Food Lesson 3

Post on 04-Dec-2021






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ESL Pals

FoodLesson 3

ESL Pals

Recap Food lesson 2


Beans Sandwich Yoghurt Rice Cheese Soup Tofu Avocado








What did you have for lunch


ESL Pals

Food Groups

ESL Pals

Fruit or Vegetable: Beetroot Blueberries Carrots Broccoli Eggplant Watermelon Kiwi Strawberry

Match the words to the pictures.

Questions:How many vegetables are there?

How many fruits are there?

Do you eat fruit everyday?

What is your favourite vegetable?

ESL Pals

Healthy or Unhealthy:

Bacon Hamburgers Salad Cupcakes Eggs Crisps

Tasks:Separate the healthy and unhealthy foods.

Which of the foods pictured is your favourite?

Name 2 more healthy foods that you eat regularly.

Name 2 more unhealthy foods that you eat regularly.

ESL Pals

Identify the dairy products:

- Ice Cream - Cheese - Butter - Pizza - Tacos - Sushi

True or False? Dairy means products that are produced from milk.

All dairy products are unhealthy.

Ice cream is a dairy product

Dairy products contain a lot of salt.

Sushi is high in dairy.

ESL Pals

Sweet or Salty: Donut Cookie Chocolate Pretzel Popcorn French Fries

Answer the questions:Seperate the sweet and salty foods.

Do you prefer sweet or salty?

Do you eat sweet foods everyday?

Name 1 more sweet food.

Name 1 more salty food.

Match the words to the


ESL Pals

Dinner Introduction

ESL Pals

What Time is Dinner?





What time is dinner in your


ESL Pals

Dinner Foods:

Pizza? Tacos?Hamburger? Pasta?

Ask your teacher what they eat for


What did you eat for dinner yesterday?

ESL Pals

Dinner Vocabulary

ESL Pals

● Salmon

● Grilled sandwich

● Burrito

● Hot Dog

● Fried Chicken

● BBQ ribs

Match the words and pictures: Have you tried any of these








ESL Pals

Find the foods which relate to the describing words below: - healthy - unhealthy - salty - dairy

Describing foods: Explain your reasoning...

ESL Pals

Dinners from Around the WorldReadings & Exercises

ESL Pals

In Mexico, dinner is a much smaller meal than lunch. Dinner is eaten at around 8pm. The style of eating and mealtimes is different from city to city, but two things are certain. Firstly, a typical Mexican family meal is a time for gathering and sharing, and secondly there will always be tortillas! The food in Mexico is delicious!

Dinner time in Mexico

ESL Pals

One of the most famous dishes that people like to eat at dinner time in Mexico are tacos. To prepare tacos you need a large frying pan to fry meat. Then, add different spices and salt and pepper. Then, add tomatoes. Once the meat is cooked, heat the taco shells in the oven for 5 minutes. Then, put the taco shells on a plate, and offer the toppings in small bowls so people can choose what they want in their taco.

How to make Tacos:

ESL Pals

Dinner time in England:

In England, dinner is the main meal of the day. It is usually eaten between the hours of 5pm and 6pm. Dinner is a time for families and friends to eat together so they can share stories and experiences. But it is not common to share food, like in Mexico. There are many traditional English dishes but the most popular is fish and chips.

ESL Pals

How to make fish and chips:

People can use different types of fish but it is common to have cod. To prepare cod, you need to make batter in a big bowl. Batter is the crispy layer around the fish. To make the batter you need to mix together flour, eggs, baking powder, milk, salt and pepper. Add the fish to the batter, then fry the fish in oil for 5 minutes. To cook chips, you need to chop potatoes then fry them in oil for 10 minutes. Serve on a plate with sauces of your choosing.

ESL Pals

Dinner time in the USA:

In the United States of America it is common for some people to buy dinner from fast food restaurants instead of preparing something at home. This is because modern life in the USA is busy, so generally there is less time to spend cooking a meal at home. There are many different restaurants in the USA which offer a large choice of meals. However, the most famous meal from the USA is a hamburger.

ESL Pals

How to make a Hamburger:

Burgers are made by mixing meat, egg, onion, garlic, salt and pepper in a large bowl. After mixing, separate them into burger shapes. To cook burgers, heat a frying pan with olive oil. Then place the burgers into a frying pan, and fry the burgers for 5-10 minutes. When cooked, serve the burgers inside a bread bun. Some people like to add tomatoes, lettuce and ketchup. And, it is very common to serve hamburgers with a portion of chips.

ESL Pals

Mexican family food is a time for gathering and sharing.

False? True?

True or False:

ESL Pals

Mexican family food is a time for gathering and sharing.

True or False:

ESL Pals

There are many traditional English dishes but the most popular is a hamburger with chips.

False? True?

True or False:

ESL Pals

There are many traditional English dishes but the most popular is a hamburgers with chips.

False! The most popular meal is fish and chips.

True or False:

ESL Pals

In the USA, dinner typically consists of much smaller portions than lunch, and is eaten at around 8pm.

False? True?

True or False:

ESL Pals

In the USA, dinner typically consists of much smaller portions than lunch, and is always eaten as a family.

False! Dinner is a main meal, and is not always eaten with the family.

True or False:

ESL Pals


1. Which country do you think has the healthiest dinner?

2. Which country do you think has the unhealthiest dinner?

3. Which dinner do you think is the easiest to prepare?

ESL Pals

DialoguesRead the dialogue then fill in the gaps from memory

Act out the dialogues with a


ESL Pals

Mexico - Dinner time

Enrique: Hey, what time are you going to eat dinner? Gonzalo: I am going to eat dinner at 8pm with my family.Enrique: What are you going to eat? Gonzalo: Tonight we are going to eat my favourite meal - tacos!Enrique: Amazing! Me too, I love tacos!Gonzalo: Do you eat dessert after? Enrique: No, because I don’t like sugary food.Gonzalo: I love unhealthy, sugary desserts. Tonight I will eat Ice cream.

ESL Pals

Mexico - Dinner timeFill in the


Enrique: Hey, what time are you going to eat dinner? Gonzalo: I am going to eat __________ at 8pm with my family.Enrique: What are you going to eat? Gonzalo: Tonight we are going to eat my favourite meal - __________!Enrique: Amazing! Me too, I love tacos!Gonzalo: Do you eat __________ after? Enrique: No, because I don’t like __________ food.Gonzalo: I love unhealthy, sugary desserts. Tonight I will eat Ice cream.

ESL Pals

England - Dinner time

John: What did you eat for dinner last night? David: I ate fish and chips with my wife and children.John: Great! Did you cook the meal yourself? David: Yes of course! I love cooking and it is cheaper than a restaurant. John: Do you eat fish and chips often?David: No, because it is unhealthy!John: I agree, frying food in oil is unhealthy. David: Yes that’s true! So, I am going to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables!

ESL Pals

England - Dinner timeFill in the


John: What did you eat for ___________ last night? David: I ate ___________ with my wife and children.John: Great! Did you cook the meal yourself? David: Yes of course! I love cooking and it is cheaper than a restaurant. John: Do you eat fish and chips often?David: No, because it is ___________!John: I agree, frying food in oil is unhealthy. David: Yes that’s true! So, I am going to eat a lot of fruit and ___________!

ESL Pals

USA - Dinner time

Tony: Are you going to eat dinner at home tonight? Sarah: No, because I have to work late at the office.Tony: What time are you going to finish work? Sarah: Probably at 9pm - which is much later than normal.Tony: Wow that is late! What are you going to eat for dinner? Sarah: I am going to buy fast food. Tony: What are you going to buy? Sarah: I love hamburgers so I am going to buy one from McDonald’s.

ESL Pals

USA - Dinner timeFill in the


Tony: Are you going to eat ___________ at home tonight? Sarah: No, because I have to work late at the office.Tony: What time are you going to finish work? Sarah: Probably at 9pm - which is much later than normal.Tony: Wow that is late! What are you going to eat for dinner? Sarah: I am going to buy ___________. Tony: What are you going to buy? Sarah: I love ___________ so I am going to buy one from ___________.

ESL Pals

Food Recap

ESL Pals

Breakfast Recap - Lesson 1


English Breakfast Pancakes Toast Croissant Fried Egg Bacon

Match the words to the







QuestionsDid you eat breakfast today?

What’s your favourite breakfast food?

ESL Pals

Lunch Recap - Lesson 2

Beans Sandwich Yoghurt Soup Tofu Rice

Match the words to the








QuestionsDid you eat lunch today?

What’s your favourite lunch time food?

ESL Pals

Should / Should not… Recap

Should + Infinitive to say that something is a good idea

+ Infinitive to say that something is a bad ideaShould not

ESL Pals

Should or Should not?

Decide if you should or should not do the following...

1. You should / should not eat unhealthy foods for dinner.

2. You should / should not eat food from McDonald’s everyday.

3. You should / should not prepare salty food for dinner.

4. You should / should not drink sugary drinks.

5. You should / should not eat fruit and vegetables everyday.

Explain your answers...

ESL Pals

Goodbye!See you

next time!

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