Front Cover Screenshots - Emily Climer

Post on 06-Apr-2017






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Front Cover Screenshots

To create my front cover I firstly created a new document on Photoshop. I then went on dafont to find the font I chose for my masthead, and screenshotted my masthead into the new document, where I resized and coloured it.

Next I opened my main image in Photoshop and selected the part of the image that I wanted to use and copied and pasted it into my magazine document.

I then created a mask out of this image, meaning that when I paint white on the mask the image will appear, and when I paint black on the mask it removes the image.

Using this method I carefully removed the background, using a softer brush around the hair and a harder brush around the hat and clothes.

After I had finished removing the background, I then edited the colour balance, contrast, brightness, and saturation of the image to make it stand out better.

Next I created a text box for both the issue number and date and positioned them within the ‘Z’ of the masthead. I then added a barcode to the bottom right corner, with the price and website on the top and bottom.

After that I began to add cover lines. I added the main cover line first, making it large and bold so it stands out from the other cover lines. I also added a stroke to the text so that it didn’t get lost with the patterned top behind it.

I then began adding the other cover lines, which I put in between triangles to link it to the masthead. I soon realised that my main cover line wasn’t very easy to read, so I changed the font to the one on the rest of the cover.

After I had finished the cover lines, I created the background of the cover. I did the background by painting with a low opacity brush in different colours to create a gradient effect.

I then used my image of a tree, increased the contrast, and edited the colour to be more blue toned. I put this layer over the paint layer and decreased the opacity so that the colours showed through, but now with a tree branch pattern over it.

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