Fourth of July Parade - · Fourth of July Parade ... rab-bits, cats, or just walk along. Last year, one participant's cat ... It is the Community Billboard.

Post on 31-Aug-2018






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Information 1

Neighborhood News 2-3

Financials 4-5

Minutes 6

Ads/Classified Section 7-8

Monthly Newsletter

Vol. 6, Issue 4

June 2013

Fourth of July Parade

J oin us for the Second Annual

"Wheels and Wags" July 4th


Bring your kids (or grandkids) in

strollers, on trikes, bikes, or scoot-

ers; dogs on

leashes, rab-

bits, cats, or just walk along.

Last year, one participant's cat

declined to come to the parade

so she pulled her stuffed pig in a

little red wagon. Why not dress

in a patriotic outfit?

We'll meet at the clubhouse at

9:30 a.m. where we will have

streamers and flags for you to

decorate your tricycle, stroller,

bike etc. We'll walk

north on Westgate

across 107th around

the pool and south on

Bradshaw back to the

clubhouse. About half-

way through the pa-

rade, there will be wa-

ter for people and pets.

Come out and watch and wave to the peo-

ple going by if

you can't, or

don't wish to,

participate in

the parade.

We'll have

treats for all

(including the

pets) after the parade, take pictures,

and award small prizes.

2013 Important Upcoming Dates

June 2 2 pm to 4 pm Candidates Forum

June 3 Annual Association Meeting

June 4 Annual Board Election

June 13, 14, 15 QF Garage Sale

June 22 Brainstorming Meeting

June 26 7 pm Board Meeting Color versions of the newsletter can be found on and/or

Neighborhood News 2

New Transit Operation Opening in OP, Mission

Park and ride, walk and ride, or bike and ride, any way you want, it is much easier to do in Overland Park.

Fifteen sheltered stops, three park-and-ride facili-ties, a three mile bike-hike trail, traffic signal priority and more are all part of a new corridor project along Metcalf Avenue and Shawnee Mission Parkway.

There is a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 8:30 a.m. Fri-day, May 31, at the newly constructed Johnson County Transit Center in Mission, 5251 Johnson Drive.

In Overland Park, park-and-ride facilities were built at Rosana Square, 119th and Metcalf, and at 95th and Metcalf. Other improvements include multiple bus stops and a traffic signal priority system that gives buses expedited right of way at various inter-sections.

Overland Park, along with Johnson County Transit, the cities of Mission and Roeland Park, and the Mid-America Regional Council participated in launching the transit improvements as part of a $10.7 million TIGER grant.

Road Work Forces Closure of Intersection

Beginning June 3

Work to widen 159th Street to a four-lane divided thoroughfare is requiring closure of the intersection at Switzer for 60 days starting Monday, June 3.

While the intersection is completely closed, officials suggest motorists use 151st Street as a detour route.

Construction on the new two-mile thoroughfare stretch from Quivira to Antioch, which began last year, includes street lights, multi-use trail, sidewalk, pedestrian crossings, storm drainage upgrades and more.

Work on the $13.7 million project is slated for com-pletion in the spring of 2014. However, the contrac-tor, Miles Excavating, is ahead of schedule and be-lieves if the weather continues to cooperate the project may be done late this year

Overland Park provides updates on key road pro-jects on its website.

Deffenbaugh Yard Debris Guidelines

March through September: A combination of six 100% Recycled Paper bags or bundles of yard waste

October through November: A combination of ten 100% Recycled Paper bags or bundles of yard waste

Branches and limbs must be cut to four foot lengths, bundled and tied, with a diameter of no more than 18 inches. No single item should weigh more than 65 pounds. Stickers are available for purchase to attach to extra bags for pick up. Contact us at or call 913-631-3300 for stickers. 100% Recycled Paper bags may be pur-chased at most hardware and home improvement stores.

Gardening Ideas Want to attract hummingbirds to your garden? Consider planting some of the following:

Annuals Perennials

Alcea (Hollyhock) Aquilegia (Columbine) Digitalis (Foxglove) Asclepias (Butterfly Weed) Fuchsia Coreopsis (Tickseed) Impatiens Delphinium (Larkspur) Ipomoea (Morning Glory) Phlox Petunia Salvia There are many other plantings which attract humming-birds. This is just a few. There are many, shrubs, vines and trees which will attract the tiny wonders.

Hummingbirds do not live on nectar alone. They devour several insects as well. They may nibble them from flow-ers, around plants and trees, grab them in midair or steal them from spider webs.

Feeders should be in place by early spring and left up into October. You can make your own nectar. Never use honey or artificial sweeteners! These can be lethal to hummers. Prepare the food using one part sugar dis-solved in four parts boiling water. Allow the mix to cool before filling the feeder. Refrigerate the remaining mix-ture for future use. Hummingbirds are attracted to the color red, which most feeders have on them. If not, at-tach a red ribbon.

Feeders should be cleaned at least twice a week in a solu-tion of hot soapy water and two teaspoons of bleach. Rinse thoroughly. Hummers will not feed on stale food, or at feeders used by ants or wasps. Use an application of mentholated petroleum jelly on the hanger to repel ants.

Neighborhood News 3

I ntroducing a new feature in the newsletter. It is the Community Billboard. It is a place to

let your neighbors know if you have something to sell or something you want to buy, work you can

do or a job that needs to be done. And the best is Free to residents of Quivira Falls. Send your

notice to Requests will be first come first serve and quantity is limited to

space available. Try to make the notice a reasonable size. If you want it posted more than once, send a

new request each month.



CONTACT VIOLET (913) 310-0809



To advert

ise in

QF The News,








QFCA Financials 4



Dues income 93,285.71 $ 384,638.07

TOTAL DUES INCOME 93,285.71 $ 384,638.07


Lawn Care Rmbs -1,443.67 $ 3,913.65

Water Fund Rmbs 7,194.81 $ 30,373.26

Waste Water Fund Rmbs 8,523.46 $ 24,631.86

TOTAL REIMBURSEMENT 14,274.60 $ 58,918.77


Late Fees/Finance Charges 618.48 $ 2,347.79

NSF Fees 0.00 $ 50.00

2010 Roof Assessment 234.87 $ 1,597.32

TOTAL FEES COLLECTED 853.35 $ 3,995.11


Bank Interest 87.12 $ 492.00

Clubhouse Rental 0.00 $ 1,025.00

Adjustment to Accounts Re 11,672.97 $ 18,453.64

TOTAL MISC INCOME 11,760.09 $ 19,970.64

**TOTAL INCOME** 120,173.75 $ 467,522.59



Accounting 600.00 $ 600.00

Legal Fees 109.16 $ 1,828.46

Advertising 70.00 $ 120.00

Office Expense 79.44 $ 578.37

Postage & Copies 1,083.39 $ 1,482.92

Payroll 21,953.42 $ 91,565.14

Management Fees 6,200.00 $ 24,800.00

Miscellaneous Admin 125.77 $ 407.57

Welcome Committee Exp 0.00 $ 7.61

TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXP 30,221.18 $ 121,390.07


Tree Removal 0.00 $ 2,650.00

Grounds Supplies 191.00 $ 548.03

Pest Control Grounds 287.00 $ 870.00

Landscaping 1,505.66 $ 1,730.66

Snow Removal 0.00 $ 53,592.75

TOTAL GROUNDS EXPENSES 1,983.66 $ 59,391.44


Contract Labor R&M 0.00 $ 320.00

Siding R & M 16.24 $ 2,291.39

Roofing R&M 600.00 $ 6,915.00

Unit Trash Removal 7,329.64 $ 28,968.94

Fence Repair 834.51 $ 864.37

TOTAL UNIT REPAIRS & MNTC 8,780.39 $ 39,359.70


Electrical R&M 0.00 $ 336.28

Plumbing R&M 0.00 $ 134.00

Clubhouse Utilities 498.55 $ 2,301.34

Clubhouse Improvement 0.00 $ 882.30

Clubhouse R&M 111.73 $ 230.97

Clubhouse Janitorial/Supp 0.00 $ 702.48

Clubhouse Pest Control 0.00 $ 76.83

North Pool Utilities 61.04 $ 263.26

Pool Maintenance & Supplies 118.43 $ 172.73

Main Entrance Utilities 47.81 $ 200.12

Maintenance Building Util 557.00 $ 2,485.43

Maintenance Building R&M 304.42 $ 464.09

Equipment Repairs 0.00 $ 305.86

Small Tool Purchase 674.40 $ 1,657.27

Maintenance Misc & Supp 0.00 $ 150.00

Yard Light Expense 477.93 $ 2,209.58

TOTAL COMMON AREA EXPENSE 2,851.31 $ 12,572.54


Water & Sewer-Association 89.72 $ 372.95

Waste Water-Association 33.77 $ 126.72

Water Fund 7,001.95 $ 29,073.89

Waste Water Fund 16,254.66 $ 32,715.91

Communications 686.53 $ 2,325.91

TOTAL UTILITIES 24,066.63 $ 64,615.38


Income Taxes 195.00 $ 195.00

Insurance 738.00 $ 3,690.00

TOTAL TAXES & INSURANCE 933.00 $ 3,885.00


Other Expenses 0.00 $ 44.77

TOTAL MISC EXP 0.00 $ 44.77

**TOTAL OPERATING EXP** 68,836.17 $ 301,258.90

NET OERATING INCOME 51,337.58 $ 166,263.69

Mutual of Omaha Loan 14,648.52 $ 58,594.08

**CASH FLOW** 36,689.06 $ 107,669.61


Capital Reserve Expense 3,000.00 $ 12,000.00

Cap Imp-Pool Repairs 2,145.00 $ 2,145.00

Cap Imp-Playground Repair 0.00 $ 237.53

Cap Imp-Asphalt Drives/Walks 108.43 $ 323.29

Cap Imp-Retaining Wall 0.00 $ 123.08

Cap Imp-Bridge Repair 35.73 $ 35.73

**TOTAL NON-OPERATING EXP** 5,289.16 $ 14,864.63

**TOTAL EXPENSES** 88,773.85 $ 374,717.61

**NET INCOME** 31,399.90 $ 92,804.98

Important Reminder!!!

Any changes you wish to make to the exterior of your unit

must be approved by the ACC Committee PRIOR to the

work being started. Applications for exterior changes

must be filed by the second Monday of the month in

order to be reviewed by the ACC. Failure to receive ap-

proval may result in penalties or fines. This includes stain-

ing fences and decks. See Cynthia in the office for the

proper requests forms.


APRIL 30. 2013

QFCA Financials 5

The delinquency report shows

a total owed to QFCA of




Operating Account-CCB 24,209.47

Money Market Account-CCB 268,648.60

Siding Res MMK 5,682.89

Emergency Reserve 129,643.64

Mutual of Omaha Res Acct 25,127.53

Petty Cash 250.00



Accounts Receivable 187,319.61

Allowancce for Doubtful AR -35,000.00



Land 150,000.00

Improvements-Clubhouse 206,438.00

Improvements-Maintenance 100,000.00

Improvements-Pools North 111,172.49

Improvements-Infrastructure 156,600.00

Improvements-Retaining Walls 40,709.00

Improvements-Accum Dep 471,821.81

Equipment/Vehicles 166,419.84

Equip/Vehicle-Accum Dep 161,419.84

Office Furniture/Fixtures 20,000.00

Office Furn/Fix Accum Dep 20,000.00



**TOTAL ASSETS** $903,979.42



Monthly Reserve Payable 12,000.00



Promissory Note-Mutual of Omaha 999,951.26

3rd National-06 Chevy Truck


**TOTAL LIABILITIES** $1,011,951.26


Current Earnings 92,804.98

Retained Earnings -200,776.82

**TOTAL EQUITY** -$107,971.84

**TOTAL LIAB & EQUITY $903,979.42

QFCA Board Meeting April 24, 2013 Minutes 6

QFCA Board Meeting April 24, 2013

The meeting was called to order by President Margie Miller at 7:00 PM.

In Attendance:

For Quivira Falls: Margie Miller, Roy Cooper, Barbara Lacy, Bob Carter, Porter

Knowles, Brian Driscoll. Bill Reavis and John Weir were present.

For The Tiehen Group: John Clock, Scott Moore and Cynthia Selder were pre-


Ms. Miller reminded everyone that Robert’s Rules would be followed and a 3

minute limit would be allowed per question.

Approval of Agenda: Ms. Miller requested a correction to the agenda. Where it said there are two vacancies up for election, it should say three vacancies. Mr. Knowles moved to accept the agenda with the correction and Mr. Reavis sec-

onded. The motion carried unanimously.

Approval of Minutes: Ms. Miller asked for a motion to accept the minutes. Mr. Knowles moved to accept the minutes with the changes and seconded by Mr.

Weir. The motion carried unanimously.

President’s Report: Ms. Miller reported that she had attended the Architectural Control Committee meeting of April 13. She came away with some suggestions for ways to contact new homeowners by using a sign on the billboard. Also, an ACC member suggested they create a check list on the dos and don’ts relating to the guidelines to be included in the Welcome package. Ms. Miller commented on the Brainstorming Session scheduled for Saturday, April 24 from 10am to Noon, with topics; find funds for stucco subsidies, repairs of streets and driveways and fence replacement. Ms. Miller announced that the election for three openings on the Board of Directors is being held in June and that the application deadline was May 2 so that the biographies could be included in the mailing in preparation of

the Annual Association Meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Reavis reported that the financials were satisfactory.


John Clock reported the Total Income for the month was $116,123. This was $1,378 more than anticipated. Total Expenses for the month were $128,480.

This was $40,364 more than anticipated because of the three snow storms.

The delinquency report shows a total owed of $141,730. Three homeowners still

have paid nothing for their roof replacement and 2 are making partial payments.

We had a third major snow storm this year in March. All of the bills for snow re-moval from the three storms were paid in March. We are currently $6,510 over budget. A new helper to assist Mike Jones has started working. A carpenter has

been hired to replace the gentleman who quit in December.

Ms. Selder reported that 21 work orders had been completed dealing with lighting repairs, other miscellaneous work orders such as cold patch on driveways and

fence repairs. These were in addition to the scheduled wood rot repair project.

Mr. Moore reported that work is ongoing in section three of the project schedule.

The weather determines the schedule.

Architectural Control Committee: Mr. Knowles reported the committee met on the 3rd Monday of the month with 6 requests for approval for steps replacement,

fences and window replacement. All were approved.

Welcome Committee: Mr. Weir reported that there are two new homeowners

and with the better weather, the committee members will be able to visit them.

Social Committee: Ms. Haas reported that meetings have been postponed until May to plan for summer and fall activities and is looking for more volunteers for

the committee.

Finance Committee: Mr. Reavis reported that with the payment plan in place

there is no further work required unless an individual wanted to discuss the plan.

Website Committee: Mr. Driscoll reported that he was getting commitments

from possible advertisers that would offset any costs of the web site.

Long Term Committee: Mr. Knowles reported that Mr. Reavis had put together a comprehensive list of items needing to be addressed, many of which are to be discussed at the brainstorming session. Mr. Reavis reported that he was in the

process of acquiring ballpark cost figures for some of the needed projects.

Old Business: Ms. Miller reported that the board had been discussing the issue of the newsletter. She reported that a lot of requests have been made for the continuation of the newsletter. The decision had been made that the newsletter should continue to be published by Ms. Lacy with the financials being separate from the association. Mr. Cooper made a motion that Barbara Lacy be ap-pointed as a volunteer contractor for the purposes of editing and publishing the Quivira Falls monthly newsletter at no cost to the Quivira Falls Community Asso-ciation. In this regard, the association between Quivira Falls and Ms. Lacy shall be that of client and vendor with any monetary gain or loss associated with the newsletter be the concern, solely of Ms. Lacy. Ms. Lacy commented that this should not be considered a relationship of a vendor as the term vendor implies a financial compensation. Ms. Miller called for a vote on the motion. Mr. Reavis asked that the motion verbiage be changed to refer to Ms. Lacy as a volunteer independent publisher and remove the reference of “vendor”. Mr. Knowles sec-onded the revision to the motion. Ms. Miller asked for the vote. The motion

passed as amended unanimously.

Ms. Miller discussed the proposal to treat sweet gum trees to inhibit the produc-tion of gum balls, but announced that the deadline for the treatment had passed

and we would have to wait until next year.

New Business: Ms. Miller reported that the use of the swimming pools will now be restricted to Quivira Falls residents only. Some Quivira Falls residents com-plained that the pool areas were too crowded with many Quivira Farms residents and their guests. Mr. Carter made a motion to restrict the use of the pools to Quivira Falls residents and their guests only. Mr. Knowles seconded. The vote

was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Ms. Miller announced that M&M Roofing had discovered an additional 69 homes with defective shingles. The manufacturers had been contacted and a settle-ment had been reached as a cash settlement and some shingles. Letters will be going out to the affected homeowners for a meeting to decide how the settlement will be resolved. Mr. Carter made a motion to accept the bid from Pyramid Roof-

ing Co. and was seconded by Mr. Driscoll. The motion passed unanimously.

An alternative plan was created to touch every driveway with crack fill, seal coat, and/or hot patch as needed. Mr. Carter motioned that Kansas Asphalt, as low bidder, be awarded the bid to do the hot patch work and McConnell Co., as low bid, be awarded the bid for the six-plex drives, driveway crack fill and seal coat

project. Mr. Reavis seconded the motion.

The snow removal process was very hard on the driveways with many residents reporting damage to their driveways. Cynthia Selder commented that any dam-age done by the snow removal people needs to be reported to her as soon as


Ms. Miller talked about the bid from Paul Potter to repair the stucco cracks on June Martinson’s home. Mr. Potter agreed to allow Quivira Falls staff to observe the process as a training process for future repair work on other homes. Mr. Knowles made a motion to accept the bid and training which was seconded by

Mr. Weir. The motion passed unanimously.

A reimbursement request had been made by Peggy Whitcher and Jane Schmidt

for sidewalk repairs. This was to be referred to Mr. Clock. No vote was taken.

As there was no other business, Ms. Miller asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Knowles moved to adjourn and it was seconded by Mr. Driscoll. The meeting

adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Submitted to the Board of Directors for approval by Barbara Lacy, Secretary

A Place To Go When Your Spirits Are Low!

Wines ● Beer ● Cordials ● Liquors


Quivira Falls Community


10990 Westgate

Phone: 913-469-5463


Tiehen Group

Management Company

On-Site Property Manager

Cynthia Selder



(There may be a charge for

these services)

The Tiehen Group has estab-

lished an emergency number

you can call after office hours

and weekends. If the emer-

gency that you are calling

about is not a service that

would have been the respon-

sibility of the Association,

please be aware that the

homeowner will be responsi-

ble for payment at a minimum

cost of $67.50 if they choose

to utilize this service.


KCP&L- 1-888-544-4852

Atmos Gas- 1-866-322-8667

Water One- 913-895-1800

Police- 913-895-6300

Post Office- 913-897-4936

KC Star- 1-877-962-7827

Animal Control- 913-895-6300

Community Ads 7

QFCA Board of Directors

Marjorie Miller President

John Weir Vice-President

Welcome Committee Chairman

Bill Reavis Treasurer

Chairman Finance Committee

Barbara Lacy Secretary

Bob Carter Board Member

Roy Cooper Pool Committee Chairman

Brian Driscoll Webmaster

Porter Knowles ACC Committee Chairman

Jodi Haas Social Committee Chairman

QF The News

A monthly newsletter produced at no cost to the Association or its members.

This publication is funded by advertisements bought by local businesses.

To Advertise in QF The News

Contact Barbara Lacy

Publishing of classified advertising does not constitute endorsement by Quivira Falls Community Association. Residents may ask these advertisers for additional information or references.

Community Ads 8


Have work you need to get done but never get to, can’t do or would rather not do? “Help is just a phone call away!”

I will do light yard work, help clean up clutter or any other chores you need done.

Hard Worker & Very Reasonable Prices

Please call: 1-785-883-4370 Linda Citron

Complete Residential Services


Painting - Interior and Exterior

New Deck Construction-Old Deck Renewal

New Fence Construction-Wood Rot Repair

Textured Ceiling & Wall Repairs

Call Rich Armstrong at

(913) 944-2541 for a free estimate

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