Free versus Fair Trade Slideshow

Post on 30-May-2018






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Tanner Washburn

Brother Brugger English 252 2/19/2010

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American Way of life


Workers Fairness

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Constitutional Principle

Result of Legislation ismore important than

its intent

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Each of us has a natural right--fromGodtodefend his person, his liberty, and his

property--That to secure these rights,Governments are instituted among Men,deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed (Declaration of Independence).

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If every person has the right to defend --even by force -- his person, his liberty, and his

property, then it follows that a group of menhave the right to organize and support acommon force to protect these rightsconstantly (The Law, 6).

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Doesmy neighbor have a right to

Stopmy trade?

Taxmy trade Enforce regulation of my trade?

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One of the greatmistakes is to judge policiesand programs by their intentions rather than

their results.

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Interferences with international tradeappear innocuous; they can get the support

of people who are otherwise apprehensive of interference by government into economicaffairs;many a businessman even regardsthem as part of the American way of life; yet

there are few interferences which are capableof spreading so far and ultimately being sodestructive of free enterprise (Capitalism and Freedom, 57).

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Will there be less jobs inAmerica if the steelindustry is not subsidized?

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What defines fair trade?

There is no objective benchmark with which

tomeasure fair. All businesses are in favor of a freemarket

except for themselves.Of course, they wantit Fair.

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A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither.A society that puts freedom 

before equality will get a high degree of both.

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From these we understand Free Trade Principles


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Bastiat, Frederic. The Law . Trans. Russell Dean. New York: The foundation forEconomic

Education, Inc., 1977. Benson, Ezra Taft. The Proper Rol e of Gov ernment . The EisenhowerAdministration ed., 1968.

Dougherty, Peter J. W hos A fr aid of Adam Smi t h? How t he Mark et Got Its Soul .New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2002. Friedman, Milton. C a pi t al i sm and F r eed om. Chicago & London: The University of 

Chicago Press, 1967. Friedman, Milton. Fair versus Free. Newsweek 4 July, 1977. Friedman, Milton. F r ee to C hoose. San Diego:A Harvest Book Harcourt Brace &

Company, 1980. Skousen, W. Cleon. The 5000 Year Lea p. NationalCenter forConstitutional

Studies, 1991. Smith,Adam. An Inqui ry i nto t he Natur e and C auses of  t heW ealt h of Nat i ons. 1776. USConst., art. 1, sec. 8. US Declaration of Indep.

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