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    Suwon Shon, Hao Tang, James Glass

    Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence LaboratoryMassachusetts Institute of Technology

    Cambridge, MA 02139 USA{swshon,haotang,glass}

    ABSTRACTIn this paper, we propose a Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) based speaker recognition model for extracting ro-bust speaker embeddings. The embedding can be extractedefficiently with linear activation in the embedding layer. Tounderstand how the speaker recognition model operates withtext-independent input, we modify the structure to extractframe-level speaker embeddings from each hidden layer. Wefeed utterances from the TIMIT dataset to the trained networkand use several proxy tasks to study the networks ability torepresent speech input and differentiate voice identity. Wefound that the networks are better at discriminating broadphonetic classes than individual phonemes. In particular,frame-level embeddings that belong to the same phoneticclasses are similar (based on cosine distance) for the samespeaker. The frame level representation also allows us to ana-lyze the networks at the frame level, and has the potential forother analyses to improve speaker recognition.

    Index Terms— speaker recognition, embedding, frame-level representation,text-independent


    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been actively used inspeaker recognition to discriminate speakers’ identity. In mostsettings, DNNs are used as a replacement for Gaussian mix-ture models (GMMs) to improve the conventional i-vectorapproach [1] by having a more phonetically aware Univer-sal Background Model (UBM) [2, 3, 4]. Other subsequentmethod based on DNN were introduced for noise-robust anddomain-invariant i-vector [5, 6, 7] However, the process oftraining the GMM-UBM and extracting i-vectors largely re-mained the same.

    More recently, many studies have begun to explore end-to-end DNN speaker recognition to extract robust speakerembeddings using large datasets as well as data augmen-tation [8, 9]. These end-to-end models directly operate onspectrograms, log Mel features, or even waveforms [10, 11].Among the end-to-end approaches, x-vectors have been the

    most effective for text-independent scenarios [8]. Comparedto i-vectors and bottleneck feature-based i-vectors, x-vectorshave achieved better results by taking advantage of dataaugmentation with noise and reverberation. Due to neuralnetworks large learning capacity, data augmentation has beenshown to be a cheap and effective approach to improve per-formance and robustness. The gap between x-vectors andi-vectors is expected to widen as the amount of data increasesand end-to-end networks continue to be improved.

    The i-vector approach is based on the assumption thateach individual mean vector in a GMM is a shift from a meanvector of the UBM, and that the shifts of all the means arecontrolled by a single vector, the i-vector. The model has beenstudied extensively and is well understood [1]. In contrast, itis difficult to understand why and how speaker embeddingnetworks work, which hinders the development of better end-to-end speaker recognition models.

    In this paper, we introduce a speaker embedding extractedfrom a 1-dimensional convolution and linear activation froman end-to-end model. The use of linear activation is inspiredby previous studies [12, 13], where reducing non-linearitieshas been shown to improve performance. The embeddings arecompared to two strong baselines, x-vectors and an approachbased on the VGG network. We then analyze the networksbehavior by modifying the network structure and extractingframe-level representations from the hidden layers. We feedutterances from the TIMIT dataset into the model and mon-itor the behavior of the representations at different trainingepochs. We hypothesize that the networks’ ability to recog-nize speakers is based on how the phonemes are pronouncedand that the networks pay more attention to certain phonemesor broad class than others. For text-independent input, since itis unlikely that the same set of phonemes appeared in both theenrollment and test utterances, we believe the speakers’ iden-tity is less likely to be decided at the phonetic level but morelikely at a higher level based on the phonetic classes. Iden-tifying speakers at the broad-class level allows the networksto assess the speaker’s voice even without the presence of theexact same phoneme.

    1007978-1-5386-4334-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE SLT 2018

  • Table 1: Results on the Voxceleb1 test set. ReLU is appliedafter every layer.

    EER DCFp=0.01 DCFp=0.001fc1 (LDA+PLDA) 6.2 0.53 0.70fc2 (LDA+PLDA) 6.9 0.55 0.65

    To verify this hypotheses, we conduct phoneme recogni-tion and broad-class classification tasks using frame-level rep-resentation of speaker embeddings, and then we visualize andanalyze the frame-level cosine similarity measurements fromthe same and different speaker pairs. From these proxy tasks,we examine how phonetic information is encoded in the net-work. We also investigate which phoneme or broad-classesare more important for text-independent speaker recognitionusing frame-level speaker embeddings extracted from TIMITdata.


    Previous work has shown that the layer immediately follow-ing the statistics pooling layer performs well in combinationwith latent discriminant analysis (LDA) and probabilisticLDA (PLDA) as backends [8]. It is perhaps not surprisingthat the layer closest to the output layer contains the mostdiscriminative information about the output labels. We fol-low a similar approach to analyze our end-to-end speakerrecognition model.

    Our network structure is similar to the VGG network butwe use 1-dimensional convolutions to consider all frequencybands at once. The network structure consists of 4 1d-CNN(i.e., filters of size 40×5, 1000×7, 1000×1, 1000×1 withstrides 1, 2, 1, and 1 and numbers of filters 1000, 1000, 1000,and 1500) with two fully connected (FC) layers (of size 1500and 600) as shown in Figure 1. We use statistics pooling asin [8]. We use a 1-d CNN instead of a 2-d CNN commonlyused for computer vision, because, unlike images, a spectro-gram carries different meanings in each axis, namely time ver-sus frequency. A person’s voice can be shifted in time but itcannot be shifted in frequency. For this reason, the width ofthe 1-d CNN is the entire frequency axis.

    We use 40-dimensional Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coef-ficients (MFCCs) with the standard 25ms window size and10ms shift to represent the speech signal. The features arenormalized to have zero mean. We use the Voxceleb1 de-velopment dataset, including 1,211 speakers and 147,935utterances, to train the networks. The Voxceleb1 test set has18,860 verification pairs for each positive and negative test,i.e., a combination of 4,715 utterances from 40 speakers notincluded in the development set. The networks are trainedfrom random initialization. The SGD learning rate is 0.001,and is decayed by a factor of 0.98 after every 50,000 updates.

    Our first experiments use ReLU nonlinearities after each

    Fig. 1: DNN structure to extract speaker embeddings

    Table 2: Results on the Voxceleb1 test set. ReLU is appliedafter every layer except after fc1.

    EER DCFp=0.01 DCFp=0.001fc1 (LDA+PLDA) 6.2 0.51 0.69fc2 (LDA+PLDA) 5.9 0.50 0.62

    layer in the network. Results are shown in Table 1. We findsimilar results as in [3] that the vectors from the first fully con-nected layer (fc1) have better performance than those from thesecond fully connected layer (fc2).

    We remove the nonlinear activation function before thelast hidden layer (fc2), and the results are shown in Table 2.From the result, we observe better performance when remov-ing the activation function, and this observation has also beenmade in previous studies [13, 12]. We subsequently use thevectors from the fc2 layer as speaker embeddings.

    The differences between recent speaker embedding ap-proaches are summarized in Table 3. Using the same settingas in Table 2, we compare the speaker embeddings with i-vectors, x-vectors, and the approach based on the VGG net-work. Results are shown in Table 4. We augment the datasetas in [8] with reverberation and different noise types, suchas babble noise and background music. The number of ut-terances is 147,935 and we augment an additional 140,000utterances. Without data augmentation, the proposed speakerembedding method is slightly worse than i-vectors but signifi-cantly outperforms the VGG approach and x-vectors. We findthat the i-vectors in [9] are worse because they use a smallnumber of Gaussian components for the GMM-UBM. Afterusing 2,048 components, the i-vectors perform the best. Withdata augmentation, the EER improves by 15% for x-vectorsbut is still worse than i-vectors. Our embeddings also bene-fit from data augmentation and is able to match the i-vectorresults.


  • Table 3: Three recent speaker embedding approaches.

    x-vector [3] VGG [9] Ours

    Input for training MFCCSpectrogram

    with fixed length(3sec)MFCC

    with fixed length (2sec)Input normalization CMN CMVN CMN

    Structure TDNN 2d-CNN (VGG-M) 1d-CNNParameters 4.4m 64m 13m

    Global Pooling Statistics Average StatisticsEmbedding layer First fully connected layer Last fully connected layer Last fully connected layer

    Nonlinearity All layers All layersAll layers except

    before embedding layerEmbedding Dimension 512 1024 600


    Zero-mean norm.+LDA+length norm.+PLDA

    Euclidean Distancewith Siamese network

    Zero-mean norm.+LDA+length norm.+PLDA

    Table 4: Results on the Voxceleb1 test set. Systems trainedwith data augmentation are labeled with *.

    EER DCFp=0.01 DCFp=0.001i-vector 5.4 0.45 0.63i-vector* 5.5 0.48 0.61VGG [9] 7.8 0.71 -x-vector (Cosine) 11.3 0.75 0.81x-vector (PLDA) 7.1 0.57 0.75x-vector* (Cosine) 9.9 0.69 0.85x-vector* (PLDA) 6.0 0.53 0.75fc2 (Cosine) 7.3 0.56 0.64fc2 (PLDA) 5.9 0.50 0.62fc2* (Cosine) 7.0 0.58 0.68fc2* (PLDA) 5.3 0.45 0.63


    Conventional speaker recognition approaches, such as i-vectors, require many steps that are carefully designed forlearning a robust representation of speaker identity fromacoustic features. Representations learned from deep net-works, however, are optimized for this particular task purelyfrom data [14]. The output vectors produced by the inter-mediate layers, the hidden representation, could be the keyto understand what end-to-end speaker recognition modelimplicitly learns from voice inputs. We adopt the approachused in [15, 16] where several proxy tasks are used to analyzethe hidden representations. In speaker recognition, severalstudies have assessed which phoneme contributes the most todiscriminating speakers [17], and which phonetic classes aremore important than others [18]. Both papers conclude thatvowels and nasals provide the most useful information foridentifying speakers. However, the experiments are limited toa single phoneme or a single phonetic class, so it is difficult todraw similar conclusions when the networks can make use ofan entire utterance. Wang et al. [19] analyze speaker embed-dings in a text-dependent speaker recognition system, and usean approach similar to [15]. However, text-dependent speaker

    recognition is easier to analyze than the text-independentcase because the enrollment and test utterances always havethe same phoneme statistics. We aim to understand how theembedding representation encodes phoneme information atthe frame level when text-independent input is given.

    In this section, we analyze what phonetic information isencoded in the end-to-end speaker recognition model andhow they capture and discriminate between talkers giventext-independent input. We use phoneme recognition andphonetic classification as proxy tasks and monitor the behav-ior over the course of training to answer these questions. Wealso identify phonemes that are critical for text-independentspeaker verification. For the proxy tasks, we assume that theability of a classify to predict a certain property depends onhow well the property has been encoded in the representation(as in previous studies [15, 16, 19]). Poor accuracy does notnecessarily mean the information is not present however.

    3.1. Frame-level speaker embeddings

    To obtain frame-level representations, we need to modify thestructure of our models. For training, we substitute the statis-tics pooling layer to be an average pooling layer. After themodification, the EER increased from 7.0% to 8.4% usingcosine similarity, and from 5.3% to 6.0% with PLDA. Af-ter training, we moved the average pooling layer to be afterthe fc2 layer but just before ReLU activation function. Thismodification does not change the final results, because mul-tiplying the average with a matrix is the same as the averageof the individual vectors multiplied by the matrix. The out-put vectors produced by all layers before the average poolingyields frame-level representations not only for CNN layersbut also for FC layers. Specifically, suppose u is a segment-level representation (i.e. a speaker embedding extracted at thefc2 layer in Figure 1). The embedding u can be representedas the frame-level representation ~ut which is extracted fromthe modified model structure as u = (1/T )

    ∑Tt ~ut where T

    is the number of frames in the utterance. We extracted thisframe-level representation at all CNN and FC layers for theproxy tasks.


  • Fig. 2: Phoneme error rates of segmental models on theTIMIT test set using frame-level representations from differ-ent layers. Lower is better.

    Fig. 3: Phoneme error rates of segmental models on theTIMIT test set using frame-level representation from differ-ent layers over the course of training. Lower is better.

    3.2. Phoneme Recognition

    Given the trained model with the modified structure, we useTIMIT utterances to examine the ability of the speaker recog-nition system at distinguishing phonemes. The first CNNlayer produces an output every 10ms while subsequent layersproduce an output every 20ms because of the second layerstride by 2 that reduces the effective analysis rate to 20ms.The stride should not affect the analyses, because previouswork has shown that similar, if not better, results can beachieved with one-fourth of the original frame rate [20].

    We train a phoneme recognizer with the frame-level rep-resentation extracted from each of the layers and analyze theirperformance. We use an end-to-end discriminative segmentalmodel [20] with a 2-layer LSTM model as our phoneme rec-ognizer. The input to the LSTM consists of frame-level repre-sentations from different layers from the end-to-end speakerrecognition model. In each layer, the output vectors of theLSTM are sub-sampled by half. The final segment scores arebased on the output vectors of the LSTM within the seg-

    Table 5: TIMIT broad phonetic classes.

    Class SymbolAffricate jh, chClosures bcl,dcl,gcl,pcl,tck,kclFricative s,sh,z,zh,f,th,v,dhNasals m,n,ng,em,en,eng,nxSemivowelsand Glides l, r, w, y, hh, hv, el

    Vowelsiy, ih, eh, ey, ae, aa, aw,ay, ah, ao, oy, ow, uh, uw,ux, er, ax, ix, axr, ax-h

    Stops b, d, g, p, t, k, dx, q

    otherspause(pau), epenthetic silence(epi),start and end silence (h)

    Fig. 4: Phonetic class classification accuracy on TIMIT Testset using features from each layer over the course of training.Higher is better.

    ment and the duration of the segments (the FCB feature setin [21]). We allow a segment to have a maximum duration of120 frames. The segmental models are trained with marginallog loss [22] for 20 epochs with vanilla stochastic gradientdescent (SGD), a step size of 0.1. The batch size is one utter-ance, and the gradients are clipped to norm 5.

    Figure 2 shows the phoneme error rate (PER) for differentlayers, and indicates that the embeddings from higher layersgive higher PERs. Judging from the PERs over the course oftraining, the training error, in general, stops improving afterepoch five. At layer 6 for example, the PER plateaus at 34%.From this observation, the frame-level representation containsless information about phonemes, and the phoneme identifydoes not seem to be important for discriminating speakers.

    3.3. Broad-Class Phonetic Classification

    For broad-class phonetic classification, we collect all phonemesegments in the TIMIT dataset based on the ground truth seg-mentation. The broad phonetic classes we use are shown inTable 5. The segment embedding of each segment is com-puted by averaging the frame-level embedding obtainedfrom the trained speaker recognition system. We create anaive classifier by averaging the embeddings of the same


  • (a) Layer 1 (b) Layer 6

    Fig. 5: Confusion matrix for broad-class phonetic classifica-tion comparing the features produced by layer 1 and layer 6at epoch 70.

    (a) Layer 1 (b) Layer 6

    Fig. 6: Low-dimensional t-SNE projection of speaker embed-dings from layer 1 and 6 at epoch 70 using utterances fromthe TIMIT core test set. The broad-class label is printed in thefigure.

    phonetic classes. Specifically, we compute a vector U b =∑i∈Pb ui/|Pb| for phonetic class b, where Pb contains the

    segments of class b, and ui is the segment embedding ofsegment i by averaging the frame embedding in segmenti. Given a new segment j, we compute its segment em-bedding uj by averaging the frame embeddings computedfrom the trained network. Classification can be done withargmaxb(cos(U

    b, uj)). As shown in Figure 4, the system atthe early stage of training does not distinguish the phoneticclasses well, and is worst in the higher layer. After train-ing, the model learns to distinguish phonetic classes well. Inparticular, the representation in the higher layers performssignificantly better than the ones in the lower layers.

    The confusion matrix of the broad phonetic classes isshown in Figure 5. The diagonal of the confusion matrixshows that the accuracy of the embedding from layer 6 per-forms better the one from layer 1. An interesting observa-tion is that some categories are still confusable at layer 6.For example, affricates and stops are predicted as fricatives,and nasals and semivowels are predicted as vowels. Thissuggests that the model might be classifying segments into

    (a) Example of frame-level cosine similarity between the same speaker’ssegment-level and frame-level speaker embedding

    (b) Original phoneme occurrence histogram on TIMIT trainingset

    (c) Histogram of highest cosine similarity phonemes in each ut-terance on TIMIT training set (numbers after words : order fromthe original histogram )

    Fig. 7: Stats in terms of phoneme

    even broader categories, such as obstruents and sonorants.This phenomenon is also observed in the t-SNE plots of thephoneme segments shown in Figure 61.

    3.4. Critical phonemes and phonetic classes

    In this section, we analyze cosine similarity at the frame level.In the TIMIT dataset there are 10 utterances per speaker. Wecalculated cosine similarity for all utterances using frame-level speaker embeddings from the modified structure. Forenrollment, for each speaker nine out of ten utterances areused by averaging the segment embeddings to create a singlespeaker embedding. Figure 7 (a) shows the frame-level co-sine similarity with the single speaker embedding. In the ex-ample, the phoneme /ix/ shows the highest cosine similarity(blue dot) and the phoneme /w/ shows the lowest (red dot).Figure 7 (b) shows the histogram of phoneme frequency in

    1GIF animation also Available on


  • the training set, and (c) shows how often each phonetic classachieves the highest cosine similarity. From the histogram,we made similar observation as previous studies [17, 18] thatvowels and nasals are important for discriminating speakers.These observations suggests that using an attention mecha-nism at the pooling layer may improve the performance ofspeaker recognition.

    Figure 8 shows the frame-level similarity matrix betweentwo utterances from the TIMIT training set. In (a), the twoutterances are spoken by the same speaker and (b) by differ-ent speakers. For comparison, the same text content is chosenin both figures. From the figures, the same phoneme showsrelatively high similarity even for different speakers. How-ever, in the case of (a) which is spoken by the same speaker,the phonemes that share the same phonetic classes show highsimilarity. For example, /s/ and /er/ show high similarity with/z/ and /aa/, respectively. From this result, we observe that thenetwork could also potentially measure a speaker’s similarityacross different phonemes. Interestingly, obstruents, such asfricatives and closures, have relatively high similarity scoreseven for different speakers.

    3.5. Discussion

    Using both frame-level and segment-level representations, weobserve that the representations from higher network layerscorresponds to broader classes, while the representation fromlower layers correspond to classes that are more specific. Par-ticularly, the representation appears to converge towards ob-struent and sonorant categories at higher layers. This behav-ior suggests that the model computes similarity at a more ab-stract level than that at the phonetic level. It potentially couldprovide an advantage when the input is text-independent andshort because the model has fewer phonemes to compare withthe enrollment data. This is consistent with the results foundin the similarity matrix in Figure 8.


    In this paper, we proposed a robust speaker embedding forspeaker verification. Embeddings are extracted without non-linear activation and are compared to other approaches to ver-ify their effectiveness. On the Voxceleb1 dataset with only1.2k speakers, the proposed approach shows superior perfor-mance compared to x-vectors. In this framework, there is stillroom for improvement, such as exploring a larger speakerdataset, a different loss function, such as the angular Softmaxloss, or adding an attention layer. We leave these as futurework.

    From the analysis, we attempt to better understand howthe speaker recognition model extracts discriminative embed-dings. The analysis provides some insight on the model be-havior, and the frame-level analysis provides an importanttool to assess the quality of the trained models.

    (a) Same speaker (speaker id ’fame0’ in TIMIT)

    (b) Different speakers (speaker id ’faem0’ for y-axis and’mrpc1’ for x-axis in TIMIT)

    Fig. 8: Frame-level cosine similarity matrix between two sen-tences spoken by the same speaker and by different speakers.



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