
This is the first masthead I trialled, I decided to see if the masthead stood out better without the black background as originally planned. I look it looks much more professional without the black background, however I feel this masthead blends too much into the background.

I think the two colours of white and black work really well together. If I moved the masthead into the page by a few mm I feel it would look better. I think the outer glow works really well to make the masthead stand out more but also makes it look more professional and not like it has been designed using a simple programme such as paint.

I don’t like this masthead for a number of reasons. I think the black ‘C’ blends into the background too much, I also feel that it makes the masthead look more separated and as if it has been designed as the ‘C’ and then the ‘hart!’. I don’t feel this works well with the style of the front cover of my magazine either. I do however, feel the black outline of the white writing stands out really well from the background.

I think this masthead looks too simple and under designed. I think it looks like it hasn’t been thought about and has been made very simple and quickly.

I decided to try rearranging the letters of ‘Chart!’ for my masthead. I think this works really well and makes the whole masthead really stand out.I feel the design of this works really well and the colours black and white work well with my background.

I really like this masthead, I think it works really well against the background and stands out really well. To improve this further I think I could include more white to outline the black letters though.

I really like this masthead and I feel it is really eye-catching which is needed for my magazine. The black and white contrast each other well and the ratio of white to black is good. I think to improve this masthead further I could thicken the black border very slightly.

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