Food labeling and education for consumers

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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Corporate Social Responsibility Powerpoint presentation.


Problem: U.S. consumers tend to be

uneducated about the ingredients

contained in the foods they feed

themselves and their families.

Goal: Educate consumers about U.S.

food additives and GMO use. Raise

awareness for the need for GMO

labeling of ingredients.

3,000 food-bourne deaths per year mainly due to bacteria

FDA is responsible for food and drug safety

U.S. allows food ingredients that are banned in other developed countries

Ingredients can cause detrimental effects on human health

The use of GMO crops is damaging to the environment and not proven safe for human consumption

Artificial food colorings

Olestra (aka Olean)

Brominated vegetable oil (BVO)

Potassium bromate (brominated flour)



Synthetic hormones (rBGH & rBST)


Diphenylamine (DPA)


Artificial sweeteners

Flavor enhancers

More than 3,000 food additives are

added to U.S. foods

Have increased drastically after the 1950’s› Additives add shelf life, taste and better appearance

› Processing strips nutritional value (vitamins, minerals, fiber) from foods Additives so the food is not bland / not appealing

Human health in the U.S. is much lower than other industrialized countries.

Could it be caused by the increase in toxic chemicals added to our foods?

Inexpensive substitute for real sugar that comes from yellow corn

Primarily used to sweeten soft drinks

Added sugars in the diet from beverages can lead to weight gain vs. solid foods

Promotes insulin resistance and increases risk of diabetes

Causes cancer-cells to metastasize (spreading from one organ to another)

Increases risk of heart disease

In 2006, the U.S. gave the corn

industry almost $5 million in

subsidies, allowing farmers to

sell their crops at low costs,

increasing HFCS in the U.S.

food chain. (Donsky)

• Listed as “hydrolyzed”

• Raises triglycerides and

LDL (bad cholesterol)

• Increases risk of heart


• Linked to prostate and

breast cancer

• Linked to Alzheimer’s

disease, diabetes and


• Over 100 chemical artificial flavors used in the U.S.

• Can cause allergic reactions

• Can cause behavioral problems in children

• Added for flavor enhancement

• Causes chest pain, headaches, heart palpitations

• Excited taste buds to make you eat more (food coma after chinese


• Causes neurological symptoms (decreased cognitive function)

• Most popular: Blue 1&2, Yellow 5&6, Green 3, Red 3&40, Orange B,

Citrus red 2

• Most are made from coal tar – used to make seal coatings for

industrial floors and used to kill lice in lice shampoos

• Found in cakes, candy, macaroni & cheese, medicines, sports drinks,

sodas, pet food, cheese, among many others.

• Banned in many countries

• Causes brain cancer, tumors of the immune system, mutates healthy


Aspartame – may cause cancer and neurological side effects (headaches, confusion, dizziness, memory loss, convulsions)

Acesulfame potassium – may cause cancer

Saccharin (Sweet-n-low) – may cause cancer

Sucralose (Splenda)

• Found in the majority of packaged

foods to increase shelf life

• Cereals, butter, meats, beer,


• Sodium Benzoate – carcinogen

• Sodium Nitrate – may cause cancer• BHA – cancer causing agent

• BHT – organ system toxicity

• TBHQ – may cause cancer

• Polysorbate60,65, 80 – affects

immune system function and may

cause infertility

• Alternatives: Rosemary and Sage

Found in sports drinks and citrus flavored sodas

Used to prevent flavor from separating

Competes with Iodine for receptor sites in the body

Bromine is a poisonous chemical – both corrosive and toxic

Can lead to thyroid, autoimmune diseases and cancer


Made with corrosive and toxic Bromine

Used in rolls, wraps, breads, bagels

Strengthens the dough for faster baking times

Causes kidney and nervous system disorders

FDA “urges” bakers to avoid using it…

Used in fat free potato


Causes digestive issues

Causes a dramatic

depletion of fat soluble

vitamins and nutrients

Banned in the UK and

other countries

Found in breads, frozen dinners, box pasta mixes, and packed baked goods

Most countries wait a week for flour to whiten, U.S. food processors prefer to chemically bleach flour ASAP

Linked to asthma

Primarily used in foamed plastics like yoga mats and sneaker soles

Genetically engineered and used on cattle to increase milk production by 10%

Cows become lame, infertile and suffer from inflamed and infected udders

Linked to breast, colon and prostate cancer in humans who ingest dairy products

Permitted by the FDA for use in poultry feed to promote growth, improve efficiency in feeding birds and boost pigmentation of meat (Goyanes)

Can get passed down the food chain from the chicken to humans when consumed

EPA classified inorganic arsenic as a human carcinogen

Organic and inorganic arsenic is naturally occurring in the environment and elevated levels typically due to humans› Can be in drinking water

› Can be in soil and leach into the food chain

Found in apples, apple juice, applesauce, pears, baby food

Gives a glossy appearance to apples

Prevents brown or blackening of fruit

According to the European Food Safety Authority, DPA is poisonous because it breaks down into nitrosamines which are carcinogenic (Goyanes)

(Food Babe)

(Food Babe)

(Food Babe)

(Food Babe)

Manufacturers use safer

and better ingredients in

their products in countries

where harmful ingredients are banned.

Because the FDA has not banned these ingredients, manufacturers use them to save costs and increase shelf life of products at the expense of U.S. human health.

What can we do EDUCATE

• Bacteria contain additional

DNA which is circular known

as a plasmid

• Plasmids are shared between

bacterial cells

• Scientists can introduce specific genes from other

organisms into certain types

of plasmids

• “engineered” plasmids are

introduced into new

organisms• The organism will express this

new gene


Plant GMOs are currently designed to either withstand herbicide treatment and/or naturally produce insecticide› The use of RoundUp has increased 15x since the

introduction of GMOs

› RoundUp is a toxic pollutant to the environment – soil and water

› Introduction of “super weeds and bugs” that are adapting and changing the natural environment

GMOs are not currently engineered to be drought resistant, increase yield, enhance nutrition or any other consumer benefit

The corporations producing GMOs are responsible for testing safety of GMOs also profit from them- How accurate are their tests and results?

• Drastic decreases in spending

• Is big pharma behind it? They make money off an unhealthy society.

• Corporations are doing their own food and cosmetic safety tests…

• The FDA approved the use of GMOs based on these tests.

Concerned citizens, small businesses and

other organizations are pushing for the

movement toward food labeling

Labeling for GMOs at the state level is

trying to be banned at the federal level

Vermont will have GMO labeling starting

in 2016, CT and ME have passed

mandates but will not go into effect until

other states do the same

Goal: Educate consumers about U.S. food additives and GMO use. Raise awareness for the need for GMO labeling of ingredients.

› Companies such as Ben & Jerry’s, Stonyfield, and other “green” product companies may sponsor a grassroots advertising campaign

› Write letters to newspapers and local TV programs

› Set up information tables and pass out fliers at farmer’s markets & fairs

› Urge people to write to NH state reps

More than two dozen states have movements to labeling of GMOs in foods

› Urge schools to educate children and parents on what is in their food and how to make better choices

People may not know what these chemicals are

The food companies who use harmful chemicals in their food are looking to cut costs while risking the safety and health of the community

Many foods that appeal to children are loaded with chemicals› Behavioral problems


Urging consumers to pay attention to what is in their food, to look for certain types of harmful chemicals, or suggesting a whole foods type diet can prevent and sometimes reverse health problems!

Use word of mouth.. The more educated we are as a society, the healthier we can be.

This movement for clean eating has risen the popularity of farmer’s markets and stores like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods.

As citizens, we must inform others, sign petitions, write our state reps, and use the media to get the word out.

Choose organic products

Buy local

Buy vegetables and fruits in season

Read ingredient labels

Buy recycled paper products

Avoid eating at restaurants and

especially fast foods

Spread the word to family and friends

Join the movement

Donsky, Andrea. (01Oct2013). 7 Scary Food Additives to Avoid. Naturally Savvy. Retrieved from

Vani Hari. (11Feb2013). Food Babe. How Food Companies Exploit Americans with Ingredients Banned in

Other Countries. Retrieved from


GMA. Food Safety News. 11 Food Ingredients Banned Outside the U.S. that we eat. Retrieved from

Goyanes, Cristina. 14 Banned Foods Still Allowed in the U.S. Retrieved from

Label GMOs. What are we eating? Retrieved from

Mercola. (27Feb2013). U.S. Foods Chockfull of ingredients banned in other countries. Retrieved from

Natural Revolution. List of Countries That Ban GMO Crops and Require GE Food Labels. Retrieved from

USA Today. (09Apr2014.) Legislation Would Ban State GMO Labeling Measures. Retrieved from

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