Food Habits In Different Countries by Nikita Jain.R

Post on 27-May-2015






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Health Awareness Project - Presentation and discussions with general public



INTRODUCTION.Why, how and what people eat?

• All humans eat to survive

• A common eating pattern is three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) per day, with snacks between meals

•economic circumstances, cultural norms, and religious restrictions play a role in why and how people eat

Ex. Iranian family sits on the floor and eats from a cloth laden with regional delicacies

Influences on Food Choices • Individual Preferences

• Cultural Influences

• Social Influences.

• Religious Influences

• Economic Influences

• Environmental Influences

• Political Influences

• Eating habits are thus the result of both external factors, such as politics, and internal factors, such as values. These habits are formed, and may change, over a person's lifetime

Why are food habits different in different countries?

• Foods are a way that cultural groups express their way of living .

• When people from India came to Texas (U.S) they found out that they couldn't always cook familiar foods as they had in their homelands because they would need ingredients that weren't available in Texas.

• Some people found other ingredients they could use as substitutes for the ones that weren't available

• Many people also created new recipes based upon their traditional ones using ingredients that included the crops that grew in Texas

• The many different ways to cook and prepare foods have provided the people with a varied diet.

Facts about German food

• Beer and Sausage have remained as the customary culinary for Germans. Probably the number of Sausage varieties available in Germany is the largest in the world with as many 1000-1500.

• As a matter of fact many of food varieties of American such as Hot Dog and Hamburgers have originated from similar German dishes.

German food habit influence

• Food culture and habits of neighboring countries like Switzerland, Austria, France, Netherland and others, influence the German food cultures from regions to regions.

• German style of food preparation is greatly admired by health conscious


National facts and eating habits about German food

• For German people Pork & Beef form the main part of meat dishes and Pork is more popular

• Apart from Chicken, Germans also love duck, goose and turkey for their varieties of poultry food dishes. Fast food items have also penetrated German eating habits.

Facts about Indian food

FACTS ABOUT INDIAN FOOD• With more than 29 states , each region in India has its own 

unique style and flavor. 

• Indians have comparatively high appetite than other nation people.

• People don’t eat junk and fast foods like

in developed countries, instead they prepare

and bake everything at home.

• And that food increases your strength

and its lot strong food. But no one starves

out here { unless they are lazy to beg }

Indian dishes and its influence• Majority of the population is strictly vegetarian and beef from holy

Cow is strictly unthinkable for Hindu families

• Cow slaughter is legally forbidden by almost all the states of India.

• India is famous for its Indian Basmati Rice. Curry and spices are the main ingredients of Indian cuisine.

• Southern India is mostly vegetarian and Rice forms the main part of the dish

• Northern India consumes lot of meat dishes prepared in “Mughal Style” which bears relation to Middle East and Central Asia style of preparation.

• In Eastern India Rice and Fish is the staple diet.

Indian famous delicious food thali’s•many Indians are meat eaters and cook them well too. Chicken dishes are perhaps the most popular meat in India

• Sea food is also popular in coastal regions like Goa, Mangalore, Kerala, West Bengal and others.

Indian’s health conscious habits

• Spread over every nook and corner of India one can easily spot number of restaurants and café serving vegetarian and non vegetarian meals that suit to wide taste and pockets

• Generally outside food is reasonable. Local habitats mostly prefer

home food and rarely go out for dining.

Facts about USA food

Facts about USA food• Even though the traditional culinary in USA resembles other western

countries but during the last 3 decades or so, it has undergone immense transformation in its food traditions

• customs largely influenced by vast influx of immigrant population, which goes on adding new tastes and cooking styles

American food and its influence• USA produces and exports large quantity of fruits

like Oranges, Cherries, Peaches and many more and other agricultural products such as Potato, Soya Beans, Corn, Wheat (primary cereal grain) and many more

• USA has become very popular in Fast food concepts which have spread all over the world.

• Names like Coca Cola, McDonald and KFC have become Multi National Corporations spreading their wings world over and popularizing fast food items.

Health…Food…and Cost• Children, teens and adults all alike

are fond of fast food or junk food like French fries, candy, carbonated soft drinks, pizza, chocolates, cookies and burgers

• Studies have shown that average spending on fast food is more than on computers, cars, videos, movies, magazines and other household artifacts.

Foreign preserved food habits

•Fruits not eaten in season often saw their way into preservation methods like jam, wet sweetmeats, dried or cooked into pies that could freeze during the winter months

Research and unhealthy habits• Research carried out in USA on American food habits shows that due

to insufficient intake of proper nutrients and its supplements such as cereals, fruits, milk and vegetables, various health disorders

associated with obesity are rising alarmingly.

• Larger population is becoming over weight due to unhealthy diet

practices and they are among the fattest people on earth.

Food habits of a nation




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