Friends & Lovers

Post on 11-Dec-2021






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Friends and LoversThe Relationship Between

Jennifer Anistonand

Brad Pitt

Friends & Lovers Jennifer Aniston

The Astrological ChartsJennifer Aniston

Feb 11, 196910:22:00 PM PST +08:00

Los Angeles, CA118W14'34", 34N03'08"

Planet Sign Position House House CuspsSun Aquarius 23°Aq22' 04th 01 24°Li40'Moon Sagittarius 23°Sg16' 03rd 02 23°Sc03'Mercury Aquarius 00°Aq27' 04th 03 24°Sg15'Venus Aries 09°Ar13' 06th 04 27°Cp19'Mars Scorpio 23°Sc50' 02nd 05 29°Aq55'Jupiter Libra 05°Li15' R 12th 06 29°Pi26'Saturn Aries 21°Ar08' 06th 07 24°Ar40'Uranus Libra 03°Li28' R 12th 08 23°Ta03'Neptune Scorpio 28°Sc38' 02nd 09 24°Ge15'Pluto Virgo 24°Vi33' R 11th 10 27°Ca19'Midheaven Cancer 27°Ca19' 11 29°Le55'Ascendant Libra 24°Li40' 12 29°Vi26'

Brad PittDec 18, 1963

06:31:00 AM CST +06:00Shawnee, OK

096W55'30", 35N19'38"Planet Sign Position House House CuspsSun Sagittarius 25°Sg52' 01st 01 24°Li40'Moon Capricorn 22°Cp50' 02nd 02 23°Sc03'Mercury Capricorn 16°Cp07' 02nd 03 24°Sg15'Venus Capricorn 23°Cp28' 02nd 04 27°Cp19'Mars Capricorn 10°Cp02' 01st 05 29°Aq55'Jupiter Aries 09°Ar50' 04th 06 29°Pi26'Saturn Aquarius 19°Aq09' 02nd 07 24°Ar40'Uranus Virgo 10°Vi04' R 09th 08 23°Ta03'Neptune Scorpio 16°Sc48' 11th 09 24°Ge15'Pluto Virgo 14°Vi14' R 09th 10 27°Ca19'Midheaven Virgo 26°Vi59' 11 29°Le55'Ascendant Sagittarius 11°Sg54' 12 29°Vi26'

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Introduction Page 2

Astrological Compatibility

Astrologically, each individual is represented by a chart of the planets and houses at the moment of his birth. By comparing and contrasting the interrelationships of two separate charts, the astrologer can reveal the many ways and many levels that two people relate with each other. This is the astrological art of synastry as it has been practiced for several thousand years.

This report analyzes each of the two selected charts and interprets the astrological connections between them. The charts' data, along with planetary positions and house cusps, are printed on the previous page. There are four possible sections to this report, two for each of the charts. Any one of them, or all four of them, will be included here depending on which were requested. For each individual the two possible sections are: 1) How this person approaches relationships. This section considers only the one chart, and is appropriate for all relationships this individual makes. 2) How this person relates specifically with the second person. Here each paragraph interprets a contact between the two charts from one chart's point of view. The text here pertains to this one relationship only, and should be understood in light of the actual nature of the relationship.

Remember that every relationship contains points of similarity and harmony as well as points of conflict and discord. Through understanding, it is possible to cultivate and encourage the positive and harmonious, and keep relationships growing and fruitful through the highs and lows of the passing years.

Introduction Page 3

Friends & Lovers Jennifer Aniston

Report for Jennifer AnistonHow You Approach Relationships

You're a real smoothie, refined and ever so facile when it comes to handling other people -- a diplomat. And yet -- despite all of this apparent calm -- you like your partners anything but cool. You can't

resist impulsive and action-oriented people -- the more daring, the better. You bring out the recklessness in those you love, and you love it. Although at first meeting one might never suspect this, you love to walk on the wild side.

Aries on 7th Cusp

Relationships tend to be hot and heavy. You are drawn to partners who are aggressive, assertive, and very emotional. Independence and adventure are things you value in others. You tend to depend on your partners to get you motivated and keep you moving. You need someone who is stimulating emotionally.

Mars Ruler of 7th

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Friends & Lovers Jennifer Aniston

Report for Jennifer AnistonStrengths in your relationships

You are comfortable with your sexual identity, and tend to be emotionally well balanced. There is a natural rhythm in the way you handle the day-to-day problems of work and play, with the result that you are capable of sustained effort. These same qualities affect your relationships too. They tend to be harmonious and long lasting.

Moon Sextile Sun (orb: 00 06')

You have always had a drive to delve into the unknown. The cosmos has real trouble keeping secrets from you once you have made your mind up to investigate. You have great perseverance and staying power. You work well in a crisis; emergencies of all kinds find you on the spot, ready to test your mettle. You are brave -- and unafraid of death or people. You do well with investments, property, and other people's money. You have very little sense of propriety and tend to call a spade a spade. You like to get your hands in the real stuff of life, blood and all.

Mars Sextile Pluto (orb: 00 43')

You have a fantastic imagination and are somehow tuned into what we all dream of at the deepest levels. The dream worlds, the more eternal thoughts of mankind, come easy for you, and you would be a convincing speaker on occult, metaphysical, and religious subjects. The way you talk about the intuitive and imaginative realms is very moving to others. You are able to put into words the sense of unity that we all know exists in the world but can't always keep in mind. You could be a fine poet or musician, especially a composer.

Mercury Sextile Neptune (orb: 01 49')

Others soon learn how responsible you are, and that they can depend on you for real support. Sure, you are perhaps a little too organized and run more cool than hot, but you really do care and never let your friends down. Whatever you do is built upon a solid foundation, and that includes relationships. Too serious? Aloof? Perhaps, but you are loyal, dependable, and don't enter into relationships lightly.

Moon Trine Saturn (orb: 02 08')

A real love of science and natural laws. You are a hard and tireless worker with absolute determination and the ability to carry great projects through to completion. Always the protector to all those you come to know, you tend to have long and secure relationships. Since you are a natural conservative, those older than yourself (authority figures) tend to benefit you.

Sun Sextile Saturn (orb: 02 15')

An original thinker, perhaps an inventor. You have a very sharp mind, capable of real insight. You are always thinking of new ways to do things or a new use for something. You are great at finding solutions for existing problems where others have run out of ideas. Almost anything can be turned to an advantage, once you put your mind to it. Communication of all

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kinds, especially computers, electronics, and the new technology, is right up your alley.Mercury Trine Uranus (orb: 03 01')

You are, from time to time, really inspired to the point of moving others with your enthusiasms. You exercise an almost hypnotic quality over those who listen in when your imagination takes over. Dreams, psychology, and all things occult and metaphysical are your especial province. You're never afraid to take the plunge when matters of idealism or imagination come to the fore. You feel and experience the unity of life -- that we are all in some way, one. Others sense this about you.

Mars Conjunction Neptune (orb: 04 48')

You are a great problem-solver, and can always think of a way to do almost anything. Your friends know you to be fair, and your integrity is unquestionable. You may find yourself interested in legal matters, publishing, philosophical and religious subjects, and would make a good teacher or instructor. Scientific investigation would interest you.

Mercury Trine Jupiter (orb: 04 48')

Very sensitive areas of conversation that might intimidate most (taboo subjects, etc.) don't bother you at all. You always persevere and keep right on investigating. You are expert at getting straight to the heart of things, and would make a super sleuth, or researcher. The deeper a secret is buried, the more likely it is that you will turn it up. And when it comes to money, sex, and other highly charged issues, pity anyone who tries to manipulate you. That's your bailiwick, and there are very few who can stand to argue with you.

Mercury Trine Pluto (orb: 05 54')

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Friends & Lovers Jennifer Aniston

Report for Jennifer AnistonChallenges in your relationships

Others sense in you the presence of much energy, almost a tension. You may tend to have trouble just relaxing and find yourself always on the go, doing things. This aggressiveness could lead to undue competition and striving. You may have a sense that you can't always trust your drive and feelings. There also could be a tendency to buck authority, in particular, powerful men.

Sun Square Mars (orb: 00 28')

You have always felt vulnerable when deep emotional issues are brought up, and may have a history of avoiding confrontation and self-examination. You are ever so sensitive to ideas of death, helplessness, and vulnerability in general. You see them only too well, and they haunt you. There may well be some childhood experiences that were rough or harsh for you to accept. Any partner will have to tread very gently when it comes to matters of feelings and security. You may tend to dominate a relationship, but without success.

Moon Square Pluto (orb: 01 17')

The last of the big spenders! You are by no means conservative, and overindulgence of all kinds is sort of second nature. You tend to ignore the realities of life in favor of the perks. This may bring you hard up against natural or human law, again and again. No one can accuse you of lacking ambition. The straight and narrow is unappealing to you. You would rather range along the fringe. A nonconformist.

Venus Opposition Jupiter (orb: 03 59')

You may have a fear of taking the plunge, letting go. Perhaps you are hesitant to trust your vision or your dreams, lest they overpower your day-to-day routine. As for relationships, you tend to worry about being deceived. There is tension present as to just how much you dare trust your more mystical side. Perhaps you have been disappointed by authority figures, more due to your over-idealizing them than to their own faults.

Sun Square Neptune (orb: 05 16')

You could have a fear of the new and different -- of sudden changes. However, once they occur you really get a charge out of them. You would like to break away and live an unusual, exciting existence, but your conventionality holds you back from making the move. The result is that you often feel frustrated and mired in the humdrum. Jealousy in love affairs could present a problem.

Venus Opposition Uranus (orb: 05 46')

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Friends & Lovers Jennifer Aniston

Report for Jennifer AnistonYour Relationship with Brad Pitt

Ideas just bubble up when the two of you get talking. You may never find better support for all your mental gymnastics than you do in Brad. Here's communication where there is feeling behind all of the words. You will find that you can search deep within yourself when you are together. You have in Brad an appreciative audience for almost anything that you may think or write about. You might travel together.

His Moon in Your Third House

At last, someone you can really talk with. You should have become instant friends from the very start. Brad is the kind of person that is intellectually stimulating. Together you could spend great amounts of time exploring ideas and concepts, taking walks, and even short trips. Talking until dawn is not impossible with him. The platonic thing was there from the start, and there is a sense of the brotherly and sisterly between you. Even if lovers, you will always be first and foremost, good friends.

His Sun in Your Third House

He is a talker, and you're no slouch yourself. When the two of you get together there is little room for anyone else in the conversation. You both connected intellectually and mentally from the very beginning and seem to have a world of things to discuss. When you can't get together, you may talk on the phone or write voluminous letters to one another. Communication is so strong between you that it is possible for you to team up and collaborate on writing or speaking projects. Take the show on the road.

His Mercury in Your Third House

Here is a real admirer of your mind and mental qualities. Above all he loves to share ideas with you, whether by phone, letter, or in person. There is endless chatter when you two get together. This relationship could find you waxing very eloquent and becoming downright creative. You might feel that your ideas and thoughts are worth writing down after being with him. He probably laughs at all your jokes and even dotes on the poetry you write.

His Venus in Your Third House

Brad is quite direct and may tend to come on strong, even to the point of aggressiveness. Or, he may evoke a strong verbal response on your part. Whatever the effect, you will find that interchange with him has the result of moving you to think and to have new ideas. Communication will be brisk and may involve lots of emotion. You could find all of this refreshing, inspiring, and just what you need to set you going on some project involving writing or communication.

His Mars in Your Third House

You love to work together. Brad has a knack for getting you involved and feeling more responsible. He may introduce you to many new ideas concerning food, health, exercise --

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new-age ideas. You may have found yourself caring more about other people and about all of life when you are with him. You have become more self-sufficient through knowing him. He may influence your work situation too, especially in how you get along with subordinates.

His Jupiter in Your Sixth House

Brad loves routine. He takes the domestic scene very seriously and especially loves to work around the home. You may find this helpful at times, but more likely you will experience it as restricting. There is a sense of heaviness, as if limits have been set on the experience of just living out a day. On the up side, there is a great sense of security and provision.

His Saturn in Your Fourth House

Brad has the capacity for introducing you to radically new goals and groups of people. Perhaps through him you will meet a whole new set of friends, or be part of a group working on a new-age project. You may come to have a completely new idea of your fellow man, of brotherhood, and all of that stuff. He has radical ways of seeing things. All this may come as quite a surprise to you and may upset the traditional apple cart. He is anything but boring.

His Uranus in Your Eleventh House

You find Brad enchanting and are easily carried away by his eloquence and non-worldliness. There is a dreamlike quality to your relationship, as if it were being somehow carried out on some higher plane. When you are together you feel a sense of unity and oneness. A lot of the pettiness of life seems to drop away. You may wonder whether this is too good to be true or if the two of you are just deluding yourselves. You may love water and the movies.

His Neptune in Your First House

He is very dynamic, and you probably met him in a group of friends or at a community function. He may instantly set about forming a new group of friends for you to hang around with, or he may advise you on which groups and projects are really worthwhile. Brad will strip away a lot of needless social niceties. Through him you may be exposed to a more radical form of politics or group goal than heretofore. He is very serious about all of this.

His Pluto in Your Eleventh House

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Friends & Lovers Jennifer Aniston

Report for Jennifer AnistonStrengths in your relationship with Brad Pitt

He loves the way you act and come on. Your basic energy and motivation appeals to him. You may find yourself on stage and performing for him. This makes for lots of fun and great romance.

Your Mars Sextile His Venus (orb: 00 22')

Aside from any romance, this could result in a sound business relationship. You value Brad's judgment and, more often than not, tend to let him act as your guide in matters of career and direction. He knows you appreciate his abilities, and this combination should be an enduring one.

Your Venus Conjunction His Jupiter (orb: 00 37')

Brad is very supportive of your ambitions and drive. He urges you on to perform at your very best. There is a lot of energy between you, and this could be a very productive relationship for you both.

Your Mars Sextile His Moon (orb: 01 01')

This is an easygoing relationship with plenty of give and take on both sides and very little friction. There is a tendency to identify with one another, and you both have a great deal in common.

Your Sun Sextile His Sun (orb: 02 30')

You are always 100% behind Brad. You would make a great campaign manager, and this could also be a good business partnership. You can't help but be supportive of his needs, and he feels that he can always count on you.

Your Moon Conjunction His Sun (orb: 02 36')

This is a good working relationship. Brad tends to bring a real sense of discipline and order into your life. You feel like making a sustained effort when you are with him. You can't help but support his sense for organization and order.

Your Moon Sextile His Saturn (orb: 04 07')

This could be a real working relationship. Brad has an organizing effect on you, and brings discipline and good sense to any project the two of you engage in. Although somewhat cool and conservative, this has every sign of being a very durable relationship.

Your Sun Conjunction His Saturn (orb: 04 14')

You can see and understand where he is coming from. You like his sense of values, and aren't afraid to tell him about it. He values you for your mentality and skill with words. He likes the way you think.

Your Mercury Conjunction His Venus (orb: 06 59')

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Friends & Lovers Jennifer Aniston

The two of you may have a strong interest in the arts, music, and film. This could be a business relationship. Your emotional rapport may have an almost otherworldly quality about it. You could be a very moving force as a team when it comes to matters pertaining to the imagination, psychology, metaphysics, etc.

Your Mars Conjunction His Neptune (orb: 07 02')

Brad likes talking and communicating with you. You have a knack for bringing out the best in him, making it easy for him to say what's on his mind. He feels your genuine support and enjoys what he finds himself saying and thinking in your presence. He knows that he can speak his mind when he is with you.

Your Mercury Conjunction His Moon (orb: 07 37')

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Friends & Lovers Jennifer Aniston

Report for Jennifer AnistonChallenges in your relationship with Brad Pitt

The two of you feel a lot of attraction for each other, but often as not you end up at opposite ends of the couch. You may not appreciate his more aggressive nature or the way he acts. You may not like the way he makes you feel. He feels unappreciated.

Your Venus Square His Mars (orb: 00 48')

You may feel that his attempts to discipline you are ineffective at best. Throwing cold water on your enthusiasms has never done much for you. You may delight in shattering his neat little universe from time to time. You feel repressed by him.

Your Mars Square His Saturn (orb: 04 42')

He may feel that you don't take his ideals seriously enough, and that you discount his more imaginative and creative side. You may feel that he is unrealistic, only fooling himself, and is always getting carried away with one thing or another. There could be deception.

Your Sun Square His Neptune (orb: 06 34')

You don't like the way he thinks and expresses himself. You just don't appreciate many of the things he says to you. This bugs him, and he may insist on going against your own set of values.

Your Venus Square His Mercury (orb: 06 53')

The fact that you find it difficult to put up with his need for confrontation and self-analysis may cause resentment. Your lack of support in this area may lead to explosive times and hurt feelings. You are tired of the tension and don't feel like putting your emotions through one more transformation.

Your Moon Square His Pluto (orb: 09 02')

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Friends & Lovers Brad Pitt

Report for Brad PittHow You Approach Relationships

Your manner of relating to others is open and direct, and you somehow always manage to get right to the heart of things. No sidesteps. Everyone knows where you stand because your heart is always right there on your sleeve. On meeting you, one might expect that you would seek out another no-nonsense and serious type as a mate. Not so. You find relief from your own single-mindedness with someone who is, above all, fun and easy to talk to; talk and mental stimulation are things you really enjoy. The fact that they are a bit of a lightweight, always on the move, and even a bit frivolous, doesn't bother you one bit. You're delighted.

Gemini on 7th Cusp

Above all, you have a need for partners that are bright, witty, and that like to talk and communicate. You must have mental compatibility before you get serious about someone. Aside from talking, you like others who are interested in speaking and writing.

Mercury Ruler of 7th

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Friends & Lovers Brad Pitt

Report for Brad PittStrengths in your relationships

You have a real drive to discover or invent things. You are always pushing the envelope, going the limit. You know it is at the leading edge where all the real breaks occur. You are fascinated by what is happening in technology and communications. Others find you original and nonconventional, especially in your love life. You have your own very original idea of love, emotions, and marriage. You march to a different drummer when it comes to relationships.

Mars Trine Uranus (orb: 00 03')

People just naturally love you, perhaps because they sense that you really care for them too. This amounts to more than just a minor talent. You have lots of friends, and many relationships. You're just fun to be around. You may hang out with artistic types, or be one yourself. The feminine, in all of its aspects: fashion, beauty, style, etc., is your cup of tea. You love people and working with the public.

Moon Conjunction Venus (orb: 00 39')

You have a fantastic imagination and are somehow tuned into what we all dream of at the deepest levels. The dream worlds, the more eternal thoughts of mankind, come easy for you, and you would be a convincing speaker on occult, metaphysical, and religious subjects. The way you talk about the intuitive and imaginative realms is very moving to others. You are able to put into words the sense of unity that we all know exists in the world but can't always keep in mind. You could be a fine poet or musician, especially a composer.

Mercury Sextile Neptune (orb: 00 42')

Very sensitive areas of conversation that might intimidate most (taboo subjects, etc.) don't bother you at all. You always persevere and keep right on investigating. You are expert at getting straight to the heart of things, and would make a super sleuth, or researcher. The deeper a secret is buried, the more likely it is that you will turn it up. And when it comes to money, sex, and other highly charged issues, pity anyone who tries to manipulate you. That's your bailiwick, and there are very few who can stand to argue with you.

Mercury Trine Pluto (orb: 01 53')

You have always had a drive to delve into the unknown. The cosmos has real trouble keeping secrets from you once you have made your mind up to investigate. You have great perseverance and staying power. You work well in a crisis; emergencies of all kinds find you on the spot, ready to test your mettle. You are brave -- and unafraid of death or people. You do well with investments, property, and other people's money. You have very little sense of propriety and tend to call a spade a spade. You like to get your hands in the real stuff of life, blood and all.

Mars Trine Pluto (orb: 04 12')

An original thinker, perhaps an inventor. You have a very sharp mind, capable of real

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insight. You are always thinking of new ways to do things or a new use for something. You are great at finding solutions for existing problems where others have run out of ideas. Almost anything can be turned to an advantage, once you put your mind to it. Communication of all kinds, especially computers, electronics, and the new technology, is right up your alley.

Mercury Trine Uranus (orb: 06 02')

When it comes to self-expression, you are a natural and can always put what you feel into words. Your mind is quick and tends not to get bogged down in emotional issues. You would do well in any of the communication fields, and are an excellent speaker. People find it easy to get a sense for a subject when you put it into words. You write well.

Mercury Conjunction Mars (orb: 06 05')

You communicate very well, and it is easy for you to give others a feeling for whatever you're thinking. You tend to believe that there is almost no problem that cannot be handled with words, by talking it out. You could be a fine speaker. Your natural sensitivity for the feelings and thoughts of those around you makes you a valued community member. Needless to say, you want a partner who is at home with feelings and -- above all -- likes to talk.

Moon Conjunction Mercury (orb: 06 43')

You love to talk and write, and you probably do so beautifully. Your sense of color, harmony, manners, and all that is artistic, is beyond reproach. You know quality, and people love to let you pick out art or arrange color schemes for them.

Mercury Conjunction Venus (orb: 07 22')

You have always had a sense of being special, and of having experiences perhaps others have no memory of. You can handle even the most sensitive areas of your (or another's) mind, and have no problem with controversial and upsetting topics like death, dying, sex, and the like. You can't help being a psychologist of sorts. Sometimes it seems like the universe delights in showing its secrets just for you. You have a sixth sense for values, money, property -- opportunities.

Moon Trine Pluto (orb: 08 36')

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Friends & Lovers Brad Pitt

Report for Brad PittChallenges in your relationships

You may squander your money, tend to expand too rapidly, do too much. Your feelings often run counter to the status quo or accepted norm, with the result that you may tend to be a bit of an outlaw. This could extend to your married life too, which might be somewhat unconventional. A stubborn streak may find you refusing to walk the straight and narrow, doing what is expected.

Mars Square Jupiter (orb: 00 12')

You think you can get around doing things as you know they are supposed to be done. These shortcuts end up costing you a lot. You also tend to bite off more than you can chew and can have a million projects going at once. You get carried away with yourself easily in arguments, and those close to you sometimes accuse you of not being entirely fair with them.

Mercury Square Jupiter (orb: 06 17')

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Friends & Lovers Brad Pitt

Report for Brad PittYour Relationship with Jennifer Aniston

You knew from the moment you met her that here was a person who couldn't help but be supportive to you. She approves of almost everything about you. At times this could get a touch claustrophobic, but if you need a boost, here is a good partner. Because she is so undiscriminating, the temptation is to add her to your fan club, which negates the value of this support. Everyone enjoys being a hero once in a while.

Her Moon in Your First House

At last, someone you can really talk with. You should have become instant friends from the very start. Jennifer is the kind of person that is intellectually stimulating. Together you could spend great amounts of time exploring ideas and concepts, taking walks, and even short trips. Talking until dawn is not impossible with her. The platonic thing was there from the start, and there is a sense of the brotherly and sisterly between you. Even if lovers, you will always be first and foremost, good friends.

Her Sun in Your Third House

She becomes very articulate when it comes to matters concerning your finances, resources, and possessions in general. You feel that she truly is concerned with what is best and most productive for you. Here is someone you can really talk to about subjects that most might find dull and unexciting. You find her suggestions to the point and almost always productive. You might like to take her on as a business partner just for her financial insight.

Her Mercury in Your Second House

She seems to appreciate your more domestic and homey qualities. She likes the way you feel, physically and emotionally. Jennifer tends to bring out the parent or protector in you and tends to banish your thoughts of coolness and distance. You have thoughts of home life and domesticity when you are with her. The idea of putting down roots, settling down, and just living life takes on value through knowing her.

Her Venus in Your Fourth House

Jennifer has the effect of moving you to give up old habits and unwanted traits. She motivates you to greater will power and self-control than you might achieve on your own. If you're not up to it, she may tend to badger and shame you a bit. All in all, her influence results in your throwing aside many a burden and assuming a more willing and receptive attitude.

Her Mars in Your Twelfth House

There are real career opportunities in knowing Jennifer. She may be the key to providing you with insight as to how you can improve your position or social standing. She has an obvious integrity and sense of fairness that could serve to make you more upright and respected. She has the capacity to show you the way to more practical control and achievement. A great business partner.

Her Jupiter in Your Tenth House

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Jennifer loves routine. She takes the domestic scene very seriously and especially loves to work around the home. You may find this helpful at times, but more likely you will experience it as restricting. There is a sense of heaviness, as if limits have been set on the experience of just living out a day. On the up side, there is a great sense of security and provision.

Her Saturn in Your Fourth House

She may have had an unexpected effect on your career or life direction. Jennifer may have come into your life rather suddenly and been a disturbing factor. Perhaps she urges you to break away and dare to try new things. She may provide you with needed insights, point out unusual opportunities. You sense that she knows what you are about and understands your situation. She could be, for you, an unusual but respected authority figure.

Her Uranus in Your Tenth House

This relationship is potentially a very useful one. Through Jennifer you get a real sense of self-sacrifice and working for the benefit of all mankind. You may be swept up in an almost dreamlike state, able to be very forgiving and understanding. You may feel a little saintlike. On the down side, the whole thing can find you carried away to the point of neglecting the realities of life. You might give all your possessions away. Who knows if that would be a good or a bad thing?

Her Neptune in Your Twelfth House

A different kind of teacher. Jennifer tends to view life and philosophy just the way you do. She may take the lead when it comes to introducing you to new ideas and getting rid of worthless pipe dreams. She is an intellectual challenge, and does not hesitate to throw ideas of yours out the window that she finds not to the point. You will seldom find someone who is as intellectually aggressive, a kind of mental purgative. She can change your basic philosophy of life.

Her Pluto in Your Ninth House

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Friends & Lovers Brad Pitt

Report for Brad PittStrengths in your relationship with Jennifer Aniston

This is a very romantic relationship. Jennifer senses your appreciation for her energy and basic sex appeal. She really moves you to new heights in the love department. There is a sense of healthy fun and good energy.

Your Venus Sextile Her Mars (orb: 00 22')

Emotions run high with the two of you, but mostly it's very healthy. There is a strong sexual rapport. She finds you very supportive when it comes to her feelings and emotions. This is probably a very active relationship. She tends to push you on to be a real provider.

Your Moon Sextile Her Mars (orb: 01 01')

You tend to love her passionate nature. She knows this, and that you appreciate her need for self-analysis and confrontation. Your relationship may be very intense, but always exciting. Things are seldom dull.

Your Venus Trine Her Pluto (orb: 01 05')

She looks to you for support for her need for self-analysis and emotional probing. You probably have spent many a late night helping her through a change or two. You find her intensity workable, and you don't mind that she puts you through some emotional changes of your own.

Your Moon Trine Her Pluto (orb: 01 44')

This is an easygoing relationship with plenty of give and take on both sides and very little friction. There is a tendency to identify with one another, and you both have a great deal in common.

Your Sun Sextile Her Sun (orb: 02 30')

You understand how she feels, and you find it is easy to cheer her up and generally facilitate her emotionally. She is very supportive, even protective of you. This is a healthy relationship.

Your Sun Conjunction Her Moon (orb: 02 36')

This could be a real working relationship. Jennifer has an organizing effect on you, and brings discipline and good sense to any project the two of you engage in. Although somewhat cool and conservative, this has every sign of being a very durable relationship.

Your Sun Trine Her Saturn (orb: 04 44')

You both probably love music, theater, and -- above all -- the movies. She finds you very supportive when it comes to her dreams and fantasies. You probably find it easy to get lost together in any of a number of imaginative activities. You tend to get emotionally very clear and high when the two of you are together.

Your Moon Sextile Her Neptune (orb: 05 48')

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You find Jennifer's way of thinking and speaking just to your taste. You have a natural sense of appreciation for her mind and the way she communicates. She has a knack for putting your own ideals and values into words. You probably have fantastic conversations.

Your Venus Conjunction Her Mercury (orb: 06 59')

She finds you very supportive and easy to talk to. Jennifer has a knack for understanding how you feel about something, putting your feelings into words that make sense to you. You might find yourself encouraging mental pursuits on her part -- writing, speaking, communications.

Your Moon Conjunction Her Mercury (orb: 07 37')

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Friends & Lovers Brad Pitt

Report for Brad PittChallenges in your relationship with Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer may not appreciate the way you come on and act. Your basic energy, the way you feel, is counter in some way to her values and ideals. She may act aloof. You may have a tendency to be a bull in a china shop when it comes to what she cares about.

Your Mars Square Her Venus (orb: 00 48')

She may feel that you pooh-pooh her fears and worries. Her own need for sensitive self-examination and transformation may not appeal to you, with the result that you may sidestep her little confrontations. There could be a bit of a power struggle, complete with explosions.

Your Sun Square Her Pluto (orb: 01 19')

You may find her somewhat repressive of your feelings. She manages to put a damper on you every time you get to feeling good and comfortable. There is no way you will support this side of her, and this could lead to a real standoff.

Your Moon Square Her Saturn (orb: 01 42')

She may have a tendency to throw cold water on your enthusiasms and hurt your feelings. You may not take her problems seriously enough to suit her, and she may tend to restrict your natural sense of love and appreciation. There is cold-war tension to this relationship.

Your Venus Square Her Saturn (orb: 02 21')

Timing could be off between the two of you. Your drive and ambition fail to link up with her ideas of career and success. You may feel that she is not a good decision-maker and tends to squander your assets.

Your Mars Square Her Jupiter (orb: 04 47')

She is critical of your ideas, and you may feel somewhat tongue-tied when you are around her. She may feel that you refuse to consider her problems or that you dismiss them with a few words.

Your Mercury Square Her Saturn (orb: 05 01')

Sudden outbursts of temper and unusual emotions may color this relationship. Your inner drive and feelings may tend to go against her need for independence and freedom.

Your Mars Square Her Uranus (orb: 06 34')

She doesn't appreciate the way your mind works. Your words are wasted on her. You may find yourself being mentally critical of her ideals and sense of values. She doesn't like the way you think.

Your Mercury Square Her Venus (orb: 06 53')

You never know what to expect with Jennifer. Her need for variety and the unusual may

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conflict with your own more conservative trends. She may tend to be a rebel, with you always playing the authority figure. Sometimes hectic; seldom boring.

Your Sun Square Her Uranus (orb: 07 36')

She may prefer to have her own career and take a course that runs counter to your own. Her advice may not always be in your best interests. There may be arguments, with you being painted as the authority figure. She may feel that you hold her back from finding her own way.

Your Sun Square Her Jupiter (orb: 09 23')

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