
Front page (production log)

Placing the image

To place an image onto the document, I went on file and selected place.

Placing the image (2)

A table then came up from the place tool. This table allowed me to select the image that I wanted to use for my front cover.

This is the image that I selected to be the main image and only image for my front cover.

After the image has been placed

The main image has now been placed.

Fitting the image correctly

How I fitted the image:Step 1: I right clicked the mouse and selected fittingStep 2: After selecting ‘Fitting’ I then chose ‘Fit content to frame’.

Fitting the content to frame will allow the image to be placed on the page correctly (covering up the whole document).

The image has now been fitted

The image has now been fitted correctly; every part of the image is shown.

Creating the masthead

The initial font style of the masthead was ‘Times New Roman’ with a font size of 12.

Changing the fast half of the masthead (size)

I increased the font style of the masthead to 130 ; using large font sizes for the masthead is essential because the readership target audience can Identify my products corporate Identity.

Designing the second half of the masthead

( font style and size)

The initial font style was ‘Times New Roman’ and the font size was 12. I enlarged the second half of the masthead, however I have made it smaller compared to the first half od the masthead – ‘J AZZ’.

Style and font size of masthead

Both parts if the masthead have been enlarged and changed to the same font which is ‘Stencil’. I have created a divided as an apposed to creating a masthead that creates one word. This is because, I want my target audience to be drawn to genre of music more quickly. Also, enlarging the title ‘JAZZ’ puts a statement a statement of the genre of music as well as highlighting the target audience.

Changing the colour of the masthead

I highlighted the masthead and clicked on ‘New Colour Swatch’.

Changing the colour (2)

This is the table that appeared after I had clicked ‘New Colour Swatch’. I then changed the colour mode to ‘RGB’ which would give me the option of changing the masthead to the colours : red, green and blue. Because the products colour scheme is : red, white and black, I chose red.

The masthead has now been changed to the colour red.

Creating a strip line

I created the strapline by selecting the rectangle tool,. After I had done this, I dragged the rectangle so that it would stretch across the page.

Adding to colour to the stripline

I changed the colour of the rectangle by selecting a ‘New Colour Swatch’

The ‘New Colour Swatch’ box appeared and I changed to colour to red – again this suited the colour scheme.

top related