Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person (San Diego Web Perf meetup)

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San Diego web performance meetup:


FE Performance: Beginner to Expert to CrazyPerson

Philip Tellis /

San Diego Web Performance Meetup / 2014-08-06

San Diego Web Performance Meetup / 2014-08-06 FE Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person 1

• Philip Tellis• @bluesmoon•• SOASTA• boomerang

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Get the most benefit with the least effort

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0Beginning Web Performance

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Start with a really slow site

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0.1 Start Measuring

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Or use RUM for real user data (boomerang/mPulse)

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0.2 enable gzip

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You can pre-gzip

gzip_static in nginx

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0.3 ImageOptim

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0.4 Cache

Cache-control: public, max-age=31415926

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Yes, that was 10 million pies

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0 Congratulations

You’ve just been promoted

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1What the Experts Do

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1.1 CDN

Serve your root domain through a CDN

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1.1 CDN

And make sure your CSS is on the same domain

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1.1 CDN

Google Chrome will open two TCP connections tothe primary host, one for the page, and the second

"just in case"

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1.2 Split JavaScript

"critical": in the HEAD,"enhancements": loaded async

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1.3 Audit your CSS

Chrome WebDev tools

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Also checkout uncss for a command line option

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1.4 Parallelise downloads/use sprites

You can have higher bandwidth, you cannot have lower latency.

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1.5 Flush Early and Often

Get bytes to the client ASAP to avoid TCP SlowStart, and speed up CSS

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1.6 Increase initcwnd

Initial Congestion Window: Number of packets tosend before waiting for an ACK


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1.6 Increase initcwnd

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1.6b Also...


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1.7 PageSpeed

mod_pagespeed and ngx_pagespeed

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2You’ve reached crazyland

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Sort in ascending order of signal latency

• Electrons through copper• Light through fibre• Pulsars• Station Wagons• Smoke Signals

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Sort in ascending order of signal latency

1 Pulsars (light through vacuum)2 Smoke Signals (light through air)3 Electrons through copper / Light through fibre4 Station Wagons (possibly highest bandwidth)

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Study real user data

Look for potential places to parallelise, predict orcache

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2.1 Pre-load

Pre-fetch assets required for the next page in aprocess flow

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2.1b pre-render

<link rel="prerender" href="url">

<link rel="subresource" href="">

<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="">

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2.1c onVisibilityChange

And while you’re at it, don’t do expensive work if thepage is hidden

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2.2 Post-load

Fetch optional assets after onload

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2.3 Detect broken accept-encoding

Many Windows anti-viruses and firewalls disablegzip by munging the Accept-Encoding header

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2.4 Prepare for HTTP/2.0

Multiple assets on the same connection and TLS bydefault.

Breaks many of our rules.

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2.5 Understand 3PoFs


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2.6 Understand the IFrame Loader Technique

Take required but non-critical assets out of thecritical path

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Can you predict round-trip-time?

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Can you predict round-trip-time?

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• WebPageTest –

• Boomerang –

• SOASTA mPulse –

• Netflix gzip study –

• Nginx gzip_static –

• ImageOptim –

• uncss –

• Caching –

• Same domain CSS –

• initcwnd –

• Linux TCP Tuning –

• Prerender –

• DNS prefetching –

• Subresource –

• FE SPoF –

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Thank You!Questions?

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• Philip Tellis• @bluesmoon••• boomerang• LogNormal Blog

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Image Credits

• Apple Pie

• Kittens in a PC

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