Food aid in Ethiopia

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Food aid in Ethiopia

Delivering hope: A large crowd gathers at a food distribution point where Plan staff give essential supplies to many in need.

Green drought: Although the landscape appears lush, lack of and ill-timed rainfall has delayed crop growth and harvest season, resulting in a green drought.

Putting children first: Children under age five and mothers who are breastfeeding are among the most vulnerable of the estimated 4.5 million people in Ethiopia who need food aid.

Keeping a watchful eye: Children are particularly vulnerable in disasters and the impact upon their welfare and protection is being carefully monitored.

Nutrition is key: Sacs of food supplies being distributed are rich in nutrients and designed to help fight malnutrition.

Advanced planning: Plan is distributing seeds and water to families to aid in future crop growth and to help replenish sustainable food supplies.

Forward thinking: Plan is also distributing livestock to families to replace those that have been decimated by the green drought and to help replenish sustainable food supplies.

Making connections: Plan staff speak with a family that has received flour at a food distribution point.

Giving thanks: A family shows their gratitude to Plan staff.

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