
Four Perspectives on . .1 .

RUNNING HEAD: Fear and Persuasion

Four Perspectives on the Role of Fear in Persuasion

Four Perspectives on . .2 . Abstract Previous research on threat appeals has correlated fear intensity with persuasion. However, fear might figure into the process of persuasion in at least four conceptually distinct ways: (a) the proclivity to experience fear, (b) the rise from baseline to peak, (c) peak intensity, and (d) the decline from peak to post-message fear. A study was conducted that exposed 361 participants to a message that described the dangers of influenza, then advocated obtaining a free vaccination. The data showed positive correlations between tonic activation of the behavioral inhibition system and various indices of fear arousal, but nonsignificant correlations between the behavioral activation system and the same indices. Both rise and peak measures of fear predicted persuasion, but the measure of the extent to which fear declined fared poorly.

Four Perspectives on . .3 . Four Perspectives on the Role of Fear in Persuasion The year 1953 marks the publication of the first social scientific study of fear/threat appeals (Janis & Feshbach, 1953). Since that time, researchers have shown an unflagging interest in how individuals perceive and process messages that contain threatening information. In fact, studies of fear/threat appeals now number in the hundreds (Rogers & Prentice-Dunn, 1997; Witte & Allen, 2000). And, although different writers view fear differently, both classic (e.g., Janis, 1967; Leventhal, 1971) and contemporary theories (e.g., Rogers & Prentice-Dunn, 1997; Witte, 1992) appreciate the necessity of understanding the role of fear in message processing. Surprisingly, there is relatively little research aimed at illuminating the nature and operation of fear itself as an integral part of persuasion process (but see Nabi, 1999). One general strategy for mending this situation is to synthesize fear appeal research with current work on emotion (Author Withheld) . In line with this strategy, we based our efforts in this project on a pair of assumptions that are wholly noncontroversial in the emotion literature. First, we presumed that when faced with the same message or circumstances, some individuals are more prone to the experience of a particular emotion or set of emotions than are others (Bates, 2000). Second, we embraced the position that emotions are dynamic phenomena that vary in intensity over time. They can be understood to possess three properties that characterize dynamism: onset or rise, peak, and offset or decay (Frijda, 1986). Four perspectives on the role of fear in persuasion flow directly from these assumptions. Grounded in the temperament assumption, the reactivity perspective emphasizes individual differences in the propensity for fear arousal and the subsequent effects of fear on persuasion. Three additional views, which derive from the dynamic properties of emotion, can be illustrated

Four Perspectives on . .4 . in terms of a motion metaphor (cf., Carver & Scheier, 1999). Analogous to the concept of rate, the velocity perspective emphasizes the intensity of the emotion. In its simplest form, it implies that the more intense the emotion, the greater its effects on persuasion. One alternative, the acceleration perspective, suggests that rate is less important than rate of change (Carver & Scheier, 1999). On this view, we should look for the effects of emotion by examining the change from baseline to peak emotional intensity. The final perspective, which we label deceleration, agrees that rate of change is key. However, it focuses our attention on the offset of the emotion, rather than its onset. A deceleration perspective suggests that it is the degree to which fear is reduced that determines persuasion (Dolinski & Nawrat, 1998; Janis & Feshbach, 1953). Achieving a better understanding of these four perspectives would contribute to our understanding of basic theoretical processes in important ways. But, in light of the many existing threats to public health and the ongoing need to inform individuals of those hazards, it is difficult to overstate the importance of a knowledge centered on the application of fear appeals. Before describing a study designed to test these four perspectives, we first consider the theory and research associated with each in more detail. The Reactivity Perspective Positive and negative affect are thought to be manifestations of two underlying physiological systems whose purpose is to guide behavior (Thayer, 1989; Watson, Weise, Vaidya, & Tellegen,1999). The function of the behavioral approach system (BAS) is to initiate incentive-motivated action (Davidson, 1993; Depue & Collins, 1999; Gray, 1990). Thus, it is sensitive to cues of reward, nonpunishment, and escape from punishment. Activation of the BAS produces positive affect.

Four Perspectives on . .5 . The purpose of the behavioral inhibition system (BIS) is to inhibit actions that may lead to deleterious outcomes (Davidson, 1993; Gray, 1990). Consequently, it provides aversive motivation in response to cues associated with punishment, nonreward, and novelty. The BIS is the source of negative affect. Individual differences in the tonic activation level of the two behavioral systems are thought to underlie a variety of behavioral and emotional patterns. For instance, Depue and Collins (1999) explain extraversion in terms of variations in the tonic activation level of the BAS. And, left frontal EEG activation, an indicator of tonic BAS activation, has been related to decreased vulnerability to depression (Kline, Allen, & Schwartz, 1998). Important to each of these applications is the notion that individual differences reflect variations in sensitivity to different types of stimuli. Sensitivity ultimately means reactivity of the neurobiology associated with a motivational system (Depue & Collins, 1999, p. 491). Assuming that cues of punishment and nonreward are distributed throughout the environment, but that persons high in tonic BAS activation are more sensitive to these cues, we should expect that the level of tonic BIS activation is directly correlated with self-reports of fear prior to exposure to a threat appeal. Put differently, persons with highly active inhibition systems are generally more fearful than persons with less active inhibition systems. Thus, our first hypothesis is as follows: H1: BIS is positively associated with premessage fear. A defining feature of threat appeals is that they warn of the negative consequences that will accrue to message recipients if they do not alter their behavior (Janis & Feshbach, 1953; Leventhal, 1971; Rogers, 1975; Witte, 1992). In other words, they present cues of punishment

Four Perspectives on . .6 . and/or nonreward. Accordingly, we anticipated that greater sensitivity to such cues would manifest itself in greater increases in fear and higher peak intensity of fear. Further, on the premise that an active (vs. relatively inactive) BIS is characterized by greater reactivity, we might expect that the system would less readily return to baseline. By this logic, BIS should exhibit an inverse relationship with emotional decay. Hence, we predicted that: H2: BIS is (a) positively associated with acceleration and velocity indices of fear and (b) negatively correlated with deceleration measures. The BAS is held to be the source of positive, but not negative, affect (Davidson, 1993; Depue & Collins, 1999; Gray, 1990). If that claim is accurate, then the BAS should show no appreciable correspondence with a negative emotion such as fear, either before or after exposure to a fear appeal. On these grounds, we hypothesized that: H3: BAS is unrelated to pre-message fear, fear acceleration, velocity, or deceleration. The Velocity Perspective Appraisal theories of emotion focus on the cognitive antecedents of emotional experience (e.g., Frijda,1986; Lazarus, 1991; Oatley, 1992; Roseman, Weist, & Swartz, 1994; Scherer, 1984). At the broadest level, they assert that negative emotions arise from the perception that the environment is in an incongruent relationship with the individuals goals and that positive emotions follow from judgments of incompatibility between goals and environment. With regard to fear more specifically, this family of theories contends that fear will be aroused to the extent that individuals conceive of the stimulus as (a) important, (b) negatively valenced, (c) impending, (d) one that will require considerable effort to deal with (i.e., presents an obstacle), and (e) is beyond the control of the actor.

Four Perspectives on . .7 . Some existing research has drawn on appraisal theories as a means of providing insight into the suasory effects of emotion (Author Withheld). For example, the work of Author Withheld and his/her colleagues has examined the association between emotion and the perceived effectiveness of public service advertisements by analyzing properties of emotion suggested by appraisal theories (Author Withheld). These researchers reason that emotions shift individuals into states of being designed to address particular goal-environment relations (Frijda, ,1986; Lazarus, 1991; Oatley, 1992; Roseman, et al., 1994; Scherer, 1984). This shifting involves coordinated alterations in perceptual, cognitive, expressive, and physiological systems that, in the aggregate, influence opinion change. From this position, it is emotional intensity (i.e., velocity) that is persuasive. And, though they do not invoke the aforementioned theoretical position, various meta-analyses of the fear literature consistently show a positive relationship between fear intensity and persuasion (Boster & Mongeau, 1984; Mongeau, 2000; Sutton, 1982; Witte & Allen, 2000). Thus, both theory and previous research point led to a fourth prediction. H4: Fear velocity is positively associated with persuasion. The Acceleration Perspective Among the many theories of emotion, Carver and Scheiers (1999) control theory of behavior is perhaps the most explicit in its treatment of affect dynamics. The theory holds that individuals possess goals that they strive to attain. For example, one goal that individuals might be expected to hold is that of their own continued well-being. A cognitive monitoring system assesses progress toward or away from goals, while a meta-monitoring system operates simultaneously to evaluate the direction and rate of progress. In the view of Carver and Scheier, it is the meta-monitoring system that is responsible for the production of affect. Negative affect

Four Perspectives on . .8 . ensues when progress toward a goal is less than expected, whereas positive affect is the result of greater than expected progress. Although Carver and Scheier (1999) do not say so, the ideas that comprise control theory suggest a perspective that is distinct from those discussed thus far. The logic of control theory implies that it is the degree of change from baseline (i.e., acceleration) that best captures the manner in which fear exerts an influence on persuasion. At first glance it might appear that this possibility is conflated with that of velocity. If the tonic affective state of all individuals at t1 is assumed to be zero, then the magnitude of fear arousal (i.e., t2 - t1) will be identical to peak fear intensity (i.e., t2). However, the reactivity perspective suggests that this assumption is unlikely to hold. Individual differences in tonic BIS activation will produce variations in fear at t1 thereby rendering the acceleration perspective unique. Consequently, this perspective anticipates that: H5: Fear acceleration is positively associated with persuasion. The Deceleration Perspective The deceleration perspective focuses on the offset of emotion. In the arena of fear appeals, drive theory offers what is probably the first prediction of a deceleration effect (Janis & Feshbach, 1953). Grounded in learning theory, the drive models viewed reinforcement as the mechanism behind attitude change. A message was reinforcing to the extent that it first induced fear, then alleviated that emotional state by providing cues to appropriate action. A convincing test of the theory it would require measuring fear at least twice: once after the arousal component of the message (i.e., the threat) and once after the abatement component (i.e., the recommendation). Curiously, we do not know of a single study since the publication of Janis and Feshbach (1953) that has utilized such a design.

Four Perspectives on . .9 . There are, however, two lines of research that bear on the drive reduction hypothesis. In one approach, other variables, such as position of the recommendations, were manipulated that could be expected to interact with level of fear if the drive reduction hypothesis were valid (Dabbs & Leventhal, 1966; Leventhal & Singer, 1966; Leventhal, Singer, & Jones, 1965). None of these data showed the predicted interactions (Higbee, 1969, offers a summary and review). Although valuable in many respects, the evidence that these studies bring to bear on the question of emotional change and persuasion is circumstantial because it depends on other variables. It cannot, therefore, be viewed as conclusive. The other pertinent line of research utilized false feedback about physiological arousal as a predictor of persuasion. One study reported support for the drive reduction hypothesis (Harris & Jellison, 1971), but subsequent investigations gave no indication that fear deceleration produced persuasion (Giesen & Hendrick, 1974; Hendrick, Giesen, & Borden, 1975). Nonetheless, we have several reservations about equating the false feedback procedure with genuine emotion. For one, it involves only the cognitive system, rather than the multiple system activation that most writers agree define an emotion. Moreover, to accept the false feedback data as indicative of emotion is to assume that the inference of an emotional state from a meter reading is functionally equivalent to the experience of an emotion, an assumption that we are unwilling to make. Both concerns lead us to question the relevance of the false feedback data to the questions at hand. Moreover, one recent line of research suggests that there may still be merit in the deceleration perspective. The fear-then-relief model explicitly identifies the offset of fear as a proximal cause of compliance. In a series of five experiments, Dolinski and Nawrat (1998)

Four Perspectives on .10 .. demonstrated that individuals who experienced anxiety that was abruptly terminated were more likely to agree to a request than are persons who were not made fearful. Their work also carefully ruled out a variety of alternative explanations. In sum, there are sound reasons to have reservations about the extent to which prior research has definitively rejected the fear reduction hypothesis. And, the fear-then-relief studies clearly imply that the deceleration perspective may yet have merit. Thus, we proposed the following hypothesis: H6: Fear deceleration is positively associated with persuasion. A Message-Component Approach to the Study of Emotion and Persuasion It is evident that testing most of the hypotheses outlined above requires a research design in which fear is measured at multiple points in time. What may be less apparent is the degree to which fear appeals lend themselves to clear judgments as to when and how often those observations should be made. It is widely held that fear appeals are comprised of two parts (Author Withheld; Leventhal, 1971; Rogers & Prentice-Dunn, 1997; Witte, 1992). The first is a threat component, which is comprised of information concerning the nature of the danger and the susceptibility of members of the target audience to that danger. The second part is an action component that details the efficacy of the recommended response and the ability of the members of the target audience to carry out that response. Fear appeals are most effective when the threat component precedes the recommendation component (Cohen, 1957; Gleicher & Petty, 1992; but see Leventhal & Singer, 1966). Consequently, it seems clear that fear should be assessed prior to the

Four Perspectives on .11 .. threat component of the appeal, immediately after participants are exposed to the threat component, and again immediately after presentation of the recommendation component. Author Withheld have recommended the use of message-component research designs. That is, designs that break messages into their constituent parts, assess emotional responses to each element of the message, and use the resulting emotional change measures as predictors of persuasion. Clearly, the design called for in the current study is one type of message-component design. Although well-suited to the questions that motivated this investigation, the design also poses a threat to internal validity by introducing the potential for reactive measurement. In light of this, we posed a research question: RQ1: Will a design in which participants are interrupted after the threat component to provide data yield different results from one in which they provide data only after presentation of the entire message? Method Overview Participants in the study read a message that warned of the dangers of influenza and advocated that they obtain a vaccination. They also completed a questionnaire that measured their tonic levels of BIS and BAS activation, their emotional reactions to the message, and their estimate of the likelihood that they would get a vaccination. Participants The sample initially included 445 students enrolled in courses at the University of

Wisconsin-Madison. Each received a small amount of extra credit in return for their participation. Following data collection, we applied a series of screens that reduced the overall N. Four respondents were eliminated because they had received a flu vaccination prior to the

Four Perspectives on .12 .. experiment. An additional five were eliminated due to missing data on one or more of the variables. Next, four respondents, three who were allergic to eggs and one who was pregnant, were removed because flu vaccinations are contra-indicated for persons with either condition (and the message informed them of this). Finally, to ensure variance in the dependent measure, 70 participants were removed who reported, prior to the message, that the likelihood that they would obtain a vaccination was greater than 90%. Application of these screens resulted in a final N of 361. Design The experimental design can be conceived of as a between-subjects 2 X 2 with one repeated measure. The first between-subjects factor, level of threat, was included to ensure variation in one of the variables of interest, that is, fear. It was expected that variations in the level of threat in the message would yield corresponding variations in fear. Threat was manipulated by creating two versions of a message that varied in severity (described below). The second between-subjects factor, measurement condition, was included because it would enable us to assess the extent to which our measurement procedures influenced the outcome of the study. Participants in the interrupted condition provided emotion measures prior to the message, immediately after reading the threat component of the message, and immediately after reading the recommendation component. In contrast, participants in the non-interrupted condition provided emotion measures prior to the message, then read the message in its entirety before responding to emotion measures that focused on each of the two message components individually. Fear Appeals

Four Perspectives on .13 .. According to U.S. government statistics, influenza and influenza-related pneumonia together comprise the sixth most common cause of death in the United States ( Furthermore, influenza can exacerbate existing medical conditions (i.e., asthma, heart disease, emphysema, AIDS, diabetes) and lead to additional medical complications ( Thus, influenza is a public health issue of considerable consequence. To construct the stimuli, information from a variety of professional health resources was collected. Arguments advocating vaccination were supported by evidence from expert sources (e.g., CDC, World Health Organization) and presented in both a narrative and a statistical form in both messages. Table 1 provides a summary. Two versions of the message, low threat and high threat, were created. The high threat version contained more vivid language and a more personal narrative than did the low threat version.1 Measures BIS/BAS Scales. Tonic levels of BIS and BAS activation were assessed using Carver and Whites (1994) questionnaire. Participants responded to each of the 20 items on a 4-point scale where 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Agree, and 4 = Strongly Agree. Sample items from the BIS scale include If I think something unpleasant is going to happen I usually get pretty worked up and I worry about making mistakes. Sample items from the BAS scale include When I get something I want, I feel excited and energized and When I want something I usually go all-out to get it. Evidence of the validity of the scales can be found in studies that demonstrate covariation between the two scales and EEG activity (Harmon-Jones & Allen, 1997; Sutton & Davidson, 1997).

Four Perspectives on .14 .. The factor structure of the scales was evaluated in our data using the SPSS 7.5 principle axis routine. Because two factors were expected, we constrained the solution accordingly, then requested varimax rotation to clarify the loadings. Although some items exhibited substantial cross loadings, all of them showed their highest association with the intended factor. In deference to Carver and Whites (1994) larger sample (N = 732), we constructed the two scales as per their instructions. In our data, alpha reliability was .78 for the BIS and .82 for the BAS. The items were summed within scales, then divided by the number of items, thereby returning the variables to a 1 to 4 metric. Descriptive statistics are given in Table 1. ...TABLE 1 ABOUT HERE... Fear. To assess emotional state, participants responded to three items -- fearful, afraid, and scared using a 5-point scale anchored at 0 with None of this feeling and at 4 with A great deal of this feeling. The items were administered three times, which permitted construction of four indices of fear ( = .83, .94, and .91 at times 1, 2, and 3 respectively). The time 1 measure assessed premessage fear, while the time 2 measure was considered an indication of velocity. Fear acceleration was estimated by comparing time 1 with time 2 (t2 - t1). The difference between time 2 and time 3 fear scores constituted the deceleration index (t2 - t3). For clarity of interpretation in later analyses, it is important for readers to note that the acceleration and deceleration measures were constructed such that positive values indicated more of the property under study (i.e., more acceleration and more deceleration). Likelihood of Obtaining a Vaccination. Both before and after reading the message, participants were asked the following question: All things considered, how likely is it that you will get a flu vaccination from University Health Services during the 1999-2000 school year?"

Four Perspectives on .15 .. The response scale ranged from (0) Certain that I will not to (100) Certain that I will with numeric anchors at 10-point intervals. Persuasion was assessed by computing the difference between the post-measure and the pre-measure such that larger values indicated more persuasion. Because these were single-item measures, no estimate of reliability was possible. Results Effects of Threat and Measurement To test the effects of the experimental manipulations, we used a multivariate analysis of variance that treated threat (high vs. low) and measurement condition (interrupted vs. noninterrupted) as predictors. All of the remaining constructs were dependent variables (see Table 1). The results revealed a significant effect for level of threat [7 = .85, F (4, 354) = 15.23, p < .001], a nonsignificant effect for measurement [7 = .99, F (4, 354) = .25, p = .90], and a nonsignificant interaction [7 = .99, F (4, 354) = .25, p = .90]. Inspection of the univariate results indicated that the message effect was limited to fear acceleration, velocity, and deceleration and the likelihood difference. Thus, the results suggested that (a) the threat manipulation did produce variance in the fear measures, but (b) did not provide any indication that the measurement procedures were reactive (RQ1). Consequently, we collapsed across measurement conditions in all subsequent analyses. A closer analysis of the effect of threat on fear appears in Figure 1. To supplement the graphic, we ran a series of tests that contrasted the high and low threat groups on fear at each of the three time points. The pre-message contrast yielded t (359) = .36, p = .71, r = .02 (Mhi = .30, SD = .59 vs. Mlo = .28, SD = .56), which confirmed the absence of a demonstrable difference between the high and low threat groups prior to the message. The results for the post-threat

Four Perspectives on .16 .. comparison were t (359) = 7.25, p < .0001, r = .36 (Mhi = 1.70, SD = 1.14 vs. Mlo = .91, SD = .93). These findings show an effect of threat on fear almost identical to the average effect of r = .35 reported in Mongeaus (2000) meta-analysis. The corresponding values for postrecommendation were t (359) = 1.69, p = .09, r = .09 (Mhi = .61, SD = .85 vs. Mlo = .47, SD = .74). This finding indicates that persons who read the high threat message remained slightly more fearful than members of the low threat group even after both had read the recommendation component of the message. In total, these results suggest that the messages aroused and reduced fear, and that the high threat message did both to a greater degree than the low threat message. Hence, the manipulation successfully produced the variation in fear responses that was necessary for testing the hypotheses. ...FIGURE 1 ABOUT HERE... H1-H3: The Reactivity Perspective H1 predicted that the BIS is positively associated with premessage fear. The first entry in the leftmost column of Table 2 shows a correlation coefficient of .25, p < .01. This result offers support for the first hypothesis. ...TABLE 2 ABOUT HERE... H2 anticipated a series of associations between BIS and the three dynamics aspects of fear arousal. The correlations of .12, p < .05, for acceleration and .26, p < .05, for velocity are both in line with expectations. However, the sign of the association between BIS and deceleration ran counter to prediction: r = .18, p < .05. Thus, support for H2 was mixed. H3 posited a lack of association between BAS and the fear indices. The pertinent results appear in second column two of Table 2. The coefficients are -.04, .09, .07, and .08 for

Four Perspectives on .17 .. premessage fear, acceleration, velocity, and deceleration respectively. Although all four are nonsignificant at p < .05, the significance test alone is not a convincing means of assessing a nodifference hypothesis. Rather, a power analysis is needed. With an N of 361 and two-tailed alpha of .05, power is .46 for small correlations (i.e., .10) and greater than .99 for moderate (i.e., .30) and large correlations (i.e., .50) (Cohen & Cohen, 1983). Thus, while we cannot rule out a small relationship, H3 is clearly supported for moderate to large associations. H4-H6: Acceleration, Velocity, and Deceleration Perspectives H4-H6 predicted positive associations between persuasion and acceleration, velocity, and deceleration respectively. And, as Table 2 shows, the simple correlations support all three predictions. They are .18, p < .01, for acceleration, .18, p < .01, for velocity, and .15, p < .01, for deceleration. However, a method was needed that allowed more stringent comparisons between perspectives. Consequently, we turned to regression analysis. For each analysis, the change in likelihood of obtaining a flu vaccination served as the dependent variable. The independent variables were entered in two blocks. The first block contained one of the three fear variables, whereas the second block contained a different fear variable that was being contrasted with first. Due to collinearity among the fear indices, only two tests per equation were conducted. We ran each equation twice, in each case reversing the order of entry of the two variables that were to be contrasted. In this way, each predictor was given the opportunity to consume as much variance in the dependent variable as possible prior to its competitor. Comparing the results obtained from different entry orders helped to clarify the contribution of each perspective. Table 3 presents the results of the regression analyses in three parts.2 In the upper portion of the table, the acceleration and velocity perspectives are compared. Inspection of the R2) values

Four Perspectives on .18 .. in the first two rows reveals coefficients that are very similar to one another. When acceleration is entered first, it is statistically significant, but velocity is not (Equation 1). When velocity is entered first, it is statistically significant, but acceleration is not (Equation 2). Although velocity is a slightly better predictor than acceleration (a difference of .001), the analysis was unable to provide clear evidence in favor of one perspective over the other due to the degree of collinearity between the two predictors (r = .87). ...TABLE 3 ABOUT HERE... In the center of the table, velocity is contrasted with deceleration. In Equation 1, velocity is significant when it is entered first, and deceleration, when entered second, is not. In Equation 2, deceleration is significant when it is entered first, but velocity contributes significant predictive power even when it is entered in the second block. Thus, these results favor velocity over deceleration. The results of the final comparison (acceleration vs. deceleration) are given in the lower third of Table 3. As would be expected on the basis of the previous two analyses, acceleration is the better predictor. It is significant in Equation 1, whereas deceleration is not, and it contributes additional predictive power above and beyond deceleration in Equation 2. In sum, these results suggested mixed support for H4 (i.e., acceleration) and H5 (i.e., velocity). Both variables predicted persuasion, but it was impossible to discriminate between them in these data. Despite a significant bivariate relationship between deceleration and persuasion (see Table 1), we rejected H6 on the grounds that deceleration contributed no unique information to the regression models in any of the comparisons.3 Discussion

Four Perspectives on .19 .. Reactivity and Emotional Arousal The results showed that the tonic activation levels of the behavioral inhibition and approach systems were correlated with fear arousal in ways that were largely, though not wholly, anticipated. In line H1 and H2a, scores on the BIS showed a significant positive associations with premessage fear, acceleration, and velocity. These results are compatible with a conception of the BIS as an emotion-generating, neurobiological system that varies across persons in sensitivity to aversive stimuli (Davidson, 1993; Depue & Collins, 1999; Gray, 1990). In one instance, the data departed from our expectations for the BIS. We reasoned that once fear was aroused, persons with highly active inhibition systems would continue to experience fear more intensely than individuals who possess less active systems because system activation would decay less readily for the high BIS group. Thus, H2b anticipated a negative relationship between BIS and deceleration. The data, however, showed a positive association. Although this result refutes our slower-decay hypothesis, it can be understood in simple terms. BIS is positively correlated with deceleration because high BIS persons experienced higher levels of fear and, thus, had further to fall toward baseline after reading the recommendation portion of the message. Indeed, based on a median split of BIS, the mean deceleration score of .84 for the high BIS group is greater than the .68 of the low BIS group.4 Though unexpected, this interpretation is not at odds with existing theories of BIS and BAS. It suggests that individual differences in BIS yield up variations in the intensity, but not the duration, of emotional response. It is important to recognize the extent to which this explanation is qualified by our methodology. Because our measures of emotion were simply before-and-after, we cannot rule

Four Perspectives on .20 .. out the possibility that high BIS persons took longer to read the recommendations segment of the message or that they waited until their fear had subsided to respond to the questionnaire. Clocktime indices of emotional response would be needed to provide compelling evidence of our interpretation. Nonetheless, the results direct our attention to an intriguing possibility and lay the groundwork for future research on BIS reactivity and emotional duration. If the behavioral activation system is the source of positive emotion, then it should be unrelated to a negative emotion such as fear. That logic provided the basis for H3 which asserted that BAS and fear would show low to zero levels of association. In fact, the data showed nonsignificant correlations between the BAS and all of the indices of fear. Although a statistical power analysis indicated that we could not rule out the possibility of a weak association, power to detect a moderate or larger effect was .99 or better. This evidence for that lack of a relationship between BAS and negative emotion is compatible with previous research on public service advertising, which reported that the BAS was unrelated to velocity measures of anger, fear, sadness, and guilt, but positively and significantly associated with happiness and contentment (Author Withheld). In sum, the current findings contribute to the growing body of theory and data that distinguish the inhibition and activation systems in terms of their capacity to produce negative and positive relationships respectively. Acceleration, Velocity, Deceleration and Persuasion All three of the dynamic fear indices showed positive and significant bivariate associations with our measure of persuasion. However, a series of regression analyses, which pitted perspectives against the other, provided evidence that favored some perspectives over others. Regarding emotion dynamics, one general conclusion that emerges from the data is that

Four Perspectives on .21 .. both acceleration and velocity appear to positively influence persuasion. Put differently, the data show support for the theoretical positions that argue for increases in emotion as a determinant of persuasion (e.g., Carver & Scheier, 1999) and for those that contend that emotional intensity is a valid explanation for change in attitude (e.g., Author Withheld; Nabi, 1999). But, this conclusion must be qualified in one notable way: It was not possible to clearly discriminate the effects of acceleration and velocity in our data. We argued earlier in this paper that the two measures should show some independence because not all time values would be zero (due to naturally-occurring BIS arousal). This expectation proved true. On a scale that ranged from 0 to 4, the mean pre-message fear score was .30 with a range of 0 to 3.67. However, the correlation between acceleration and velocity was .87, a degree of collinearity that was simply too great for regression analysis to distinguish the unique effects of the two variables. Clearly, one avenue for future research would be to remedy this limitation in our design. A study that manipulates pre-message fear by exposing participants to frightening stimuli in advance of the appeal is needed to clarify the effect of acceleration. However, this suggestion is not so straightforward as it might appear. One issue to consider is the relevance of the premessage stimuli to the content of the threat appeal. Some existing research suggests that premessage fear may enhance the impact of a persuasive appeal to the extent that the arguments are subjectively compelling and the threat is pertinent to the topic of the message (Baron, Logan, Lilly, Inman, & Brennan, 1994; Gleicher & Petty, 1992). However, other studies indicate that fear induced by concerns that are irrelevant to the message topic also enhances persuasion (Hendrick & Borden, 1970; Lundy, Simonson, & Lander, 1967; Sigall & Helmreich, 1969;

Four Perspectives on .22 .. Simonson & Lundy, 1967). A comprehensive test of the effects of acceleration would include fear inductions that were both relevant and irrelevant to the persuasive appeal. Such an experiment would not only help to resolve the ambiguity in our data, but might aid in clarifying some of the conflicting findings in the extant literature. A second general conclusion concerning emotion dynamics is that deceleration seems to have little, if any, impact on persuasion. This finding runs directly counter to any perspective that claims that it is the fear reduction that brings about agreement with an advocacy (e.g., Hovland, Janis, & Kelly, 1953). This conclusion aligns with research that has looked for interactions with other variables (Dabbs & Leventhal, 1966; Leventhal & Singer, 1966; Leventhal et al., 1965) and with investigations that manipulated arousal via false physiological feedback (Giesen & Hendrick, 1974; Hendrick et al., 1975). But, the data brought to bear by the current project are more direct than either of the earlier alternatives and, consequently, provide a more definitive rejection of the deceleration perspective than any to date. The claim that deceleration is unrelated to persuasion appears incompatible with Dolinski and Nawrats (1998) demonstration of a fear-then-relief effect. Yet, there exist a number of differences between the fear-then-relief research and the investigation reported in this paper that might account for conflicting results. For example, participants in the Dolinski and Nawrat studies were confronted, face-to-face, with a very brief request to immediately perform an action for the benefit of someone else. In contrast, our subjects read a much lengthier message that argued that they should protect themselves from temporally distal threat. Moreover, persons who were exposed to the fear-then-relief procedures were induced to feel alarm via manipulations that were logically unconnected to the request for compliance, while our fear appeal drew explicit

Four Perspectives on .23 .. connections between threat and recommendation. Given these many specific and potentially important differences, we are reluctant to infer that the results of the two studies contradict one another. Still, at the broadest level, one investigation suggests that deceleration has relatively powerful persuasive effects, while the other concludes just the opposite. Future inquiry directed at identifying the scope conditions for these findings might well find that both hold under different conditions. Emotion Dynamics and Experimental Design Most research on persuasion and affect treats the message as if it were one indivisible unit. Such an approach may be warranted in many instances. But, evaluating the message as a whole obscures the fact that persuasive advocacies are constructed from a variety of components and that each of these components might have a unique impact on emotion. In the current investigation, measurement of affect (a) prior to the message, (b) after the threat component, and (c) again after the recommendations component permitted us to create indices of acceleration, velocity, and deceleration. However, one risk inherent to designs of this sort is that the act of successive measurement will itself influence the outcome of the investigation. Happily, the data showed no effect of measurement on any of the variables assessed in this study. Whether or not message component designs are uniformly nonreactive is a topic for future research. Of the many alternative means by which one might evaluate the emotional effects of message components, and by extension, emotional dynamics, the research design employed in this study was the simplest. Adopting a message component approach becomes more challenging when one considers suasory appeals that depart from standard methods of organization such as the problem-solution format. But, methods developed for the study of conversational cognition

Four Perspectives on .24 .. (Waldron & Cegala, 1992) might be adapted to address this problem. For example, asking message recipients to self-report their feelings while reading through a printed message would provide a much richer picture of the affective impact of message components than a postmessage checklist. A similar end could be achieved via stimulated recall procedures in which subjects view a commercial advertisement once, then review it, stopping the tape and describing their affective reactions as they occurred. Although the design employed in the current study is the most modest of these alternatives, it demonstrates the utility of the message component approach for addressing questions of emotion dynamics and persuasion. Conclusion The primary contributions of this study to the literature on threat appeals can be summarized along the following lines. First, when presented with a health-related threat message, basic neurobiological differences predispose some individuals, and not others, to fear responses of greater intensity. There no evidence that these same differences influence the duration of that emotional response. Second, both the acceleration and velocity aspects of emotion can produce positive changes in the likelihood that individuals would take the healthprotective action advocated by the message. However, fear deceleration possesses little, if any, suasory power. Third, there is no indication that the research designs necessary to assessing message-induced changes in emotion suffer from reactive measurement. Both theoretically and methodologically, these findings advance our understanding of the relationship between emotion and persuasion.

Four Perspectives on .25 ..

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Four Perspectives on .32 .. Table 1 Description of the Fear Appeal

Threat Component

Consequences of the flu and prediction for rates of infection in the upcoming flu season. Story about how a flu infection affected one students social and academic welfare. Influenza and influenza-related pneumonia are the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. Discussion of viral mutations and flu pandemics.

Recommendation Component

Benefits of flu vaccinations. Dangers of flu vaccinations for those who are pregnant or allergic to eggs. Reasons for renewing flu vaccinations annually. How to take part in the University Health Services flu vaccination program.

Four Perspectives on .33 .. Table 2 Correlations and Descriptive Statistics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. BIS 2. BAS 3. Premessage Fear (t1) 4. Acceleration (t2-t1) 5. Velocity (t2) 6. Deceleration (t2-t3) 7. Likelihood Change (post - pre)

-.12* - -.31** .20** .01 -.01 -.87** --

.23** -.04 .11* .23** .16** -.04 .09 .07 .08 .05

.68** .71**

.18** .18** .16**

Mean SD

3.01 .56

3.21 .40

.30 .58

1.00 1.14

1.30 1.11

.76 .97

17.55 29.73

Note. N = 361. *p < .05. **p < .01.

Four Perspectives on .34 .. Table 3 Regression Analyses Predicting Persuasion from Acceleration, Velocity, Deceleration and BIS/BAS Equation 1 Block R2 ) Block Acceleration vs. Velocity Equation 2 R2 )

1. Acceleration 2. Velocity

.033** .003

1. Velocity 2. Acceleration

.034** .002

Velocity vs. Deceleration

1. Velocity 2. Deceleration

.034** .001

1. Deceleration 2. Velocity

.025** .011*

Acceleration vs. Deceleration

1. Acceleration 2. Deceleration

.033** .002

1. Deceleration 2. Acceleration

.025** .011*

Note. N = 361. *p < .05. *p < .01.

Four Perspectives on .35 .. Figure 1 Mean Level of Fear Reported by High and Low Threat Subjects at Times 1, 2, and 3


Fear Intensity1.5



0 Time 1 Time 2 Low Threat High Threat Time 3

Four Perspectives on .36 ..

1 2 3

A complete copy of the messages are available from either author. The beta weights in every analysis were positively signed. Because previous work demonstrated that fear appeals may arouse multiple emotions and that

those emotions may all influence persuasion (Author Withheld), we measured and evaluated the effects of anger, happiness, sadness, and guilt in terms of their acceleration, velocity, and deceleration. None of these effects were significant. In the interest of clarity, we have focused this document on fear alone.4

Although these means are not significantly different from one another, this is the result of the

loss of information that follows from dichotomizing a continuous variable (i.e., BIS). Recall that the correlation between deceleration and BIS in its continuous form was significant.

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