Foundational Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle - Habit 1 & 2

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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High Flying Energy for Business Leaders

Foundational Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle

Eating regularly& powering energy with protein

(Habit 1 & Habit 2)

Habit 1: Eating regularly

• Plan to eat every 3-5 hours through day

• PERSONALISED requirements – adjust to your routine

• 3 meals and 2 snacks (if required)

Habit 1: Eating regularly

• Provide energy source for immediate use

• Do not GRAZE – eat – stop – rest digestion – allow insulin to “switch off”

• If body requires additional energy it will tap into its stores

Habit 2: Powering Energy with Protein

• Eat protein with every meal or snack

• Meal portion – ¼ plate or palm sized portion

• Snack portion – – small e.g. 6 almonds

Habit 2: Powering Energy with Protein

• Protein satiates you –will feel fuller for longer

• Slows the absorption of glucose into blood stream

• Protein sources: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, pulses, nuts, seeds, vegetarian proteins e.g. soya, tofu, protein powders.

• Dairy foods (some protein, also contain fats and some sugars)

Food groups (Macronutrients and GL)

• Proteins – found in fish, lean meat, eggs, nuts, seeds, beans and pulses: Do not contribute to glycaemic load

• Fats Do not contribute to glycaemic load• Mono and polyunsaturated fats: nuts, seeds, oily

fish, avocado, olives • Saturated – fatty meat and full fat dairy products

• Carbs – bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, cake, sweets, chocolate, alcohol, fizzy drinks: These are the foods with GL scores

Find out more

If you’d like to know more about:


• Habits for a healthier life

• Enjoying 10/10 energy all day and every dayPlease book a complimentary

Health & Energy Evaluation Call (25 mins) at

or call on 0191 285 5612

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