethe case because then salvation would then be either by the death of Christ, or by dying before yousin; yet Jesus, asking if there was any other way to save this world, found in the garden of Gethsemanethat there was no other way.

We are born with a selfish nature, and selfishness is sin. Sin originated in self-seeking. “Human natureis depraved, and is justly condemned by a holy God.” {RH, September 17, 1895 par. 7} “The religiousservices, the prayers, the praise, the penitent confession of sin ascend from true believers as incenseto the heavenly sanctuary, but passing through the corrupt channels of humanity, they are so defiledthat unless purified by blood, they can never be of value with God.” {1SM 344}

Was Jesus tempted with every single temptation that we face? Though we cannot definitively say no,the Bible suggests that this was not the case. There are no biblical records of him having specifictemptations. It’s not essential that he was tempted in every single temptation that we face. Was hetempted with the temptations that homosexuals face? Was he tempted with the temptations that women face? Was he tempted with the temptations of the aged or the motherless? It would seem not.Nevertheless, He was tempted in all points. What points? He was tempted by the lust of the flesh, thelust of the eyes, and the pride of life—these being manifested as a result of selfishness, which is thefoundation of sin.

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Factors Contributing to the Supremacy of the Bishops of Rome

Factor Result 

Matthew 16:17-19 Papal claims rest on the assertion that Peter was given authority by Jesus over theentire church. This claim was officially recognized during the papacy of Leo I.



The teachings that the apostles passed on their authority to their successors led to

the conclusion that Peter’s supreme authority had been perpetuated in thebishops of Rome.

Martyrdom of  Peter and Paul 

With the rise of veneration of martyred saints, Rom gained prestige as the site of the deaths of two of the principal apostles. The persecution under Nero also gaveto the Roman church a special prominence by virtue of its suffering.

Population of Rome  Both the size of the city and the size of the church contributed to the authority of the bishop. 

Imperial Capital  After the Edict of Milan, the emperors often sought advice on religiousmattersfrom the bishops of Rome. 

Language The Latin-speaking West, led by the bishop of Rome, was often able to cut throughthe knotty theological dilemmas that incapacitated the Greek-speaking East,because of the lesser ability of the Latin language to express subtle shades of 

meaning.Location  Of the five patriarchal cities, only Rome was in the West; thus the bishop of Rome

exercised authority over much more territory than didthe other patriarchs. 

Missionary Outreach  The bishops of Rome, such as Gregory the Great, encouraged successfulmissionary world among the barbarian tribes, who then looked to Rome withgreat respect. The Eastern patriarchs were much less successful in evangelizingthe Persians and later the Muslims. 

Barbarian Invasions 

The collapse of the Western Empire under the barbarian invasions left the churchas the major integrating force in society—in the empire as well as the “Christian”barbarians.

Muslim Conquest   The loss of the territories of the patriarchs of Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalemto Islam and the continual pressure exerted against Constantinople also increased

the authority of the bishop of Rome.Leadership Leo I (first “Pope;” (bishop, 440-461 AD)) played a major Rome in resolving the

Christological controversy; he also pled with the Huns and Vandals, obtaining thepreservation of Rome. Gregory I acted to protect Rome against the Lombards,encouraged mission to England, and contributed pastoral and theological writings.

By the time of Gregory I (600 AD), the federation of Bishops had come to an end, and there was now asingular leader over all the churches. This is the transition from the Formation to the Deformationstage of the Church.

Monasticism began to rise as a response to an increasingly worldly church. People separated

themselves from the world, taking vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The monks werescholars, but for the purpose of knowledge, not sharing. There was no evangelistic focus. So it is todayas well.

The Conflict between East and West  

1.  Division of Eastern and Western Rome.

2.  Justinian (Eastern Emperor, 527-565) gives eastern flavor (Persian, etc) to Church—architecturally, etc.

a.  The grandeur of the Orthodox church impressed the northern areas, including theRussians, and we see the influence in both architecture and in the Greek and Russian

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Orthodox churches.3.  The rise of icons in eastern religious art, including Mary and others. People lost the concept 

that the art was to point to the original, and so they began to focus on the object. Idolatrycreeps in.

4.  Leo III (717-741) destroyed idols in the East after being convicted that this was idolatry.He was called an iconoclast.

5.  Continued debates and quibbles between Rome and Constantinople.6.  1054 AD—Cardinal Humbart (legate of Leo IX) marches in to Constantinople to deliver the

bull of excommunication, saying to those pleading against the decree, “Let God look andjudge.” This caused The Great Schism.

7.  Islamic military and cultural pressure in the East. The Western (Catholic/universal) churchand Islam sandwiched the Eastern (Orthodox/straight) church.

The Church Rises to Power476 AD—marks the fall of the Western Empire precipitated by the onslaught of the Germanic tribes.The fall helped lead up to the bishop of Rome becoming the Pope. In 538, Justinian, after destroyingthe last of the Ostrogoths (the last resistance) declaresVigilius Pope.

Boniface was one of many missionaries sent forth for the Christianization of Europe. The objectivewas to reach the Germanic tribes. “Christianity” began to become a binding force.

Charlemagne (742-814). Pope Leo III crowned him head of state in 800. Charlemagne thought that hisfunction was to protect the church and the church was to pray for him. By now, the union of churchand state is in earnest.

Pope Boniface VIII (1301) declares with Unam Sanctam that both spiritual and temporal power weresubject to the church. The church’s power continued to increase, and kings became more and moresubjected to the power of the Pope.

 ABrief History of IslamDate Event  

538 “Holy Roman Empire” established570 Birth of Muhammad 622 The Hijrah 630 The capture of Mecca 632 The death of Muhammad636 The conquest of Jerusalem and Damascus 690 The construction of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem 713 The conquest of Cordova, Spain, and the expansion into the Indus Valley732 The Battle of Tours, France 

1099 The capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders1453 The fall of Constantinople

Side note: God used Islam to protect one of the greatest libraries in Alexandria. The Catholics weredestroying libraries wherever they went. If Alexandria’s library had been destroyed, we could not have the Bible we have today. God raised Islam to keep the RCC in check.

The crusades were a series of huge military incursions from Western European nations (1095-1291)whose purpose was to open the biblical lands to Western pilgrims. Eventually they were defeated bySaladin.

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The Emergence of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC)Slowly, ever so slowly, the pieces came together to create the mosaic of Roman Catholicism.

Date Event  

600 Latin used in prayer and worship, imposed by Gregory I, taking away the access of common

people to understand the services600 Prayers directed to Mary, dead saints, and angels (stemming from the confessors and the

lapsed of the Diocletian persecution—4th Century)709 Kissing the pope’s feet began with Pope Constantine 786 Veneration of cross, images [idols; as opposed to icons—which were paintings(long faces,

shining halos, etc.)], and relics authorized 927 College of Cardinal established995 Canonization of dead people as saints initiated 1000 Attendance at Mass made mandatory 1079 Celibacy of priesthood, decreed by Pope Gregory VII 1090 Rosary, repetitious praying with beads, invented by Peter the Hermit 1190 The sale of indulgences established to reduce 

1215 Transubstantiation (the wafer and wine literally become the flesh and blood of Jesus)proclaimed by Pope Innocent III 

Development of Roman Catholic Theology  Four Sentences, Seven Sacraments (baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, penance, anointing of 

the sick, the holy orders—ordination, and matrimony), and Mechanical Graceo  Peter Lombard—1095-1160 

  The sacraments imparted the grace of God apart from the piety of therecipient. No matter your attitude, it was still efficacious.

  Transubstantiationo  Fourth Lateran Council—1215

  Summatheologica, sacraments as means of graceo  Thomas Aquinas—1224-1274

  Seven Sacraments, Mechanical Graceo  Council of Florence—1438-1445

  Merited Grace Dogmatizedo  Council of Trent —1545-1563

The Eve of the Reformation

Outside Causes  Socio-economic change  Turks  Nationalism

  HumanismInside Causes  Babylonish Captivity  Moral Reformers  Conciliarism  Mystics

The Three Essentials of How It Came About  1.  Milieu

a.  Trouble inside and outside the Church. The discontent within the church continued togrow.

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2.  Messagea.  Sola scriptura, sola gratia, sola fide (Only scriptures, only grace, only faith). The

discontentment inside the church led to the preaching of the message.3.  Means

a.  The printing press brought about ease of access to all. Books, before the advent of thepress, were immensely expensive. After the press, information and education became

readily accessible. Without the press, no one would have known who Martin Lutherwas. The locus of his reformation would have been contained to Wittenberg. Themessage could now be spread.

The major reformers were “Sons of Rome.” The purpose of the reformers was not to divide the churchbut to reform it. They gained popularity because lower classes, disillusioned with the papacy, joinedin the criticism of the Church. Some supported the reformers for economic reasons since the Churchwas always demanding money from them.

1382—Wycliffe translates the Bible into English; he was considered the “morning star”of thereformation1415—John Hus1439—the printing press1517—Luther, influenced by Hus and Wycliffe, publishes the 95 theses1520—Papal bull excommunicates Luther

The 5 “Solas” of the Protestant Reformation 1.  Sola Scriptura

a.  Authority and sufficiency of the Bible; the content of Salvation

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2.  Sola Christusa.  Exclusivity of the Provider; the basis of Salvation

3.  Sola Gratiaa.  Totality of provision; the objective (external) cause of Salvation

4.  Sola Fidea.  Means of appropriation; the subjective (personal) agency of Salvation

5.  Soli Deo Gloriaa.  The purpose of it all; the reason for living a Godly life.

Catholicism vs. Protestantism

Justification by faith and sacraments Justification by faith aloneGrace administered through church Priesthood of all believers Authority of Scripture and tradition Bible alone as final authority 

Traditions within the Protestant Reformation

Date Reformers Present Division

1517 Lutheran (Luther, Melanchthon) Lutheran1519 German-Swiss (Zwingli, Bullinger) Presbyterian1532 French Swiss (Calvin, Beza)1536 English (Cranmer, Hocker) Anglican, Episcopalian(Congregational)

The Groundwork for Adventism1620—The Mayflower lands in the “new world,” bearing passengers who sought freedom fromreligious persecution. Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams who, unlike the leaders of most other colonies, gave true freedom of religion in RI.

1831—Miller starts preaching of the eminent return of Christ, the Second Advent .

1844—the great disappointment leads many to fall away while some (Hymes, Fitch, Hiram Edson,Ellen Harmon, James White, J.N. Andrews, and others) promoted the truth of the Second Advent.

1863—the Seventh-day Adventist Church is founded, emphasizing the sanctuary, Sabbath, andother unique truths of Adventism. They were determined not to make any creedal statements but rather took the stance, “The Bible is our creed.” 

 Alexandria – Egypt (The second Athens) Antioch – Syria

Was apostate Was more Faithful

Today– Muslim Today - Muslim

Greek education dominated. Rome could not break it. This city was dominated by the Paganpractices of the Greeks.

Was the leading nation of Christianity

There is little evidence that early Christianswhere keeping Sunday right at the end of 1st  Century. Maybe to reduce the threat of persecution. The Jews where hated by theRomans, so the Christians wanted to be treated

When Jerusalem was attacked – The fled. Most of them went to the Sea of Gallie, but then manyof them when to Syria, esp to Antioch.

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as a different institution. The Pagans used theday of the week to distinguish which side of thefence they sat on. Rome excelled their prisoners(common prisoners and Christians) to Dacia(Approx. Romania). This is where the first reallyChristian community begin. In Alexandria it quickly influenced Rome.

160 Justin Martyr – Began the integration of Greek and Christian

250 – 312 Lucian – Was born in Antioch into aChristian family. He was going to train peopleso to rebut the efforts of the school’s of Alexandria. He found that in Alexandria thestarted to change the Manuscripts. Whichbecame the Western Alexandrian Greek Manuscripts. He made an effort to restore theGreek manuscripts. Which became EasternSyria Greek Manuscripts.

170 – 180 Tatien – The followed the idea of bringing the Greek ideas into the church.

197 Glement of Alexandria – Would not viewChristianity except through the eyes of theGreek gods

235 Oregon

The oldest manuscripts we have today come from the Western Alexandrian Greek Manuscripts.(3rd Century). (Codex Vaticanus –  Abervated New Testimate, Codex Simacticus)

In the Eastern Syrian Greek Manuscripts age to back around 4th Century. Percreta Bible. Wyclift – was the first English bible but it was from the Western. Greek – No spaces in the words, nopunctuations.

Dealing with the early errors 

10 yrs of Diocletian of persecution (303 AD – 313 AD)1.  Emperor Diocletian2.  Emperor Salerius3.  Emperor Maximinian

Council of Licia – Started 10yrs after the persecution

  (Dec 312 – 337 AD) – New emperor Constantine, early the next year 313 – He joined Paganand Church

  313 AD – Constantine Stoped the persecution of the Christians

  Mar 7 321 – Sunday Law (by Constantine) (8yrs after the stop of persecution)

  By the 600’s many parts of Christendom where keeping the Sabbath 

  664 AD – (Key Date of the change of Saturday to Sunday Council of Wickbe)

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  You have to worship on Sunday or don’t work on Sunday 

  Wales and Scotland didn’t accept it till the 12 Century325 AD - 1st Council of Nicia

o  4 yrs after the Sunday law – (State – Church Union) (The state was controlling thechurch)

o Constantine Called and Chaired – it was run by the state

o  Main issue was the trinity - Arianism

  364 AD Council of Laodicea (43yrs from when the Sunday Law was introduced)

o  Called by the Bishops

o  Main issue was the Sabbath

o  Christians have to work on Saturday

  (354 – 431 AD) – Augustine, Bishop of Hippo

o  Born in North Africa

o Divided home (Mother was a Christian, a supporter of Manichaeism)

o  He brought Zoroastrian (a around the same time of Daniel)

o  He went to a Manichaeism school

o  By his 20’s he wanted to try something else so he tried Christianity

o  380 AD He went to visit the (Bishop Amborose) – Malian

  (Bishop Amborose) – “When in Rome do as Rome does” he was acompromising Christian)

  476 AD – The Fall of western Rome

  538 AD – (Church – State Union) The Church was controlling the State)

The Life of AugustineThe cross is the oldest symbol.The cross was never used by the Christian world, they used the fish.Augustine believed in the balancing of the forces in the universe. Pagans try to balance things whichare never where to be balanced. Good = Bad, Truth = Error, Male = Female, Priest = Female Priest 

  Ultimate controlo  Acts 24:25 – Ultimate control

  Freewillo  1 King 18:21 – Choiceo  Ezk 19:24 – Righteousness person can still be lost o 

1 John 1:9 – Conditions  Victory over sino  Jude 24 – Able to keep youo  1 Jon 3:6-9 – Sin not o  1 Pet 1:2 – Foreknowledge

  Salvation is for all Meno  Jon 12:31-32

  Eternal burningo  2 Thess 1:9 – Eternal destruction

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  Nature of Christ o  Rom 1:3o  Rom 8:3o  Gal 4:4-5o  Heb 2:14-18

  Original Sino  Act 17:30-31o  Jon 9:41o  Jon 15:22

   Augustine believes

o  Absolute control / ultimate control o  Predestination / Free will o  Original sin / Sin by choice o  Once saved always saved / Salvation conditional o  Victory of sin is impossible / Victory over sin in Christ Power o  The chosen (elect) are saved / Righteous saved o  Eternal burning torment / Eternal destruction o  Limbo Infant baptisms / Adult, believers, decision, immersion baptism o  Immaculate conception (Dec 8 1854) / Christ took mans fallen nature o  (Dec 8 1864) -o  (Dec 8 1870) – Ineffability of the church

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What to teach to non-believerThe principles of health and temperance will appeal to their judgment, and we can from thesesubjects lead them on to understand the binding claims of the fourth commandment. {CH 545.2}

Preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. {Ev 169.1}

Present the gospel in its simplicity.--Counsels to Teachers, pp. 253-255. (1913) {Ev 175.2}

Ministers should not preach sermon after sermon on doctrinal subjects alone. Practical godlinessshould find a place in every discourse.--Review and Herald, April 23, 1908. {Ev 178.4}

The Lord desires His servants today to preach the old gospel doctrine, sorrow for sin, repentance,and confession. {Ev 179.5}

Let the mind dwell upon the great work of redemption, the soon coming of Christ, and thecommandments of God; and it will be found that there is enough food for thought in these subjects

to take up the entire attention. --Review and Herald, Sept. 11, 1888. {Ev 183.2}

The third angel's message calls for the presentation of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, andthis truth must be brought before the world; but the great Center of attraction, Jesus Christ, must not be left out of the third angel's message.... {Ev 184.3}

Laborers in the cause of truth should present the righteousness of Christ.-- Review and Herald,March 20, 1894. {Ev 185.1}

Let the science of salvation be the burden of every sermon, the theme of every song. {Ev 185.3}

Some ministers think that it is not necessary to preach repentance and faith … But many people are

sadly ignorant in regard to the plan of salvation; they need more instruction upon this all-important subject than upon any other. {Ev 185.4}

These are our themes--Christ crucified for our sins, Christ risen from the dead, Christ ourintercessor before God; and closely connected with these is the office work of the Holy Spirit, therepresentative of Christ, sent forth with divine power and gifts for men.--Letter 86, 1895. {Ev187.1}

His pre-existence, [SEE ALSO PP. 613-617, "MISREPRESENTATIONS OF THE GODHEAD."] Hiscoming the second time in glory and power, His personal dignity, His holy law uplifted, are thethemes that have been dwelt upon with simplicity and power.--Letter 83, 1895. {Ev 187.2}

There are many who want to know what they must do to be saved. They want a plain and clearexplanation of the steps requisite in conversion, and there should not a sermon be given unless aportion of that discourse is to especially make plain the way that sinners may come to Christ and besaved. {Ev 188.1}

Teach the simple lessons given by Christ. Tell the story of His life of self-denial and sacrifice, Hishumiliation and death, His resurrection and ascension, His intercession for sinners in the courtsabove. {Ev 188.2}

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Present the truth as it is in Jesus, making plain the requirements of the law and the gospel. Present Christ, the way, the truth, and the life, and tell of His power to save all who come to Him. {Ev 189.1}

The sacrifice of Christ as an atonement for sin is the great truth around which all other truthscluster. In order to be rightly understood and appreciated, every truth in the Word of God, from

Genesis to Revelation, must be studied in the light that streams from the cross of Calvary. I present before you the great, grand monument of mercy and regeneration, salvation and redemption--theSon of God uplifted on the cross. This is to be the foundation of every discourse given by ourministers.--Gospel Workers, p. 315. (1915) {Ev 190.1}

All power is given into His hands, that He may dispense rich gifts unto men, imparting the pricelessgift of His own righteousness to the helpless human agent. This is the message that Godcommanded to be given to the world. It is the third angel's message, which is to be proclaimed witha loud voice, and attended with the outpouring of His Spirit in a large measure. {Ev 190.4}

Daniel’s prophecies have their proper place in the first, second, and third angels’ messages to begiven to the world. {CTr 344.3}

The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love. {COL 415.5}

… the people of God still in Babylon will be called upon to separate from her communion. Thismessage is the last that will ever be given to the world; and it will accomplish its work. {GC 390.2}

The most fearful threatening ever addressed to mortals is contained in the third angel's message.That must be a terrible sin which calls down the wrath of God unmingled with mercy. Men are not to be left in darkness concerning this important matter; the warning against this sin is to be given tothe world before the visitation of God's judgments, that all may know why they are to be inflicted,

and have opportunity to escape them. {GC 449.}

The great message, combining the first, second, and third angel's messages, is to be given to theworld. This is to be the burden of our work. Those who truly believe in Christ will openly conformto the law of Jehovah. The Sabbath is the sign between God and His people, and we are to makevisible our conformity to the law of God by observing the Sabbath. It is to be the mark of distinctionbetween God's chosen people and the world. It means much to be true to God. This embraces healthreform. It means that our diet must be simple, that we must be temperate in all things. The manyvarieties of food so often seen on tables is not necessary, but highly injurious. Mind and body are tobe preserved in the best condition of health. Only those who have been trained in the knowledgeand fear of God should be chosen to take responsibilities. Those who have been long in the truth,yet who cannot distinguish between the pure principles of righteousness and the principles of evil,

whose understanding in regard to justice, mercy, and the love of God is beclouded, should berelieved of responsibility. {KC 105.3}

28 Fundamentals and the Main Pillars of Our Faith

1.  State of the DeadCreationNature of Man

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Death and ResurrectionLife, Death, and Resurrection of Christ 

2.  SanctuaryLife, Death, and Resurrection of Christ Remnant and Its Mission

Christ's Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary

3.  Second ComingRemnant and Its MissionLord's SupperSecond Coming of Christ Millennium and the End of Sin

4.  SabbathCreationRemnant and Its MissionGrowing in Christ Law of GodSabbath

5.  SalvationHoly ScripturesTrinityFatherSonHoly Spirit Great ControversyLife, Death, and Resurrection of Christ 

Experience of SalvationGrowing in Christ ChurchBaptismNew Earth

6.  Spirit of ProphecyHoly Spirit Spiritual Gifts and MinistriesThe Gift of ProphecyExperience of SalvationLife, Death, and Resurrection of Christ 

Growing in Christ Unity in the Body of Christ Christian BehaviorRemnant and Its MissionChrist's Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary

7.  Sanctification  Holy Spirit   Experience of Salvation

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  Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ   Growing in Christ   Unity in the Body of Christ   Baptism  Stewardship  Christian Behavior

  Marriage and the Family  Law of God

Sabbath  Lord's Supper

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Order of Studies

Section I1.  Overview of Humanity’s Problem, Conclusion, and Solution / Scripture  


Death, Eternal Life, Saviour (Big Picture)2.  Godhead / Father, Son, Holy Spirit = Who is God?a.  Conclusion = Love and unityb.  Howc.  Objections: 3 in 1; 3 gods

3.  Creation = The Creation of Goda.  Purpose / Conclusion = reflect God’s character 

i.  Thought and Feeling (Truth and Spirit) (Mental and Emotion) (Convincedand Convicted)

ii.  Teach and Preach (New things and Application)b.  How to get to the point c.  Objections: Why people will not accept this?

d.  Supplement study4.  Great Controversy = The Origin of Evil

a.  Conclusion = Sin originated from Satan in the form of pride5.  Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ (Temptation & Fall of Men) = The Desire of Ages

(Salvation)a.  Conclusion = The solution to the sin problem is found in Jesus Christ 

6.  Experience of Salvation = Living by Faith (Growing in Christ = Victory over Sin)a.  Conclusion = We keep our assurance of salvation alive by living by every word of 

Godb.  Conclusion = Jesus is at the right hand of God so that we can come boldly to His

throne of grace7.  Law of God = God’s Law Unchangeable 

a.  Conclusion = The law, exemplified in the life of Jesus, mirrors God’s character andpoints out what true love is

8.  Sabbath = Repairing the Breacha.  Conclusion = The Sabbath teaches how to rest in Jesus for true conversion

9.  Antichrist & Mark of Beast a.  Conclusion = Devil seeks to rob God’s people of true rest and keep them from

preparation of the 2nd coming.10. Second Coming = The Blessed Hope

a.  Conclusion = The timing of the 1st resurrection11. Baptism / Church = How to Bury the Past 

a.  Conclusion = The sign of our rebirth in Christ and entrance into a church family12. Death and Resurrection (State of the Dead) = Can Our Dead Speak to Us?

a.  Conclusion = Death to self frees us from the power of the grave in the resurrection

Section II13. Sanctuary = What Jesus did a long time ago

a.  Conclusion = Connecting Salvation with prophecy14. Sanctuary = Earthly meets Heavenly

a.  Conclusion = Christ the fulfillment of the earthly Sanctuary15. Sanctuary = What is Jesus Doing Now?

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a.  Conclusion = Jesus is still with us today as our intercessor, helping us overcometemptation and reproducing Himself in His children

16. Unity in the Body / Lord’s Supper = How to Love One Another (Witnessing)a.  Conclusion = The memory of Christ’s death and humility unites us closer to Him and

each other17. Christian Behavior = Hidden Jewels

a.  Conclusion = How we can show to the world Christ’s meekness and humility in ourlives today

18. Prayer & Family = The Secret to a Happy Family (Marriage)a.  Conclusion = Exemplifying the example of Christ in our family

19. Health = Secret to peace on earth and heavena.  Conclusion = Mind is avenue in which heaven reaches us

20. Stewardship = Christ’s Poverty Makes Us Rich a.  Conclusion = Overcoming selfishness by acknowledging God as the Owner and we as

the managers helps the spreading of the gospel ministry

Section III21. Remnant & Mission = What Church Would Jesus Attend?

a.  Conclusion = God raised the Seventh-day Adventist movement to proclaim the ThreeAngel’s Message in the last days

22. Spiritual Gifts = What Makes the Church Goa.  Conclusion = Self-less use of our talents for training, serving, and building up God’s

church23. Gift of Prophecy = God’s End Time Prophet  

a.  Conclusion = Jesus prepares His people for the 2nd coming through the writings of EGW

24. Millennium = The Devil’s One Thousand Year Vacation a.  Conclusion = Jesus the righteous Judge.

25. Hell = End of Sin


Conclusion = God will not allow any to perish with the idea that He was not fair26. New Earth = Eden Restoreda.  Conclusion = We can be a part of this new home if we allow His word to recreate our

hearts27. Nature of Man = The Temptation and Fall of Man

a.  Conclusion =God, through Jesus, has given us the power to choose love and humilityover pride

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Fundamental Pillars

1.  Purpose of God in creation of mana.  purpose: To show God's Word has creation / recreation power. God created man to

show God's character.b.  intro: Why do you exist? What was God's purpose for creating you? What is God'spurpose for creating anything in this world?

2.  Godheada.  purpose: To explain 3 in 1 concept. Different roles of the Godheadb.  intro: All over the world people have different concepts of who God is. Let us see

what the Bible has to say about the Godhead. The word Godhead is found in Acts.17:29, Romans 1:20, Colossians 2:9.

3.  Origin of Evil (Lucifer)a.  purpose: To show who sin originated from and that there is an end.

b.  intro: Who created sin? Did God create sin?

4.  Fall of Mana.  purpose: To show why humans have no control over their lives. What happened

when Eve sinned and Adam sinned?b.  intro: After Lucifer lost the war in heaven, he was throne out of heaven. But what 

happened next? What was his plan?

5.  Gospel Sanctuary 1c.  purpose: To show the sanctuary objectsa.  intro: With each successive generation, man forgot Christ's promise that He would

come to sacrifice for humanity and pay the price. When Moses brought the children

of Israel, it was many generations from Adam, but God decided to give His people avisible reminder to teach them daily and yearly Christ's soon coming to sacrifice.

6.  Gospel Sanctuary 2b.  purpose: To show the sanctuary servicesc.  intro: It was not only the objects of the sanctuary that had special significance, but 

also the services.

7.  Salvation in the Crossd.  purpose: To show what Christ suffered at the cross.e.  intro: Finally, Christ came to die for man. But what really happened at the cross?

Was it really that bad for Jesus? Was it really as big a sacrifice as scripture has made

it out to be?

8.  The Only Begottenf.  purpose: To show that Christ not only sacrificed at the cross, but for all eternity so

that man can forever be sons and daughters of God.g.  intro: John 3:16 calls Jesus the only begotten. What does that mean? Does it mean He

was created?

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9.  Law & Graceh.  purpose: To show the purpose of the law.i.  intro: Was the law abolished after Christ's death? Is it no longer relevant to the

Christian experience?

10. Confession and Repentance

j.  purpose: To show the first step towards accepting Christ k.  intro: As the law reflects the sinfulness of our characters, we should feel a sense of 

helplessness. What steps can we take to allow Christ to come into our lives tochange us? How do we open the door of our hearts to the Saviour?

11. Sabbatha.  purpose: To establish the importance of the Sabbath.b.  intro: Other than the institution of marriage, God also allowed Adam and Eve to take

one another institution with them. This was the Sabbath.

12. Prophecy's superpowers - Dan 2a.  purpose: To show the kingdoms that God predicted from Daniel's time till the end of 

the worldb.  intro:

13.  Antichrist 1 - Dan 7a.  purpose: To identify the four beasts that come out of the sea.b.  intro: Revelation 14:9-11 contains one of the most fearful warnings in all the Bible.

You will either be saved or lost. There’s no sitting on the line. But who is this beast that causes those to receive a mark in their foreheads or hands? It is none other thanthe great antichrist of Bible prophecy. Let’s have a look at this beast. 

14.  Antichrist 2 - Dan 7 / Rev 13


purpose: To reveal the antichrist d.  intro: Last time we were together we looked at the four beasts. But today we will bestudying into the little horn of Daniel 7 which will ultimately lead us back to thebeast we saw in Revelation 13.

15. Importance of Marriagee.  purpose: To show how marriage reflects Godhead (3person). To teach us how to

love as God. 2 become 1.f.  intro: God created marriage before He finished His work. Why? What was so

important about marriage? What are the different roles that God reserved for eachparty in the marriage? A large part of society's problems today is the break down inthe marriage relationship.

16. 2300 days 1, Dan 8g.  purpose: To show identify the beasts in Dan 8.h.  intro:

17. 2300 days 2, Dan 9i.  purpose: To calculate the timing of the 2300 days prophecy.j.  intro:

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questions. When is hell? Where is hell? And how long does hell last?

25. True Churchk.  purpose: To showl.  intro: The Bible says in Revelation 12:17 that the dragon (Satan) goes to make war

with the woman and her Remnant. Who is this group of people that is the object of 

Satan’s wrath? 

26. Spirit of prophecym.  purpose:n.  intro:

27. Baptismo.  purpose: To show the importance of baptism and what it means.p.  intro:

28. Importance of Prayerq.  purpose: To teach the Bible student how to prayr.  intro: Growing in Christ is developed through spending time in Bible Study, prayer,

and witnessing. When we study the Bible, God speaks to us. When we pray, wespeak to Him. And when we witness, we speak to others about Him. In this study wewill discover the secrets of prayer and how we can enjoy this privilege

29. Gospel of Healths.  purpose:t.  intro:

30. God's Money - Tithe and Offeringsu.  purpose:



31. Christian Lifestylea.  purpose:b.  intro:

32. Unpardonable Sina.  purpose:b.  intro:

33. Heaven and New Eartha.  purpose:

b.  intro:

34. Faith of Jesusc.  purpose: To show what it means to have the faith of Jesus that will help us to keep

the commandments and have no guile in us (victory over sin)d.  intro: When we look at the characteristic of God's people before Jesus comes, it is

that they have the faith of Jesus, not just faith in Jesus. And that this faith isconnected with the fact they keep all of God's commandments and have no guile,which means no sin. However, when we look at ourselves, somehow, this is not the

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case. What is wrong? How can we have the faith of Jesus?

Doctrinal Teaching

Word of God

DoctrineA.  = Teachinga.  Teaching knowledge, understanding, and wisdom

i.  Knowledge = information (What or Observe) - convinceii.  Understanding = reason (Why or Interpret) - convict 

iii.  Wisdom = how to use it (How or Apply) – convert B.  End result = Eternal Life

Problem, Solution, and ConclusionA.  Death, Saviour, and Eternal Life

a.  Bible study takes them through process of what they know (death) to what they donot know

ProblemA.  Why death? SinB.  What is sin? LawC.  Why break law? Human natureD.  Origin of sin

a.  Satan – Great Controversyb.  Adam – Creation

SolutionA.  Offers solution to all the problems

a.  Satan – pride

b.  Adam – fleshB.  (Death) Evidence we don’t have to die? Resurrection C.  (Sin) Cross + The Sanctuary in heaven

a.  Lamb of God + High Priest D.  (Law and Human Nature) Fallen human nature of Christ E.  (Origin of Sin) His humility and human nature

Death --------------- Eternal LifeA.  When eternal life? 1st Resurrection

a.  State of the DeadB.  1st Resurrection = Eternal LifeC.  2nd Resurrection = Death

Time of 1st ResurrectionA.  Second Coming

Determination of ResurrectionsA.  Good and Evil (John 5:29)

When this decision is made

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A.  Judgment (Ecc 12:14)B.  Investigation of good and evil (Mt. 13:47, 48)

1 Cor 15:21, 22A.  Everyone will be “made alive” = resurrected B.  Why wicked resurrected for eternal death?

a.  Wicked give God permission to destroy them by being convinced of God’s decision isfair

b.  Php 2:10, 11 (9 =resurrection; 8 = death; 6, 7 = human nature of Christ)

Who is Good?A.  Mt 19:16, 17B.  Rom 3:12C.  Rom 3:10 (good = righteous)

Righteous?A.  Greek = dikaios – just = innocent 

a.  Mt 27:19Lk 23:4, 14 = no fault b.  To declare someone good, righteous, just or no fault, there has to be an examination

or judgment c.  “examine” = scrutinize or investigate d.  To declare someone just there has to be an investigative judgment 

B.  Justify = no sin or no fault a.  Record of sin needs to be erased, otherwise God will be called a liarb.  God justifies TODAY based upon future event 

C.  No fault = blotting out of sina.  Must teach about heavenly Sanctuary which is connected to Salvation

How was Jesus in MHP as High Priest confirmed?


Spirit of Prophecya.  Prepares us for the judgment 

How to receive this kind of justification?A.  Faith which is evidenced by good works of faith

a.  Righteousness of Christ received by faith

How to understand faith?A.  Sabbath and faith is connected to the Creator

What does living by faith produce?A.  Sanctification

Major DoctrinesA.  State of the DeadB.  Second ComingC.  SanctuaryD.  SalvationE.  Spirit of ProphecyF.  SabbathG.  Sanctification

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GodheadA.  Four Characteristics

a.  Omnipotent b.  Omniscient c.  Omnipresent 

d.  Eternal / Creator

B.  God is lovea.  More than 1, at least 2

Why 3?A.  God is truth

a.  Father validates Himself by 2 other witnesses (Son and Holy Spirit)b.  Other 2 has to be Eternal to witness Father, therefore they’re part of Godhead 

How to show God is love?A.  Nature, the creation of God

a.  Illus: Art shows the character of the artist 

How to teach in CARE Group?A.  Start by defining who God is (w/out Bible yet)

a.  Omnipotent b.  Omniscient c.  Omnipresent d.  Eternal / Creator

B.  What is He like inside? Lovea.  Based upon what we see outside

C.  Has to be more than 1a.  “Let US …” b.  Marriage – 2 shall be 1


a.  Get them to agree to something they can’t deny before teaching new idea or point  b.  Example: Omnipotent – Whoever God is He has to be more powerful than you, right?

Therefore He has to be Creator Can we tell something about artist by theirartwork? What about who God is through His creation?

A.  Romans 1:20

a.  This introduces “Godhead” to show it exists in the Bible b.  Compare with other translationsc.  TEACHING TIP:

i.  Use the definite point in the text and know how to use other details in thetext 

d.  SIMPLE but SHARP SUMMARY:i.  Visible things reveal the invisible things

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B.  Acts 17:29a.  Give historical background when you use texts from historical booksb.  TEACHING TIP:

i.  You have to know your Bible study student in order to know which verses touse and how to use it – Communicate with them to know how to teach them,what they need

c.  SUMMARY:i.  God can’t be like gold, etc because WE are His children 

d.  Verses 30, etci.  Paul is making an appeal

ii.  Could use this at the end or in the middle (class will be about Appeals lateron)

C.  Colossians 2:9a.  SUMMARY:

i.  Jesus expresses divine nature of God fully in human form

Key Verses to use when teaching GodheadA.  Deut 6:4 – the Lord our God is one Lord

a.  “ONE” = united, from a word which means to unify b.  SUMMARY:

i.  There’s more than one in order to be united c.  “GOD” = plural form of God in Hebrewd.  “LORD” = Jehovah which means Self -Existent or Eternal

B.  Matt 28:19a.  “NAME” distinguishes 3 different persons 

C.  Matt 3:16, 17a.  The Son has a form is clearly seen in Scripture


Father – John 1:1; 3:16; Dan 7:9, 10; Rev 4c.  Holy Spirit – Dove, Wind, Air, Breath, Fire; no clear Bible text on form of Spirit 

D.  Trinitya.  Bad connotation: One God acting in 3 different roles

CreationTeaching Points 

A.  Major points – more timea.  They should be convinced and convicted by these points

B.  Minor points – little timea.  Supporting points to the major ones

b.  Like fishing, just dropping the bait 

Creation – What are the points trying to bring out?A.  Non-SDA / Sunday Keepers

a.  Sabbath (but as a minor point if it’s your earlier study) b.  Glory – character – law

i.  If they understand law, then connect to whatever God said, it cannot bechanged

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B.  Non-Christiansa.  Creation – Creatorb.  Wordc.  (They’re objections are also being met) 

NOTE: (How to be a master? Not by doing many things a few times but by doing a few things manytimes) We will be attempting to perfect making a Bible study

CARE Group:

Artist - -- - - - - - - - Creation\ /

CARE & LOVE = main point 

  “Form” and “breath” – touching and coming close face to face

Teaching technique:

  Definitiono  Use this to make your point, to emphasize your major point 

  Macro and Micro (Big picture and Little Detail)

Chance and ID (“no thought” and “thought”) 

  Shape, Symmetrical, and Purpose

Great ControversyWhat are we trying to teach?

A.  Beginnera.  Origin of sin

B.  Advanceda.  Think of what people are asking

The Nature of ManWhat are we trying to teach?

A.  Mortal – subject to deathB.  Sinful Nature – subject to sin

In order to teach this you have to teach about sin of Adam – before and after sin

Conclusion: Man is subject to death and sin

Feeling – helplessness and then bring in the hope

Giving the Study:A.  Adam and Eve

a.  Before and After SinB.  Sin and DeathC.  Conclude with Hope

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Before and After SinHow would you bring out the contrast?A.  Gen 1:27, 31 – VERY GOODWhat made it very good?A.  Made in the image of God

a.  It was man’s natural desire to do God’s will

b.  Supported by freedom of choicec.  God’s will for them to live forever

B.  Both their desire to do God’s will and live forever is contingent on their choice theymake – that’s why there’s the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

a.  Tree was there to strengthen their power to choose

TEACHING TIP:A.  To show your conclusion you need to show the opposite of it and then how they became like

your conclusion (sin and death, helpless)

Bible Texts:A.  Gen 2:25 – nakedness and shame

a.  So you bring this out because you show right after this text what happened is sinand shame (Gen 3:10)

b.  This helps you build confidence and trust in you from your student B.  Gen3:7 – eyes opened = knowing they’re naked 

a.  So why didn’t they have this understanding before?i.  Made in God’s image and in Ps 104:2 God wears light as garment, so we

were also covered with thisii.  Because garment of light is gone they can see their nakedness and they’re

ashamedC.  Gen 3:7 – shame causes you to cover that what you’re ashamed of  D.  Gen 3:8-10 –fear connected to voice of God


Shame causes to cover visible shame and hide because of fearE.  Gen 3:10 – they weren’t naked, they had figs; but they felt naked not physically but invisiblytoo

a.  So shame was because of misuse of freedom of choice which brought sin and deathF.  John 8:34 – captive, bondage to sin and because of sin, death (wages after your work = Rom

6:23)G.  Rom 8:2 – what way did Jesus help us? This is how you can end

Bottom line: We cannot save ourselves from sin

Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ 

Ending of last study:A.  Subject of sin and death with the feeling of helplessness but hopeful

How can we teach this study in connection with the previous?A.  Jesus’ death answers our sin problem and His resurrection helps with our death

HumilityA.  Grace and Power

a.  I Pe 5:5

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b.  II Cor 12:9c.  In order to receive grace you have to be humble and when this grace is received it 

gives us powerd.  Tit 2:11-14 – power to choose

Bible Texts:

A.  Rom 6:9 – resurrection helps us with death problemB.  Rom 6:14 – grace helps us with our sin problem (how to get grace? Humility)

Flow of the Study:A.  Rom 3:23 – use short to review the past studiesB.  I John 3:4 – this is the conflict C.  Matt 1:21 – Jesus saves us FROM sin (helps us with this SHORT problem)D.  Matt 1:23 – Immanuel, wants to dwell with us, be with us, to save usE.  Joh 1:14 – how did He dwell with us? Became fleshF.  Heb 2:9 – little lower than the angels to taste death (past sin, our guilt)G.  Heb 2:14, 15 – death problem (future resurrection)H.  Heb 2:17, 18 – temptation (present need)I.  Rom 8:3, 4 – weak through the flesh

TEACHING TIP:A.  Have a flow, be systematic, and natural sequenceB.  First point and last point are connected

State of the Dead

What is the point?A.  When you die, you have no conscience; spiritualism is wrong

Bible Texts:A.  Job 14:10 – to begin the study with this questionB.  Job 14:12 – till heavens be no more II Pe 3:10

Objections:A.  II Cor 5:8 – Absent from the body and present with the LordB.  Lk 23:43 – Thief on CrossC.  Lk 16:19-31 – Rich Man and LazarusD.  I Pe 3:19 –preaching to the spirits in prisonE.  Rev 6:9 – souls under altarF.  I Sam 28:7-14 – Witch of Endor

Fundamentals of the Christian Faith Day 6, Class 101 October 2009

Objections – see Spiritualism Objections Handout 

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Class 2

(See above)

II CORINTHIANS 5:8 A.  Go to verse 1 and onwards to explain

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Objections Handout 

Law of God

A.  Moral law and ceremonial law differencesa.  Why? Sabbath is next study

B.  Objectionsa.  Col 2:14-16b.  Rom 6:14, 15; 7:4c.  Ep 2:8

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Fundamentals of the Christian FaithDay 7 Class 105 October 2009

Law of God 

How to show God’s law is unchangeable? A.  Matt 5:17, 18 is the best one

a.  Verse 21 and 27 establishes which law – the Ten Commandmentsb. 

Justification and Sanctification – must be included in a balanced way in every study; choosejustification rather than sanctification if you have to choose only one

A.  Trust B.  Obey

Level of TruthA.  Jesus said He had many things to say but they couldn’t bear them all B.  Level 1 = positive and attractive emphasized, no choice but to accept it because of how

beautiful it isC.  Level 5 = so strong that they just have to say yes or no

SabbathObjections to the Sabbath 

A.  “Worship God everyday” a.  Should we never work then?b.  We can worship God as we’re working in our minds, but God has set apart one

whole day for worshiping Himc.  Do you have quality time with someone while their working all the time?

TEACHING TIP FOR OBJECTIONS:A.  Show their question is illogical, if appliesB.  Give logical answer from the BibleC.  Give obvious-answered example

B.  “Any day to worship God” or “At  least one day of the week, He’s not so particular” a.  Are you saying that God is not so particular and detailed about what He wants?

(help them to think)b.  Tree of knowledge of good and evil; Blessed and sanctified 7th day, not any otherc.  Birthday, Wedding Anniversary, National Holiday

i.  You cannot change these, so how can we change God’s day?  

C.  “Calendar changed … how to know Sat is still Sabbath?”  a.  Show calendar on which day of the week Sat is; Luke 23:54-24:3; show Saturday in

other languages = Sabbath

D.  “Didn’t Jesus change Sabbath?” a.  Go through all verses on first day of the week in NT

i.  Mt 28:1; Mk 16:2; 16:9; Lk 24:1; Joh 20:1; Joh 20:19; Ac 20:7; I Cor 16:2

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1.  Ac 20:72.  I Cor 16:2 – collecting or setting aside?3.  Give historical background— 

a.  Ac 20:7: Paul going to Jerusalem and they gathered to hearhis speech

b.  I Cor 16:2: See Acts 11:27-30

E.  “Rev 1:10 says Sunday is the Lord’s Day” a.  Sabbath is the Lord’s Day (see Isa 58:13 and Mk 2:27) 

Sabbath Objections 

A.  Colossians 2:14, 16a.  Begin with defining the word “ORDINANCES” (law, civil, ceremonial, or

ecclesiastical)b.  Then say which one? And describe the ordinances and define them:


iii.  CONTRARYc.  Then ask them to look at the Bible as to which law was against us:

i.  Deut 31:24-261.  Book of the law2.  Written by Moses3.  Outside of the ark – the best argument 4.  Against us

d.  Then show how God’s law was inside the ark  i.  Deu 10:1-4

ii.  Heb 9:4, 5e.  Then ask was everything done away what Moses wrote? What was done away?


Go back to Colossians 2:161.  Meat, Drink, Holyday, New Moon, Sabbathsf.  Then ask where in the Bible it talks about all these things?

i.  Leviticus 23g.  CONCLUSION SO FAR: It has to be ceremonial lawh.  Then show there are other types of Sabbaths, ceremonial Sabbathsi.  Leviticus 23:1-3

i.  Sounds like seventh-day Sabbath is part of ceremonial lawii.  KEY WORD: “Holy Convocation” 

iii.  Sabbath is a holy convocation too (verse 4 These are the feasts)j.  Col 2:17 – best argument showing ceremonial are the things which are shadows

i.  Shadow has an image

ii.  Talking about feast daysiii.  Heb 8:5 – shadow of heavenly things, the earthly sanctuaryiv.  Heb 10:1 – shadow of good things to come, the sacrificial lawv.  “which are a shadow of things TO COME” – all fulfilled except DOA and

FOT!!!k.  Sun is greater than the moon

B.  How to show Sabbath still intact after death of Christ a.  Luke 23:56 – Jesus already dead; He died on Friday because they had to keep the

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Sabbath to be first witnesses of His resurrectionb.  Mt 24:20 – Your flight = disciples’ flight; Mt 28:19, 20 – disciples to teach all things

of the commandments of Jesus; destruction took place AD 70c.  Acts 13:42 – Gentiles asking Paul to preach on Sabbath to them

C.  Hebrews 4 objection = everyday is the Sabbath

a.  Heb 3:16-19A.  Saved

a.  From sini.  Guilt and power of 

b.  Deathi.  Eternal life

c.  Guilt = past and justificationd.  Power = present and sanctificatione.  Death = future and glorification

Conversion A.  TransformB.  Born againC.  Change – most common definitionincludes justification and sanctificationD.  RegenerationE.  Renewal

1.  Justification = the decision, Gethsemane2.  Sanctification = the action, Cross3.  Glorification = the conclusion, Resurrection

Change of heart – thoughts and feelingsWhat kind of thoughts and feelings need to be changed?


MotivesB.  DesiresC.  IntentionsD.  TasteE.  InclinationF.  Habit 

Acts 3:19

GOD’S PART = SAVING US FROM SIN, DEATH, AND THE POWER OFSINHUMANITY’S PART = DECISION = REPENTANCE (ACTS 3:19) *In order to understand your decision, you need to understand

repentance and confession = SURRENDER**What is repentance? Sorrow and turn away from sin**Confession? What is sin, and who committed it Confession and Repentance = THOUGHTS and FEELINGSMajority just confess only when they make their “decision” 

A.  GOD’S PART = Rom 2:4 a.  Goodness of Godb.  Holy Spirit 

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c.  Mercy & Graced.  Jesus

BaptismA.  Present it in a different order towards the end


OR use 70 weeksC.  OR Birth, Baptism, Ministry, Death of JesusD.  OR John 3

a.  Water cleansing – baptism is an acknowledgment of you being cleansed by Jesus

A way to present baptism:(Rev 6:17) – who shall be able to stand?Rev 6:15, 16 – people hidingGen 3:7-10 – first time people hid because they’re naked Rev 16:15 – garment / nakedRev 3:14-18 – naked / white raiment Rev 19:8 – righteousness

Jer 23:6 – Jesus “put on” Gal 3:27 – baptism (we have to put off something)Eph 4:24, 22, 23 – renewing of mind is putting off old manRom 6:3-6 – baptism; old manGal 2:20 – crucified with Christ 

John 3:Water and spirit (guilt and power – fire)

Objections to Baptism 

A.  Why go into water?

a.  Present the meaning of baptism = immersionb.  Rom 6 – bury = into the ground, fully covered; plant = into the ground, fully coveredc.  Noah’s flood d.  Acts 8:38, 39e.  Matt 3:16f.  Historyg.  I Cor 10

B.  Eze 36:25, 26a.  Eph 5:24, 25 with Eze 36:23, 25, 26

C.  I was already sprinkleda.  Immersion is the right way

D.  I was already baptized by immersion as a Baptist, etc

a.  Acts 19 – rebaptismb.  Major doctrines:

i.  Three Angels’ Messages ii.  Pillars of our faith

E.  Why do I have to get baptized at all?a.  Wedding – important to show you forsake all but one

F.  Infant baptisma.  Matt 28:19, 20

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G.  Name of Jesus or Father, Son, and Holy Ghost a.  Would you go against being baptized in the name of Father and Holy Ghost too?

H.  I Cor 15:29 –baptized for the deada.  SHOW I COR 15 IS ABOUT RESURRECTION (v 4)b.  Verse 12 – Paul’s point = THERE IS A RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD c.  Verse 14 – still on his point: why should we preach if no resurrection?

d.  Verse 17 – yet in your sinse.  Verse 18 – talking about them who are dead ARE PERISHED if no resurrection;

those who die in Jesus die in hopef.  Verse 21, 22 – resurrection of the dead by Christ g.  Verse 23 – make conclusion about 2 types of death: IN CHRIST or IN SIN

i.  1st in Christ of lifeii.  2nd in sin of condemnation

h.  Then ask what ceremony teaches when you die in Christ?

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The Word of God/ Daniel 2Purpose of the Study: To show that the Bible is trustworthy. The study will address the Bible’sclaims, content, and consistency.

Bible studies = 40-50min.

Center it: God is a communicator who longs to communicate His message of salvation through Hisword.

Know it/Mark it: 3 Lines of Evidence (3 C’s of the Bible’s believability) 


  2Timothy 3:15-17, esp. 16

  2Peter 1:19-21


  John 14:29

  Isaiah 46:9, 10

  Daniel 2

  Consistency {CITE}





Share it:

  Claims: What claims does the Bible make about itself?  2Timothy 3:15-17. According to verse 15, what is the purpose of scripture? To make

us wise to salvation [to bring about the experience of salvation]. (If they ask: “What 

does that mean?” A: “Great question. We’ll cover that later.” At this point we want 

to establish what the Bible say about Scripture.) According to verse 16, what claim is

made about scripture? It is inspired by God [God-breathed]. According to this verse,

how much scripture is “God-breathed”? All. Notice the remarkable claim the Bible

makes about itself. The purpose of Scripture is to bring about the experience of 

salvation. That scripture, all of it, is God breathed.

  2Peter 1:19-21. What is the interesting word we find in verse 19? Prophecy . This is

a very important word, and we’ll come back to it in a moment. Q: According to verse20, what is the first thing we must know about scripture? It is not to be privately

interpreted. (If they ask: How come there are so many different denominations? It 

seems like everyone is interpreting the Bible privately. A: Great question. We’ll

cover that later.) According to verse 21, why is that the case? Because the origin of 

scripture is God, not man (There is our claim again).

  Summary: the Bible is the product of God. Our claim is that it is God

breathed. It’s the origin in God’s will. 

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  This prophecy is found in the book of Daniel.

  Written 600 years before the time of Jesus.

  Nebuchadnezzar had a strange dream and he asked the magicians,

astrologers, etc to remember the dream he had and interpret it.

  The king was furious because he couldn’t remember it and they couldn’t tell

him anything. So he sent them to be killed.  Daniel was numbered among the executioners, and he asked to show what 

the dream was and its interpretation.

  Daniel didn’t know the dream, but he knew the One who knew the dream.  

  He asked God to show him what the dream was and its interpretation.

  God is a God that hears and answers prayers.

  God showed Daniel what the dream was and its interpretation.

  (A drawing of King Nebuchadnezzar’s statue.) 

  It contains 8 major elements.

1.  Babylon (Gold – Most powerful empire)


Medo-Persia (Silver – two arms = Medes & Persia)3.  Greece (Under Alexander the Great) (Bronze – He used bronze for their

military metal and was so powerful. From a small tribe, overtook the

enormous kingdom of Medes & Persia)

4.  Rome (Roman Empire would not be conquered but divided) (Rome over

took Greece using Iron military. Was the country to develop Iron first.)

5.  Division of Rome (divided, not conquered—476 AD—over 100 years after it 

was forecasted). (Two legs – Rome was divided into two parts: East and

West Rome)

6.  Continued division of Rome

7.  Method of attempted unification (Iron & clay – cannot mix together, but it 

looks like one because of feet. but iron and clay cannot blend together and

they tried to through intermarriages were one of the many ways they

attempted to unify Europe. Military attempts of unification have failed

also—Napoleon, Hitler, Henry 14th, Charles 5th, Charlemagne, and others.

Now they are trying for economic unity with the EU.

8.  God’s kingdom/Second Coming (Setting up of God’s Kingdom at the 2 nd 

Coming of Jesus) (Christ = Rock. Rock in OT Gen 49:24 Sheppard is the Rock 

Ps 23:1 = Christ = Rock. NT 1 Cor 10:4)

  Only date you should remember: 476AD – Most historians agree, the date that finalized the division of Rome. Why it’s important? The prophecy foretells the sweep

of nations from the time of Daniel (600 years before Jesus) until our present time,some 2600 years of human history, in a simple and sublime dream.

  3 ways man tried to bring unity, when the Bible predicted they would not:1.  Marriage/Marital2.  Military (Great men of history that tried to bring a political unity, but have

never succeeded.)3.  Money/Monetary

  If the person is accepting all of this, skip this next part: This is just one of the Bible’s

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amazing prophecies. I can’t wait to show you more. John 14:29 –this is so that wecan believe. Isaiah 46:9, 10 –He is God. He knows the future. We have three optionsfor explaining how Daniel 2 could happen.

1.  Lucky guess!

o  Ruled out by the accuracy of the prophecy.


Daniel was written after the events it describes.o  There is no evidence to suggest that it was written after the

traditional date of 600 BC.

3.  The prophecy is true, and therefore God’s word is trustworthy.

o  The only option left, therefore, it must be true.

  Why raise these 3 points? If they are skeptical and if you raise these

points before they ask, they know that you know and are prepared to

answer their questions.

  Modern critics: their critiques are saying that Daniel’s prophecy is too

accurate.??? Jesus Himself (Matthew 24:15) quoted the book of Daniel

  Transition: Now let me share with you a second line of evidence why I believe the

Bible’s claim to be the Word of God is true.

  Consistency {CITE}


  The Bible is trans-culturally popular in a way that no book has ever been

before. The best explanation for it is that it is inspired by God. People of all

nationalities read the Bible and love it. People of every culture are spoken to

by this book. How can that be explained? Most cultures have their classics,

Hemmingway, Chaucer, and others. These change from culture to culture.

Books are popular within their culture and time, yet the Bible transcends

that. African Bushmen and fortune 500 company owners read it and gain

something from it. Its trans-cultural nature suggests Divine inspiration.  Internal

  The Bible: 3 (continents), 35 (authors), 66 (books), 1600 (years). Its picture

of God, mankind, and the world is remarkably consistent throughout all the

writings contained in it. All of the authors come from a variety of 

backgrounds—from doctors, fishermen, statesmen, and shepherds, yet their

message is consistent.

  The Bible touches on 3 primary areas: 

1.  Nature of God2.  Nature of mankind


Nature of the world  The picture that emerges is one of absolute consistency. I.e.: The picture that was presented by Moses, is consistent/harmonious with the picture that waspresented by Matthew.

  Food Bible illustration. If we assembled 35 authors from 3 continents, over

a period of 1600 years, to write a book about food for a food Bible, would we

have a consistent book? Which is more controversial, food or God? This

unity is so pervasive that the Bible contains no theological contradictions.

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  OT: 1947 (discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls—an ancient library including

every single book of the OT except Esther), 250-100BC (earliest to latest 

dated scrolls), 99% (when laid beside those ancient copies and the modern

texts that we now have, our texts are 99% accurate. We are 99% sure that 

the OT we have is identical to the one Jesus had).  NT: 5,000+ (ancient Greek manuscripts of the portions of the NT today—

some complete, some fragments), 97-98% (the percentage of agreement 

between the ancient texts and our modern NT—and the differences are

never theological <Glory to the Lord vs. Glory to the Lord Jesus vs. Glory to

the Lord Jesus Christ>).

  We know that the OT and the NT that we have today, are exactly the OT andNT that God intended us to have. It has been miraculously preserved for ustoday.


  I have found the Bible to be the voice of God to my soul. Give a 1-3 minute

testimony of what God has done in your life, emphasizing the role that the

Bible played.

Appeal: 1Thessalonians 2:13  Q: According to this verse, for who does the Word of God work effectually? For those who

believe. Are you willing to accept the Bible as the inspired Word of God as a unique

revelation of God? Are you willing to believe?

  Appeal Q: Question I have for you today, (in the light of what we learned today) as we looksat the claims, content, and consistency of the Bible is: are you willing to believe that this isthe word of God? Are you willing to believe that this book is what it claims to be = the wordof God?

Defend it:  The Bible contradicts itself.

o  Where? 90% of people have no clue for themselves—they have just heard from


o  For the 10% who have an answer they will probably say:

1.  In the OT, God is angry. In the NT God is nice.

  In the OT and NT, we have mercy and justice. Different parts

emphasize different aspects, but both elements are there.

 In terms of substance: there’s no contradictions. 

   John 14:6-8  Jesus saw no theological contractions to the pictures

of God in the OT and the NT.

   John 10:30  The picture of God in the NT and the OT has no

contradictions in terms of substance.

  Jesus Christ IS the God of the Old Testament. There’s justice in the

OT and there’s mercy/grace in the OT. There’s justice in the NT and

there’s mercy/grace in the NT. It’s as simple as that. And stick to this. 

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  If someone says: The Bible contradicts itself, you want to say:

“WHERE?” (If 10 people said the Bible contradicts itself, about 9 of 

those people won’t know where.) 

2.  The Gospel accounts are contradictory. (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)

  Use the car crash illustration. Take 4 witnesses.

1.  In the car that crashed2.  On a bridge looking down on the crash

3.  On a corner near the crash

4.  In an oncoming car

  Are there going to be differences of perspective on this crash? Of 

course but as they begin to put the picture together, they each have

different limited perspectives. But there will be some contradictions

because they have limited perspectives. But with everyone’s stories,

you can harmonize all the accounts. Differences of emphasis, yes 

But genuine contradictions, no. We don’t know the audience they

were writing to. If the gospel writers wrote the same exact account of Jesus and every detail, story, point, etc. are exactly the same, we

would suspect of collusion. But the gospels differ of points of views,

emphasis, etc. but not genuine contradictions. The vast majority

results in a harmony but no genuine contradictions.

  Ex. The sign over the head of Jesus at His crucifixion:

1.  This is Jesus of Nazareth

2.  King of the Jews

3.  Jesus, King of the Jews

  No one says that this is all the sign said. What the sign probably said:

This is Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews. There is not 

disharmony because they do not claim that their account is all that 

the sign said. These signs are not mutually exclusive.

  Were there two demoniacs or one? Wherever you have two, you

have one, so there is no contradiction. The account that mentions the

one demoniac didn’t say that there was only one demoniac.

  The differences prove that the story is true. If stories are 100% the

same, it suggests that there was a prearranged agreement. Why

would they record points of potential embarrassment like the denial

of Peter, or the women testifying of Christ’s resurrection first? The

differences rule out collusion.

  The gospel writers wrote from different perspectives making

different points. This does not change the events, just what is


3.  How do we know the right books are in there?

  OT: There is no question about OT canonicity. Ask the Jews. (Are

there books left out that should be there? Are there any books that 

should be in there?). The OT (Canon/grouping of books) are well

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established. When it comes to the OT, there is no dispute. When it 

comes to the Hebrew Bible, there are almost no disputes.

  NT: The NT is not an authoritative collection of books. It is a

collection of authoritative books. In the former clause, the authority

resides in the collection. In the latter clause, the authority resided in

the books themselves. The books were not collected to formsomething authoritative. The NT books had already carried authority

before they were complied in the NT. The gospels of Philip and

others were written 200-300 years after Christ and are widely

accepted as not being authoritative. All of what we hold as the NT

was clearly written before 70 AD because no one records the

destruction of Jerusalem. Some believe: the church just randomly

selected these books and put a stamp upon these books. But that 

is a far cry from what actually happened. The authority of the NT is

not found in the collection of books, but in the books itself. These

books were already authoritative. The NT books were already incirculation, already regarded as authoritative, and the church made a

set of criteria (You had to be an eyewitness of Jesus, with exception

of Luke – an amazingly accurate historian, writing wit considerable

precision.) and made it into a canon. When we think about the books

about the NT, there was not a collection of books that was stamped

authoritative. These were the books that were already in common

circulation, and when the brought together these books they were


  The Bible in its original copy/manuscripts/articles that the authors

of the Bible wrote, are copied and made multiple copies. Because of 

the transmission - Because we don’t have anything close to the

original copy. There could have been a discrepancy of detail in the

two copies of the copies made to the 4,5,6th copies. But the main

original copies have no discrepancy of detail. The life, the theme, the

picture of Jesus Christ is harmonious of all the gospels. These minute

discrepancies, these terms of appellation is the 1% of error.

  The two primary disputed argument:

1.  Mark 16:8 – Lots of other older manuscripts do not haveMark 16:9-20. Some have conjectured that Mark ended it there and some other Bible scholars finished it. Point: No

need to get hung up on it. There’s no new theological ideathat’s presented here. Everything that’s found here is foundin the rest of Scripture.

 2.   John 7:53 – Some of the older manuscripts do not include:7:53 – 8:11. All it says: Jesus forgives an adulteress woman.But this is no novel idea.

  Book recommendation (Handbooks of Bible difficulties, that go overthe contradictory arguments): When Critics Ask – Norman Geisner.

  Read: The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? – by F. F.

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  (Note to self: Find out more about: the Dead Sea Scrolls)

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The Nature of God (Godhead)Purpose of the Study: to show that the God of the Bible is a unity of three coeternal persons—TheFather, Son, and Holy Spirit. {Trinity=Tri+divinity; triune=tri+une(one)}. God is not a rigidsingularity but a suggestive plurality. 

Center it: Each member of the Godhead plays a specific role in your salvation.

Know it/Mark it:Note: many early Adventists rejected the Trinity as a false doctrine of the Catholic Church. They held to

the idea that if it’s catholic, it’s probably wrong. 

OT Foundation:

  Gen 1:1, 2, 26-28

  Gen 11:1-9, esp. 7 (6:3)

  Gen 18:1-4, 16-33; 19:1-5, 12-25, esp. 24

  Num 6:22-27 *this is a hint, not a proof  

 Isa 6:1-5 (9:6) *this is a hint, not a proof  

  Deut 6:4

Jesus Christ 

  John 10:30-33; 8:56-59

o  5:17, 18; 10:15; 17:5, 11, 20-22

  John 1:1-3, 14

  Mt 1:21-23 (Mt 22:41-46)

  Hebrews 1:1-9

Holy Spirit 

  Mt 3:13-17

  Mt 28:18-20

  John 14:16-18

  John 16:8

  Rom 8:16, 26, 27

  Eph. 4:30

  1Jn 4:8, 16 <*a-mode>

o  1Cor 13:5

Share it:OT Foundation:

  Gen 1:1, 2, 26-28 (3:22)

o  We are introduced to God as a plurality. The spirit of God moveso  God refers to Himself plurally (“let us,” “in our”). “Elohim” from the Hebrew in verse

26 is in the plural form. It follows with “let them.” It takes a plurality to represent a

plurality. Mankind, not just man, is formed in the image of God.

o  3:22 – “Man has become like one of us” 

  Gen 11:1-9, esp. 7 (6:3)

o  In v.6 – the people (many) are one (because of unified thought and purpose). In

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verse, more than one is one.

o  v.7 – God says let “Us.” In this verse one is more than one. 

o  In 3 and 4, the people are always saying, let US do this. In v.7, God responds

o  6:3 – God has a spirit that does something that humans do. It is personified; it 


  Gen 18:1-4, 16-33; 19:1-5, 12-25, esp. 24o  1-4 – Abraham hospitably invites the strangers to rest with him. “Lord” here is “sir.” 

o  v.17 – “LORD” here is “YHWH” (the tetragrammaton)

o  v.22 – The men leave, the LORD stays to talk with Abraham

o  v.25 – the “Judge of all the earth” is God. From the Hebrew we know this is the JW’s

Jehovah (who they claim no one has seen).

o  v.33 – the LORD goes His way.

o  19:1 – the other two are clarified to be angels.

o  v.24 – after the angels have taken Lot and his family out of S and G, the LORD rained

down from the LORD out of the heavens. There are two Jehovahs/Yawehs/LORDs

in this text —one who was at Abraham’s tent, the Judge of all the earth, who then left for S and G, and one who is in heaven.

  Num 6:22-27

o  This is a threefold blessing. This suggests that God is plural

  Isa 6:1-5 (9:6)

o  The angels say holy three times

o  The Son is called “mighty God” and many other terms we attach to God.  

  Deut 6:4

o  This is considered the most sacred text by Jews. “The LORD is one.” 

o  The same Moses who wrote this wrote all the “Let Us” that we read in Genesis. It is

the same Moses who transcribed many people being one. This text is better

translated that the Lord is God alone. The number in Hebrew is not a counting

number but an ordinal number—that is, the LORD is first .

Jesus Christ 

  John 10:30-33; 8:56-59

o  Jesus claims to be one with the Father (can reference Gen 2:24-where two become

one flesh)

o  Before Abraham was, I AM (he claims to be the “I AM” of Exodus). The Jews wanted

to kill Him for that.

o  5:17, 18; 10:15; 17:5, 11, 20-22

  10:15 – as the Father knows Him, He knows the Father. Our parents have

known us for our entire lives, but we have not known our parents for theirentire lives. The only way that Jesus can know and be known by the Father

in the exact same way is that they are coeternal.

  John 1:1-3, 14

o  The Word was with God and was God from the beginning. He was both God and with

God. They are distinguishable but not divisible.

  Mt 1:21-23 (Mt 22:41-46)

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o  Side note on Matthew 22:

  The three big questions that Jesus faced just days before the greatest ordeal

in His life (the trial and the cross) are the same questions that we will face

before the second coming of Christ —our relationship with the government 

(v.15-22), the state of the dead (v.23-33), and our relationship with the law

(34 onwards).o  41-46 – Why was Jesus’ question so tricky? Because they didn’t understand that the

Messiah would be God Himself Incarnate.

  Hebrews 1:1-9

o  Shows the preeminence of Jesus over the angels.

o  v.6 – the angels are commanded to worship Him.

o  v.8 – the “he” in all the verses is God (the Father), and in this verse he says to Jesus,

“Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever:” 

Holy Spirit 

  Mt 3:13-17

o v.16 – the Spirit comes down while the Father is in heaven and the Son is on earth.

  Mt 28:18-20

o  Baptism in the Trinity

  John 14:16-18

o  v.16 – the Father is sending ANOTHER Comforter/helper (para-kletos: para=beside,

kletos=to walk). This means that there must have been a first one. Who was the first 

one? Jesus. Only a person can fill a void left by a person. Building contractor

illustration. 6 mo. contract, sending new contractor. The replacement contractor

must be able to do the things the first one did. In the same way, the Spirit must be

able to do the things that Jesus did.

o  v.17 – “him, him, him, and he.” 

  John 16:8

  Rom 8:16, 26, 27

o  The Spirit is doing something. Compare w/ Rom. 7:25 “I myself” – meaning

personality. This is the same term used in 8:16 “Spirit itself.” It is “ ”

(autos).The Spirit intercedes.

o  The Spirit has a mind and a self, just a Paul did (Rom 7:25)

  Eph. 4:30

o  It can be grieved. A force (like gravity) cannot be grieved.

  1Jn 4:8, 16 <*a-mode>

o  God is love—personified. In order to love, there must be others to love; therefore,

God, being love must be plural in order to be able to love. God is, in His nature, a


o  1Cor 13:5

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Purpose of God in the Creation of ManPurpose of the Study: To show the purpose that God had in creating man

Center it: Jesus desired that He would be seen in you when he created you

Know it/Mark it:

  Ps 33:6

  Matthew 12:34

  Ps 8:4, 5

  Heb 2:7

  Isa 43:7

  Ex 33:18

  Ex 33:19

  Ex 34:6, 7

  1 Pet 5:10

Before we can talk about righteousness by faith we need to talk about the reason why man exist.Why did God create man, what is the purpose of creation. First of all, how did God crate all things?He spoke… 

Ps 33:6 By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.

So from this text what is clear about creation? All things were made by His Word. That’s prettyincredible. If we say let there be light, or birds, or anything else, what happens? Nothing, our wordis nothing. We have t o prove our words when we speak, but God doesn’t have to, He speaks and theWords prove themselves, so here you need to understand, that is the big difference. So God creates

all thing, mountain stars, trees and flowers. Everything was created by the Word of God.

As we study this topic we will learn that Righteousness by Faith has a lot to do with creation and re-creation. Whenever you give a Bible study try to always, mention the principle of things, the verybeginning, when you tell a story some people say “well I don’t know where to start” peoplenormally tell you to start from the beginning. From the beginning of the story go step by step, step1, step 2, step 3. So the very beginning is the creation of man.

Matt 12:34 …out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh

In other words whatever you have in your heart, what happens? The mouth speaketh. This is a veryimportant principle and you can’t forget this. Your words are the expression of your heart, and your

heart is your mind, your thoughts, your feelings, never forget this. So when you speak you expressyour thoughts and feelings. Your character is made up of your thoughts and your feelings says EllenG White. Your words express character or your thoughts and feelings. So words express character.So God created all things by His word, now do you think God’s words express His character? Yes,God’s words also express His character. Because all things were created by God's Word, then all of creation should express God's Character, isn’t that right? Now when you look at a flower how doyou feel? You feel peaceful, something beautiful, that tells you that God is peaceful and that God isbeautiful, when you look at a flower do you feel angry? No Gods creation reveals His character.What about when you look at a mountain, or a blue ocean, stars, green trees, animals. We must 

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remember that the creation today is imperfect because of sin. However what you see is stillbeautiful and it reveals God’s character. Do you think that even non-Christians can understand this?When Non-Christians look at flowers, what do they think, and how do you think they feel? So we seethoughts and feelings also. Do these creations have a message from God? Yes, they reveal God'spower, glory, majesty, character, Name, love. When is the last time you have looked at a butterfly,how unique and beautiful, they are, you can even see incredible things in cockroaches. We may not 

know why they exist, but there has to be a purpose, there is another aspect seen in the cockroaches.God's character is an infinite character, you have to spend eternity to know everything about God’scharacter, so every creation shows something unique about God’s character. Flowers may emphasisGod’s peace and beauty, mountains show God’s strength and power, and oceans show the vastnessthe greatness of God, and stars may show the wisdom of God. Everything testifies of God.

Some people say that we are seeking for God, as though He is hiding from us, but did you know that reality God is seeking after us. God is always trying to reveal Himself to you. How far can you escapefrom nature, nature is always speaking to us, unless you live in the center of a city. So God is alwaystrying to tell you about Himself, even in a tiny blade of grass, like how they come out of the cracks of cement, and then a flower is formed. Another example is when you want to plant something, liketomatoes but you don’t have any. A compose pile, where remnants of spoiled food are kept, caneven produce plants, so even out of death there is life. God is always trying to tell us that He cancreate beautiful things out of garbage. Pagan religions teach that you have to seek after God becauseHe is running away from you, for example in a Buddhist temple. Those who come to temple whengiving of ferings, have to throw the money into the collection plate to wake Buddhi up. We don’t serve God like this, and the reason I am explaining it like this, is because we have to know how toexplain this concept of God to non-Adventists, non-Christians. They need to understand that God istrying to reveal Himself, and that His main message is His character.

Now let’s ask a question. God’s character is infinite right? If God were to reveal Himself throughcreation, how much more or how long does he have to create? If God were to reveal Himself onlythrough creation, how long would He take? For eternity, God would have to continually create to

reveal His infinite character. However, instead, God created man. Instead of God just choosing toreveal Himself through nature, in a better way God created man. Why did He do this? Because Godcan reveal Himself through man, now let’s study this topic of man. This is the kind of text to usewhen talking to non-Adventist, because it asks the question for you.

Ps 8:4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

“what is man” – That’s many people’s question. The answer is given in the very next text.  

Ps 8:5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory andhonour.

God made man a little lower than the angels, but notice the marginal reference. In Hebrew 2 it gives

the same text that we just read.

Heb 2:7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour,and didst set him over the works of thy hands:

That word "lower" means "while inferior to." What does that mean. If I say “I will be here forawhile.” Am I going to be there forever? No. So when the Bible says God made man a little lowerthan angels, it means that we will be lower than the angels only for awhile. God made man lower

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than the angels for a while. So after a short time is over, man will go up higher than the angels.

You think Lucifer knew about this. Do you think that Lucifer was perhaps jealous of man? Nowconcepts like these are pretty deep for non-Adventist, you may share these to Adventist people,who are familiar with Ellen White who supports this idea. However with non-Adventist, be carefulto explain this concept Biblically. You may go into this depth, but Adventist people especially need

to understand this. We were made for a special reason. We can go up higher than the angels. SoSatan things that through sin and temptation that He could destroy the purpose of God in thecreation of man, but through redemption, through the death of Jesus, Jesus new plan is even greaterthen His original purpose and we still study about that later. So Satan is thinking that through sinhe can bring down man a little lower, but yet through Christ we can become even higher thanbefore, even better then Adam and Eve before they sinned, its an incredible idea. This is thefoundation, so you must understand this concept.

Is 43:7 Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formedhim; yea, I have made him.

So tell me from the Bible. Many times I ask this question. BSM: Always try to have the audience

answer back to you from their Bible. So say tell me from your Bible, why did God create man? Godcreated man for His Glory. Now what is the meaning of God’s glory? His character, we know thisfrom the following verse. Can you see that all these verses are kind of linked together it tells a storyas we go, this is one of styles you can use when you give a Bible study, every text explains theprevious text before, they are all linked. Sometimes when we give Bible study the texts may seemsscattered, but one of the ways to give Bible studies is to link the text together, so that the studyflows, and the person can follow you.

Ex 33:18 And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory.

Many people think that glory just refers to light. Moses ask for God’s glory to be shown, but thedeeper meaning is His character.

Ex 33:19 And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whomI will shew mercy.

So the very first thing that is mentioned is God’s goodness, then the name, grace and mercy.So what is God's glory? Goodness, Name, grace, mercy or in two words…God's character,and more explanation is given about the character of God in the following verses.

Ex 34:6, 7 [6] And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God,merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, [7] Keeping mercy forthousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty ;

visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the thirdand to the fourth generation.

"visiting the iniquity" - judgment of God.

This is God’s character. Now don’t get confused by the phrase “visiting the iniquity.” That means,God created you to reflect His character goodness, mercy, grace, longsuffering patience, judgment,justice, all put together this is God’s character. The Bible says that God created us for His glory, andwhat is His glory, its His character. That means that these are the things that we should possess as

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men and women, God’s goodness, mercy, grace, longsuffering patience, judgment. This was God’soriginal plan, God made man to reflect His character. Now you may ask, what’s the difference, thenbetween man, and plants, since they both can reflect God’s character. A flower can reflect God'scharacter, but it is limited. Stars cannot show what flower can show. Mountain cannot show what alittle butterfly can show. There all different, God is fun in terms of variety and diversity, but what about man? All these other things reflect God’s character but are limited. But man can reflect God's

character, and man can reflect God's character MORE. Man has this capability of development. Wecan grow, we can receive and reflect more. We are the CONTINUAL creation of God, and wecontinue to grow into the “stature of the fullness of Christ” Eph 4:13. It was God’s plan that manshould not die. Do you think that we would some day become equal to God? Perhaps after 300million years, but its not possible, because in order to reflect God’s character fully, you have infinity,to be equal with Him. So all other ` can see Gods character unfolding in the life of man. This is howwe become the continual creation of God so to speak, the continual reflection of God’s character,this was the reason God created man. This development, this ability to develop, is God making us inthe image of Himself.

1 Peter 5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, afterthat ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

"eternal glory" – What kind of glory? Eternal glory. That is the reason why God made us. Do yousometimes feel like your potential is so little? You try to keep up with the world but you can’t makeit? Have you felt that way before? When God sees you He you with an infinite potential that you canbecome so much better. This is our great hope, how powerful, this is why we are very special in theeyes of God. All that I am sharing with you, you can read it in the book of Education chapter 1. Nowlet’s go a little deeper. 

God made man physically, mentally and spiritually in the image of God. For six days God created allthings by His what? By His word. God said let there be light, birds, fruit trees, animals, and theywere all so. Did God say let there be man and there was man? No, God spoke and all was created.Why didn’t God just speak Adam and Eve into existence, this is a point that you need to explain. It 

doesn’t matter if they are atheist, deist, it doesn’t matter who they are. But when you share thisaspect, this special aspect of the creation of man, they are all interested. It’s interesting to them, Godcreated all things by His Word, and then when it comes to man, God formed man, but why? Do Imake you wonder why as I explain? A couple of things are being done right now, convincing you,convicting you, and teaching you and teaching you how to teach others. You have to present in sucha way that makes them think. Why did God create man like that, so how did create man? He formedman out of dust; now let them say Gen. 2:7, let them read it, then ask a simple and logical question.Is it easy to form something out of the dust? No, so what do you have to do? You have to have a lot of form, that’s the word the Bible used, so you have the idea that God made man by touching a lot,you have to touch dust to make it form. Then ask the person what does it mean in this world, whenwe touch someone? Of course there are many wrong ways, but in the pure sense, it means we careabout them and we love them. So God made man with love, now like in distance with a commandfrom God like when he created day 1 through 5, but personally, even evolutionist will understandthis. God came down on earth and touched man, we are not like other creations, you must get thepeople to think, so hands are involved. Next God breathed into man, where? In the nostrils, why didGod breath into man? We know that animals have the breath of God, but we have no picture or text that tells us this. However the Bible says that God breathed into Adam’s nostrils, now imagine this.God standing far away from Adam and blowing air, and somehow it ends up in Adam’s nostrils?What do you see, intimacy, you see God putting His lips right next to Adam’s mouth and breathinginto Him. So you see that God is very close God made man to be very close to Him. Do you know why

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many people are sad and depressed? Because they lost the character of God, there not close to God,and they are not being touched by God. That’s why many people are unhappy, and they don’t knowthis, that why they think they need more money, more clothes, entertainment, have a boyfriend orgirlfriend to be more happy. Whenever to you think that you need something else to be happy, that happiness is counterfeit. When you have to have things to be happy or another person, that happiness isn’t true its not real happiness. True happiness is what God put in you. God's presence

within you, but the concept is even deeper than this.

God breathed into man the breath of life or the breath of God. We can also says God breathed intoman the life of God. That He actually gave part of Himself to us. Not that we are God, but we areconnected to Him by His breath. But why His breath? Because we can’t live without His breath. Godwants you to feel that as much as you cannot live without air, you can't live without God. Try to holdyour breath for five minutes, how do you feel. How do you feel when your out of breath, for examplewhen your swimming. That's how much God wants you to depend on Him, if we are without breathwe have no life.

But today many people walk, live, work, then dead. They are so used to not breathing and they think they are surviving but actually they are dead. I’m sure you heard the creation story before but what about breathing, what am I bringing out. God made man in the image of God, in the character of God,but much more than that, God made man with intimacy, relationship and love people need tounderstand that.

In this world, there are so many topics that people like to talk about. But there is one topic that always out wins all others, and that is LOVE! You can see it in entertainment in movies, in stories,everywhere because everyone is looking for love, even if you are new ageagan, Christian, wiccan.Even if you say you aren't looking for love, you really are, because you are made that way. So do youhave something to offer anyone? Yes, you can love them. So does it all make sense? So what isrighteousness by faith? Breaking it down in a practical way, righteousness means love.Righteousness means love. Love by faith.

Now let’s go a little deeper. How did God create woman? Think about this, this is very interesting.You know what God did to Adam? God asked Adam to name all the animals. When Adam opened hiseyes he saw the flowers, fruit trees, all the different mammals roaming the earth, no mosquitoes tocatch, and then God tells Adam to name the names. Then Adam proceeds, giraffe, elephant, etc....,but he noticed that they all were in pairs, the lions female and male, or the cows, Adam noticed thepairs, two. Do you think that God purposely made Adam to feel a need for companionship for what?The reason that God made Eve is to make the love experience complete in man, because love is twoways, not one way. Some people say they can live without the opposite sex, so do you understand?The Baptist, Methodist, or anyone else can understand this. To make the love to be complete. It is atwo way love. But what causes the world to be like it is? Its in the home, when families don’t haveGod in their homes. So this is the purpose of God in the creation of man, but more than that. God

created Eve out of Adam's rib. What’s interesting is that when God created from day 1 through 5everything was declared as good, but on day 6 God says that it’s not “good” for man to be alone. Tomake that good God created woman, why? What’s very good? Love and character, and after thecreation in six does God says that it is very good. So its good the first through the sixth, but it wasn’t very good until God created man, so you can tell someone, it wasn’t “very” good until God createdyou, “you are very good because God created you.”

The first man Adam was very taller perhaps 15 feet high, you can imagine his stature, and his faceperfect, mind perhaps like a computer, reading a book and then re writing it. There pure mind and

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The Great Controversy

Purpose of the Study: To show that there is a cosmic conflict between Christ and Satan and that planet earth is the theatre of that conflict.

Center it:

Know it/Mark it:

  Origin of Evil

o  Genesis 1 (all 7 verses that say “good”) 

o  Matthew 13:24-30, 37-39 (parable of wheat and tares)

o  Luke 13:10-16

o  Luke 10:18

o  Ezekiel 28:11-18

o  Isaiah 14:12-14

  Outworking of Evilo  2Thessalonians 2:1-4 (esp. 4)

o  Revelation 13:1-4 (w/ Rev 12:9)

o  Revelation 13, 14 (all 8 verses that say “worship”) 

o  Matthew 4:8, 9

  Obsolescence of Evil

o  Eden to Eden

o  Genesis 1,2-Revelation 21, 22

o  (1Peter 5:8)

o  (Romans 16:20)

o 1Corinthains 4:9

Share it:

  Origin of Evil

o  Genesis 1 (Highlight all 7 verses that say “good”) (Good world-mark it!)

  Conclusion: Everything that God made was “good”. But we look at the world

today and we see evil. Then it raises the question: What happened.

o  Matthew 13:24-30 (parable), 37-39 (interpretation). Make connection of “good”

seed > “Good” 4x (mark the 4x). Man sowed good seeds, but then something appears

– weeds/tares. What question is asked in verse 27? The servants of the owners

asked: Sir, did you not sow good seeds in your field, how then does it have tares?

What is the question behind the question that the servants are asking? Who is

responsible for the appearance of the tares? It all boils down to 5 words: “An enemy

has done this.” Q: So how much responsibility did the owner take for the weeds?

None. According to verse 39, who is the enemy? The devil. The owner responds that 

the enemy = the devil. Devil – “D” = Evil. The enemy/devil/evil one has done this.

Let’s look at an example of this: 

o  Luke 13:10-16 (v.16). “Whom Satan has bound” (v.16). Q: Who bound her? Satan

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= enemy/accuser/adversary/one who stands against you/foe. Q: How much

responsibility did Jesus take for the woman’s infirmed condition? None. How much

did the sower of seeds take? None. Who is this Satan? Q: How much responsibility

did Jesus take for her regenerative condition? All. Something there is taking place

behind the scenes. Q: “Who is this Satan?” 

o  Luke 10:18. According to this verse, where did Satan come from? Heaven. How didhe get here? He fell. The bible describes a personal, angelic rebellion against the

government of God. There are two primary passages in the OT that describe this

rebellion, and we will look at both of them.

o  Ezekiel 28:11-18. What took place “behind the scenes” Note several things:

  1. God transitions from the king of Tyre to the power behind evil—the

originator of evil (v.13).

  2. The word “perfect” occurs 3 times (NKJV) 2x (KJV) – two in v.12, one inv.15

  3. This being was an angel (v.14,16). This being/dwelt dwelt in theimmediate presence of God whose wings covered the glory of God. (We see

the symbol of that in the sanctuary.)  4. v.16,18 - by the iniquity of your trading. “Trading” = Root word in Hebrew

for “gossip/slander”. (Word 7404 in Strongs) He was selling an idea.   5. v.15 – Iniquity was found in Him. v.17 – Your heart was lifted up. 

Described: The mysterious immergence of evil in the heart of a being that dwelt in the immediate presence of God.

  A perfect being/angel who dwelt in the presence of God, gossiped and triedto sell an idea and mysterious appearance of evil dwelt in his heart. (If evilcould be explained, it would be excused.) His heart was lifted up and Isaiahshows us in what way, “behind the scenes” of what’s taking place in theheart of this angel: How’d that happen? How did this rebellion come about? 

o  Isaiah 14:12-14. Make connection w/ Luke 10:18 [ fallen from heaven].

  Lucifer = day star He was a bright, shining star.  Notice all the references to upward motion (10-12 mentions of highness—

clouds, heaven, ascend, etc.). Also, notice chiasm—the 5 “I will” phrases.

v.13,14 – (How it happened:) Note 3 things:

  1. The recurrent word is = “I”. The center of the word “sin” = “I”; the centerof the word “pride” = “I” Evil originated in self -seeking.

  2. All of the references to upward motion (to that which is high). E.g. exalt,above, mountain, north, ascend, above, heights, cloud, most high, etc. 10-12 easily, identifiable reference to up, up, up, up, up.

  3. Isaiah is a poem: (v.13-14) “I will ascend into heaven” = “I will be like theMost High” “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God” = “I will ascend

above the heights of the clouds” “I will also sit on the mount of thecongregation.” (Center). 

  Jesus returns with clouds = with angels. v.13 – stars of God = angels. v.14 – clouds = angels. Center statement = mountain peak. (stylistically andliterally). The literally structure of this passage is a mountain. Isaiahcomposes the passage to illustrate that this being wants to sit on the throneof God/at the top of the mountain.

  Conclusion: This being wanted to be God, then share 2 illustrations.

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  Gun love illustration. Love is voluntary, and it cannot be commanded. If aman with a gun asked you to do something, you would do it. We would do it,for fear he would hurt us. But if he pointed the gun to our heart andcommanded “You love me with all of your heart or I will kill you”, could wedo it? No! Because love and loyalty can not be commanded.

  Wedding day. “I do” is beautiful because “I don’t” is a possibility. The choice

makes it beautiful. If they don’t have that option, it’s mandatory and it’s not beautiful. God entrusted this being with free will. And this angelic beingabused that free will and evil resulted. If they ask now - Q: Why did Hecreate Him if they knew He was going to sin? “That’s a good question.We’re going to finish up this study and then look into  that.” Remember, weconcluded with: This being wanted to be God. Q: So how does this work itself out? Let’s look at the outworking of evil. Love and loyalty cannot be forcedor commanded.

  Outworking of Evil: How does this affect me? In answering this question, we are going to

be introduced to a figure that the Bible calls Anti-Christ.

o  2Thessalonians 2:1-4 (v4). Why does this figure go into the temple of God? To

pretend to be God. Why does he want to show himself to be God? Because he desiresworship. Here we encounter the figure the Bible calls the Antichrist. (If they ask 

“Who is the Antichrist?” “Great question. We’ll answer that in a future study in

great detail. Let’s just look at the text/big picture.”) This man of sin = Antichrist. 

  v.4 – “opposes and exalts” sounds like Isaiah. This man of sin wanted to

sit in the very throne of God, wanted to above, who goes into the very temple

of God (congregation of God) to show that he IS God. His purpose = To show

that he IS God.

  Q: According to v.4, what’s he after? Why does he go into the temple of God? He’s after worship. Here we see what’s taking place “behind the scenes”.This is involving this mysterious figure called the Antichrist. The book of 

Revelation tells us a lot about this Antichrist figure and his confederacy withSatan. Let me share with you this confederacy!

o  Revelation 13:1-4. The anti-Christ chapter. Tell them to not worry about the

imagery. Notice, both the beast and the dragon are worshiped. In fact, worship is the

central issue in the book of revelation.

  Rev 12:9. Who is the dragon? The devil. Satan.

  v.2 – The devil gives this Antichrist his power, throne, etc. Here you see thecooperation between the devil and the Antichrist. Satan = dragon. Antichrist = beast. Dragon gives power and authority to the beast. They worshiped thedevil/the beast. This confederacy is about worship! The way you worshipthe dragon is the way you worship the beast.

o  Revelation 13, 14 “Worship” 8x’s. (v. 4, 8, 12, 15, Chap 14:7, 8, 11)  What this devil/Satan figure that has a confederacy with the Antichrist is all

about isworship. He wants to be worshiped as God.o  Matthew 4:8, 9. v.9 – Satan speaking to the Son of God - “Worship me.” This is

exactly what he’s after. He so wants to be God, that if the Son of God worships him,

he would be in a position above God. That’s what’s going on “behind the scenes.”

All of the evil that we see in the world today is the symptom of a larger spiritual

conflict. That’s the outworking of evil.

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o  This shows Satan’s heart. He wants worship from the one who created him. As

mentioned before, if evil could be explained, it could be excused. It is purely

irrational. It’s like a goldfish demanding worship from its owner. This is the mystery

of iniquity. That’s why we do things we don’t want to do. The pain, suffering,

sickness, and death in the world are the symptoms of a larger spiritual conflict over

the issue of worship. Transition to the third part of the study: the End of Evil. Let’slook at how it all ends:

  Obsolescence of Evil

o  Eden to Eden: Genesis 1, 2--Revelation 21, 22. The first two and last two chapters of 

the Bible depict the exact same thing. First and last Eden—a face-to-face

relationship with Him. Everything in between is God getting us back to a place of 

face to face communion with Him. Front door: After Eden One more chapter in 

Chapter 3: Fall of man: The first battle between Christ and Satan on earth. Man falls,

first battle between God and Satan on earth—bruised head and heel. Back door:

After Eden restored One more chapter in this way Revelation 20. End of the

Millennium: The last battle between Christ and Satan on earth. Everything inbetween is God fighting to get us back and to save us. The Bible is a parenthetical

statement of an interruption in the f2f relationship of the universe with God.

o  Eden (In the beginning) to Eden (Restored) perspective: Front door of the Bible =

Genesis 1,2. Back door of the Bible = Revelation 21,22. Front door God in a face-

to-face relationship with His holy people. Back door God in a face-to-face

relationship with His holy people. (Don’t share with ALL bible study contacts. If they

have a little biblical literacy. Optional:)

o  The whole Bible can be understood in the light of these two basic themes: Eden-to-

Eden. Everything in between is the outworking and the dramatization and the

recording of this battle in which Christ longs to restore a face-to-face relationship

with His people.

o  (1Peter 5:8) – The Devil is playing for keeps, and he is playing personally, working


o  (Romans 16:20) – God will crush Satan under our feet shortly. The saints get the

victory over Satan through Jesus in their lives.

  You have here: the end of evil, not only in the cosmic/universal, but in a

personal sense in the lives of His believers. Evil will be ended/obsolete

both universally and personally. It is defeated in the cosmos and in the

character of those people who put their faith in Jesus. 

o  1Corinthains 4:9. We are made a theatre to the universe. The things contained inthis study are not just the things that are going on but the things going on behind

the scene. 


  Joshua 24:15. Choose who you will serve. Will you choose today to align yourself to God’s

side? Who do you want to choose? Who do you want to worship?

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  Acts 26:12-18 (esp.18). Do you want to have your eyes open, to turn from darkness to light,

to have an inheritance in heaven with God?

Defend it (Objections):

  Why did God create Satan?

o  He didn’t. God created Lucifer. Lucifer by his own free choice decided to becomeSatan. What mother would give birth to Adolf Hitler? Hitler wasn’t who he was when

he was born.

  Why did God create Lucifer if He knew Lucifer would become Satan?

o  God desires real relationships with risk rather than reigning supreme over robots.

Any relationship, in order to be worthwhile, must involve a risk. If love is not 

voluntary, it ceases to be love – it’s a slavery to necessity. 

  Why does there have to be so much evil in the world? Why did God allow Lucifer go so


o  The problem of evil. It arises when you affirm three propositions:


God is all-loving (He would destroy evil).  What is implied to most people when we say: God is all loving He

would destroy evil. To most people, it is self evident that there is noGod because there is so much evil. A bad world demonstrates that there couldn’t possibly be a God.

2.  God is all-powerful (He could destroy evil).

3.  Evil exists (He does not destroy evil).

o  There are 4 possible resolutions:

1.  We could deny the first of the three propositions. We could say that God isn’t 


2.  We could deny the second of the three propositions. God would like to

destroy evil, but he can’t do anything about it. 3.  We could deny the existence of evil.

4.  We could affirm all three propositions. Problem of evil arises when you

affirm these 3 propositions: God is all love, God is all powerful, Evil exists.

That just tells people that God does not exist. So then how do we resolve this

dilemma? So: The first stabilizing force (of the iceberg illustration) = We

must understand the problem of evil. We can look at the four options that 

were available to God, His hands being tied by His character and nature. 

What options are available to God? 

  He could have created nothing at all.

 He could have created beings who were not free.

  He could have created beings who were free but who could not 


o  It is mutually exclusive. It would be telling a lie if He created

these beings. God couldn’t do that because God can’t lie. Part 

of freedom is the capacity to rebel. It’s like saying: why didn’t 

God create beings who were free, but who weren’t free?

(internally inconsistent). It would be the same as option #2. 

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To create beings who were free and who could rebel.

  Think of a square—it has 4 equal sides and 4 right 

angles or a circle. It has a center point with

equidistant points around it. Could God make a

square circle? No, because that is not a rational

concept. It is not a possibility. The same idea appliesto this option.

o  Not even God can predetermine the free acts of man. If God

predetermined something, it would not be a free act. What 

God foreknows is not necessarily what He fore-chose.

  He could have created beings who were free and who could


o  The moment you create beings who were free and who could

rebel, it’s possible to have rebellion. If rebellion isn’t possible,

then freedom isn’t actual. So obviously, God choose option

#4.o  {GC 525–there is a line that God refuses to cross between

influence and manipulation. Through our prayers, we give

Him permission to do more. If we crossed that line, it would

make the sacrifice of Christ pointless}

o  Cow. If we say that a cow is a good cow, what would that 

mean? If we say the cow is a good cow, what could that 

mean? It’s a cow. There’s not much we can say about how

good they are. Dog. If we say a dog is good, what does that 

mean? It has more meaning than a good cow. Cow Dog:

Daniella the Dog: “Good dog” = obeys commands, guards,

active, playful, heels, etc. “Bad dog” = bites, disobeys, messy,

dirty. A bad dog can be worse than a bad cow, and a good

cow can be worse than a good man. CowDogMan:

“Good man” = do more good, impact the world, etc. More

than a dog, etc. “Bad man” = do more evil, destroy the world,

etc. More than a dog, etc. If we say that a man is good or bad,

what does that mean? What about a genius? CowDog 

Man Genius: Genius could do more good/more evil than a

dog, cow, and ordinary man. So moral capacity increases,

more liability increases. The potential bad is the flip side for

the potential good. It could do more good of bad than a man,dog, or cow. What about superman? What about an angel?

Cow DogMan Genius Superman Angel: Lots

of evil in the world because a high ranking angel and his

capacity for good is not the flip side for his capacity of evil for

the world. The initial evil must have been a big enough force

to bring about the terrible evil we see in the world today.

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The increasing moral capacity of an individual to do good, the

potential to do evil also increases. Looking at the option of 

God, He chose the 4th option. The more moral capacity/moral

power/strength/intellect/vigor that He gives those beings,

surely the capacity for good, but also the capacity for

bad/evil.  How can the world be so bad? Someone powerful must have

rebelled. If it was just a rebellious cow in Eden, we wouldn’t be in as

bad shape as we are. There is so much evil in the world because

there was a super-high being who rebelled.

o  The world that we live in today is not the perfect world possible. We can all imagine

a more perfect/moral world. But the Christian/biblical thesis, is while this world is

not the most perfect possible, is that this world is the way to the most perfect 

world possible. It is the best way to the most perfect world. God is creating the

most perfect world. What would be the most perfect world? Beings are free to be

evil but aren’t. What would the most perfect world possible look like? It wouldhave 4 essential requirements: The four essential characteristics of a perfect 

world. i.e., how do we know that evil will not rise again?

o  God could have made a perfect would of less morally capable creatures, but then it 

would be a perfect world of “dogs.” The most perfect way to a perfect world is to

allow evil. Dogs wouldn’t have fallen, but wouldn’t be capable of the love that 

humans are capable of.

1.  The process leading to the achievement of a world where humans are free, but 

never will do anything evil 

  The most perfect world possible would be a world where humansare free but they are choosing not to rebel. Evil is a prerequisite to

the most perfect world possible. If evil never arose, you would have aperfect world, but you wouldn’t have the most perfect worldpossible. We learn about grace, forgiveness, the cross in the heart of God, that we couldn’t learn if evil hadn’t risen. Who keeps sin out of heaven? We do. If God does, then why didn’t God do that in thebeginning? In heaven, is sin possible? Yes. But it will never riseagain, because we know where sin leads.

 2.   A world wherein is permitted the full and final un-coerced exercise of moral 

 freedom. Sin is possible, but does not become actual.

3.   A world in which there is permitted the presence of enough evil to provide both

the condition for the achievement of higher moral virtues and a

comprehensive lesson of the wrongness of evil.  The lesson never needs to be repeated. world in which there is

enough evil, to teach the lesson that will never again need to betaught. Could the world be more evil? yes. But that doesn’t diminishthe fact that this world is evil.

4.   A world where free creatures learn for themselves why evil is wrong.

o  We will, in eternity, see God face-to-face. Revelation 22:4, 1Corinthians 13:12, but in

between Edens, we learn the lessons from sin. God will not be the one who keeps sin

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out of heaven. We’re the ones who keep sin out of heaven . Matthew 13:28, 29. God

must let evil run its course until the harvest —until maturation. He says to wait until

everything is clearly seen. The moment God made free creatures, He tied His hands.

He could, at any moment, coerce the free creatures, but they would no longer be

free. Holiness is an acquired taste. It is not our first thought. Once we are converted,

our taste begins to change. We begin to love what God loves and loathe what Godloathes. Earth is where we learn this. There are two groups of people on the earth at 

the end of time, those who look to God and say, “Thy will be done,” and those who

God looks to and says, “Thy will be done.” 

o  When you put this all together: you come up with a very appealing argument of evil.How is God going to get here? Allow sin to raise up enough so we don’t want to livein an evil world? Q: Who keeps sin out of Heaven when the Great Controversy isfinished? We do. That’s the only way to have a truly perfect moral world. We knowthat sin will not rise a second time, because God’s people will not allow it. Thisworld is the WAY to the most perfect world. We have to learn to hate sin here in thisworld. The only beings allowed to enter into Heaven is those who would rather die

than to sin. This is the time in which we develop the taste for Heaven. The largerissue is: would Heaven be happy for you? Would Heaven be your home? If theanswer is NO: God and His mercy wouldn’t bring you there. For two reasons: 1. Youwouldn’t be happy. 2. Heaven wouldn’t be safe.World that we’re living in right nowis the way to the New Heaven and new Earth. How do we know sin will never riseagain a second time? Because God won’t let it? No… because God’s people won’t let it. They have seen that God is completely trustworthy via the Cross and that sin iscompletely wrong/contrary to the best interest of God and ourselves. God issecuring the Universe’ future by this process called the Great Controversy. Our sinpushes us away from God, not the other way around. Isaiah 59:2. In Eden, whosinned? Who hid?

  Predestination Argument: There’s a difference between: God knowing and God choosing.

God knows our eternal destiny, but He didn’t choose it. (E.g. I chose what I wore today. Now,God knew it, but He didn’t choose it for me. 

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SalvationPurpose of the Study: Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, to the glory of God.

Know it/Mark it:

  Problemo  Genesis 1:26-28, 31

o  Genesis 3:1-8 (esp. 8)

o  Romans 5:18a, 19a

o  Romans 3:23

o  John 1:1-4a (esp.4a)

o  Isaiah 59:1, 2


o  John 3:16, 17

o  Matthew 20:28

o  Romans 5:10

o  Romans 10:9-13

o  Acts 2:36-38

o  1John 5:11-13

Share it:


o  Genesis 1:26-28, 31. God made everything good. Man began in a right relationship

with God.

o  Genesis 3:1-8 (esp. 8) why did they flee? They were ashamed of their guilt. Was this

an isolated incident, or is there something larger at stake here? They believed in the

serpent and they disbelieved God. Hiding from God. Fleeing from His presence. Q:Was this merely an isolated incident that took place in a garden thousands of years


o  Romans 5:18a, 19a. Because of what man did, it had radical implications for all of 

humanity. All were affected. Adam was the father and the representative of all of us.

He passed on rebellion as a part of his characteristics. God created Adam and Eve in

His likeness. Seth was born in the likeness of his parents. One man’s offence =

condemnation to all. What Adam did, affected all of Adam’s descendents. Q: Why is it 

that when one man fell, all fell? (1) Adam was the father of the human race. (2)

Representative of the human race. Principle of representation = Representative

wins, you win. Representative lose, you lose.o  Romans 3:23. All have followed in the footsteps of their father, Adam Not only are

we sinners by Adam’s transgression, but “all have sinned and come short of the

glory of God.” We have sinned and continue to come short. Q: What exactly is the

wages/result of sin?

o  Romans 6:23a. The wages of sin is death. If it were 50 push-ups, we would all be

strong. If it were $50, we would all be poor. The truth is that the wages of sin is

death. Why is this so? Why is the wages of sin death? Why is God so severe?

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o  John 1:1-4a (esp.4a). In Him was life. God is the very source/fountain of life.

o  Isaiah 59:1, 2. The Lord’s hand is not short so that it cannot save . Sin causes

separation. The separation of one’s self from the source of life causes death. If God is

the fountain/source of life and sin causes separation from life, what happens? 

You die. We just answered the question “Why is the wages of sin = death?”   

Because sin separates you from your source of life, that’s why you die. E.g: If I pushaway from the wall, who moves? You do. The wall is immoveable and when you

push away, you’re pushing yourself away. Your sin does not push God away from

you; It pushes you away from God. Sin does not push God away from you; it pushes

you away from God. Remember Genesis 3. God goes looking for Adam. In the case of 

Adam, does the Adam look for God or does God look for Adam? God looked for

Adam. God goes after Adam. The problem portion is very linear, simple.

  Man basically has two problems: (1) Death and that which causes

death— (2) sin.

  People will not appreciate salvation, if they don’t understand the

thing that separates them from salvation.  The good news of salvation is only as good as the bad news is bad. We’ve

looked at the two part problems, now let’s look at the two part solution.  


o  John 3:16, 17. (v16) Should not perish which means die. This rescues us from the

first of the two problems—death. Not to condemn but to save. Believe in Him and

you will not die. This rescues us from that which causes death—sin. God does not 

change the past in which we sinned. We must believe. v.17 – key word: Condemned. 

The world is steeped in sin. God does not say you’re not a sinner. But He takes away

the condemnation of that sin He wipes away the condemnation of sin by giving it to

someone else. How does God do this? How does that work? 

o  Matthew 20:28. Keyword: “ransom.” It is a payment or a price. How does that 

work? When you’re purchasing back what formally belonged to you. Q: How does

that work? How does Jesus’ death work?  

o  Romans 5:10. According to that text, how is someone reconciled [to bring back] to

God? By His death. According to this text, how is a person saved? By His life. Much

more. Reconciled = To be brought back. To be friends again. To be Re – Conciliate. Q:

Why do we need to be re-conciled? Enemies. Here’s the idea of former ownership

(ransomed by purchasing back what belonged to you). = reconciled (to be brought 

back friends.) Q: According to that verse, how are we saved? By His life.

  Solution #1: Jesus died the death you deserved. God has a solution to your

first problem of death. He died the death that you deserved, thus deliveringyou from the penalty for that death.

  Solution #2: Jesus lived the sinless life you have not lived.

  Billionaire’s club illustration: how much money would you have to

have (minimum) to be in the club? $1 billion. You’re a billion in debt.

A kindly billionaire gives you a billion, are you now part of the club?

No. You’re part of the looking-for-a-job club. To join the billionaire’s

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club, you would need another billion. The first billion gets you out of 

debt. The second billion gets you into the club. The death of Jesus

did more than just give the first billion to get us out of death, and

then He provided the second billion living the life we never could.

  How did you get into Adam’s world? You were born. How do we get out? We

must be born again.  Read Romans 5:18b, 19b.

  How do we get access to this amazing offer?

o  Romans 10:9-13. We must #1, believe and #2, confess. It is ours by faith. Tie this

through purpose: that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, to the glory of 

God. What happens once (after/as a result) of believing and confessing? Q:

According to that verse, how do you get access to that amazing transaction? You

believe with your heart and confess with your mouth. Sounds like John 3:16. You

can’t earn/purchase/deserve it, but you can accept it. You believe Jesus that died the

death that you deserved, and you believe that Jesus lived the life that you have not 

lived.o  Acts 2:36-38 (esp.38). Peter says to repent —that is, to turn. Where do we turn? The

point isn’t to turn from our sin; the power is in turning to Jesus! Turn from your

sins? No! TURN TO GOD! There’s no power in where you’re turning from, but in

where you’re turning to. Repenting = turning to God. You believe, confess, and turn

to God. Every time we turn to God, we turn from sin, but the emphasis must be on

turning to God.

o  1John 5:11-13. Who has eternal life? Those who believe. Why? To know that you

have eternal life. Q: According to that verse, where is eternal life found? In Jesus.

John writes so that you may know that you have eternal life and by turning you may

continue to believe in His name. Believe what? Believe that Jesus died the death you

deserved, for the personal sins that you are guilty of. Believe that Jesus lived the life

that you have not lived and you are delivered from death and delivered from the

problem of sin because He lived a perfectly sinless life. You are redeemed from

death and that which causes death, sin.

o  Q: How did you get into this world of Adam?We were born into the world of 

Adam. How do you get into the world of Second Adam? Born again. Born into the

world of Adam without choice. Born again in the world of the Second Adam by faith;

by choice.


  Do you accept this eternal life that comes to you by grace through faith? Q: Do you want thislife that comes only in His son? Do you want this salvation that God gives to you? Do youwant it? If they say Yes: Great, you can accept Jesus as your personal Savior in a snap!

o  Do it in a snap:

  Sinner (confess that you are a sinner)

  Need (you have need of salvation)

   Accept (I accept the salvation that comes from Christ)

  Power (ask for it (the power) to live a new life for Christ)

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Work of the Spirit 

Reading  The Consecrated Way to Christian Perfection - A.T. Jones

Purpose of the Study: The work of the Spirit is to convict, confirm, and conform God’s wayfaringchildren.

Center – The work of the Holy Spirit.

Know it/Mark it: 

  John 16:6-11

  Ephesians 1:13, 14

o  Personal reference: Gal 3:1-6, Jn 3:1-16

  Romans 8:14-16

o  Gal 3:26; 4:6  Romans 8:3-8

  Hebrews 10:15-17

o  Jer 31:31-34;

  Gal 5:19-24

  John 14:15, 16

 Additional Text:

  Acts 2 (v36-38)

  Galatians 3:2-6

  Romans 5:1-5

  2 Corinthians 1:21-22

  Jeremiah 31:31-34  Romans 13:8-10

  Revelation 14:12

The Sanctuary message is to prepare them for the message of the Sabbath. Normally: 30min. for thisstudy.

Share: (What Pastor Renner would do with a Bible Study)Last week we studied: Gift of the salvation.This week we’ll study: The work of the Holy Spirit.  

Share it:

  Start with John 16:6-11. (Before you read, set the stage: Jesus has been hanging out with his

disciples for 3 ½ years and tells them that He will die, but they don’t believe them. They

believe that He’s the Christ. They were saddened by this (John 16:6), but Jesus says this is a

good thing (v7), because if He leaves the Holy Spirit will come.)Jesus is seeking to comfort 

His disciples. He tells them that because He is going away, the Spirit will come. What will it 

convict of? Sin, righteousness, and judgment. Who does it convict? The world. The Holy

Spirit, when He comes, will convict the world. Why does it come? Because they do not 

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believe. Christianity is something that is to be global, not just for one group of people. Jesus

is saying: The Holy Spirit is going to be a global ministry to speak to the mind of the whole

world: about sin, righteousness, and judgment. 1. Q: “According to the text, why is the Holy

Spirit going to convict of sin?” A: “Because the world does not believe.” (v9) The purpose of 

convicting sin: is to lead you to believe in Jesus. The reason: Because Jesus is the only one

who can relieve the problem of guilt and sin. (v9). Why of righteousness? 2. “According tothe text, why will the Holy Spirit convict of righteousness.” A: “Jesus is the living, breathing

example of what right living looks like.” Not only does the Holy Spirit convict you of the

wrong thing, but convict you of the right thing. Because the living example of righteousness

would no longer be with man after Jesus ascended. 3. The third thing is the Holy Spirit will

convict you of is: judgment is coming. According to the text, Because the Ruler of the world

is judged. Because Satan is judged (if Satan will be judged for his misdeeds, it’s highly likely

that all who are aligned with him will be likewise judged). If Satan and we are judged, then

God will be judged. If Satan was judged at the cross (John 12:32), then the Holy Spirit will

convict you of the same judgment that was judged for Satan. Sometimes people need to

know that not only have they’ve done the wrong thing, not only have they’ve done the right thing, but that a judgment is coming. The Spirit is convicting the world – does the whole

world have access to the Word of God? No. Q: Does the Spirit convict you of right living? Yes.

So the Holy Spirit convicts you independent of…What is the work of the Holy Spirit in a

person once they believe in Jesus?

  Transition: (The most important thing in a bible study) It helps us to have a logical package

that we can hold onto. So we have seen the Holy Spirit convicts, confirms, and conforms the

person so that they ultimately will become a believer. Once a person becomes a believer,

what does the Holy Spirit do in their own life? What happens next?

  Ephesians 1:13, 14. v13 – The Word of Truth = the gospel message. True belief is a result a

response of who God is. Authentic belief is a cognitive experience. “You hear the Word, you

hear the good news, and you believe it.” “And what is the result of hearing and believing in

these verses?” – “You’re sealed.” “And what seals you?” – “The Holy Spirit.” - In response in

becoming a believer, the Bible says: The Holy Spirit seals you. You hear the word, you

believe the word, you are sealed by the Holy Spirit, He is the earnest/the guarantee/down

payment of your salvation and this is to our future, eternal redemption. “Then what function

does the Spirit serve you from your life then on? The earnest of your inheritance.” – The

Spirit of God will come in you as God’s guarantee that you will acquire what God has

promised you will acquire. Additional: 2 Corinth 1:21,22 – says the same thing that the Holy

Spirit will be a down payment to God’s promise.  [This sealing is not “once saved always

saved.” The gift of the Spirit is given, but it can be taken away when we sin. That doesn’t mean

that it is. It isn’t if we repent, but it can be (Ps. 51:11). David prays that the Lord would not 

take His Spirit from him because he realizes the danger of losing the Spirit.] The guarantee is

based on your belief. It is conditional. It is on the basis of who you trust is. The terms of the

agreement are to hear the word and believe. The first work of the Spirit is the guarantee of 

salvation. The second is found in Romans 8… 

o  Personal reference: Gal 3:1-6, Jn 3:1-16

  Acts 2, Gal 3, Rom 5, John 3 – Teach: the moment you become a believer, the Holy Spirit will

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come into your life.

o  Gal 3:2-

– You hear the message and believe it,

and it results in the gift of the Holy Spirit coming into your life. Fundamental point:

The Spirit is working ON you to become a believer, but once you become a believer

the Spirit comes IN you.  John 3 - Nicodemus visits Jesus, and He says that Nicodemus will be lost if he is not born

again. Jesus replies that born again = born of the Spirit. v9 – How can you be born again in

the Spirit? v14 – According to Jesus, by believing Him. (The way to be born again = Jesus

dies and we believe and we will be born again.)

  Gal 3:26; 4:6; 5:22, 23. Someone, believing, exercises faith (3:26). As a result of becoming a

son, the Father sends the Spirit (4:6), which gives the fruit (5:22, 23). To get more fruit, we

need more root [Faith—by hearing—by the word of God (Romans 10:17, 2Corinthians

3:18)]. Flight to France illustration. The plane ticket is the guarantee; the intervening time is

spent in preparation because you have the ticket in hand and you know where you are

going.o  How do you become a child of God? Through faith. What does God give you because

you are a child? The Spirit. Gal 5:22-24 > you hear the Word (the gospel of your

Because you are a child, you get the Holy Spirit >Because you receive the Holy Spirit 

you get the fruit of the Holy Spirit. > Because you get the fruit of the Holy Spirit, you

will receive the key to a better life. (fruit of the Spirit > key to a better life = work of 

a lifetime.)

  Hear the Word (eph 1:13)

  Believe the Word

  Child of God

  The Holy Spirit comes in you and guarantee salvation.

  Receiving of the fruit of the Spirit 

o  When a person becomes an authentic believer, there’s a difference in attitude

toward sin. A heart that is filled with the Spirit has a heart of repentance and strives

for holiness. Many people think: “If I can just be a little bit better. If I can just be a

better Christian, then I will accept Jesus into my heart. Then I will be ready.” But,,, 

o  Quick synopsis: The Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteous, and judgment. So that 

they will become a believer. Once they become a believer, the Spirit is a guarantee of 

God’s promise – You are my son, You are my daughter.

  Romans 8:14-16. The Spirit comes and speaks to your spirit saying, you are a child of God

and God is your Father. The Spirit teaches us how to live as God’s sons and daughters. If you

have the Spirit  you are a child of God. (ABBA = an affectionate way of saying Father.

Similar “Daddy”) The Spirit says “You are my son/daughter” and comes in us Guarantees

the gift of salvationThen the Holy Spirit wants to teach us how to live as His children. In

God’s family, there are things that are valuable to God – He teaches us through the Holy


  Romans 8:3-8. How many ways are there to walk? There’s two ways/direction of the mind: 

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Two: the flesh and the Spirit. When you walk after the flesh, what happens? Your mind is on

the flesh. When you walk after the Spirit, what happens? The requirement of the Law is

fulfilled; their mind is on the Spirit (Romans 7:14 explains what one of the things of the

Spirit is—the Law). They are in the way of life and peace [as opposed to being at war with

God]. What is living after the flesh? When people do whatever comes into their bodies or

their minds (Eph 2)—this leads to death (R8:6). When we are filled with the Spirit, wesubjugate the desires of the flesh to the Law of God. The fleshly mind is at war with God.

How can you wage war on God and not die? Is it possible to please God while in the flesh?

No. It cannot submit to God’s law, if you are not filled with the Spirit and filled with the


Walking in Flesh Walking in Spirit 

Mind on flesh Requirements of law fulfilledDeath Mind is on Spirit War with God Life and PeaceCannot submit to God’s Law 

  Hebrews 10:15-17. The Spirit writes the Law on our hearts, teaching us to live like children

of God. (Now, go to Gal. so you don’t go any deeper in the “law.” Some people get scared off 

by talking too much about the law.)

o  *Additional: Jeremiah verses. Jer 31:31-34; The Law He writes is the same law of 

the OT. (Oh, btw, this law of God, this is the same old law of God that Jeremiah talks

about. Hebrews is quoting Jeremiah.)

  Gal 5:19-24. (not 16-24: so you don’t have to explain what “under the law” mean.) Two lives

Jesus is offering us with the Spirit: There are two ways to live—filled with the flesh or with

the Spirit, and it gives details of what each life entails. Which life sounds more desirable to

you? Appeal: Ask this question: “If I offered you two lives: #1 and #2. #1- (v19-21) or #2 – (v22,23), which of those two lives would you want?” (You can end the bible st udy at this

point. 30min.) If you didn’t want to end here: 

o  John 14:15, 16. We will keep His commandments if we love Him. Jesus promises to

send the Spirit (the comforter/helper) to help us keep His commandments.

o  Revelation 14:12 – (If you want to bring in a little end time prophecy.) God’s last 

day people will be those who have chosen to let them be filled with the Spirit. Do

you want to be one of those last day people?

Summary: Before conversion, the Spirit convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgment. After that, the

Spirit says to us, “You’re going to heaven, you’re a son of God, so let me teach you how to live like one.”  

Appeal: The Spirit is in the world to…and once we accept Jesus, the Spirit…and it helps us to keepGod’s commandments. What would keep you from putting your trust in Jesus and walking in theSpirit with the Law of God written on your heart? What would keep you from having the assurancethat you are a child of God and that heaven is your home? [Amelia Earhart story—position doubtful,fuel almost gone].

Lay the foundation for the next study—on the Law of God…and the next, on the Sabbath, and the

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next on the anti-Christ.

Defend It:

  Q: Some people may read that when you’re sealed, you’re always sealed. Can you lose that seal? Yes – by choosing to become an unbeliever when they hear the Word. This leads us tothis question: Every time you sin, do you lose it? Illustration – every time you sin against 

your wife (fight with your wife), you don’t get divorce or you don’t have to get remarr ied.You get a divorce because of an act of choice to separate. So when you choose to enter into acovenant relationship with God, and we continually permit to enter into our lives that comes between us and God, we will eventually come to a place where we lose the seal.You’re in, until you choose to be out. 

  Colossians 3:1 – the fact that I’m alive with Christ, causes me to seek the things above. v2-3:Why do I set my mind on things above? Because I have died through Jesus Christ, and I amrisen anew (the person I am now) and AM Him. I am hidden. God sees Christ, not me. v4-8:Now all these earthly things will need to go out. These earthly things will bring God’s wrath.If you keep all these earthly things, you will be apart of God’s wrath. v9 -10: How is the newman renewed? It’s renewed in knowledge. Knowing and learning about who God is, isfundamental to a victorious life.

  Romans 5:1,9-10 – Peace = cease to be in God’s wrath and God’s enemy. v2 – “Standing ingrace” = starts at a point and continues into the future. “By faith” = grace is accessed byfaith. Grace stats and continues by faith. v3 – More than I am glad that I’m going to heaven, Iam glad that I’m suffering? Why is that? v3,4 - Suffering produces perseverance.Perseverance produces experience/character or better yet, proven character. v5 - Thistested character produces hope. The change in my character fills me with hope (not be put to shame), because the change in my character proves that the Spirit is working in my life.This picture gives us present assurance, not present assumption..

Big Picture:

  Work of the Holy Spirit convict us of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

  To become believers.  Then the spirit will come inside of us

  And says you are a child of God

  Let me teach you how to live as a child of God and teach you the law.

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The Law of GodPurpose of the Study: The law of God is the foundation of His throne in both the OT and the NT andis the standard for the Christian life.

Center it: Same as the purpose - Foundation of His throne.

Know it/Mark it:

  Exodus 24:9-11

o  (If they are unfamiliar with the Ten Commandments – Exodus 20:1-17. You may also

switch with Ex. 24.)

  Exodus 20:1-17

  Ezekiel 1:22-28

  Exodus 24:12

  Numbers 15:37-41

  Exodus 25:8-16

  Exodus 31:18

  Exodus 25:17-22

  Psalm 80:1

  Revelation 11:19

o  Deuteronomy 4:13

  1Corinthains 3:16

  Revelation 15:5

  Hebrews 10:15-17

  Matthew 6:9-13

  Matthew 5:17-30

  1 John 2:3-6

  Revelation 12:17

  Revelation 14:12

Additional Text:Romans 7:25

Last week: Work of the Holy Spirit (Review)This week: We want to study the content of what God is going to write in our hearts.

Share it: Connect it to one of the works of the Holy Spirit —writing God’s law in our hearts. 

  Exodus 24:9-11. Focus on this law is foundation of God’s government; of how God is going

to run this universe. God has given the Ten Commandments, and they have gone up the

stone that God is standing on?

o  Exodus 20:1-17 - “Read or study on your own.” First, take a look at the law of God.

God spoke the 10 commandments, but also, he wrote them down:

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  Ezekiel 1:22-28. Ezekiel sees God on His throne, and He sees that God’s throne is made out of sapphire. God is seen standing on sapphire in Ex.24, and His throne is sapphire in Ez.1.Therefore, God made His law of the very material of His throne. After giving thecommandments, God asked the Israelites to build a tabernacle. Ezekiel has this vision of Godand he describes the sapphire stone = throne of God.

  Exodus 24:12. Original Hebrew used def. article “the stone” in v.12. Therefore, it is thesapphire stone in verse 10. This is the stone that God was seen to be standing on. We canalso see a reiteration of the idea of blue commandments in: “I will give you tablets of stone…” Hebrew word “the” is left out. It’s actually: “I will give you the tablets of stone…”“The” - It serves the function of making it particular. It points us back to a previousreference. So it is referring to the stone that was previously reference. Sapphire stone that came with God and from His throne, and He is entering into a relationship with humanity.He gives the Ten Commandments carved out from His very throne.

  Numbers 15:37-41. God tells them to put tassels of blue on their garments to remind them

to keep the law of God. This was to remind them of the blue sapphire stone on which the

commandments were written. What is the significance of this blue sapphire stone on which

God wrote His law? Why blue to remind them to do the law? Because the law was made out 

of blue sapphire stone!  Exodus 25:8-16. It describes the throne of God. God says to build this box and put in this

testimony in it. The earthly sanctuary is patterned after another sanctuary (v.8, 9). He tells

them to put the testimony in the box. What is the testimony?

  Exodus 31:18. The stone tablets on which the finger of God wrote. This testimony that was

to go in the box = Ten Commandments.

o  Exodus 25:17-22. God describes the lid for the box. He declares that He will meet 

with them there; therefore, He is saying that He will “sit” on the box as a throne. God

will teach about His Commandments on His earthly throne.

  Psalm 80:1. God is the one enthroned/dwelling between the cherubim. The earthy Ark of 

the Covenant was the earthy throne of God in the earthly sanctuary. Is there also a heavenlysanctuary?

  Exodus 34:28 & Deuteronomy 4:13. Ten Commandments are the same as “the covenant.”

This verse proves that the commandments are the covenant.

  1 Corinthains 3:16. We are the temple of God. So, there was an earthly temple, there is a

heavenly temple, and we are each human temples.

  Revelation 11:19. Yes. And what is in it? The Ark of the Covenant. At the end of time, it is

still in His heavenly temple. The law comes from the throne of God, is put in the Ark, which

we see, at the end of time, in the Heavenly sanctuary. God’s heavenly temple holds the Ark 

of the Covenant (which in Ex.34 and Deut.4 we see as the Ten Commandments.) We learned

that the box that they put the testimony (Ten Commandments) in the earthly temple.  Revelation 15:5 The Tabernacle (sanctuary in heaven) of the testimony (Ten

Commandments). The name of the heavenly testimony is the dwelling place of the law.

That’s what heaven is called. It shows this earth – heaven connection. It shows that God’s

law on earth is the same law in heaven.

  Hebrews 10:15-17. What is God trying to put on the heart —the throne—of the human

temple? His law. This must be reason why Jesus said what He said:

  Matthew 6:9-13. “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” God wants His law to be on

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earth, in our hearts. He wants us to pray that His law be done in our actions. That must be

why He said this: Lord’s prayer. God’s Ten Commandment law is the same law in heaven.

  Matthew 5:17-30. Jesus said that He did not come to get rid of the law or prophets. He came

to fulfill them. He goes on to explain the spirit of the law. Definition of “fulfill”. Jesus comes

to say that He didn’t come to do away with God’s law. But He came to fulfill God’s law.  

  1 John 2:3-6 (Romans 7:25) How Paul felt about the law of God – He is committed to servethe law of God with his mind.

  Revelation 12:17 & Revelation 14:12. What are God’s people like in the end of times?

Prescription of God’s people = keep the Commandments and put their faith in Jesus/have

the testimony of Jesus. The testimony of Jesus in the book of Revelation = what prophets say

about Jesus. What is the characteristic given of those who get to heaven?


  The Holy Spirit wants to write God’s Law on your heart. What would keep you from letting

God write His Law in your heart?

(Next study = Sabbath. Or you can do the Beast study – “the bible says that the beast will changeGod’s law.”) 

Defend it:

  The covenants. Explanation to clear the Old and New Covenant for our own understanding:

 Adam and Eve Sin The Cross Second ComingHistorical Old Covenant (Hebrews 8:13)--this is the sacrificial system,pointing to the cross; done

away with at the cross.

Historical New Covenant (Matthew 26:26-29)

They missed the point of thelaw—Christ —and startedbelieving it was some act that saved them.Experiential Old Covenant (Exodus 19:8) –the experience of those whooffer their sacrifices with no faith. This is deeds-based. This is what wehear “acts” are not enough to cover. Experiential New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34) –the experience of trueforgiveness of sins, looking forward to Christ (before the cross) andtrusting in Christ’s sacrifice (after the cross); those who were countedfaithful—like Hebrews 11.

The new covenant has 2 elements—

the law on theheart, andforgiveness.

  Historical – System of worship given by God through Moses. Grace, peace, forgiveness,transformation all were available by Jesus Christ in the historical Old Covenant. (Jesus is the

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lamb/mediator offered up). To be in effect until Jesus comes. When He comes, He fulfills theshadows of the Old Covenant. Grace based; spirit inspired; mission driven. The historicalcovenant ends when Jesus came and died. There is the new covenant:

  Experiential – Defines an old covenant as salvation by the works of the law. Experience of the works of the law (Legalistic covenant) It was the experience of Israel in failing to restorethe law. Is still available for all who refuses to believe in Jesus, and doesn’t bring salvation.

People continue to live in the experiential covenant; the historical covenant comes to anend. This covenant was always available to all by faith.

Review:Historical old– Existed since the first days of sin of Adam and Eve and ends when Jesus died on thecross (historical old = sanctuary sacrifice, feasts, etc).When He died, He began the historical new covenant. No old covenant system anymore.While the historical old covenant was going, one could experience the new covenant (saying “Iknow that sacrificing this lamb won’t save me, but this is an act of  the new covenant.)Experiential old covenant – take what God says (like offer the animal), but you don’t take it by livingfaith. (Legalistic covenant) It’s a legalistic approach to what the historical old covenant said.

Why is this important? Because it will help you understand more of the New Testament.1. Hebrews 7:18,19 – These are the commandments of the historical old covenant. But it’s aseparate issue with God’s law in regards to morality. 2. Ephesians 2:14,15 – Jesus comes and abolishes the law contained in ordinances (the historicalold covenant).3. Galatians 3:19-24 – We were kept in prison under the law until Jesus came and died but weindividually, personally exercise faith in Jesus. This is not only a historical transition, but a personaltransition we go through. (Experiential old covenant)

 John 1:17 - What do you think about that? It’s not saying that grace and truth were not available OT and that the law is not there in the NT, but it’s saying that Jes us is the vehicle to

grace and truth.

  Romans 6:14. “not under law but under grace.” What does this mean? Are we not under the

law? What does “under grace” mean? It means that grace is the way of salvation; therefore,

under the law means that the law is the way of salvation. Paul is saying that we are not 

saved by the keeping the law. So if we’re not saved by keeping the law, should we break it?

Certainly not (v.15). Just because we are not saved by it doesn’t mean that we should not 

keep it. It does not answer the question whether or not the law is the standard of valid

conduct? v15 – Paul is not answering the question, should we keep the standard of conduct?

Paul is answering what is the means of salvation.

  Galatians 4:4,5 – Jesus was born under the law and He came under the law to redeem us

from being under the law. When God created Adam and Eve, He created them under the law

(under a covenant of works). Adam & Eve produced children, and the children were born

under the law. We are all under that law. We have all disobeyed, so that means we shall all

die. Jesus comes, under the same law, and rather than failing to obey, He obeys. He takes us

out of the covenant of works and puts us into a covenant of grace. We are not under the law

(we were), because we are not saved by the law. We are saved by grace.

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further explained from “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” The 2 commandments are explained bythe 10 commandments, which are then explained by the case laws of Leviticus, Numbers, andDeuteronomy.The Law cont. –difficult texts

The moral law defined sin. The ceremonial law defined the solution. If you find forgiveness from in

the ceremonial law, then there must be something else that defines sin. You slice cheese with aknife; therefore, the knife is not cheese. You find forgiveness in the ceremonial law; therefore, theceremonial law does not define sin. Jesus fulfilled the ceremonial law, and He took the punishment of the civil law.

Those who did not get the point of the HOC (Christ) were under the EOC. Those who did understandwere under the HOC were under the ENC. With the HNC, we see the power of the Spirit to help meet the moral commands of the HOC. The power of the Spirit was available to them, but they missed thepoint of the HOC, and didn’t receive the help of the Spirit. Since, when we look at the HOC, we seeJesus, we readily receive the Spirit’s help.

  2 Corinthians 3 –objection that the law is done away with.

o  (Ministry of death) The Corinthian church would be sending out preachers and they

would require a letter of recommendation. But Paul was saying that he doesn’t need

a letter of recommendation. “Written in our hearts” “in tables of stone, but in fleshy

tables of the heart.” Paul says that he is a minister of the new covenant, not of the

letter (Experiential Old Covenant) because that brings death (v.6).

o  v7 – ministerial of death. This glory of the old covenant (Ten Commandments) willbe brought to death. The ministry of the spirit will be even more glorious

o  The giving of the 10 commandments was a true glory, but the glory is coming to an

end. The new ministry of righteousness has greater glory. During the day, the

exceeding glory of the sun outshines the stars. It doesn’t mean they are no longer

there, but that they are outshined by something else (7-11). v10,11 – The oldcovenant will be out shone by the new covenant. This is elements of both

experiential and historical old/new covenant.

o  The HNC outshines the HOC

o  v12,13 – the goal of all of the laws given by Moses: to lead people to Christ. The

Israelites didn’t get that goal. So the historical old covenant became a ministry of 

condemnation. And because of that, the ministry of the spirit out shines the old


o  Verse 13, the Jews refused to see “the end” or the outcome of the OC—which was

Jesus. Moses’ face was lit up by the glory of God, and he was there to show the

people Jesus. But they didn’t see Jesus, they saw a set of rules, and they coveredMoses’ face with a veil, symbolizing them not looking to Christ. Verse 14, still when

they read the OT, they don’t see Jesus.

o  How is the glory of the 10 Commandments being brought to an end? v.10 because of 

the surpassing glory of the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

o  v15,16 – Turn to Jesus, see the old testament and you see it for what it is: Jesus.

o  v17,18.

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o  How do God’s people respond to the attacks on God’s law? They hold on, keeping His

commandments in spite of those who attempt to change them. Has there been any

change to God’s law?

  Exodus 20:8-11

o  What day, according to scripture, is the seventh day of the week? What day did God

ask people to worship on? Who made all the things listed in this commandment?The Sabbath Commandment. “As we’re going to study today, we’re going to find out 

that the Sabbath day is the seventh-day. Later we’ll study how they changed it. But 

today we’re going to study how 

Just lay your cards out on the table. Q: What part of the law tried to be changed? The

Sabbath. From Saturday to Sunday. Q: So who is this Lord who made the Sabbath

and worked six days?

  John 1:1-3, 14

o  The Word (God) is the creator. This same Word became human. So, Jesus is the

Word that created everything in the beginning. Therefore, based on Exodus 20, Jesus

created the Sabbath in the beginning, and commanded it on Mt. Sinai. So let’s goback to the beginning: A: Jesus Christ – the Lord who made the heavens and the

earth and made the Sabbath day. The God who created the earth, created the

Sabbath, brought you out of Egypt, all one God = Jesus.

o  Additional: 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 – Israel was led out of Egypt, ate/drank from same

spiritual food and rock = Jesus. v8,9 - It was Christ that was there leading them out 

of Egypt and let them out of temptation. Colossians 1:15 – Jesus is the creator. He is

the active agent in creation.

  Genesis 1:31-2:3

o  On the seventh-day, Jesus rested, having finished His work, but not only that, He

blessed the seventh day. Note definite article. What does Jesus have to say about the

Sabbath in the NT? Creation story. Seventh day = God rested, blessed, made it holy.

Jesus was the creat 

was Jesus. This makes it clear: God blessed THE seventh day; He made THE seventh

day; He made THE seventh day holy.

  Mark 2:27, 28

o  He defended the Sabbath from being a burden. The Sabbath was created for us to

rest. He, being the Lord of the Sabbath, has the right to tell us how it should properly

be kept. What is one of the things that Jesus did on the Sabbath day? Jesus continued

the Sabbath in His ministry. Man was not made for the Sabbath. Jesus says: He’s the

Lord of that day. He’s the one who created, blessed, and He’s the one who defines

the Sabbath day and how it’s to be properly kept. 

o  Extra Sabbath was made for man (humanity). It does not say it was made for the

Jews. John 5:1; 6:4; 7:2 – “feast of the Jews”; “feast of the Jews”; “Jews’ feast.” Who

was the feasts for? Jews. Who was the Sabbath for? All mankind. Sabbath day was

MADE/CREATED. It didn’t exist before. God made people, than made the Sabbath

day for people.

  Luke 4:16

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o  He went into the synagogue and read—participating in the worship service. Luke

explains what day the Sabbath was: Q: How did Jesus relate to the Sabbath day

during His lifetime? A: He went to church/synagogue on the Sabbath.

  Luke 23:52-24:3

o  There was the preparation day, the Sabbath, and the first day—which we call Easter

Sunday. How did Jesus expect His disciples to relate to the Sabbath after His death?The day that Jesus and was buried = Preparation day; Next day = Sabbath; Day after

that = Resurrection day = Sunday. The Sabbath is Saturday. The day in between

Sunday and Friday. (Book: The Timing of the Crucifixion – Samuel Bachiocci)

  Matthew 24:20

o  In 31 AD, Jesus predicts the destruction of Jerusalem. It was destroyed in 70 AD.

Describing the destruction of Jerusalem. Jesus says to pray not to flee in the winter

and on the Sabbath. They prayed for 39 years. Why did Jesus say to pray for that 

long if the Sabbath day became meaningless? Over those 39 years, He told His

disciples to pray that they didn’t have t o pray that they were not forced to flee in the

winter or on the Sabbath. Clearly, Jesus intended for the Sabbath to still havemeaning to His disciples after his death. Let’s look at how the apostles related to the

Sabbath: Q: How did Jesus expect the church to relate to the Sabbath after His death?

A: That the Sabbath would be more meaningful to them.

  Acts 13: 13:14-16,37-39, 42-44

o  Who asked to hear the message on the next Sabbath? The gentiles. How did they

receive the message? With joy. Why didn’t Paul tell them that they as gentiles didn’t 

have to keep the Sabbath? Why didn’t he just tell them to come back tomorrow and

he’d preach to them on Sunday? Because Sunday wasn’t observed by the early

church. Paul preaches to church on the Sabbath. They begged him to preach the next 

Sabbath. Paul could have easily invited them the next day. But he didn’t; he waited

until next week. They wait a whole week and come back the next Sabbath and he

preaches the same sermon again.

  Isaiah 66:22, 23

o  What does God say that His people are going to do in the new heaven and the new

earth? They are going to keep the Sabbath. In our next bible study we will look at 

who changed the Sabbath and why. In the new heavens/earth, the people of God will

come before Him every Sabbath day and worship Him. Christ created the Sabbath,

continued the Sabbath, and now will be kept in the new earth.


  This is an Eden to Eden picture/timeline of the Sabbath. So if God’s people have beenkeeping the Sabbath since the beginning, what’s keeping you from keep God’s

commandment in keeping the day? It won’t be easy, because we know that the Anti -Christ 

will try hard to persuade you otherwise. We learned that God wants to write His law in our

hearts and that His law is the foundation of His throne. We can see that the devil is

constantly trying to attack the law of God on every level. How do you feel about the

Sabbath? Allow them to ask questions.

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Question to ask: How do you feel about the Sabbath? (If you ask about how they feel, they can’t say“yes” or “no”. It gives them a chance to tell you everything that’s been going through their mindduring the study.)

Generally, you won’t press hard sell too quickly on the Sabbath; they might be ready to receive this

new information. You will have many opportunities to have them accept the Sabbath.The real power comes with the Sabbath message is when you tie it with the Three Angels’ Message. 

Defend it:

  1. Revelation 1:10

o  He was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day. 

  Even if the Lord’s Day was Sunday, what difference does it make? Does it 

change God’s Law? We should be in the Spirit every day. The Lord’s day =

But historical evidence for that is sometimes weak. Even if it was true,

language changes so rapidly.

  Nowhere in scripture is Sunday declared the Lord’s Day. The only day the

Lord claims is the Sabbath. It’s a study on linguistics. Language changes most 

with an emerging culture. Because this emerging culture looks for way to

define itself; so it has to bend language. So what does it say that so many

years (50-100) before and compare with the terms/language to when

Revelation was written? Nothing. When it was written (c. 100AD), the Lord’s

Day was Sabbath. In later years (c. 200AD), people started calling Sunday the

“I’m just happy.” In 50 short years, a word can go from happy to


  2. Principle of Sola Scriptura – the Bible and the Bible only. (Mark 2:27,28; Isaiah 58: 13;Exodus 20:8-11)

  3. Romans 14:5, 6

o  Esteeming of days. We should all be convinced in our own minds. Where is the word

“Sabbath” in this chapter? Where is it in this book? It is not there. What were days

being esteemed better for? Feasting and fasting (verse 6). The chapter is on food,

asserting that no day is better for fasting than another day.

o  If they’re not convinced, they claim this verses. In the context – talking about 

quarrels in opinion. People that are strong in faith don’t feel guilty for things that are

not sinful. People that are weak in faith do feel guilty for things that are not 

sinful.The issue here is not whether it’s a right or wrong diet. It’s an issue of extremediet vs. healthy diet. Some people if they didn’t have an extreme diet, they were

sinning. And this can be anything else, not just diet.

o  As long as it’s not clearly defined in the Bible. We’re not asking the question whether

pork is clean meat. But it’s an issue between extreme vs. healthy diet. But Sabbath is

sundown to sundown on Saturday – it’s pretty clearly defined. According to these

verses, the days these verses are used for: the glory of God. Activities used on this

day to bring glory to God: eating or not eating. (What do you call a day you don’t eat 

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on = fasting; what do you call a day you do eat on = feasting.) This is not talking

about the Sabbath. It’s talking about feasting and fasting. 

  4. Galatians 4:8-11 – People who observe days, months, or years, can be lost because they’re

turning back to weak and beggarly elements. There are no monthly or seasonal observances

in the Old Testament. Observances of paganism, time they did not know God.

  5. Colossians 2:14-17o  lar (in every other translation) So which

one is correct?

  v14 – 

ceremonial law vs. whole law. So which one is correct?


clear our sins. But only by the death of Jesus Christ. Jesus got rid of these

blotted out this handwriting of debt and we are totally forgiven.

  istorical old covenant) is canceled by the

death of Jesus.   – singular or plural?

 sabbaths come to an end?)

o  Ordinances nailed to the cross; therefore there is no need to judge on feasts, new

moons or Sabbaths. Is this the 10 commandment law of God, or something else?

o  One answer: Deuteronomy –reference to the “book of the law” 

o  If you sinned, you had to offer a sacrifice. Every day, priests offered sacrifices. If 

those sacrifices actually took away sin, you wouldn’t have to do them over and over

again (Hebrews 10). Col 2:13 says that Jesus forgives all of your sins. Jesus took 

away the ceremonial law—which was only a constant reminder that you weren’t 

really forgiven (if you had been, only one sacrifice would have been offered). Verse

15—He beat the devil. Verse 16—some translations say “The Sabbath” and others

say “a sabbath.” 

  In OT, 85% of “Sabbath” references = 7th day. 15% of “Sabbath” references =

ceremonial Sabbath. This is the same in the NT as well. On the basis of 

linguistics, we have an 85% chance of being wrong.

  How do we know which is which in OT and the NT?

  Linguistic markers idea: frog in context of “jump,” it is different from

the context of “throat.” Also, banana—eating vs. going.

  Whenever it is used in the OT with one of the words: keep, the, day, holy

(hallow), my, or cyclical idea—the concept of a cycle, it is referring to the 7th 

day. Whenever “Sabbath” in the OT is used with one of the words: afflict,

weeks, of the land, her, its, your, or a context idea, it is referring to a non-

seventh-day Sabbath.

  NT: the, day, lawful, synagogue, keep, or cyclical or context concepts refer to

the 7th day Sabbath. With: one, first, twice, or context, in the Greek , it refers

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to an entire week. Luke 24:1-3 in the Greek reads something like “early on

the first day of the Sabbath.” 

  In Colossians 2:16, none of the regular linguistic markers that would

indicate “Sabbath” means “7th day” are present; neither are any that would

indicate it means “week” are present. This, therefore, is a unique usage of 

the word “Sabbath.” So, we need to check the use of the “feast, new moon,Sabbath” structure. This is not like the usual 4-part structure “feast, new

moon, Sabbath, day.” We need to find a three-part-structure. There is only

one in the Bible:

  Hosea 2:11

“I will also cause all her mirth to cease, her feast days (ref. 3 pilgrimage

feasts), her new moons, and her sabbaths, and all her solemn feasts.”

This, then, is a reference to the ceremonial Sabbaths. This is a prophecy that 

God is going to put an end to the Jew’s feasts, new moons, and Sabbaths. We

know it is the Jews because it is talking about HER things. Hosea 2 and

Colossians 2 are the only two occurrences of the 3-part structures.  Leviticus 23:23, 24, 31, and 32: feast of trumpets—called a Sabbath,

occurred on 1st day of 7th month. Feasts like these were done away with at 

the cross.

Sabat (Sabbath in Hebrew) = 110 times in the Old Testament. In 94 cases, the immediate

and broader cases context indicate the Sabbath day is in mind. In 17 cases, Sabbath needs to

be translated using some other words as indicated by the context. There are certain key

words indicating the use of Sabbath, and when one or more are used you will know that it is

referring to the seventh day Sabbath:

- “keep” – preceding the word “Sabbath”, it is referring so the seventh day Sabbath. 

- “the: –  day distinctly.

- “day” – 

- “holy” – 

- “my” – 

- “cyclical” (concept) – 

There’s no case where the word “Sabbath” is used and these key words are used where it 

doesn’t refer to the seventh day Sabbath. It’s always referring to the seventh day Sabbath. 

Syntactical words that are used with the “Sabbath”, you know it’s talking about something

other than the seventh day Sabbath:

- “afflict” - “weeks”

- “of the land” 

- “her”/”it’s”

- “your” (context) 


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Leviticus 16:31 – “afflict your souls” = ceremonial Sabbath. 

Jeremiah 17:22 – “the Sabbath day” = seventh day Sabbath. 

The word Sabbath does not always mean the seventh day Sabbath. The same is true in the

New Testament:


Don’t worry about the singular and plural. 10 = “week”, 58 times = seventh day Sabbath



“They went to the tomb on the first of the week” = it means the first day after the Sabbath


There are syntactical/linguistics when these words are used and it’s referring to the

seventh day Sabbath with the word “Sabbath”: 

“the” “day” 





occasionally the context is clear.

There are syntactical/linguistic words when it’s referring to something other than the

seventh day:

- “one” 

- “twice” 

- “first” 

- context 

85% = seventh day Sabbath.

15% = something other than the seventh day Sabbath.

None of the normal linguistic markers that indicate it means the seventh day Sabbath or

of the word “Sabbath.”

2 Chronicles 31:3 – This verse is not connected with Colossians 2. You have 4 parts

structure (sabbaths, burnt offerings, new moons, feasts). But in Colossians you have a 3 part 

structure. (There are other 4 part structure verses like this one.)

Only other 3 part grouping of feasts, new moon, and sabbaths (other than Colossians 2):

Hosea 2:11

God is saying: “I am going to put an end to the Jewish feast days.” This is the ceremonial


Colossians 2.

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Q: Are the ceremonial Sabbath included in the feast days? A: No. They are distinct. Hebrew:

“feasts” (“hag”) = refer to the 3 annual Israelite festival/feasts (booths, passover, weeks)

that require a pilgrimage to the temple in Jerusalem.

Q: What about the specific sabbaths that are coming to an end in Hosea?

Leviticus 23:23-Leviticus 23:26-

There are no other festival days that are called Sabbaths in Leviticus 23.

– Wrestling the Sabbath)

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The Antichrist & Mark of the Beast 

Purpose of the Study: To identify the antichrist.

Know it/Mark it:  Daniel 7:1-8, 25

Share it:

  Daniel 7:1-8, 25

o  I wonder what these beasts might be… 

  Daniel 7:17, 23

o  The beasts are kingdoms. Let’s read about them first…(verses4-8)

o  Remind them of connections between symbolic animal and the kingdom

represented, images of ribs, 4 heads, etc. Also, draw parallels between Daniel 2 and

7. What are the horns? Verse 24. Which kingdoms were put down? In the divided

kingdom, a little horn rises. This little horn is the same as the beast of Revelation 13,

which is the same thing as the “antichrist.”

o  v6 –  heads.

o  v7 – 168BC-476AD Rome

o  Verse 8 identifiers:

  1. A little kingdom, after the word “up” and before “among” = (first 

  2. Rising in divided roman empire, after “another” before “little” 

  3. Takes out 3 kingdoms in rising, before the word “three” 

  Three horns = Heruli (wacked in 493AD), vandals (534AD),

Ostrogoths (overthrown in 538AD)

  4. Has a mouth speaking great things before the word “a mouth”   [what does that mean?—Revelation 13:5, 6. It speaks blasphemous 

things. What is blasphemy? John 10:33. It is a man declares himself 

equal with God. Mark 2:1-7. Someone who claims to be able to

forgive sin. Therefore, a speaker of blasphemous things declares

itself equal with God and to have the power to forgive sins. end of 

o  Verse 25 identifiers:

  5. Persecutes the people of God, before wear out the saints

  6. Change the law of God before “think to change times…” 

  7. Rule for 3.5 times before “given into his hand…”--“time and times and thedividing of time

  Revelation 12:6 -- 1260 days; Verse 14 -- 3.5 times (years);

Revelation 13:5 -- 42 months. All these are referring to the same

amount of time. 1260 days = 1260 years in prophecy: Numbers

14:34; Ezekiel 4:6

  Luke 13:31-33

o  The people are telling Jesus to run for His life. Jesus said, “No worries, I have to work 

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for 3 days, then I will be perfected (32)/perish (33) in Jerusalem.” Jesus was

prophesying about Himself. A prophetic day is a literal year.

  We have 7 indentifying points:

o  1A small kingdom that rises in 2Europe and takes out 3three kingdoms in rising to

power, that 4blasphemes, 5persecuting the people of God, 6changing the law of God,

7ruling for 1260 years.o  The Roman Catholic religious system meets all these. It is a small nation in Europe.

It destroyed the Heruli, Vandals, and Ostrogoths. It claims to be able to forgive sin. It 

persecuted God’s people. Claims to be above the law of God. It ruled for 1260 years,

from 538, when it came to power, to 1798 when Napoleon’s general took the pope


Notes:Daniel 7:2 (read)- Daniel has this vision and he sees the four winds stirring up the great seas.Q: What/Where are the Great seas? Numbers 34:6,7 (read this reference)- Describing theboundaries of Israel. What’s the western border of Israel = Great Sea. (today = Mediterranean Sea)

So we know the place in the world that these beasts arrive.Q: What are these beasts? Daniel 7:17,23  Four beasts = four kingdoms. We know that the fourthbeast = the fourth kingdom. Around the Mediterranean Sea (Great Sea).Daniel 7:4 - (at this point you would have already done a bible study on Daniel 2 first beast =Babylon and the 2,3 and last = Rome) So the first beast is the first kingdom = Babylon. Babylonruled from 605 – 539BC. There some sort of radical change – from this ferocious/wild beast andthan changing to a more civilized and rising like a man.Daniel 7:5 – Babylon was overthrown by Medo-Persia. Medo-Persia had to overthrow 3 Kingdomsin order to overthrow Babylon = Babylon, Lydia, and Egypt. This beast was raised up by one side of it  you have an alliance between Medianites and Persians. Persians were the stronger of the two that’s why one side was lifted higher than the other. Because Persia was more powerful than theMedes. (How you can remember, today you’re more familiar with Persian: people, cats, rugs, etc.

But how many remember of the Medes?)Daniel 7:6 – Medo-Persia was over thrown by the Grecian army. By a young Alexander the Great and when he died, his kingdom was divided in fours by his top four generals: Cassanders, Lys, Sel,Ptolemy… Grecian army was divided into four.Daniel 7:7 – Fourth beast = Rome. Roman army overtook Grecian army. This beast = 10 horns = 10other kings. (we know this by: vs.24)Daniel 7:24 – ten horns = ten kings. It is divided into ten kingdoms of the Roman Empire.Listing of the ten kingdoms can be confusing, because many Adventists have different lists of the 10.So just say: the Roman Empire was divided into exactly 10 kingdoms. But the 3 kingdoms of the 10“were plucked out” and in history have fallen out of the Roman empire.  Daniel 7:8 - The 3 = Heruli, Vandals, Ostrogoths. They were overthrown by the Papacy.Daniel 7:9 - We’re looking for a country that rises up among the divided Roman Empire. (This bighorn)(Daniel 7:25)

This small country smallest country in Europe is Rome  Vatacan City. It finally locked it’spower in 538AD, thus securing it’s supremacy. It speaks great things and blasphemies (rev.13, john10, mark 2).Q: Does the papacy claim to be God/forgive God? Yes.So far, this country matches. This country persecuted God’s people.

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Q: What about changes time and law? A: Last studies we’ve studied on how they changed fromSaturday to Sunday.

From 538 Papacy came into power.

The year date principle you will learn in class. (Numbers and Ezekiel are examples of the use of 

the year date principles.)


  Will you commit to not follow the Anti-Christ and the real Christ? Will you wish to strive to

follow the authentic Christ wherever He leads?

*Recommended: Listen to an evangelistic message before giving this bible study. It will be fresh in

your mind that way.

Anti Christ (Ricky Wade)

Dan 7 we have Daniel has a dream. We’re going to look at the parallels to the dream in Dan 2 of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue. Remember that study: his statue. We’re going to come back to that.  Daniel’s having this dream.V3-4 connecting with v17 4 kings which arise out of the earth.First kingdom = Babylon (gold) – most valuable metal. What’s the first beast here? Lion – is he not top of all of the animal kingdom? (v4) Gold = Lion. Top of both animal & metal.Two wings = in bible prophecy, dealing with speed in conquering in war. 40-45 year period,Babylon has conquered the then known world speedily.V5 – bear: raised up on one side=one side is stronger than the other = medo/Persia. The culturewho had the strongest influence will remain/last. = Persia3 ribs: represent the 3 countries it destroyed coming to power = Babylon, Lydia, and Egypt.V6- third kingdom = Greece with Alex the Great. Conquered the then known world quicker than anyother country prior. The 4 heads = represent the 4 generals. 33yrs died of alcoholism. 4 generalstook over.V7-4th beast=Rome (Iron legs – 2 legs: papal and pagan rome): Iron teeth=definitely talking about rome. Ten toes in statue vs. ten horns.Ten horns discover what those 10 horns are: v.24-ten horns=ten kings. Ten kings=ten kingdoms.(ten toes: direct parallel to statue).Ten kingdoms of Rome that was divided = It’s Rome divided.V8 – Three of the 10 horns that were plucked.Happening somewhere in western Europe. Among those 10 kingdoms you have a little horn risingup=538AD. After the last of the 3 plucked up happenedLittle horn rises among the 10. The last one plucked up in 538AD. So the little horn has to rise after538AD. It comes into full power until after 538AD.

In the little horn: eyes like the eyes of a man = tells you it’ll be a person. It tells you specifically thisis a human male. Some may believe this Antichrist is the devil/demonic, but the Bible indicates that it has the eyes like the eyes of a man.v.25 - 4th characteristic: mouth speaking pompous words (Rev 13:5 – shows what pompous words =blasphemies) what are blasphemies? Jn 10:33 (Mark 2:5-7) blasphemies = claiming to be God.This leads us to another characteristic: #5: this man claims to be God, forgiving man’s sins.Review:

1.  little horn (it’s a little kingdom among 10 other kingdoms talking about the geographicsize.

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2.  comes up among 10 kingdoms3.  comes up around 538AD (plucked up by the roots. It’ll pluck up 3 of the 10)  4.  at the head, the one in control is going to be a male human5.  speaking blasphemies = claiming to be a god here on earth, forgiving man’s sins.  

Do you have any idea of who this person could be?This is the pope. You’ll see the last 5 characteristics that shows that the pope is the antichrist. 

(Rev 7:24 – we’re going to come back and see why he’s different. = difference: all the otherkingdoms were political. Now you have one that is political and religious. It’s the first of its kind.) v.25- no man can be God. =blasphemy =>like Lucifer wanting to be God.#6: it’s going to be different.#7: persecutes the saints. V.25 – during the inquisition (persecution of the early Christian church),at least 50million (conservative number) were destroyed by this power (Papal Rome)#8: shall intend to change time and law: OT, the law referred only to one thing = 10commandments.Do you know how God’s 10 Comm. is different in the catholic bible (catechism). They took the 2 nd commandment, it’s completely gone. How else can they worship mary, etc? they took the 10Commandments and split it into 2.(Mark of the beast – you come back to this verse. We identified the characteristics. How theantichrist would think to change the time and law he changed the 4th commandment.(you can put this study with the mark of the beast study)“time, times, and ½ time”: time = 1 year = 360 + 360 + 360 + 180 = 1260. (42x30=1260.)it was in power from 538AD to 1798AD = 1260yrs.1798AD, the pope was captured. Mortal wound = he was captured and died imprisoned.

is it clear. Did you see that nothing else can fit the characteristics in Daniel that describe theantichrist? Even if it’s hard for you to accept, we all know that if we want our sins forgiven, the wayto the Father is through Jesus, we don’t need a priest. If nothing else fits. This is going to be animportant foundational block for what we want to study in the future. That are salvational issues.

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Mark of the Beast Purpose of the Study: To show that at the end of time, Sunday observance will be the Mark of theBeast.

Center it: Jesus is Lord, and we show our love through obedience.

Know it/Mark it:

  Romans 6:16

  Matthew 4:9, 10

  Revelation 13:15, 14:7

  2Thessalonians 2:1-4

  John 17:12

  Deuteronomy 6:5-8

  Revelation 14:9-12

  Revelation 13:2

  Revelation 13:8, 5, 7, 5, 18

  Exodus 31:13

  Revelation 13:15-17

Share it: The first 3 verses are the underlying principle of the M.o.B. The 4th and 5th are our first clue what it is. Number 6 is our second clue. The 7th is the third clue. The 8th and 9th are the fourthclue. Number 11 is a transition to the appeal.

1.  Romans 6:16. According to the Bible, what makes you someone’s servant? Yielding to

someone or obeying them. Illustration: two people tell you to do two different things—wear

blue shirt or white shirt. Whichever one you obey is your master. What marks or identifies

you as their servant is your act of obedience.2.  Matthew 4:9, 10. What does the devil ask Jesus to do in verse 9? To worship him. Why does

Jesus correlate worship and service in verse 10? They must be linked together in some way.

If the devil tells you to worship him in a certain way at a certain time and you do it, you are

serving him. If Jesus would have obeyed him, He could have been serving him. But Satan

never said to serve him.

3.  2 Contrary commands to worship:4.  Revelation 13:15, 14:7. Satan’s call for worship and God’s call for worship. The beast is like

the dragon’s front man. The second beast works as a prophet/evangelist for the first beast,

setting up an image of the first beast for all people to worship. Rev: 14:7. God has His own

message that He sends out to call His true followers back to true worship. How can we be

God’s faithful servants at the end of time? Obey God’s call to worship. Q: How can we ensure

that we will be God’s servant at the end of time? > By heeding to God’s call. Q: What would

5.  2Thessalonians 2:1-4. “Son of perdition” or lawlessness. Other places describe this man as

the anti-Christ. This term only occurs in one other place. (Q: What does the prophet Paul call

him?) he calls him as “son of perdition.” Only other time the Bible uses this phrase “son of 

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6.  John 17:12. Jesus is, here, referring to Judas as the son of perdition. Was Judas violently

opposed Christianity? No. Was he an apparent supporter? Yes. He was even a legitimate

supporter at times. The world looked at him and thought he was a true follower of Christ —a

true Christian. Is it possible that Paul is trying to hint something about the anti-Christ by

using the same name for the anti-Christ that Jesus used to describe Judas? What, then, does

this tell us about the anti-Christ? The anti-Christ is to be an apparent supporter of Christ.One cannot fall away from where one never was. Jesus is speaking of Judas, He calls him

“son of perdition”. Paul calls the AntiChrist the “son of perdition”. Q: Was Judas someone

who was apparently supportive of Christ or violently opposed Christianity? Apparently, he

was a supporter of Christianity/a faithful follower of Christ.

a.  Mark 3:13-

b.  Luke 10:17-

their “names are written in heaven.” 

c.  If Judas is call -Christ is apparently

the end has come. You cannot fall away from a state you were previously in. If theAntichrist is apparently Christian, then his mark must be as well.

d.  (Clue #1 – Mark is apparently Christian.). Clue #1 – The mark is apparently

Christian. If the anti-Christ is apparently Christian, then his mark would have to also

be apparently Christian.

7.  Second clue: Deuteronomy 6:5-8. The words of God are said to be worn on their hands andon their foreheads. This, naturally, isn’t a literal command. God is calling them to makeGod’s words a part of who they are, what they think, and what they do. Would the prophet John have been familiar with the Old Testament teachings? Certainly. Put something on your

to put the words of the books of Moses to our hands and eyes because they won’t fi

hand and forehead is not a tattoo/barcode. If it were literal, would that be deceiving(Revelation 12:9)? No, because you can’t be deceived if you know the mark of the beast. It represents what you believe/think and do.

a.  Isaiah 29:6, 7; Luke 9:62 – our foreheads and hands are symbolic of our thoughts

and actions.

b.  Matthew 18:8,9 The devil is a master of deception. He is the father of lies whodeceives the whole world. A literal mark —whether a barcode or a tattoo—wouldnot be deceptive. That wouldn’t deceive the whole world. Q: Was God telling Hispeople to literally attach His words to their hands & heads? Q: What did He mean

an external sign. It’s through actions & beliefs.) c.  Clue #2 – The mark is not a physical tattoo or barcode.

8.  Revelation 14:9-12. Q: Does it seem that God would like us to avoid receiving the mark of 

the beast? Yes. This is the strongest warning in the Bible. And it’s a warning to avoid

receiving the mark of the beast. You can’t avoid something you don’t know. Q: Can you learn

what something is, if you learn what something is not? (E.g. You can learn how it is to be

happy, by observing someone who is unhappy.) God wants us to avoid us the mark of the

beast. God doesn’t tell us what the mark of the beast is directly, but indirectly. Q: How many

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Unrighteous/Wicked; One group receives the mark vs. One group who do not receive the

mark. People who do not receive the mark obey His commands. We can conclude: The mark 

of the beast is those who do not keep the commandments of God. Summary: Q: Would God

when He doesn’t directly tell us what it is?a.  Clue #3 – The mark is contrary to the commandments. (If we can find out who the

beast is, and find a command of the beast that conflicts with the commandments of 

God, then we can determine what the mark of the beast is).First we will identify the

beast, then we can see what command of the beast conflicts with the

commandments of God. From the catholic perspective, we see a commandment 

(Sabbath commandment) that is contrary of the Ten Commandments. The beast 

says worship on Sunday. The Commandments say to worship/rest on Sabbath. Mark 

of the beast = Sunday observance. (Mark of the Beast quotes: There are many quotes

you can refer to the Catholic church commanding people to worship on Sunday, the

first day of the week. Google search for Sabbath truth –  Revelation 14:11 – “they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his

calls us to REST on Sabbath.

c.  Clue #4 – It is the mark of the beast which is Sunday

9.  Revelation 13:2. Where does the beast get his seat, power, and authority? From the dragon.

Who is the dragon? The devil (12:9). The dragon was Satan working through the pagan

Roman Empire to try to kill Christ —at birth with Herod, Pilate’s condemnation of Christ to

death, roman seal on the tomb, and Roman soldiers guarding tomb (Matthew 2, 27;

Revelation 12). The beast, then, must be given his power from the dragon. The dragon is the

devil working through Pagan Rome. Therefore, the beast receives its power from the devil

working through pagan Rome.

a.  Side note: “The popes filled the place of the vacant emperors at Rome, inheriting their 

 power, prestige, and titles from paganism.” – Arthur P. Stanley (secular historian) 

b.  “The papacy was the ghost of the deceased Roman Empire sitting crowned upon its

 grave.” Thomas Hoves (secular historian) 

10. Revelation 13:8, 5, 7, 5, 18.

a.  The world worships the beast power (v.8). Therefore, this is a religious power with

unlimited access to the world since the reference is that it affects the entire world.

b.  The beast power is blasphemous (v.5). Blasphemy is when a created being takes

upon itself the prerogatives of God (John 10:30-33; Luke 5:20, 21). See quotes 1-4.

c.  The beast power makes war with the saints/persecutes the saints (v.7). See quotes 5and 6.

d.  Continues 42 months (3.5 yrs/1260 days --> literal years) (v.5)

e.  Has the number of a man – 666 (v.18). In times past, every letter hand numeric

value. The title used at the coronation of every pope is “Vicarius Filii Dei.” Latin

alpha-numeral value of 666.

f.  All of this is consistent with the papacy. A non-religious organization would not 

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force worship either. Having found out who the beast is, now we need to find out 

what command of the papacy goes against the commandments of God. (See last 2


g.  Q: What is the consequence of keeping the commandments of God and not receiving

No. But one day will come when you will be persecuted and/or even killed for yourfaith to keep God’s commandments and not receive the mark of the beast…Q: If you

can’t be faithful today, what makes you faithful tomorrow? Don’t you want to keep

the commandments and practice faithful today when it’s easy, to prepare you to be

faithful when it gets harder tomorrow. How do you know you’ll be faithful

tomorrow if you’re not faithful now? In overcoming the troubles of today, you will

be more prepared to overcome the troubles of tomorrow. (Illustration of the man of 

the two sided flag – you need to make a decision/choice now before it is too late.)

Now we see the Papacy has declared that by its power, the Sabbath day has been

abolished and the first day is to be kept holy. Sunday observance is the mark of the

beast. Obeying the beast’s commandment over God’s commandment makes theworshiper a servant of the beast. The mark of the beast is the action of obedience to

the beast.

11. Exodus 31:13. The Sabbath is the mark of allegiance to God. It is His sign—His seal. Sunday

is a commandment of the Catholic Church that is contrary to the Ten Commandments.

Understand at this point: Sunday is the mark of the beast. Unlike Sunday being the mark,

that the seventh day Sabbath is a mark of an allegiance to God. This verse is to emphasize

more what the mark of the beast is NOT/a mark of God.

a.  Is Sunday apparently Christian? Yes.

b.  Is Sunday not a tattoo? Yes.

c.  Is Sunday contrary to the commandments of God? Yes.

d.  Is Sunday the mark of the beast? Yes.

12. Revelation 13:15-17. Why does God not just say everything outright? Why use so many

symbols for everything? God isn’t concerned with just giving you a bunch of good

information or knowledge. He wants to make your mind capable of handling the knowledge.

(Tractor or racecar or gun, 8-year-old kid). Revelation was not written without tears, and

neither will it be understood without tears. God gives the secrets to those who desire them.

When we are fit to know, God reveals things. To know truly amazing facts, you must have

the amazing experience to go along with it. We need to find things out for ourselves. God

will punish people in proportion to what they know. Those who do not follow after the

beast will face difficult times.

a.  The decisions you make today turn you into the person you will be tomorrow. If youdo not choose to follow God now, when it’s easy, how will you be able to do it when

Sunday is enforced?

b.  James 4:17

c.  Acts 17:30,31

Beast’s Identity 

1 Receives power from Rome

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2 Worldwide religious organization3 Blasphemous4 Persecutes saints5 1260 year supremacy6 666


  2-sided flag story. One side will win.

Defend it:

1.  Revelation 14:12 – It’s not the Ten Commandments. It’s just God’s commands. 

2.  Q: Who wrote to book of Revelation? – 

– If 

you transgress the law = sinning. Paul says the same thing as John. Paul says that you are

breaking the Ten Commandments is the law of God. John is inferring to the Ten

Commandments. This study does not talk about the seal of God. But an objection to the waywe understand the seal of God:

3.  Is the seal of God the Sabbath?

a.  1Corinthians 1:21, 22; Ephesians 4:29, 30 say that the Holy Spirit is the seal of God,

given upon salvation. Some argue that this is the seal of God in Revelation.

b.  When “sealing” something, there are two elements. The object that makes the mark 

is called the “seal” and then mark left behind is also called a “seal.”The Holy Spirit is

the seal that makes the Sabbath Observance seal upon God’s people. Isaiah 8:16;

Hebrews 10:15, 16. The Holy Spirit seals God’s law in the hearts of His followers.  

4.  Does every Sunday-keeper have the mark of the beast?


No. The issue has not yet happened. It hasn’t been enforced yet. Revelation 13:15,16.Revelation 18:1-4. There is a message that the 4th angel brings which lights the

whole earth. Only if you know what you should do are you held accountable (James


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The 2nd ComingPurpose of the Study: The 2nd coming of Jesus is imminent, literal, visible, audible, and glorious.

Center it: The 2nd coming brings to an end the great controversy. The Second Coming is the

culmination of salvation history.

Main Text:WHAT is the Second Coming:John 14:1-3Acts 1:9-11Hebrews 9:28WHEN is the Second Coming:2 Timothy 3:1-5Matthew 24:6,7Matthew 24:7,8Matthew 24:4,5,11,23-26

HOW is the Second Coming going to be:Matthew 24:26,271 Thessalonians 4:16-181 Corinthians 15:51,52Matthew 16:27Matthew 24:36-44Revelation 6:14-17Isaiah 25:8,9

 Additional Text:1 Thessalonians 5:2,3 Revelation 1:7

1 Corinthians 15:51,52Matthew 25:31

Know it/Mark it:

  John 14:1-3

  Acts 1:9-11

  Hebrews 9:28

  Matthew 24:36

  2Timothy 3:1-5

  Matthew 24:6, 7a

  Matthew 24:7b, 8

  Matthew 24: 4, 5, 11, 23-26.

  Matthew 24:26, 27

  1Thessalonians 4:16, 17

  Matthew 16:27

  2Peter 3:10

  2Peter 3:9

  Revelation 6:14-17

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  Isaiah 25:8, 9

Share it:


1.  John 14:1-3

  What does Jesus tell his disciples? Going away, making a place, and comingback again. Jesus announced His own 2nd coming, so this was not invented by

someone lately. Jesus declares that He is coming again. He matches that 

promises by going to prepare a place for us. Second coming – implies that 

He’s been here be

cross? If you look at His first coming, He confirms of His Second Coming and

points to the future.

2.  Acts 1:9-11

  They looked, watched, he disappeared from their sight, gazing into heaven,

saw all dealing with vision. The angels announced that they way they saw  

Him go into heaven, He would return. It would be visible. – They see Christ 

ascending up to heaven. In the midst of this: v9 - watched; sight. v10 – 

looked; v11 – gazing; saw. What’s in common? These are key words to refer

to the fact that the Second Coming is visible. v10 – 

coming again.

3.  Hebrews 9:28

  What does this say about Christ? He would return a second time. The

apostles announced this all through the NT.

  We have 3 witnesses of a fact (Heb 10:28), Jesus, angels, and apostles

foretelling the second coming.

 because He died and rose again and His priestly ministry is finished.

Main point = Even the early church/Apostles announced Jesus’

Second Coming. Three types of witnesses declares Jesus is coming

again! Transition: Sympathize with them, letting them know about 

disappointments about time setting. (e.g. Y2K, etc.)


1.  Matthew 24:36

  No one knows the day or the hour. Not even the angels know. Nevertheless,

the scripture gives us clues about when it will be approaching:

2.  2Timothy 3:1-5. In the last days, perilous times are coming. People love money,homes are divided, and people seek pleasure. Portrays the world today. These are

certain things that you should look out for, and if you see these things emerging,

watch out for these things shall occur during the last days. These are moral signs of 

the last days. People appear to be Godly (having a form of Godliness). Sounds like

today. They will have the “form of godliness”, but will keep people away from Christ.

This is predicted. Even in the religious world, there’s a big lack of morality and these

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are the signs of His Coming.

3.  Matthew 24:6, 7a. key words: “rumors of war”; “nations rising against nations.”

Wars will take place. These are political signs. Sounds like today.

4.  Matthew 24:7b, 8. Natural disasters and diseases. key words: famines, earthquakes,

pestilences. What do you see in the world today? These are environmental signs.

Sounds like today. All of this is the beginning of sorrows (birth pangs). It becomesmore intense and more frequent.

  Q: How can you really declare that these signs are coming into this age?

Many of these signs have occurred in history, why then the sense of 


 pangs. What can we learn? The closer you get to the birth (date), right before

that there’s some serious and more intense and rapid pain. 

  The difference is towards the ends, these signs are going to be more and

more intense and coming about rapidly. (Just like the birth pangs of a

woman.)  1 Thessalonians 5:2,3 – Sounds like the last days/Second Coming.

(The previous verses refer to the Second Coming.) “Sudden


  The more abuse the character of Jesus, the sooner His Coming is. His

character must be vindicated.

  There are certain signs that you don’t see, until you come close. The closer

and closer you are, the more and more you’re going to see the signs.

(analogy: driving to DC from here. The closer you are to the city, the more

you’ll see the signs for DC.) 

  Q: Is He really going to come during my lifetime?

  A: Even if He doesn’t come during your lifetime, you don’t know how long

you’re going to live. When you die, the time that you lived is the only time

you have.

5.  Matthew 24: 4, 5, 11, 23-26. These are religious signs. Deception is rampant. – Jesus

warns us to look out for deception. Because it’s going to rise up false christs;

teachers; religious leaders; great signs and wonders; etc.


1.  Matthew 24:26, 27, 30. How does Jesus say that His returning will be? Like lightning.

It will not be a hidden matter. Universally visible. The Second Coming is going to be

universally glorious. Not a private event. Everyone will be able to see it. v27 - Gives

an example that everyone will witness the Second Coming.  Revelation 1:7. Indirectly deal with the false ideas of the Second Coming.

2.  1Thessalonians 4:16-18. Key terms: shout, voice of archangel, and a trumpet (not a

flute or oboe). It will be clearly audible. - Certain clues/key words: v16 – “shout”;

“voice”; “trumpet” (loud, piercing instrument). It will be a loud and clearly audible

event. Everyone will be able to hear.

  1 Corinthians 15:51,52 – It mentions the word “trumpet” and “we shall all be

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changed.” Trumpet is used again. Another reference to the loud event of the

Second Coming.

3.  Matthew 16:27. He will come in the glory of His Father, and He will come with all

His angels. The heavenly family is coming. Jesus will come down with His Angels. So

it’s a lot more difficult when You’re coming with a very bright entourage. If He’s not 

going to be alone, how can this event be secret?  Matthew 25:31 – Jesus is not alone at His Second Coming.

  (Early Writings – take a journey and Jesus is going to be our tour-

down to earth to see Jesus coming to get His people.

4.  2Peter 3:10. The day comes as a thief, not the Lord. It will be unexpectedly sudden.

There will also be a great noise and a lot of heat.

5.  2Peter 3:9. Why has Jesus not returned yet? Waiting for humanity to experience

repentance. He hasn’t come because he wants more people to be ready.

6.  Matthew 24:36-44 – Old Testament story Jesus refers to: Noah. Immediately the

flood came. And an analogy of a thief coming unexpectedly; he doesn’t announce hiscoming. Jesus’ Second Coming will be unexpectedly sudden. When you make an

appeal: you want to leave that home with a commitment made that deals with

something practical in their life. So you want to switch gears: When Jesus comes

again, there’s going to be two kinds of people on the earth:  

7.  Revelation 6:14-17. Appeal transition [make the 2nd coming relevant to people’s

lives]. What is this large group of people doing? They are fearfully running to the

rocks, desiring destruction. Why are they running? They are unprepared. (1) First 

class of people: terrified, scared people. It includes kings, rulers, great men and

they’re panicking. They want to hide from the Lamb. (Lambs are not the scariest 

things in the world. But this class of people are running, because they have a

wrong/distorted picture of who God is/the character of God.) This class of people is

an unprepared group.

8.  Isaiah 25:8, 9. There will be two different reactions to the second coming. What will

the other reaction be like? Joyful. Why? Because they have waited for Him. They are

prepared in anticipation of that day. (2) Another class of people at the same time,

but their response is totally different than the first group of people. Their behavior

is of rejoicing and gladness. This group of people that see Jesus and sees a familiar

face. They have been preparing, anticipating for the Second Coming.


  In the end of time there will be two classes of people, those who are terrified, running infear and those who are prepared and rejoicing. Which group do you want to be a part of? Is

there anything that would keep you from being in that group? There will be two kinds of 

people on this earth when Jesus comes again: the first group in Revelation 6 or the other

group in Isaiah 25. Which group would you like to be apart of? Is there anything that will

keep you from becoming apart of that group? (pray to have victory over that…) Give them

the opportunity to pray.

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o  Genesis 7:23. None but those in the ark we saved. Noah remained . Being the

remainder, Noah was left behind . “Noah only remained alive, and they that were

his family were left behind.

o  1Thessalonians 4:16, 17. Those who are alive and remain are caught up in the

clouds.  (Recommended book: Left Behind or Sincerely Taken. – Luis Torres)

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Reading  Baptism - Its Significance - E.J. Waggoner

Purpose of the Study: Baptism by immersion is the public declaration of faith in the death,burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Center it:

  Baptism is the symbol of Jesus’ death, His burial, and His Resurrection.  

Know it/Mark it:1.  John 3:1-8

2.  Mark 16:16

a.  James 2:14-20

3.  Ephesians 4:5

4.  Romans 6:1-6

5.  Galatians 5:22-24

6.  Mark 1:9, 10

7.  Acts 8:36-39

8.  John 3:23

9.  Matthew 28:18-20 (Preconditions to baptism)

10. Hebrews 11:6 (Precondition to baptism)

11. Acts 2:37-38 (Precondition to baptism)

12. Acts 2:38 (Appeal)

13. 2Corinthians 6:2 (Appeal)

Share it:1.  John 3:1-8. How did Nicodemus know that God was with Jesus? By the signs He did

(verse 2). He is focused on the external miracles of Christ. Jesus focuses on the greatest miracle of all = being born again. (“born again” = “born from above”) (verse 3).Nicodemus still focuses on the external—how can a man be physically born again?Nicodemus knew the answer before asking the question. (verse 4). To be born of aboveis the same as being born of the water and of the Spirit. Jesus clarifies what “born

again” = “born of the water and the Spirit.” (verse 5). The flesh produces flesh and theSpirit gives birth to Spirit . (verse 6). Jesus repeats himself. Don’t be surprised (verse

7). A marked difference is seen the live of those who have been born again (verse 8).Born of the Spirit is clearly referring to conversion. Being born of the water is a clearreference to baptism. Jesus begins to describe the work of the Spirit. E.g. You can’t seewind, but you can see the effects of the wind. To be born of the Spirit is a clear referenceto conversion. Because the flesh produces flesh, and the Spirit produces the Spirit. What is the work (fruit) of the Spirit?

2.  Galatians 5:22-24. Born of the Spirit is a clear reference to being converted. Conversion

is from what they use to do to the fruits of the Spirit. Galatians 5:19-21 > fruits of the


3.  Mark 16:16. Baptism is a major part of the salvation process. Believe and be baptized to

be saved. Salvation is a free gift. For someone to be converted, they have to believe in

Saved. So: Water is a clear reference to baptism. Spirit is to conversion.

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a.  James 2:14-20. James states that when someone believes and is converted, their

life is changed. Converted people have a lifestyle that is in agreement with the

standards of God. Faith must be followed by works. If you don’t see the effects of 

the wind, there is no wind. The belief that the devils have in God doesn’t change

their hearts. Conversion is the difference. Faith without works is dead. That 

means you have not been born of the Spirit. To be converted means to be born of 

the Spirit and to have the works of the Spirit. Demons believe but they lack the

conversion (Spirit). They have not been born of the Spirit. Belief must be

accompanied by action or it is dead.

4.  Ephesians 4:5. Tells us ho There is only one baptism,

that is, one method. How can we be sure that we have been baptized by the one

baptism? [The meaning of baptism dictates the mode (or method) of baptism…the

meaning shows the way it should be done}. The way someone is baptism is

shown/illustrated by the meaning of baptism. If we find out what baptism means, we’ll

find out the method of baptism.

5.  Romans 6:1-6. Verse 3, 4 – Meaning of Baptism: baptism is a symbol of the Jesus’ death

(Mt 27:50, Jn 19:30: Jesus breathes His last), A symbol of Jesus’ burial (someone must 

go under something, Buried), and A symbol of Jesus’ resurrection (Raised to new life) 

of Jesus. Therefore, the true method of baptism must symbolically show a death.

Baptidzo—to immerse, dip, or get fully wet. Examples of baptismal methods:

a. No.

b. In other words: Do you have to stop breathing? Are you buried under the water?

Do you raise out of the water? Yes!

6.  Mark 1:9, 10. Jesus was baptized in Jordan, and He came up out of the water. When Jesus

was baptized, Jesus went into the water, up out of the water. If He came up out of the

water, He must have gone down under the water. “Baptism” = (Greek) “Baptidzo” = To

immerse, to make fully wet, to dip. This is not the only time you see this method of 


7.  Acts 8:36-39. The eunuch first had to believe. They went into the water for the baptism.

Then, they came out of the water. “Baptized” = “baptidzo”. Eunuch went down in the

water and up out of the water.

8.  John 3:23. Why did John baptize there? Because there was much water. Why would they

need much water? For immersion. There are 3 conditions given by the Lord for baptism.

3 Preconditions to Baptism: (Before someone is baptized, they must meet 3 conditions.)

9.  Matthew 28:18-20. Condition 1: They must be taught what Jesus taught. Jesus was

teaching them to be like Him in making them His disciples. Jesus taught what Jesus


10. Hebrews 11:6. Condition 2: They must have faith/must believe. It’s impossible to please

God without faith. If we don’t have faith, can we be converted? No. So: We have to have

faith in God.

11. Acts 2:38. Condition 3: Their baptism must be preceded by repentance. (Transition into

appeal with this text). “cut to the heart” = convicted. They’re preaching, they’re pricked

in their hearts, and they ask what they shall do. Peter said to repent and be baptized and

they will receive the Holy Spirit. At the baptism of Christ, He was anointed with the Holy

Spirit. We can expect that after our baptism, the Holy Spirit will be poured out unto us.

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The Holy Spirit works from the inside out.

Appeal:12. Acts 2:38 “Repent and be baptized.” As a public declaration of your faith in the death,

burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, would you like to be baptized?

13. 2Corinthians 6:2. “I just want to wait” response. Just as surely as they make a decisionon earth, it is recorded in heaven. If people have continually lived up to the standards,

resting true faith on God and confessing sins, then show it. “Today is the day of 

salvation.” – Today is the day. You’re never guaranteed tomorrow. So if it is your desire

to make a public declaration of your faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus

Christ… When making appeal, give a lot of time. (Count to 5 backwards, very slowly.

Defend it:14. Don’t place the burden of evidence on yourself and what you want. Make sure that 

everything goes back to the person and their relationship with God.

15. Infant baptism—can you make repent and make a commitment with God at that time?

16. Sprinkling—is it the manner in which God set forth for baptism to be done?

Rebaptism:1. Acts 19:1-7They were baptized in the correct way by John the Baptist, and yet they were convicted by theSpirit Himself to be re-baptized because they weren’t born of the Spirit first.alright to be baptized and it’s alright to be re-baptized.

If someone wants to be re-baptized, ask them if they got a divorce from Christ? Because baptism-

heart for foot washing and to rededicate their life during the communion service.

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o  If they are worried about non-Christian relatives who have died, 1Samuel 16:7.

God looks at the heart.

Defend it:  Luke 23:42, 43. “Today”

o  The thief – was he dead yet? We don’t know when he died.o  John 20:16, 17. What did Jesus tell Mary not to do? Touch Him. Why? He hadn’t 

 yet ascended. How long was this after crucifixion Friday? Two days (Sunday).

Know it/Mark it:1.  Revelation 4:4, 10

2.  Ezekiel 28:13-15, 17

3.  John 3:3

4.  Psalms 51:5

5.  Genesis 35:1-5

6.  Exodus 33:1-6

7.  1Peter 3:1-48.  Hebrews 12:1

9.  John 19:23, 24

Share it:o  The punctuation of the Bible is not inspired. Other examples: Isaiah 53:11 (“by

his knowledge” mis-joined with following sentence instead of the preceding),

Acts 19:11, 12 (sick handkerchiefs) (KJV).

  Revelation 6:9-11 “slain souls” Revelation we need to look for where else this idea appears

to fully understand it. 

o a. v.11 – “Rest a little longer.” They’re under the Alter. It doesn’t say that they’rein heaven. “souls” = living beings. 

o  Leviticus 4:34. The priests put blood on the corners of the horns of the altars and

pour the rest at the base of the altar. Where did the blood come from? The

sacrificed lambs. The lamb was an innocent sacrifice. With a portion of the blood

of the sacrifice, the priest pours it under the Alter.

o  Leviticus 17:11. the life of the flesh is in the blood. The life, then, is in the blood.

So what did they experience


o  Genesis 4:9, 10. Abel’s blood cries out. The voice of his innocent blood cries out 

from the ground to heaven. It cries for vengeance of an injustice. Not literal.Point: The blood = symbol, crying out for vengeance. So: The blood under the

“rest a bit longer” for Him to avenge their deaths. 

  2Corinthians 5:1-8 “absent from the body” 

o  Juxtaposition:

Earthly house) Nakedness (Heavenly houseGroan (Death) Building from God

Mortal Not made with hands

At home Put onAway from the Lord Further clothed

LifeSpirit is a guarantee

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Away from the body2Peter 1:13-15. Putting off the earthly tent/tabernacle = death. Then, naturally, aheaven’ house must be a heavenly body.o  Paul wanted to have the heavenly house without dying. He wanted to put on

immorality without the nakedness (v.3). He desired to be translated.

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70 Weeks (Daniel 9)

Purpose of Study: Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah

Know it/Mark it:1.  Daniel 9:20-27

2.  Daniel 9:24

3.  Numbers 14:34 (also Ezekiel 4:6)

4.  Daniel 9:25

5.  Ezra 7:7, 11, 12-26

6.  Daniel 9:25

7.  Acts 10:38

8.  Luke 3:1-3, 21-22

9.  Daniel 9:26a

10. Isaiah 53:811. Daniel 9:27

12. Matthew 27:50, 51

13. Daniel 9:27

14. Hebrews 2:3

a.  Mark 1:15

b.  Acts 7:54-60; 8:1-4

15. Acts 22:20-21 (also Acts 7)

Share it:1.  Read Dan 9:20-27. Daniel was praying prior to this. Gabriel came, while Daniel was

praying, to help him understand. v.21 – In chapter 9, there’s no vision. Gabriel comes to

explain a vision. Daniel sees Gabriel, the same one Daniel saw in the vision. So there

must be a vision before this time. v.22 – Gabriel wants to give Daniel skill and

understanding. Skill and understanding in what? v.23 – Skill and understanding in the

vision. Consider the vision.

2.  Read Dan 9:24. The word “determined” only appears once in the bible: Chathak (kaw -

thak). In extra-biblical literature it means “to cut off/amputate.” When things are

amputated, something is taken off of a larger body. The 70 weeks are cut off of 

something bigger. We’ll look at what it is cut off of next week. Who is Gabriel talking to?

Daniel. Who are Daniel’s people? The Jews. What is their city? Jerusalem. In this time,

something is to be done that humans cannot do. No human can make an end to sin.

Extraordinary things are to be done by someone extraordinary. 70 wks * (7 days/1 wk)

= 490 days. In bible prophecy a day is always equal to a year. This is just like an

algebraic problem. Once we find the answer, we can check it.

3.  70 weeks are cut off from a larger time period for Daniel and his people to do these 6

things: Read 6 things from Daniel 9:24.

a.  To finish the transgression

b.  To make an end of sins

c.  To make reconciliation for iniquity

d.  To bring in everlasting righteousness

e.  To seal up the vision and prophecy

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f.  To anoint the most Holy

4.  Read Num 14:34. The spies looked over Canaan for 40 days. Ten of the spies lose faith in

God. God is now going to punish them, making them wander a year for every day that 

they were in the land of Canaan. Before the children of Israel went into the promise land,

and spied on the land of Canaan for 40 days to see if they could really take the land of 

Canaan with their own power. But they come back and 10 spies says “we can’t do it.” 2

(believers of God) says “we can.” The 10 persuaded the Israelites not to overcome

Canaan. For the 2 faithful, God declares that one day = one year. Principle in Scripture

Year (in Bible Prophecy.) This works if 

the principle stays the same. We can now take this principle of a day for a year to see

that we’ve got 490 prophetic days = 490 literal years. If the principle doesn’t work, we

throw it out.

a.  Also says it: Ezekiel 4:6. 70 weeks = how many years? 70 weeks x 7days/week = 490 literal days = 490 prophetic years. Another way of explaining: If it’s literal weeks, the time does not take you to the Messiah. They would still be

in captive. 5.  Read Dan 9:25. Now we find the starting point of the 70 week time period. Gabriel says

that from the command to restore Jerusalem to the Messiah would be 7 wks + 62 wks,

equaling 69 wks. The 69 weeks start from the restoration of Jerusalem and goes to the

x2)+2=62) 62 weeks = 69 weeks. That makes 483

prophetic days/literal years. Going forth the command to restore/rebuild Jerusalem and

give Jerusalem to govern itself. From restore/rebuild Jerusalem to the coming of the

Messiah = 483 prophetic days/years. The wisemen knew when Jesus was to be born

because of this prophecy.

6.  Read Ezra 7:7, 11, 12-26. This decree came in the 7th year of Artaxerxes. The King gives a

letter to Ezra. v.24, he is giving rights. v.25, setting up government and laws. v.26, hegives full autonomy. Scholars agree that the 7th year of Artaxerxes was 457 BC. When he

gives them power to restore Jerusalem. It was given in the spring (1st Hebrew month),

goes into effect in fall (5th Hebrew month) because of the time the trip took. v.8,9.

a.  457 BC (counts as a negative number)

-457 + 483 = 26, however, there is no “0” year, we must add a year. 27 AD. In

simple math, 0 is a placeholder, but in years, there is no placeholder, so we have

to compensate for the simple math. So 26 + 1 = 27 AD.

7.  Read Daniel 9:25. The Hebrew word “Messiah” means “Anointed One.” Who was the

“Anointed One?” Was Jesus Anointed? “Anointed One” = (Greek) “Chrio” = Messiah. Jesus

was anointed at His baptism. Anointed with the Holy Spirit. When was Jesus’ baptism?  8.  Read Acts 10:38. God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit. But when was

Jesus anointed? When did this happen?

9.  Real Luke 3:1-3, 21-22. John was preaching and baptizing in the 15th year of Tiberius

Caesar. History tells us that this was in 27 AD. When was Jesus anointed? That same year

(v.21, 22). Jesus was anointed right on time. But the prophecy is not over. (v.21,22) Jesus

was baptized. He was anointed with the Holy Ghost at His baptism. (v.1-3) Date: He was

baptized at the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar = 27AD (historical date).

10. Review first (quiz on dates and times). We could even go backwards from Tiberius’ 15 th 

year. This next part is the most widely misunderstood part of scripture. Read Daniel

9:26. The Messiah will be cut off, not for Himself . “3 score and 2 weeks” = 62 weeks.

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11. Read Isaiah 53:8. He was to be cut off —from the land of the living (He would die)—for

the transgression of the people (not for Himself).

from the living, not for Himself, but for the transgression of His people. After the 62

week period, the Messiah will be cut off.

12. Read Daniel 9:27. There is one week left. 1 wk = 7 prophetic days = 7 literal years. This is

all a continuous prophecy. First came the 7 weeks, then the 62 weeks, then the 1 week.

The “weeks” are consecutive. In the midst/middle/center of the week he causes the

sacrifices to stop/cease. One week = From 27AD (Messiah’s anointing). One week = 7

prophetic days/year. Half of 7 weeks = 3 ½ days/years. 457BC > In the Autumn (Ezra

7:8,9). 457BC + 483 (time between Jerusalem’s rebuilding to Messiah’s anointing) =

27AD Autumn. 3 ½ years + 27AD Autumn = 31AD Spring. Jesus was crucified in the

Spring of 31AD. (When is Easter celebrated? In the Spring. So this is pretty close to that 

exact time of year.)

13. Read Matthew 27:50, 51. The presence of God was supposed to be behind that veil. The

sacrifice system was to point to Christ. At His death, the shadow met the object that gave

it. The sacrifices no longer had meaning in the eyes of God. The veil is ripped from the

top—by God. The Shekinah Glory is not there because the visible presence of God was

hanging on the cross. The veil that separated the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place. That 

veil was torn from the top to the bottom. Significant: The Lamb took away the sacrificial

system when He died on the cross. In the middle of the week, the veil was split. The

temple sacrifices ceased to be significant, when the Messiah abolished it on the cross.

14. Read Daniel 9:27. How does Jesus confirm a covenant for a week if He dies halfway

through it?

15. Read Hebrews 2:3. Jesus preached for the first 3 ½ years that Jesus was the Messiah, but 

the prophecy confirmed that He would preach it for the whole week (7 years). So how

would He continue to preach, if He was dead and resurrected? Jesus started preaching

the message on salvation in the first part of the week (3 ½ weeks). After His death, the

disciples continued His work for the last half of the week (3 ½ weeks). “Those that heard  

Him” = disciples.Who spoke about the great Salvation first?

a.  Read Mark 1:15. Jesus preaches that the time was fulfilled. He preached for 3.5


b.  “At the first” it was spoken by Jesus. It was then “confirmed” by the preaching of 

the disciples. After His death, his disciples continued preaching the gospel. Right 

after His baptism, Jesus started preaching. Last half of the week = 3 ½ week =

From His death is 3 ½ weeks => which leads us to 34AD Autumn. What 

happened in 34 AD,.

16.  Acts 7:54-60; 8:1-4. 34AD The end of the 490 year prophecy = when Stephen was

stoned. The 490 year prophecy was given for the Jewish nation. But at the end of the

prophecy, the Gospel goes from the Jews to the Gentiles. Not only for the Jewish nation.

The Gospel is preached to the world.

a.  Read Daniel 9:27 again. The meaning of the sacrifices ceases. v.24, could the

Israelite people do any of the things that had to be done in this verse? No. Only

One could do that. Jesus could. At the end of that time, the gospel went to the

gentiles. What happened in 34 AD?

17. Read Acts 22:20, 21. The stoning of Stephen, the rejection of a crucified, risen Savior,

ended the 70 weeks—the time that God gave for them to accept the Savior. God then

sent Paul to the gentiles. Because of that, we (gentiles) can accept salvation. Paul is

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giving his testimony: After Stephen’s death, the gospel is sent to the Gentiles. At the end

of the 490-year prophecy, after Stephen’s stoning, the gospel is sent forth to spread the

Good News to the Gentiles. God tells Paul t 

(not a Jew).

18. Daniel 9:24. This prophecy is all about Jesus. When we find out next week when the

Sanctuary will be cleansed, we’re going to find out when that actually takes place. Jesus

was baptized, crucified on time. The gospel is sent out to everyone, to you, to me so that 

we can be baptized on time

Appeal:1.  Did the day-for-a-year principle work?

a.  Then Jesus is the Messiah.

b.  Then sacrifices in the temple mean nothing anymore.

2.  Is it your desire to accept this Messiah and allow Him to anoint you with the Holy Spirit 

as He was? What would keep you?

3.  When was Jesus anointed? Then at some point, what you do to be anointed as He was?

Defend it/Difficult Text 1.  Q: Because Satan will die because of all the sins, he brought  upon people, then doesn’t that 

mean that Jesus didn’t do everything. 

  A: Jesus died for all of our sins, there’s not doubt about that. He paid the penaltyfor our sins. 

 2.  But sin has to be consumed. It has to be burned up. The earth has to be purified. 

  Leviticus 16  The High Priest confessed all people’s sin onto the live goat. Thefulfillment in the Heavenly Sanctuary, Jesus is going put all of our sins ontoSatan. Satan has to be consumed and perish for all those sins. You confess your

sin, and that sin goes to the heavenly sanctuary. Jesus asks forgiveness for that sin. But that sin is still recorded. At the end, those sins are going to be blotted out (via Satan).

3.   2 Peter 2:20  Once you’re saved, if you make the choice, you can go the other direction.And the end of then will be worse then before you went to Christ. Because withknowledge they are turning away from Christ.

  Once you’re saved, you’re always saved, as long as you stay saved. 4.  Jesus was about 33 ½ years old when He died. How could He have died in 31 AD?

  Herod, who gave the decree to kill all the boys of Bethlehem, died between 5 and

4 BC. Those who set up the BC/AD timeframe miscalculated. Historically we can

trace the birth of Christ to before 1 AD.

5.  Since more than one decree was given: How do we know Ezra’s chapter 7 decree is thedecree referred to in Daniel 9? It is the only decree that gives full autonomy (right togovern themselves) to the Jewish nation. Decrees:

  Cyrus (Ezra 1:1-4) > 536BC: 536BC – 483 days/years = 53BC. (This can’t work,

because this is prior to Jesus’ birth). Cyrus to rebuild temple 536 BC

i.  Prophecy would end in 53 BC

  Darius (Ezra 6:1-12) > 519BC: 519BC – 483 days/years = 36BC. (This is 30some

years before Jesus’ birth.) Darius’ decree to finish Cyrus’ decree 519 BC  

i.  Prophecy would end in 36 BC

  Artaxerxes 7th year (Ezra 7) > 457BC: 457BC – 483 days/years = 27AD. (This is

the only decree that gives full autonomy. The time Jesus was anointed.)i.  This decree is the one that gave full autonomy. This is the only one what 

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fits the coming of a Messiah.

  – 483 days/years = 40AD.(This is after Jesus is crucified.)Artaxerxes 20th, Nehemiah, finish building wall444 BC

i.  Prophecy would end in 40 AD

6.  Seven years of tribulation. Stolen from the 70 weeks, given to the end of time. There isno reason for ripping it off. If we do this, Christ never dies, the gospel never goes to the

gentiles, and you and I can never be saved. Tribulation week (Futurist view) is not 

scriptural. We use the Historicist Method. Futurist and Preterist views were created

during the reformation to take eyes off of the Papacy.

7.  Daniel 9:25. some believe that this was the work of Nehemiah. Does not negate the


8.  Daniel 9:26 – Some people say that Antiochus destroyed the temple from and is that person

that fulfills the prophecy to end sacrifices. Antiochus Epiphanes (Seleucid Ruler) – Desecrated Jerusalem temple from 168BC – 165BC. So he can’t be the person whofulfills the prophecy because the time frame does not fit. 

  Daniel 9:26,27  9.  Destruction of Jerusalem. Destroyed in 70AD.

10. Matthew 24:1-15 - Jesus is showing the disciples the temple. He tells them that thetemple will be destroyed. In the disciples’ mind, when the temple is going to bedestroyed is when the end of the world will be. But Jesus says that that’s not true. Theyboth will happen, but not at the same time.

  v.15  – Had the abomination of desolation taken place spoken of by Daniel theprophet (Daniel 9:27 )? No. The abomination of desolation = The destroying of the Jerusalem’s temple. (70AD). In prophecy, water =people/multitudes/nations/tongues. (Revelation 17:15)

11. Matthew 24:1-15   Titus (the prince) comes into Jerusalem and destroys the temple

with a flood of people (Daniel 9:27). The result of this is already determined =desolation. So Antiochus could not have been the one. Daniel 9:26. In 70 AD Jerusalemand the temple were destroyed by Titus and his army coming in like a flood (water ispeople, multitudes, nations, etc –Rev 17:15). Matthew 24:2, 3, 15—Jesus prophesiesabout the destruction of the temple. The first part of D.9:26, 27 each talks about theMessiah, and second part talks about the destruction of Jerusalem.

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Judgment I: SanctuaryStudy #14 Judgment I: Sanctuary

Purpose of the Study: Christ is the fulfillment of the earthly sanctuary

Reference: Genesis 1, 2, 3-Revelation 20, 21, 22

Share it: God created all things perfect. In Genesis 1 and 2, God had face-to-face communionwith God. From Genesis 3-Revelation 20, there is separation, and God does everything in Hispower to restore the communion. In Revelation 21 and 22, the communion is restored. One of the things that God did to restore the face-to-face communication was to set up the sanctuaryservice.

Genesis 1, 2 > Perfect God, perfect communion with a perfect man, in a perfect place with a face-to-face communication. (Eden lost)

Genesis 3 – Revelation 20 > God working on behalf of man to bring him back from where he waslost to where He wants him to be. (The cross)

Revelation 21, 22 > Perfect God with a perfect harmony with a perfect people in face-to-facecommunication. (Eden restored)

Know it/Mark it:1.  Exodus 25:8,9

2.  Matthew 1:23 (John 1:14)

3.  John 14:6, 7 (Leviticus 4)

4.  John 1:29

5.  Hebrews 12:29

6.  John 4:10, 14

7.  Exodus 25: 31-37

8.  Revelation 1:20 {or to Isa 53:5}

9.  John 8:12

10. Colossians 1:18

11. Ephesians 2:10

12. 1Peter 4:12

13. John 6:35, 51-53

14. Exodus 30:1, 7, 8

15. Ephesians 5:2

16. Exodus 34:5-7

17. Numbers 7:89, 8:1 (Exo 25:9)

18. Hebrews 2:17

19. Hebrews 8:1, 2

20. Leviticus 4:1-7

21. 1 John 1:9

22. Leviticus 16

23. Revelation 12:11, 12

1.  Exodus 25:8, 9. God wanted to be with His people in a visible manner, so He had them

build a sanctuary. In the New Testament, we see that Christ is a fulfillment of the earthly

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sanctuary. God tells Moses to make a place where God can commune with His people.

God wants to have communion with His people. “Let them make me a sanctuary” – for

the purpose of dwelling among them. God wanted to dwell with humanity. Make the

sanctuary after the pattern.

2.  Matthew 1:23. The purpose, in the previous text, of God creating the sanctuary was to

dwell with us. Jesus became that. Taking a look at the layout of the sanctuary, in order to

come into the sanctuary, a person had only one option of entry. Virgin will have

“Emmanuel” = God with us. The reason why this baby came to this earth is because God

wanted to be with humanity. Jesus is God in the flesh.

3.  John 1:14. Tabernacle. Made His tent among humanity.

4.  John 14:6, 7. The only way for the worshipper was the entrance. Our only way to

worship the Father is Jesus. Jesus, therefore, is a fulfillment of this part of the sanctuary.

The next thing in the sanctuary was the altar of burnt offering where sacrificial animals

were slain for the taking away of sin. Jesus is the entrance to the Father.

a.  Leviticus 4 – describes what part of sacrifice that was put onto the alter… 

5.  John 1:29. Jesus is the lamb who was slain to take away our sins. Lambs were killed andtheir parts (the fat, kidneys, caul—purifying organs—Lev 4) were placed on the altar to

burn, almost like a holy barbeque. Jesus is the sacrifice. The sacrificial animal’s insides

would be put into that alter. Jesus takes away the sins of the world.

6.  Hebrews 12:29. What does God’s fire consume? Sin. The Altar of Burnt Offering is a

symbol of God, as a consuming, purging fire. We can have Him purge our sins, or we can

burn for them ourselves. The next object in the sanctuary was the laver—where they

washed themselves before entering the earthly sanctuary. Our God is an all-consuming

fire. Not only is Jesus the sacrifice, He is also the fire that consumes the fire.

7.  John 4:10, 14. Jesus has the living water. Just as the priest who had to be clean before

entering into the temple. Jesus is the only who cleans us so that we have everlasting life.Jesus is the water in the Laver. He is the water that gives us everlasting life. He’s the

source of the living water that cleans us. When our sins are taken away at the altar of 

sacrifice, we receive the gift of eternal life. Jesus is the water that gives us everlasting life

(Verse 10). He is the source of the water that gives us eternal life. We next enter the Holy

Place of the sanctuary. To the left we see the Golden Lamp Stand.

8.  Exodus 25: 31-37. How was this made? It was beaten. This shows us an image of Christ 

and His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. {Can simplify texts 8-11 by just using Isaiah


beaten/hammered (v.31) Beaten pure gold (v.36) The candlestick was to be made of 

beaten pure gold. So the gold had to be pure. The candlestick had to be beaten to givelight.

9.  Revelation 1:20. The candlesticks are symbolic of the churches.

10. Isaiah 53:5. If Jesus had not come as a pure sinless sacrifice, we would not have been

able to be healed by getting our beating. Jesus calls Himself “Light of the world” (John

8:12). Jesus is beaten to give us the light of the world.

11. Colossians 1:18. There is no church apart from Christ. Being the head of the Church,

Christ gave His life to establish the church. By His beating, the church was established.

Without His being beaten, there would be no church.

12. Ephesians 2:10. Christ is the workman, working on us to make us the church the He

wants us to be. How does Christ work on us?13. 1Peter 4:12. He works on us through fiery trials. It is Christ working to grow His church

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from the sanctuary by allowing us to go through fiery trials. The next thing in the

sanctuary was the table of shewbread. There were two stacks of 6 loaves (side note: they 

were baked every Sabbath and the priests ate the old bread ).

14. John 6:51-53. The “flesh” (John 1:14) is the bread. The bread is Christ. He is not speaking

literally, but saying that He/His words are our sustenance. The next piece of furniture in

the Holy place is the Altar of Incense (transition them to understand Christ’s work in the

sanctuary). Jesus tells the people that He is the Bread of Life. Jesus is the Bread of Life.

Now in the mind of the Jew, they would have gone straight to the Table of Showbread in

the temple. The bread of His presence is in the north side of the temple.

15. Exodus 30:1, 7, 8. Every morning and evening, the High priest would burn incense upon

the altar in the Holy Place. The aroma was to ascend into heaven.

16. Ephesians 5:32. Christ is our sacrifice to God as a sweet smelling savor. Jesus Christ is

the incense that burns on the alter of incense. (sweet smelling incense.)

a.  Revelation 8:3, 4. The incense is offered with/added to the prayers of the saints.

The smoke goes up before God—in His presence.

b.  Hebrews 9:24. Christ is the one who ascends.

c.  Next we enter the Most Holy Place.

17. Exodus 34:5-7. What is the Lord’s name here? Merciful and gracious… God calls Himself 

“Merciful”. > Keeping mercy for thousands. 

18. Numbers 7:89, 8:1. Where did the Lord’s voice come from? From the “Mercy Seat.” It is

where the Merciful One sits. It is on top of the Ark of the Covenant/Testimony. The

Merciful One gets to sit on the Mercy Seat - from the Most Holy Place.

19. Hebrews 2:17. Jesus is a merciful and faithful High Priest (the only one who enters the

MHP). He is the fulfillment of the “Shekinah Glory”—the presence of God. Where is He?

20. Hebrews 8:1, 2. We find Him now ministering in the sanctuary. We clearly see that 

Christ was the fulfillment of the furniture of the sanctuary. Now we will look at Him as

the fulfillment of the functions of the priestly office that we have established Him as the

holder of. Hebrews gives a summary of the book of Hebrews up to chapter 8. What was

the pattern that God showed Moses in Exodus 25:9 = the Heavenly Sanctuary. Jesus is

our High Priest in our Heavenly Sanctuary. Jesus is the fulfillment of the divine presence

that was on top of the Mercy Seat. Jesus is that presence. Jesus was the fulfillment of 

every aspect of the Heavenly Sanctuary. He also fulfills the daily and yearly ministration

of the Heavenly Sanctuary.

21. Leviticus 4:1-7. Daily ministration of the earthly temple. Symbolically the sin was

transferred from the person, to the animal. The blood was shed and sprinkled in the

sanctuary. There was always a death for sin—symbolic of Christ. Once a year, the temple

itself would be cleansed from the sins:

a.  1 John 1:9 - Daily ministration = people confessing their sins and Him

interceding on their behalf.

22. Leviticus 16. Synopsis : every year, a day called “Day of Atonement”. For the Jewish

nation, this was a day of judgment. They had to be cleansed from their sins. The priest 

would have to cast their sins on a goat. The priest would have to sacrifice the Lord’s bull,

putting all their sins onto the sacrifice and sprinkle it’s blood. “Day of Atonement/Day of 

Judgment” – In the Heavenly Sanctuary takes place before Jesus returns. The Lord’s goat,

scapegoat, sprinkling of blood (Repetition of the idea of “cleansing”). This happened

every year (verse 34) on the 10th day of the 7th month (verse 29). It is to cleanse the

temple and the people (verse 30). A judgment takes place in the earthly sanctuary,

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making people one with God. The sinners went daily to the earthly sanctuary for

forgiveness, as we must seek heaven for ours. Just as that sanctuary had to be cleansed,

so must the heavenly sanctuary.

23. Revelation 22:11, 12. Making a declaration of judgment. The declaration of judgment 

y. Before Jesus

comes back there is a judgment. He is in the heavenly sanctuary now, working for our

salvation. There will come a time when He will stop being the High Priest. He will put on

the clothing of a King and return to earth for the salvation of those who know The Way,

Truth, and Life.

Review:1.  Entrance - Jesus Christ is the only access to the Father. The only way to have eternal life.2.  Alter of Burnt Offering – Jesus is the sacrifice and the all-consuming fire.3.  The Laver – Jesus is the source of living water that cleanses us.4.  Lamp Stand – Jesus was beaten to give us the light of the world.5.  Showbread – Jesus is the bread of life.6.  Alter of Incense – Jesus is the sweet smelling incense.7.  Ark of the Covenant – Jesus is the Merciful One sitting on the Mercy Seat.8.  Earthly Sanctuary Ministration – Jesus is the High Priest of the Heavenly Sanctuary.9.  Jesus fulfills the daily and yearly ministration in the Heavenly Sanctuary before His


  Remember this study is all about Jesus Christ. That’s what Jesus Christ in the earthly

sanctuary. But what is He in your life? Is it your desire to have Jesus Christ as the center

of your life? (In a group study, ask everyone.)Is it your desire to find out when this

heavenly cleansing of the temple begins?

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Judgment II: 1844Purpose of the Study: The end time, pre-advent judgment commenced in 1844 when JesusChrist entered into the Most Holy Place of the Heavenly Sanctuary.

Know it/Mark it:1.  Romans 2:16

2.  Acts 17:31

3.  Revelation 22:11-13

4.  Daniel 8:1-14 (Giving of Vision)

5.  Daniel 8:15-27 (Partial Explanation of vision)

6.  Daniel 9:20-27 (explanation of )a vision

7.  Hebrews 8:1,2

8.  Daniel 7:9-14

9.  Mark 16:19

10. Daniel 7:9-1411. Leviticus 16:13

12. Malachi 3:1-6 (Hebrews 12:29)

Share it:1.  Read Romans 2:16. Is this before or after the cross? When will God judge? Future tense

is used; therefore, there will be a judgment after the cross. Judgment is future.

2.  Read Acts 17:31. After the cross God will judge the earth. God has appointed a day. That 

is a future judgment.

3.  Read Revelation 22:11-13. Jesus is speaking and declares, “Let everyone remain the way

they are.” Then He says, “I come quickly.” When He declares everyone to be the way theyare has He come yet? Not only is there a future judgment, there is a future judgment that 

happens before Christ returns. If He is bringing a reward according to our works, then

He must have already investigated what the works of all mankind are. When does this

judgment take place?

4.  Read Daniel 8:1-14.

a.  In verse 1 the word “vision” is “Chazon” [hazon].

b.  In verse 2, Word for “vision” = “hazon”. The same word is used.

c.  Verse 3: A ram with 2 horns, one higher than the other, and the higher on came

up last.

d.  Verse 4: Ram is a horizontal power (staying here on the earth). This ram became

 great .

e.  Verse 5: Goat has a notable horn between his eyes.a goat with a horn approaches

w/o touching the ground.

f.  Verse 6, 7: goat destroys ram. Goat runs toward the ram. Goat breaks the ram

and horns.

g.  Verse 8: goat becomes very great , horn is broken, and four notable horns come


h.  Verse 9: a little horn appears (out of one of the four winds), becomes exceedingly 

 great , horizontal power (east, Seleucid empire; south, Egypt; Pleasant land,

Palestine). Goat became very great. The notable horn is broken, and four other

horns come up towards the four winds of heaven. (Towards the four points of 

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becomes greater than original power. 4 Horns = 4 kingdoms. They will NOT have

the power of Alexander (Greece).Antiochus Epiphanies couldn’t be the little horn

because he came from the Seleucid empire, a lesser part of the GREATER empire.

Also, his greatness did not ascend to heaven. ATG’s 4 Generals: Lysimicas

(Thrace), Seleuces (Syria), Ptolemy (Egypt), Cassander (Macedonia). The 4 kings

i.  Q: Antiochus Epiphanes was a Seleucid ruler. So can Antiochus

Epiphanes be the little horn?

ii.  A: No. Because he will not have greater power than Alexander.

iii.  Pretorist view in bible prophecy = Little horn is Antiochus Epiphanes.

iv.  Historist view = Pagan and Papal Rome.

v.  Futurist view = Antichrist power that has not yet come.

vi.  Pretorist and Futurist views > started by the Jesuits, created in the

1500s, because the historist method was pointing the little horn toward

pagan and papal Rome. Rather than grow, Antiochus lost it. But the Papal

Rome did grow… 

vii.  Antiochus went into conquer Egypt. But Rome told him not to. Antiochus

submitted. So he went through Jerusalem and persecuted them and

desecrated the temple of the Jews. Time period: approx.1150dys work of 

this desecration.

viii.  He didn’t become exceedingly great. Grow east, south, and

north(Pleasant land). Antiochus grew to the Palestine. He didn’t grow to

Egypt (south), Palestine (they already ruled Palestine, and Antiochus lost 

it). He was one of 27/28 kings. Out of those, he wasn’t the greatest of 

those. > not exceedingly great. It would be in the latter days. He didn’t 

stand up against Prince of Princes. And he wasn’t even around during

Christ’s time. He didn’t reign in 1150days, he didn’t reign that long. >

1150days (evenings & mornings) so 2300/2 = 1150.

ix.  v.23 – Latter time of the 4 kingdoms “king shall arise” = little horn.

fulfills v.9with respects of the little horn = Roman Empire in the Papal


h.  Verse 23, 24: helps us understand verses 9, 10). The host and stars are the

mighty and holy people. To get after the prince of the host, the 'little’ horn comes

after His people.

Review with them the visions of Daniel (Previously studied. Just review):

Daniel 21. Gold (Babylon)2. Silver (Med/Persia)3. Bronze (Greece)4. Iron (Rome)5. Iron/Clay (Divid R.)

6. Rock (Cut without hands)

Daniel 71. Lion2. Bear3. Leopard4. Monster5. 10 Horns6. Little horn (Papal R.)7. Judgment given to thesaints

Daniel 8

2. Ram3. Goat (4 Divisions)

4. Little horn (PapalRome)5. 2300 day prophecyJudgment 

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i.  Kings power = little horn’s power = papal Rome’s power > will be

mighty. But the power is not it’s own. Q: Where does it get its power?

Revelation 13:2 – 

power from the Dragon. Q: Who is the dragon? Revelation 12:9 – Dragon

that gives its power to the beast/Papal Rome = is Satan. (Daniel 7:25,26)

(Time = a year = 360. Times = 720. ½ Time = 180. “Time, times, ½ time”

= 538BC – 1798AD = Dark Ages. – when they developed this idea of the

pretorist and futurist view. 1260 days. 42 months prophecy.) “Time,

times, and ½ times” (the little horn power ruled the world) = 1260

prophetic days (Revelation) => 538BC – 1798AD. During the 1260 phase,

50mil-100mil people were killed for their faith by the Papacy. Mighty

and holy people = Host and stars of v.10.

i.  Verse 25: helps us understand verse 11. The prince of the host is The Prince of 

Princes. The horn is broken without hand (without human power). “his” =

“horns” = “Papal phase of Rome”. He exalts himself against Christ. Two

applications of the meaning of the Rock, cut without hands. 1. During the dark 

ages, it was the Word of God that will bring the Papal rule to an end. 2. When

Jesus comes a second time, He will destroy the Papacy.

j.  Verse 26: 1st  vision “merah,” 2nd vision is “chazon.” Close up the ENTIRE vision,

for it will yet be for many days/years. Daniel 27: Daniel didn’t understand the

“merah” (time element) of the vision. He was astonished at the 2300

evening/morning part of the chazon. Gabriel didn’t finish his job! Daniel got sick,

so Gabriel couldn’t finish explaining it. This vision was given in 551 BC, 3rd year

of Belshazzar (verse 1). First word for “vision” = “mareh” (time aspect of the

“hazon”). Second word for “vision” = “hazon” (entire vision of Daniel 8). 

i.  In 9:1, 539-538 (13 years later), Daniel still doesn’t understand the


k.  Verse 27: Daniel did not understand the “vision” = “mareh”.

i.  v.16 – Gabriel comes to help Daniel understand the “mareh”. At this time,

Daniel did not understand the time portion of the entire vision. Did

Gabriel do the job that he came to do? No. His job is not done yet. Gabriel

King Belshazzar’s reign 3rd year = 551BC.

6.  Daniel 9:20-27a.  Verse 1. 539-538BC. 13 years later, Gabriel comes back:

b. c.  Verse 21. the vision “chazon.” Verse 22: Gabriel come to finish the job, giving

skill and understanding. Verse 23: understand the “merah.”Verse 24: 70 weeks

(490 years) are cut off from the 2300 years). It is cut off from the beginning

because we have no reference point to cut it off from the future. The sanctuary is

cleansed at the end, so the end cannot be cut off. 2300 – 490 = 1810 AD (+34 AD)

= 1844. Was there a sanctuary on earth in 1844? No, it was destroyed in 70 AD

by Titus. Then is must have been the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary.

Judgment begins, but what does that mean? vision = “hazon”. Which is exactly

what Daniel was given in chapter 8.

d.  Verse 22. In 8:27, Daniel did not understand the “mareh”. Now Gabriel has cometo give skill and understanding.

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e.  Verse 23. Consider the “vision” = “mareh”. Daniel doesn’t understand in chapter

8. 13 Years later, Gabriel comes back and give skill and understanding to the

“mareh” (2300 day prophecy). Then Gabriel begins to explain the 2300 day

prophecy: 70 weeks are cut off/amputated. Amputated from what? > 2300 day.

(Review the 70 week prophecy)

f.  “The 70 weeks are cut off  for your people.” - So: 70 weeks are amputated from

the larger time period = 2300 day prophecy. So: From the 2300 days cut off 70

weeks => 2300 – 490 = 1810. 1810 + 34 (34AD Autumn, when the Gospel was

preached to the Gentiles) = 1844. (Another way: 2300 – 457 = 1843. 1843 + 1

(no zero year) = 1844.)

g.  Scripture tells us that the judgment that was future from the cross, that ends

prior to the second coming of Jesus, began in 1844 Autumn. > Jesus goes from

the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place to begin the investigative judgment.

i.  Daniel 7:21,25 – Judgment takes place, the saints win.

ii.  Daniel 7:9-13 – Judgment was set and the books were open.

1. 7.  Hebrews 8:1, 2. In what we know from the sanctuary service, the high priest moves into

the sanctuary to cleanse it. Jesus is our High Priest.

8.  Daniel 9:24 –Christ did what the Jewish nation did not accomplish. He is now continuing

His ministry in heaven.

9.  Daniel 7:9-14.

a.  Verse 9. Thrones cast down=the setting down of thrones, that is to say, built up.

God’s throne is moveable—on wheels. It was in the Holy Place when Jesus arose

from the dead. “cast down” = “set up”. The throne of God is a moveable throne.

Both God and Jesus get up. God’s throne moves from the Holy Place to the Most 

b.  Verse 10-13: was set = began to sit. The throne of the A.O.D. moves into the Most 

Holy Place. Where did Jesus go? Not to the earth. But into the Most Holy Place to

commence judgment with His Father.

c.  Verse 13: Jesus came to the Most Holy Place with Him. Jesus comes to the

“Ancient of Day.” We are living in the day of judgment, because Jesus has not yet 

received His Kingd


d.  Verse 14: – Jesus has not yet received His Kingdom. So what is it then that Jesus

is doing in the Most Holy Place?

10.  Mark 16:19. Jesus sat down next to the throne of God. When Christ goes to heaven, He

sits on the right hand of God.

a.  Revelation 1:12,13 – Jesus is in the Holy Place of the Heavenly Sanctuary. God’s

throne must have been in the Holy Place.

b. to the Holy Place. John doesn’t see Jesus in the Most Holy Place until Revelation

Psalm 133:2. Just like the oil ran out of Aaron’s garment, the Holy Spirit will pour

out onto the people at Pentacost.)

11. Malachi 3:1-6. This is a prophecy of William Miller and them looking for the second

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Advent of Christ.

a.  Verse 1 – The Lord goes to His Temple, before He comes back to the earth to

commence the judgment. What is He doing?

b.  Verse 3 – Jesus is a Refiner. He is in the Heavenly Sanctuary refining/preparing

His people – the people that will make up His kingdom. (Description of a refiner:

he sits and continues to refine the metal until he sees his reflection. And when

it’s perfect, he takes it out and it is refined.) Jesus is refining you and your

character to prepare you for His Kingdom. Jesus is in the heavenly sanctuary to

refine our character, working on us.

c.  Verse 5 – Jesus promises to be near to His refined people.

d.  Verse 6 – Hebrews 12:29 “Our God is an all-consuming fire.” Not only is He our

refiner, but He allows us to go into the fire to be purified. There will be a people

that God has refined to a point that God will see as sinless through Christ’s

defense. The sin that we have will be consumed by that refining fire.

12. Leviticus 16:13. The presence of God is veiled by the cloud. In Daniel 7, Jesus comes in

with a cloud (Psalms 68:17 –the chariots of God are angels; Psalms 104:3 the clouds are

his chariots; therefore the clouds are angels). He has been making an end of sin, sealing

up the vision and prophecy. Christ went in there to cleanse all things and prepare us for

his coming. The 2300 day prophecy is the last time prophecy in the Bible. When the

sanctuary is completely cleansed, Jesus will return.

Appeals1.  Are you ready for Jesus to come get you?

2.  Is there anything that would keep you from being ready?

3.  Daniel 9:24. Jesus wants to make an end of sin and transgression in your life. He wants

to reconcile you with God. Jesus wants you to live in everlasting righteousness. Jesus hassealed up the prophecy and anointed the Most Holy. Now He is waiting on you.

4.  Jesus is in the Most Holy Place, looking over the books of records, the book of life… isthere anything in your life that He would have to take your name out of the book of lifefor? When Jesus leaves the Heavenly Sanctuary (Revelation 22), you and I will not longerhave an intercessor in the Sanctuary. Our characters must be pure. What we’ve learnedin these bible studies, this is probably one of the most important truth (other than Himgiving up His life for me). If Jesus is refining me, and this is the time of the end, then Ineed to perfectly reflect His character.

Defend It:

1.  We can clearly see that Daniel 8 and 9 are connected because the references to the“Chazon” and “Mareh” that the time prophecies are directly linked.

2.  Dealing with fear of Judgment: Daniel 7:18, 22, and 27. In this judgment, the saints win.

Revelation 14:12 –the saints keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus;

therefore the saints have nothing to fear. Hebrews 7:25 –He is able to save completely;

He lives to make intercession for us.

Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Daniel 8 *

Babylon Gold Lion NoneMedo-Persia Silver Bear Ram – 2 horns

Greece Brass Leopard Goat – 1 horn

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4 hornsRome Iron Dreadful and

terrible beast Divided


Iron/Clay Ten horns

Papal Rome Little horn Little hornStone

*Daniel 8 uses Sanctuary language with goats and rams.

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WitnessingPurpose of the Study: To show that every true disciple of Christ is born into the kingdom of Godas a missionary.

Center it: Luke 19:20 – The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

Know it/Mark it:1.  Matthew 9:35-38

2.  Matthew 4:19

3.  Romans 10:13-15

4.  Matthew 28:18-20

5.  Romans 1:16

6.  John 12:32

7.  John 1:38-42


John 1:43-519.  Luke 8:37-40

10. Isaiah 43:10

11. Ezekiel 33:7-9

12. Matthew 10:32, 33

Share it: Introductory story – something about seeking the lost. Connect the story to helping ourheavenly Father to find His lost children.

1.  Matthew 9:35-38. Are you moved with compassion when you see the multitudes? Who

are the laborers which Jesus is referring to? The followers of Jesus

2.  Matthew 4:19. The laborers are the followers of Jesus. If we are not fishing for men, how

closely are we following Jesus? If we follow Him, Jesus promises He will MAKE youfishers of men/soul winners. Jesus will mold and guide us into becoming witnesses for

Him, but is it really needed?

3.  Romans 10:13-15. Who does this apply to? People can’t know Jesus unless somebody

goes. We are Jesus’ preachers. But preachers can’t preach if they aren’t sent. Are we

sent? Has Jesus sent you?

4.  Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus command is for us to go because He has the power. We first go,

then teach all, then baptize, teaching them to observe all things that the Bible says. This

is not only a command. This is a promise. We have all power to save souls for Him. Have

we been sent? Yes indeed. We are to go to all nations and make them disciples. He is

promising that we will always have a purpose; we will always have a reason to live, andbecause of Him, we will be able to fulfill our purpose. Do we need to be afraid of fulfilling

the command?

5.  Romans 1:16. We have no reason to fear or be ashamed. It is the power of Jesus. Where

is the power in the gospel? Q: Who is the center of the gospel? The gospel is all about 


6.  John 12:32. How do we draw up men? We must lift up Jesus in our lives. We must lift up

Jesus in other lives/the church/etc. Q: Where do we start? Where do we go first? Where

can we begin to lift up Jesus? If He is lifted up, He will do all the work, drawing everyone

to Him. Where do we start?

7.  John 1:38-42. Have you found the Messiah? Then you like Andrew must go to yourbrother/family. Start where you are. You can win at least one soul for Jesus. We must 

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work with our families. Q: But does it end there? Are there others we must talk to?We

start by sharing the good news to the people within your family. Where to next?

8.  John 1:43-51. Philip went to his friend. Therefore, we must witness to our friends and

our families. We must share the gospel to all so that we can spend eternity with all. Do

we stop with friends and family?

9.  Luke 8:37-40. The former demoniac went to the city that had chained him up and shared

the gospel with them. He went to his “enemies” to tell them about Jesus. Because of his

labors a city was won.

10. Isaiah 43:10. God says that we are His witnesses. But will you respond to Him? Will you

answer that call in your life? Q: You might ask yourself, “What if I go and no one

responds?”What are we witnesses for? Are we there to convert people?

11. Ezekiel 33:7-9. Our job is not to convert them. We are just to present the truth to them. If 

we do not present the truth to them, their blood is on our hands. Are we responsible for

the reaction of those who hear the gospel? No. Jesus/The Holy Spirit is responsible. But 

if we don’t tell them, their blood is on our hands. Q: Is there blood on your hands? Is

there someone you know, that if they die today, their blood would be on your hands? It’s

time to tell them about Jesus today.

12. Matthew 10:32, 33. If we declare Him as ours, He will declare us His, but if we deny Him,

He will deny us. What is keeping you from becoming a fisher of men? (Appeal

Illustration – 

Him find His lost children?”) 


  When the judgment comes and God asks Jesus if He knows you, what do you want Him

to say? What would keep you from becoming a fisher of men and beginning an active life

of sharing Jesus with others? (Story of Aramin and the earthquake). God is searchingthrough the rubble. Won’t you help Him? 

Defend it:1.  Luke 10:7

a.  This isn’t about doing door-to-door work. This is about lodging with someone in

the city that you are doing the Lord’s work. It causes problems when you house-

hop because it looks like you are just using the people. You want people to know

where you live.

b.  Paul himself did d2d work: Acts 20:20, 21.

Solid Ground by Mark Finley –full of stories

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Christian Living: Adornment Purpose of the Study: To explore the topic of adornment and to find out how much is too much.

The small things are important, but not to the exclusion to the big things. The big things are

important, but not to the exclusion to the small things. The devil gets us to separate the smallthings and big things. Sometimes little things can become a big thing:

-  Esau is going to be lost from a little thing a bowl of food. (He chose to make that higher than God.)

-  Lot’s wife lost her life turning around.

Following the course of Christ, you encounter people throwing away their salvation for thesmallest things, but it can become a big thing. Most people will be lost by little things, not by bigthings. If anything causes a danger from our Christian walk, we need to remove ourselves fromit. The Christian doesn’t leave that which is sinful, he avoids leading to that sin. 

Center it:

1.  Revelation 4:4, 10. Is the use of jewelry inherently sinful? No. God gives crowns in

heavens, so there is no innate sin in it. Is the unlimited use of jewelry consistent with the

Character of Christ? No. So then, how much is too much?

2.  Ezekiel 28:13-15, 17. According to verse 15, how was Satan made? Perfect. According to

verse 17, why was his heart lifted up? Because of his beauty. Point 1. He was a perfect 

being from a perfect God. Point 2. But he became proud because of his beauty. Q:

Generally, is jewelry used to enhance beauty? > Yes. Jewelry contributed to beauty for

Satan. God decorated/adorned Lucifer, we can assume it made him more beautiful. Once

again jewelry is not intrinsically wrong, but God gave it to him. Were you and I made

perfect? (We’re going to see what Jesus says about how we were born.) 

3.  John 3:3. Were you made perfect? No. There was something wrong with our first birth;

otherwise we would not need to be born again Jesus obviously thinks something is

wrong with the way we were born first. (Illustration about cleaning the room: first time

= still messy. I come in and tell them to clean it again. > first time wasn’t right.) (clean

room illustration). You would never have to tell someone to do it again, if it was done

right the first time. So: if we were born right the first time, Jesus would not say we have

to be born again. Q: If you have to do something again, what does that say about the first 


4.  Psalms 51:5. We need to be born again because we were born altogether sinful + wicked.

This is what’s wrong with our birth: we were shaped with iniquity and in sin when our

mother’s conceived us. We were all born in sin. We were born completely sinful. If a

perfect person/being fell because of pride, which stemmed from his beauty and he wore

jewelry could jewelry present a danger for an imperfect person? Could we be in danger

because we were born imperfect? (Yes!)

5.  Genesis 35:1-5. What caliber of family is this? Are these focused followers of God? This is

a strong, elect family. The family from which the Christ would eventually come. This is,

presumably, the Godliest family on the planet at the time. What does this passage tell us

their jewelry became? They became gods to them. If they could begin to idolize their

jewelry, could we? For these people, their jewelry became a detriment to their

experience. Their ornamentation became an idol to them. God said to get rid of all their

foreign gods > they took off their jewelry. They must have connected their gods withtheir jewelry. This passage doesn’t show that jewelry isn’t intrinsically wrong, but that it 

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can become an idol. If they are making jewelry their idols, which commandment are they

breaking? > First commandment: You shall have no other gods before me. The use of 

ornamentation caused them to be in a very dangerous position. Not because jewelry is

intrinsically wrong, but where jewelry led them. Q: What does this passage show us

jewelry became? > Their idols. Q: What caliber of family is this? > They are obviously

humans and have sins. This is a sanctified family, one the most important families,

because the promise of the future Christ is in their descendants. Q. If they could begin to

idolize their jewelry, could it possibly happen to us?

6.  Exodus 33:1-6. Who is being spoken about here? This is the Israelites. They had seen the

greatest nation crushed, crossed through a sea on dry ground, been fed angel food from

heaven, and heard the very voice of God. Would you consider the people of God in a good

position or a bad position? > Obviously in a bad condition/position. God wants to

destroy them because of their calf. Why, in verse 3, is God unable to come into the midst 

of His people? Because they are stiff-necked (they are too proud to properly respect 

God). What does God command them to do to remedy their pride? Take off their jewelry.

Language matters: God means

He saw a remedy to their problem. God asked them to take off their jewelry because

jewelry had something to do with their condition. God asked them to take it off because

jewelry was contributing to the hard, stiff-necked, proud condition.If jewelry

contributed to their pride, could it contribute to pride in us? (And even if they say no,

that they are the “one in a billion” who wouldn’t be affected in such a way, if you are the

only one who can do it, would you want to, by your actions, lead others into what can

cause pride?)

a.  Side note: the ones who are deceived are usually the last to figure it out —in the

case of any deception.

7.  1Peter 3:1-4. Did the New Testament authors understand this? Yes. What kind of 

adornment does Peter advise not to have? > Outward adornment. A Christian woman is

not going to focus on external adornment. But her focus is going to be on the internal


a.  Also stated in 1Timothy 2:9, 10. Q: Would you warning som that eone on letting

their adornment to be external, when it isn’t an issue with them? Peter’s not 

saying that it’s intrinsically wrong; he’s saying to not let it be an issue. 

8.  Hebrews 12:1. What two things does this text say that Christians should lay aside? Sins

and weights. Why? Because they hinder in the “race.” Something can be a weight that 

isn’t necessarily sinful. > God can ask us to lay aside something isn’t inherently sinful but 

because it can lead to dangerous grounds. Jewelry wearing is not intrinsically sinful, but 

jewelry wearing can lead us to weigh us down, to sin, and to refusing the voice of God.

There are things that are not innately sinful, but can become a weight to hinder us—to

slow us down. Does God call us to stay away from things that are dangerous/can lead to


a.  Side note: (Genesis 4: Cain’s sacrifice is rejected. There’s no sin in bringing God 

 fruit. But it’s refused because God didn’t ask for fruit. His countenance changed and 

God tells him that because he’s continually refusing what God is ask ing him to do,

sin is lying right behind the door and he’s heading toward dangerous ground. Cain

didn’t sin, but he did something he shouldn’t have done. God said if he had done

well, he would be accepted, but if not, sin was waiting. There is doing well, not 

doing well, and sinning. We can make choices that are not sin, but there is a better 

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way —there is something else we should do. God calls us to stay in places that are

completely safe and to stay away from places that could lead to sin. God tells us to

lay aside sin and weights: Q: Why? > It can ensnare us. There are things that are

not in and of themselves sinful that the Bible tells us to lay aside because they can

lead us to sin and become a weight that hinders us.

9.  John 19:23, 24. (Revelation 12 & 17). What did the soldiers gamble for? What did Jesuswear? If there was one man who lived who may have avoided the dangers associatedwith adornment, it was Christ. Why didn’t he wear any? His mission was too important to make “exceptions” and become a hindrance. He wanted people to love for who Hewas, not for what He had. He wanted people to see His character, and He didn’t want people to see Him for His outward appearance. All Christians should take up this samemanner. Too often we make exceptions—like wedding rings. How can a person withonly one ornament talk to a person with tons of ornamentation to tell them that theyhave too much. Wearing any jewelry makes us the judges in the situation. How much istoo much? Any is too much.

a.  Revelation 12 & 17: people of God. People of Satan. People of Satan > has

jewelry. People of God > no jewelry. Why? > Jewelry is used to compensate forexternal beauty.


  Before you ask these questions, he/she needs to understand that jewelry is a weight: Q:

Do you understand that jewelry is a weight and can be a hindrance? Hebrews 12:1. Q:

What two things the Bible tells us to lay aside? (sin & weights). Q: Why? (Because it 

ensnares us). Q: Have you seen from the Bible that jewelry can be a hindrance and can

lead people who are believers to a dangerous place? (yes) Q: What does the Bible say in

Hebrews 12 councils us to do with weights that can lead us to a dangerous place? (lay it 

aside) Q: What do we need to do with jewelry that can be a hindrance? (lay aside). Have

you, in this study, said that jewelry is a danger that can lead to sin? (Stagecoach

operator, edge illustration). Do you want to stay away from the edge of sin?

Difficulties/Objections:I just wear a little bit of it. It’s not harmful and not a stumbling block to me.

1.  When God came to Jacob’s family, do you think they knew they were idolizing theirjewelry? No. But God came the next day and told them. You’ll be the last person toknow that you’re idolizing. 

2.  If you know that it’s a danger to other people, why would you do it? If you knowsomething is harmful to other people, why would you do it?

3.  If you think you just wear a little bit, how do you know how much is little and how much

is too much? Who are you to decide what is a little and what is a lot?Any is too much!

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PrayerPurpose of the Study: Prayer is powerful, effectual, and necessary for the disciple of Christ.There are certain conditions that will ensure that our prayers are heard.

Center it: Prayer is the breath of the soul…how we communicate with Jesus.

Intro Story for Prayer: Horrible drought, crops were dying, animals dying, people thirsty.Ministers gathered people to have a prayer vigil in the town center. Prayer meeting: everyonewas praying (for rain). In the middle of the meeting, there was a little girl – she raised herumbrella, it began to rain. Let’s study the bible to discover what God is telling us about prayer.  

Know it/Mark it:1.  1Samuel 12:23

2.  Isaiah 44:3

3.  Matthew 5:6

4.  Psalm 66:185.  Isaiah 59:2

6.  Hebrews 11:6

7.  Mark 11:24

8.  Matthew 6:12

9.  James 5:16

10. Philippians 4:6

11. Psalm 55:17

12. James 4:3

13. 1John 5:14, 15

Share it: start with a story about prayer. Transition into the conditions to ensure prayers areheard

1.  1Samuel 12:23. Shows how serious is God about prayer: God forbid that I should sinagainst Him. Sin = ceasing to pray. Q: How serious does God take prayer? A: Very. It’s soserious, that when you stop praying He considers that a sin. What are we actuallydoing when we stop praying? We’re ignoring God. To stop praying, is to deny toexistence of the Creator/God. God considers it a sin to cease from praying. When wedon’t communicate with people, we call it ignoring them. In regards to God, we treat Him like He doesn’t exist. We must recognize our need. That’s the first step inrecognizing that our prayers are heard.

2.  Isaiah 44:3. We must see ourselves as a desert and Him as our water. We are dry ground,

and we need the blessings from God. We need to recognize our need.

3.  Matthew 5:6. We must hunger and thirst after righteousness. In thirsting, we will be

filled, but we must acknowledge our need, we must realize our emptiness. {GC 519

“Satan well knows…” what happens when people pray, so he employs every device to

distract us}. What other conditions must we meet? We also need to ask forgiveness for

all known sin. If we don’t pray and study, we WILL be overcome.) When you study and

share and pray for someone, it helps him/her to overcome his/her sins too. What else is

important in understanding our need for prayers:

4.  Psalm 66:18. Regarding, cherishing, or holding tightly to sin prevents our prayers from

being answered. What is it about sin that is such a problem? a.  Exodus 34:7 – iniquity, transgression, and sin.Transgression = breaking the law.

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 Sin = our condition we’re born into. Iniquity = Sin that you know that is

wrong/hold onto/love. Iniquity => unpardonable sin.If you love sin/hold onto

sin, God will not hear. What is it about sin, that it’s such a problem:  

5.  Isaiah 59:2. Sin separates us from God (make reference to a story, such as Adam and

Eve). Our sins hide God’s face from us. This is of our doing. Sin = It separates us from

God; hides His face from us. E.g. Story of Adam in Eden. (Hides His face from us.) Q: What 

does it mean “He hides His face from us”? God comes looking for Adam and Eve who

were hiding. Sin causes you to hide in shame. The sinner hides, not the other way

around. Because we sin, we hide from God. God does not hide His face from us, we hide

our faces from Him.

a.  1John 1:9 –a promise. Upon confessing, we are forgiven. After we are forgiven,

God gives us repentance. That is something that we do not have on our own and

cannot get in our own strength. The repentance is what pushes us to stop

sinning. This is apart from forgiveness. If we confess our sins, He will forgive us.

1. What do we have to do to get forgiveness? > Confess. 2. When we confess,

when are we forgiven? > Immediately. 3. What else does that mean to confess

and been forgiven? > No more guilt. (SC95 – We have to accept that 

forgiveness.){SC 95 “Our own merit…”}. There are other conditions besides

confessing sin. The next condition that we need to have is faith.

6.  Hebrews 11:6. What does impossible mean? There is no chance to please God without 

faith. Impossible = Not possible/can’t happen. Without faith, we can’t please God. We

must have faith: We must believe that God exist, and that He is a rewarder. Q: Is there

anything too big for God to give us? We shouldn’t limit our faith. To come to God, you

must first believe that He exists, but also that He likes us to challenge Him with our

prayers because it shows Him that we really do believe that He is God and that He is able

to do anything. We must believe that we will receive.

7.  Mark 11:24. The believing that is mentioned in this verse is faith. Believing and

receiving. Without faith, we can’t please God. If we don’t believe we’re going to receive it 

from Him, what’s the point in asking Him. We must believe that we will receive. Are

there any other conditions? We know we have to be forgiven, but is there more to it than

that? Are there other things that plays a part in forgiveness:

8.  Matthew 6:12. We must forgive if we expect to be forgiven. We must forgive in the

same manner and to the same extent that we hope for forgiveness from God. If we want 

our debts forgiven > we must forgive our debtors. (SC98 – We must forgive others in the

same manner and same extent as we hope to be forgiven.) What was the manner and

extent we were forgiven? > The cross. > Like Christ, we must forgive completely and die

to self in order to forgive somebody else. We must also be perseverant .

9.  James 5:16. The effectual, fervent prayer does a lot. It doesn’t mean: we should confess

our sins to man. (Not like the Catholic way of conf essionals. > “One to another” = does

the priest confess to you?) Very rarely when one wronged one person, the other person

has wronged as well. Prayer = effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man: Q: Why

should we pray an effectual, fervent prayer? Why do we persevere in prayer? What’s

God allowing in a prayer of perseverance? We need to keep praying, because it changes

us. To persevere in prayer allows God to purify our desires to fall in line with His will.

You may think you want something, and as you pray and pray for it, the prayers changes

to fit God’s will. There’s faith in perseverance in prayer. It makes us really want what 

we’re asking for. And when we finally receive it, we really appreciate it.

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a.  1 Thessalonians 5:17 – pray without stopping.

b.  When we pray, we must keep praying. If we are praying for the wrong thing, God

will show us as we keep talking to him. If we are praying for the right thing,

when we finally get it, we have greater appreciation for it (illustration of little

girl wanting pony).

10. Philippians 4:6. Don’t be anxious. Don’t worry about the things that are going on

around you. Don’t worry about when or how God is going to answer it. Go to God with a

thankful heart. Trust Him with it. Don’t be so full of cares in your life to think tha t God

can’t help you. Don’t be so anxious for nothing! Go big.

a.  Philippians 4:19 – “Our God shall supply our every need.” Thanksgiving. What 

are you saying when you’re thankful for something? You say thank you AFTER

you received something. We thank God for what He’s going to give us, before we

feel like He’s going to give it. We thank God for getting us to our destination,

even before we arrived. How often should we pray?

11. Psalm 55:17. Two important things we find in this text: Have a time and place for

prayer. Speak aloud. Why? It shows no fear, aids concentration and focus, brings a

realization, and aids your belief. When you say is aloud, you really know it. Are there any

other conditions? “Evening and morning and at noon” – We should have a set time to

pray. Disciplined prayers. “Cry aloud” – Why is it important to pray aloud? When we are

praying, we are holding omnipotence. It causes the devil to tremble. What do I care if the

devil can hear my prayer? (What does it matter if the devil sees my playbook? We

already know that Jesus scored the touchdown.) We have Jesus on our side. It makes the

presence of God reality in your mind. When God speaks creation happens. When we

speak  creation happens. (If we continually cut someone down verbally, what’s the

ot her person going to feel? They’re going to feel that same way.) When we are thanking

God aloud, it becomes reality in our mind. If we keep on claiming God’s promises, it 

becomes reality. It keeps you awake.

12. James 4:3. It presents a situation: You are asking, but not receiving. Q: Is this what’s

going on in your life? You ask, but you don’t get an answer or response? Let’s see

why?Sometimes when we don’t get things it is because we ask amiss—we ask off-target.

We pray to consume it upon our pleasures. We pray like vultures. Our purposes must be

unselfish in prayer. We must ask according to God’s will. 

13. 1John 5:14, 15. If we ask in His will, He always hears us. {SC 97 “To claim that prayer will

always be answered in the very way and for the particular thing that we desire is

presumption.” We must leave room for the will of God}. 

Appeal: use another personal prayer story.

  Have you felt like your prayers are not rising above the ceiling? But you have learned

today that it is a sin to cease praying. We must have faith and believe what we ask for, as

according to His will, that we will receive. How is it in your life? Do you really want to

receive answered prayers? Let’s pray together. I’ll let you pray first, and I’ll end.Have

you felt like God isn’t listening? We must approach Him as (use imagery from

study…flooding desert, etc). We must persevere until our desires are purified. We must 

ask without anxiety.

  Are you ready to have your prayers answered? Are you ready to see God’s miracles in

your life?o  Often, appeals will be uncomfortable. If they are not comfortable praying:

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The Destruction of the Wicked (Hell)Study #19:

Purpose of the Study: To show that the purpose of Hell is to destroy sin forever.

Center it: John 3:16 – should not “perish,” not “should not burn eternally.” > two options: perishvs. everlasting life.

Overview:1.  Who is hell intended for?

2.  Where is hell?

3.  How long is hell?

4.  What about the words “forever” and “everlasting”? 

Know it/Mark it:

  Purpose, Who is hell intended for?

o  Matthew 25: 34, 41.

  Where? Where is hell? When is hell?

o  Revelation 20:9.


o  Revelation 20:5, 7-9.

o  Job 21:30 (2Peter 3:4-7).

  How long?

o  Revelation 20:14,15o  Revelation 14:9-11.

o  Isaiah 34:8-10.

o  Jude 7.

o  2Peter 2:6.

o  Malachi 4:1-3.

o  Hebrews 12:29.

  Isaiah 33:14, 15.

o  1Samuel 1:22, 28 (Exodus 21:6; Jonah 2:6; Jeremiah 17:27).

o  Revelation 20:14.

o  Matthew 10:28.

o  Hosea 11:8o  Matthew 26:36-42. <a*mode>

  Psalms 22

o  Ezekiel 33:11.

o  2 Peter 2:6o  Isaiah 13:19,20

Hell: (Appears 54 times in the Bible KJV)Old Testament: “Sheol” (31 times) = “Grave” New Testament: “Hades” (11 times) = “Grave” 

“Gehenna” (12 times) = “Burning” 

Share it:

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o  Matthew 25:41.

  Who was Hell intended for? The devil and his angels. Who, then, was it 

not intended for? Us. If we weren’t prepared for Hell, what were we

prepared for? (Verse 34) the kingdom of God. We have no business being

in Hell.

  Q: What were we made for then, if we weren’t made and prepared for

hell? For the Kingdom. To live with God in Paradise. (v.34) 

  Q: If God didn’t intend people to be in hell, why will there be people in

hell then? Because the object of God’s hatred for sin is wrapped

around the very thing that God loves and in destroying sin, He ultimately

has to destroy those who made sin apart of their lives.

  Where is hell?

o  Revelation 20:9.

  Where are they? On earth, surrounding the city. What happens to them

as they are about to attack? Fire comes down from heaven—not up from

the earth. Hell isn’t underground.So they are on the “breadth of the

earth” when they are devoured. (On the surface of the earth.) So hell is

on the breadth of the earth.

  When is hell?

o  Revelation 20:5, 7-9.

  When does this take place? At the end of the 1,000 years? After the 1,000

years; therefore hell begins after the 1,000 years, after the 2nd coming of 

Christ. Hell is after the Millennium period. If hell happens after the

Millennium, then we can conclude that it doesn’t exist right now.  

o  Job 21:30 (2Peter 3:4-7).

  What does this say about the wicked? They are reserved , that is, they are

set apart (or set aside) to the day for destruction/wrath. The wicked are

reserved. Until the day of Judgment. It’s a day reserved in the future. Hell

is not happening right now, but a day that is reserved in the future.

  The earth is reserved until the Day of Judgment.

  How long is hell?

o  Revelation 20:14,15; 21:1 – John is associated the Second Death with the Lake of 

passes away. So hell has a finite point/an end.

 the destruction of the wicked. For us to rescue and labor for those.)

o  Revelation 14:9-11.

  “The smoke of their torment ascends for ever and ever.” Does this mean

that they are tortured forever? John is borrowing imagery here, so we

need to unlock the Bible. There’s a misunderstanding of the picture of a

“forever and ever” hell. Isaiah answers where John quotes from the

language If we can understand the original context, then we can

understand what John means:

o  Isaiah 34:5, 8-10.

  Once again, the smoke goes up forever. This chapter is about judgment 

against Edom (sons of Esau). The smoke of the destruction of Edom

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ascends forever. “It shall lie waste.” This isn’t meaning that if you go to

where Edom was, you will find smoke going up. “From generation to

forever. (But of course there’s no smoke that’s still rising today.) But it’s

the language. Point is that they shall pass away from generation to

generation. Isaiah is saying that they shall be no more. John parallels this,

not saying that smoke lasts forever, but the end result lasts forever.

o  Malachi 4:1-3.

  When is the day? It is coming. Had it arrived at the time of Malachi? No.

Does the fire leave anything behind? Neither root nor branch. What will

the wicked become? Ashes. Fire to destroy all traces of sin.

o  Jude 7.

  Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by “eternal fire.” Does that mean

un-ending fire? Will you still see Sodom and Gomorrah burning? No.

Archeologists actually believe that it is now under the Dead Sea in the

Middle East. They are “examples.” To whom? 

  Deals with the question: What about forever/eternal fire, etc? Sodom and

Gomorrah was destroyed in an eternal fire. By the language, we think 

that it’s burning constantly. Jude shows you two real cities that existed in

history and is no more today. If you take it literally, Sodom and

Gomorrah would be burning right now. This reference of Sodom and

Gomorrah = An example of what’s going to take place in the end of time.

o  2Peter 2:6.

  Same as Jude 7 Example. But Peter tells us something more – The

consuming fire turns them into ashes. It shows that it’s no more.What 

did the cities become? Ashes. To whom were they an example? To those

who would live ungodly lives.

o  Isaiah 13:19,20 – Old Testament reference of the same example. But it uses the

“generation, generation” language. 

o  Hebrews 12:29.

  What is God? A consuming fire. It is His essence. When God came to

Moses in the bush, or on Mt. Sinai, it was in fire.

  Isaiah 33:14, 15.

o  Who dwells in devouring fire? The righteous and upright.

Why do they dwell in fire? Because God is a consuming

fire. What is Hell? It is God embracing the wicked one last 

time. They are destroyed because of their choices to not 

prepare for that day, and they cannot exist in the

presence of His glory. Only the righteous can endure the

fire. Because our God is a burning fire and God’s people

are the only ones who can endure His presence. Analogy

– gett ing use to a light. We’re getting more and more

prepared here on earth to be in the presence of the

Source of Light.)

o  1Samuel 1:22, 28 (Exodus 21:6; Jonah 2:6; Jeremiah 17:27).

  The word “forever” has different usages in the Bible. Hannah gave her

son “forever,” which meant, as long as he lived. A servant desires to

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remain with his master (symbolic of Christ becoming our servant)

“forever,” which again means, as long as life lasted. Jonah was in the belly

of the fish “forever,” which, in actuality was three days. God’s judgment,

destruction by unquenchable fire. Is Jerusalem burning today? No. This is

stating the fires that God start can’t be put out by humans. (Example of 

“unquenchable fire”: Light a match and have the match burn all the way

down until the f ire is out and ask, “did anyone quench the fire?” Of 

course: No. It was unquenchable. But there’s nothing left to burn.)  

o  Revelation 20:14.

  Hell is referred to as the “second death.” This implies that there was a

first death, which is not being talked about at the moment. What is this?

Result of hell. The Lake of Fire, Hell, Destruction of the wicked = the

second death. (Or you can present: State of the Dead before Hell; so they

don’t get too confused about the “second death.” – 2nd Coming State of 

the DeadMillennium Hell.) If there’s a second death, then hell can’t 

be forever because it’s a death. If there’s a second death, there must be a

first death. What’s the first death? In order to under the second death, we

must understand the first death.

o  Matthew 10:28.

  Don’t fear those who can kill your body—which can be done by anyone

(first death—like deleting something from the desktop). Fear Him who

can destroy body and soul (grk. psyche) in Hell (second death—like

purging a HDD). Can souls be destroyed? Yes. Then, are souls immortal?

No. Jesus tells us not to fear. Two kinds of destruction: physical (first)

death & spiritual and physical (second) death. First death = the death of 

the body. The second death = the complete destruction of the body and

the character (soul). The personality/character/mind will be destroyed

of the wicked.

o  Matthew 26:36-42. <a*mode>

  Jesus in Gethsemane (winepress), being crushed. Soul (psyche)

sorrowful unto death. This is before He experienced the torture, yet He

was in agony. In Gethsemane, He underwent the second death—the

death that is ours as sinners. He asked if there was another way to save

us. He asked for the cup to pass. What cup? (Rev.14:9-11) the cup of 

God’s wrath. Then He commits Himself to our redemption. Christ took 

the 2nd death on behalf of humanity. As Jesus goes to pray, His soul is

exceedingly sorrowful. His soul (personality/character/mind) is

dying/in pain. We concluded that the second death is the death of the

soul and body. Jesus is going through the very death that the wicked

go through at the second death. Jesus didn’t go through the physical

death at this point, but prior to the cross, He was experiencing the

second death. The death at the cross of Jesus, He is experiencing more

than just the physical death He goes through the second death

completely. Point: The concept of hell should take a whole different 

meaning: We’re seeing the character of God and Jesus through this

concept of hell. The very God who made and loved all of humanity, went 

through the second death for us. Jesus was willing to experience hell for

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us, because He can’t think about living in Forever without you. Jesus

stepped into the human experience and went through the death that we


  Psalms 22

o  Ezekiel 33:11.

  How does God feel about the death of the wicked? He has no pleasure. He

will ask those outside the city, “Why will you die?” God has no pleasure

in the death of the wicked. God asks why they are down there in hell.

They weren’t supposed to be there. It was designed for Satan and his

angels. God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Even for those

who are lost, God’s heart is saddened. 

  Hosea 11:8. How can I give you up Ephraim (lost tribe)? How can

I deliver you? How can I make you like Admah? How can I set you

like Zeboim? (These were two cities destroyed with Sodom and

Gomorrah). Ephraim went so far from God and was completely

lost. So listen to the questions that God asks. He’s asking: “How

can I let you go? How can I hand you over to the destiny and fate

you’re heading toward?” God is asking how He can hand you over

to the same fate as Admah and Zeboim toward hell. Note the

tone of compassion. Admah and Zeboim – were two additional

cities that were destroyed along with Sodom and Gomorrah

because they were leading to the same things of the wicked.


  (Personalize this study to your interest)Jesus came to earth to experience hell for you

and me. He went through the mental anguish when they realize that they choose to belost. Do you see how God is a compassionate and loving God, who doesn’t enjoy seeing

sinners in hell? Do you see the Love of God here? Can you see how Christ was willing to

go to Hell for us because He couldn’t stand the idea of living in heaven without us? When

He was in Gethsemane, He saw your face, and said, “For this one, I will do it.” Do you

want Christ as your substitute? Is it your desire to accept what Jesus did in His first 

coming, and allow His death on the cross be on your account? Is there anything that will

keep you from accepting Christ as your substitute? Is there anything that will keep you

from heading towards the same fate as Sodom/Gomorrah and Admah/Zeboim? Is there

anything in your life that would keep you?

Defend it:

  Rich Man & Lazarus – Luke 16:19-31. When you die, you go to Hell. Conclusion people

come up with from this passage > when you die, you go directly to hell.

o  Tip of the finger – Doesn’t make sense: How is just a drop of water going to

quench the burning fire?

o  Abraham’s bosom. If we all die and go to Abraham’s bosom, he’s got to have a

huge bosom like Arnold to hold everyone, and it’s probably not t hat exciting.

o  Buried in Hades—the grave.

o  Conversations between Heaven and Hell? How peaceful is heaven if you’ve

constantly listening to the cries of people in hell?o  Rich man is burning, and all he wants is a drop of water—which really wouldn’t 

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do much; and if hell is forever, what is the point?

o  Christ is clearly exaggerating. This is a parable. Luke 15 and 16 are a package of 

parables (five)—the lost sheep, coin, and son. These parables are

representative of sinners, lost cases. Chapter 16 starts with the unjust steward.

Then we have the rich man and Lazarus. Do the rich man and stewardship have

something in common? Of course (Matthew 13. Jesus often shared rapid-fire

parables). Are parables ever exaggerated? (Judges 9: tress hanging out with fig


o  If this parable is not literal, then it must be presenting a lesson: So what is the

text really saying? First, we must look at who the audience is. Verse 14 says that 

Pharisees were listening to all the parables. They were lovers of money, and they

were upset because Christ had just told the parable on stewardship. Then, His

next parable is about a rich man. Rich man vs. Lazarus (a poor beggar). In

parables, the people usually represent something. E.g. Lost son = could represent 

us & Father = could represent God the Father. v.14 – Rich man refers to Abraham

as “Father Abraham.” Pharisees constantly were thinking that they were the

descendents of Abraham. Who might it represent? The Pharisees. Who would

have been prideful of their heritage, calling Abraham “father”? The Pharisees

(John 8:39). Abraham was an Israelite, was saved, and was rich. Of course they

were proud of that. So, Jesus is saying that the Pharisees are going to hell. Who

might the beggar represent? Matthew 15:21-28. The gentiles (v.27) eat the

crumbs (Luke 16:20, 21). The beggar represents the gentiles. They Jews became

spiritually obese. “God’s people” end up in Hell, and “gentiles” end up with

Abraham. This parable is about gentiles entering heaven while the “chosen”

people are left outside. He tries to get out of hell by saying that somebody needs

to rise from the dead to make the people believe. Relationship between Jews and

the Gentiles: Jews were to spread the message to the world, but instead they

kept the message and neglected the Gentiles. In the mind of the Jews: They are

going to heaven and Gentiles are going to hell. But Jesus is saying: They are

going to be cast out and the Gentiles will not be far from the Kingdom of God.

Jesus always challenges the contemporary view/thinking!

o  This parable is really about witnessing, that is, sharing with the beggar. It also

shows the reality that we only have one life to live. The point is to share while

we’re still alive. God to the 5 brothers to make them see the importance of the

law and the prophets. Jesus is trying to illustrate: The necessity of witnessing!

Also, you only have one life to live (v.26-31).

o  Bothersome and Disturbing Bible Passages – Louis Torres

  The Spirits in Prison - 1 Peter 3:18-20. Jesus preached to people in Hell. – Typical

Conclusion: When Jesus died, He went to hell and tried to preach to those who were lost 

from the flood and get them out of hell. Arguments against that conclusion:

o  Why preach to them in Hell if they are lost?

o  v.19 – “by whom” = the Holy Spirit. Not Jesus.

o  Referencing of Noah and the Flood.

o  “Spirit in prison”? 

  Psalms 142:7 – The NT always refers/borrows language from the OT.

Isaiah 61:1. The mission of Christ. The Spirit anointed/enabled Him to

preach. Liberty to captives, opening of the prison. This is talking about 

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freedom from SIN. The Spirit does the preaching.

  Isaiah 42:22-24. Describes people hidden in prison houses (v.22), that is,

those who sinned and would not walk in God’s ways—the disobedient to

God’s law (v.24). 

  Isaiah 42:7,22-24; 61:1 – (v.7) Messiah is going to come and bring

prisoners out of prison. To be in prison = to be in (spiritual) darkness.

(v.22-24) Describes the people hidden in prison houses and what kind of 

people they are. These people are disobedient = ungodly. (v.61:1)

Spiritual mission statement that Jesus will fulfill. Jesus came to break the

shackles and liberate them from the house of sin. Also, the Holy Spirit 

was working through Christ to deliver the prison house.

  Luke 4:16-21. Fulfilled here.

o  Look at the Flood again:

  (v.20) Peter gives us a major historical event: the days of Noah.

  Christ is not the one who went to the prison, it was the Holy Spirit. The

prison house is not talking about hell, but the prison house of sin. He

talks about the time of Noah.

  Genesis 6:3 – Holy Spirit will not always be there to draw people near.

The Spirit was present and preaching during the time of Noah, until the

flood came. Was the Spirit there, preaching to the ones there? Yes. It 

would strive for 120 years (while ark was in building), until the flood

came. “While the ark was a preparing” 1Peter 3:18-20, the Spirit worked

through Noah.

  This is, therefore, teaching that the Spirit of God that enabled

Christ to preach liberty from sin was the same Spirit at work in

Noah’s day.

  1 Peter 1:10-12. The Spirit preaches through prophets (and ordinary

people. The prophets are preaching/prophesying. The Holy Spirit is

inside them. So ultimately the Holy Spirit preaches through humans (like

through Noah and through Jesus). The Godhead works together.

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The Word of God

I.  Principles of the Worda.  John 17:17 – Word is truth

i.  How do we know it is truth?


1 Peter 1:23 – Abides foreveri.  God doesn't change. If He did we would be insecure and confused.c.  Isaiah 28:10 – The Bible interprets the Bible

i.  We check our interpretations with the writings of Sister White. It is aninfallible commentator on the Word of God.

ii.  People try to disprove the Bible to justify their carnal nature. Ex. Storiesare unbelievable, the Gospels, etc.

d.  II Timothy 3:16 – All scripture is given by inspiration.i.  One way to show it through inspiration.

ii.  Also historical fulfillment. Ex. Babylon (Isaiah 13:19-22 Babylon shall not be inhabited. Hasn't been since its destruction.)

e.  Isaiah 8:20 – Must test all things by the Bible.

i.  The Bible and SOP define what is truth. Everything else outside of it must be brought to the test. Science, Pioneers, commentators, preachers, etc.You must also test your own senses, it feels so good, they told mesomething that sounds right, I don't feel righteous because I sinnedyesterday.

II.  Heart PreparationIII.  Ezra 7:10 – Ezra prepared his heart.

Notice that the Bible says Ezra prepared his heart. There is a need of preparationbefore you can seek the law of the Lord. There must be a preparation in order foryou to have that spiritual eyesight that you need in order for you to see therevelation of God.

If you prepare your heart haphazardly you will study the Bible haphazardly. If thereis no preparation you may not be able to comprehend the spiritual matters in theBible.

The bible is not like any other book in the library. You cannot just pick it up and start reading it. If you want the spiritual understanding there must be a preparation. If you prepare properly you will know how to seek the law of the Lord.oWhat is the Law of the Lord?

oPsalm 40:8 "I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law [is] within my heart."So the Bible calls the law of God, the will of God.You must prepare your heart so that you may want to seek the will of 


oRomans 8:6-8 "For to be carnally minded [is] death; but to be spiritually minded [is]life and peace. Because the carnal mind [is] enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be."

The carnal mind is what? Enmity against God. It is not subject to the Lawof God.

If you study the Bible in a carnal state of mind, your mind will not besubject to the will of God. God may convict you and show you things inthis mind set, but you will lack the desire to want to do God's willbecause the carnal mind will not be in subjection. So we must prepareour mind to be spiritual.

What do we need to do in order to know God's will or willing seek the lawof God?

Let the Bible speak oHow do we prepare our heart?

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Romans 12:1-2: Present your body a living sacrifice.

You are to present your body as a living sacrifice. There is the healthmessage, but it is more than that. You are to make your whole lifea living sacrifice.

How do you prepare your heart to know the will of God?o

A living sacrificeoBe not conformed to this world.

This includes the health message that is why when you study the lifeof Daniel he practiced the health message. That is why God gavehim the gifts of understanding all skills and sciences and theability to understand visions and dreams.

If we live how we want, eat how we want, and conform to the world,we will not even want to study the Bible. Our heart will not beready to seek God's word. That is why young people don't want to study the Bible, because their hearts are not prepared to seek the Law of the Lord. So there must be a change, a conversionexperience, you must be born again.

We have learned a little bit about how to prepare your heart. Yourdaily bible study will need a daily re-conversion and born againexperience. But with this we must know how to pray sincerely.

oPrayerPray for Spiritual mindPray for wisdom to understand God's WordPray for earnest seeking mindPray for total belief in the Word.Pray for a willing heart. Ezra 7:10Pray for a love for the truth.

IV.  6 Literary structures to the Bible. Or 6 ways that it was written.i.  Historical: Gen – Num; Esther, Nehemiah, Acts, etc.

ii.  Poetry: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes.iii.  Prophetic: Daniel & Revelationiv.  Prophetic message books: Isaiah, Haggai, Ezekiel, the prophets

themselves wrote the books.v.  Autobiographical books: Matt – John (Life of Christ)

vi.  Letters: To churches or specific groups of people.

V.  Fascinating facts (Extra fun stuff)a.  KJV first printed in 1611 AD and is the greatest monument of classical English in

the world.

b.  OT Chapters – 929c.  NT Chapters – 260 (7,959 total)d.  OT Verses – 23,214e.  NT Verses – 7,959 (31,173 total)f.  Middle CHAPTER of the Bible Psalms 117 (and the shortest)g.  Middle VERSE Psalms 118:8

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HealthPurpose of the Study: our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. As our Creator, Redeemer,and Father, God is intimately concerned with the health of the whole person—body, mind, andspirit.

Center it: Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly.

(Illustration: Just call him the Big Mac “Daddy”.) 

Don Gorsky ate 23,000 big macs in 36 years. There is something wrong in the world today. DoesGod care about our health? Does he have a design for our health?

(Illustration: President of Medical Association)

Speech in NYC: “America’s greatest need is for a new lifestyle.” God is deeply interested in ourhealth and well-being.

(Illustration: 7 Questions)

Determine the lifestyle of Americans:1.  Do you smoke?2.  Do you drink?3.  Exercise?4.  How many hours do you sleep at night?5.  How much do you weigh?6.  Are you eating breakfast regularly7.  Do you snack between meals?

These people who live this good lifestyle, live 11 years longer. Does the Bible teach us anythingabout health?

Know it/Mark it:1.  Exodus 25:8

2.  2Corinthians 6:16

3.  1Corinthians 6:19

4.  1Corinthians 10:31 (eats)

5.  1Corinthians 3:16, 17

6.  3John 2

7.  Daniel 1:8, 12, 13, 15

8.  Genesis 1:29


Genesis 3:17, 18; 9:1-410. Leviticus 11:47

11. Leviticus 11

12. Leviticus 3:17

13. Deuteronomy 12:23

14. 1Corinthians 10:31 (drinks)

15. Proverbs 23:29-35

16. Proverbs 20:1

17. 1Corinthians 6:10

18. Romans 13:14

19. Philippians 4:13

20. Psalm 84:11

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21. 1Thessalonians 5:32

Share it: Introduction – tell a story of intemperance that is sure to push the person to agree that God must have a better day (BigMac Daddy – Ron Gorsky; unhealthy habits; health conditions of today’s people). The decisions we make today affect how much we can do for God in the future

(lifespan, etc).

1.  Exodus 25:8. Man was separated from God by sin in Genesis. In those days He created

the sanctuary so that He could live with us. Now we don’t have a sanctuary, so how can

God dwell with us? God wants to be with His people. Q: What happened with the earthly

sanctuary? It’s done away with. Q: But does God still want to be with His people?


2.  2 Corinthians 6:16. You are now the temple of the living God. God declares that He will

dwell in us, and He will be our God. Also, we cannot have idols in the temple, but we’ll

get to that later. God will dwell IN them. And walk IN them. Q: If our bodies are the

temple of the Holy Spirit, what does God want from us? How are we to treat that temple?

We are the temple of the living God, and God wants to live IN us.

3.  1 Corinthians 6:19. Our bodies are the temple. God gives us counsel on what to do with

our bodies in order to keep them in the manner which He desires. What does He want us

to do with our bodies?

4.  1 Corinthians 10:31.

temple, it goes to the glory of God. Whatever we do is to be done for the glory of God.

Eating and drinking must be for His glory. We must be careful with the dwelling place of 


5.  1Corinthians 3:16, 17. WARNING: Defile the temple > get destroyed. Q: When does the

destruction happen? Defiling the temple is a result of sin and it happens instantaneously.

Sin brings destruction. That destruction begins now with sin and also brings judgment.

God is serious about the way we take care of our body temple. What does it say will

happen to those who do not take care of it? How do you feel about that? God isn’t just 

about warnings; He loves us:

6.  3 John 2. God wants us to prosper and be in good health. Q: Since our bodies are the

temples of the Holy Spirit, are there guidelines in the Bible for how we should manage

our bodies?His desire is for us to be in good health. He wants us to be completely

fulfilled. God gives us the warnings (like #5) because He wants us to be safe. He doesn’t 

desire our destruction, so He warns us of the dangers. Illustration of telling kid to play,

warning of danger. Since our bodies are the dwelling places of the Holy Spirit, are there

guidelines for how we should take care of them?

7.  Daniel 1:8, 12, 13, 15. Daniel purposed in his heart. He saw the food and drink of the

king would defile him. So he told the keeper to try him for 10 days. Where did he get the

idea for this diet? Q: Are you willing to purpose/determine/decide/put your foot down

in yourself not to defile yourself? Q: Wouldn’t you like to look better, healthier and prove

how it looks like to follow God? Daniel knew some type of secret about health. Q: Where

did he know that from? Let’s go back to the beginning… 

8.  Genesis 1:29. Man’s original diet. God gave man fruits, nuts, and grains for food. There

was something in these foods that was to keep mankind sustained. These things and the

Tree of Life kept them alive. After The Tree was removed from man’s diet because of sin,

God added something new:

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9.  Genesis 3:17, 18; 9:1-4. God added vegetables after sin. After the flood, God allowed man

to also eat meat because there was no vegetation. God said “every” living thing.” How do

we know if God allowed clean and unclean animals to be eaten? God also gave every

green herb to eat —even poisonous food. He said we can, but that doesn’t mean that we

should. Just as we know we shouldn’t eat every thing that comes from the ground, we

shouldn’t eat every animal that lives. Some animals are “poisonous” too. God, in Genesis

7, made a distinction between clean and unclean animals. If man had eaten the unclean

animals when he got off the ark, they wouldn’t have survived since there were only two.

What is the difference between clean and unclean animals?

10. Leviticus 11:47. The purpose of this entire chapter is to teach which animals may be

eaten and may not be eaten. God does not specify what is clean and what is unclean in

this text. Q: So: how do we know what is clean and unclean?

11. Leviticus 11. Clean meats = Split hooves, chew cud: cow, lamb, deer, buffalo, etc (v.2).

Unclean meats = Just chew the cud or have cloven hooves: Hare, camel, swine, etc. Those

who don’t do both are unclean (v.4-8). Animals in the sea. Clean = Any creature in the

water with fins and scales. Fish must have fins and scales (v.9). Animals in the air >

Unclean = Birds of prey and scavengers. Birds not to eat (v.13-20). No birds of prey or

scavengers. Bugs (v.21, 22). Creepers (v.29-31). In eating meat, God has instructed

people this way:

12. Leviticus 3:17. No eating of the fat or the blood of the creature. The fat and the blood

were representative of sin in the sanctuary service. They are also the carriers of disease.

13. Deuteronomy 12:23. We are not to eat the life of the flesh—the blood.

14. 1Corinthians 10:31. God also said that we are to be careful about what we drink also.

What does the Bible say about drinking?

15. Proverbs 23:29-35. v.29 - Q: Who has all these things? Those who drink. Don’t even

allow yourself to be tempted. Alcohol leads you into sin. Alcohol perverts your heart.

Alcohol is addictive and controls you. If alcohol controlling you, is God? What does the

Bible tell us about alcohol? It is bad for you. This is established as a certainty, not simply

a possibility. The Bible says to not even look at it. It is like a poisonous snake.

16. Proverbs 20:1. Q: Do you want to be wise? Q: What does the Bible say about those who

drink. Those who drink are not wise. Do you want to be foolish? Does God take drinking


17. 1 Corinthians 6:10. Q: What does the Bible say about those who drink? (We found out 

they’re not wise) Those who drink will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Drinkers will not 

enter the kingdom of Heaven. Q: You want to inherit the Kingdom of God, don’t you? A

drunkard isn’t just someone who gets drunk, but anyone who drinks. Do you want to let 

something as little as drinking keep you out of heaven? If you had a dog that bit 1/5th of 

people who enter your home, would you want it? In the US, 1 out of 5 people who take a

drink become an alcoholic. Drinking is destructive—that’s why it is illegal to drive

drunk. How can we overcome it? Story/Examples of the Bible: 1. Lot got drunk and his

daughters took advantage of him, raped him and bore children from him. 2. Moses. The

principles that God is sharing with us are telling us to stay away from harmful things,

how do we overcome them?

18. Romans 13:14. Don’t walk into temptation. Stay out of those places where you think you

can fall tempted in. We must first dedicate ourselves to Jesus. Also, we are not to give

ourselves an opportunity to fall into sin. We must avoid situations in which we are likely

to be tempted. We tempt the devil to tempt us. How is it possible for us to stop?

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19. Philippians 4:13. We can claim this promise to overcome all things by the power of 

Jesus. All things are possible through Christ. We have promises:

20. Psalm 84:11. Don’t you want good things from the Lord? He said He would withhold no

good things from those who walk uprightly. The Lord will not withhold any good thing

from those who walk uprightly. He loves us and wants us to be healthy. He’s not just 

concerned about our bodies: It’s time you make that decision to walk uprightly. Don’t 

you want that 11 ½ more years?

21. 1Thessalonians 5:23. He doesn’t just want us to have healthy bodies, but to each have a

healthy soul and mind. The health of our bodies impacts the health of our minds and

souls. God cares about your spirit, soul… but He cares about your body too. And He

wants you to be blameless when He comes to take you home. Don’t you want to be

blameless in His sight? Don’t you want to take care of your body too? Encourage them to

throw away all temptations in their house. We need to uphold the standard.


1.  God wants us to be preserved blameless in spirit, soul, and body. He is our creator andHe has the manual of what is best for us. He gave an original plan, and after sin He gave

the vegetables and clean meats. He gave standard both of what we should eat and drink.

Don’t you want to live by the standards that God has set forth for your life in order to be

ready for Jesus when He comes? By His grace, would you like to live by His principals?

Wanna come over for dinner?

Defend it:Drink:

1.  Proverbs 31:1-7;;;


The words to Solomon. It is not for kings to drink because they forget the lawand their judgment becomes perverted. King Lemuel = Symbolic name of 

Solomon (Author of Proverbs). His mother advises not to drink. Why? v.5 – 

When you drink you forget the law = Transcript of God’s character You lose

who God is; you lose judgment. v.6,7 – It says to give drink to the dying and the

depressed. Why? To forget their problems/poverty/misery. How do we

interpret this? For the dying: There’s nothing wrong with giving medicine to

help take pain away. If there’s no medicine, alcohol can be another remedy for

the pain. For the depressed: The person with poverty, misery and depression =

person who is dying. This is from his mother: She’s saying > you’re my son,

you’re a king. I don’t care what those others drink. Let them drink to take away

their pain. But you, don’t drink lest you lose your judgment and your gift for

leadership of judgment.

b.  The only use of it was medicinally as a painkiller or for the depressed. Another

reading would say something like, “You do what is right. Let other people do

foolish things. Their consequences are their problem.”

c.  John 19:29-30. At the crucifixion, they offered an alcoholic drink to Christ. Jesus

took the wine. It said he received it.

d.  Matthew 27:34. Jesus didn’t drink of it. 

e.  Revelation 1:6. Are we called to be kings or called to be depressed? Christ makes

us kings. We are kings. When councils are given to kings, whom is it given to? Us.

2.  Leviticus 10:9

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a.  God speaks to Aaron saying that the priests should not drink. Aaron = High

priest. God tells him not to drink. People will say: “But I’m not a priest.”

b.  1 Peter 2:9. We are a royal priesthood. The councils given to priests, whom is it 

given to? Us.

3.  1Timothy 3:8; 1 Timothy 3:2, 3

a.  Argument: “Given too much wine” > Maybe a little bit is ok. Meaning: Is Paul

giving one advise to the elders (v.1-8) and giving another advise to the deacons

(v.8-13)? He’s giving the exact same advise/councils to the elders as the deacons.

He’s restating the council to the deacons as the elders. Even if you drink a little

bit, you can be blamed for drinking more. The deacon must be pure, upright >

same as the elder.A deacon should not be given to “much” wine? 

b.  An elder should not be given to wine.

i.  Keyword is “likewise”—that is, in the same way. Paul is just rephrasing

in verse 8. Also, it says that both must be sober. Can you drink and be

sober? They must have a clear conscience. Can you drink and have a

clear conscience?

4.  1Timothy 5:23

a.  Don’t drink water, drink wine! 

b.  This is referring to drinking grape juice instead of water because: #1, it is good

for you. #2, the water where he was made him sick —parasites borne in the

water. Even if this was talking about wine, it would have been for a medicinal

purpose—drinking just a small amount, not pleasure drinking.

5.  John 2

a.  Argument: Paul says to Timothy to stop drinking water. Clearly, he’s saying not 

to drink water. He wouldn’t say that! Meaning = Stomach-ache. What happens

when you drink bad water? You get sick. Timothy got sick, and Paul is speaking

to Timothy out of experience. He could be saying to drink juice or he could be

saying to drink a little bit of fermented wine to clear your stomach and lay off the

bad water.Jesus made wine, right? They said that it tasted great —which is

inconsistent with what fermented wine tastes like. Wedding feast: Q: Would

Mary ask her Son to make something so vile that has destroyed our society and

defiled man? These pots were made for purifying. Q: What made that wine good?

“Good wine” here means = “They have kept the best flavored and fresh wine.” If 

he was drunk, your taste buds vanish. But this man was still able to taste, so he

probably was not drunk. But even if he were drunk, clearly Jesus would not 

create something that is so destructive. Jesus would not use fermented wine to

represent His blood. If He would not use yeast in the bread, why would He use

fermented wine as His drink.

6.  Deuteronomy 14:24-26

a.  This isn’t saying to just drink wantonly. It’s saying, if you’re not willing to give

your title properly, your might as well do whatever you want with it.

Food: always bring things back to 1Corinthains 10:31 and 3:16, 171.  Acts 10; Acts 11:1-18 {v.28, 34, 35}

a.  Peter’s vision. A “common” animal was a clean animal that lived with unclean

animals. This caused them to also be considered unclean—or unfit for food. Thisisn’t about eating clean and unclean meats. This is about Jews associating with

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the “unclean” gentiles. Cornelius was “unclean.” Peter was “clean.” Peter would

be “common” if he visited Cornelius. Verse 28—God told him what? Don’t call

men common or unclean. When was this? Obviously this was the message of the

vision. Argument: Peter’s dream: “Common or unclean”. We can eat these meats

because God said so. Unclean pig, snake, vulture, crab, etc. “Common” Clean

animal that has been living with an unclean animal. Meaning: People. Acts 11:1-

18 Talking about people. God is specifying to call no man “common”. These

people were never unclean in the first place. If they were unclean, Peter who

went to visit them would be unclean too.

2.  Mark 7:18, 19; (Matthew 15:1-20) {v.1,2 gives context for each}

a.  This is talking about eating with unwashed hands, not unclean meat. It’s not the

dirt that goes in. God’s not talking about the food that goes in. He’s talking about 

washing your hands. Not meat > It means food.

3.  1Corinthians 8:8 {v.1, 4, 7}

a.  This is talking about meat offered to idols. This is not referencing unclean meat. It 

is saying that clean meats offered to idols is not truly unclean. There’s nothing

wrong with eating meat sacrifice. Paul is saying that there is no other god. Clean

meats = Common. Unclean = sacrificed to an idol. Paul is saying this meat 

sacrificed to idol doesn’t mean anything. This meat is unclean, it’s only unclean

because it’s sacrificed to idols. We can eat it, however if it causes you to stumble,

he will not eat it.

4.  Romans 14:1, 4, 13

a.  Same concept as #3. Regarding feast days: They ate or they fasted. It’s referring

directly to continuing on the feast. v.13 – “Unclean” = common. 

5.  1Timothy 4:3, 4

a.  The word here is referring to food (meats), not meat. This is referring to food

that God has created  to be eaten with thanksgiving (clean meats and non-

poisonous foods).

i.  This is actually talking about the Roman Catholic Church (forbidding

marriage, no meat during lent).

b.  When it says creature, does it mean any creature? No, just those that were given

for food. Otherwise eating maggots and humans is acceptable based upon this

verse. Look in context > v.1,2 > referring to the Roman Catholics group. They

command to abstain from meat on Fridays. This is referring to the Catholic

church, not the Adventist church. (E.g. We can still marry.) v.4 – Argument: So I

can be thankful for any food. Meaning: “Every creature”… EVERY creature?

Humans? Does this mean that we can be cannibals? No. > It means every CLEAN


6.  Luke 10:8

a.  This is the advice of Jesus sending out the 70 to the Jews. Therefore, this is not 

saying eat unclean meat because people offer it. Jews would not have offered it.

The Bible is never telling you to eat unclean meat, drink fermented wine. We can

automatically question what this means. Luke is talking about the 70. The 70

were going to the Jews (The gospel has not yet gone to the Gentiles). The 70

should not be picky and eat what the Jews give them.

7.  Deuteronomy 29:29

a.  What has been revealed to us? > We shouldn’t be drinking. The confusing two

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texts that’s in the Bible > The secret things are of the Lord.  

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StewardshipPurpose of the Study: Everything belongs to God; as stewards, we are responsible to Him.

Center it: Jesus Christ gave all and wants us to be closer to Him through our willingness to be

faithful with what He has given.

Know it/Mark it:1.  Psalm 24:1

2.  Genesis 1:26

3.  Luke 14:33 (Luke 5:27-29/Matthew 10:37)

4.  Exodus 20:8-11

5.  1Corinthians 6:20 (1Peter 1:18)

6.  Genesis 28:18-22

7.  Genesis 14:18-20


Malachi 3:8-109.  1Timothy 3:15

10. Mark 10:21, 22

11. Mark 20: 28-31

Share it: start with a financial story—big companies falling like Merrill-Lynch or Enron. TheBible holds eternal financial principles that make sense, telling us to re-evaluate our prioritiesand make the investments that will pay off in the long run.

Introduction Story/Illustration: (Personal Testimony > Use at the end for an appeal). Current financial event. Bible story.

1.  Psalm 24:1. Who owns the earth? The Lord. In a home or business, who is in charge? The

owner. Who did God put in charge of the world? Q: If God is the owner, who does He

have to manage His property?

2.  Genesis 1:26. God put man in charge of the earth. What does God ask in return? What 

does God ask us to be willing to commit to His service?

3.  Luke 14:33 (/). Q: What does God ask for? Everything. God wants us to commit 

everything to His service. Does He really mean everything? Q: Do we have to leave father

and mother and everything? What does He mean by this? Matthew 10:37. Matthew left 

all to follow Jesus. So, they went to his house and feasted. Luke 5:27-29. Levi = Matthew.

have faith that God will take care of it. Surrender everything to God and be willing to do

anything God ask us to do. Q: What entitles God to ask us for so much? But didn’t he

leave all? How does that work? Jesus entrusted the belongings into his hands to be used

in the Lord’s service. We are not to love anything more than Him. We must be willing to

do anything for Jesus. What entitles Him to ask for so much?

4.  Exodus 20:8-11. He created everything. He made the world in six days. The creator of 

my car wrote a manual telling me what to do. The Sabbath is His mark of authority.

Sabbath is His stamp/seal. The Ten Commandments is an owner’s manual for us and He

knows best on how to live our lives. Q: What else entitles God to ask us for so much?

Why? Because the creator knows what is best and how to take care of the car. That is

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through the wall. We need to humble ourselves and surrender these financial burdens to

Him. Are you willing to surrender to Him? Q: Do you want to be like that rich young

ruler? Q: Then what would keep you from returning that ten percent to the Lord?

a.  It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle because a camel is not 

proud. It will get down on its knees and allow everything that is has to be taken

off, and then it crawls through. Often we are not willing to do that.

11. Mark 10: 28-31. What would keep you from giving up everything for the Lord? What did

Peter give up? The things that he would ultimately lose anyway. 1. How much did Peter

give up? Everything. 2. How much did Jesus give up? Everything. 3. How much will you

give up? Everything. Peter gave up the things he would ultimately lose anyway.

Abraham, Jacob was a rich man. We can store up treasures up in Heaven right now. Let’s

make that commitment together to return back to what is the Lord’s. Commit to giving

back just a tenth back to the Lord.


1.  Are you willing to give up everything to God? Are you willing to make your decision forHim today? You have seen in this study (recap, God=creator, owner of all, gave all, asks

all). Now is the time to return to God what belongs to Him. Do you want to make the

same mistake that the young ruler made? Or are you willing to return to God what 

rightfully belongs to Him?

Defend it:

  I am broke/can’t afford to give tithes 

o  Malachi 3:8-10 –you can’t afford not to. You can’t afford NOT to return tithe.

wealth?o  Deuteronomy 8:18 –He gives you the strength to get money, which requires that 

we obey him. God gives you the power to get wealth. Not your own work.

o  Luke 21:1-4 –when you give your all, you receive a greater blessing. Whoever is

faithful in the least things will also be faithful in greater things. Be who you want 

to be tomorrow today.

  The New Testament does not require giving tithes

o  Matthew 23:23 –Jesus says that they should continue paying tithe but also pay

attention to the weightier things.

o  Luke 20:25 –Give to God what is God’s. Everything is God’s, but God only asks for

10% in return. Caesars = taxes. God’s = tithe.  I don’t trust the church 

o  Matthew 6:21 –where your treasure is, your heart is. Where else are you going to

put your tithe? We must put it in God’s house. God trusts us in spite of our

failures. If your treasure is in church, that’s where your heart is. If your treasure

is in God, that’s where your heart is. If your treasure is in money, that’s where

your heart is. God said to return to the church. You need to be faithful to God’s


o  Luke 21:1-4 –the woman gave tithes to the very church that was trying to kill

Jesus, and Jesus endorsed her.

o  Matthew 23:23 > If anyone had a right not to trust the church, it was the earlyChristians. Jesus told them to return the tithes. The church tried to kill Jesus. The

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very church who tried to kill Jesus, He says to return to them.

  Can I give tithe anywhere?

o  1Corinthians 9:9, 14 –the ox that works hard should receive the food that it 

labors over. This also applies to the pastors (v.14)

o  Malachi 3:8-10; 1Timothy 3:15 –tithe should go to the church. That is how the

pastors get fed.

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that identifies God’s true people: 

5.  1Timothy 3:15. The church of the living God is the pillar and ground (foundation) of 

what? The truth. If a church teaches what is not true, can it be the foundation of truth?

Can it be the true church? Q: According to the scripture, what is Paul saying is the pillar

the chu

the truth? (No) More examples of that…If any church teach anything against the truth of 

the Bible, than it can’t be the true church of the living God, because of 1 Timothy 3: 15.

Paul tells us: the church is the pillar and ground of the truth. If a church teaches what is

not true, it cannot be the foundation of the truth; it cannot be the one fold.

Characteristic #1: Foundation of the Truth 

6.  Revelation 12:1. Who is the woman? The imagery is obviously symbolic. A sign is in

heaven. Q: Do you think John is communicating a literal woman? (No, because women

can’t have a sun on their heads and stands on the moon.) Q: What’s the woman? 

7.  2Corinthians 11:2. Paul compares the people of God to a virgin. Engaged them to a

chased virgin. He’s speaking to specifically to the church of Corinth (believers of Christ 

virgin who is engaged to a man = woman. Paul is alluding to the church as a woman.

a.  Ephesians 5:31-33. God’s relationship to His people => man to woman. The

woman represents the church (God’s people.) 

8.  Revelation 12:2-6, 13. Who does the dragon attempt to kill? The child. The dragon must 

be the ruler of all nations and feels threatened by the child. Who is the child? Does he

succeed? Then what does he do? Where does the woman go? Why does the woman flee

into the wilderness? She is persecuted (v.13). How long is she in the wilderness? For the

1260 days, there is no visible “true church.” It is hidden. Q: What is the dragon trying to

the nations. The dragon’s power is threatened by this child. Q: Does he succeed? (No.) Q  

Him because he is threatened by the Child, but doesn’t succeed and the child is whisked

away. The woman goes to the desert/wilderness. Wilderness = where people do NOT

dragon turns his focus on the church. So the church flees to a wilderness refuge for 1260

days. If we find out when these days happened in the big scope of time, we know that 

this time is where the church can’t appear/show face because of the dragon’s

persecution. We know that the papacy had absolute power during the years 538AD to

1798AD = exactly 1260 years. There could be no organized group of true believers

publically until after 1798, according to the Bible. If there is a church that was visible

during this time, then we can conclude: those churches cannot be the true church. It 

disqualifies the majority protestant churches, because they had a public face during that 

time period. Characteristic #2: Arises after 1798AD. (Questions: Who does the dragon

attempt to kill as soon as he’s born? Does he succeed? Then what does he do? Where the

woman go and for how long?)

9.  Ezekiel 4:6. The concept of the day/year. If we can identify when the 1260 years started,

we know when the true Church should appear again. This is the same time that the beast 

is ruling. That is why the woman goes into hiding. The true church, based on Revelation12, doesn’t show its face again until af ter the 1260 years—from 538 to 1798 AD.

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Understanding that the church escaped to the wilderness for 1260 prophetic days or

literal years in order to escape papal persecution, helps us to understand that God’s true

church could not be a public organized congregation until after 1798AD.

10. Revelation 12:17. What characteristics are given of the true church here? They keep the

commandments and have the testimony of Jesus. Two characteristics of the woman’s

offspring: 1. Keeps the commandments of God. Characteristic #3: Commandment 

keeping. Q: Does your church believe that the Ten Commandments are nailed to the

cross? Is your church in accordance to Revelation 12:17? Q: Then can you church be the

true church, keeping the commandments of God? 2. Has the testimony of Jesus Christ.

a.  Revelation 19:10 – the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

b.  Therefore, the true people of God have a prophet, but that is only half of the

truth. There are two ways to have something—firsthand and secondhand.

Having a prophet is firsthand. We have Ellen G. White. *Save the EGW

information for a later study*

There is also the secondhand gift:

11. John 5:39. Jesus said the scriptures testify of Him. There was only the Old Testament at 

that time. The secondhand spirit of prophecy is the OT prophets—who testified of 

Christ. Jesus says: Scriptures testifies of Him. Scriptures are a testimony of Jesus. Q:

What scriptures? The Old Testament. (Because at that time, the NT was not written yet.)

So: The Old Testament scriptures testify of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament scriptures

are relevant to the New Testament believers. Characteristic #4: Believes in the Old


a.  Verses 45 and 46. Jesus shows that the Old Testament writings are valuable

because they speak of Jesus. Moses spoke of Jesus. If we believe the words of 

Jesus, we should also believe the words of Moses (47).

12. Revelation 14:6, 7. There is an angel with a gospel (for the remnant church) to preach to

the entire world. The true church must, therefore, be worldwide. The church is to preach

that the hour of God’s judgment has begun. The angel says that the hour of judgment is

going on at the time the message is to be preached, therefore, the church must believe in

a present tense judgment. The gospel is being preached at the end of time, depicted by

nation, tribe, tongue, and people). Q: Is every nation, tribe, tongue, and people in

Michigan? Local? No. The true church is going to be worldwide, because it’s going to

preach to everyone. Characteristic #5: Is worldwide. v.7 – “hour of His judgment is

come.” It would only make sense if the judgment was actually happening at that time.

This message that these believers are communicating contains a judgment that’s

happening prior to the Second Coming, because it’s preaching that the “hour of the

judgment” has come before He comes. Characteristic #6: Present tense judgment 

message. (They preach a pre-Advent judgment.)

13. John 10:16. Jesus has sheep that are not currently a part of His remnant church 


The only church that meets all of the six biblical characteristics we’ve seen is the Seventh -dayAdventist church. Others, like the Seventh-day Baptists, have the Sabbath, but err towardslegalism, and they have non-biblical views on things like death. The SDA and Catholic churchesare the only two that circumnavigate the world.

Are you one of His sheep? Are you willing to follow His voice? So have you seen from the bible

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  Church is spiritual. It ’s not a conference. (It’s an invisible church.) 

o  This argument presupposes that a spiritual body and a physical body can’t be the

same, are mutually exclusive. But the Bible never teaches that.

o  Revelation 12:17 & Acts 15 – The rest (remnant) of her offspr

communicate who God’s true believers are. The remnant is a replica of the

apostolic church. The remnant is a replica of the woman who went into the


o  If the original woman (church) have an organized body/conference, then the

remnant must have one too. If the original church had an organized body, then

the remnant must have one too.

The Gift of ProphecyPurpose of the Study: To show that Christ does everything in His power to guide His own, andthis is manifested in the ministry of Ellen White.

Center it: Jesus is always on time, and He never leaves us in the dark about things.

Know it/Mark it:1.  Genesis 15:13, 14

2.  Exodus 3:8-10

3.  Jeremiah 29:10

4.  Ezra 1:1-3, 5:1, 2

5.  Daniel 9:25

6.  Mark 1:1-4, 14, 15

7.  Daniel 8:14

8.  Isaiah 8:20

9.  Deuteronomy 13:1-3

10. 1John 4:1-4

11. Jeremiah 28:9

12. Numbers 12:6

13. 1Thessalonians 5:19-21

Share it: In the 1st and 2nd texts are a promise and a time prophecy coming to an end. The 3rd and4th verses and also the 5th and 6th verses show that pattern. God gives a time prophecy throughone prophet, and as that time comes to a close, another prophet comes with a message relating

to the prophecy. The 7th verse is yet another time prophecy, but the prophecy extends past thetime when scripture closes, so the prophet isn’t in the bible. The rest of the verses are ways totest out who a true prophet is.

1.  Genesis 15:13, 14. What do we call a person who receives direct (interpersonal)

communication from God? A prophet. God gives Abram a prophecy. What does the

prophecy concern? The future of his descendants. What is the time of the prophecy? 400

years. Towards the end of this prophecy, another prophet emerged:

2.  Exodus 3:7-10. Why did God appear to Moses? > They’re crying about their slavery. So:

God wants Moses to lead them out of Egypt. Moses’ work related directly to the

prophecy of Abram. This same pattern occurs many times from Genesis to Jesus. He or

she (the second prophet) always confirms or makes relevant the preceding prophetic

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message. Time prophecy (concerning 400 years) starting from Abram to Moses (God’s

second prophet). God rises up (Moses) a second prophet to preach the present truth

about the prophecy. Does his mission and message have anything to do with Abram’s

prophecy? Yes. It had everything to do with it!

3.  Jeremiah 29:10. Who is the prophet? Jeremiah. What does the prophecy concern?

Destruction of Jerusalem. What is the time of the prophecy? 70 years. People of God will

be exiled for 70 years and then will be able to come back to rebuild their city of 


4.  Ezra 1:1-3, 5:1, 2. 1:1-3 - God is laying a burden on Cyrus’ heart = to send the Jews back 

home, according to Jeremiah’s prophecy. A number of prophets emerged at this time.

Haggai was one of them. Prophet = Haggai. His mission had to do with the 70 year

prophecy. From Genesis to Jesus, we see this pattern/systematic operation of God

throughout the whole course of inspiration being played out. This concept: God rises up

one prophet who gives a time prophecy and rises a second prophet whose mission and

message is to present the truth about that time prophecy. (“Prophet sandwich”). 

5.  Daniel 9:25. Who is the prophet? Daniel. What does the prophecy concern? The Messiah.

What is the time of the prophecy? 483 years. Time prophecy – has starting point and an

event that concludes the time prophecy. Time = 483 prophetic days. Start = Command to

rebuild Jerusalem. End = Messiah. Start Prophet = Daniel. End Prophet = John the

Baptist. Q: How long’s the prophecy? What event signifies the beginning of the

prophecy? What even ends the prophecy?

6.  Mark 1:1-4, 14-15. John the Baptist was the prophet that came at the end of the time

prophecy. John’s mission and message had everything to do with Daniel’s prophecy, just 

like we would expect! “Time is fulfilled” – What time? Daniel the prophet. Jesus cameright on time, that was prophesized by Daniel. > Jesus is always on time. If God is able to

accomplish these prophecies, He’s able to communicate when and how these prophecies

will be revealed to us. Q: If God can fulfill these prophecies, do you believe He can fulfill

His promises in your life? If God was on time in these prophecies, is He able to be on

time in your life?

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7.  Daniel 8:14. Who is the Prophet? Daniel. What does the prophecy concern? The

cleansing of the sanctuary. What is the time of the prophecy? 2300 years. The starting

date is established in Daniel 9:25, and with Ezra 4:6, we place is between 457 BC and

1844 AD. Based on the last three examples, what should we be looking for at the close of 

the prophecy? Another prophet. By this time the devil has noticed the pattern, so what 

do you think he would do? He raised false prophets. However, the true prophet must 

carry a message pertinent to the prophecy as John, Haggai, and Moses did to the

prophecies of Daniel and Abram. Only one prophet that rose around 1844 pointed

attention to the 2300 day prophecy and its importance. Time prophecy = 2300 day

prophecy. Prophet = Daniel. This duration is the cleansing of the sanctuary. The purpose

of the vision is the events that conspire at the end of time. This prophecy is talking about 

the events of the end of time. But this literal sanctuary at the end of time has no

meaning. There is no earthly sanctuary at the end of time. So this verse when it talks

about the cleansing of the sanctuary, it makes sense to it’s referring to the heavenly

sanctuary. This 2300 day prophecy begins in 457BC at the decree of the rebuilding of 

Jerusalem, and the prophet is Daniel. If God’s going to be consist with Himself and follow

the same pattern, what should we be looking for at or around 1844AD (2300 years after

457BC)? > A second prophet. The only person who could be even considered, is one

whose mission and message that has to do with the cleansing of the sanctuary. Prophets

being considered as a true prophet, around 1844:

a.  Joseph Smith (1st Vision 1820) Mormon

b.  Andrew Jackson Davis (1826-1910) American Spiritualist Movement.

c.  Ellen G. White (1827-1915) Seventh-day Adventist 

d.  Charles Russell Taze (1852-1916) Watchtower Society

e.  Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) Christian Science

f.  Edgar Casey (1877-1945) ???

g.  But the only one who says anything that has this mission and message is Ellen G.


8.  Q: At this point, is there good biblical reasons that this woman could be a prophet? (Yes.)

That doesn’t mean that we’re going to accept her as a prophet, but it means that we’re

going to test her as a prophet. That prophet was Ellen White. She came at the right time

with the right message.

How do we know true prophets from false prophets? Let’s discuss Different biblical testsof a true prophet:

9.  Isaiah 8:20. Biblical test #1: Biblical faithfulness. If a prophet speaks contrary to the

Law—as given to Moses—and the testimony—later, direct messages from prophets,

they are not a true prophet. If a prophet says that their writings don’t have to match up

to the old teachings, or that they have some new light or new revelation, that person is

not true prophet. What they say is consistent with the Bible. If a prophet is unwilling to

be in scrutiny with the Bible, he/she isn’t a true prophet. A true prophet would bewilling and open to be under any scrutiny with the Bible.

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10. Deuteronomy 13:1-3. Biblical test #2: Commandment keeper. Even if a prophet’s

prophecies come true, if the prophet leads against the commandments of God, he or she

is not a true prophet.

11. 1John 4:1-4. Biblical test #3: Christ centered. We must test by seeing if they believe that 

Jesus is Christ —the Savior of man from sin—in the flesh. A prophet must confess Christ 

in the flesh by their words and actions. Everyone who does not say that Jesus the Christ 

came in flesh. A true prophet would confess that Jesus IS Christ. Not Jesus the Galilee,


a.  Matthew 7:15, 50. We will know them by their fruits.

12. Jeremiah 28:9. Biblical test #4: Prophetic accuracy. If what they say doesn’t actually

happen, the prophet is false.

13. Numbers 12:6. Biblical test #5: Visions & dreams. A true prophet must have visions and

dreams. We have now the biblical criteria. Good biblical tests, we can use to see if Ellen

White is a true prophet.

14. 1Thessalonians 5:19-21. Do not despise prophesying. There would be no reason for the

apostle Paul to say not to be despise prophesying unless people do despise it. Why might 

someone despise prophesying?

o  They don’t appreciate the message (conviction).

o  Because there are so many false prophets. 2+2=4 illustration. How many

possible wrong answers are there to 2+2? There are an infinite amount of wrong

answers, but does that mean that there is not a right answer? Don’t despise the

billion wrong prophets, just know what the real one looks like. Memorize the

right answer…4…then when the wrong answers show up, you will know. 

o  Paul is telling us to test out the prophets to see if they are true instead of 

rejecting them all (transition into appeal question). Paul says to prove all things

(to test). Q: Will you prove/test all things? Make a decision not to despise

prophesies? Test the writings of Ellen White to see if she is a true prophet? (Take

into consideration when giving them a book of Ellen White.)

Characteristics of a True Prophet EGW

1 In harmony with the Bible/other prophets Called herself a “lesser light” 2 They endorse the commandments She did3 Christ-centered “Hanging on the cross, Christ was…” 4 Prophetic accuracy Counsel against smoking5 Visions, dreams She had them

Use a few quotes to show how EGW lines up with the characteristics.

Appeal:1.  Are there Biblical reasons to believe that EGW was a prophet?

2.  The Bible says to test all things, so are you willing to test Ellen White as a prophet? Will

you hold fast that which is good?

o  Give them a book like SC, GC, or COL to test out.

o  Something is not true because a prophet says it. A prophet says it because it’s

true. Prophets always come right on time. They are a reminded that God, who

certainly has much to do, cares enough to make sure that we know things. God is

on time.

Defend it:

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1.  1856 vision (1T 131, 132). EGW said some would be alive to see Christ come.

a.  Do you believe in Jesus? Did Jesus believe Jonah was a prophet? (Matthew

12:39). Jonah 3:1-5, 6-10. Was Nineveh destroyed in 40 days? Is Jonah a

prophet? If not, then was Jesus the Christ? Jeremiah 18:7-10 (does this come

before Jeremiah 29:8? Then it must be a qualifying statement. It tells us about 

prophecies coming true.) The people of Nineveh changed their hearts and so God

didn’t do what He said He would do. 1Samuel 2:27-31 reiterates this point.

b.  Since the condition of the people present at her 1856 vision changed, God’s

promise no longer held for them. It would have happened if they had continued

upon their course.

2.  Woman? Ellen G. White is a woman!a.  Women prophets in the Bible: In the church, a woman is not to usurp authority

over a man. It’s not saying that a woman can’t do a better job/smarter as a

leader than a man. In the church (type of family/home), the man is called to be

the legislative leader; men are called to be the ordained leader. But there are

woman prophets in the Bible:i.  Judges 4:4 > Ana the prophet (old lady in the temple)

ii.  Luke 2:36 > Deborah (prophet)

iii.  Numbers 12 > Miriam

3.  Non-canonical. People don’t want to accept the writings of EGW, because they are non-canonical (collection).

a.  She is not a part of the closed cannon (the 66 books of the Bible).

b.  When Moses wrote the beginning of the Bible, it was all that existed. That was

the cannon. It’s only a time factor. There are multiple times in the Bible, that 

there were prophets in the Bible and their writings are not written in the Bible.

The thing is not about what appears in the Bible, but whether or not things areoutside the bible are irrelevant. The important thing is if it is in agreement with

the Bible. The world is confused with the Bible, not because it is confusing, but 

because the world is confused. Scrolls of Isaiah, were not in the Bible. Writings

of Paul, during Paul’s time were not in the Bible. Then also, Bible writers

referenced other works which they deemed to be inspired writings. They tell us

about prophet books that are not in the Bible.

i.  1 Chornicles 29:29ii.  2 Chronicles 9:29

iii.  1 Samuel 9:94.  No more prophets: Texts that show that there are more prophets:

a.  Ephesians 4:7-13; 1Corinthians 1:6, 7; Matthew 24:24.

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The MillenniumPurpose of the Study: To show that the millennium begins with the second coming of Christ andconcludes with the destruction of evil. To show that the Millennium begins after Second Coming,is a time of judgment, and is at the end when the saints inherent the New Earth.

Center it: During the millennium, God vindicates His character. Three phases of the Judgment: 1.Pre-Advent; 2. Millennial; 3. Executive. We’re focusing on the Millennial.

Know it/Mark it:1.  John 5:28, 29.

a.  Acts 24:152.  1Thessalonians 4:16, 17.

3.  2Thessalonians 1:7-9.

4.  Revelation 20:4, 5.

a.  Romans 8:15-17

5.  Revelation 20:1-3.a.  Jude 1:6

6.  Jeremiah 4:23-27.

7.  Isaiah 14:19-21.

8.  1Corinthains 4:5;

a.  1 Corinthians 6:2, 3

9.  Revelation 20:12.

10. Revelation 20:7-9.

11. Revelation 21:18, 11.

12. Revelation 20:11-16.

13. Isaiah 5:3, 4.14. 2Peter 3:12, 13.

15. Revelation 21:3-5.

Additional Text:Genesis 1:2Isaiah 14:19-21Matthew 27Revelation 21:11Philippians 2:9-11

Share it: there are three phases of Judgment —pre-Advent (investigative), millennial, andexecutive.

16. John 5:28, 29.

a.  There are two groups: the resurrection of life and the resurrection of 


i.  Acts 24:15. Paul also speaks of two groups who will be resurrected—the

just and the unjust. When do these resurrections happen? Do these

resurrections happen simultaneously?

17. 1Thessalonians 4:16, 17.

a.  Who, according to verse 16, rises first? The dead in Christ. What does that imply?

The dead who are not in Christ must rise second. What happens to the wickedthat are alive at the second coming? The first resurrection is the resurrection of 

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the righteous/just. So what happens to the wicked at the Second Coming?

18. 2Thessalonians 1:7-9.

a.  They are destroyed by the glory and presence of His power. The wicked who are

alive are destroyed. Obviously the wicked who are dead will stay in their graves.

What happens to the redeemed ones?

19. Revelation 20:4, 5.

a.  What did John see? Thrones. Who sat on them? Those who remained faithful

through persecution, who withstood the beast. The ones who have stood before

the thrones of wicked men will sit upon the thrones of heaven. God’s people

(including John) for thousands of years have been victims of persecution and

judgment from people on thrones at that time. (v.4) John sees the tables

switched: he’s seeing people who have been victims from people sitting on

thrones, now sitting on the thrones. Those who were once victims are now

sitting on thrones executing judgment with the King of judges. God’s people will

be sitting on His throne. They execute judgment.

i.  Tangent (Revelation 3:20, 21; Romans 8:15-17) Jesus promises thrones tothe overcomers. Jesus is talking to the Laodicean church. He says to himthat overcomes, not only does he sit on the throne, but also the privilege tosit with Him and on His throne Chapter 4 explicates the throne of God.Chapter 5 explicates how Christ was an overcomer. Paul introduces theconcept of adoption into the royal family of God. Usually the child of theKing is heir to the throne. Because Christ is the heir of God, and because wehave been adopted and are His children, we are joint heirs to His throne.

b.  The rest of the dead (those who don’t make it to heaven and sit on the thrones)

didn’t live again for one thousand years. This implies that they will live again.

c.  The 2nd coming is often referred to as the wedding supper of the lamb. So, the

time in heaven must be the honeymoon. The redeemed are married to Christ,and they get to know God on a deeper level. Those who are not married to Christ 

don’t get to go on the honeymoon. 

d.  Where is Satan during this time?

20. Revelation 20:1-3. He is chained in the bottomless pit. Would it be literally possible to

handcuff the devil? No. So then, what is it that he is restrained from doing? Deceiving the

nations. Why? Because there is no one alive to be deceived. What happens after the

thousand years? He is loosed. How so? The wicked are raised again after the thousand

years—thereby allowing the devil to deceive once again.

a.  Jude 6. The angels are chained too. (“in darkness”). What is the earth like during

the 1,000 years?21. Jeremiah 4:23-27.

a.  Without form, void, desolate, no light, no man, cities broken down.

i.  (Genesis 1:2) the earth is, during the 1,000 years, as it was in the


22. Isaiah 14:19-21.

a.  This says that Satan will not be joined with the wicked in burial. He is going to be

alive during this time. The earth, in its desolate, destroyed condition, shows the

end result of a person who follows the devil. It shows the end of his plan. Satan

will be roaming around and kept alive during this time. While all of this is

happening, what’s going on in Heaven? 23. Revelation 20: 4, 12.

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a.  What was opened? The books. What’s in the books? Records of the works of all—

including the hidden things of darkness and the secret counsels of the heart.

Introduces the concept of the Judgment and the Books. It is the people who are

sitting on the thrones of God executing the Judgment.

24. 1 Corinthains 4:5

a.  What does Paul say God is going to do? Reveal hidden, dark things and show the

counsels of the heart. Christ will bring to light the councils of the heart. God

looks into the heart. All the mysteries in the councils of the hearts will be

revealed. People’s questions are going to be answered. Paul says not to judge

now. Why? Because they time for that has not yet arrived. When the time arrives,

God will give us His “glasses,” revealing the hearts of those being judged, etc.  

i.  When we get to heaven, we’ll be surprised to be there, surprised who’s not 

there, and surprised who is there. Stephen, Saul example.

b.  Paul says that we will judge the world.

25. 1 Corinthians 6:2,3 – God’s people (including Paul) will judge the world and angels (the

fallen angels). God’s dealings with humanity will be revealed as fair and just. (Revelation

16:7 – “true and righteous are they judgments.”) 

a.  Before God executes judgment upon the wicked, He has a

conference/meeting/clearing with the saved. No body will be destroyed by the

lake of fire, without the agreement of all the saints.

b.  Conclusion of the millennium – God stands surrounded by His people (all of the

redeemed) who serve as witnesses, who testify in favor of God. So when the

wicked are resurrected, they see that picture: God surrounded by the redeemed

and His character/dealings is vindicated. (Idea of the “Great week of time” – 

period of time: 6,000 years and at the end of this week is when the Millennium

occurs. So at the end of the week: Sabbath = Millennium. We will spend our

Millennium in experiencing Sabbath with Jesus.)

26. Revelation 20:7-9.

a.  What does the devil do after the thousand years? He goes out to deceive the

nations. Who? The resurrected wicked (point #5). The Millennium comes to an

end. Massive resurrection of the wicked (who rejected the free gift of salvation)

and they’re all alive and Satan is free to deceive them What do they do?

Surround the Holy City to do battle. What happens then? Fire comes down from

heaven. All the wicked see the New Jerusalem and form an army to overcome the

Holy City. Then the fire comes down and devours them. The wicked and Satan

are destroyed.

b.  For the 1,000 years, the righteous have examined the records of heaven. Before

the wicked are destroyed, the righteous confirm that God’s judgment is just and

true. God is justified by both the righteous and the wicked.

c.  What is the city that they surround?

d.  When you come towards the end of the study, you want to switch gears to

“Appeal Mode”: 

27. Revelation 21:18, 11.

a.  Describing what the city looks like. The walls are like jasper—but translucent.

The wall is see-thru. Those outside the city can see in. those inside the city can

see out. Families will be divided by their decisions and separated by that wall,

and they will be able to see each other. The city is in close proximity to the

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wicked. (Strong appeal!) What is it that divides the wicked and the righteous in

the City? The City’s wall = made out of glass. It’s clear – They can see through the

glass into the city. They’re going to see everyone inside the City. The Holy City is

clear. Those who are on the outside – have not been through the Millennium

period and don’t understand why they’re on the outside (Matthew 27). So

during this time, Satan convinces all the wicked to gather together and conquer

the Holy City.

b.  Philippians 2:9-11 - Nobody on the outside will perish before they understand

why they’re outside and not in. Every person outside of the city will realize that 

they rejected the free gift of salvation.

28. Revelation 20:9-16.

a.  Destruction of the wicked. Picture of the destruction of the wicked = The second

death. So the opposite is true: everyone inside the city will be written in the

Book of Life. This is the executive judgment. This doesn’t take place until the

millennial judgment is finished.

29. Isaiah 5:3, 4.

a.  Parable of a vinedresser and a vineyard. When the vinedresser came to check on

the vineyard, the vineyard produces wild fruit (poisoned), where the

vinedresser expected good fruit. God asks: Judge between Him and His vineyard

(His people). He does all He can for it, but it does not bring forth good fruit. He

says, “Judge between me and my vineyard.” He is asking whether he is just in

what he is about to do. This is the same question that God asks at the end of the

1,000 years. God’s asking to be vindicated. The Question of God: What more

could I have done that I have not done already? What more could God have

done? There is good news:

30. 2 Peter 3:12, 13.

a.  What does verse 12 say will happen? Destruction. What do we look toward? New

heavens and earth where righteousness abides. There is no cause or reason for

worries. Even when the world’s going to be destroyed, there’s hope for us. The

best is yet to come! God gives us a promise. He says: “Nevertheless”. We look for

the new heavens and the new earth. There’s going to be a time where we’re

going to live in a place where all righteousness live; where we don’t have to lock 

our doors; where our children can run around the streets with no fear; where…

(paint the picture).

31. Revelation 21:3-5.

a.  What does Jesus say? He makes all things new. He promises. There will be no

more hospitals, no more_______. The bible tells us that God will wipe every tear

away from our eyes. There’s going to be no more death, sickness, misery.

(Present the contract – because it’s formatted for a decision.) 


  God has made heaven a possibility for us today. There will be two groups. Those inside

the city and those outside the city. Which group do you want to be in? Is there anything

in your life that will keep you from being there? God has given us every necessary thing

for us to be in that Holy City. Is it your desire to be in that City to be with God who will

heal and wipe away your tears? Is there anything that will keep you from being in that City? Do you believe God can give you that victory? Do you want to commit to God to

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help you give you that victory? Do you want to commit to giving God 10minutes of your

time in reading His Word? … Offer an opportunity to pray: “I’ll pray first, and why don’t 

you close our prayer.” 

Appeal Story Examples:

1. Mother in NYC. New Year’s party. Single mom. All kids are adults. 5-6 boys, grown up. All of her sons were there except one. This was the black sheep of the family. They were having goodquality time together, rejoicing, laughing, eating, etc. the mother in this celebration, got up andturned around and walked into her room, with a somber posture. Her boys were confused andwondering. Son knocks on his mom’s room. he could hear his mom crying. He opens the doorand asks why she’s crying. And she says: it’s my other son: the son in jail. The son got upset andasks, “you have the rest of your sons here rejoicing with you. Are we not good enough? Do wenot compare to that other son?” mother response: “no.. I love you all equally. I have a place foreach of you in my heart, but that place for that other son is empt y. And no one can replace it.”That’s how God is like: He has a big heart for each of us. We are infinitely valuable. We are alldifferent.

2. Just like a mother who gives birth for twins. But loses one. Do you say to that mother: “It’sokay. You still have another baby just like the one you lost.?” No! Of course not. Because no onecould replace that one child. The mother will never forget that child. Like God, He will neverforget His lost child.

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Gift of TonguesFirst, let the person presenting give their full presentation without trying to rebut. Next, go

over the things that you can agree on. Finally, show the points of departure. One thing to

remember is that people are very emotionally and psychologically attached to the idea that 

they have a special, supernatural experience with God. When approaching them, we must be

sensitive. It isn’t just a matter of logic changing an idea, but the truth going against personal


Points to make:

1.  There are 3 lists of spiritual gifts:  Eph. 4  1Cor. 12  Rom. 12

The only gift that appears in all three is the gift of prophecy. There is one gift that occurs in

only one, and it occurs last; that is the gift of tongues. 1Cor. 12:4-102.  The church of Corinth was disturbed ecclesiastically and morally. It was a troubled

church. Some of the things that he mentioned in Corinthians are mentioned in no otherepistles. They dealt with gross immorality, lawsuits, head coverings, the use of TheLord’s Supper, and baptism for the dead, the resurrection, and tongues. These are not mentioned anywhere else. Corinth was a sick church, so should we be turning to Paul’swords to them for advice? If tongues were a major part of Paul’s teaching, wouldn’t wefind this elsewhere? Beware of building a healthy theology from a sickly church.

3.  Jesus spoke of tongues only one time in His ministry. Mark 16:17—Jesus says that theywill speak in new tongues. This is the only place Jesus mentioned tongues.

a.  Interestingly, verses 9-20 are some of the primarily disputed verses in scripture. Inearly documents, these verses do not appear. The other is in John 8; the woman

caught in adultery. 4.  Tongues clearly wasn’t a major feature of Jesus’ theology or Paul’s, and no one else

mentions it in epistles. The only other one who mentions it is Luke in the book of Acts.5.  Jesus never spoke in tongues. There is no evidence that Jesus ever did. 

a.  “Tongues” in the Greek —Glossa (language or literal, physical tongue) andDialektos (language). Both of these words always refer to a language.

6.  We have 3 occurrences of tongues: Acts 2, 10, and 19.a.  In Acts 2, they received “glossa” and the people said that they heard them speak 

in their own “dialek tos.” From this we can see that glossa and dialektos are usedinterchangeably. This is the gift of languages for the purpose of evangelism sincethere were people from many different places (v.9-11).

b.  In Acts 10, the key is that Peter says that it happened to these people just as it did to them at Pentecost (v.47; 11:15). There were people who spoke different languages; for example, Cornelius was an Italian. Peter says that it happened inthe same way as the first time; therefore, these were intelligible languages, and it was for the purpose of evangelism.

c.  In Acts 19, they were in Ephesus, and there were 12 of them. We have no reasonto believe that this is any different than the previous two. These are the onlyinstances of the proper use of tongues.

i.  Rule of first usage: the first time that you encounter something in scripture,

 you always understand subsequent instances of it based upon the first usage.

We understand obscure passages in the light of the clearer passages. This is a

rule to be used within a book. 

7.  Some think that tongues in some secret prayer language, however, if it were, when thedisciples asked Jesus how to pray, He would have said something other than what He

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said in Luke 11.8.  The Corinthian church had substituted the gifts of the spirit for the fruits of the spirit.

1Cor. 13 shows love as the gift to be more greatly desired (12:30, 31). 1 cor. 13:1, Paulcontrasts the gifts vs. the fruit, putting all the gifts below the fruits throughout thechapter. Paul tells them to quit acting like kids (v. 11)


Corinth elevated the gifts over the fruit  b.  Pentecostals cling to 1Cor. 14:2, 14

i.  In verse 2, the translators understoodthat the context of the chapter is that people were speaking in tongueswithout anyone being able tounderstand them. This is why theysupplied the word “unknown.”Reading the entire chapter helps toclarify things. According to verse 2,what is Paul’s problem with tongues?No one is being edified. Contrast with

v.3; prophecy edifies the brethren.1.  When it says “spirit ,” is translated breath in some other places.

2.  Everywhere we see this word “mystery,” it is in reference to thegospel. 1Ti. 3:16; Col. 1:27; Rv. 10:7

ii.  Verse 5: why did others not understand when tongues were used? Ecstaticutterance? Was it that not everyone spoke the same language? A betteranswer comes from seeing the geographical location of Corinth. It was amidpoint between all areas of the known world. It was probable that thelatter is true, based on the rest of the chapter.

iii.  People were not only showing preference to their language, but they werewaxing so eloquent that even people who spoke the same language didn’t  

always understand the words that were used (v.9). The point is to edify thechurch, not to show off (v.12).

iv.  Verse 14: Pentecostals say that this means when you pray in tongues, youdon’t even understand it yourself. What it is really teaching is that it isn’t  helping anyone. The praying person’s understanding is not fruitful foranyone else (v.17). It bears no fruit in others. It bears fruit in himself because we already saw that he edifies himself (v.4).

1.  Paul is encouraging the use of gifts, but discouraging them if it isnot edifying anyone.

v.  Verse 18: of course Paul spoke in more tongues. Look at his first missionary journey! He went all over the world!

vi.  In verse 19, he is actively teaching, but in unknown languages, no onelearns.

vii.  Verse 22: tongues are for evangelism, not internal edification. That is thepurpose of prophecy. His concern is that all things be done in order formeeting (v.23). All the following verses show that this isn’t talking about personal speaking in tongues, but congregating. He then lays ground rulesfor translating (v.27). If there’s no translator, shut up (literally in theGreek).

viii.  Verse 28 shows that the understanding that is unfruitful (v.14) is not theunderstanding of the speaker. Verse 33 shows that this was only a problemin the Corinthian church.

ix.  Scathing rebukes (v. 36, 37). 

Let all things be done decently and in order 

Gifts (1Cor12)

THE Fruit (Gal. 5:22, 23)

Prophecy Love Apostleship JoyHealing PeaceWisdom LongsufferingFaith GentlenessMiracles GoodnessTongues FaithInterpretation Meekness

Teaching Temperance

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Paul was clearly dealing with a problem here. Should we base a doctrine on the

resolution of a conflict?

Note: never, in 1,000s of extra-biblical sources, does “glossa” re fer to anything other than


Romans 8:26—this is not the “breath-spirit ” of 1Cor. 14:2. Furthermore, the word “tongues” is not even mentioned in this verse.

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