Fordham Workshop for Scholars

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Jessie Daniels, PhD – Hunter College and The Graduate Center, CUNY

Fordham University | Visiting Scholar Workshop26 February 2016

The Changing Landscape of Being a Scholar

Twitter: @JessieNYC

legacy academic scholarship

learning from journalism

pre-21st century, analog, closed, removed from the public sphere, monastic


This was the only option for publishing.

We typed words & paragraphs on paper.

That technology had some problems.

This was “cut and paste.”

This is where we would go to find & read information.

This is how we looked things up.

Many journals or books not open & accessible.

Measuring “Impact”

How many inches?

expansion of digital technologies

what is ‘digital’ & why does it matter?

changing scholarship

peer-review is changing

changing pedagogy



DeMillo Still Sees a ‘Revolution’ (2015)

From ‘MOOC’ to ‘POOC’

changing activism

‘Battle of Seattle’ (1999)

Jena 6 Protests (2006)

Occupy Wall Street (2011)

Tahrir Square (2013)

#BlackLivesMatter (2013-Present)

changing the scholar-activist


Unique Visitors (each month): ~ 200,000Total Visitors (since 2007): 2.7 million

Individual Blog Posts: 1,790Comments from readers: 10,563Subscribers: 10,268Authors: 150

Scholar-Activism within the Academy

• “mobs in cyberspace”

• “holy warriors” (faculty)

Scholar-Activism within the Academy

“What we are left with is the question of how a traditional university can be governed in an age of the vast but unaccountable Internet Empires like Twitter and Facebook.” ~ (DeMillo, 2015 p. 261)

DeMillo inadvertently makes the case for

the use of social media for

activism within the academy

publishing is changing

how we produce knowledge is changing

how we measure success

is changing


Evidence of Reputation


Open Access Increases Impact

21st century, digital, open, connected to the public sphere, worldly



sociopolitical context of academia

funding is changing


@ 365 Fifth Avenue

MediaCamp Workshops

for Academics, Activists

Opening Education, Linking to Community

Community Activist: Ethel Velez

videos open to anyone

readings open to anyone

Knowledge Streams


Data Maps

Data Visualizations

Produced 4 e-Books


Podcast Series

“metrics that matter”

Changing Landscape


Workshop Pages

• Share Your Already-Published Research in Your Repository (

• Reflect, Negotiate Before You Agree to Publish (

• A Webspace of One’s Own (

• Twitter Resources for Academics ( )

• Blogging Resources for Academics (

Twitter: @JessieNYC

Thank you!

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