Fun Facts About Nuts

Post on 12-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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DESCRIPTION | Nuts are nutritious and delicious way to add fiber, protein and healthy fats into your family’s diet. Learn more about some of the most popular and unique nuts on the market today!


Nuts: What’s in a Name?

For botanists, nuts are the hardened fruit of certain trees and shrubs. In culinary circles, not only do they recognize these “tree nuts”, but consider the seeds of certain plants as nuts as well.

For the rest of us, nuts are a delicious source of flavor, nutrition and energy. On the next few pages, learn more about some of our most popular nuts in demand.

Almond \ˈä-mənd\: Native to South Asia and the Middle East, almonds are the seed of the almond tree.

Almonds are a rich sources of cholesterol lowering fats, vitamin E, calcium, fiber, protein and other essential nutrients.

Their mild taste makes them great for snacking or as a tasty ingredient to any recipe.

Did you know?: The United States is the largest producer of almonds, with 80% of the world’s supply produced by them.

Brazil Nut \brə-ˈzil\ˈnət\ :

Found in South America, Brazil nuts are the edible seed of their tree.

It’s oily meat is packed with nutrient rich vitamins and minerals, as well as essential fats.

Considered the largest dietary source of selenium, some studies even suggest eating Brazil nuts to reduce the risk of both breast and prostate cancer.

Did you know?:

In Brazil, it’s illegal to cut down the Brazil nut tree. As a result, they can be found in backyards, near streets, on roads and in other unconventional locations.

Cashews \kə-ˈshü\:

The cashew nut is the seed of the cashew apple originally found in Brazil.

Cashews are now an integral part of many ethnic cuisines, with it’s “milk” even used as a popular base for soups, curries and desserts.

Cashews are a great source of antioxidants, minerals, fats and other building blocks of a healthy diet. Did you know?:

In certain regions of Guyana, parts of the cashew plant is used to treat ailments as diverse as a snakebite to diarrhea.

Hazelnut \ˈhā-zəl-ˌnət\: The fruit of the hazel tree, hazel nuts are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

The sweet taste of the hazelnut, makes it common ingredient in chocolate truffles, pastries, specialty coffees and meat dishes.

Better yet, hazelnuts contain high levels of folate, which has been show to reduce risk of heart disease, Parkinson's and other conditions.

Did you know?: Particularly in the Pacific Northwest, hazelnuts are sometimes called “filberts”. In parts of Europe they care called “cobnuts”.

Macadamia \ma-kə-ˈdā-mē-ə\: Indigenous to Australia, macadamia nuts add a buttery and crunchy texture to sweet and savory dishes.

High in monounsaturated fat, vitamin E, iron, phosphorus and fiber, they help promote lush hair and healthy skin.

The copper content in macadamia nuts also aids in creating neurotransmitters, the chemicals which our brains use to send signals.

Did you know?: Macadamia oil is prized as an alternative to mink oil, which is used to produce leather goods, cosmetics and medical products.

Peanut \ˈpē-nət\: Peanuts were first cultivated in Meso and South America. They are a legume “bean” and not actually a nut.

Peanuts can be consumed in a variety of ways including being fried, roasted, pickled, ground into flour, smashed into paste or raw in certain cases.

Peanuts provide over 30 essential vitamins, minerals, fats and are a significant source of antioxidants.

Did you know? The “pea-” in peanut originates from the observation that peanuts grow in a pod, much like peas do.

Pecan \pi-ˈkän\: Native to North America, pecans are the seeds of the pecan tree.

Rich and buttery, they are often found in pies, pralines and other desserts, but can also be used in salads, stuffing and savory dishes.

A great source of iron, thiamine, protein, unsaturated fats and zinc, pecans have been shown to reduce cholesterol and gallstones.

Did you know?: In the United States, Georgia is the largest producer of pecans. Every year they produce over 75 million pounds!

Pistachio \pə-ˈsta-sh-ē-ō\: Pistachios are the edible seed of the pistachio tree found in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Packed with fiber, healthy fats, thiamine, riboflavin, iron, magnesium and other nutrients, they have been show to reduce cholesterol levels.

Delicious in any form, they are often eaten as a snack on its own or added in recipes for baklava, ice cream, salads and meat dishes.

Did you know?: Iran is the largest producer of pistachios, where it is known as the “smiling nut”.

Walnuts \ˈwol-nət\: Originating from Central Asia, walnuts are the edible seed of the Juglan tree.

Nutrient dense, they contain a significant amount of protein, manganese, polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants.

Walnuts can be eaten by themselves or integrated into any recipe. However, they must be stored properly to avoid spoilage.

Did you know?: Walnuts shells are ground down and used to prepare NASCAR automobiles prior to being painted.

Just a handful…Or two! Nuts are a healthy addition to

any meal.

Packed with antioxidants, healthy fats, fiber and essential

minerals, they’re a nutrient dense treat for your whole family.

With hundreds of nuts to choose from, they’re an easy (and tasty) way to add flavor and variety to

your diet.

Contact Us IFS Bulk is a distributor of nuts, snacks and other foodstuff. Available to individuals and businesses, they are dedicated to bringing the highest quality products to their customers.

For more information about are nut products and contact us at: or (973) 607-1982

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