F:\spanish 3 lesson plans and handouts\practice with gustar verbs

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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Picar =To itch

My arm itches.Me pica el brazo.

Her head itches.Le pica la cabeza.

Are the mosquitoes itching you (making you itch)?

Te pican los zancudos?

Their feet itch.Les pican los pies.

To love or really enjoyEncantar =

He loves football.A él le encanta el fútbol americano.

I love to sing.A mí me encanta cantar.

You love soap operas!Te encantan las telenovelas.

To get along well/poorlyTo like or not like a person

Caer bien/mal =

I don’t get along with Pedro .Pedro no me cae bien.

Maria doesn’t like you.Pedro me cae mal.

Le caes mal a ella.No le caes bien a ella.

She doesn’t like me.Yo le caigo mal a ella. Le caigo mal.

To hate something Disgustar =

Miguel hates carrots.

Las zanahorias le disgustan a Miguel.

Las zanahorias le disgustan.Le disgustan a miguel.

Quedar = To be left over

She has two cents left.

Le quedan dos centavosMe


To hurt/ acheDoler =

My knee hurts.Me duele la rodilla.

Me duelen las rodillas.

Le duele la rodilla.

La rodilla le duele a Miguel. A Miguel le duele la rodilla.

My knees hurt

His knee hurts.

Mike’s knee hurts.

To find interestingInteresar =

Mt. Rushmore is interesting to Guadalupe.

La montaña de Rushmore le interesa a Guadalupe.

A Guadalupe le interesa la montaña de Rushmore.

Do you find me interesting?

?Te intereso?

?Yo te intereso a ti?

Love songs annoy him.

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