Friday 30 June 2017 Dear Parents and Carers€¦ ·  · 2017-07-03Friday 30 June 2017 Dear Parents and Carers ... 15:00 Y8 Mini Golf Reward Horton Park Golf Club ... on their end

Post on 29-May-2018






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Friday 30 June 2017

Dear Parents and Carers

This week is book-ended by two proms - we had a terrific evening last Thursday at Sandown Park where Year 11 were a delight to be with and certainly hit the dance floor more than any previous year group, and this Thursday we said an equally elegant and sincere farewell to Year 13 at the Burford Bridge. Mrs Pingree masterminds the organisation of both of these very significant events and I am very grateful to her and all staff whose presence mean that these celebratory occasions can take place. It has been another week of Rosebery students engaging with the wider community and external environment. Year 9 Drama students have led workshops for Stamford Green this week, Year 7 have been down to the Seven Sisters to carry out their Geography fieldwork and on Thursday 47 intrepid D of E Silver explorers headed to the New Forest for their expedition. The students have behaved impeccably on these trips and visits and I am very grateful to the staff for facilitating these opportunities. We have also held the A Level Art, Photography and Textiles exhibition this week and once again our talented students and Mrs Rundle and her team, who inspired and supported them, can be very proud of the superb work that was on show. Safeguarding remains our key priority and this week we include two items in the newsletter related to our work to keep our students safe. It has come to our attention that users of Snapchat can now find the location of other users of this app, unless the privacy settings are right. Please see the information later in this bulletin about how to ensure your daughter’s whereabouts cannot be tracked in this way. Secondly, Surrey have launched Operation Encompass this week, which is designed to ensure schools are aware of any domestic incidents which may affect the wellbeing of their students. Any information that reaches us will only be handled by our highly trained safeguarding leads. Finally a reminder that we close at 1.10pm on Thursday 6 July 2017 for our Open Evening and we re-open at 9.30am on Friday 7 July. We are grateful that many of our students are helping on this important occasion.

Have a lovely weekend.

Ros Allen@RoseberyHT

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Dates for your Diary (Subject to Alteration)

Monday 3 July Week 2

Mon 3 July – Fri 7 July Y10 Mock Exams

Sports Hall (06/07 & 07/07 Exams in Hall)

International School Visit

Mon 3 July 13:20 – 15:00 Y9 Drama Primary School Workshop Cuddington Croft Primary School

Tues 4 July Y8 Debating Trip The Beacon School

Wed 5 July

Y12 UCAS application and CV writing Support Day/Y12 High Education Day

13:30 – 15:00 Y8 Mini Golf Reward Horton Park Golf Club

17:30 – 20:00 LAMDA Showcase D2, D3, D4

Thurs 6 July Early Finish 1.10pm

18:00 – 20:30 Open Evening

Thurs 6 – Sun 9 July Gold D of E Practice Group 2

Fri 7 July Late Start 9:30am

Dates for your Diary Pages 2 & 3

Headteacher Commendations Pages 3 & 4

Tour Guide volunteers Page 4

Student News Pages 5 - 7

Year 7 Geography Fieldtrip Page 8

Wellbeing Ambassadors / Farewell to our Taiwanese visitors Page 9

Snapchat Safeguarding issue Page 10

Operation Encompass scheme letter Page 11

Rosebery School PSA Summer Raffle Page 12

Vacancy - Facilities Assistant Page 13

Netball Academy – Manor House School Page 14

Summer Holiday Activities Page 15

Zumba Page 16

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Fri 7 – Sun 9 July Y12 Geography Trip Brenscombe Centre, Dorset

Monday 10 July Week 1

Mon 10 July – Fri 14 July International School Visit

Year 12 Work Experience

Mon 10 July – Tues 11 July Y10 Art Mock Exams

Tues 11 July 18:00 – 20:00 Celebration Evening Hall

Weds 12 July 15:00 – 17:00 LAMDA Showcase D2, D3, D4

Fri 14 July Sports Day - All students should make their own way to the Harrier Centre

Harrier Centre, Poole Road Track West Ewell KT19 9SH

19:00 – 21:30 Opwall South Africa Quiz Night Hall

Sat 15 July – Mon 17 July Y7 Bushcraft Trip

Headteacher Commendations

Many congratulations to every student nominated this week

Year 7 - Mrs Blake has nominated Amelie Thornton, Evie Bailey, Bella Sheehan, Daisy Smith and Abigail Stafford 7PX for their organisation and hard work raising £60 for charity in the cake sale this week. Year 8 - Miss Bailey has nominated Maddie Borman 8PY for a fantastic achievement in the second round of the Junior Maths Challenge. She was in the top 25% nationally! To take part in the Junior Kangaroo Round you must be invited and this invitation was forthcoming because of her fantastic score in the Junior Maths Challenge. Miss Baker has nominated Evie Jones 8MY, Lauren Williams 8MX, Alison Silva and Kajaani Kapilan 8PY for their excellent effort on their Computer Science assessment. Miss Keoshgarian has nominated Jenna Morris, Xanthe Bradshaw, Nina Johnson, Areen Al Hyassat, Alice Anderton, Sasha Tiley and Louisa Fleming 8EX for their fantastic DIRT (Dedicated Independent Reflection Time) on their end of year exam papers and Miss Atkins has nominated Jameelah Auchoybur, Hanna Nasir 8CX Jenny McNally 8MX and Florrie Petit 8PX for their excellent work in Maths. Year 9 - Mr Sheffield has nominated Tuesday Buhlmann 9PX and Abigail Mahlberg Goodhew 9CX for consistently working hard this year and making a huge amount of progress which has led to excellent end of year test scores, Mrs Parry has nominated Brooke Batten 9CX, Lizzie Robson 9MX, Elana Allpress 9PY and Anika Patel 9MY for their excellent end of term exam results, demonstrating great progress over the year and Miss Keoshgarian has nominated Lexie Sundborg 9CX and Ebba Welsby 9EX for their excellent independent work in English. Mrs Wiggins-Thirkill has nominated the following students in Year 9 for exceptional progress in their Contemporary Sculpture project. They have made an impressive and genuine leap in their working practice: Emma Miles 9EY, Zahra Mobin 9MX, Emma Farquhar 9PY and Rana Ralton 9CY.

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Year 10 - Miss Glazebrook has nominated Georgia Millett 10PY and Isabel Campbell 10PX for their fantastic Spanish oral exams and Mrs Blake has nominated Emma Lomas 10MX for helping 2 Year 7 students in her tutor group to learn how to do a Cahoot quiz and assisting them in a tutor time implementing the quiz. Mr Chamberlain has nominated Charlotte Lacourarie 10CX for being proactive with the handing in of her History homework and Alexane Greenstein 10EY for deciding to stay over an hour after school on Friday to do some revision. Sixth Form - Mr Styles has nominated Gabriela Ekoku 12E for her consistently fantastic focus in English, Mrs Watson has nominated Alex Johnson 12F and Ellie Freeman 12B for designing an interactive revision resource, using the notes they had made from an external speaker and Miss Kent has nominated Iman Rizvi 12A, Shania Thompson 12B and Olivia Cox 12F for demonstrating resilience and a determination to succeed in Biology this year. Mrs Little has nominated the following Sixth Formers for their dedication and commitment to reading with younger students since September as part of Rosebery’s Paired Reading Scheme: Georgia Thackeray, Natasja Carswell, Mia King, Mayah Davies and Valerie Ho 12A, Isabelle Carter, Martha Bearne, Cassandra Grous and Josephine North 12B, Melissa Roy, Rochelle Palin, Charlotte Clark, Sanjana Dawar, and Alice Connor 12C, Zoe Glasspool, Andrea MacKenzie, and Emma Day 12D, Emily Palmer, Megan Munday, Mia Harrold and Eleanor Goddard 12E, Genevieve Schofield, Chloe Webster and Anuja Vishnoi 12F.

Tour Guides

We are holding our Open Evening on Thursday 6 July and would like all students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 to be tour guides between 6.00pm and 9.00pm, if they are not helping out in individual departments. We feel that our current students are a great advertisement for Rosebery School and our visitors to this event always agree. School will close at 1.10pm on 6 July and all students should return by 5.30pm to register. Light refreshments of squash and biscuits will be available on the evening.

Please click on the link below to give your permission for your child to be a tour guide.

Please click here to give permission

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Student News

Last week our Student Voice team met with

members of The Beacon School Student Council

to share ideas and good practice to enable them

to best represent the views of their peers.

The meeting which lasted an hour was very

positive as the students shared successes and

discussed how they each ran their sessions.

Student Voice activities and meetings give all

students an opportunity to participate, get their

voices heard and have a say in the running of the


International Women in Engineering Day

On Friday 23 June 2017 over 80 students took part in a

series of workshops run by six inspirational female

engineers to raise awareness of what engineering is all

about and to encourage more young women into the

industry sector.

Left to Right: Nicki Kessel, Kirsten Oliver, Alex Simmonds,

Angela Reich, Sarah Clark and Alison Baptiste

Students also had the chance to interact with a sandbox thanks

to JBA Consulting. The sandbox shows how topography affects

water moving through a catchment. The students were able to

create their own catchments using the sand and Lego houses.

They were then able to ‘make it rain’ using their hands to watch

how the virtual water flows through the catchment and explore

some of the issues related to flooding and climate change.

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Year 7 Geography Fieldtrip

The Geography team would like to thank all Year 7 students for their enthusiasm on their field trip. It has been an

unusual year for last minute changes but the girls have been very adaptable and resilient.

Also many thanks to all our parent helpers.

Mrs M Boundy and Mrs M Saber, Joint Heads of Geography

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We are seeking enthusiastic and hardworking

students to join our Wellbeing Ambassador

team. Students will be trained in various

aspects of student health and wellbeing and

will become trained listeners for their peers.

Accreditation will be available for some of the


For an application form please see Mrs Anderson in Student Support

We are fortunate to have two groups of Taiwanese students visiting this summer. We have said farewell to our first group this week. They have been a pleasure to look after and their Rosebery buddies have done a superb job in making them feel welcome.

Miss C Saul, Senior Teacher

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SAFEGUARDING ISSUE Please read and share

‘Snapchat map update raises child safety worries’ Last week Snapchat, an app which is used regularly by many children and young people, launched a new feature. Snap Maps allows users to see the location of their contacts. This feature allows others to accurately pinpoint where you are. There are three possible privacy settings:

Ghost mode, where only you can see your position;

My Friends mode, where any contact can see your location; and

Select Friends mode, just those who you choose can see you

Childnet have posted a thorough explanation of Snap Maps and how to ensure users stay safe.

How to switch off Snap Map location sharing

When in photo-taking mode, pinch the

screen to open Snap Map

Touch the settings cog in the top right

corner of the screen

Tap "Ghost Mode" to switch off

location sharing

Photos and videos posted to

Snapchat's public 'Our Story' will still

be discoverable on the map

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DISCOUNT to Parents, Teachers and Sixth Formers £5 per class

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