
Forget company culture

Forget company culture

Forget company culture

Minifig Assembly by Andrew aBecraft, on Flickr

“ kind of doesn't really matter what people do, given that ultimately you're the one who's gotta be the animus. You're the

one who's actually going to have to go ship, right?...


… If we really, really are honest with ourselves there’s not really that much

stuff we can't ship because other people.” - Merlin Mann

Create your own work


* You don’t need to ignore the culture of your company, just don't let it hold you from to be the professional that you are.

This is my culture!

Mission: To destroy frontiers between cultures and people through knowledge and improve the world.

1. Learn from mistakes

2. Learn from other

By Maximilianklein (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

their successes

“1. Embrace the Suck2. Do It in Public3. Pick Stuff That Matters”

- Jeff Atwood

and failures

“Bad companies are destroyed by crisis, Good companies survive them, Great companies are improved by them.” - Andy Grove

By Konstantin Lanzet (CPU Collection Konstantin Lanzet)

3. Keep your mind open

4. Challenges are opportunities to grow

5. Limitations are a source of creativity

6. Perfectionism is rubbish, there’s no room for improvement in something


7. Remembe he B P u e

8. Kaizen

9. Think! About Your Work

10. Don't let fear hold you back

11. Collaborate

12. Communication is the key

13. Provide Options, not lame excuses

14. Don't point fingers

Mr Butterfly on finger by Tatyana A., on Flickr

15. Save your pride for your projects

16. Embrace differences

17. Agile and Lean aren't methodologies, they are culture

18. Leadership is not about power is about responsibility

By Michal Osmenda from Brussels, Belgium (Louvre Pyramid Uploaded by russavia) [CC BY-SA 2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

19. Think big, act small and see from the top-down view

20. Plan for the worst, expect to fail, spot problems, but relax everything

will be okay

21. Don’t forget ideas, write them down, share

22. Keep the flow

24. Be a Catalyst for Change

25. Question everything

26. Nothing is static or final (except in programming)

27. Refactor Early, Refactor Often

28. Work smart then work hard

29. Don't waste time, it is the most valuable resource

30. Languages aren't religion!

31. Never stop learning


Learning weekends

Take a hour per week to walk around, meet people and collaborate.


By deror_avi (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


Game nights


Use 10-25% of your free time to

work in a pet project





So… What is your culture?


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