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September 2016

FOPL/BothAnd | OpenMediaDesk®a social media/brand newsroom for Ontario’s libraries

OpenMediaDesk.®Stories that strike sparks. That make people act.✤ OpenMediaDesk®

(OMD®) is a proprietary branded content newsroom methodology

✤ OpenMediaDesk® is dashboard-governed proprietary process to create, test, and publish multimedia experiences in aid of improving both the quality and volume of FOPL member library marketing communications

What OMD does✤ creates community networks of

storytellers to promote FOPL libraries as essential community cultural, educational and social entrepreneurship services

✤ enhances community collaboration with FOPL member library marketing communications initiatives at scale

✤ optimizes the FOPL member library's strategic cultural user experience (UX)/outreach to library cardholders of all stripes

✤ acts as an actionable intelligence tool for designing and implementing high-relevance library programming and community outreach via real-time community data research

Better stories. Faster. On target.

✤ OMD is also a methodology for realtime media testing and data-driven publishing, which pre-validates stories before they're published for maximum relevancy to library cardholder needs/wants/aspirations

The community tells the library’s story

✤ OMD is a data-driven 'story engine' which designs and shares library-centric stories from individuals in a FOPL member library community back to the greater community, through library social media and website experiences

Outcomes✤OMD provides cutting-edge library brand

storytelling of the highest possible engagement and relevancy to the target community (high-relevancy storytelling opens community conversations)

✤superb cardholder engagement with library media, a user experience (UX) that drives engagement with the library, its services and its media offerings (OMD grows cardholder user/interaction base via high-relevancy media)

✤ innovate a new kind of library brand communications across the entire province, yet responsive to hyperlocal issues/events/aspirations (scaleable effective and coordinated media)

✤create a clear, powerful digital brand for FOPL member libraries for all future media/brand communications initiatives (scaleable, targeted brand messaging)

OMD delivers✤ a process for a highly targeted

content marketing/key influencer/user-generated-content process (the community tells its own stories about libraries through library networks)

✤ both build and implementation of an integrated FOPL media ecosystem (media as a coordinating information/news/thought-leadership layer across the entire FOPL system)

✤ design and implement high-relevancy, sustainable social media (brand stories that live on memorably)

thank you.

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